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Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Supply chain performance and economic growth:

The impact of COVID-19 disruptions
Rajeev K. Goel a,b , James W. Saunoris c,∗ , Srishti S. Goel d
a Illinois State University, United States
b Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany
c Eastern Michigan University, United States
d Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, United States
Received 19 September 2020; received in revised form 15 January 2021; accepted 28 January 2021
Available online 16 February 2021

Reliable supply chains are crucial to the productivity and economic growth of nations. Despite the recog-
nition of its importance, especially brought to the forefront by the challenges of the coronavirus crises,
formal research on the contribution of supply chain logistics is less forthcoming. This paper uses data on
130 nations to examine the relative effects of different aspects of supply chain logistics, including overall
logistics performance, and the performance of the input and output dimensions of logistics, on economic
growth. The results show that improvements in the supply chain logistics performance yield positive growth
dividends. Further, the input and output dimensions of logistics performance have positive growth effects,
with some quantitative differences. Significantly, the growth impact of logistics performance varies across
nations with different growth rates. Implications for public policy and spillovers for COVID-19 initiatives
are discussed.
© 2021 The Society for Policy Modeling. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

JEL classification: O40; L80; L91

Keywords: Economic growth; Supply chain; Logistics; Infrastructure; COVID-19

∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Economics, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48108, USA.
E-mail address: jsaunori@emich.edu (J.W. Saunoris).

0161-8938/© 2021 The Society for Policy Modeling. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

1. Introduction

Economic growth remains the main driver of the well-being of nations and for the viability of
their political systems. However, the nations’ growth trajectories are facing unexpected challenges
in the wake of the recent coronavirus crisis. This calls for a renewed examination of the drivers
of economic growth, especially with regard to factors pertinent to the present situation.
Individual nations, depending upon their comparative advantages and focus, are beginning to
recognize the supply chain challenges posed by lockdowns in the wake of the coronavirus spread
(see, for example, a related news report from U.S.-Mexico: https://www.businessinsider.com/
how-long-grocery-store-shortages-supply-chain-disruptions-could-last-2020-4).1 Not only are
the supply chain disruptions making lives difficult for residents and firms, such disruptions (espe-
cially related to the medical and safety equipment and now vaccines) can prolong the current
crisis, thus potentially have a compound effect.2 Even more challenging (and unknown) would
be the ability of supply chains to run smoothly and in a coordinated and timely fashion when
the lockdowns are finally lifted. Thus, ascertaining the possible impacts of disruptions under
alternative scenarios should help in planning and recovery once the uncertainty is resolved. With
increased globalization and specialization of production across nations, disruptions even in a sin-
gle nation that is the source of crucial inputs can have adverse impacts on global supply chains (see
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic also exposed issues related to fiscal federalism given
the uneven response across states, localities, and the Federal Government in the U.S. (Haffajee
& Mello, 2020). While fiscal federalism has been shown to benefit economic growth (Brueckner,
2006), in this pandemic the uneven responses across governments may have negatively impacted
the sequential workings of supply chains, including health care supply chains.
The global supply chain has been undoubtedly disrupted in the past, most recently during the
2008–2009 financial crash (Baldwin & Weder di Mauro, 2020). However, while lessons from the
past would be instructive in present times, there are some qualitative differences. At that time, it
was more a factor of demand than supply, whereas the current crisis has impacted both supply
and demand significantly. Baldwin and Weber di Mauro mention global value chains (GVCs)
that require parts of products to be manufactured in different countries before being assembled in
another nation.
COVID-19 initially impacted China, which is at the center of many GVCs, disrupting the
supply chain (see Luo & Tsang, 2020). On the demand side, as the lockdown continues and
consumers’ physical spending is decreasing, global demand continues to fall. Global oil prices
are already showing the impact COVID-19 has on supply and demand (Fernandes, 2020).
Worldwide oil demand decreased during the early months of the pandemic due to the
global lockdown and other factors related to COVID-19. At one point, oil prices fell over
50% from the start of 2020 and many suppliers planned to cut production as demand fell
(https://www.bbc.com/news/business-52226236). Oil prices have since somewhat recovered as
travel restrictions have loosened (https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/steo/report/prices.php). However,
this may have long term impacts as the new COVID-19 variants might impact lockdown policies,
as well as the supply and demand. Currently, the end period of the ongoing crisis is uncertain, which

1 Also see https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/ongoing-impact-covid-19-global-supply-chains/;

2 An informative collection of health care-related supply chain issues in the current pandemic can be found at


R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

makes planning all the more challenging. Furthermore, while the shortages of essential materi-
als, like the PPE kits, has drawn attention in the initial stages of the COVID-19 spread (Goel &
Haruna, 2021; Rowan & Laffey, 2020), many other crucial inputs with significant growth impacts
are likely impacted.
Supply chain performance is crucial to the smooth functioning of economies, and glitches can
create bottlenecks with adverse implications for economic productivity and growth (see Salvatore,
2020). However, there are many dimensions to supply chains, and their coordinated (often sequen-
tial) functioning is crucial to the smooth on-time delivery of products to consumers and inputs to
businesses (Elekdag, Muir, & Wu, 2015).
Whereas realization of the reliability and performance of the supply chain is not new,3 supply
chain reliability has attracted renewed attention in the wake of the recent COVID-19 crisis.
Governments around the world have been scrambling to ensure adequate supplies of medical
equipment and lately vaccines, avoid excessive transport disruptions and ensure reliable food
supplies. Besides short-run inconveniences, supply chain disruptions have longer-term effects on
economic growth. For example, when tires are not delivered to manufacturers on time, trucks
do not get built or are not usable, so the investment in the other dimensions of truck production
(chassis, instrumentation, etc.) becomes unproductive.
Key questions addressed in this research are the following:

• What is the impact of supply chain disruptions on economic growth?

• Is the impact of supply chain input and supply chain output on economic growth similar?
• Do low-growth nations and high-growth nations benefit similarly from supply chain perfor-
mance improvements?
• What is the projected impact of supply chain disruptions—e.g. those related to COVID-19—on
economic growth?

The findings will be instructive, especially with the worldwide supply chain challenges faced
in the wake of unexpected developments posed by the coronavirus crises. Governments world-
wide are trying to devise effective policy responses to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
(Morelli & Seghezza, 2021), often weighing the short-term tradeoffs between saving lives and
saving the economy (Arbolino & Di Caro, 2020). In that regard, policymakers are likely to find
any formal details about the influence of logistics performance to be instructive. Furthermore, if
it turns out that logistics performance differently affects growth in nations with differing growth
rates, then policies tailored to specific groups of nations would be preferred over blanket policies.
This paper uses data over a recent decade for over 130 nations to examine the relative effects
of the different aspects of supply chain logistics on economic growth. Placing the empirical
framework in a standard growth model, results show that improvements in the aggregate supply
chain logistics performance yield positive growth dividends. These dividends are also present in
most of the disaggregated dimensions of logistics, especially dealing with the input and output
of logistics performance. Whereas investigations on the significant drivers of economic growth
proliferate in the literature (see Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2003; Jones, 2016), identification of the
role of logistics performance and its dimensions appears to be novel in this work.

3 In fact, in 1950 the United States government enacted The Defense Production Act (https://www.fema.gov/

media-library/assets/documents/15666) to ensure smooth functioning of supply lines and prevent hoarding in times of
national emergencies.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

While supply chain challenges have been identified even in pre-COVID-19 era (see Alicke,
Barriball, Lund, & Swan, 2020), the COVID-19 crisis has added urgency and uncertainty. A sim-
ulation exercise discusses some supply chain disruption scenarios and their growth implications
that could provide useful in nations planning for the challenges posed by the COVID-19 and other
unexpected crises.
Focusing on a specific dimension or bottleneck, i.e., the lockdown on the Hubei province in
China following the coronavirus outbreak, Luo and Tsang (2020) estimate the output loss in China
and the consequent ripple effect on the world through supply chain linkages. They estimate that
China would suffer about a 4% loss of output, and global output would drop by 1% due to the
economic contraction in China. As a complement to this work, our analysis looks at global supply
chain logistics performance and the consequent impacts on economic growth for 136 nations
from 2007 to 2017. While the size and time span of the sample are quite elaborate, formal cross-
country information on the very recent logistics challenges from COVID-19 will take some time
to emerge. This is one limitation faced by the present work.
The structure of the rest of the paper includes the literature and the model in the next section,
followed by data and estimation, results, and conclusions.

2. Literature and model

2.1. Literature

Broadly speaking, this research can be seen as merging the growth literature with that on
performance logistics (see Arvis, Raballand, & Marteau, 2007; Arvis et al., 2018; Eyob & Kahsai,
2019; Hausman, Lee, & Subramanian, 2005; Nordås, Pinali, & Grosso, 2006).
The importance of economic growth has garnered a lot of interest from economics scholars over
the years, with different studies examining the effectiveness of various drivers of growth across
countries (see Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2003; Gollop, Fraumeni, & Jorgenson, 1987; Jones, 2016;
Levine & Renelt, 1992; Mankiw, Romer, & Weil, 1992). However, the impact of supply chain
performance (especially along its various dimensions) on economic growth has not been consid-
ered within this body of research. The present research aims to fill this gap. Equally important,
we provide some estimates of the impacts of unexpected supply chain disruptions on economic
growth. This exercise gains added importance in the wake of the current COVID-19 crisis that
has strained supply chains worldwide.
Supply chain disruptions can be seen as a shock to trade liberalization, which has been shown
to be positively associated with economic growth (Pitlik, 2002; also see, Salvatore, 2020). Differ-
ent consequences of liberalization, like exports, have also been shown to spur economic growth
(Emery, 1967). The adverse impacts on output from breakdowns in production chains are sus-
ceptible to where the weakest chain links are and the underlying complementarity in production
stages (Jones, 2011). This has lead some researchers to consider the optimal chain length (Levine,
2012). Furthermore, microeconomic shocks can often trigger macroeconomic shocks (Carvalho
& Gabaix, 2013).
Given the recent (and unexpected) nature of the COVID-19 crisis, there are very few papers
discussing its economic implications – see Baldwin and Weder di Mauro (2020) and Eichelberger,
Hegselmann, Savage, Stadelmann, and Torgler (2020). Indeed, almost all of the related research is
qualitative in nature (due to a lack of access to relevant data). The present study adds by bringing
hard evidence to bear in the context of international economic growth.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Fig. 1. Economic growth and supply chain logistics.

Note: Data based on averages of all countries – see Table 1 for details.

The consideration of the different supply chain dimensions also enables us to take account of
the sequential nature of some of the aspects of the supply chain. If it turns out that the individual
aspects of logistics performance have differing growth consequences, i.e., with some positive and
some having negative growth impacts, then overall economic growth would not go up (and in
fact could go down), unless all supply chain dimensions improve in a coordinated and timely
manner. Viewed from a different angle, the individual stages of the supply chain can potentially
pose hold-up issues, where individual bottlenecks could detail a nation’s growth. The potential for
hold-up would depend upon related technical and logistical complementarities (Goel, 1990, 2009).
Therefore, an identification of such potential bottlenecks would be instructive for policymakers.
Beyond the technical dimensions of logistical bottlenecks, there may be political obsta-
cles related to the will (and financing constraints) to remove such obstacles (see Werlin,
1991). The logistics performance literature notes the importance of lower international trade
frictions brought on by better logistics performance (Hausman et al., 2005; Nordås et al.,
2006). The multilateral coordination challenges across nations have also been discussed in
the context of China’s Belt and Road (B&R) initiative (https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/
chinas-massive-belt-and-road-initiative). The B&R initiative is a massive multi-country venture
aimed at streamlining transportation and improving logistical bottlenecks in global supply chains.
The present work can also be tied to decision-making under uncertainty – how do the uncertainties
related to timely delivery or the quality of shipments impact economic growth?
An overview of the different bodies of work shows that the aspect studied is somewhat unique
and the tie to the coronavirus emergency adds special importance. Our formal empirical model

2.2. Model

Based on the above discussion, our testable hypothesis is the following:

Hypothesis 1: Better supply chain performance increases economic growth, ceteris paribus.
A preliminary look at the data underlying the above hypothesis is in Fig. 1. The underlying
logic is that improvements in supply chain performance are indicative of a removal of systemic
bottlenecks associated with, for example, the timely delivery of inputs and outputs, less wastage

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

during transportation, etc.4 All this should translate into improvements in economic growth. Thus,
the contribution of the supply chain to economic growth would be of interest to policymakers.
The general form of the estimated growth model, to test Hypothesis 1, with subscripts i and t,
respectively, denoting a country and a year, is the following:

EconGRit = f (Supply chain logisticsitm , Zitg , Landlockedi ) (1)

i = 1, . . ., 136; t = 2007, . . ., 2017; m = SClogistics, SCinput, SCoutput; g = GDP, INVEST,

EmpGR, HumanCap.
The dependent variable is the real per capita annual GDP growth rate across the 130-odd
nations in our sample. As Table 1 shows, the average per capita growth rate over 2007–2017 was
1.5 percent, with substantial variations across individual nations.
Using insights from the growth literature, we include a number of regressors to explain eco-
nomic growth, with the main focus (and novelty) lying in the consideration of various aspects of
supply chain logistics. How does supply chain performance impact economic growth?
Turning to the main focus then, we first consider an aggregate index of supply chain logistics
performance (SClogistics).5 Improved logistics performance, ceteris paribus, would lead to higher
economic growth. However, individual dimensions of logistics might impact growth differently.
Accordingly, we consider two sub-components or aspects, dealing with infrastructure (SCinput),
and the timeliness of delivery (SCoutput) – see Table 1 for details about how these were specifically
measured.6 Infrastructure is a crucial input in the feasibility, reliability and performance of the
logistics supply chain. On the other hand, the performance of the timeliness of deliveries is the
aspect most recipients such as firms are concerned with. Delays in shipments can result in cost
overruns with adverse impacts on profitability and even business survival.
As alluded to above, the impact of COVID-19 on global supply chains has also directly impacted
the very system treating it. Before the pandemic, about half of the global face masks were produced
in China (Ranney, Griffeth, & Jha, 2020). Due to the virus, the production was halted for a time,
resulting in decreased exports and global face mask (and ventilator) shortages. Other supply chain
disruptions have resulted in a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
gowns, and hand sanitizer for healthcare workers on the frontline (see Rowan & Laffey, 2020
for evidence from Ireland). This decreased supply and increased demand have led to increased
infections and deaths among healthcare workers when they are crucially needed. To help increase
the supply, governments are looking to suspend other industries using similar equipment, such as
artists and construction workers, and some non-essential services (such as elective surgeries).
Not only are the individual aspects of supply chain logistics qualitatively different, many of
those are sequentially dependent, or complementary (Jones, 2011). For instance, a good infras-
tructure would be an important precursor to the performance of subsequent shipments, tracking

4 At a micro level, however, some of the impacts of supply chain dimensions would depend upon the relation with other

inputs - i.e., whether there is substitution or complementarity (see Goel, 1990).

5 According to the World Bank, “The LPI (logistics performance index) is based on a worldwide survey of operators

on the ground (global freight forwarders and express carriers), providing feedback on the logistics “friendliness” of the
countries in which they operate and those with which they trade. They combine in-depth knowledge of the countries
in which they operate with informed qualitative assessments of other countries where they trade and experience of
global logistics environment. Feedback from operators is supplemented with quantitative data on the performance of key
components of the logistics chain in the country of work”, (https://lpi.worldbank.org/about).
6 While the supply chain has other dimensions, e.g., the quality of shipments and the ability to track them, our

consideration of the infrastructure and delivery timeliness seems to most clearly capture the input and output dimensions.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Table 1
Variable definitions, sources and summary statistics.
Variable Description [observations; mean; standard deviation] Source

EconGR Economic growth, measured as the log difference in real GDP PWT9.1
per capita (at constant 2011 national prices in millions of 2011
US dollars. [2002; 0.017; 0.047]
SClogistics Overall supply chain logistics performance index (LPI), LPI (2018)
measured as an unweighted average of the six sub-indicators
including timeliness, tracking and tracing, logistics quality and
competence, international shipments, infrastructure, and
customs. The index is rated from 1 = “very low” to 5 = “very
high”. [780; 2.852; 0.590]
SCinput Supply chain input logistics performance, measured by the LPI (2018)
infrastructure sub-index of LPI, which measures the quality of
trade and transport infrastructure, rated from 1 = “very low” to
5 = “very high”. [780; 2.702; 0.703]
SCoutput Supply chain output logistics performance measured by the LPI (2018)
timeliness sub-index of LPI, which measures the frequency
with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or
expected delivery times, rated from 1 = “hardly ever” to
5 = “nearly always”. [780; 3.272; 0.602]
GDP Log of real GDP per capita (at constant 2011 national prices in PWT9.1
millions of 2011 US dollars. [2002; 9.279; 1.179]
INVEST Log of the share of real GPD per capita that is gross capital PWT9.1
formation, at current PPP. [2002; −1.502; 0.435]
EmpGR The log difference in the number of persons engaged in the PWT9.1
labor force (in millions) defined as anyone age 15 years and
over that was employed during the reference week or had a job
in which they were temporarily absent. [1893; 0.020; 0.029]
HumanCap Human capital index, which is based on years of schooling and PWT9.1
an assumed rate of return to education, higher values imply
greater human capital [1584; 2.554; 0.691]
LandLocked Dummy variable equal to 1 for landlocked countries, and zero Mayer and Zignago (2011)
BorderLength The length of the country’s land border, measured in http://chartsbin.com/view/mp2
kilometers. [1759; 3158.155, 3464.317]

Notes: Summary statistics based on all available data for 147 countries for the years 2007–2017. The number of countries
included in the estimated models is somewhat smaller due to missing observations. LPI: Logistics Performance Index –
https://lpi.worldbank.org/about. PWT: Penn World Tables 9.1.

and timely delivery. On the other hand, the performance of customs might not matter very much
for nations that are largely self-reliant. We consider the input and output dimensions of supply
chain in our analysis.
The usual controls as drivers of economic growth include physical capital investment
(INVEST), labor force growth (EmpGR), and labor quality (HumanCap), (see Romer, 1990).7 The
consideration of capital and labor inputs can be viewed in the context of an aggregate production
function of nations. These are expected to have a positive impact on growth and are routinely used
in the related literature (see Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2003; Jones, 2016). In addition, to consider
the possibility that the level (or base) of economic prosperity dictates how fast a nation might

7 Kapataidakis et al. (2001) suggest that the relation between human capital and economic growth may be nonlinear.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

grow economically, we include lagged GDP as a regressor. It is generally the case that after a cer-
tain level of prosperity, nations find it hard to maintain high rates of economic growth (so-called
Furthermore, land locked nations like Austria, Mongolia, Nepal, Switzerland, etc. face special
logistical challenges as they are unable to use sea transportation routes directly (see Arvis et al.,
2007; Eyob & Kahsai, 2019), and we include a dummy variable, LandLocked, to identify such
nations. Landlocked nations have to rely on their neighbors for access to sea routes, and, depending
on a landlocked nation’s geography, even building airfields in some landlocked nations might be
challenging (e.g., Bhutan, Bolivia). Changing the land locked status of a nation however is largely
exogenous from a policy perspective.8
The following section discusses the data used and the estimation procedure(s) employed to
estimate Eq. (1).

3. Data and estimation

3.1. Data

The data used to estimate the model is an unbalanced panel of 136 countries observed from 2007
to 2017. Complete details are in Table 1, including variable definitions, summary statistics, and
sources. The time frame of our sample is constrained by the logistics variables that are available
biannually from 2007 to 2018 (see – https://lpi.worldbank.org/about).
The dependent variable is a measure of total annual economic growth calculated as the log
difference of real GDP per capita. The average growth rate (from 2007 to 2017) in the sample is
1.5%, ranging from a low of −9.5% (Yemen) to a high of 7.6% (Zimbabwe).
The main explanatory variable is an index capturing the overall supply chain logistics per-
formance. This index is constructed using several dimensions of supply chain logistics based on
timeliness and infrastructure, etc. (see https://lpi.worldbank.org/about for details; also see Arvis
et al., 2018). We include the aggregate logistics performance index (SClogistics), and compare it
to its input and output dimensions, taking logistics infrastructure to be the input (SCinput), and
the timeliness of supply chain to be the output (SCoutput). These logistics dimensions are qual-
itatively different not only technically but also from potential policy perspectives. For instance,
infrastructure changes are costly and mostly not possible in the short term, while timeliness
performance can be altered relatively easily by policy interventions (e.g., via incentives or fines).
The average supply chain logistics index (SClogistics) is 2.96 (on a five-point scale; higher
values denoting better performance), with Germany showing the highest supply chain performance
(4.2) and Syria (1.6) the lowest. Likewise, logistics performance varies depending on whether it is
an input or an output of the supply chain. For example, in terms of supply chain output performance
(SCoutput), Luxembourg (4.8) scores the highest and Burundi (1.6) scores the lowest; while in
terms of supply chain input performance (SCinput), Germany (4.4) scores the highest and Syria
(1.2) the lowest. Strategic, political, and geographic factors, along with the degree of globalization
will dictate how the supply chains in individual nations would fare in the wake of the coronavirus
crisis–even in nations that are largely unaffected directly by the disease. However, the unknown
scope and end times of the virus spread make decisions, especially related to long term investments,

8 A glaring anecdotal case involves Bolivia’s unsuccessful attempts to regain sea access for over a century –


R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Table 2
Correlation matrix of key variables.
EconGR SClogistics SCinput SCoutput

EconGR 1
SClogistics −0.114 1
SCinput −0.149 0.969 1
[0.000] [0.000]
SCoutput −0.074 0.928 0.863 1
[0.046] [0.000] [0.000]

Notes: See Table 1 for variable definitions. N = 587. Probability values are in brackets.

Fig. 1 shows the relation between EconGR and SClogistics across the sample countries (based
on annual averages across available countries). This figure provides an exposition of the correlation
(−0.11 and statistically significant) between the two variables that is given in Table 2. Interestingly,
improvements in supply chain performance precede improvements in economic growth and this is
clearly evident around the time following the recent financial crisis of 2008–2009. The shocks to
the supply chain from COVID-19-related restrictions and bottlenecks are likely to have negative
ripple effects on economic growth.
Details about the data used, including summary statistics, variable definitions and data sources
are provided in Table 1. Table 2 provides pairwise correlations between the key variables of
interest, which shows a negative correlation between logistics performance and economic growth.
The formal analysis below will test the strength of these relations in the context of other potential
influences on economic growth.

3.2. Estimation

To estimate the baseline models for the overall and each dimension of supply chain logis-
tics performance, including input and output of supply chain logistics, we use OLS estimation
and control for region specific effects and time effects. At the bottom of Table 3, we report the
Cameron and Trivedi’s (1990) information matrix and decomposition test for heteroskedasticity,
nonnormal skewness, and nonnormal kurtosis. A rejection of homoskedasticity and nonnormal
skewness/kurtosis suggests that the errors are heteroskedastic and nonnormal. To deal with het-
eroskedasticity, we gauge the statistical significance of individual coefficient estimates using
robust standard errors. To deal with non-normality, we re-estimate the baseline models using
quantile regression (see Section 4.3).
Further, there is the potential for simultaneity between economic growth and supply chain
logistics performance, whereby growth could impact supply chain performance. Thus, we account
for this endogeneity using two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation in Table 4; also see Section
4.2. Finally, Table 5 reports results from quantile regression to determine if the impact of logistics
performance is sensitive to the underlying growth rate. The results section follows.

4. Results

4.1. Baseline models

Table 3 reports results from our baseline regressions, with both the aggregate logistics index
and its components highlighted.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Table 3
Supply chain performance and economic growth: Baseline models. Dependent variable: EconGR.
(3.1) (3.2) (3.3)

SClogistics 0.010**
SCinput 0.003
SCoutput 0.011***
GDP(t−1) −0.009*** −0.009*** −0.009***
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
INVEST 0.018*** 0.018*** 0.018***
(0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
EmpGR 0.271*** 0.273*** 0.268***
(0.087) (0.088) (0.087)
HumanCap 0.010** 0.011*** 0.010**
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
LandLocked 0.005 0.004 0.005
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
Logistics measure 1.439** 0.471 1.760**
(0.672) (0.489) (0.695)
Cameron & Trivedi’s IM-Test
Heteroskedasticity [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Skewness [0.091] [0.084] [0.093]
Kurtosis [0.135] [0.130] [0.141]
Total [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Observations 513 513 513
R-squared 0.226 0.220 0.230

Notes: See Table 1 for variable details. Each model is estimated using OLS controlling for regional and time-specific
effects. A constant term is included but not reported. Robust standard errors are in parentheses and probability values are
in brackets. Standard errors of elasticities are calculated using the delta method.
Asterisks denote the following significance levels: ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05.

The results show that improvements in overall logistics performance boost economic
growth–the resulting coefficient on SClogistics is positive and statistically significant. While not
entirely surprising, this finding attains somewhat special importance during the current pandemic
that has constrained the supply chains worldwide. Policymakers have been scrambling to find
effective ways not only to combat the medical repercussions and the economic fallout (Arbolino
& Di Caro, 2020; Kumar, Priya, & Srivastava, 2020). This supports Hypothesis 1 posed above.
In terms of economic significance, the corresponding elasticity estimate suggests that economic
growth would increase by approximately 14.4% following a ten percent improvement in supply
chain performance.
Upon disaggregating supply chain logistics into its input and output components, the results
qualitatively show that both do not have positive and statistically significant effects on economic
growth. Specifically, the coefficient on supply chain input logistics (SCinput) is positive but sta-
tistically insignificant, whereas that on supply chain output logistics (SCoutput) is positive and
highly statistically significant. These results point to the output of supply chain logistical perfor-
mance as the driving force behind economic growth. This makes sense, since the timeliness of
shipments enables planning for delivery and use, and that does have positive growth dividends.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Table 4
Supply chain performance and economic growth: accounting for simultaneity. Dependent variable: EconGR.
(4.1) (4.2) (4.3)

SClogistics 0.024*
SCinput 0.021*
SCoutput 0.029*
GDP(t−1) −0.013*** −0.013*** −0.013***
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
INVEST 0.017*** 0.017*** 0.016***
(0.006) (0.006) (0.006)
EmpGR 0.260*** 0.261*** 0.253***
(0.093) (0.094) (0.093)
HumanCap 0.006 0.006 0.006
(0.005) (0.005) (0.005)
LandLocked 0.007* 0.007* 0.008*
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Observations 451 451 451
R-squared 0.214 0.190 0.205
Endogeneity test 1.517 2.817* 1.154
[0.218] [0.093] [0.283]
Weak Identification test 29.18 24.01 11.45
Underidentification test 33.41*** 30.83*** 17.33***
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Overidentification test 0.121 0.016 0.216
[0.728] [0.899] [0.642]

Notes: See Table 1 for variable details. Each equation is estimated using two-stage least squares controlling for regional
and time-specific effects. For each potentially endogenous logistics variables we used BorderLength and their own spatial
lag (averaged from 2007–2010). A constant term is included but not reported. Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
Asterisks denote the following significance levels: ***p < 0.01; *p < 0.1.

Also, if deliveries are delayed and not on time, consequent payments for goods and services are
delayed, then workers and suppliers are not paid on time and so on. This ripple effect understand-
ably would have adverse growth consequences. Along another, relevant and timely, dimension,
the timeliness of deliveries is especially important with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines, with
implications for the savings of lives and scarce and costly vaccines going to waste due to shipment
delays.9 Quantitatively, a ten percent increase in the performance of supply chain output would
boost economic growth by about 17.6%.
Regarding the other drivers of growth, the results are broadly in line with the literature–higher
investment, and both the quantity and quality of labor boost economic growth. The complemen-
tarity between the quantity and the quality of labor has obvious public policy implications. As
expected, more prosperous nations grow somewhat slowly, suggesting convergence in the rates

9 For relevant examples related to supply chain disruptions in vaccine distribution, see the following:

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30304-2/fulltext and https://theconversation.com/


R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel
Table 5
Impact of supply chain performance across nations with different growth rates: quantile regression. Dependent variable: EconGR.
Impact of: Aggregate supply chain performance Supply chain input performance Supply chain output performance
(5.1) (5.2) (5.3) (5.4) (5.5) (5.6) (5.7) (5.8) (5.9)
Quantile: Q25 Q50 Q75 Q25 Q50 Q75 Q25 Q50 Q75

SClogistics 0.018*** 0.003 −0.005

(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
SCinput 0.012*** −0.001 −0.006
(0.004) (0.003) (0.004)
SCoutput 0.017*** 0.003 0.001
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
GDP(t−1) −0.017*** −0.010*** −0.008** −0.016*** −0.009*** −0.006* −0.017*** −0.010*** −0.008***
(0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003)
INVEST 0.020*** 0.016*** 0.017*** 0.022*** 0.014*** 0.017*** 0.022*** 0.014*** 0.018***

(0.008) (0.005) (0.006) (0.008) (0.004) (0.005) (0.008) (0.004) (0.005)

EmpGR 0.287*** 0.185*** 0.131 0.269*** 0.190*** 0.136 0.270*** 0.197*** 0.107
(0.097) (0.082) (0.082) (0.093) (0.074) (0.090) (0.103) (0.082) (0.081)
HumanCap 0.016*** 0.010*** 0.007*** 0.014*** 0.010*** 0.008*** 0.018*** 0.008*** 0.005
(0.006) (0.005) (0.004) (0.005) (0.004) (0.003) (0.006) (0.004) (0.004)

Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

LandLocked 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.004
(0.004) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
H0 :Q25 = Q50 = Q75 7.89*** 10.18*** 4.91***
(Logistics measure) [0.000] [0.000] [0.008]
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513 513 513 513
Pseudo R-squared 0.145 0.163 0.178 0.134 0.163 0.181 0.145 0.163 0.177

Notes: See Table 1 for variable details. Each model is estimated using quantile regression controlling for regional and time specific effects. A constant term is included but not
reported. Bootstrapped (100 replications) standard errors are in parentheses. Q25 is the 25th percentile, Q50 is the 50th percentile (median), and Q75 is the 75th percentile.
Asterisks denote the following significance levels: ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1.
R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

of growth. Finally, economic growth in landlocked nations was no different from other nations.10
Overall, the insights about the role of logistics performance and the different influences of the input
and output dimensions of logistics on growth appear to be new insights to the widely-researched
growth literature.

4.2. Robustness check: accounting for potential simultaneity between economic growth and
logistics performance

There is the possibility of reverse feedbacks from growth to logistics performance – higher
growth nations have greater resources devoted to logistics and infrastructure, and thus would
likely have better performance.11 Besides checking for the robustness of the results in Table 3,
policymakers would be interested in identifying the direction of causality before taking any
corrective actions.
Accordingly, Table 4 considers supply chain logistics to be endogenous, and we instrument
each logistics measure by a weighted average of neighboring countries’ supply chain logistics per-
formance (averaged from 2007 to 2010), and the length of a nation’s land border (BorderLength).12
The spatial lag of logistics spillovers from neighboring nations is constructed by calculating the
inverse distance between each country i and j, 1/dij , where d is the geographic distance between
country i and country j’s centroid. The spatial lag thus is able to consider a nation’s relations
beyond its immediate neighbors. In addition, we consider the length of a country’s land border (in
kilometers) as an additional instrument (BorderLength). The average border length of countries
in our sample a little more than 3100 km.
Both instruments (assumed to be exogenous) are highly correlated with supply chain logistics
performance as evidenced by the rejection of the underidentification and weak identification tests
reported in Table 4. Furthermore, the Hansen J test for overidentification fails to reject the validity
of the instruments—instrument diagnostic tests and results are reported at the bottom of Table 4.
The results show that the baseline results are valid. Importantly, aggregate and both the input
and output dimensions of supply chain performance contribute positively to economic growth
(although, the statistical support is at the 10% level). Indeed, the magnitude of the impact is
more than twice as much as the baseline estimates, however, less precisely estimated. Again, the
growth dividends from improvements in the input of logistics performance are substantial, with
quantitative differences across the input and output dimensions. A rejection of the endogeneity
test for SCinput suggests endogeneity is a possible reason for its insignificance in the baseline
The results for investment and labor and lagged GDP in Table 4 are qualitatively similar to
Table 3. The growth dividends from investment are generally widely recognized by policymakers.

10 Some landlocked nations, depending upon their trade relations with their immediate neighbors and the nature of their

exports and imports, might be able to overcome significant drawbacks that being landlocked might pose. Anecdotally,
Austria and Switzerland seem to fit that bill.
11 As an alternative robustness check, we re-estimated the baseline models with initial real GDP per capita (i.e., beginning

of the sample period) in place of its lagged value and used lagged values of each logistics variable in place of their contem-
poraneous values. The results—available upon request—showed that coefficients were all statistically insignificant. The
lack of statistical significance of the logistics variables suggests that contemporaneous degrees of logistical performances
are relatively more important for growth.
12 Bergh and Nilsson (2014) and Berggren and Nilsson (2015) also use information from neighboring countries as


R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Further support for the baseline models is shown by the endogeneity test results that suggest that
supply chain logistics is exogenous. Additionally, there seems to be somewhat greater support
for higher growth in landlocked nations,13 with the coefficients on HumanCap showing a lack of
statistical significance. We now consider some further dimensions to shed additional light on the
logistics-growth nexus.

4.3. Do improvements in logistics performance similarly impact slow-growth and

high-growth nations?

Nations differ in growth rates and these differences impact their structural and institutional
development over time, among other things (Goel & Saunoris, 2016). In the context of the issue
at hand, important factors influencing logistics performance (e.g., infrastructure quantity and
quality) might differ significantly across low growth and high growth nations. Do the growth-
effects of logistics differ for high-growth and low-growth countries? To answer this question, we
re-estimated the baseline models in Table 3 using quantile regression.
Quantile regression allows the independent variables to have differential impacts on the
dependent variable at different quantiles (see Koenker & Hallock, 2001). Moreover, because
the diagnostics tests in Table 3 showed evidence of non-normality of the error term, quantile
regression is a useful robustness check as it avoids any distributional assumptions on the error
process. Table 5 reports the results for the quantile regression at the 25th, 50th (median), and 75th
percentile of the dependent variable, economic growth.
The answer to the question posed in the title to this section is in the affirmative – the impact
of logistics performance is indeed sensitive to the growth rate. Specifically, economic growth
in low-growth nations seems to benefit from improvements in logistics performance. The results
show that the coefficient on supply chain logistics is positive and statistically significant only at the
25th percentile. Similarly, the impact of both supply chain input and output logistics on economic
growth occurs significantly only at the 25th percentile. The effect of supply chain logistics and its
components are statistically insignificant at the 50th (median) and 75th percentile. Further, the null
hypothesis stating the impact of each logistic measure is the same across each quantile is rejected,
given by low p-values reported at the bottom of Table 5. These results suggest that improving
supply chain logistical performance will mostly be beneficial to low-growth countries. From a
policy angle, and especially with the current focus on COVID-19, this is an insight with potentially
useful implications. Supply chain issues with getting the COVID-19 vaccinations and related
medical supplies have been a concern worldwide. Our results suggest that supply chain disruptions
would likely create a double-whammy in low growth nations – besides issues with combating
the pandemic effectively and efficiently, supply chain performance in such nations would also
undermine economic growth. On the other hand, the relatively high-growth nations (i.e., those at
Q50 or Q75 in Table 5) do not seem to be significantly impacted, at least in terms of economic
growth.14 These results argue against blanket growth-promoting policy recommendations for all
Turning to the control variables, the coefficient on lagged GDP is negative and statistically
significant across all models. Moreover, the magnitude of the coefficient is larger (in absolute

13 It could be the case that the nature of outputs of landlocked nations is such that their geography is less of an issue

(e.g., computer software (Andrés & Goel, 2012; Hsieh & Goel, 2019)).
14 Governments have embarked on different initiatives to promote economic growth or avoid adverse outcomes during

the COVID-19 pandemic (see, for example, Arbolino & Di Caro, 2020; also see Kumar et al., 2020).

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Table 6
Simulated growth impacts of supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19.
Magnitude of disruption→ 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30%

Country EconGR SClogistics SClogistics disruption Corresponding EconGR

(sample values)

China 6.4% 3.50 3.15 2.80 2.45 5.5% 4.6% 3.7%

USA 0.7% 3.91 3.52 3.13 2.74 0.6% 0.5% 0.4%
Sierra Leone 2.4% 2.01 1.81 1.61 1.41 2.0% 1.7% 1.4%
Germany 1.3% 4.12 3.71 3.29 2.88 1.1% 0.9% 0.8%
Nepal 3.2% 2.27 2.04 1.82 1.59 2.7% 2.3% 1.8%

Notes: Simulations are based off the elasticity estimate 1.44 reported in Model 3.1 of Table 3.

value) at lower quantiles, suggesting greater convergence for countries with lower growth rates,
as expected. Human capital and physical capital investment are also statistically significant across
all models (except in Model 5.9, where HumanCap in statistically insignificant), with the largest
impact occurring at the lowest quantile. The policy insight about growth-dividends, especially in
low growth nations, from human capital improvements is not new. However, many such nations
are caught in a vicious circle plagued by resource constraints. The effects of employment are also
greatest at the lowest quantile and then become insignificant at the highest quantile. Finally, the
impact of landlocked countries is statistically insignificant, implying that the growth patterns in
such nations were no different from other nations.

5. Simulated impact of supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19

It seems useful to do a simulation exercise and draw some inferences for growth, especially
during the current pandemic. Accordingly, in this section, we conduct simulations of supply chain
disruptions and their impacts on economic growth (also see Ivanov, 2020). This treatment can be
seen as being complementary to that in Section 4.3. To carry-out these simulations, we consider
five somewhat heterogeneous countries as a basis of comparison. We then alternatively consider
a 10%, 20%, and 30% decline in supply chain logistics performance.15 For each scenario, we
trace out its corresponding impact on economic growth based on the elasticity 1.44 estimated in
Model 3.1 of Table 3.
The results show a significant impact of logistics performance on economic growth. For exam-
ple, in Germany, a 30% shock or disruption in supply chain logistics performance (4.12 to 2.88)
would yield a decline in economic growth from the sample average of 1.3% to 0.8%, (Table 6). On
the other hand, a smaller disruption of 10% would lower the German growth to 1.1%. A similar
logistics disruption of 10% would lead to an almost six percent drop in the Chinese economic
growth. Indeed, these are likely to underestimate the true effect given the obvious spillovers from
supply chain disruptions from one country to another (see Hausman et al., 2005; Elekdag et al.,
2015). The corresponding declines in growth rates for the other selected nations are shown in
Table 6.16 We note significant differences in growth impacts, even in the small selected group of

15 Admittedly, our choice of the three percentages is somewhat arbitrary, but they seem plausible under the current

16 Recall that following a growth setback, the recovery of individual nations would take different trajectories, dictated

by numerous economic, political, geographic and strategic factors.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Overall, we see that supply chain disruptions have significant adverse growth effects and these
disruptions have become significant in many cases with the current pandemic.17 Supply chain
performance is a crucial cog in the growth wheel.18 Viewed differently, our macro-level growth
impacts of COVID-19 disruptions can be seen as a complement to firm-level challenges identified
in the private sector (see Alicke et al., 2020). From a remedial policy perspective, however, it
is quite possible that the short-run focus of policymakers in many nations, given the COVID-19
pandemic, would likely be on saving lives and controlling the virus, even at the expense of meeting
certain short-term growth targets. The concluding section follows.

6. Conclusions

Reliable supply chains are crucial to the productivity and economic growth of nations. The
reliance of nations on global supply networks has increased with greater globalization (Arvis et al.,
2018). The performance and reliability of global supply chains have gained greater recognition
in the face of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic (see https://www.weforum.org/
Despite the recognition of its importance, formal research on the contribution of supply chain
logistics, including the relative impacts across different logistics dimensions, is scarce (see Luo &
Tsang, 2020 for a recent example). This paper uses data over a recent decade for over 130 nations to
examine the relative effects of the different aspects of supply chain logistics on economic growth.
Besides the large sample size, a key contribution of this work lies in comparing the growth effects
of aggregate logistics performance with that of its input and output dimensions. Fig. 1 shows
no clear pattern of a relationship between the aggregate logistics performance and cross-country
economic growth and the formal econometric turns out to be more informative.
Our results show that improvements in the aggregate supply chain logistics performance yield
positive growth dividends. This shows support for Hypothesis 1 outlined above. These dividends
are also present in the two disaggregated dimensions of logistics, including logistics input (infras-
tructure) and logistics output (timeliness of deliveries). The importance of timeliness makes sense
when one thinks that payments for transactions are fully made upon timely delivery. In the absence
of timeliness, the subsequent production stages would be adversely affected, with negative growth
consequences. Improvements in infrastructure, on the other hand, are less amenable to short term
policy initiatives. The main findings of the paper are robust to the allowance for bi-directional
causality between supply chain logistics and economic growth (Table 4). The growth impacts
of investment, labor growth, and labor quality are positive and generally in line with the extant
literature. However, the impacts of being landlocked nations were somewhat mixed.
Importantly, our analysis uniquely shows that the growth effects of logistics are sensitive to
the prevailing growth rates in nations (Table 5). In particular, nations at the low end of the growth
spectrum tend to benefit significantly from improvements in logistics performance. Conversely,
such nations are likely to be especially challenged in times of the current COVID-19 pandemic
when supply chains are variously compromised or undermined. The supply chain bottlenecks
might have secondary ripple effects across nations in the globalized economy. These results also
argue against blanket growth-promoting policies across nations with different growth rates.

17 Beyond the growth impacts, the human costs of COVID-19 are quite substantial. A formal study of that is beyond the

scope of current work.

18 Along a different dimension, Goel et al. (2020) showed that supply chain performance might impact the prevalence

of corruption across countries.

R.K. Goel, J.W. Saunoris and S.S. Goel Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (2021) 298–316

Many of these drivers of economic growth are adversely impacted by COVID-19, resulting in
negative growth impacts due to the disruption of supply chains. In addition to direct supply short-
ages (i.e., fewer exports), the impacted countries will have greater difficulty obtaining supplies to
manufacture goods (Baldwin & Weder di Mauro, 2020). The decreased demand (due to recession
and purchase caution by consumers) will likely further increase the economic decline. In other
words, there will be a decrease in investment, labor growth, and other supply chain logistics.
To combat this, countries may look to diversify their overseas suppliers as well as encourage the
return of business to national soil (although this is currently undermined by the travel restrictions),
(Baldwin & Weder di Mauro, 2020). As the pandemic subsides, a close eye must be kept on the
synchronous activity of multiple components of the supply chain. The simulation exercise in
Table 6 offers some hope—as supply chains are repaired in the post-covid era, either via inherent
resilience or through proactive policies, economic growth would bounce back.
Quantitatively, using the elasticities from Table 3, a one percent improvement in, say the overall
logistics quality (SClogistics) would result in an overall increase in the economic growth of 1.4
percent, while a similar increase in the logistics output performance (SCoutput) would increase
economic growth by almost two percent.
Governments around the world have been paying attention to improving supply chain per-
formance. The coronavirus crisis has brought these issues to the forefront and added a sense of
urgency to government intervention. In the United States, the government has implemented The
Defense Production Act (https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/15666) to deal
with supply constraints related to such things as COVID-19. However, the realization of where
to focus limited government resources (in the United States and elsewhere) to ensure sufficient
supplies of essentials and lower the adverse impacts on economic growth does not seem to be
there. In this regard, the results of this study can provide some guidance.
Implementation of improvements in logistics performance is difficult and time-consuming,
given the complexities involved (see Arvis et al., 2018).19 In the case of the current pandemic, the
supply chain performance would be contingent on the event opening and ending times (Ivanov,
2020), and with the closing time being uncertain. In addition to the shortages and on-time delivery
of products, other impacts of COVID-19 could include less product diversity for consumers and
greater monopoly for those companies that can continue to produce products (see Goel, 2009 for
a theoretical model regarding the impact of technological complementarities on market power).
This would then pose challenges for antitrust regulators in the intermediate run. The impact of
COVID-19 could be further extrapolated to other major supply disruptions in the future, likely
resulting in readiness for future events.


An earlier version of this paper was circulated as CESifo Working Paper No. 8294. Comments
from the editors of this journal are appreciated.

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