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Name : Glorious Reinhard Paruntu

NIM : 714840123046

Grade : 1A

TASK : Page 26-27

Paragraph 1

As the years have passed, an immense amount of literature of an ecological nature has
been pub lished During the first third of this century, the total volume of ecological work
surpassed by a healthy margin all of the written material on ecol ogy and natural history
produced during all of the written preceding centuries of recorded history. A tendency toward
increased specialization in ecol ogy has occurred as is evidenced by the establish- of the
botaniment of such disciplines as paleoecology, a study of environmental conditions and life as
it existed in past ages. Pollen analysis, radioactive dating, and paleontology have aided the

As time passes, a large amount of learning book of an ecological nature has been
releashed. Throughout the first third of the centenary, the overall study book of ecological
works transcended all the written material on ecology and natural history produced. A trend of
increasing specialization in ecology has appeared as is sustained by the founding of such
disiplines as paleocology, a study of biosphere situation and life. The emergence of fields like
paleoecology, which examines the conditions of the environment and ancient life, is proof that
this has happened. Paleontology, radioactive dating, and pollen analysis have all helped the

Paragraph 2

American Ecologist Eugene Odum (1913-2002)

Dr. Odum has been called the father of modern ecology, largely be cause of his work for
the government in the early days of Savannah River Site. The year was 1951, Dr. Odum had been
a zoology professor at the University of Georgia for 11 years. Under the influence of American
ecologist and educator Eugene Odum (1913-2002), a whole new subdiscipline of ecosystem
ecology grew to prominence during the latter half of the twentieth century. Ecosystem ecology
emphasized both the biotic and physical aspects of the environment. In particular, ecosystem
ecology was concerned with the large-scale flows of energy and nutrients through ecological
communities. Eugene Odum is an American ecologist who has worked to advance ecological
awareness and research. Born in 1913 to an academic family, he spent most of the twentieth
century promoting the ecosystem concept and warning of the impact humans have on the
ecosystems in which we live. One of his most important accomplishments was writing
Fundamentals of Ecology in 1953, which he wrote partly in response to the zoology department
at the University of Georgia rejecting ecology as an important area of study. His book was
remarkably clear and concise, and it presented the important principles of ecology in a way that
helped to define the science.

Due in significant part to his work for the government during the early years of the
Savannah River Site, Dr. Odum has been dubbed the father of contemporary ecology. It was
1951, and Dr. Odum had spent 11 years teaching zoology at the University of Georgia. In the
second half of the 20th century, a brand-new area of ecosystem ecology rose to prominence
because to the work of American ecologist and educator Eugene Odum (1913-2002). Ecosystem
ecology placed equal emphasis on the physical and biotic components of the environment. The
large-scale movements of energy and nutrients through biological communities were of special
interest to ecosystem ecologists. American ecologist Eugene Odum has tried to increase
ecological knowledge and investigation. He was born in 1913 into a family of academics and
spent the most of the 20th century advocating for the ecosystem concept and issuing warnings
about how humans are affecting the ecosystems in which we live. Writing Fundamentals of
Ecology in 1953, which he did in part in response to the University of Georgia's Zoology
Department's rejection of ecology as a crucial field of study, was one of his most significant
achievements. His book was surprisingly succinct and straightforward, and it articulated the key
ecological ideas in a way that contributed to the definition of the science.

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