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1) Did you buy any fruit ?

2) I bought some apples.
3) A few students knew the answer.
4) We had a little time so we went for a coffee.
5) How many girls are there in your class?
6) How much homework do you have?
7) He ate a few biscuits.
8) I always put a little sugar in my coffee.

2. 1) Children mustn't play with matches.

2) You must see this film!It's amazing.
3) We don't have to wear uniforms at school.
4) You mustn't tell anyone about it!It's a secret.
5) A father to his son: You must do as I say.

3. tidy-untidy
Correct – incorrect
Legal – Illegal
Polite – Impolite
Believable – Unbelievable
Responsible – Irresponsible
Honest – Dishonest

4. big – huge
Small – tiny
Tired – exhausted
Tasty – delicious
Dirty - filthy
Hungry – starving
Bad – terrible
5. 1) It was raining when I got up.
2) This time yesterday we were driving home.
3) Yesterday at 8 o'clock he was doing his homework.
4) While I was making dinner she was watching TV.
5) She was having a bath when the phone rang.

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