Lab 3 - 24

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o You CAN create more classes /methods/variables (if needed).

o You can change test data by change file data.txt

o Time to finish 60 min

Download given from CMS and changes the Project name &
folder with format: RollNumber, ex: HE171021. Use
Netbean open it then modify the project name to your
rollnumber like image above Code and run debug when finish u need zip
folder RollNumber and upload bellow to your class assignment! (1 point will be
deducted for each request if not fulfilled)

Write Class: follow instruction in bellow given

Create a Project with format: RollNumber_Lab3

Create Class: follow instruction in bellow given

when finish u need zip folder RollNumber_Lab3 and upload bellow to your class

1- Create an Employee Class with data: string (ID, Name, Address), Age int and
more Method get/set/toString/constructor … if needed
- Build a method to calculate employee salary with no parameters: formula for
calculating salary by 5000000+ (age – 20)*100000;
2- Create interface IWorker include 3 method as following:

3- Create class Worker inheritance class Employee and implements IWorker. add
the double Salary and int worker level data property to class Worker.
Implements f1: print all worker. Output show as:
(1, NVAn, hanoi, 21, 2, 5100000.0)
(2, LHHung, hochiminh, 25, 3, 5500000.0)
(3, HAThu, namdinh, 37, 4, 6700000.0)
(4, HTNghia, bacgiang, 41, 5, 7100000.0)
(5, LDTho, hanoi, 55, 6, 8500000.0)
(6, NDVinh, hoabinh, 28, 1, 5800000.0)
Implements f2: recalculate salary in which if the address with hanoi or hochiminh
the allowance will be increased by 500,000 VND and Display a list with workers
with added priority by 500000vnd first.
(1, NVAn, hanoi, 21, 2, 5600000.0)
(2, LHHung, hochiminh, 25, 3, 6000000.0)
(5, LDTho, hanoi, 55, 6, 9000000.0)
(3, HAThu, namdinh, 37, 4, 6700000.0)
(4, HTNghia, bacgiang, 41, 5, 7100000.0)
(6, NDVinh, hoabinh, 28, 1, 5800000.0)

Implements f3: recalculate salary by formula:

Level *1600000+ (age – 18)*50000; if level <=5
if level >5 then salary calculate by formula:
Level *1800000+ (age – 18)*50000 + (age – 40)*100000 where if age is less
than 40 to avoid negative number
(1, NVAn, hanoi, 21, 2, 3350000.0)
(2, LHHung, hochiminh, 25, 3, 5150000.0)
(3, HAThu, namdinh, 37, 4, 7350000.0)
(4, HTNghia, bacgiang, 41, 5, 9150000.0)
(5, LDTho, hanoi, 55, 6, 1.265E7)
(6, NDVinh, hoabinh, 28, 1, 2100000.0)

Before upload. Zip your folder as bellow:

When double click to Zip folder above it show as

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