Taptap Send 1704747725825774104 en

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Transaction Confirmation Receipt

Sender Arnaldo Mavume

Sender Phone Number +351 932 902 039

R. Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva 236, 4200-389

Sender Address
Porto, 4200-389 Porto

Recipient Name Hermani Texeira

Recipient Phone Number +258 84 832 6333

Transfer Amount €40.00

Transfer Fee €0.00

Total Charged €40.00

Exchange Rate €1 = MZN 67

Total to Recipient MZN 2,688

Transfer Date 2024-04-11 17:29 GMT+1

Date Available 2024-04-11 18:29 GMT+2

Transaction ID 1704747725825774104

Taptap Send Belgium S.A. is regulated by the National Bank of Belgium as a payment institution in accordance with the law of 11 March
2018 with unique identification number 0754.970.695

Taptap Send Belgium S.A., incorporated in Belgium, Company Number 0754.970.695, Registered Office 31 Rue du Commerce, 1000
Bruxelles, Belgium.

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