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Job seekers’ activity sheet

Employee Sheet B Job Types

Name of Mantap Jiwa Travel
Job: Tour Guide Secretary Treasurer

Salary Rp.3.000.000,00

Location Bandung,
Jl.Gegerkalong 96

Benefits free tour to overseas

Incentives island, health
insurance, and
consistent salary.

Promotions Conditional raise by

Raises 5% every year.

Questions to ask employers: Your information

What company do you represent? Your Name: Eliza Natasya Putri

What kind of job do you offer? Work Experience: Fresh Graduate
How much does the job pay? Student
Where is it located? Your Major: English Literature
Do you offer any benefits? Special Skills: Can speak English
Is there any chance for a well,
promotion or a raise? Good Points: Works Hard
Bad Points: Talkative

© 2002
Employers’ activity sheet

Employer Sheet A Applicant Information

Name of



Good Points

Bad Points

Questions to ask applicant: You Company’s Profile and Available

Company Name: I represent for the
Excuse me, what is your name? travel agency company named Mantap
Could you spell your name please? Jiwa Travel.
Could you tell me what kind of Job Description: For now, we need
experience do you have? Tour guide, secretary, and treasurer.
May I ask what did you study in Job Salary: Currently, it’s on
university? Rp.3.000.000,00/month. And the number
What do you consider to be your will increase as the company is still
special skills? developing.
May I ask you what your good points Location: Bandung, Jln.Geger kalong
and bad points are? no.96.
Benefits and Incentives: As you work
as permanent worker in this company,
you will be provided with a free tour to
overseas island, health insurance, and
consistent salary.
Promotions and Raises: If you show us
a decent performance, you will have a
probability to raise the salary by 5%
every year.

© 2002
Benefits and Qualifications:
A benefit is ……………………………………………………………….
A qualification is …………………………………………………….

Look at the following list of vocabulary items. Are they benefits of a job or qualifications
for a job?
__________________ promotion
__________________ work experience
__________________ medical insurance
__________________ vacation
__________________ bachelor/masters/doctor degree
__________________ references
__________________ salary
__________________ wage
__________________ housing
__________________ license
__________________ commissions
__________________ tips
__________________ bonus
__________________ being well-spoken
__________________ being hardworking
__________________ discount on goods
__________________ training courses
__________________ dental insurance
__________________ creativity
__________________ report card/transcript
__________________ raise
__________________ neat appearance/dress
In a group, decide what the most important qualifications and benefits are?
Most Important Benefits Most Important Qualifications

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