IGedexcel 2.1-2.6 Cell

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The human heart pumps blood when its muscle tissue contracts.
Diagram 1 shows a human heart and a cross-section through its ventricles.

(a) Which of these statements about the ventricles is correct?

A the left ventricle wall is thick because it has to pump blood to the body
B the left ventricle wall is thin because it has to pump blood to the lungs
C the right ventricle wall is thin because it has to pump blood to the body
D the right ventricle wall is thick because it has to pump blood to the lungs

(b) Ventricle muscle tissue is damaged if the blood supply is reduced.

Diagram 2 shows the damaged part of a human heart and a cross-section through its ventricles.

Explain the cause of the change in the appearance of the muscle tissue in diagram 2.
(c) Scientists are investigating the use of stem cells to repair damaged hearts.
The stem cells are injected into the ventricle muscle tissue.
(i) Explain why stem cells could repair a damaged heart.
(ii) The stem cells are obtained from the person who has the damaged heart.
Explain why using stem cells from the same person is better than using stem cells from a different person.

(Total for question = 8 marks)


This is a three-dimensional diagram of a plant cell.

(a) Name the structures labelled A, B, C, and D.

A ..........................................................................................................................................
B ..........................................................................................................................................
C ..........................................................................................................................................
D ..........................................................................................................................................
(b) Structure E is a chloroplast.
Chloroplasts are not found in animal cells.
(i) Give the letter of another structure shown in the diagram but not found in animal cells.
(ii) Explain why some plant cells contain many chloroplasts, some plant cells contain few chloroplasts and some
plant cells contain no chloroplasts.
(c) Ribosomes are found in plant cells and in animal cells.
Name the process that occurs at the ribosomes.

(Total for question = 9 marks)


The diagram shows a sperm cell from a rat.

(a) (i) Describe the role of a sperm cell.

(ii) Describe the structures found in part B.
(iii) Explain why part A contains many mitochondria.
(b) Nicotine is a chemical found in cigarettes.
A scientist investigates how nicotine affects sperm cells.
The scientist gives male rats different concentrations of nicotine.
He then calculates the percentage of damaged sperm cells in the semen produced by each rat.
The table shows his results.

(i) The sample of semen from a rat given a nicotine concentration of 1.0 mg per kg contains 5.8 × 107 sperm
Calculate the number of damaged sperm cells in this sample.

number = ...........................................................
(ii) The scientist concludes that cigarette smoking could make male humans infertile.
Discuss this conclusion.(5)

(Total for question = 12 marks)

Scientists produce large numbers of genetically identical plants using micropropagation.

The diagram shows some of the stages of micropropagation.

(a) (i) Give a method that could be used to sterilise the explants in stage 2.
(ii) Give the name of one of the nutrients that should be added to the agar plate in stage 3.
(b) In micropropagation, small pieces of plant tissue can grow into new individuals.
Explain why small pieces of animal tissue cannot grow into new individuals.(2)

(Total for question = 4 marks)

Faeces contain undigested food.

(a) The table shows the percentage of different substances in a dry sample of faeces.

(i) Name a carbohydrate that could be found in faeces.

(ii) Describe how you would test the sample of faeces for fat.
(iii) State the five chemical elements that could be present in protein.
(b) Grass is eaten by many animals.
Diagram 1 shows a grass cell.

Diagram 2 shows this grass cell in the faeces of an animal.

Explain the difference in the appearance of these grass cells.

(c) The diagram shows a section through a building that has been designed to grow grass indoors.

This is the method used to grow grass in the building.

· wash and sterilise empty trays

· fill these trays with soil containing grass seeds
· put these trays in the building
· spray mineral ion solution on to the soil in the trays
· provide light and keep the temperature at 20 °C
· collect the grass after a week and feed to animals
1000 kg of grass can be grown every day using this method.
A farmer would need to use several fields to grow this mass of grass every day outdoors.
The farmer decides to grow grass in the building to feed his animals, rather than letting them eat grass from his
Discuss this decision.


(Total for question = 13 marks)


(a) A student uses a light microscope to look at a human cheek cell.

The student makes this drawing of the cell.

Name the organelle shown in the drawing.

(b) Mitochondria are organelles that are too small to be seen using a light microscope.
The drawing shows a mitochondrion that has been magnified.

The actual length of this mitochondrion is 6 μm.

[1 μm = 0.001 mm]
Calculate the magnification of this drawing.


magnification = ...........................................................
(c) The table gives information about mitochondria in different human cells.

(i) What is the mean number of mitochondria per μm3 in a heart muscle cell?
A 0.33
B 3
C 10 000
D 75 000 000

(ii) Comment on the differences in the data for the sperm and for the egg.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


Answer the questions with a cross in the boxes you think are correct . If you change your mind about an

answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .
Plant cells contain organelles.
The diagram shows a plant cell containing some organelles.

(a) (i) What is the total number of organelles shown in the diagram that absorb light?
A 1
B 6
C 11
D 12

(ii) Name an organelle not shown in the diagram that makes ATP.
(b) The magnification of the cell is calculated using this formula.

The actual width of the cell is 40 μm.
The magnification of the plant cell is
A ×0.06
B ×0.6
C ×6
D ×600

(c) (i) Name an organelle found in a plant cell but not found in an animal cell.
(ii) The location of the genetic material in a bacterium is different from the
location of the genetic material in a plant cell.
Give a location in a bacterium where genetic material is found.

(Total for question = 5 marks)


Plant and animal cells have some features in common and some differences.
(a) (i) Which of these structures is not found in animal cells?
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C mitochondrion
D nucleus

(ii) Which of these substances is a carbohydrate stored in plant cells?

A chlorophyll
B glucose
C glycogen
D starch

(b) The diagram shows a leaf palisade mesophyll cell.

(i) Describe the function of the parts labelled A, B, C and D.

A ..........................................................................................................................................
B ..........................................................................................................................................
C ..........................................................................................................................................
D ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain two ways that the structure of this palisade mesophyll cell is adapted for its function.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................
2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 8 marks)


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