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Câu 1: Which syllable of the word antibiotic /ˌæntibaɪɒtɪk/ is stressed?

A. 4th
B. 1st
C. 2nd
D. 3rd
Câu 2: Which syllable of the word antihistamine /ˌæntihɪstəmiːn/ is stressed?
A. 3rd
B. 1st
C. 2nd
D. 4th
Câu 3: Which syllable of the word inoculation /ɪˌnɒkjuleɪʃn/ is stressed?
A. 4th
B. 3th
C. 2th
D. 1st
Câu 4: Which syllable of the word anti-inflammatory /ˌæntiɪnflæmətri/ is stressed?
A. 4th
B. 3th
C. 2th
D. 1st
Câu 5: Which syllable of the word antidepressant /æntidɪpresnt/ is stressed?
B. 3th
C. 2nd
D. 1st
Câu 6: Which syllable of the word medication /medɪˈkeɪʃn/ is stressed ?
A. 3rd
B. 4th
C. 2nd
D. 1st
Câu 7: Which underlined part is pronounced /ʌ/?
A. supplement
B. inoculation
C. stimulant
D. capsules
Câu 8: Which underlined part is pronounced /ei/?
A. constipation
B. stimulant
C. capsules
D. antidepressant
Câu 9: Which underlined part is pronounced / aɪ /?
A. antibiotic
B. anti-inflammatory
C. respiratory
D. information
Câu 10. Which underlined part is pronounced / əʊ/?
A. dosage
B. convince
C. Atenolol
D. solution
TỪ VỰNG (11-30)
Câu 11: ___________ kills bacteria and other germs.
A. An antibiotic
B. An inoculation
C. A painkiller
D. An anti-inflammatory
Câu 12: ___________ protects you against infectious diseases.
A. An inoculation
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. An antibiotic
D. A laxative
Câu 13: ___________ relieves pain.
A. A painkiller
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. An inoculation
D. An antibiotic
Câu 14: ______________ reduces swelling.
A. An anti-inflammatory
B. An inoculation
C. An antibiotic
D. A laxative
Câu 15: __________ encourages bowel movements.
A. A laxative
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. An inoculation
Câu 16: ___________ provides a substance that the body lacks.
A. A supplement
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. A laxative
D. An antibiotic
Câu 17: ______________ treats allergies.
A. An antihistamine
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. A laxative
D. An antibiotic
Câu 18: __________ increases activity in the body.
A. A stimulant
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. A laxative
D. An antibiotic
Câu 19: _________ reduces feelings of extreme sadness.
A. A sedative
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. A laxative
D. An antibiotic
Câu 20: _________ makes you relaxed and sleepy.
A. An antidepressant
B. An anti-inflammatory
C. A laxative
D. A sedative
Câu 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. Paracetamol
B. concordance
C. confusion
D. Cyclizine
Câu 2: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. Ranitidine €
B. Paracetamol
C. Aspirin
D. Diazepam
Câu 3: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. Paracetamol
B. sedative
C. regimen
D. antiemetic
Câu 4: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. Loperamide
B. Amoxicillin
C. Aspirin
D. Ranitidine
Câu 5: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. gastrointestinal g
B. analgesic j
C. regimen j
D. gelatin j
Câu 6: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. respiratory
B. chlorphenamine
C. concordance
D. disorder
Câu 7: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
A. hypnotic
B. Cyclizine
C. concordance
D. Paracetamol
Câu 8: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.

A. Paracetamol

B. sedative

C. regimen

D. antiemetic

Câu 9: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.

A. Loperamide

B. Amoxicillin

C. Aspirin
D. Ranitidine

Câu 10: Which of the followings can complete the sentence below?
__________ is a common antibiotic produced from a fungus.
A. Penicillin
B. Ranitidine
C. Cyclizine
D. Salbutamol
Câu 11: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.

A. gastrointestinal

B. analgesic

C. regimen

D. gelatin

Câu 12: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.

A. respiratory

B. chlorphenamine

C. concordance

D. disorder

Câu 13: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.

A. hypnotic

B. Cyclizine

C. concordance

D. Paracetamol

Câu 14: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.
A. gastric
B. dosage
C. judgement
D. regime
Câu 15: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently
from the rest.
A. dosage
B. deterioration
C. ratio
D. disablement
TỪ VỰNG (16-30)

Câu 16: What does the italic phrase mean in the following sentence?

It is difficult for that boy to take in all information.

A. understand

B. write

C. read

D. access

Câu 17: What does the italic phrase mean in the following sentence?

The dosage of an adult and a child must be different so writing out a

prescription requires great care.

A. completing

B. testing

C. looking at

D. removing

Câu 18: What does the italic phrase mean in the following conversation?

Doctor: You should stop the drugs and get in touch with the hospital
immediately if anything changes.

Patient: Ok. I’ll do that.

A. contact
B. keep

C. meet

D. run

Câu 19: What does the abbreviation qds mean relating to medical terms?
A. every six hours
B. three times a day
C. twice a day
D. every eight hours

Câu 20: What does the word adverse mean in the sentence “The adverse effects of
living in temporary accommodation are well documented”?
A. not likely to produce a good result
B. tend to end in success
C. have tendency to make an advertisement
D. lead to a nice future
Câu 1: Which syllable of the word pharmaceutical /ˌfɑːməsuːtɪkl/ is sressed?

A. 3rd

B. 1st

C. 2nd

D. 4th

Câu 2: Which syllable of the word discontinue /ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː/ is stressed?

A. 3rd

B. 1st

C. 2nd

D. 4th

Câu 3: Which syllable of the word re-evaluate verb /riː ɪˈvæljueɪt/

A. 3rd

B. 1st
C. 2nd

D. 4th

Câu 4: Which syllable of the word experimentation /ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃn/ is


A. 5th

B. 4th

C. 3rd

D. 2nd

Câu 5: Which syllable of the word eligibility /elɪdʒəˈbɪləti/?

A. 4th

B. 3th

C. 2nd

D. 1st

Câu 6: Which syllable of the word mathematical /mæθəˈmætɪkl/ is stressed?

A. 3rd

B. 4th

C. 2nd

D. 1st

Câu 7: Which syllable of the word hypersensitivity /ˌhaɪpəˌsensətɪvəti/ is stressed?

A. 5th

B. 4th

C. 3rd

D. 2nd

Câu 8: Which syllable of the word hyperactivity /haɪpəræktɪvəti/ is stressed?

A. 4th

B. 3th
C. 2nd

D. 1st

Câu 9: Which syllable of the word insignificant /ɪnsɪɡnɪfɪkənt/ is stressed?

A. 3rd

B. 4th

C. 2nd

D. 1st

Câu 10: Which syllable of the word contraindication /kɒntrəˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn/ is


A. 5th

B. 4th

C. 3rd

D. 2nd

TỪ VỰNG (11-30)

Câu 11: Which of the following prepositions can complete the sentence below?

How much is 6.5 kg divided ____________ 5?

A. by

B. to

C. of

D. at

Câu 15: If you miss one, you can catch up with a __________ later.

A. double doze

B. half doze

C. single doze

D. only doze

Câu 16: He is a big man and he needs an ____________ analgesic.

A. extra strength

B. extra length

C. extra width

D. extra depth

Câu 17: The drug is very strong; _______ just a half dose can make you drowsy.

A. even

B. though

C. although

D. if

Câu 18: Make the solution with 100 ________ of insulin.

A. units

B. kilos

C. grams

D. number

Câu 19: Make up a suspension in a _________ of 10:1

A. ratio

B. percentage

C. amount

D. number

Câu 20: All medicines can cause side effects, __________ if you don't use them as

A. particularly

B. remarkably

C. unusually


Câu 22: She believes in homeopathy __________healing

A. for

B. to

C. with

D. on

Câu 23: I’ll warm my hands _________ they do not feel uncomfortable.

A. so that

B. in order to

C. so as

D. so as to

Câu 24: Homeopaths need a lot of information __________ make a diagnosis.

A. in order to

B. so that

C. in order that

D. that

Câu 25: The chiropractor said I have back pain _________I do not sit correctly.

A. because

B. so

C. then

D. although


Câu 1: Clients remain fully clothed while pressure is applied to certain parts of the
body by the practitioner using thumbs, palms, and fingers

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Shiatsu

B. Indian head massage

C. Sun soup
D. Hypnotherapy

Câu 2: The mind and body are influenced by the scent of aromatic plants and oils.
People are invigorated or calmed by the treatment, helping them either to sleep or
to concentrate better.

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Aromatherapy

B. Indian head massage

C. Shiatsu

D. Sun soup

Câu 3: The tongue is'read', and problems with different organs of the body are
identified. Lines and wrinkles on the face are also used in the diagnosis.

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Ayurvedic medicine

B. Indian head massage

C. Shiatsu

D. Sun soup

Câu 4: Electrodes are placed on the fingers. Perspiration, temperature, and blood
pressure are monitored, and the information is fed back to patients, who learn how
to control their own body functions.

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Biofeedback

B. Indian head massage

C. Shiatsu

D. Sun soup

Câu 5: Points on the feet (reflex zones) are stimulated, which has a beneficial effect
on other parts of the body.

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Reflexology
B. Indian head massage

C. Hypnotherapy
D. Sun soup

Câu 6: Hypnosis is used to change the subconscious mind. Behaviour and habits are
changed through hypnotherapy, resulting in better mental and physical health.

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Hypnotherapy

B. Indian head massage

C. Shiatsu

D. Sun soup

Câu 7: Adjustments are made to the spine. Through massage and stretching are
made to the spine, the operation of the joints and muscles is normalized and pain

Choose the correct form of treatment based on the above description

A. Chiropractice

B. Indian head massage

C. Shiatsu

D. Sun soup

Câu 21: We _____________ the raw materials into drugs, package them, and put
in the leaflets for the patients. We also keep careful records of all the steps in this

A. compound

B. mix

C. divide

D. pour

Câu 22: We find new ____________ to make new drug formulations or change
existing dosage forms, for example, from tablets to capsules.

A. substances

B. factors

C. colours

D. names

Câu 23: We compile the drug documentation and send it to the _______________
so we can get authorization to market the product.

A. regulatory drug authorities

B. regulator drug authorities

C. regulatoring drug authorities

D. regulate drug authorities

Câu 24: We plan the promotion and distribution of drugs which will be
____________, and make decisions about the packaging or tablet colour of new

A. launched

B. described

C. decided

D. updated

Câu 25: We ensure that products meet the standards which the law requires, and
_____________ the active ingredients advertised.

A. contain

B. provide
C. market

D. require

Câu 26. The first scientific degree future pharmacists obtain is called a

A. bachelor’s degree.

B. master’s degree

C. master of science degree

D. doctor of philosophy degree

Câu 27. Before pharmacists become __________, they have to take an

examination to get a licence to practise pharmacy.

A. fully qualified

B. over qualified

C.up qualified

D. top qualified

Câu 28. Relating to degree of pharmacist, what does MSc stand for?

A. Master of Science degree

B. Maximum Sustainable Capacity

C. Most Significant Character

D. Major Subordinate Command

Câu 29. I first started __________ a line worker and worked my way up to
packaging technician.

A. as
B. with

C. in

D. on

Câu 30. At present I am responsible for the planning and building of our second
new _______________ in Shanghai.

A. pharmaceutical facility

B. pharmacology facility

C. pharmacy facility

D. pharmacist facility

II. Nhóm câu hỏi “Hiểu” (30 câu)

TỪ VỰNG (15 câu)

Câu 31: Medicine bought in a pharmacy and requiring a written note from the

Feasibility study
Choose the correct phrase for the above definition
A. prescription drug

B. over-the-counter drug

C. dosage form

D. product in the pipeline

Câu 32: ______________ are future drugs and not yet on the market.
A. products in the pipeline
B. dosage form

C. over-the-counter drug

D. prescription drug

Câu 33: An investigation to determine the advantages, practicality, and profitability

of a proposed proịect.

Choose the correct phrase for the above definition

A. feasibility study
B. over-the-counter drug
C. dosage form
D. prescription drug
Câu 34:A product which can be sold without the patient seeing a doctor.
Choose the correct phrase for the above definition
A. over-the-counter drug
B. product in the pipeline
C. prescription drug
D. dosage form
Câu 35: The final form of the medicine, e.g. tablet, powder, gel, spray, etc.
Choose the correct phrase for the above definition
A. dosage form

B. over-the-counter drug

C. prescription drug

D. products in the pipeline

Câu 36: Companies must ____________ serious adverse events to the health

A. report

B. conduct
C. supply

D. convert

Câu 37: New drugs are ____________ on live subjects.

A. tested

B. determined

C. carried

D. shown

Câu 38: Laboratory technicians operate complex scientific instruments and

_____________ whether liquids, powders, or tablets meet requirements.

A. determine

B. perform

C. wonder

D. propose

Câu 39: Clinical research associates ___________ clinical trials. They must also
summarize, regulate and process clinical data.

A. perform

B. report

C. interpret

D. combine

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