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The Sphere of Influence IN


Presentation and Analysis:

Q1 GENDER, MALE AND FEMALE ...........................................................

Q2 AGE DISTRUPUTION.......................................................................

Q3 pursuit, and work ..................................................................................

Q4 where do I come from............................................................................

Q5 what transportation have the people use...............................................

Q6 The main reason.....................................................................................



The links to what I used for my coursework.................................................

This investigation aimed to confirm the claim that "bigger settlements such as cities exert a
greater sphere of influence, Although the hypothesis supports this theory the research intended to
confirm its validity. The definition of a sphere of influence refers to the number of people within
a geographical area in which people travel for goods and services. Based on the geographical
concept smaller villages often supply basic daily essentials like dairy products, vegetables and
fruits. This therefore encourages people to travel shorter distances. On the other hand, large
settlements like Valencia cites supply a wider range of infrequently purchased things such as
furniture, jewelry store, electrons and shopping malls. All this compelled people to travel longer
distances. The investigation consists of visiting and interviewing citizens from three different
settlements of varied sizes. To decide how many people are willing to travel to these findings
and why. The hypothesis proposal that size of settlement does decide its sphere of influence.

2.1 figure Sagunto

2.2 figure Valencia

2.3 figure Beni Calab
General information:
Valencia population is 800,000 thousand people who leave is in the easter
of Spain and it is the thread city which is modern. Whereas Sagunto is a much
quieter place which has a population of 70,000 thousand (about twice the
population of California) Sagunto is about 30 km (19 mi) north of Valencia.
However, Beni Calbe has 50,000 also the north of from
this general information we can get a small idea of who has the most attraction to
its city.

Our instructor who is our teacher have coordinated two trips to different areas in
Spain. The first location we stopped at was Calle colon in Valencia, and the second
was Sagunto. Additionally, we were obliged to vista a small settlement on our own
to collect extra data. During our journey to Calle colon our teacher gave us
clipboards to make it much easier to write information through the interview.
several people declined to engage in the survey. However, my group managed to
interview 20 residents.
Moreover, in Sagunto there were many elderly people which made it much easier
for us to collect information and to interview. Furthermore, Bein clap my
settlement chose had both teenagers and elderly
The questions were asked are the following:
Age Range?
What is your profession?
Where do you live?
How did you get here today?
For what purpose did you come here today?

Presentation and Analysis:

Q1 female/male

Calle colon 3.1


Fig:3.1 (Colon), Fig:3.2 (Sagunto) and Fig:3.3 (BENI Calpe) are graphs of

the percentage and the number of Male and females were asked.

3.1 and 3.3 had more females because there are more stores for females, hence the ratio of males
was low. Figure 3.2 has a higher male percentage due to the working sector, and there aren't
many shops, thus females will find it dull to visit


The age range varies between the three locations.

Colon 3.1 has the highest population of people aged 20 to 40 because it caters to both teenagers
and adults and has many retail malls. According to Sagunto in 3.2, the number of individuals
aged 40 to 50 is the largest percentage since it is quieter for living and has more natural places
nearby. On the other hand, my neighborhood has the highest percentage of people aged 14 to 20
because there are many schools nearby, making the commute short and convenient.

Q3 PURSUIT and work

Calle colon 3.1


Beine Calbe 3.3

These graphs show people's jobs and which sectors are the most reliable for the city.

In figure 3.1 and 3.3 are similar because both have high tertiary sector which shows use that the
city's like Valencia and Bein Calbe have good service for jobs and can proved needs and wants
to the people who leave there. However, 3.2 is the highest in primary sector because there aren't
a lot of people who work there and most of the people are retired.


Furthest distance from Beni Calpe to Taiwan 6.1

Furthest distance from Sagunto to France 6.2

Furthest distance form Valencia to Italy 6.3

What I did is in every city I put the furthest person that was interviewed.

In Fig:6.1 the furthest person came from Taiwan. The distance between
Bein Calpe and Taiwan is 10,716 km (about 6658.61 mi) and it took him almost 16h and a
half to go to Bein Calpe.

In Fig:6.2 the furthest person came from France. The distance between

Sagunto and France are 5h and half and it took him 1,104.0 km (about 685.99 mi) to go to

In Fig:6.3 the furthest person came from Italy. The distance from Valancia

and Italy is almost 17 hr. 39 min (1,712.6 km).

Q5 what transportation have the people use:


I collected all the transportation data and made a pie chart for each city. First,
Beni Calpe has an equal proportion of walkers and metro users. This is
because Beni Calpe is close to Valencia, and the train station has a stop
there. On the other hand, Valencia Centro Calle colon is a popular tourist
destination, so people will arrive by a variety of forms of transportation, the
most convenient of which are the bus and metro. However, Sagunto is a dead
spot because the only way to get there is via driving or foot. Just to clarify, Q
refers to scooters and other modes of transportation.

Q6 The main reason:


I collected all the data from the three locations that influenced their decision to
come here. Calle Colon is a famous shopping destination because it has many
malls and outlet regions, which can attract more people and tourists. furthermore,
Sagunto is an incredibly quiet place which creates a good place for residents to
stay within the place because there aren't places where people could room around
or buy stuff like fashionable clothes. On the other hand, Bein Calpe is like Call
Colon but It has fewer tourists and shopping malls so people would rather buy a
home in Bein Calpe than call Colon. this because colon is remarkably busy
especially in festivals

The investigation in central Valencia and Sagunto occurred on February 23. The
time was from 10 am till 12 pm for Valencia central and Sagunto happened from 2
pm to 3 pm which could be the reason to affect the presentation. During this time,
most people are at work or school with only a few exceptions for the people
interviewed. The obtained data may not fully affect the demographic and activities
in certain locations which might lead to bias data collection. For future reference,
to reduce limited bias data one should include a wider spectrum of citizens at
various times. To improve realizability and precision we should add more
techniques than just interviewing people. This could be like collecting data through
social media. This is because it is a valuable data method that allows us to tap into
different people at different settlements. Furthermore, interviews should be
undertaken during the weekends to gain more complete knowledge of the
demographic of both visitors and inhabitants in all three settlements. These
strategies would allow for a broader range of people, including night shift employs,
and daytime workers. Moreover, doing just 20 interviews is not enough. This is
because of its limited to rely on, you should do more interviews which would result
in more robust to information. This approach is less susceptible to outliers to the
data. The location of interviews also plays a crucial role in figuring out the data. To
give a reliable answer to our question, one must incorporate more than just three
settlements. The strength of this project was the comparative analysis. This
approach allows us to examine the sphere of influence in various settlements of
different sizes. Furthermore, the investigation able us to analysis how settlement
size influences patterns of travel consumption and economic integration. This
comparative approach aids us to understand the differences and similarities
between settlements of varying sizes. The provide question were also a strength of
the project. This is because for example Q1, which was about gender distribution,
provides us with information that allowed for the analysis of gender-based patterns
and preferences which helps us in understanding social trends. Another could be
the age distribution. This question offers insight into the age demographic of the
population which is crucial for various sectors such as teenagers visiting the
settlement for education. Furthermore, reasons for visiting the settlement offers
information on the motivations be hide visiting the settlements helping us to
understand the aim of the project. Overall, conducting interviews at various
locations and times, with greater sample sizes, would provide us with more correct
demographic data for citizens in all three settlements. Furthermore, focusing solely
on one technique can lead to incorrect conclusions, thus as previously said, at least
two techniques, such as social media, are needed for reliable data.


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