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Lecturer: Dr.

Carl Kodjo Tetekpor

Course Code: SMBM 108
Course Prerequisite
Initial French for Beginners
Course Description
This course is designed to enhance and consolidate French for beginners earlier taught.
It is expected that by the end of the course, learners would have attained the level of
intermediate French. This course aims at the acquisition and consolidation of basic
vocabulary and grammatical structures required to develop oral and written
communication skills. The emphasis of this course is on oral renforcement through extra
vocabulary building, basic grammar and basic conversation. This course is for those with
little or no ability in the French language. At this level, students will be exposed to the
use of the present perfect,
Immediate future tense and some specific irregular verbs.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session students should be able to:
- give detailed information about their family: professions of parents, number of siblings,
their name, age and schools etc
- Use basic french to naviguate their way at the hospital and in the consulting room.
- Communicate effectively using the immediate future and the present perfect tense.
- Use basic french to purchase medicines at the pharmacy
- Develop their listening and conversational skills by using audio-visual materials.
- Effectively use parts of the house to communicate
- able to identify family relations

Course Contents
1. Detailed introduction of one's family
2. Family tree
3. Present Perfect
4. Immediate future
5. Consulting room
6. At the pharmacy
7. Parts of the house
8. Preferences
9. To be and to have / Specific expressions
10. The weather
11. Interrogative statements
12. Specific irregular verbs
Students Evaluation
a. Continuons assessment 40%
b. End-of-semester Examination 60%

Reading List
The Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion, FluentU, Copyright ©
2015 FluentFlix Limited,
Communication Progressive Du Francais: Niveau Debutant (French Edition)
[Paperback] (1991) CLE INTERNATIONAL Ed. Claire Miquel: Claire Miquel
Le nouveau Sans frontières, farncais, niveau 1: Méthode de francais Broché
(1998) de Philippe Dominique (Auteur), Jacky Girardet (Auteur), Michèle Verdelhan
Students are expected to attend ALL lectures and actively participate in discussions
throughout the semester. One strategy to better understand what is being taught in
class using the course outline as a guide, and taking important notes during lectures.
Interaction between learners and the instructor(s) is an important component to the
success of this course can expect timely responses from the instructor (generally within
one to two

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