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Cellphone Usage on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students of Mallig National

High School

This Research is presented by:

Rina Joy Ronquillo Sacle

Arjay Hernandez Orperia

Karl Andrei Villareal Hufana

Johnpaul Vallejo Ronquillo

Carlo Dela Cruz Fernandez

Ricialee Narag Guingab

Jeremy Fernandez Mejica

Liza Urcia Bautista

Christine Gregorio Vergara

Research Advisers:

Ma’am Joy D. Patricio

Sir Rency G. Narnola




In today's generation, cellphones became part of human's life and are most used not just

as a mean of communication but also as a source of information. These device have been a

useful tool for everyone but for some of reason, the use of cellphones and other technologies

created a huge impact to people, especially to students. Though cellphone make things way

easier, an excessive use of this affects the behaviour of a student and create visible impacts to

their academic performance.

The primary goals of this study is to find out the students perceptions of how cellphone

affects academic preformance of Grade 10 Students, to determine the impacts of cellphone use

on student’s learning activities, and to ascertain the factors that prevent students from using

smartphones as learning tools. As a result of the New Education Policy's changes to the

technology and educational system, the findings showed that the use of mobile phones for

educational purposes is essential for improved student performance. In this technologically

advanced world, numerous educational apps developed by app development firms that also

support mobile devices are essential.

Student's learning has been affected by cellphone in almost every part of everyday life,

especially to Grade 10 students. According to the study conducted by Raza (2020) the use of

cellphone provides high quality performance and quick access to information and easy access to
different kinds of people. One more usage of it is entertainment & social media. It is a source of

all kinds of social connectivity and fun. Because of which, people especially students get

addicted to it, which affects their studies, moral values and mental & physical health (Raza et al.,


Moreover, cellphone has also made student's lives easier, as they can access their school

information on the gadget through electronic learning as well as they can learn or get any kind of

knowledge on them (Ali et al., 2018).

Despite of many advantages of cellphone usage, there are also diverse set of negative

effects that are attached to cellphone that affects students. According to the study of Ali (2018)

because of technology advancement, student life revolves around cellphone, which alters their

behavior and affects student's academic performance. Students tend to focus more or rely on

their cellphone in relation to their school work or social networking rather than reading books on


In addition to that, Frimpong, Asare & Otoo-Arthur (2016) opposed that the major impact

of cellphone usage is the destruction brought to students by cellphone to play games, text, check

social media sites and engage in other activities available to on it.

According to Philippine Statistics Authority, cellphone users in the Philippines are

comprised of over 80% of the entire population. In accordance to this, the Pew Center’s Internet

Life Project (PCLP) suggests that students are the most rapid adopters of cellphone technology

and research is emerging which suggests high frequency cellphone use may be influencing their

academic performance.
Furthermore, this study aims to determine and analyze student’s perceptions on the

impacts of cellphone usage in academic performance. By conducting a comprehensive situational

analysis, this study aim to identify specific areas for better understanding about the impacts of

cellphone usage on student’s academic performance to assist them in their endeavor to achieve

outstanding academic exellence.



Assesing on the profile of

the Respondents.
Profile of the
Respondents in terms of: Finding out the effects of
cellphone usage on the Determined Academic
A. Sex;
Academic Performance of Performances of Grade
B. Age; 10 Students of Mallig
Grade 10 Students
C. Daily Allowance;
National High School
Analyzing the data on
their perception about
D. Family's Monthly cellphone involving
income academic performance.


Generally, the purpose of this study is to determine and analyze student’s perceptions on

the impacts of cellphone usage in relation to the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students of

Mallig National High School

Specifically, this study is seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. sex,

B. age,

C. daily allowance, and

D. family's monthly income?

2. What is the purpose of students in using cellphone?

3. How much screen time do students use cellphone?

4. What activities do students primarily engage in their cellphone? (e.g., studying, social media,


5. How does cellphone help improve student's academic performance?

6. What are the positive effects of cellphone usage in the academic performance of Grade 10

students of Mallig National High School?

7. What are the negative effects of cellphone the academic performance of Grade 10 students of

Mallig National High School?


This study is focused spefically on the Cellphone Usage that affects the Academic

Performance of Grade 10 Students of Mallig National High School, school year 2023-2024, in

Olango, Mallig, Isabela. The purpose of this study is not generalized on the overall effect of

academic failure that is not included on the field of technology.

In addition, our study will be conducted with the Phenomenological Research Design

approach that randomly chooses 24 respondents from 140 total number of Grade 10 Students by

applying Purposive Random Sampling to pick the respondents.


The result of this study will benefit the following:

STUDENTS. In this study, Grade 10 students are primarily benefited whereas students can

contribute to understand how cellphone affects their academic performance and help develop

responsible digital habits.

PARENTS. This study would become parent’s guide in setting boundaries and ensuring

responsible cellphone usage for their children.

TEACHERS. This study aims to provide teachers an information about how to guide students to

use cellphone responsibly and help implement strategies to minimize the use of cellphone.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. Informs school administrators about creating a safe learning

environment with cellphone policies.

USERS. Raises awareness among cellphone users about responsible and meaningful use.

COMMUNITY. This study would help community to spread awareness on the effects of

cellphone usage.

RESEARCHERS. Provide advancement of research in the field of cellphone usage.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. Guides future researchers in exploring the advantage and

disadvantages of cellphones in various areas.


The following terms were defined operationally for better understanding of the readers.

Moreover, to provide sense, the terms were defined on its functionally through this academic


CELLPHONE- A device used by Grade 10 Students of Mallig National High School to gather

information, to use it in academic purposes but at the same time, it became student’s academic


DISTRACTION- Directs one's attention away from something else such as how the use of

cellphone distracts students to use it rather than doing their school tasks.

ENGAGE- How Grade 10 students deal with something or take part on how to minimize

themselves on cellphone usage.

EXCESSIVE- Exceeding what is the proper use of something; how students extremely engage

themselves on cellphone rather than studying.

GAMING- A game being played online that trigger students to play it rather that do their

schoolworks or homeworks.

IMPACT- Is somehow related on how cellphone affect students with their academic


SOCIAL MEDIA- Forms of electronic communication through which users like grade 10

students create online communities to share information and oftentimes engeage themselves to it

PERCEPTION- Observation of how aware a student is to use cellphone.

USAGE- An amount on how cellphone is oftenly used by the students of Mallig National High


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