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Filling the Missing: Exploring Generative AI for

Enhanced Federated Learning over
Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Devices
Peichun Li, Hanwen Zhang, Yuan Wu, Senior Member, IEEE, Liping Qian, Senior Member, IEEE,
Rong Yu, Member, IEEE, Dusit Niyato, Fellow, IEEE, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI) model training over mobile edge networks encounters significant challenges due to the
arXiv:2310.13981v2 [cs.LG] 29 Oct 2023

data and resource heterogeneity of edge devices. The former hampers the convergence rate of the global model, while the latter
diminishes the devices’ resource utilization efficiency. In this paper, we propose a generative AI-empowered federated learning to
address these challenges by leveraging the idea of FIlling the MIssing (FIMI) portion of local data. Specifically, FIMI can be considered
as a resource-aware data augmentation method that effectively mitigates the data heterogeneity while ensuring efficient FL training.
We first quantify the relationship between the training data amount and the learning performance. We then study the FIMI optimization
problem with the objective of minimizing the device-side overall energy consumption subject to required learning performance
constraints. The decomposition-based analysis and the cross-entropy searching method are leveraged to derive the solution, where
each device is assigned suitable AI-synthesized data and resource utilization policy. Experiment results demonstrate that FIMI can save
up to 50% of the device-side energy to achieve the target global test accuracy in comparison with the existing methods. Meanwhile,
FIMI can significantly enhance the converged global accuracy under the non-independently-and-identically distribution (non-IID) data.
Index Terms—Federated learning, generative AI, data compensation, resource management

1 I NTRODUCTION (a) converged accuracy under different levels of non-IIDness

Dir(0.9) IID
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced significantly in
content creation. Notably, vision models such as stable diffusion
and Imagen have demonstrated their impressive capability in Dir(0.5)

generating photo-realistic images [1]–[3]. These advancements Dir(0.3) non-IID

have sparked new possibilities that generative models can play

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
a significant role in enhancing the centralized training process. converged accuracy (%)

Specifically, the synthesized images produced by generative mod- (b) energy consumption with different amounts of local data
local data amount

els can be effectively utilized to improve the performance of

classification models [4]. In the realm of federated learning (FL),
where isolated devices with limited storage collaborate in training
a global model, data and resource heterogeneity have emerged 2000

as crucial challenges [5]–[9]. These factors lead to a slower 1500 ~ 4 times

convergence rate during the global training process. Consequently,

0 10 20 30 40 50
an intriguing and pertinent question arises, i.e., can generative AI single-round training energy consumption (J)

be harnessed to address these issues and improve the performance

of FL ultimately? Fig. 1. The impacts of data distribution and data amount on the training

‚ P. Li, H. Zhang, and Y. Wu are with the State Key Laboratory

of Internet of Things for Smart City, University of Macau, Macau, In this paper, we first investigate how the distribution of fed-
China, and also with Department of Computer and Information Science, erated local data impacts the training performance of FL. Specif-
University of Macau, Macau, China. (e-mail:,, ically, we focus on the VGG9 model [10] with 20 Nvidia Jetson
‚ L. Qian is with College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University Nano devices on CIFAR100 dataset [11]. We regulate the local
of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China ( dataset into different degrees of Dirichlet distribution, leading to
‚ R. Yu is with School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology,
Guangzhou, China, and also with Guangdong Key Laboratory of IoT
varying levels of non-independently-and-identically distribution
Information Technology, Guangzhou, China. (e-mail: (non-IID) data [12], [13]. As shown in the top subplot of Fig. 1,
‚ D. Niyato is with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, we observe that a well-distributed Dir(0.9) significantly improves
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Block N4-02a-32, Nanyang convergence accuracy compared to Dir(0.3). Here, Dir(z ) means
Avenue, Singapore. (e-mail:
‚ X. Shen is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- the Dirichlet distribution with parameter z , and a larger z means
ing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada (e-mail: a more homogeneous distribution of the samples (i.e., less non- IID distribution). The observation indicates that augmenting the
‚ Yuan Wu is the corresponding author.
data to eliminate the non-IID feature of local data holds promise

for enhancing the learning performance of FL. However, the the formulated problem and determine the corresponding
augmented training data introduces extra computation costs for solution for each device.
edge devices. As shown in the bottom subplot of Fig. 1, doubling ‚ Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed
the amount of data results in about a fourfold increase in energy FIMI can outperform the existing data augmentation FL
consumption under a fixed training latency. methods in terms of the device-side energy utilization and
The observations above offer insights for developing an effi- the accuracy of the global model after convergence.
cient and effective generative AI-enhanced FL system. To address
data heterogeneity, it is recommended to leverage generative The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
AI to compensate for the missing portion of local data. This 2 describes related studies. In Section 3, we illustrate the system
strategy can bridge the gaps in data distribution across devices model of FIMI. The theoretical analysis and the corresponding
and improve convergence accuracy. However, it is crucial to take solution are provided in Section 4. The experiment evaluations are
into account the locally available resources and adapt the amount presented in Section 5. We finally conclude the paper and discuss
of synthesized data on different devices accordingly. The majority the future directions in Section 6.
of current literature on generative AI-enhanced training methods
tends to prioritize improving the model accuracy in a centralized
training manner, disregarding the computation cost induced by
the augmented training dataset [4], [14]. These approaches may
shorten the battery lifetime and potentially degrade the user 1) Generative AI over edge networks. Generative AI on
experience when integrated into the FL system directly. Therefore, edge networks has attracted growing interest for its potential
we propose a resource-aware data augmentation framework, called to provide low-latency AI generative content (AIGC) services
FIlling the Missing (FIMI), which is designed for generative AI- [3]. Some studies focus on achieving efficient AIGC service by
enhanced FL systems. optimizing resource utilization [15] or by improving the freshness
The key idea behind FIMI is to leverage the concept of of the age of information [16]. In addition, diffusion model-
filling the missing portion of data for each device. Our goal is to integrated reinforcement learning presents a novel approach for
improve the learning performance of FL by utilizing a pre-trained solving complex optimization problems [17]. Recently, the study
generative AI model to synthesize customized local data while in [18] incorporates the FL framework to enhance the training
ensuring the training efficiency of edge devices. To this end, we and inference process of the AIGC model. However, the potential
first outline the generic workflow of our generative AI-empowered benefits of generative AI for FL training remain unexplored.
FL system. We then empirically measure the relationship between 2) Data augmentation methods for FL. Data augmentation
the amount of training data and model learning error to quan- methods provide an effective approach to address the issue of
titatively analyze the learning performance of FL. Furthermore, non-IID data distribution in FL. The early study in [19] shows that
we propose an optimization problem for minimizing the device- exchanging a small proportion of local data can alleviate the non-
side energy subject to the learning performance constraints. To IID issue. However, this approach may raise privacy concerns. In
solve this formulated problem, we introduce auxiliary variables addition, semi-supervised FL methods utilize the unlabelled data
and decompose the main problem into two sub-problems along to enhance learning performance [20], [21]. Recently, generative
with a top-layer searching problem. To find solutions for the adversarial networks (GAN) have emerged as a privacy-friendly
sub-problems, the convex optimization methods are leveraged to technique for data compensation in FL [22], [23]. However, the
obtain the optimal solution based on the theoretical analysis. For GAN-based methods may fail to produce photo-realistic data, and
the top-layer problem, the continuous cross-entropy algorithm is most of the existing methods overlook the extra training cost
employed to efficiently search the solution. After that, a data induced by the augmented dataset.
entropy maximization problem for mitigating the non-IID feature
3) Efficient training methods for FL. Efficient training methods
of local data is conducted to obtain the category-wise training
for FL have been widely studied in recent years. One popular
sample amount on each device. In this way, each wireless edge de-
approach is the gradient compression, which reduces the amount
vice is assigned a personalized solution, where the data synthesis
of data by compressing the gradients [24], [25]. Another approach
strategy and resource utilization policy are optimized to minimize
is topology-aware methods, such as hierarchical aggregation [26],
the device-side energy consumption while improving the learning
[27] and device-to-device communication [28], which consider
the network topology to optimize the communication pattern
Our main contributions are summarized as follows. and reduce the communication overhead. Furthermore, energy-
aware methods, such as wireless power transfer [29] and resource
‚ We propose a generative AI-enhanced FL framework
management [30]–[32], offer a green and sustainable framework
called FIMI to leverage the pre-trained generative models
for FL training. However, most of the existing studies do not
for filling the missing portion of the local data. The cali-
consider the heterogeneity of data distribution among different
brated distribution of local data improves the convergence
rate of FL training. participating devices, which can result in biased model updates.
‚ By combining the theoretical and empirical analysis, we
quantitatively establish the relationship between the train-
ing data amount and the learning performance of FL. 3 S YSTEM M ODEL
‚ We formulate a joint optimization of data synthesis strat-
egy and resource utilization policy, with the objective of In this section, we first introduce the structure of FIMI, and then
minimizing the energy consumption of FIMI over wireless present the mathematical modeling and optimization problems for
networks. We also propose an efficient algorithm to solve the data augmentation-based FL training.

(a) generative AI-enhanced FL (b) adaptive synthesized data assignment (c) distribution of local mixed dataset
the marker size represents the amount of
comp. capacity original local data original local data AI-synthesized data
the assigned AI-synthesized data
comm. capacity AI-synthesized data
before augmentation after augmentation

communication capacity
param. (S4) parameter (S2) data


device A
server aggregation synthesis B
diffusion (S1) strategy
model optimization
data category data category


parameter exchange

device B
data distribution
data category data category


device C
computation capacity
the device with a better computation
capacity and communication capacity will
device A device B device C be assigned a larger amount of AI- data category data category
(S3) training with mixed data synthesized data.

Fig. 2. left: FIMI over heterogeneous edge devices. middle: the amounts of synthesized data are personalized for different devices to match their
locally available resources. right: each device optimizes its category-wise synthesized data amount to mitigate the locally non-IID feature of data.

3.1 Structure of FIMI global model. The training process jumps to (S3) until the
predetermined maximum global iterations are reached.
We consider an FL scenario comprising a set of devices labeled
as t1, 2, . . . , Iu. Each device, denoted as i, holds an original Since the servers are usually equipped with sufficient computa-
local dataset Diloc , where |Diloc | “ Diloc represents the number tional resources and resilient power supply, we do not account
of local training samples. Our goal is to leverage a pre-trained for the latency and energy consumption during the data synthesis
generative model to create additional synthesized data Di for process. Empirical computation and communication overheads for
gen gen
each device i, with |Di | “ Di . In traditional FL systems, data synthesis and distribution will be illustrated in Section 5.1.
device i solely relies on its local dataset Diloc for the local model
update. Alternatively, the proposed FIMI adopts a mixed local
gen 3.2 Learning Performance Analysis
dataset Dimix “ Diloc Y Di to accelerate the convergence.
We focus on the FL task for image classification across C In this subsection, we quantitatively analyze the relationship
categories (or label types). The data synthesis strategy of device between the number of local samples and the overall training
i can be represented as tdgen performance. We first establish the mathematical formulation
i,c , pc “ 1, . . . , Cq. This strategy
gen gen that links the amount of local data to the individual learning
should meet the constraint c di,c “ Di , where di,c denotes
the amount of synthesized data for the c-th category on device i. performance. We then determine the unknown parameters in the
Before the beginning of FL training, a collaborative optimization formulation through the empirical fitting. Finally, we investigate
is undertaken between the server and edge devices to obtain the how the isolated local data from multiple devices can influence
data synthesis strategy. Following this, the server will employ the the global learning performance.
corresponding label as input for the diffusion model to generate
the required data. After the synthesized data is distributed to each 3.2.1 Local Data vs. Local Model Performance
device, the FL training with the mixed dataset is initiated. As Let δi denote the local learning error of device i when training on
shown in Fig. 2, the FIMI framework operates as follows. mixed data Dimix . According to the previous studies in [33]–[35],
the lower bound of the achievable local error can be modeled as
‚ (S1) Strategy optimization. The server conducts a central- the power-law function with respect to the training sample amount
ized optimization, as shown in the middle subplot of Fig. 2, of |Dimix |. The relationship between Diloc ` Di and δi can be
to determine the synthesized data amount for each device. expressed as
Each device then calculates the category-wise synthesized
δi “ αpDiloc ` Digen q´β ´ γ, (1)
data amount tdi,c u@c , pc “ 1, . . . , Cq, as shown in the
right subplot of Fig. 2, to rebalance the data distribution where α, β , and γ are three positive hyper-parameters that can be
and mitigate the non-IID feature of local data. determined through experiments.
‚ (S2) Data synthesis. Each device sends its data synthesis
request, specifying the category-wise amount of synthe- 3.2.2 Parameter Fitting on Proxy Task
sized data, to the server. The server infers the generative We next focus on determining the values of tα, β, γu. However,
model and distributes the required synthesized data to the since the local dataset is not visible to the server, direct parameter
corresponding devices in parallel. fitting on the target learning task by the server can raise privacy
‚ (S3) Training with mixed data. The server distributes concerns. We propose an alternative approach by determining
the global model to each device. Then, the local device these parameters using a public dataset. Specifically, we employ
performs the local training with the mixed local dataset, the classification task on the CINIC10 dataset as the proxy task
and then uploads its model update back to the server. for parameter fitting [36]. By assessing the learning error of
‚ (S4) Parameter aggregation. The server collects and ag- well-trained models on a variety of data amounts, we obtain the
gregates the local updates from all devices to renew the numerical results as shown in Fig. 3. It is noticed that this one-time

3.3.2 Communication Model

0.8 We next focus on the device-side uplink parameter transmission.
We consider the frequency division multiple access (FDMA)

Function δi = α(Diloc + Digen )−β − γ scheme with a preset total bandwidth of B . For the device i
local learning error

0.6 allocated with a sub-bandwidth of bi , its achievable transmitting

Parameter α β γ
rate for sending the local update to the server can be given by
Value 3.8196 0.1978 0.2308
` gi Pi ˘
0.4 ri “ bi log2 1 ` , (7)
N0 bi
where gi is the device-to-server channel gain, Pi is the transmit-
sample point
0.2 fitted curve ting power, and N0 is the power spectral density of background
Gaussian noise. Here, we utilize S to denote the data size of the
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 model update. The single-round latency required for device i to
number of local training data Dgen + Dloc
i i send its model update to the server is estimated by

Fig. 3. Local learning error δi with respect to local training data amount. S
Ticom “ . (8)

parameter fitting process can be conducted offline by the server, Moreover, the single-round energy consumption for device i to
and the results of fitting can be generalized to many learning tasks send its model update to the server can be calculated by
with different datasets. SPi
Eicom “ . (9)
3.2.3 Global Data vs. Global Model Performance
After estimating the local learning performance tδi u@i , the aver- 3.3.3 Problem Formulation
age local training error δ can be calculated as Based on the above modeling, the energy consumption of all the
I devices for one-round training can be expressed as
δ“ δi . (2) I I
I i“1 ÿ ÿ
E round “ Eicmp ` Eicom . (10)
Based on the theoretical analysis in [37], [38], when training with i“1 i“1
the average local training error δ , the number of global iterations Meanwhile, the system-wise learning latency for one-round train-
N to reach a pre-determined global learning error ∆ is bounded ing is calculated by
ζ lnp1{∆q T round “ max Ticmp ` Ticom .
N“ , (3) (11)
where ζ is a positive constant parameter. Furthermore, the rela- To optimize the proposed FIMI, we investigate an energy min-
tionship between the average local learning error δ and the global imization problem with a pre-determined learning performance
learning error ∆ can be captured by constraint. Specifically, given multiple devices with heterogeneous
resources in terms of computation, communication, and data
´ N pδ ´ 1q ¯
distribution, our objective is to optimize the optimal data synthesis
∆ “ exp . (4) gen
ζ strategy (i.e., tDi u, i “ 1, . . . , I ) and resource utilization policy
(i.e., tbi , fi , Pi u, i “ 1, . . . , I ) for each device. Mathematically,
By combing Eqns. (1), (2) and (4), we bridge the relationship
we aim at studying the following problem for each global round.
between the amount of local mixed dataset and the global learning
performance. pP1q min E round (12)
subject to: ∆ ď ∆max , (12a)
3.3 FIMI over Wireless Networks round max
T ďT , (12b)
3.3.1 Computation Model
0 ď Digen ď Dmax , @i, (12c)
Let ω denote the computation workload required for a single
0 ď fi ď fimax , @i, (12d)
training sample and τ represent the local epoch. According to [30], ÿI
[38], [39], the computation-related configurations of device i can bi ď B, (12e)
be profiled by two parameters, including the computing frequency
fi and the hardware energy coefficient ǫi . Thus, the single-round 0 ď Pi ď Pimax , @i, (12f)
energy consumption for the local model training at device i can variables: tDigen , fi , bi , Pi u@i ,
be estimated by
where ∆max , T max, and Dmax are the pre-determined maximum
Eicmp “ τ ǫi ωpDiloc ` Digen qfi2 . (5) allowable global error, the maximum latency for single round
learning, and the maximum amount of synthesized data for each
Furthermore, the required latency for a single-round local model device, respectively. Note that the data synthesis procedure is
training of device i is conducted by the server with powerful computing capabilities.
τ ωpDiloc ` Digen q Therefore, we solely focus on the device-side energy consumption
Ticmp “ . (6) in Problem (P1).

3.4 Analysis and Decomposition locally trained models as follows:

Before proposing the algorithms to solve Problem (P1) in Section ÿ
4, we present the analysis and decomposition in this subsection. pP4q min Pi Ticom (15)
tbi ,Pi u@i
We first leverage two lemmas to simplify the main problem.
After that, we decompose the simplified problem into three sub- subject to: ` gi Pi
˘ “ Ticom , @i, (15a)
problems. bi log2 1 ` N0 bi
To facilitate the analysis, we present the following lemmas. Constraints (12e) and (12f). (15b)
Lemma 1. The equality in Constraint (12a) always holds when After solving the above two sub-problems, we can obtain
the optimal data synthesis strategy tDi u@i is achieved. tDigen , fi , bi , Pi u@i with given tTicmp, Ticom u. Then, we continue
Proof. The lemma can be proved by showing contradiction. cmp,˚
to determine the optimal tTi , Ticom,˚ u@i for each device.
Given the optimal data synthesis strategy tDi u@i , suppose cmp
Instead of directly optimizing tTi , Ticom u, we introduce an
that the achieved global learning error is less than the maxi- auxiliary variable for each device to reduce the dimension of
mum allowable error, i.e., ∆ptDi u@i q ă ∆max . Based on optimization variables. Let ηi P p0, 1q denote the time split-
Eqns. (1) and (4), the global learning error ∆ decreases with ting factor for device i. Then, we have Ti
“ ηi T max and
Digen . Therefore, a feasible solution can always be constructed com
Ti “ p1 ´ ηi qT max
. Thus, our goal can be transformed into
by reducing the synthesized data of device i0 from Di0 to a top-layer searching problem that optimizes the splitting factor
gen,1 gen,˚ gen,1
Di0 , such that ∆ptDi u@i,i‰i0 Y Di0 q “ ∆max . As E round tηi u@i for each device as follows:
increases with Di , the energy consumption of the new solution
min E round tηi u@i
` ˘
tDi u@i,i‰i0 Y Digen ,1
will be lower than that of the optimal pP5q (16)
one. This completes the proof. subject to: ηimin ď ηi ď ηimax , @i, (16a)
Lemma 2. The equality in Constraint (12b) always holds under variables: tηi u@i ,
the optimal resource utilization policy tb˚ ˚ ˚
i , fi , Pi u@i .
where ηimin and ηimax are the lower and the upper bounds of
Proof. The lemma can be proved by showing contradiction.
the time splitting factor, respectively. Specifically, by combing
Suppose that under the optimal resource utilization policy
Eqns. (6), (7) and (8), the value of ηimin can be obtained by
tb˚i , fi˚ , Pi˚ u@i , the single-round latency required is smaller than
the maximum latency, i.e., T round ă T max . According to Eqn. (6), τ ωDiloc
ηimin “ , (17)
the training latency increases with fi . Therefore, a feasible so- T maxfimax
lution can always be constructed by reducing the computing and ηimax can be calculated by
frequency of device i0 from fi˚0 to fi10 . Similar to the proof of
Lemma 1, the new solution will consume less energy than the S
ηimax “ 1 ´ gi Pimax
. (18)
optimal one. This completes the proof. T max Blog 2 p1 ` N0 B q
By combing Eqn. (4) and the above two lemmas, Problem (P1) After decomposing the main problem into two sub-problems, we
can be simplified as
will proceed to present the solution for each problem in Section 4.
pP2q min E round (13)
ÿ ζI ` max ˘ 4.1 Solution for Problem (P3)
subject to: δi “ I ` ln ∆ , (13a)
i“1 The procedure for solving Problem (P3) is outlined as follows. We
Ticmp ` Ticom “ T max , (13b) first simplify the problem by variable substitutions. After that, we
Constraints (12c)-(12f), (13c) leverage the convex optimization technique to obtain the optimal
variables: tDigen , fi , bi , Pi u@i . gen
Based on Eqn. (1), Di can be expressed as a function of δi
as follows:
Moreover, by determining the latency for both local model ´ γ ` δ ¯´ β1
training and local update transmission for each device (i.e., Digen “ ´ Diloc . (19)
tTicmp , Ticomu@i ), Problem (P2) can be decomposed into two
Moreover, by combing Constraint (14a) and Eqn. (19), fi can be
distinct sub-problems as described in the following.
further represented by δi as
The first sub-problem, denoted as Problem (P3), aims at
minimizing all devices’ energy consumption for their local model τ ωp γ`δ
α q
i β

training, which is expressed as follows: fi “ cmp . (20)

ÿ Next, by substituting Eqns. (19) and (20) into Problem (P3),
pP3q min
τ ǫi ωpDiloc ` Digen qfi2 (14) the problem is simplified as follows:
tDi ,fi u@i
i“1 I
τ ωpDiloc ` Digen q
ÿ 3

subject to: “ Ticmp , @i, (14a)

pP6q min ρi pγ ` δi q´ β (21)
tδi u@i
fi i“1
Constraints (12c), (12d), and (13a). (14b) ÿ ζI ` max ˘
subject to: δi “ I ` ln ∆ , (21a)
The second sub-problem, denoted as Problem (P4), aims at
minimizing all devices’ energy consumption for uploading their δimin ď δi ď δimax , @i, (21b)
3ρi 3ρi
where ρi is an intermediate constant calculated by ‚ When β`3 ď ν ď β`3 , we have
βpδimax `γq β βpδimin `γq β

ǫi pτ ωq3 λi “ 0 and ψi “ 0. Thus ν “ 3ρi

ρi “ ` cmp˘2 ´ 3 ą 0. (22) βpδi `γq
Ti α β
By summarizing the above three cases into one equation, we
Here, the lower bound of δi can be obtained by
obtain the solution in Eqn. (25). Thus, we complete the proof.
! f max T cmp )¯´β
We next aim to find the value of ν ˚ that satisfies Constraint
δimin “ α min i i
, Diloc ` Dmax ´ γ, (23)
τω (21a) according to Theorem 1. Based on Eqn. (25), the optimal
and the upper bound of δi is calculated as value ν ˚ can be expressed as a function of δi˚ as follows:

δimax “ αpDiloc q´β ´ γ. (24)

ν˚ “
3ρi ` ˚ ˘´ β`3
δ β
. (28)
β i
Note that
řI the solution to Problem ` (P6) ˘reliesřon Constraint
ζI I
(21a). If `i“1 δimin ą I ` N ln ∆ max
or i“1 δi
ă Note that ν ˚ decreases as δi˚ increases for δi˚ ą 0. Thus, the
search range rν min , ν max s for ν ˚ can be given by
I ` N ln ∆max , then Problem (P6) is infeasible. In the
following,`we focus on the practical case that i“1 δimin ď $ ! 3ρ ` ˘´ β`3 )
I i
I ` ζI ’ν min “ min δimax
ď i“1 δimax .
N ln ∆ ,
’ (29a)
Theorem 1 (Solution for Problem (P6)). Suppose that ` amax
feasible ! 3ρ ` ˘´ β`3 )
řI i
scenario where inequality i“1 δimin ď I ` ζI %ν max “ max δimin
ln ∆ ď β
. (29b)

řI N i β
i“1 δi holds. The optimal solution to Problem (P6) can be
expressed as 1 řI
According to Eqn. (25), the value of i“1 δi is non-increasing
„´ β δ
3ρi ¯ β`3 i
with respect to ν . Therefore, the value of ν ˚ can be efficiently
δi “ , @i, (25) obtained by the bi-section search. Furthermore, the algorithm for
βν ˚ δ min i solving Problem (P3) is shown in Algorithm 1. Specifically, the
˚ computational complexity ˘for Algorithm 1 can be approximated
where the variable ν is determined through a search process in `
order to find the optimal solution tδi˚ u@i that satisfies Constraint by O log2 pν max ´ ν min q .
Proof. It can be verified that Problem (P6) is a convex Algorithm 1: Bisection search for Problem (P3)
optimization problem with respect to δi . We next employ Input: ν min , ν max , and a small positive number ε.
Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) the necessary condition for achiev- 1 repeat
ing the optimality. By introducing tλi u@i and tψi u@i as the 2 Update ν “ pν max ` ν min q{2;
Lagrange multipliers for inequality constraints, and ν as the 3 Compute tδi u@i based on Eqn. (25);
multiplier for the equality constraint, we have řI
if i“1 δi ą I ` ζI
` max ˘
$ 4
N ln ∆ then update

’ λi ě 0, λi pδimin ´ δi q “ 0, @i, (26a) ν min “ ν else update ν max “ ν ;
until |ν max ´ ν min | ď ε;

’ max 5
&ψi ě 0, ψi pδi ´ δi q “ 0, @i, (26b)

Set ν ˚ “ ν , and acquire tδi˚ u@i based on Eqn. (25);

3ρi gen,˚
’ ´ β`3 ´ λi ` ψi ` ν “ 0, @i, (26c) 7 Compute tDi u@i based on Eqn. (19), and obtain
βpδi ` γq β ˚

’ tfi u@i based on Eqn. (20);
, fi˚ u@i

Constraints (21a) and (21b). (26d) 8 return tDi
By putting Eqn. (26c) into Eqns. (26a) and (26c), we have

’λi ě 0, ψi ě 0, @i, (27a)
’ˆ ˙
3ρi 4.2 Solution for Problem (P4)

´ ` ψ ` ν pδimin ´ δi q “ 0, @i, (27b)



βpδi ` γq β
To solve Problem (P4), we begin by transforming the problem into

& looooooooooooooomooooooooooooooon
A1 a simplified form that optimizes the bandwidth allocation.
Based on Constraint (15a), Pi can be represented by bi as
’ˆ ˙
’ 3ρi
pδi ´ δimax q “ 0, @i.

’ β`3
` λ i ´ ν (27c)

’ βpδ i γq β
N0 bi ` bi TScom ˘
Pi “ 2 i ´1 .


’ loooooooooooooomoooooooooooooon
% A 2

Furthermore, the solution to Problem (P6) can be categorized Note that Pi is decreasing with respect to bi . Thus, by incorpo-
into the following three cases, depending on the value of ν . rating Constraint (12f), the lower bound of bi can be expressed
‚ When ν ą 3ρi
β`3 , we have A1 ą 0. Based on as
βpδimin `γq β
S ln 2
Eqn. (27a), we obtain δi “ δimin . bi ě bmin
i “´ ´ ˘¯ , (31)
3ρi κi
` κi
‚ When ν ă β`3 , we have A2 ą 0. Thus, we get TicomW ´ Ticomexp ´ Ticom ` κi
βpδimax `γq β

δi “ δimax .
where κi “ N 0 S ln 2
gi Pimax is an intermediate variable and W p¨q is the
1. The operation of rxsba “ mintb, maxtx, auu. Lambert function.

By putting Eqn. (30) into Eqn. (15) and replacing Constraint By combing Eqn. (33) and the monotonicity of bi p̟q, the value
(12f) to Eqn. (31), Problem (P4) can be simplified as follows: of i“1 bi is non-increasing with respect to ̟. Thus, the value of
I ̟ can be obtained by an outer bisection search.
ÿ N0 bi Ticom ` bi TScom ˘
pP7q min 2 i ´1 (32)
tbi u@i
gi Algorithm 2: Hierarchical bisection search
subject to: bi “ B, (32a) Input: ̟min , ̟max , and error bound ε.
1 repeat
bi ě bmin
i , @i, . (32b) 2 Update ̟ “ p̟max ` ̟min q{2;
Theorem 2 (Solution for Problem (P7)). The optimal solution to 3 Invoke BandWidSearchp̟q to obtain tbi p̟qu@i ;
Problem (P7) can be expressed as 4 if i“1 bi p̟q ą B then update ̟min “ ̟ else
update ̟max “ ̟;
b˚i “ max bmin , bi p̟˚ q , @i,
i (33) 5 until |̟max ´ ̟min | ď ε;
where the value of ̟˚ is determined through a search process, 6 Set ̟˚ “ ̟, and recall BandWidSearchp̟˚ q to
and the value of bi p̟˚ q is obtained by solving the equation obtain tb˚ i u@i ;
Qpbi q ` ̟˚ “ 0. Here, the function Qpbi q is defined as 7 Compute tPi˚ u@i based on Eqn. (30);
´ S ¯ 8 return tb˚ ˚
i , Pi u@i
com S
N0 Ticom 2 Ti bi ´ 1 com
lnp2qN0 S¨2 Ti bi /* Function for searching tbi p̟qu@i . */
Qpbi q “ ´ . (34) 9 Function BandWidSearchp̟q.
gi gi bi
10 for each device i “ 1, 2, . . . , I in parallel do
The optimal solution tb˚ ˚
i u@i under ̟ should satisfy Constraint 11 Set bmax
i “ B, @i;
(32a). 12 repeat
Proof. It can be verified that Problem (P7) is a convex optimiza- 13 Update bi “ pbmax i ` bmin
i q{2;
tion problem. We further utilize KKT conditions to obtain the 14 Compute Qpbi q based on Eqn. (34);
necessary condition for achieving the optimality. By introducing
15 if Qpbi q ` ̟ ą 0 then update bmax “ bi else
tϕi u@i as Lagrange multipliers for inequality constraints and ̟ i
as the multiplier for the equality constraint, we have update bmin i “ bi ;
$ 16 until |bmax
i ´ bmin
i | ď ε;

’ϕi ě 0, ϕi pbmin
i ´ bi q “ 0, @i, (35a) 17 Set bi p̟q “ bi ;
´ S
’ ¯
’ com S
& N0 Ticom 2 Ti bi ´ 1

’ com
lnp2qN0 S¨2 Ti bi 19 return tbi p̟qu@i

’ gi g i bi
´ ϕi ` ̟ “ 0, @i,

’ (35b)
Finally, by first solving Problem (P7) and then putting the

Constraints (32a) and (32b). (35c)
optimal tb˚ i u into Eqn. (30), we acquire the optimal solution
By putting Eqn. (35b) into Eqn. (35a), we have for Problem (P4). The workflow for solving Problem (P4) is
Qpbi q ` ̟ ¨ pbmin
´ bi q “ 0, (36) presented in Algorithm 2, which involves a hierarchical bi-section
search to obtain the optimal solution. For the inner search, we
where Qpbi q is a function of bi , and it is expressed as aim to solve Qpbi q ` ̟ “ 0, @i and acquire tbi p̟qu@i . For the
´ S
outer search, we aim to search for ̟˚ that satisfies Constraint
N0 Ticom 2 Ti bi ´ 1 com
lnp2qN0 S¨2 Ti bi (32a). Regarding the computational complexity, the number of
Qpbi q “ ´ . (37) iteration
gi gi bi ` steps required for inner ˘and outer
` search max
are dominated˘
by O log2 pmaxtB ´bmin i , @iuq and O log 2 p̟ ´̟minq ,
Let bi p̟q denote the solution of Qpbi q ` ̟ “ 0. Based on respectively. Thus, the overall computational complexity of Algo-
Eqn. (36), the optimal solution to Problem (P6) is given by `
rithm 2 is measured as O log2 p̟max ´ ̟min q ¨ log2 pmaxtB ´
b˚i “ max bmin , bi p̟˚ q , @i.
( ˘
i (38) bmin
i uq .
Thus, we complete the proof.
We next investigate how the solution of Qpbi q ` ̟ “ 0 is 4.3 Cross-Entropy Searching for Problem (P5)
affected by ̟. Specifically, the first-order derivative of Qpbi q with In this subsection, we aim at solving the top-layer problem that
respect to bi is expressed as optimizes the time split factor (i.e., tηi˚ u@i ) for each device. How-
S ever, directly ˘obtaining the closed-form expression for function
ln2 p2q S 2 N0 ¨ 2 Ti
com b
BHpbi q i
E round tηi u@i is very difficult, hindering the subsequent theoret-
“ ą 0. (39)
Bbi Ticom gi b3i ical analysis. Inspired by [40], [41], we employ the learning-based
Since Qpbi q is an increasing function with respect to bi , the cross-entropy (CE) algorithm as a promising method to address
solution for Qpbi q ` ̟ “ 0, denoted as bi p̟q, will decrease with this issue.
the increase of ̟. Therefore, the value of bi p̟q P rbmin , Bs can To leverage the CE method for solving Problem (P5), we
be obtained through the bisection search. incorporate the optimization variables into a vector denoted as
After that, our goal turns to search for ̟˚ that satisfies η “ pη1 , . . . , ηI q. Additionally, we consider η P RI as a random
Constraint (32a). Since ̟ decreases with bi p̟q, the search range vector, which follows the normal distribution η „ N pµ, σ 2 q.
r̟min , ̟max s for ̟ can be calculated by Instead of directly tuning η , we focus on the joint optimization of
the vector for mean value µ “ pµ1 , . . . , µI q and the vector for
̟min “ QpBq, and ̟max “ max Qpbmin
i q . (40) standard deviation σ “ pσ1 , . . . , σI q.

Let j denote the iteration index and J denote the pre- steps in Algorithm 3. At each iteration in Algorithm 3, it invokes
determined maximum iteration step for the CE algorithm. At the j - M executions for both Algorithms 1 and 2. We use χ to denote
th iteration, the algorithm samples M feasible solutions tηj,m u@m the maximum search range among the three bi-section searches in
from the distribution profile of tµj , σj u, where ηj,m P RI Algorithms 1 and 2, where χ is computed by
represents the m-th generated solution at the j -th iteration. The
χ “ max ν max ´ ν min , ̟ max ´ ̟ min , maxtB ´ bmin
i u . (43)
fundamental concept behind the CE algorithm is to select the top i
K solutions with the best performance from tηj,m u@m for evolv- The overall computational complexity for obtaining the solution
ing the distribution profile. By iteratively converging towards the to Problem (P1) can be expressed as
optimal distribution with the expectation value of µ˚ , we obtain ´ ˘¯
log22 pχq “ O JM log22 pχq . (44)
` ` ˘
the numerical result for Problem (P5). The detailed procedure O JM loomoon
log2 pχq ` loomoon
of the CE-based method is presented in Algorithm 3, which is Alg. 1 Alg. 2
explained as follows.
Note that the proposed search algorithm can be effectively exe-
‚ (Line 1: Initialization). The algorithm initializes µ0 “ cuted by the server in practical scenarios. The empirical runtime
p0.5, . . . , 0.5q and σ0 “ p1, . . . , 1q. can be disregarded when compared to the latency consumed for
‚ (Line 3: Sampling). During the j -th iteration, the algorithm model training and parameter transmission.
generates M samples from distribution N pµj , σj2 q to
form the solution set denoted as tηj,m u@m .
4.4 Optimal Augmentation Policy
‚ (Line 5: Selection). After invoking Algorithms 1 and 2,
we obtain the corresponding objective values tEj,m round
u@m Upon obtaining the optimal quantity of synthesized data for each
for all the generated solutions tηj,m u@m , where Ej,m round
“ device tDi u@i , each device will determine the category-wise
E round pηj,m q. By sorting tEj,m round
u@m in an ascending data amount locally. Let C denote the total number of label types
order, we record the first K indices to form a set (i.e., data categories) for the classification task. Each device aims
K Ă t1, 2, . . . , M u. at optimizing the distribution of synthesized data at a category-
‚ (Line 6: Updating). The newly estimated distribution pro- wise level. This involves determining tdi,c u@c , pc “ 1, 2, . . . , Cq
file parameterized by µ̃j`1 and σ̃j`1 are respectively for each individual device.
updated by According to [42], [43], we adopt the concept of data entropy
ÿ µj,m ÿ σj,m to quantify the distribution of local data. For device i, the data
µ̃j`1 “ , and σ̃j`1 “ . (41) entropy of the local mixed dataset Diloc Y Di is defined as
C gen ´ dloc ` dgen ¯
ÿ dloc
i,c ` di,c i,c i,c
‚ (Line 7: Smoothness). To reduce fluctuations during itera- Hi “ ´ loc gen log 2 loc gen . (45)
tion, the two parameters of the distribution profile for the c“1
D i ` D i D i ` D i
next iteration step are respectively smoothed as where dloc of the c-th category before the data
i is the data amount ř
µj`1 “ ̺µj`1 ` p1 ´ ̺qµ̃j`1 , (42a) augmentation at device i, and c“1 dloc loc
i “ Di . Intuitively, when
the data distribution is uniform across all categories (i.e., @c, dloc
i,c `
σj`1 “ ̺σj`1 ` p1 ´ ̺qσ̃j`1 , (42b) Dloc `Dgen
i,c “
), the data entropy attains its maximum value.
where ̺ P p0, 1q is a pre-determined smoothing factor. Conversely, if data is skewed significantly toward a single category
gen gen
(i.e., Dc, dloc loc
i,c ` di,c “ Di ` Di ), the data entropy reaches its
minimum value, indicating a strong non-IID distribution.
Algorithm 3: Learning-based cross entropy searching The augmentation policy optimization at device i is to max-
1 Initialization. Mean value µ0 “ p0.5, . . . , 0.5q, standard imize its local data entropy by regulating the category-wise data
deviation σ0 “ p1, . . . , 1q, iteration counter j “ 0, and amount tdi,c u@c . Formally, the objective of device i is to solve
a small positive number ε. the following optimization problem:
2 while j ă J and maxtσ|σ P σj u ą ε do
3 Generate M samples from N pµj , σj2 q to form the pP8q max Hi (46)
i,c u@c
solutions tηj,m u@m , and m P t1, 2, . . . , M u ; ÿC
4 Invoke Algorithms 1 and 2 to compute tEj,m round
u@m , subject to: dgen “ Digen , (46a)
round round
c“1 i,c
where Ej,m “ E pηj,m q; ď dgen gen
0 i,c ď Di , @c. (46b)
5 Select the top K best-performing solutions from
tηj,m u@m , and record the corresponding indices to Theorem 3 (Optimal local data augmentation). For a given device
form K Ă p1, 2, . . . , M q ; i, characterized by its category-wise local dataset distribution
6 Compute µ̃j`1 and σ̃j`1 according to Eqn. (41); tdloc
i,c u@c and a predetermined data amount of synthesized data
7 Smooth the distribution profile to obtain µj`1 and Digen , the optimal local data augmentation strategy to maximize
σj`1 based on Eqns. (42a) and (42b); the data entropy can be expressed as
8 Update j “ j ` 1; ‰ gen
loc Di

9 end i,c “ πi ´ di,c . (47)
Output: The converged solution η ˚ “ µj . Here, πř
i represents the variable that needs to be sought in order to
C gen gen
satisfy c“1 di,c “ Di .
We now analyze the overall computational complexity for Proof. We first introduce a set of auxiliary variables tpi,c u@c
solving Problem (P1). Specifically, there are at most J iteration to denote the category-wise data proportion at device i, where
i,c `di,c
pi,c “ Di `Digen
loc .
We can further transform Problem (P8) into the 5 E XPERIMENT E VALUATIONS
following problem: 5.1 Experiment Settings
ÿ 5.1.1 Settings for Edge Devices
pP9q min pi,c log2 ppi,c q (48) We consider I “ 20 edge devices for FL training within
tpi,c u@c
c“1 a 400-meter radius cell, with the base station positioned at
ÿC the center of the cell. We utilize the path loss model from
subject to: pi,c “ 1, (48a)
c“1 [30] to model the communication link, which is represented as
i,c ď pi,c ď pmax
i,c , @c, . (48b) 128.1 ` 37.6 log10 pRi q with Ri denoting the distance between
the server and device i in kilometers. The power spectral density
dloc dloc `Dgen
where pmini,c “ Dloc `D i,c
gen and pi,c
“ Di,cloc
gen . It can be of additive Gaussian noise is N0 “ ´174 dBm/MHz and the total
i i i `Di
verified that Problem (P9) is a convex optimization problem. By bandwidth is B “ 20 MHz. The maximum transmitting power for
introducing tϑi,c u@c and tθi,c u@c as the Lagrange multipliers for each device follows the uniform distribution Pimax „ U p20, 23q
inequality constraints, and ςi as the multiplier for the equality dBm. Regarding the model training, the training workload for
constraint. a single sample is measured as 5 ˆ 106 cycles. The maximum
computing frequency and the hardware energy coefficient for each
device follow the uniform distributions of fimax „ U p1, 2q GHz,
’ϑi,c ě 0, ϑi,c ppi,c ´ pi,c q “ 0, @c,
’ (49a)

θi,c ě 0, θi,c ppi,c ´ pmax q “ 0, @c, (49b) and ǫi „ U p4 ˆ 10´27 , 6 ˆ 10´27 q, respectively.

’ Gpp i,c q ´ ϑ i,c ` θ i,c ` ςi “ 0, @c, (49c) 5.1.2 Settings for FL Training
Constraints (48a) and (48b), (49d) Our study is targeted for the implementation of image classifi-
cation using the CIFAR10 and GTSRB datasets [11], [44]. We
where Gppi,c q “ log2 ppi,c q ` lnp2q is an intermediate function. employ the VGG-9 model with the parameter size of 111.7Mb
Furthermore, we have during uplink transmission [10]. In terms of data distribution, we
$ evaluate the proposed framework using two Dirichlet distribution

’ ϑi,c ě 0, θi,c ě 0, @c, (50a) levels: Dir(0.4) for skewed non-IID and Dir(0.6) for slight non-
Gppi,c q ` θi,c ` ςi ppmin
’ ` ˘

’ i,c ´ pi,c q “ 0, @c, (50b) IID scenarios [12]. For the local dataset, each device is assigned
1250 training samples, i.e., dloc
i “ 1250, @i. For the other hyper-
& loooooooooomoooooooooon
parameters, we set the learning rate as 0.02, the batch size as
` ϑi,c ´ ςi ppi,c ´ pmax
’ ` ˘

’ ´Gpp i,c q
looooooooooomooooooooooon i,c q “ 0, @c, (50c) B “ 64, the local epoch as τ “ 1, the maximum allowable global

error as ∆max “ 0.2, the maximum latency per round T max “ 60
seconds, and the number of the global rounds as N “ 200.
Next, the solution to Problem (P9) can be divided into the
following three cases according to the value of Lagrange multiplier 5.1.3 Settings for Generative Model
ςi . The pre-trained generative model is trained on the public dataset
(i.e., CINIC10) with the classifier-free guidance technique [45],
‚ When ςi ą ´Gppmin i,c q, we have B1 ą 0. Based on [46]. The number of denoising steps is set as 300 and the output
Eqn. (50a), we obtain pi,c “ pmin
i,c . image resolution is 32 ˆ 32 ˆ 3. Specifically, the total amount
‚ When ςi ă ´Gppmax i,c q, we have B2 ą 0. Based on of synthesized data is 6659 under the default setting, and it takes
Eqn. (50b), we obtain pi,c “ pmax
i,c . about 7.17 minutes for a workstation equipped with eight RTX
‚ When ´Gppmax i,c q ď ςi ď ´Gpp min
i,c q, we have ϑi,c “ 0 A5000 GPUs to generate the synthesized data. During the synthe-
and θi,c “ 0. Thus ςi “ ´log2 ppi,c q ´ lnp2q . sized data distribution, each device receives about 333 samples
on average. This yields about 8.1 Mb of downlink traffic per
As a result, the optimal solution to the Problem (P9) is device on average, which is much smaller than 111.7 Mb incurred
summarized as by the one-time model upload. Therefore, the latency associated
” 1 ˚
i,c with data synthesis and distribution is negligible compared to the
p˚i,c “ 2´p lnp2q `ςi q min , @c. (51) numerous rounds of FL training.

gen gen 5.2 Performance Comparisons with Existing Methods

By putting pi,c into di,c “ pi,c pDiloc ` Di q ´ dloc
i,c , the value
of di,c can be expressed as We conduct performance comparisons between our proposed FIMI
approach and several existing methods, including traditional ap-
‚ When p˚ min
i,c “ pi,c , we have di,c “ 0. proaches and data augmentation-based FL methods. Their details

When pi,c “ pmax
i,c , we have di,c “ Digen . are as follows.
´p lnp2q `ςi˚ q gen,˚
‚ When p˚
i,c “ 2 , we have di,c “ ´dloc
i,c ` ‚ Traditional FL (TFL). TFL adheres to the conventional
´p lnp2q `ςi˚ q
2 ¨ pDiloc ` Digen q. FL paradigm, wherein each device solely uses its local
dataset for model training [5].
It can be verified that the above solution is equivalent to Eqn. (47). ‚ Semi-supervised FL (SEMI). SEMI incorporates unla-
Thus, we complete the proof. belled samples to enhance model updates [21].
Note that the numerical value of πi˚ can be efficiently obtained ‚ Heuristic data compensation (HDC). Each device adopts
through linear search or bi-section search. Thus, we complete the a heuristic scheme, namely, generating synthetic data
device-side augmentation strategy optimization. solely for the category with the least available local data.


(a) energy vs. acc (CIFAR10 Dir=0.4) (b) energy vs. acc (CIFAR10 Dir=0.6) (c) energy vs. acc (GTSRB Dir=0.4) (d) energy vs. acc (GTSRB Dir=0.6)

Acc of CLSD Acc of CLSD

62.59% 62.59%
80 80
80 80
Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Acc of CLSD Acc of CLSD

66.13% 66.13%
60 60
60 60

80 81

40 40

72 78
40 40

4500 5000 5500 5000 5500

20 20

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Energy consumption (J) Energy consumption (J) Energy consumption (J) Energy consumption (J)

(e) latency vs. acc (CIFAR10 Dir=0.4) (f) latency vs. acc (CIFAR10 Dir=0.6) (g) latency vs. acc (GTSRB Dir=0.4) (h) latency vs. acc (GTSRB Dir=0.6)

Acc of CLSD Acc of CLSD

80 80 62.59% 62.59%

80 80
Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Test accuracy (%)

Acc of CLSD Acc of CLSD

66.13% 66.13%
60 60

85 60 60


40 40 80
80 40 40


180 190 170 180 190

20 20 20 20

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Time consumption (min) Time consumption (min) Time consumption (min) Time consumption (min)

Fig. 4. Performance comparison of FIMI and baseline methods on CIFAR10 and GTSRB datasets with different levels of non-IID distribution. (The
upper row: energy consumption vs. test accuracy; the lower row: time consumption vs. test accuracy.)

‚ Server-side training (SST). SST preserves the synthe- TFL. As shown in the results, although TFL requires the lowest en-
sized data at the server, and conducts model training ergy consumption per global iteration, it consumes more iterations
to generate a complementary update every round. The than FIMI to achieve the desired accuracy, which consequently
complementary update is aggregated with local model degrades the performance of TFL in energy consumption. In
updates to renew the global model. contrast, FIMI can efficiently achieve the target accuracy with less
‚ GAN-based data synthesis (GAN). The server uses a iterations than TFL. Meanwhile, FIMI reduces the required data
pre-trained conditional GAN model to generate additional size of uplink traffic by approximately 60% and 50% compared
training samples [22]. to TFL under the data distributions of Dir(0.4) and Dir(0.6),
‚ Centralized training with synthesized data (CLSD). respectively. Therefore, our FIMI can effectively reduce the energy
This method only utilizes the generated synthesized data consumption than TFL.
provided by the server to perform centralized training.
5.2.2 Reducing Time Consumption
To provide a reasonable comparison, we adopt the identical
optimization algorithm as FIMI for SEMI, HDC, and GAN. In the As shown in Table 1, our FIMI can effectively reduce the latency
cases of TFL and SST, the synthesized data of each device is set for achieving the desired accuracy compared to the other baseline
to zero, and the resource utilization policy is optimized. methods. Specifically, when evaluated on the GTSRB dataset
Figure 4 shows the performance comparison between FIMI with a target accuracy of 80% under Dir(0.6), FIMI can reduce
and baseline methods under different levels of non-IID data the latency by 80% and 70% compared to HDC and GAN,
distribution. As shown in Figures 4(a-d), FIMI outperforms the respectively. It is noticed that the advantage of reduced latency
baseline methods in terms of the test accuracy to reduce energy is mainly attributed to the faster convergence rate of FIMI. This is
consumption. Furthermore, Figures 4(e-h) show that the proposed shown in Figures 4(e-h). Specifically, the convergence rates of the
FIMI can achieve a faster convergence rate to reduce the training methods ranked according to the descending order are as follows:
latency. To evaluate the learning performance, we measure the FIMI, GAN, SST, HDC, SEMI, and TFL.
system cost in terms of energy consumption, training latency, and
uplink transmission traffic required to achieve the desired test 5.2.3 Improving Converged Accuracy
accuracy for each method. The results are provided in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, the proposed FIMI can effectively improve
The advantages of our proposed FIMI can be summarized into the the accuracy of the converged global model, outperforming TFL
following three key aspects, i.e., reducing the energy consumption, by 11.35% and 4.46% on the CIFAR10 dataset under the Dirichlet
reducing the time consumption, and improving the converged data distributions of 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. Meanwhile, we
accuracy. also investigate the performance of model training by solely
using AI-synthesized data (i.e., the CLSD method) and show the
5.2.1 Reducing Energy Consumption corresponding results in Figure 4. The results show that relying
As shown in Table 1, our FIMI consumes the energy consumption solely on the synthesized data for model training will result
smaller than the other four methods. Specifically, given the test in unsatisfactory convergence accuracy, since the AI-generated
accuracy of 70% on the CIFAR10 dataset under Dir(0.4), our FIMI dataset still shows a different distribution from the local dataset.
achieves 50% reduction in the energy consumption compared to This result highlights the importance of using the generative AI

Performance comparison between FIMI and other baseline methods.

Dir=0.4 Dir=0.6
Dataset Method Energy@70 (J)˚ Latency@70 (h)˚ Uplink@70 (GB)˚ Best Acc.(%) Energy@78 (J)˚ Latency@78 (h)˚ Uplink@78 (GB)˚ Best Acc.(%)
TFL 4858.64 (1.0ˆ) 3.22 (1.0ˆ) 56.45 (1.0ˆ) 70.86 4506.20 (1.0ˆ) 2.98 (1.0ˆ) 52.36 (1.0ˆ) 78.95
SEMI 4913.18 (1.0ˆ) 2.85 (0.9ˆ) 50.02 (0.9ˆ) 73.32 4625.86 (1.0ˆ) 2.68 (0.9ˆ) 47.09 (0.9ˆ) 80.54
HDC 3507.94 (0.7ˆ) 1.68 (0.5ˆ) 29.54 (0.5ˆ) 79.92 4098.38 (0.9ˆ) 1.97 (0.7ˆ) 34.52 (0.7ˆ) 82.05
SST 2844.70 (0.6ˆ) 1.88 (0.6ˆ) 33.05 (0.6ˆ) 77.92 3725.80 (0.8ˆ) 2.47 (0.8ˆ) 43.29 (0.8ˆ) 80.23
GAN 3403.74 (0.7ˆ) 1.63 (0.5ˆ) 28.66 (0.5ˆ) 79.43 4723.56 (1.0ˆ) 2.27 (0.8ˆ) 39.78 (0.8ˆ) 81.34
FIMI 2361.78 (0.5ˆ) 1.13 (0.4ˆ) 19.89 (0.4ˆ) 82.21 3264.81 (0.7ˆ) 1.57 (0.5ˆ) 27.50 (0.5ˆ) 83.41
Dataset Method Energy@72 (J)˚ Latency@72 (h)˚ Uplink@72 (GB)˚ Best Acc.(%) Energy@80 (J)˚ Latency@80 (h)˚ Uplink(GB)˚ Best Acc.(%)
TFL N/A: N/A: N/A: 43.81 N/A: N/A: N/A: 54.84
SEMI N/A: N/A: N/A: 57.33 N/A: N/A: N/A: 67.93
HDC 6807.48 (1.0ˆ) 3.27 (1.0ˆ) 57.33 (1.0ˆ) 73.40 6494.89 (1.0ˆ) 3.12 (1.0ˆ) 54.70 (1.0ˆ) 81.59
SST 2467.08 (0.4ˆ) 1.63 (0.5ˆ) 28.66 (0.5ˆ) 86.51 2819.52 (0.4ˆ) 1.87 (0.6ˆ) 32.76 (0.6ˆ) 89.04
GAN 1806.07 (0.3ˆ) 0.87 (0.3ˆ) 15.21 (0.3ˆ) 88.46 2049.19 (0.3ˆ) 0.98 (0.3ˆ) 17.26 (0.3ˆ) 87.69
FIMI 1146.16 (0.2ˆ) 0.55 (0.2ˆ) 9.65 (0.2ˆ) 91.48 1319.82 (0.2ˆ) 0.63 (0.2ˆ) 11.12 (0.2ˆ) 93.80
˚ “Energy@x”, “Latency@x” and “Uplink@x” denote the required energy, latency and uplink traffic size to reach x% accuracy, respectively.
: “N/A” means that the corresponding method cannot achieve the target global accuracy within the predefined maximum global iteration.

Fig. 5. Impact of key mechanisms and hyper-parameters on the generative AI-based FL training system.

model as a data augmentation method instead of solely using channel conditions and energy features to leverage a larger amount
synthesized data for model training. of synthesized data for local training.

5.3.2 Impact of Generative Models and Hyper-parameters

5.3 Detailed Performances of Different Modules in FIMI
Figure 5(c) shows the synthesized data samples using both the
5.3.1 Performance of CE Method diffusion model and the GAN-based model. The results show that
As shown in Figure 5(a), the proposed CE-based searching algo- the diffusion-based model can outperform the GAN-based model
rithm can converge within about 30 iterations. The smaller value by generating more realistic images with detailed features. For
of the maximum allowable error ∆max will lead to a higher energy example, the synthesized images of the fog produced by the dif-
consumption for each round of the global iteration. Moreover, Fig- fusion model exhibit a richer texture than the GAN-based model.
ure 5(b) shows the relationship between the amount of synthesized The images generated by the GAN-based model appear somewhat
data Di with respect to the computation and communication blurry. Figure 5(d) shows the impact of resource management
conditions. We construct two arithmetic sequences, one for hard- schemes on the energy consumption. The results demonstrate that
ware energy coefficients tǫi u@i and the other for the distances the bandwidth allocation will show a significant influence, with
tRi u@i between the edge devices and the parameter server, and a uniform bandwidth allocation policy leading to a 70% higher
then optimize the data augmentation policy. The result shows that energy consumption compared to FIMI. Figures 5(e-f) show the
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data for local training. This result is consistent with the intuition, FL training. We utilize the GTSRB dataset under Dir(0.6) for
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