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I. Explain and analyse the concept and role of marketing in the 21st century.

1. Concept of Marketing

The concept of marketing in the 21st century is all about understanding and satisfying customers’
needs. It’s about creating a close relationship with customers to gain brand loyalty3. The focus
has shifted from standardization to customization, leading to a dramatic increase in product
offerings1. Concept of Marketing

2. Role of Marketing

Marketing is the process of creating, delivering and exchanging value for customers, clients,
partners and society at large (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). In the 21st century, marketing faces
many opportunities and challenges as the business environment and customer behaviour change
rapidly and unpredictably. In this response, I will explain and analyse the role of marketing in the
21st century, focusing on the importance of personalization and customer-centric approach,
building brand equity and customer loyalty in the digital age, and addressing challenges and
opportunities for marketers in the 21st century.

a. Personalization and customer-centric approach are essential for marketing in the 21st century
because they help marketers to differentiate their offerings from competitors, meet customer
expectations and preferences, and build long-term relationships with customers. Personalization
refers to tailoring products, services, messages and experiences to individual customers based on
their data, behaviour and feedback (Hair et al., 2019). Customer-centric approach refers to
putting customers at the centre of business decisions and strategies, and delivering value to
customers across their entire journey with the brand (Groucutt and Hopkins, 2015).

Personalization and customer-centric approach can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty,

retention and advocacy, as well as increase sales, revenue and profitability. For example, Amazon
uses personalization to provide individualized recommendations to its customers based on their

previous purchases, browsing history and ratings. This helps Amazon to increase customer
engagement, trust and repeat purchases (Forbes Councils Member, 2020). Similarly, Starbucks
uses a customer-centric approach to deliver personalized experiences to its customers through its
mobile app, loyalty program and social media. This helps Starbucks to create emotional
connections with its customers, reward their loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth referrals
(Liferay, 2020).

b. Building brand equity and customer loyalty in the digital age is another important role of
marketing in the 21st century. Brand equity is the value of a brand derived from its name, logo,
image, reputation and associations in the minds of customers (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016).
Customer loyalty is the degree of attachment and commitment that customers have towards a
brand based on their satisfaction, trust and involvement (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).

Building brand equity and customer loyalty in the digital age can help marketers to gain
competitive advantage, reduce marketing costs, increase market share and profitability. For
example, Apple has built a strong brand equity and customer loyalty in the digital age by offering
innovative products that are easy to use, compatible with each other and integrated with online
services. Apple also creates a sense of community among its customers through its online
forums, social media platforms and physical stores. This helps Apple to charge premium prices
for its products, attract new customers through word-of-mouth and retain existing customers
through loyalty programs (Meltwater, 2020).

However, building brand equity and customer loyalty in the digital age also poses some
challenges for marketers. One of the challenges is the increased competition from new entrants,
substitutes and aggregators that offer similar or better products or services at lower prices or with
more convenience. For example, Netflix faces competition from other streaming platforms such
as Disney+, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu that offer exclusive content or lower subscription
fees. Netflix also faces competition from aggregators such as Roku or Apple TV that allow
customers to access multiple streaming services from one device (Forbes Contributor, 2022).

Another challenge is the changing customer behaviour due to the availability of information,
choice and alternatives in the digital age. Customers are more informed, empowered and
demanding than ever before. They expect personalized interactions, convenient delivery options,

seamless omnichannel experiences, and social responsibility from brands. They also switch
easily between brands if they are not satisfied or loyal (Forbes Contributor, 2022).

c. To address these challenges and seize the opportunities in the digital age, marketers need to
adopt some strategies such as:

- Conducting market research to understand customer needs, wants, preferences, expectations

and behaviour in the digital age (Hair et al., 2019).

- Developing a marketing mix strategy that consists of product, price, place and promotion

that are aligned with customer needs and preferences and differentiated from competitors (The
Balance Small Business, 2020).

- Implementing a marketing strategy that consists of segmentation, targeting and positioning

steps that help marketers to identify and reach the most profitable customer segments and create
a unique value proposition for them (MindTools, 2020).

- Using marketing tactics that consist of specific actions and tools that help marketers to execute
their marketing strategy and achieve their marketing objectives. Some examples of marketing
tactics are email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC, webinars,
etc. (Smart Insights, 2020).

- Measuring and evaluating marketing performance using metrics and analytics that help
marketers to monitor and improve their marketing effectiveness and efficiency (HubSpot, 2020).

In conclusion, marketing plays a vital role in the 21st century by creating, delivering and
exchanging value for customers and stakeholders in the digital age. Marketing in the 21st century
requires personalization and customer-centric approach, building brand equity and customer
loyalty, and addressing challenges and opportunities in the dynamic and competitive business

II. How the marketing function works and interacts with other departments in the

CoopMart Vietnam and how it supports the wider organisational context regarding vision,

mission and purpose

As a Junior Marketing Analyst at Co.opmart, my role is multifaceted and involves close

collaboration with various departments. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how the marketing
function works, interacts with other departments, and supports the wider organizational context:

1. Marketing Function and Interactions with Other Departments:

The marketing function in a supermarket like Co.opmart is primarily concerned with

understanding customer needs and preferences, developing products that meet these needs, and
effectively communicating the value of these products to the customers. This involves close
collaboration with other departments:

 Product Development: The marketing department works closely with the product
development team to understand customer needs and preferences. This information is
crucial in developing new products that meet these needs.
 Sales: The marketing department also works hand-in-hand with the sales department. The
strategies developed by the marketing team are aimed at driving sales and increasing
market share.
 Operations: The marketing department communicates customer demands and preferences
to the operations department, ensuring that the products being developed align with what
customers want.
 Finance: The marketing department provides financial forecasts and budget requirements
to the finance department. This helps in planning and allocating resources effectively.

2. Supporting Organizational Context, Vision, Mission, and Purpose:

The marketing function plays a crucial role in supporting Co.opmart’s organizational context,
vision, mission, and purpose. It does this by aligning its strategies with Co.opmart’s overall
objectives. For instance:

 Vision & Mission: The marketing strategies developed are aligned with Co.opmart’s
vision and mission. This ensures that all marketing activities are geared towards
achieving the organization’s long-term goals.
 Purpose: The marketing function supports Co.opmart’s purpose by developing products
that meet customer needs and wants. This not only drives sales but also enhances
customer satisfaction.

3. New Product Development & Test Trials:

New product development at Co.opmart involves several stages including initial research, idea
generation, concept development and testing, market strategy and business analysis, prototype
development and testing.

Before a full rollout of a new product, test trials are conducted in selected stores12. This allows
Co.opmart to gauge the viability of the product in the mass market and make necessary
adjustments before launching it widely.

In conclusion, as a Junior Marketing Analyst at Co.opmart, my role is not only about developing
effective marketing strategies but also about ensuring these strategies align with other
departments’ objectives as well as Co.opmart’s overall vision, mission.

III. Explain and analyse the roles and responsibilities of marketing, and the competencies

required to succeed.

1. Role
The role of marketing is to create value for customers and stakeholders by understanding their
needs and wants, developing and delivering products or services that satisfy them, and
communicating the benefits of the offer to them. Marketing involves various functions and
activities, such as:

- Brand management: This is the process of creating and maintaining a distinctive identity and
image for a product or service in the minds of the customers. Brand management involves
developing a brand name, logo, slogan, design, personality, and positioning that differentiate the
offer from the competitors and appeal to the target market. Brand management also includes
managing the brand equity, which is the value of the brand in terms of awareness, loyalty,
associations, and perceived quality. Brand management aims to build a strong and lasting
relationship with the customers and stakeholders based on trust and satisfaction. (Jobber and
Ellis-Chadwick, 2019)

- Product management: This is the process of planning, developing, launching, and managing a
product or service throughout its life cycle. Product management involves identifying customer
needs and wants, conducting market research, generating ideas, designing features and benefits,
testing and evaluating the offer, pricing and packaging it, distributing and delivering it, and
providing after-sales service and support. Product management aims to create a product or
service that meets or exceeds customer expectations and delivers value to the organization.
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2016, p.218)

- Customer relationship management (CRM): This is the process of managing the interactions
between a company and its current and potential customers. CRM involves collecting and
analyzing customer data, segmenting and targeting customers based on their characteristics and
behaviors, communicating with them through various channels, offering personalized and
relevant offers, rewarding loyal customers, resolving complaints and issues, and enhancing
customer satisfaction and retention. CRM aims to create a loyal customer base that generates
repeat purchases and referrals for the company. (Groucutt and Hopkins, 2015)

2. Responsibilities

The responsibility of marketing is to understand the needs and wants of customers and to create
value for them through various strategies and tactics. Marketing research, competitive analysis,
and creating marketing campaigns are some of the key activities that marketing

professionals perform to achieve this goal. Here is a brief explanation and analysis of each

- Marketing research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about the
market, customers, competitors, and the environment. Marketing research helps marketers to
identify opportunities and threats, to segment and target the market, to develop and test new

products or services, to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty, and to evaluate the
effectiveness of marketing programs. Marketing research can be qualitative or quantitative,
primary or secondary, exploratory or conclusive. There are various methods and tools for
conducting marketing research, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation,
experiments, etc. (Groucutt and Hopkins, 2015; Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019; Kotler and
Armstrong, 2016).

- Competitive analysis is the process of identifying, evaluating, and monitoring the strengths and
weaknesses of current and potential competitors in the market. Competitive analysis helps
marketers to understand their competitive position and advantage, to anticipate competitors'
moves and reactions, to benchmark their performance against industry standards, and to develop
strategies to differentiate themselves from competitors. Competitive analysis can be done at
different levels, such as industry, market, product, or customer. There are various frameworks
and tools for conducting competitive analysis, such as Porter's five forces model, SWOT
analysis, competitor profiling, competitor matrix, etc. (Groucutt and Hopkins, 2015; Jobber and
Ellis-Chadwick, 2019; Kotler and Armstrong, 2016).

- Creating marketing campaigns is the process of designing, implementing, and controlling a set
of coordinated marketing activities that aim to achieve a specific goal within a given budget and
time frame. Marketing campaigns can be based on different objectives, such as raising
awareness, generating leads, increasing sales, building loyalty, etc. Marketing campaigns can
involve various elements of the marketing mix, such as product, price, place, promotion, people,
process, and physical evidence. Marketing campaigns can also use various media channels and
platforms, such as print, TV, radio, online, social media, mobile, etc. Creating marketing
campaigns requires a clear understanding of the target market, the value proposition, the delivery
channels, the budget allocation, the key performance indicators (KPIs), and the evaluation
methods. There are various steps and tools for creating marketing campaigns, such as SMART
goals setting,marketing campaign template, marketing mix strategy, marketing plan template,
digital strategy guide, webinar guide, etc. (Groucutt and Hopkins, 2015; Jobber and Ellis-
Chadwick, 2019; Kotler and Armstrong, 2016).

3. Competencies Required:

 Creativity: Marketing involves working with ideas and improving them to reach new and
existing customers
 Research Skills: Conducting both qualitative and quantitative research can help find data
that may inform our team’s specific efforts
 Listening Skills: It’s important to listen to the feedback customers offer: What pain points
do your customers experience? What do they most enjoy about your latest products?
Listening requires a good degree of empathy
 Communication Skills: Marketers must be excellent communicators in a few different
ways: with audiences, with team members, and with major stakeholders and company
 Analytical Skills: These are crucial for interpreting market research data, tracking
campaign performance, and making data-driven decisions
 Collaboration Skills: Marketing often involves working with various departments within
the organization, so being able to collaborate effectively is key

IV. How the marketing function works and interacts with other departments in the

supermarket industry and how it supports the wider organisational context regarding

vision, mission and purpose.

The marketing function in the supermarket industry involves a wide range of activities and
interactions with other departments. The marketing department must work closely with other
departments such as finance, operations, and human resources to ensure the successful
implementation of marketing strategies.

 Product Development and Operations The marketing department collaborates with the
product development and operations departments to understand customer needs and
preferences. This collaboration ensures that the products being developed meet customers
needs and wants. For instance, if the marketing department identifies a growing trend for

organic products through market research, this information would be communicated to
the product development team to explore potential new organic product lines.
 Finance The marketing department also works closely with the finance department. The
finance team ensures that the business operates within its financial capabilities while the
marketing department focuses on sales volume and market share. For example, if a
promotional campaign is planned, the marketing team would need to collaborate with the
finance team to ensure that there is an adequate budget for the campaign.
 Human Resources The marketing department needs to work closely with the human
resources (HR) department to ensure appropriate skills and staffing levels are in place to
research and develop new product ideas, meet production targets, and create a competent
sales team
 Supporting Organizational Vision, Mission, and Purpose The marketing function supports
the wider organizational context by aligning its strategies with the supermarket’s vision,
mission, and purpose3. For example, if a supermarket’s mission is to provide high-quality
products at affordable prices, the marketing team would develop strategies that highlight
these aspects in their promotional campaigns.

In conclusion, the marketing function plays a vital role in the supermarket industry. It not only
involves promoting products but also requires close collaboration with other departments.
Furthermore, it supports the wider organizational context and helps improve digital presence.

V. Providing a critical reflection on, and insight into, the internal and external environment

that influences your role. You are expected to reflect critically and provide insights into

organizational resources, culture, and structure, among other internal factors; and market

trends, competitive landscape, technological advancements, and economic conditions,

among other external factors that influence your role as a Junior Marketing Analyst

working in the Marketing Department of Co.opmart and what you learned from

completing your project

As a Junior Marketing Analyst working in the Marketing Department at Co.opmart, I am
responsible for conducting market research, analyzing data, and developing new product ideas
that meet the needs and preferences of our customers. My role is influenced by both internal and
external factors that shape the marketing environment of Co.opmart. In this presentation, I will
reflect critically on these factors and provide insights into how they affect my work.

1. Internal factors

Internal factors are those that are within the control of Co.opmart, such as organizational
resources, culture, and structure. Some of the internal factors that influence my role are:

- Organizational resources: Co.opmart has a strong financial position and a large network of
stores across Vietnam. This allows me to access sufficient funds and data for conducting market
research and testing new products in selected locations. However, Co.opmart also faces
challenges in managing its inventory, logistics, and human resources efficiently and effectively.
This can limit the scope and speed of new product development and rollout.

- Organizational culture: Co.opmart has a customer-oriented culture that values innovation,

quality, and service. This encourages me to be creative and proactive in generating new product
ideas that can satisfy and delight our customers. However, Co.opmart also has a hierarchical
culture that requires approval from senior managers for major decisions and changes. This can
create barriers and delays in implementing new product strategies and responding to market

- Organizational structure: Co.opmart has a functional structure that divides its operations into
different departments, such as marketing, finance, operations, and human resources. This allows
me to specialize in my field of expertise and collaborate with other marketing professionals.
However, Co.opmart also has a centralized structure that concentrates authority and power at the
top level of management. This can reduce the autonomy and flexibility of my role and increase
the bureaucracy and communication problems within the organization.

2. External factors

External factors are those that are outside the control of Co.opmart, such as market trends,
competitive landscape, technological advancements, and economic conditions. Some of the
external factors that influence my role are:

- Market trends: Co.opmart operates in a dynamic and competitive retail market that is constantly
changing due to customer preferences, social norms, environmental issues, and legal regulations.
This requires me to keep up with the latest market trends and consumer behavior patterns
through various sources of information, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, online
reviews, social media, etc. This also requires me to adapt quickly to changing customer needs
and expectations by developing new products that are relevant, attractive, and sustainable.

- Competitive landscape: Co.opmart faces intense competition from both local and foreign
retailers, such as Big C, VinMart, Lotte Mart, AEON Mall, etc. These competitors offer similar
or superior products at lower prices or higher quality. This challenges me to conduct competitive
analysis and benchmarking to identify our strengths and weaknesses compared to our rivals. This
also challenges me to create competitive advantages for our new products by offering unique
features, benefits, or value propositions that can differentiate us from our competitors.

- Technological advancements: Co.opmart operates in a digital era that is driven by technological

innovations and disruptions. These technologies enable new ways of creating, delivering, and
communicating value to customers. For example, e-commerce platforms, mobile applications,
social media channels, artificial intelligence tools, etc. These technologies enable me to access
more data and insights for market research and product development. They also enable me to
reach more customers and communicate more effectively with them through various digital
channels. However, these technologies also pose threats and challenges for my role by increasing
the complexity and uncertainty of the market environment.

- Economic conditions: Co.opmart operates in an uncertain and volatile economic environment

that is affected by various factors such as inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, income levels,
unemployment rates, etc. These factors influence the purchasing power and spending behavior of
our customers. They also influence the costs and revenues of our business operations. Therefore,
I need to monitor the economic conditions closely and forecast their impacts on our market

demand and profitability. I also need to adjust our pricing strategies accordingly to maintain our
competitiveness and profitability.

In conclusion, my role as a Junior Marketing Analyst working in the Marketing Department at

Co.opmart is influenced by various internal and external factors that shape the marketing
environment of Co.opmart. These factors present both opportunities and threats for my work.
Therefore, I need to be aware of these factors and their implications for my role. I also need to be
flexible and responsive to these factors by applying appropriate marketing tools and techniques
to develop new products that can meet the needs of our customers and achieve the goals of our


VI. Identifies and compares the extended marketing mix for two selected ‘luxury’ food

products/product lines from Co.opmart’s competitors.

Products: Chivas Regal 25 from Co.opmart and Chivas Regal Ultis from MM Mega Market

1, Chivas Regal 25 from Co.opmart

- Product: Co.opmart sells a variety of products, including fresh food, groceries, household
items, electronics, fashion, and luxury goods. Chivas Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is one of the
luxury products that Co.opmart offers to its customers who want to enjoy a premium whisky.
Co.opmart also has its own private label products, such as Co.op Select, Co.op Organic, and
Co.op Smile.

-Price: Co.opmart sets its prices based on the market demand, the cost of production, and the
competitive environment. Co.opmart aims to offer affordable prices to its customers, while also
ensuring profitability and quality. Chivas Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is priced at 3,999,000 VND at
Co.opmart, which is lower than some other retailers that sell it for over 4 million VND.
Co.opmart also offers discounts and promotions to attract and retain customers.

- Place: Co.opmart has a wide network of distribution channels, with 128 stores in Vietnam.
Co.opmart also has an online platform, Coop Online, where customers can order products and
have them delivered to their homes or pick them up at the nearest store. Co.opmart also
cooperates with other partners, such as Grab and, to expand its delivery service. Chivas
Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is available at most Co.opmart stores and online.

-Promotion: Co.opmart uses various methods of promotion to communicate with its customers
and increase brand awareness. Co.opmart advertises on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines,
billboards, and social media. Co.opmart also publishes a shopping guide that showcases its
products and offers. Co.opmart also sponsors and participates in social and cultural events, such
as festivals, concerts, and charity activities. Chivas Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is featured in some
of Co.opmart's ads and flyers as a luxury product that customers can buy for special occasions or
as gifts.

- People: Co.opmart values its people as one of its most important assets. Co.opmart trains and
motivates its staff to provide excellent customer service and product knowledge. Co.opmart also
encourages its staff to participate in social and environmental activities that benefit the
community. Chivas Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is sold by well-trained and courteous staff who can
assist customers with their purchase decisions and provide information about the product's
origin, quality, and taste.

- Process: Co.opmart strives to improve its processes to enhance customer satisfaction and
operational efficiency. Co.opmart implements quality control measures to ensure the freshness
and safety of its products. Co.opmart also uses technology to streamline its operations, such as
barcode scanners, inventory management systems, and online payment systems². Chivas Regal
25 Orginal 400ml is stored and handled with care to preserve its quality and flavor. Customers
can easily find and buy the product at the store or online with a simple and convenient process¹ ⁵.

- Physical evidence: Co.opmart creates a positive physical evidence for its customers by
designing its stores to be spacious, clean, comfortable, and attractive. Co.opmart also displays its
products in an organized and appealing way. Co.opmart also provides other facilities for its
customers, such as parking lots, restrooms, cafeterias, and playgrounds for children². Chivas
Regal 25 Orginal 400ml is displayed in a prominent and elegant section of the store or online.

The product comes in a sophisticated bottle with a gold label that reflects its premium quality
and heritage.

The strength of these 7Ps is that they create a consistent and coherent image of Chivas Regal
25 Orginal 400ml as a high-quality and exclusive whisky that appeals to sophisticated and
affluent customers who value taste and tradition. They also leverage the reputation and reach of
Co.opmart as a reliable and convenient supermarket that offers a variety of products and

The weakness of these 7Ps is that they may not be very effective in attracting new or younger
customers who may not be familiar with or interested in whisky or who may prefer other types of
alcoholic beverages. They may also face competition from other similar or cheaper products that
are available at Co.opmart or other supermarkets.

2. Chivas Regal Ultis from MM Mega Market

- Product: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is a blended malt Scotch whisky that contains five precious
single malts from five of the most renowned Speyside distilleries. It is a tribute to the five
generations of master blenders who have crafted and safeguarded the Chivas Regal legacy. It has
a rich and smooth taste with notes of honey, vanilla, apricot, orange and malt .

- Price: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is a premium and prestigious whisky that is priced at around
3.85 million VND in Vietnam. The price reflects the quality, heritage and exclusivity of the
product, as well as the target market of affluent and discerning consumers who appreciate fine

- Place: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is available in selected liquor stores, supermarkets, online
platforms and duty-free shops around the world. In Vietnam, it can be purchased at MM Mega
Market, which is a leading distributor for wholesale and retail products with 20 centers across the
country 7-8-9. MM Mega Market offers a convenient and modern shopping experience for
customers with diverse needs and preferences.

- Promotion: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is promoted through various channels and platforms, such
as social media, websites, blogs, magazines, events, sponsorships and partnerships. For example,
Chivas Regal has partnered with Manchester United Football Club to celebrate their shared

values of blending, teamwork and success 10. Chivas Regal also sponsors the Chivas Venture, a
global competition that supports social entrepreneurs who use business as a force for good .

- People: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is created by a team of skilled and passionate master blenders
who have inherited and honed the art of blending over generations. They are responsible for
selecting, blending and maturing the finest single malts to create a unique and exceptional
whisky. The people who sell, serve and consume Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL are also important, as
they represent the brand's image and reputation.

- Process: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL is produced by a meticulous and rigorous process that
involves sourcing, distilling, blending and bottling. The five single malts that make up Chivas
Regal Ultis 70CL are Strathisla, Allt A'Bhainne, Braeval, Longmorn and Tormore 1-2-3-4-5.
They are distilled in copper pot stills and aged in oak barrels for at least 20 years before being
blended by the master blenders. The final product is bottled in an elegant and distinctive decanter
that showcases the golden hue of the whisky.

- Physical evidence: Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL has several physical elements that convey its
quality and value to customers. These include the shape, color, label, logo, packaging and design
of the bottle; the aroma, flavor, texture and appearance of the whisky; the certificate of
authenticity; the customer reviews; the awards and accolades; and the brand identity and story.

=> The strength of these 7 Ps is that they provide a comprehensive and consistent marketing mix
that appeals to the target market of Chivas Regal Ultis 70CL. The product offers a unique and
premium whisky experience that satisfies the customers' needs and expectations. The price
matches the product's quality and value proposition. The place ensures that the product is
accessible and convenient for customers. The promotion raises awareness and interest among
potential and existing customers. The people enhance the brand's credibility and loyalty. The
process ensures that the product meets high standards of quality and safety. The physical
evidence reinforces the product's attributes and benefits.

The weakness of these 7 Ps is that they may face some challenges and limitations in different
markets and contexts. For example, the product may face competition from other whisky brands
or substitutes that offer similar or lower prices or different features or benefits. The price may be
too high or too low for some customers or markets, affecting the product's profitability or

positioning. The place may be affected by external factors such as distribution channels,
logistics, regulations or availability. The promotion may be ineffective or inappropriate for some
audiences or media outlets. The people may have different levels of knowledge, skills or
attitudes towards the product or brand. The process may encounter difficulties or risks such as
supply chain disruptions, quality issues or environmental impacts. The physical evidence may be
inconsistent or incompatible with the product or brand image or message.

VII. Based on the evaluation of strategies and tactical approaches, provide conclusions and

a set of justified recommendations on what the company can learn and deploy as it plans

out its marketing strategy for the new ‘Luxurious’ food product line.

1. Based on the evaluation of the strategies and tactical approaches of Co.opmart and MM Mega
Market, some conclusions and recommendations for Co.opmart are:

- Co.opmart has a strong brand image and reputation in the Vietnamese market, as well as a loyal
customer base. However, it faces intense competition from MM Mega Market and other rivals,
such as VinMart, Big C, and Lotte Mart. Therefore, Co.opmart needs to constantly innovate and
diversify its product portfolio and service offerings to maintain its competitive edge.

- Co.opmart should consider expanding its product range to include more luxury food items, such
as truffles, caviar, foie gras, champagne, and chocolate. These products can appeal to the high-
end segment of the market, which is growing rapidly in Vietnam due to the rising income and
living standards of the population as well as enhancing Co.opmart's brand value and profitability.

Co.opmart can invest more in technology and equipment to ensure the freshness and hygiene of
its food products. It can also apply international certifications to its operations to enhance its
reputation and credibility among customers.

Co.opmart can expand its online presence and e-commerce platform to reach more customers
across the country. It can also partner with third-party platforms to deliver its products to
customers' doorsteps.

2. As Co.opmart plans out its marketing strategy for the new 'Luxurious' food product line, it
should consider the following factors:

- The target market segment for the new product line should be high-income customers who
are looking for premium quality food products with unique flavor combinations.

- The positioning strategy for the new product line should be based on differentiation from
other competitors by emphasizing the exclusivity, artisanship, and innovation of the products.

- The pricing strategy for the new product line should be based on value-based pricing by
reflecting the perceived value and benefits of the products to the customers.

- The promotion strategy for the new product line should be based on creating awareness and
interest among the target customers by using online and offline channels, such as social media,
influencers, events, and sampling.

- The distribution strategy for the new product line should be based on selective distribution by
choosing the most suitable and convenient channels for the target customers, such as online
platforms, specialty stores, and high-end supermarkets.

VIII. Reference list


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