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Exercise for Noun Clause

Choose the best answer.

1. It doesn’t matter ....... I rest or not.
a. if b. whether c. that d. when
2. ........ I can’t understand is ........ he wants to change his mind.
a. That/that b. Which/what c. What/why d. What/that
3. ........ I was free that day
a. It happened to b. It happened that
c. That happened d. It was happened that
4. He ...... you’re not going abroad.
a. surprised that b. is surprised that
c. is surprised whether d. surprised at
5. I wonder how much ........ .
a. cost the coatb. does the coat cost
c. the coat costs d. the coat is cost
6. ....... I have will be yours soon or later.
a. No matter what b. Whatever c. Whether d. That
7. ....... in the news that the Japanese Minister will arrive in Bejing next Friday.
a. It says b. He is said c. It has said d. It is said
8. ....... we go swimming every day ....... us a lot of good.
a. If/do b. That/do c. If/does d. That/does
9. Is this ....... we met them last night ?
a. where b. place c. place in which d. place which
10. We all know the truth ....... there are air, water and the sunlight there are living things
a.where b. wherever c. that d. that wherever
11. I think it is ...... you’re eating so much.
a. that b. because of c. the reason d. for
12. It is said ........ has been translated into French.
a. that b. which c. that that d. that which
13. It’s still a question ...... we’ll have our sports meet.
a. why b. that c. when d. which
14. It’s not yet clear ...... of those will be chosen to go abroad.
a. that b. which c. whom d. who
15. These pictures show you ......... .
a. what does our village look like b. what our village looks like
c. how does our village look like d. how our village looks like
16. Can you make sure ....... the gold necklace ?
a. where Alice had put b. where did Alice put
c. where has Alice putd. where Alice has put
17. Go and get your glasses. It’s ....... you left them.
a. there b. where c. there where d. where there
18. Do you remember ....... he came? – Yes, I do. He came by train.
a. how b. when c. where d. that
19. ..... we can’t get seems better than ...... we have.
a. What/what b. What/that c. That/that d. That/what
20. Mother asked ........ .
a. what was wrong with me b. what’s wrong with me
c. what wrong was with me d. what wrong is with me
21. ....... they had won the game made us excited.
a. What b. That c. Where d. –
22. ...... I accept award or refuse it is none of your business.
a. If b. When c. Whether d. Even though
23. ....... he says in his report is a very interesting question.
a. What b. What all c. What that d. All what
24. When they will start ...... not been decided.
a. does b. has c. have d. is
25. ....... certain that his invention will lead to the development of production.
a. It has b. It is c. That is d. This is
26. ....... it is unknown to us all .
a. Where did she put b. Where she put
c. That where she put d. In where she put
27. ....... nothing to do with us.
a. What did she have b. What she did is
c. What did she do has d. What she has done has
28. The trouble is ..... we’re short of hands.
a. how b. that c. what d. which
29. Energy is ....... makes things work.
a. everything b. something c. that d. what
30. My hometown is not ....... it used to ...... ten years ago.
a. when/do b. what/do c. what/be d. when/be
31. The reason ...... I have to go is ...... my mother is ill in bed.
a. why/why b. why/because c. why/that d. that/because
32. The thought ...... he might fail in the exam worried him.
a. so that b. that c. when d. which
33. That is ...... I lost my pen.
a. that b. when c. where d. which
34. Have you any idea ....... ?
a. how fast does light go b. how quick light goes
c. how soon light goesd. how fast light goes
35. His suggestion ....... to see the art exhibition interested every on of us.
a. that we go b. which we should go
c. that we would go c. we would go
36. He was interested in ...... he had seen at the exhibition.
a. which b. that c. all that d. all what
37. He often thinks of ....... he can do more for his country.
a. what b. how c. that d. which
38. He made ....... quite clear that he wouldn’t change his mind.
a. this b. that c. it d. what
39. He got angry with ...... was against his opinion.
a. who b. whom c. whoever d. anyone
40. I don’t know ....... .
a. what was the matter outside b. what the matter outside was
c. what was outside the matter d. what was happened outside
41. He has come, but I didn’t know that ....... until yesterday.
a. is coming b. will come c. was coming d. wasn’t coming
42. He ran back to the room to see if he ....... anything behind.
a. has forgotten b. had forgotten c. has left d. had left
43. The news ....... he died in the battle has got round the village.
a. that b. which d. what d. this
44. ....... you say, I wouldn’t allow you to do that.
a. What b. Which c. Whatever d. Although
45. We’re wondering ....... our teacher will come to the party or not.
a. if b. that c. why d. whether
46. ...... he’s been getting on well with his studies makes all of us happy.
a. Which b. How c. What d. That
47. That is ..... he failed to arrive on time.
a. where b. whether c. why d. when
48. We finally found out ........ to him.
a. what had happened b. what has happened
c. that took place d. why it has happened
49. No one knows when and where ......... .
a. was she going b. did she come from
c. she work d. she was born
50. The ....... the factory would break down made all the workers shocked.
a. truth b. fact c. the fact of d. the fact that
51. I wonder how much ........ .
a. cost these shoes b. do these shoes sost
c. these shoes cost d. these shoes are cost
52. Excuse me, would you please tell me when ....... ?
a. the sports meet will be taken place
b. was the sports meet going to be held
c. is the sports meet to begin
d. the sports meet is to take place
53. He got angry with ...... she said.
a. that b. what c. who d. all what
54. Can you find out ...... wrong with the TV set ?
a. which is b. that’s c. what’s d. where’s
55. ........ they will have a good harvest this year is still unknown.
a. If b. That c. What d. Whether
56. All the books are here. You may borrow ...... you like.
a. that b. what c. which d. whichever
57. We could hardly understand .......... .
a. what the man is talking about
b. what the man is talking
c. what was the man talking about.
d. the man is talking about what
58. ........ is that I’ve promised to make friend with the dishonest girl.
a. The only thing what I regret b. What I regret most
c. All what I really regret most d. What that I regret most
59. ........ she is living now is not known to anybody.
a. If b. When c. Where d. Why
60. This is ....... the river has been polluted.
a. what b. why c. whether d. that
61. That is ...... he was born.
a. what b. that c. where d. whether
62. They are just ........ I shall have.
a. that b. which c. how d. what
63. Computers can only give out ........ has been stored in them.
a. that b. which c. what d. anything
64. She wanted to know ........ .
a. whether I knew her and where did she work
b. if I knew her and the factory she worked there
c. whether I knew her and factory she worked
d. if I knew her and the factory where she worked
65. My friend wouldn’t tell me ........ his new car .
a. how much he paid for b. how much did he pay
c. he paid how much for d. did he pay how much
66. Everything depends on ...... we have enough money.
a. if b. how much c. that d. whether
67. It’s doubtful ...... he knows it or not.
a. if b. that c. whether d. why
68. She said she ........ there for two years.
a. has worked b. was working c. had worked d. worked
69. Why is Sarah late ? - I don’t know ....... be.
a. that can the reason b. what will the reason
c. what the reason can d. for what reason can
70. He always thinks of ...... he can work better for the people.
a. what b. which c. why d. how
71. ...... he will attend the meeting is certain.
a. What b. That c. Which d. Whether
72. Can you point out ....... two radios are the best ?
a. which b. what c. that d. whether
73. I asked her in English ..... she was, and she told me ..... she was an actress.
a. who/that b. who/- c. what/- d. what/what
74. She took it for granted ...... I’ll agree with her.
a. if b. whether c. that d. when
75. ........ a good thing thay didn’t catch you.
a. It’s b. That’s c. There’s d. What’s
76. ...... surprised me most ...... to see some of the village people seated on the benches at the end
of the room.
a. What/was b. What/were c. That/was d. That/were
77. He asked me ....... I was sure my mother ........ come .
a. if/will b. if/would c. that/will d. that/would
78. It is said ....... Mr Green has arrived in Bejing.
a. that b. what c. why d. –
79. That’s ..... she was absent yesterday.
a. that b. what c. why d. –
80. I wonder ...... it is true or not.
a. if b. whether c. what d. –
81. This is ......... our basic interest lies.
a. what b. that c. where d. how
82. The man stood quite still, ........ his lips moved slightly
a. except b. except for c. excep that d. except what
83. Are you sorry for ........ you have done ?
a. that b. what c. which d. –
84. That is ......... we put the discussion off.
a. if b. that c. what d. why
85. We all know the truth ....... the earth goes round the sun.
a. that b. what c. whether d. if
86. ...... he is a rich man is known to all in the city.
a. Because b. That c. Who d. –
87. ........ we need is a different matter.
a. If b. Whether c. What d. Why
88. Everybody in the classe works hard except ...... Tom sometimes sleeps in class.
a. for b. that c. - d. the fact
89. It is certain ...... he will come sooner or later.
a. how b. when c. where d. that
90. ......... maths is the base of all other sciences.
a. It’s true b. It’s true that c. What’s true d. It’s the truth
Exercise for Noun Clause (2)
Choose the best answer.
91. He suggested ......... back home.
a. we go b. that we go c. that we went d. us to go
92. She told me ....... Mary .......... May 6, 1819.
a. that/was born on b. that/was born in
c. when/was born in d. when/was born on
93. ......... that we’ll have the final exam next week.
a. He was said b. It said d. It was said d. It’s said
94. The teacher said that the sun ...... in the east and ..... in the west.
a. rises/sets b. rose/set c. raises/sets d. raised/set
95. I doubt ........ he will come so see me.
a. that b. when c. whether d. –
96. I have no doubt ......... we’ll be able to do something for you.
a. whether b. that c. what d. if
97. Spanish and French a taught. You may choose ...... you like.
a. what b. which c. whatever d. whichever.
98. ......... wins the prize may get the car.
a. Who b. Whoever c. Anybody d. Somebody
99. Where can I find the great bridge? – I can tell you ...... you want to know.
a. which b. all what c. that d. what
100. Mr Wang is to give us a talk on ....... he saw and heard in Britain.
a. that b. about all c. what d. which
101. The town is no longer ........ it was ten years ago.
a. that b. what c. when d. whenever
102. ...... told you that was wrong?
a. Who b. Whoever c. What c. That
103. The problem is ...... will go.
a. that b. who c. whoever d. that who
104. ......... weak was a well-known fact.
a. That their team was b. That their team being
c. Their team was d. If their team was
105. The teacher required that we ....... our work before 6 pm.
a. finish b. finished c. should finish d. a&c
106. I wish I ........ yesterday’s exam.
a. passed b. had passed c. could pass d. were able to pass
107. I wish I ........ some use.
a. could be b. could be of c. will be of d. would be
108. ........ was said must be kept secret.
a. That b. However c. Whatever d. Whichever
109. Only time will tell if we ......... .
a. had been succeeded b. have been success
c. had been successful d. have been successful
110. ........ You have written the letter in English will surprise your teacher.
a. How long b. That c. What d. Who
111. He asked me ........ .
a. what the time was and whether my watch was right
b. what was the time and whether my watch was right
c. what the time was and whether was my watch right
d. what was the time and whether was my watch right
112. ....... makes you think ........ I’m unfair?
a. That/that b. What/that c. What/if d. Which/which
113. He wondered ...... his son was getting along with the experiment for.
a. what b. when c. how d. which
114. My idea is ....... we should get more comrades to do the work.
a. what b. whatever c. that d. –
115. Do in Rome ....... Romans do.
a. as b. that c. which d. All are correct
116. The parents were pleased by ...... the son told them about his work.
a. that b. what c. the fact that c. b&c
117. The fact puzzles me much is ....... I’ve been unable to pass the driving test up to now.
a. because b. that c. what d. why
118. I read it somewhere. Does it matter ...... it was?
a. where b. what c. which d. how
119. A computer can only do ........ you have instructed it to do.
a. after b. how c. what d. when
120. Meeting my uncle after these years was an unforgettable moment, ...... I will always treasure.
a. it b. that c. which d. why
121. People have heard ....... the President said, and they are waiting to see ...... he’ll do.
a. that/ that b. that/what c. what/that d. what/what
122. ........ made the school proud was ........ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key
a. What/because b. What/that
c. That/what d. That/because
123. ........ he said so made us very happy.
a. What b. Which c. That d. It
124. ....... he said made us very happy.
a. What b. Which c. That d. It
125. Do you think ....... John’s getting on well with his studies ?
a. how b. which c. what d. that
126. ........ do you think of John’s getting on well with his studies ?
a. how b. which c. what d. that
127. They don’t know ....... he will come unless told.
a. that b. whether c. how long d. if or not
128. They don’t know ....... he will come until told.
a. that b. whether c. how long d. if or not
129. He asked us the question ........ the film was worth seeing.
a. when b. where c. whether d. that
130. He made the suggestion ....... the meeting should be put off.
a. when b. where c. whether d. that
131. ........ studies hard will make greater progress.
a. Who b. Whoever c. No matter who d. Whatever
132. ........ will come to finish this task hasn’t been decided yet.
a. Who b. Whoever c. No matter who d. Whatever
133. I’m sure ....... he finished the task on time yesterday.
a. if b. that c. whether d. which
134. I’m not sure ....... he’ll finish the task on time.
a. if b. that c. whether d. which
135. ....... he said at the meeting surprised us all.
a. That b. What c. Which d. Whether
136. ....... he said nothing at the meeting surprised us all.
a. That b. What c. Which d. Whether
137. ...... we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has been decided.
a. If b. That c. What d. Whether
138. ...... we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has not been decided.
a. If b. That c. What d. Whether
139. Our teacher did ...... he could to help us.
a. what b. which c. that d. –
140. Our teacher did all ...... he could to help us.
a. what b. whatever c. which d. –
141. Father promised ....... I studied harder he would take me to Bejing next summer.
a. if b. that c. if that d. that if
142. Father promised ....... he would take me to Bejing next summer if I studied harder.
a. if b. that c. if that d. that if
143. ....... makes me sad seeing you living all alone.
a. It b. That c. This d. What
144. ....... makes me sad is seeing you living all alone.
a. It b. That c. This d. What
145. ....... Japan lies in the east of China is known to all.
a. If b. That c. What d. Where
146. I don’t know ...... has happened to him now.
a. if b. that c. what d. where
147. The news ...... our team has won has inspired us.
a. that b. which c. why d. whether
148. The news ...... he gave us has inspired us.
a. that b. which c. why d. whether
149. The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirt ...... the season.
a. however b. whatever c. whenever d. wherever
150. The students are interested in finding out ..... they can have a new teacher.
a. how far b. how long c. how often d. how soon
151. When asked ...... they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.
a. that b. what c. whom d. why
152. ........ is important to have a family.
a. That b. This c. What d. It
153. ....... was important, she said, was her family.
a. That b. This c. What d. It
154. Animals suffered at the hands of man ......... they were destroyed by people to make way for
agricultural land to provide food for more people.
a. in that b. so that c. for which d. in which
155. ....... wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.
a. Who b. Whoever c. Anyone d. The one
156. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ....... they
speak at home.
a. that b. what c. which d. one
157. The companies are working together to create ...... they hope to be the best means of transport in
the 21st century.
a. that b. what c. which d. who
158. The last time we had great fun was ...... we were visiting the Waterpark.
a. how b. what c. when d. where
159. All people, ........ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in
need since the disaster.
a. even if b. whether c. no matter d. however
160. It has been proved ........ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious
illnesses in later life.
a. because b. if c. that d. what
Exercise for Noun Clause (3)
A. Noun clauses/infinitives
1. Do you know .................. ?
a. where we will be taking the TOEFL test
b. where will we be taking the TOEFL test
c. where we will taking the TOEFL test
d. which we will be taking the TOEFL test
2. ............... changed his life forever.
a. That Tomo did
b. What did Tomo do
c. What Tomo did
d. Who Tomo did
3. I will talk ...................
a. about whatever is on your mind
b. whatever is on your mind
c. about whenever is on your mind
d. about whichever is on your mind
4. I don't know ................... .
a. when will we go to the football game
b. whom we will go to the football game
c. whenever we will go to the football game
d. when we will go to the football game
5. ....................... when the others will arrive?
a. Do Steve know
b. Do Steve knows
c. Does Steve know
d. Is Steve know
6. Did the student hear .................. ?
a. who Jim Drake said about open university advising
b. what Jim Drake said about open university advising
c. what did Jim Drake say about open university advising
7. After four hours of interrogation, the police officers finally figured out ............. .
a. who he was behind the Bank of America bank robbery
b. who was behind Bank of America bank robbery
c. who was behind the Bank of America bank robbery
d. whose was behind the Bank of America bank robbery
8. .............. is hire a tutor who can help them with their math skills.
a. What they do
b. What should they do
c. Whatever they should do
d. What they should do
9. Do you know ............... ?
a. who's house that is
b. whose house is that
c. whose house that is
d. whose house is
10. is unimportant to her peers.
a. If she passes
b. Whether does she pass or not
c. Whether she pass or not
d. Whether she passes or not
11. Sue Ellen does not know .........................
a. who the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
b. what the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
c. if the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
d. which the rest of the students are going to come to the movies
12. I wonder .....................
a. whether or not will she finish her graduate studies before December
b. whether or not she will finish her graduate studies before December
c. if she finish her graduate studies before December
d. whether or not she finish her graduate studies before December
13. ..................was the question asked by the campus authorities.
a. Whose bike this belonged to
b. Whose bike does this belong to
c. Who's bike this belonged to
d. Which's bike does this belong
14. Atthawut doesn't know ...................
a. what he do after he graduates from college
b. what should he do after he graduates from college
c. what to do after he graduates from college
d. what to do after he graduate from college
15. Saleh can't decide ............. .
a. whether go fishing or go swimming
b. whether to go fishing or to go swimming
c. whether to go fish or to go swimming
d. whether should he go fishing or should he go swimming
16. ................. how to get to the bus station from this university?
a. Could you please tell me
b. You could please tell me
c. Could please you tell me
d. Could you please say me
17. Dorothy Punch taught us ....................
a. how improve our listening and pronunciation skills
b. how should we improve our listening and pronunciation skills
c. how to improve our listening and pronunciation skill
d. how to improve our listening and pronunciation skills
18. ................... is obvious at this point.
a. That she did not pass the TOEFL
b. What she did not pass the TOEFL
c. That did she not pass the TOEFL
d. That she not did pass the TOEFL
19. It is a fact ......................
a. are earthquakes quite prevalent in San Bernardino
b. that earthquakes quite are prevalent in San Bernardino
c. that earthquakes are quite prevalent in San Bernardino
d. that earthquake are quite prevalent in San Bernardino
20. ........................ was a suggestion by his friend who had successfully passed the beastly exam.
a. What he should go to the next TOEFL seminar
b. That he should go to the next TOEFL seminar
c. That should he go to the next TOEFL seminar
d. Why he should go to the next TOEFL seminar

B. Noun clauses connectors "what and that"

1. .......... he said to me was not important.
a. that b. what
2. I know .......... Hiroko has talked to Jun.
a. that b. what
3. He doesn't remember happened at the accident.
a. that b. what
4. I heard .......... there was a serious traffic accident on the corner of University Parkway and
College Avenue.
a. that b. what
5. .......... we should do in the case of an earthquake should be an agenda item at the next City
Council meeting.
a. that b. what
6. .......... we should keep a 72 hour emergency kit in case of an earthquake was a suggestion at
the city council meeting.
a. that b. what
7. I need to talk to you about .......... John said to Mary at the party last Friday.
a. that b. what
8. Everyone knows .......... she said to him.
a. that b. what
9. We know .......... good love is always hard to find.
a. that b. what
10. Friendship in a relationship is .......... I seek.
a. that b. what
11. It is unlikely ..... we will have hurricanes in Southern California.
a. that b. what
12. .......... I do is not a concern of yours.
a. that b. what
13. .......... transpired at the game must be investigated if the police really want to understand the
state of mind of the criminal.
a. that b. what
14. ..... Soumaya has successfully completed her MBA studies is not surprising because she’s
always been an exceptional student.
a. that b. what
15. .......... causes most teenage suicides remains a mystery to most professional counselors.
a. that b. what
16. The soccer coach wanted to know .......... problems caused her team to suffer their worst
defeat in 75 years, a defeat bringing shame to the entire student body.
a. that b. what
17. It is unfortunate .......... the weather is so hot in the high desert. Otherwise, it would be the
perfect place to live.
a. that b. what
18. .......... he had asked for is not what he would eventually get, which disappointed him
a. that b. what
19. .......... the U.S. possesses a nuclear arsenal is a well known military fact around the world.
a. that b. what
20. ...... we saw on TV was the most bizarre show I have ever seen.
a. that b. what

C. Noun clauses using "ever" connectors

1. She can sleep .......... she wants. She just can't sleep here.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever e. whenever f. wherever g.
2. It is important to say .......... you are thinking when you talk to your friends.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever
d. whichever e. whenever f. wherever 3. There are three cars in the driveway. We can
drive in ........ car you like best.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
4. When attending a university, you may .......... dress you prefer.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
5. Jake can make friends with .......... he meets.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
6. You may complete the writing assignment with .......... materials you would like to use.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
7. John can leave for class .......... he wants as long as he gets there on time.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
8. I know that .......... comes to the park with my family will have a great time.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
9. I will work .......... my boss decides to send me.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
10. We have three televisions in our house. You may use .......... one you like.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
11. You may solve the problem .......... you want, but the problem needs to be solved soon.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. wherever f. however
12. My teenage son is driving me crazy. He comes home whenever he wants, and he does ..........
he wants with whomever he sees.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
13. You tell him that .......... he brings to the boxing ring I will fight.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
14. Satoshi can go shopping at the mall .......... he wishes.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
15. Yi-Ju will do .......... it takes to pass the TOEFL.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
16. A diligent and faithful employee, Maria will complete the project .......... her supervisor
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever
d. whichever e. however
17. .......... wants to go to the beach should let me know now. We leave in five minutes.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
18. There are too many different freeways in this area. I have no idea where we are going.
Choose .......... freeway you think will take us back to San Bernardino
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whichever d. whenever
e. wherever f. however
19. .......... we go in this city we will still see beautiful Palm trees.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however
20. I know that .......... you meet will be people of integrity.
a. whoever b. who(m)ever c. whatever d. whichever
e. whenever f. wherever g. however

D. Noun clauses "the subjunctive"

1. The coach advised ............................. .
a. that the students competed in the race
b. when the students compete in the race
c. that the students compete in the race
d. why the students compete in the race
2. I wish .........................
a. that I was there at the party
b. were I there at the party
c. I was there at the party
d. that I were there at the party
3. The teacher asked .........................
a. that all students are on time for the practice TOEFL test
b. all students are on time for the practice TOEFL test
c. that all students be on time for the practice TOEFL test
d. that all students should be on time for the practice TOEFL test
4. I demand .........................
a. that you do your chores immediately
b. that you do your chore immediately
c. that you should do your chores immediately
d. that you will do your chores immediately
5. Did you know ............................. ?
a. that voyeur television be becoming more popular
b. that voyeur television is becoming more popular
c. that is voyeur television becoming more popular
d. what voyeur television is becoming more popular
6. His girlfriend insists ............................. .
a. not that he date other women
b. that he not dates other women
c. he must not date other women
d. that he not date other women
7. Historians don't really know .........................
a. whose invented fire
b. who invented fire
c. who did invent fire
d. who invents fire
8. I propose ............................. .
a. we should finish the kitchen installation next week
b. that we will finish the kitchen installation next week
c. that we finish the kitchen installation next week
d. where we finish the kitchen installation next week
9. She recommended .........................
a. that John complete his homework before watching television
b. that John completes his homework before watching television
c. that John should complete his homework before watching television
d. whom John complete his homework before watching television
10. The admissions employee requested ............................. .
a. that Shadi will resend all his transcripts from Israel
b. that can Shadi resend all his transcripts from Israel
c. that Shadi should resend all his transcripts from Israel
d. that Shadi resend all his transcripts from Israel
11. The police officer suggested ............................. .
a. that we be alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
b. that we are alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
c. that we alert when we pull up to a stop light, a fact which might prevent a carjacking
d. that we must be alert when we pull up to a stop light, a piece of advice which might prevent a
12. It is essential .........................
a. that you are on time for all business meetings
b. that you be on time for all business meetings
c. that you should be on time for all business meetings
d. that you on time for all business meetings
13. It is imperative .........................
a. that you are not late for your appointment
b. that you not late for your appointment
c. that you be not late for your appointment
d. that you not be late for your appointment
14. It is important .........................
a. that we are prepared for all possible emergencies
b. that we be prepared for all possible emergencies
c. that we be prepare for all possible emergencies
d. that we prepared for all possible emergencies
15. You can tell .........................
a. whomever you want about the party as long you don't know tell Teresita
b. whoever you want about the party as long as you don't know tell Teresita
c. whomever you want about the party as long as you don't know tell Teresita
d. whomever you want the party as long as you don't know tell Teresita
16. It was critical ............................. .
a. that the paramedics be arrived within five minutes of the traffic collision
b. that the paramedics should arrive within five minutes of the traffic collision
c. that the paramedics arrived within five minutes of the traffic collision
d. that the paramedics arrive within five minutes of the traffic collision
17. It is absolutely necessary .........................
a. that we are in the library by 5:00 PM if we want sufficient time to prepare for the test
b. that we should be in the library by 5:00 PM if we want sufficient time to prepare for the test
c. that we be in the library by 5:00 PM if we want sufficient time to prepare for the test
d. that we in the library by 5:00 PM if we want sufficient time to prepare for the test
18. It is vital .........................
a. that we tell teenagers about the dangers of smoking
b. that we teenagers tell about the dangers of smoking
c. that teenagers told by us about the dangers of smoking
d. that we tell teenagers about the dangers smoking
19. I know .........................
a. that Tom had said to Bill, which surprised me a lot
b. whatever Tom had said to Bill, which surprised me a lot
c. what Tom had said to Bill, which surprise me a lot
d. what Tom had said to Bill, which surprised me a lot
20. ............................. was already common knowledge to most of the students in the highschool.
a. That Tom talk to Bill about the problem
b. What Tom had talked to Bill about the problem
c. That Tom had talked to Bill about the problem
d. Tom had talked to Bill about the problem

E. Noun clauses "Reported Speech"

Choose the answer that best reports the speaker's words in a noun clause. Be sure to check the verb
form in the noun clause to make sure that the most appropriate verb form is used.
1. " I go to school every day."
a. He said that he had gone to school every day.
b. He said that he went to school every day.
c. He said that he was going to school every day.
d. He said that he goes to school every day.
2. "Shogo is eating dinner."
a. Shogo said that he is eating dinner.
b. Shogo said that he ate dinner.
c. Shogo said that he was eating dinner.
d. Shogo said he has eating dinner.
3. "Michael has lived in San Bernardino for seven years."
a. Michael said that he had lived in San Bernardino for seven years.
b. Michael said that he was living in San Bernardino for seven years.
c. Michael said that he lived in San Bernardino for seven years.
d. Michael said that he has lived in San Bernardino for seven years.
4. "He had already purchased the tickets when John announced that he would also attend."
a. He said that he had already purchase the tickets when the John announced that we would also
b. He said that he has already purchased the tickets when the John announced that we would also
c. He said that he already purchases the tickets when the John announced that we would also attend.
d. He said that he had already purchased the tickets when the John announced that we would also
5. "I am going to see a movie at 4:00 PM."
a. He said that he would see a movie at 4:00 PM.
b. He said that he was going to see a movie at 4:00 PM.
c. He said that he went to see a movie at 4:00 PM.
d. He said that he will see a movie at 4:00 PM.
6. "I can run up to 20 miles a day if I want."
a. He said that he could run up to 20 miles a day if he wanted.
b. He said that he can run up to 20 miles a day if he wanted.
c. He said that he runs up to 20 miles a day if he wanted.
d. He said that he should run up to 20 miles a day if he wanted.
7. "I may go to the game."
a. She said that she may go to the game.
b. She said that she could go to the game.
c. She said that she might go to the game.
d. She said that she goes to the game.
8. "I must eat some food."
a. She said that she would eat some food.
b. She said that she should eat some food.
c. She said that she ate some food.
d. She said that she had to eat some food.
9. "I have to leave."
a. He said that he must leave.
b. He said that he had to leave.
c. He said that he would leave.
d. He said that he was leaving.
10. "I should do my homework."
a. She said that she should do her homework.
b. She said that she must do her homework.
c. She said that she would do her homework.
d. She said that she had to do her homework.
11. "I ought not to watch so much television."
a. He said that he should not to watch so much television.
b. He said that he would not watch so much television.
c. He said that he had better not to watch so much television.
d. He said that he ought not to watch so much television.
12. "You need to study for your test next week."
a. He said that I need to study for my test a week later.
b. He said that I study for my test a week later .
c. He said that I should study for my test a week later.
d. He said that I needed to study for my test a week later.
13. "Go to the library."
a. He told me to go to the library.
b. He said that I must go to the library.
c. He said that I go to the library.
d. He told me go to the library.
14. What did the professor just say to us?
a. He said that he want us to turn in our research paper next week.
b. He said that he wants us to turn in our research paper next week.
c. He said that he did want to turn us in our research paper next week.
d. He said he was wanting us to turn in our research paper next week.
15. I heard that you talked to Tom yesterday. What did he say about me?
a. He said that he want to take you out to dinner soon.
b. He said that he wants to take you out to dinner soon.
c. He said that he wanted to take you out to dinner soon.
d. He said that he will take you out to dinner soon.
16. "The earth revolves around the sun."
a. She said that the earth revolved around the sun.
b. She said that the earth is revolving around the sun.
c. She said that the earth revolves around the sun.
d. She said that the earth was revolved around the sun.
17. What did Hai-Chu just say? I was busy talking to Suwimol.
a. She said that she wanted to go skiing after class on Friday.
b. She said that she will want to go skiing after class on Friday.
c. She said that she did want to go skiing after class on Friday.
d. She said she wants to go skiing after class on Friday.
18. "I will watch the baseball game."
a. He said that he will watch the game.
b. He said that he would watch the game.
c. He said he would be watching the game.
d. He said that he is going to watch the game.
19. I am going to swim at Laguna Beach.
a. She said she was going to swim at Laguna Beach.
b. She said she would go swimming at Laguna Beach.
c. She said she will be swimming at Laguna Beach.
d. She said she is going to swim at Laguna Beach.
20. "Leave the room."
a. She told him to leave the room.
b. She said that he must leave the room.
c. She told him that he leave the room.
d. She told him leave the room

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