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Sunali’s Classes

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English test Marks:35

Class X
Reading Comprehension 8m
(I) The Carnivorous Plant Exhibit
Welcome to the carnivorous plant exhibit at the National Museum for Plants and Wildlife.
For the next three months, the museum will display two popular species of carnivorous
plants: the Venus Flytrap and the Asian Pitcher Plant. Carnivorous plants are predatory green
plants that capture and eat other animals. These plants attract, catch, digest, and process the
nutrients from insects all on their own.
They are able to do this, because the leaves of these plants have special colors and nectar that
can attract and trap insects. On Saturdays at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 3:00 pm, a carnivorous
plant expert will lecture about carnivorous plants and demonstrate this captivating feeding
process in the promenade outside of the exhibit. You won’t be able to keep your eyes off of
this extremely interesting display!
Venus Flytrap
The Venus Flytrap is probably the most familiar species of carnivorous plant. They typically
grow in the southeast part of the United States, because they prosper in warm, moist climates.
Venus Flytraps are mostly known for consuming flies, but they will eat any insect that
happens to become entangled in their trap. Because of their brightly colored insides, insects
are easily attracted to Venus Flytraps. Once it lands, an insect will become stuck to the sticky
pad. The flytrap will slowly begin to close and finally snap shut before it consumes the insect.
It may take several days for an insect to be digested. If a Venus Flytrap is closed, you can tell
it must have recently dined.
Asian Pitcher Plant
The Asian Pitcher Plant is named for its leaves, which resemble a beautiful pitcher. These
plants typically grow near ponds. They are so attractive to insects because their pitcher-
shaped leaves are multi-coloured and mimic flowers. These leaves also produce tantalizing
nectar. A curious insect will approach, take a sip, and then fall into the long narrow shoot to
its death. The shoot is lined with sticky hairs that aid in capturing and digestion. Usually, they
only consume small insects; but once in a while a small lizard or frog may stumble into the
shoot and the Asian Pitcher Plant does not discriminate. If it fits, it feeds!
1) This passage would most likely be found in a
A. science fiction story
B. gardening magazine article
C. science fair invitation
D. museum exhibit booklet
2. According to the passage, carnivorous plants are
A. known for mostly consuming flies, but will eat other insects
B. predatory green plants that capture and eat other animals
C. so attractive because of their beautifully shaped leaves
D. plants that are consumed by carnivorous animals in the wild
3) Based on information in paragraph 1, it can be understood that captivating belongs to
which word group?
A. capturing, catching, ensnaring
B. modeling, indicating, displaying
C. fascinating, enthralling, interesting
D. shocking, amazing, inspiring
4) Using the information in paragraph 2 as a guide, we can understand that the southeastern
region of the United States is
A. cold and wet
B. warm and moist
C. hot and dry
D. cool and humid
5) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between how
the Venus Flytrap and the Asian Pitcher Plant consume insects?
A. The Venus Flytrap only consumes flies, while the Asian Pitcher Plant only consumes
lizards and frogs.
B. The Venus Flytrap lures insects with its beautiful leaves, while the Asian Pitcher Plant
uses a sweet nectar.
C. The Venus Flytrap consumes insects in the United States, while Asia is the home to
the Asian Pitcher Plant.
D. The Venus Flytrap closes on insects, while insects fall into the Asian Pitcher Plant.

6) According to the passage, Asian Pitcher Plants are attractive to insects because
A. their pitcher-shaped leaves are multi-colored and mimic flowers
B. they produce an enticing nectar that lures insects into its leaves
C. they have sticky pads that are comfortable for sitting upon
D. insects enjoy eating their leaves
7) At the end of the paragraph 3, the author writes, “If it fits, it feeds!” From this, we can
conclude that the Asian Pitcher Plant
A. is very large and often will not fit near a pond
B. appears very beautiful and shapely to its prey
C. only feeds on animals that come close enough
D. will consume anything that fits inside its shoot
8) Which of the following traits apply to BOTH the Venus Flytrap and the Asian Pitcher
I. sticky parts that cling
II. will consume any insect that it captures
III. will consume anything that fits inside it
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

(II) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. 7m
1. Everybody wants to succeed in life. For some, success means achieving whatever
they had desired or dreamt of, and for some, it is the name, fame and the social
position. Whatever be the meaning of success, it is success which makes a person
2. All great men have been successful. They are remembered for their great
achievements. But it is certain that success comes to those who are sincere,
hardworking, loyal and committed to their goals.
3. Success has been man's greatest motivation. It is very important for all. Success has
a great effect on life. It brings pleasure and pride and it gives a sense of fulfillment.
It means all- round development. Everybody hopes to be successful in life, but
success smiles on those who have a proper approach, planning, vision and stamina.
A proper and timely application of all these things is bound to bear fruit. One
cannot be successful without cultivating these certain basic things in life. It is very
difficult to set out on a journey without knowing one’s goals and purposes. Clarity
of the objective is a must to succeed in life. A focused approach with proper
planning is certain to bring success.

4. Indecision and insincerity are big obstacles on the path to success. One should have
the capability, capacity and resources to turn one's dream into reality. Mere desire
cannot bring you success. The desire should be weighed against factors like capability
and resources. This is the basic requirement of success. The next important thing is the
eagerness, seriousness and the urge to be successful. It is the driving force which
decides the success. It is the first step on the ladder of success
5. One needs to pursue one’s goals with sincerity and passion. One should always be in high
spirit. Lack of such spirit leads to an inferiority complex which is a big obstruction on the
path to success. Time is also a deciding factor. Only the punctual and committed ones
succeed in life. Lives of great men are the examples of this. They had all these qualities in
plenty which helped them rise to the peak of success.
6.Hard labour is one of the basic requirements of success. There is no substitute for hard
labour. It alone can take one to the peak of success.Every success has a ratio of 5%
inspiration and 95% perspiration. It is the patience, persistence and perseverance which play
a decisive role in achieving success. Failures are the pillars of success as they are our
stepping stones and we must get up and start again and be motivated.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the questions that
follow .
1. What makes a person popular?
a) Failure b) Nature c) Desire d) Success
2. Why are great men remembered
a) For their failures b) For their great achievements

c) For their dreams d) All of these

3. Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
a) Success is transitory
b) Success is unachievable
c) Clarity of the objective is a must to succeed
d) Success is not a necessity

4. On whom does success smile?

a) Those who have irregular planning
b) Those who are idle
c) Those who have a proper approach, planning and vision
d) All of these
5. What are the big obstacles on the path to success?
a) Decision and timing
b) Indecision and insincerity
c) Proper guidance
d) Clarity of objective
6. One should always be in
a) high spirits b) low spirits
b) neither high nor low spirit d) serious mood

7.What is the message conveyed in the last paragraph of the passage?

a) Failures are not necessary for success b) Success can’t be achieved
c) Ignore failures in your life d) Failures are the stepping stones to success
Grammar [14 marks]

1. A) wanted to buy B) wanted buying

C) liked to buy D) liked buying
2. A) was breaking down B) was breaking up
C) had broken down D) had broken up
3. A) I get B) I’m going
C) I’m going to get D) I’ll get
4. A) are not seeing B) haven’t seen
C) didn’t see D) don’t see
5. A) should B) shall C) would D) will
6. A) that we haven’t B) that we didn’t
C) we haven’t D) we didn’t
7. A) occurred B) took the place
C) passed D) was there
8. A) rang for telling B) rang to tell
C) rung for telling D) rung to tell
9. A) had gone B) had been C) has gone D) has been
10. A) We may not all B) We can’t all
C) All we can’t D) All we may not
11. A) have come there B) were arriving
C) got there D) came to there
12. A) was seeming quite happily B) was seeming quite happy
C) seemed quite happily D) seemed quite happy
13. A) I’m getting so old B) I’m getting too old
C) I get so old D) I get too old
14. A) taking B) bringing
C) to take D) to bring

Writing Skills [06]

You have bought a new camera but when you got home you found that it had some
problems. You returned the camera and spoke to the company representative a week ago but
the camera was still not repaired. Write a letter to the company.
Q.1 In your letter, you would not include..
a. specifications/ particulars of the purchase
b. your introduction
c. what actions you would like the company to take
d. your experience with cameras of the same brand

Q.2 Which of the following cannot be included in the opening paragraph? [02 marks]
i. I am writing in order to complain about the dysfunctional Kodak K-67 camera bought
from your store on 18th October.
ii. I am writing to complain about the product purchased from your store a few weeks
iii. I am writing regarding the dysfunctional Kodak K-67 camera bought from your store
on 18th October.
iv. I am writing to inform you about the camera which has stopped working and we
require a refund.
v. This letter intends to bring your attention to the dysfunctional Kodak K-67 camera
sold by your store on 18th October.

a) i and ii b) ii , iv and iii

c) ii and iv d) iv and v

Q.3 Which of the following lines cannot be included in the main paragraph? [02 marks]
i. The scratch on the lens spoiled the quality of most of the pictures clicked and
remained a serious cause of embarrassment for all of us on many occasions.
ii. The camera seemed to work fine in the shop.
iii. In addition to this, there was a small scratch on the lens.
iv. I left the camera with the assistant and they assured me that they would look into the
v. The assistant, who seemed busy and slightly nervous regarding this issue, told us that
he would try his best to repair it as soon as possible. Apparently, his words were not
to be taken seriously.

a) i and iii b) i , v and iii

c) ii and v d) i and v

Q. 4 Which of the following lines cannot be included in the concluding paragraph?

a) It has now been one week and when I contacted the shop again they said that the
camera has still not been fixed.
b) As I am sure you will understand, it is not acceptable to be waiting for such a long
time for it to be repaired.
c) I would therefore like to request that I be given a full refund should I not receive the
repaired camera by the end of this week.
d) I look forward to hearing from you

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