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AI in education initially took the form of computers and computer-related systems,

and later, the form of web-based and online education platform. Embedded systems have
made it possible to use robots, in the form of cobots or humanoid robots as teacher colleagues
or independent instructors, as well as chatbots to perform teacher or instructor-like functions.
Richer or higher-quality instruction has been produced as a result of the usage of various
platforms and technologies, which have enabled or enhanced teacher effectiveness and
efficiency. In the same way, AI has enhanced the educational experiences of students by
making it possible to tailor and customize course materials to each student’s requirements and
skills. All things considered, artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the field of
education, especially the areas of administration, instruction, and learning (Chen L., Chen P.,
and Lin Z., 2020).

In a study by Ligot (2024) entitled “Performance, Skills, Ethics, Generative AI

Adoption, and the Philippines,” it was discovered that the Philippines has the greatest
monthly search volume for AI technologies per 100,000 people. Another study observed the
visits to popular AI tool sites, and found the Philippines ranked fourth in the world in terms of
traffic to AI tool sites, exceeded only by the US, India, and Indonesia – countries with far
larger populations. Against the context of the education sector’s dismal performance, these
numbers are encouraging. It is challenging to balance these figures with a low ranking in
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores and growing public pressure
from the local academic community to outlaw or severely restrict students’ use of AI tools.
This suggests that the advancement of AI expertise is occurring despite, rather than as a result
of, the educational system.

Students primarily use AI writing assistants, and they feel that using these tools
improved their performance. Researchers came to the conclusion that more should be utilized
about artificial intelligence’s potential in the field of education (Diloy M., and Comparativo
C. 2023).

The art of artificial intelligence (AI) is continuously advancing in various fields of

life, including education. According to a study from the Journal of Educational Management
and Learning (JEML) entitled “Student Perspectives on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in
Education: A Survey-Based Analysis,” the researchers analyzed the responses of students
from a survey that focused on students from different fields and levels of education. The
findings indicate that students generally view artificial intelligence (AI) favorably and think it
may help with education. They are still worried, though, about a few of the disadvantages of
employing AI. The study also suggests that, while continuing to benefit from AI’s advantages
in education, action must be taken to reduce its negative effects.

The Impact of AI on academic performance is generally perceived positively by

students. Based on the study “Artificial Intelligence as a Tool in Increasing Academic
Performance” by Peras (2023), the study discovered a strong and significant correlation
between AI involvement and academic success. Students actively engaging with AI are likely
to achieve higher academic performance. Educators and institutions should integrate AI
technologies into teaching and learning to improve academic performance, promote student
engagement, and ensure effective AI integration.

Meanwhile, A study by K. Al-Tkhayneh, E. Alghazo, and D. Tahat (2023), titled “The

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Artificial Intelligence in Education,” with the
objective of investigating the attitudes of Al Ain University students towards using artificial
intelligence in education, revealed that the majority of Al Ain University students believe that
artificial intelligence may increase learning, make administrative jobs easier, and provide
ideas for improvement. Nonetheless, a few students conveyed their apprehension over the
impact of artificial intelligence on conventional teaching positions, the precision of AI
suggestions, and the disappearance of interpersonal communication within the classroom.


Al-Tkhayneh K., Alghazo E., and Tahat D. (2023). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using
Artificial Intelligence in Education. https://digitallibrary.aau.ac.ae/handle/123456789/1168

Chen L., Chen P., and Lin Z., “Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review,” in IEEE Access, vol.
8, pp. 75264-75278, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2988510.

Diloy M., and Comparativo C. (2023). Exploring the Landscape of AI Tools in Student Learning: An
analysis of commonly utilized AI Tools at a university in the.

Ligot, D. (2024). Performance, Skills, Ethics, Generative AI Adoption, and the Philippines.

Peras, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence as a Tool in Increasing Academic Performance.

https://www.multiresearchjournal.com/admin/uploads/archives/archive- 1702714949.pdf

Student Perspectives on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Survey-Based Analysis.

(2023, August). https://heca-analitika.com/jeml/article/view/58

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