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Jane Doe

Mobile: +1 333-555-5555
Email: Jane.Doe@gmail.com

Summary of Professional Qualifications


 Business Administrator, graduate of Brazil State University, specialist in Strategic Planning and
Personnel Management at Brazil University.
 Experience developed in the commercial and marketing areas in addition to strategic planning and
personnel management. Career aimed at maximizing results and gaining market share.
 Strong experience in staff recruiting, selection, hiring, training and management, focusing on results
with a trained and motivated workforce, minimizing turnover, positively impacting the financial results
of companies.
 Solid motivation for the leadership of multidisciplinary groups, focusing on solving internal and
external issues involving departments, suppliers and customers through courses and workshops.
 Great knowledge of the development of strategic planning and corporate business plans, mainly in the
provision of consulting services to companies with outsourced labor.
 Skill in the formation of strategic partnerships involving new businesses, consortia and provision of
services, as well as developing and complementing product portfolios.
 Served as the commercial director of COHAPROVEMA (Housing Cooperative of Advertisers and
Salespersons of Maranhão) and Vice President of COOCONPROVEPROFARMA (Cooperative of
Consumption of Advertisers and Salespersons of Maranhão).
 University professor and corporate lecturer for 10 years, lecturing in Business Administration, Strategic
Planning, Personnel Management, Logistics, Management and Entrepreneurial Training.
 Vast experience in Distance Learning, with MOODLE certification in the following institutions:
SENAC, FAESF, FACAM, UEMA, Pitagoras College and São Luis College.


Master of Business Administration September 1999

State University of Brazil

Bachelor’s in Strategic Management - Human Resources December 2006

Center of Unified Education of Brazil



 Extensive experience as a full salesperson of pharmaceutical drugs working for 10 years at

Pharmaceutical Company 1.

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 Solid experience in the preparation, implementation, and management of advanced account
management tools, and products. In addition, significant experience in the use of relationship strategies
(scientific events, symposiums, workshops and lectures), in order to obtain brand solidification and
increase sales.
 Expertise in the pipeline of commercial opportunities ("sales funnels"), respecting the code of ethics of
INTERFARMA and the guidelines of the FDA (Food Drugs and Agriculture).
 Seasoned in government procurement (public service) through electronic biddings, respecting the laws
of public guidelines, in addition to the negotiations of sales and the standardization of clinics and
hospitals (public and private).


 Expertise in the creation, development and implementation of sales strategies, plans and bonuses to the
teams of the DC (Distribution Center) to enhance and increase sales.
 Vast experience in team development planning – the identification of individual specific needs and
internal trading bonuses for the Distribution Center program.


Pharmaceutical company 1 November 2007 to December 2017

Customer Sales Representative

Main responsibilities:
 Visited customers for product pipeline exhibitions, using digital tools to obtain results.
 Aimed to earn consequent growth in market share. Main customers were physicians, hospitals, clinics,
and wholesale stores.
 Implemented several actions to achieve results in addition to the implementation of strategic planning as
a means of brand consolidation for Nasonex and Desalex.
 Coordinated scientific meetings in various hospitals with a high rate of service to patients, which
would lead to success and positive impacts on our results.
 Standardized products in two major hospitals in the city of São Luis-Ma—São Domingos Hospital
and UPC.
 Organized scientific meetings in order to share clinical cases and solidify the Nasonex and Desalex
brand names, consequently increasing sales of these products through the marketing strategy.
 Worked in many sectors which were presenting negative results, in which the main objective was
market recovery and market share, such as the city of Imperratriz-ME, Teresina-PI and Fortaleza-
CE, sectors that presented important growth after we took on these cities with our work.
 Within the market strategy, worked close with the DC (Distribution Center) performing the sales and
stock monitoring to ensure no interruption in the initiated processes in the medical doctor's office.
 Interacted with the DC (Distribution Center), as the "spokesman" of the various products of the
company (portfolio) so there was no interruption in the business cycle among primary clients
(physicians) and the secondary clients (patients).
 Implemented and managed indicators of the DDD (Drug Distribution Date).
 Indirect Sales Channels: Implemented and managed the complete program of indirect sales via channels
of 0800 (MSD Resolve).
 Improved the medical record filter for better use of marketing tools, aiming at greater accuracy and
achievements of planned results.
 Responsible for the strategic planning of each quarter for more precision in the results of implemented
strategies at medium term.

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 Completed the monthly analysis of the DDD (Drug Distribution Date) for assessing results, identifying
possible needs for rectification and changes in strategies.
 Held meetings with main customers: physicians, hospitals, clinics and the DC (Distribution Center) in
order to consolidate partnerships and potentially identify competitors' advances.
 Conducted support-oriented consulting in the financial management of clinics and hospitals, with the
presence of a specialized consultant, teaching courses to clinic physicians and/or hospitals, solidifying
the relationship between the company and customers.
 Participation in projects such as the "Clinic Without Congestion", Product Day, Scientific Initiation
Project (free sample delivery of Nasonex, Desalex, Vitoryn and Arcoxia), in health service centers such
as clinics and hospitals, aiming for increased sales and/or standardization of products.
 Scientific support in symposiums and congresses in order to solidify the portfolio of products.
 Sponsored scientific updates for main customers—opinion leaders, physicians, doctors and university

Major accomplishments:
 In 10 years with the company, reached numbers that represented a significant market share, locally,
regionally and nationally.
 Earned place as a market share leader, making Nasonex and Desalex the best-selling products in
their segment, after our sales strategy.
 Recent annual turnover of the work sector reached R $ 1,800,000 with a success rate of more than
104%. These results made us eligible for a 5% (five percent) salary increase in addition to MyPmP
(Perfomance Plan), exceeding expectations of results.
 For several years, due to results above the national level, the company ranked in the Top 5, with all
indices above 100%.
 Received awards, highlights, and prizes in addition to promotions, rising within the company for
having successfully answered to the challenges.

Pharmaceutical company 2 January 2006 to October 2007

National company focused on the pharmaceutical industry.

Customer Sales Representative

 Acted as a full product evangelist, working in the area of business with the medical class aiming to
increase prescriptions and gain growth in market share.

Bank May 2001 to December 2005

Company in the financial sector with customer and investment services.

Managerial Assistant, Commercial Agent

Main Responsibilities:
 Performed customer service, sales, and problem-solving duties.
 Strived to meet goals and execute strategic planning.
 Analyzed the financial market, dealing with investments.
 Managed a portfolio of clients with various investment funds, such as CDB, CDBDI, and XXX.
Major Accomplishments:
 The value of the customer portfolio varied by an average of R$ 2,450,000.
 Earned second place in best results of the North / Northeast Region for three (3) consecutive years
due to the achieving goals of 110%.
 Awarded the “Premio Customer Service Star” distinction by the agency for results and differentiated

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Iron and Steel Industry Company June 1999 to April 2001
Iron and steel industry Company, with branches throughout Brazil.

 Performed the role of trainee in the follow-up of quality in service, logistics and inventory, in
addition to quality customer service satisfaction.


 Best Performance of Primary Care 2014 January 2015

Awarded for sales of over R$ 12,000 in 2011, earning leadership with market participation in market
share/value of 52%, and and Index of Evolution (IE) of 120% in the quarter.

 Sales Award for Best IE (Index of Evolution) December 2010

Awarded by the Club Double Association for earning an Index of Evolution above 110% in the

 Best performance of 2014 IE (Index of Evolution) January 2015

International Convention for Organization

 Award for growth in participation in monthly Market Share/unit—0.5% per month


 Best Performance from February to August 2014

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