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Delegation: USA

Commision: ECOSOC

The question of eradicating child labour.

Child labour is an active and emminent issue that affect chidlren around the world, and hinders
their growth, education and health. The international Labour Organisation (ILO) approximates
that over 152 million children, aged 5 to 27, are active in different forms of child labour, with
about half of this children that are subjected to extremely hazardous conditions. These children
are often forced to endure these perilous and exhausting conditions, which violates their right to
freedom of speech, education, health etc. This global epidemic has to be fought and encountered
in order to ensure and secure the future generations who are the pillars of the future.

The United States acknowledges this grave issue and has been actively involved in combating this
issue by for example: ratifying the ILO convention No.182 and other actions such as: domestic
regulations, Supply chain transparency and foreign aid.

The united States proposes certain measures and improvements such as:

a) Improving and ammeding US legislation: The US will continuously work and

discuss the issues regrading child labour and how hopefully to fully exterminate
child labour in the US
b) Supporting UN and international Intiatives: The US will increase it’s financial
support to UN organisations such as: UNICEF and the ILO to combat child labour
c) Promoting the basic rights of the child: The US will further and strengthen it’s
education system and ensure that every child in the US will be provided with
quality education; promote a safe environment to allow children to express
domestic abuse; provide more governement funding towards orphanges and
shelters; further government funding to initatives which provide education and
basic human needs for families around the world, in order to secure the families’
stability without resorting to subjecting children to labour exploitation.
d) Engagement with corporations: The US government will investigate working
conditions of corporations and to make sure that the corporations aren’t
explotaitng children.

Until such time when child labour is fully eradicated, the US will continue it’s fight against child
labour and exploitation and will continue to aid and endorse against this international struggle.
The US urges all member states to help cure this epicentre, as this will benefit the world long term
economically by ensuring that every child in the world gets their basic rights, which will
strengthen and promote a better future for all.

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