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Name: ......................................................... Date: .............................................

Initial Test Paper

3rd Grade
School year 2023-2024

1. Write the name of three: (2p)

a. colours: .................................................................................................................
b. animals: .................................................................................................................
c. fruit: ......................................................................................................................
d. parts of the body: .................................................................................................

2. Count and choose: (2p)

a. ten + two = eight twelve twenty;
b. eighteen – seven= three two eleven;
c. nine + five= fourteen fortin forteen;
d. sixteen – three= thirteen nineteen three

3. Read and say yes or no: (2p)

a. A butterfly can swim. YES NO
b. A spider can fly. YES NO
c. A frog can swim. YES NO
d. An elephant can climb. YES NO

4. Find the odd one out! (3p)

a. spring, summer, tree, winter;
b. bird, butterfly, bat, crocodile;
c. hat, dress, sweets, T-shirt;
d. piano, umbrella, violin, recorder;
e. six, seven, eight, train;
f. bedroom, carpet, kitchen, bathroom

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