Defense Ni Kim

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What is your research study all about?
Our research study focuses on identifying the associated risk factors of malnutrition and
poor eating habits among children. We aim to explore various factors such as
socioeconomics status,parental education,food accessibility, and cultural influences that
contribute to these issues.By understanding these risk factors, we can develop targeted
interventions and strategies to promote healthy eating habits and prevent malnutrition in
Why did you choose this study?
We picked this study although we are interested in understanding the factors that contribute
to malnutrition and poor eating habits among children. It’s important to address these issues
as they can have long term effects on a child's health and development. By identifying the
associated risk factors, we can work towards implementing effective interventions and
policies to improve children’s nutrition and overall well being.
What is the scope of your study?
the scope of my study includes examining various factors such as socioeconomic status,
parental education, food accessibility, and cultural influences that contribute to malnutrition
and poor eating habits among children.We aim to gather data from diverse populations to
gain a comprehensive understanding of these risk factors and their impact on children's
nutrition. By doing so, we can develop targeted interventions and strategies to address these
issues and promote healthier eating habits among children.
What phenomenon were you trying to understand with this research?
We conducted this research to better understand the factors that contribute to malnutrition
and poor eating habits among children. By identifying these risk factors, we can work
towards developing effective interventions and strategies to improve children's nutrition and
overall well-being.
Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
We chose this particular title for my research because we wanted to clearly convey the focus
of my study, which is to identify the associated risk factors of malnutrition and poor eating
habits among children. This title helps to capture the essence of my research and highlights
the importance of understanding these factors to address the issue effectively

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