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Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –

South Lantau Sewerage Works


3.1 The Project

The following components of the Project are regarded as Designated Projects under the
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) (EIAO):

 A dredging operation which is less than 500 m from the nearest boundary of an existing
or planned coastal protection area (Item C.12 of Part I of Schedule 2 of EIAO);

 Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5,000 m3 per day and a
boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of an existing or
planned residential area, site of special scientific interest, site of culture heritage,
bathing beaches, etc. (Item F.2 of Part I of Schedule 2 of EIAO);

 Sewage pumping stations (1) with an installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per day
and a boundary of which is less than 150 m from an existing or planned residential area,
site of special scientific interest, site of culture heritage, bathing beaches, etc. (Item F.3
of Part I of Schedule 2 of EIAO);

 An activity for the reuse of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant (2)
(Item F.4
of Part I of Schedule 2 of EIAO); and,

 A submarine sewage outfall (Item F.6 of Part I of Schedule 2 of EIAO).

The works that are the subject of the EIA Study include the construction and operation phases
of the Project.

3.2 Project Design

3.2.1 Purpose & Objectives of the Project
The proposed sewerage works will collect the sewage generated from the unsewered areas of
Shui Hau, Tong Fuk, Cheung Sha, San Shek Wan, Pui O and Ham Tin in South Lantau (i.e.
within the Project Catchment Area) and convey it to a proposed sewage treatment works at
San Shek Wan for treatment and disposal into outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan via a
submarine sewage outfall. The proposed Project scheme is illustrated in Figure 1.1.

After implementation of the Project, a significant improvement on environmental hygiene is

expected along South Lantau coast. No additional pollutant load will be produced to the
Southern Water Control Zone taking into consideration the anticipated increase in population
growth and developments in the South Lantau area up to 2031.

3.2.2 Project Elements

The major elements of the Project include a village sewerage system, a trunk sewerage system
and a sewage treatment works. These elements are described in detail below. The general
layout plans of the Project are provided in Figures 3.2a-r.

(1) Only Cheung Fu Street sewage pumping station and San Shek Wan sewage pumping station.
(2) DSD considers that there will be no key changes on the scope of issues covered by the EIA Study Brief and has sought DEP's confirmation in this regard for
formality, pursuant to Clause 6.2 of the EIA Study Brief.

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Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –
South Lantau Sewerage Works

Village Sewerage

The village sewerage works involve the construction of gravity sewers inside the unsewered
areas of Shui Hau, Tong Fuk, Cheung Sha, San Shek Wan, Pui O and Ham Tin in South
Lantau for collection of sewage generated from these unsewered areas. The village sewerage
will be connected to the trunk sewerage system described below.

The proposed village sewerage works include 225 mm to 300 mm diameters gravity sewers
and concrete manholes in villages and unsewered areas in South Lantau. Vitrified clay pipes,
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes or precast concrete pipes will be used for the
gravity sewers.

Trunk Sewerage

The trunk sewerage works involve the construction of trunk sewers, sewage pumping stations
and twin rising mains (one duty and one stand-by) along South Lantau Road for conveyance
of sewage collected from the village sewerage described above to the proposed sewage
treatment works described below.

The proposed trunk sewers are 300 mm to 500 mm diameter vitrified clay pipes or concrete
pipes. The proposed rising mains are 100 mm to 200 mm ductile iron pipes. They are part of
the proposed trunk sewerage system and will be laid along the South Lantau Road and Chi
Ma Wan Road.

The proposed trunk sewerage system has six sewage pumping stations in Shui Hau, Tong Fuk,
Cheung Fu Street, Cheung Sha, San Shek Wan and Pui O. Each trunk sewage pumping
station will be enclosed by a single-storey superstructure (typical dimension of approximately
14 to 21m (L) x 8 to 16m (W) x 4 to 7m (H)) with underground wet wells, pump units,
storage tanks and chambers, and electrical and mechanical (E&M) equipment, which is an
unmanned sewerage facility. The inlet chamber and wet wells located underground and
enclosed with covers. The screenings handling area will be confined inside the superstructure
as far as possible to minimize odour nuisance to the surrounding air sensitive receivers. A
deodorization unit will be installed in order to reduce odour emission. Ventilation system will
be provided to ensure adequate air exchange within the sewage pumping stations.

For hygiene purpose, water points and water basins will be provided in the proposed sewage
pumping stations for general cleansing and use of the maintenance crew.

Standby units, e.g. pumps, dual power supply, etc., and an emergency bypass will be provided
in the sewage pumping station to handle unplanned events.

A generic layout plan of a sewage pumping station is provided in Figures 3.3a-h.

Sewage Treatment Works

The works involve construction of a sewage treatment works (STW) at San Shek Wan and its
associated submarine outfall for treatment and disposal of treated sewage.

The proposed San Shek Wan STW comprises an administration building and an operation
building. The operation building is a multi-storey superstructure with underground tanks and
chambers for sewage treatment. It also has an effluent pumping system for discharging
treated effluent to outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan via the proposed submarine outfall. The
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South Lantau Sewerage Works

superstructure of the administration building and operation building will be of an area of

about m 35m (L) x 8m (W) x 13m (H) and 45m (L) x 36m (W) x 13m (H). A preliminary
layout plan of the STW is provided in Figure 3.4a-f.

The sewage treatment works will consist of an inlet chamber, mechanical screen or other
protective device(s), grit removal system, biological treatment basins, membrane tanks,
reclaimed water storage tank, gravity thickeners, sludge holding tanks, filter presses,
disinfection system, chemical scrubbers, effluent pumping facilities, a submarine outfall,
associated pipe works, fittings, valves and chemical storage, and electrical and mechanical
(E&M) equipment. Air blowers are used for aeration system in the biological treatment
basins and membrane bioreactor system.

The screenings handling area will be confined inside the superstructure as far as possible to
minimize odour nuisance to the surrounding air sensitive receivers. A deodorization unit will
be installed in order to reduce odour emission. Ventilation system will be provided to ensure
adequate air change within the plant for man entry during routine servicing and maintenance

For hygiene purpose, water points and water basins will be provided in the proposed sewage
treatment works for general cleansing and use of the operation and maintenance crew.

Standby units, e.g. pumps, dual power supply, etc., and an emergency bypass system will be
provided in the STW to handle unplanned events. The emergency bypass system will include
emergency storage tanks and a ~300 m gravity pipe for emergency coastal discharge of
untreated sewage directly into outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan. The emergency bypass pipe
will be approximately 200 mm diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) underground pipe.

The proposed submarine outfall consists of a submarine outfall pipe running from the
proposed San Shek Wan STW to outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan and a diffuser in Pui O Bay.
Treated effluent will be conveyed to outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan through the submarine
outfall pipe and discharged to the sea through the diffuser. The submarine outfall pipe will be
approximately 350 mm diameter HDPE twin pipe and the diffuser is normally a pre-fabricated

3.2.3 Design Flow and Loads for Sewerage Facilities

The estimated annual average dry weather flow (ADWF) in the year 2011 is about 2,500
m3/day. Owing to the future development of South Lantau, it was anticipated that the flow
will build up to 5,800 m3/day in ultimate scenario (after the year 2036). Therefore, the design
flow (ADWF) for San Shek Wan STW will be 5,800m3/day.

The ultimate design flow rates of the San Shek Wan STW are summarized in Table 3.1. The
San Shek Wan STW has an installed capacity of 17,400 m3.

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South Lantau Sewerage Works

Table 3.1 – Design Flow Rates of the San Shek Wan STW
Type of Flow Flow (m3/day)
Annual Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) 5,800
Peak Wet Weather Flow (PWWF) (before biological treatment tanks) 17,400
PWWF (treatment units starting from biological treatment tanks) 11,600
Reference is made to DSD’s Sewerage Manual for the peaking factor of raw sewage. The biological treatment tanks would
be sized to cater for certain portion of the PWWF. Peaking factor for the treatment units is tentatively set as 2, which would
be further confirmed in Design phase with reference to local hydraulic data.

The proposed sewerage system will be designed for the ultimate scenario in which all areas
within the Project Catchment Area with potential sewage generation are developed and
occupied. The schematic flow diagram of the sewerage scheme of this Project is as below:

Based on the above, the design capacity of the proposed sewage pumping station and sewage
works are tabled as below:

Sewerage Facility Design Capacity

Shui Hau Sewage Pumping Station 620
Tong Fuk Sewage Pumping Station 1,880
Cheung Fu Street Sewage Pumping Station 2,470
Cheung Sha Sewage Pumping Station 920
San Shek Wan Sewage Pumping Station 3,840
Pui O Sewage Pumping Station 1,960
San Shek Wan Sewage Treatment Works 5,800

Note: The majority sewage that San Shek Wan SPS collected is coming from Cheung Sha SPS and Cheung Fu Street SPS.
The installed capacity of San Shek Wan STW is the sum of the installed capacity of San Shek Wan SPS and Pui O SPS
which is 5,800 m3/day.

3.2.4 Treatment Objectives

Whilst the primary objective of the proposed sewage treatment works is to treat the sewage in
South Lantau for local disposal, in view of recent developments in sewage treatment
technology, which could produce high quality effluent, reuse of the treated effluent would
also be considered to minimize direct effluent discharge.

The Investigation Study of this Project has reviewed potential alternative disposal schemes
and non-potable reuse of treated effluent is deemed as a feasible option. Consequently, apart
from the marine disposal of the treated effluent via the submarine outfall, internal reuse of the
reclaimed water for non-potable use within the San Shek Wan STW is proposed. The use of
service water is primarily for washing of screens (headworks), process needs (for makeup
water for cleaning of membranes etc.), general housing keeping, toilet flushing, and irrigation
use within the STW. The consumption of the reclaimed water will account for approximately
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South Lantau Sewerage Works

58 m3/day. The reclaimed water would be undergoing chlorination in the reclaimed water
tank before being conveyed to the effluent reuse units within STW. Small amount of liquid
bleach (sodium hypochlorite solution) (~60L) will be stored on-site. The reclaimed water
quality standard criteria has been proposed in Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 – South
Lantau Sewerage Works – Investigation, Working Paper No. 2 – Alternative Disposal
Schemes and Effluent Reuse (Final), with reference to WSD water quality objectives for salt
water used for flushing (3), effluent standards from the Ngong Ping STW which is currently an
effluent reuse facility (4), effluent standards applied in Shek Wu Hui STW pilot study (5) (6) and
United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines for reclaimed water
quality for urban reuse. It should be noted that the proposed reclaimed water quality criteria
for this Project will be subject to further review in the Design phase of the Project.
Meanwhile, feasibility of other reuse schemes would be further explored in Design phase of
the Project and adopted, as far as practicable, subject to agreement with relevant authorities.

3.2.5 Effluent Quality Requirements

Based on the treatment objectives described in Section 3.2.4, the quality of the effluent
required from the proposed sewage treatment works is dictated by the following two major

 Discharge standards established by regulatory authorities, when effluent is discharged;


 Standards established by regulatory authorities, when effluent is reused for non-potable


Effluent Discharge Standards

The Technical Memorandum Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage
Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters published by the EPD under the Water Pollution Control
Ordinance (WPCO) specifies the acceptable standards of effluents discharging into drainage
systems and sewerage systems, inland waters and coastal waters. Effluent standards of the
proposed sewage treatment works will make reference to Table 10a – Standards for effluents
discharged into the inshore waters of Southern, Mirs Bay, Junk Bay, North Western, Eastern
Buffer and Western Buffer Water Control Zones of Cap 358. Relevant standards are
presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 – Standards for effluents discharged into the inshore waters of Southern, Mirs Bay, Junk
Bay, North Western, Eastern Buffer and Western Buffer Water Control Zones described in the
Technical Memorandum Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems,
Inland and Coastal Waters under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance
Determinand Upper Limit
Flow Rate (m3/day) 14,500 ( = 2.5ADWF)
Suspended Solids 30
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 20
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 80

(3) WSD water quality objectives for salt water used for flushing
(4) Agreement. No. CE 29/2001 – Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 1 Phase 1 – Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage Investigation,
Design and Construction
(5) Contract No. SS P320 – Design and Construction of the Redevelopment of Lo Wu Correctional Institution
(6) Agreement. No. CE 16/2004 (DS) – Demonstration Scheme on Reclaimed Water Used in the North District – Investigation

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South Lantau Sewerage Works

Determinand Upper Limit

Total Nitrogen 30
Escherichia coli (count/100ml) 1,000
ADWF – Average Dry Weather Flow
All units in mg/L unless otherwise stated; all figures are upper limits unless otherwise indicated.

However, for the purpose of a worst-case assessment, the effluent discharge standards under
the WPCO may be adopted for assessment where appropriate (e.g. in water quality impact

Effluent Reuse Standards

There are certain effluent reuse standards that are being practiced in Hong Kong. The effluent
quality standards adopted for the reuse at Ngong Ping STW (for toilet flushing and controlled
irrigation), North District (for toilet flushing, unrestricted irrigation & water features), Lo Wu
Correction Institution (for toilet flushing) and WSD’s water quality objectives for toilet
flushing have been reviewed to derive the proposed standards for the San Shek Wan STW
which are listed in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 – Standards for Effluents for Reuse of Reclaimed Water at San Shek Wan STW
Determinand Unit Proposed Reclaimed Water Quality Criteria
for San Shek Wan STW *
pH n/a 6-9 (d)
Turbidity NTU ≤ 2 (b-d)
Total Suspended Solids mg/L ≤ 10 (a)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/L ≤10 (a)
Colour Hazen Unit ≤ 20 (a)
Ammonia Nitrogen mg/L ≤ 1 (a)
Threshold Odour Number T.O.N ≤ 100 (a)
Synthetic Detergents mg/L ≤ 5 (a)
Escherichia coli Cfu/100ml Not Detectable (b-d)
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L ≥ 2 (a)
Residual Chlorine mg/L ≥ 1 (d) (For Washing and Toilet Flushing)
mg/L ≤ 1 (d) (For Irrigation)
The effluent standards are adopted from:
(a) Agreement. No. CE 29/2001 – Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 1 Phase 1 – Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage
Investigation, Design and Construction.
(b) Agreement No. CE 16/2004 (DS) – Demonstration Scheme on Reclaimed Water Uses in the North District –
(c) Contract No. SS P320 – Design and Construction of the Redevelopment of Lo Wu Correctional Institution
(d) Guideline for Water Reuse (2004), USEPA

It is noted that the standards practiced for reuse are in general more stringent than the effluent
discharge standards under the WPCO. Hence, where applicable, the reuse standards will be
adopted as basis for developing the treatment process at the San Shek Wan STW.

3.2.6 Treatment Process & Preliminary Layout

Based on the latest review and investigation in this Project, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is
selected as the treatment process for the proposed San Shek Wan STW (see Section 2 for
details). A process flow diagram of the proposed MBR treatment plant is shown in Figure 3.5.
The headworks will comprise an influent wet well, flow monitoring, screens, screenings
washer and compactor, vortex grit removal system with grit classifier. Starting from the
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South Lantau Sewerage Works

influent wet well, the sewage flow will be measured and pumped to the subsequent treatment
units. A splitter box will distribute influent from vortex type grit basin(s), where grit will
settle into a grit hopper, to the downstream anoxic / oxic biological treatment basins. In the
treatment basins, the influent will go through biological nutrient removal activated sludge
treatment process. The effluent will then flow to the membrane tanks for filtering out clean
and treated water from the mixed liquor. Returned activated sludge will be transported from
the membrane tanks back to the activated sludge process so as to maintain the Mixed Liquor
Suspended Solids (MLSS) content in the activated sludge process zone and prevent excessive
solid concentration of the membrane zone.

A monitoring system will be provided in STW to detect the productivity of membrances and
alert the maintenance crew to replace the flat sheet in a membrane immediately if it is
damaged. Since each membrane consists of large amount of flat sheet, the effluent quality will
not exceed the allowable limit immediately in case of the small damage to the flat sheet.

It is noted that effluent for marine disposal does not require chlorine disinfection as long as
the sewage treatment works can meet the effluent quality requirements with respect to
existence of pathogens. Liquid bleach (Sodium hypochlorite) will be fed into reclaimed water
storage tank for disinfecting and maintaining a suitable residual chlorine level on the portion
of reclaimed water for reuse. The reclaimed water storage tank will be provided with effluent
pumps for marine disposal, reclaimed water pumps for water reuse and non-potable water
pumps for process uses within the STW.

On-site sludge treatment will be provided through two process units, i.e. sludge thickener and
filter press. Gravity Thickener system is capable for thickening of Waste Activated Sludge
(WAS) up to approximately 3% solid content. The thickened sludge will flow by gravity to
the sludge holding tanks which provide temporary storage before transferring to the filter
presses, which will be operated in batch processing mode. The filter press system is capable
for producing 30% solid cake to meet the landfill disposal requirement.

The preliminary layout of the proposed San Shek Wan STW is enclosed in Figures 3.4a-f.

3.3 Project Construction

3.3.1 Village Sewerage
Traditional open cut method will be adopted for the construction of gravity sewers and
concrete manholes. Approximately 50,000 m3 of excavated materials will be generated from
the excavation works associated with the construction of village sewerage.

The works will be carried out in the narrow village alleys, accesses and open spaces of the
villages and unsewered areas. Where working space is limited and heavy vehicles or
construction plant are not accessible, hand-held tools or small-scale construction plant will be
used for construction activities such as excavation, pipe laying and backfilling.

The proposed sewer alignment will overlap with some existing septic tanks and thus it is
necessary to remove these septic tanks for construction of the proposed sewerage. The
proposed sewerage will be constructed and commissioned from downstream to upstream.
When the construction works is obstructed by an existing septic tank, the flow discharging to
the septic tank will be diverted to the new sewerage system and the septic tank will be
removed for further proceeding of the sewerage works.

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South Lantau Sewerage Works

3.3.2 Trunk Sewerage

Trunk Sewers and Rising Mains

Open cut method or trenchless method (e.g. micro-tunnelling and hand-digging) will be
adopted for the construction of the trunk sewers and rising mains. The pipes will be
underneath South Lantau Road, except for some bridge crossing (for the rising mains) which
may be bridge-mounted type and exposed. Approximately 150,000 m3 of excavated materials
will be generated from the excavation works associated with the construction of trunk sewers
and rising mains.

The trunk sewers and rising mains will be constructed in sections and temporary traffic
arrangement will be implemented during construction to maintain the traffic flow of South
Lantau Road.

Sewage Pumping Stations

Traditional building method will be adopted for construction and the general construction
sequence is as follows:

 Site clearance: this involves the removal of debris and vegetation by the use of
bulldozer and dump truck;

 Site formation, excavation and construction of temporary lateral support: construction

activities will include breaking up of pavement by hydraulic breaker (for STW site
only), soil excavation by excavator to formation level, removal of debris and C&D
materials by dump truck, installation of temporary lateral support or sheetpiles with the
use of vibrating hammer, and filling of formation level and other fill area with
excavator, dump truck and power rammer;

 Construction of substructures: this involves steel reinforcement fixing, formworking

and concreting with the use of concrete lorry mixer. Water pump and generator may be
used if ground water table is found to be high. Electric vibratory poker and generator
will be used for settling of concrete;

 Backfilling: this involves equipment such as power rammer for compaction of soil
materials and hydraulic extractor for extraction of sheetpiles. Lorry will be used to
transport the filling materials to the site;

 Construction of superstructure: this involves steel reinforcement fixing, formworking

and concreting with the use of concrete lorry mixer. Electric vibratory poker and
generator will be used for settling of concrete;

 Installation of electrical & mechanical (E&M) services: these activities will be

undertaken mostly indoor or underground. Crane lorry will be used for transportation
of E&M installations. Apart from hand-made installations, some installations require
welding; and

 Architectural and landscaping works: Small-sized lorry will be used for transportation
of façade and landscape materials. Welding may be required for some architectural

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Approximately 2,670 m3 of excavated materials will be generated from the excavation works
associated with the construction of each sewage pumping station. Architectural and landscape
features will be proposed to decorate and blend the sewage pumping stations into their
adjoining environment.

3.3.3 Sewage Treatment Works

Buildings of STW

Traditional building method will be adopted for construction. The general construction
sequence described for the construction of sewage pumping stations (Section 3.3.2) will be
adopted. Approximately 30,000 m3 of excavated materials will be generated from the
excavation works associated with the construction of the STW. Architectural and landscape
features will be proposed to decorate and blend the sewage treatment works into their
adjoining environment.

Submarine Outfall

To minimize dredging in Pui O Bay, the submarine outfall pipe will be constructed by
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method from the STW.

Minor dredging of the seabed will be required for the installation of the diffuser. An area of
approximate 39m x 33m at the end of the outfall pipe will be dredged down to about -4.8mPD
by one closed grab dredger. There will be no excessive dredging. Approximately 4,700 m3 of
marine sediment will be dredged. The diffuser will be installed to the end of the submarine
outfall pipe in-situ on the seabed of Pui O Bay.

3.4 Project Operation

3.4.1 Sewerage System
The village sewerage system is a gravity sewer network in the villages and unsewered areas
for collection of sewage. The gravity sewer network will convey the collected sewage to the
trunk sewerage system.

The trunk sewerage system consists of trunk sewers, sewage pumping stations and rising
mains along South Lantau Road and Chi Ma Wan Road for conveyance of the collected
sewage from the village sewerage system to the sewage treatment works at San Shek Wan.

The village sewerage and trunk sewerage works are unmanned operation with regular
cleaning, checks and maintenance for efficient operation. The cleaning work consists of
mainly manual desilting and water jet cleansing.

3.4.2 Sewage Pumping Station

The sewage pumping stations will be designed as conventional wet well type pumping
stations. Incoming sewage will enter through screening device(s) to prevent large debris from
clogging the downstream sewage pumps. The sewage then passes into the wet well in which
pump units are located and is pumped out to rising mains leading to the proposed San Shek
Wan STW. Standby pump will be provided in the event of breakdown or maintenance.

The main items requiring periodic maintenance and inspection in the sewage pumping
stations will be the screening device(s) and wet well. Regular cleaning of the screening
device(s) will be necessary to prevent blockage by debris. Entrained grit tends to settle out in
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South Lantau Sewerage Works

the wet wells thereby reducing the capacity of the wet wells and restricting sewage inflow.
The accumulated grit will be removed periodically along with any debris and multiple
compartments will be provided so that the pumping stations remain in operation while one of
the wells is being in maintenance. Facilities will be provided within the sewage pumping
stations for temporary storage of screenings in sealed drums or skips prior to removal for
disposal at landfills. The rate of solid waste generated from cleaning is about 1 m3 per day for
each of the sewage pumping stations. To reduce potential odour problem during operation
and maintenance within the sewage pumping stations, air inside those stations will be
collected and pass through an odour removal system before discharge into the atmosphere.
The used water from water points and water basins will be collected and discharged into the
wet well directly. Except during maintenance, the sewage pumping stations are unmanned

To prevent sewage overflow from the sewage pumping stations due to plant failure, standby
pumps, dual power supply and emergency storage will be provided to the sewage pumping
stations. The standby pumps and dual power supply will maintain continuous operation of the
sewage pumping stations when the duty pumps or main power supply are down. In extreme
situation when both the duty and standby pumps are down or the dual power supply are failed,
the sewage entering the sewage pumping stations will be bypassed to the emergency storage
to prevent sewage overflow.

The SPSs and STW are all designed to have one standby unit (e.g. standby pumps and
standby treatment units) in case of equipment failure. Dual power supply will be in place in
case of power breakdown. In case of failure of dual power supply, emergency storage for
SPSs and STW would be in place to prevent emergency discharge. A 6-hour (ADWF)
emergency storage will be provided for each SPS. The storage capacity for each sewage
pumping station taking into account the transportation route and time of the repairing crew in
the case of emergency is shown as below:

Storage Capacity for Sewage Pumping Station

Cheung Sha SPS 230 m3
San Shek Wan SPS 343 m3
Cheung Fu Street SPS 148 m3
Tong Fuk SPS 315 m3
Shui Hau SPS 155 m3
Pui O SPS 490 m3

In addition to the sewage from their local catchments, some sewage pumping stations (i.e.
Tong Fuk SPS, Cheung Fu Street SPS and San Shek Wan SPS) will also receive sewage from
their upstream sewage pumping stations. When one of these sewage pumping stations is down,
sewage entering this sewage pumping station from its local catchment will be bypassed to its
emergency storage and all of its upstream sewage pumping stations will stop operation and
the sewage entering the upstream sewage pumping stations from their local catchments will
be bypassed to their emergency storages. It will then provide the required minimum 6 hours
of emergency storage to prevent sewage overflow, which has accounted for the required time
for travelling to and repairing of all the sewage pumping stations as confirmed by DSD.
Regular inspection and maintenance will be carried out by DSD’s maintenance crew which
will station in the San Shek Wan STW. During non-office hours, existing mobile team from
Ma Wan STW will be responsible to back up the maintenance crew in San Shek Wan STW.

With the implementation of above preventive measures, the possibility of sewage overflow
from the sewage pumping stations will be extreme low. However, for safety purpose, a safety
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South Lantau Sewerage Works

outlet will be provided to each emergency storage to prevent flooding of the sewage pumping

3.4.3 Sewage Treatment Works

The sewage treatment works collect the sewage from the sewage pumping stations for proper
central treatment. Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is selected as the sewage treatment process
of the proposed San Shek Wan STW. Details of the treatment process are described in
Section 3.2.4. Treated effluent will be discharged to outer bay of Pui O/ Chi Ma Wan via a
submarine outfall.

The proposed sewage treatment works will be totally enclosed within a multi-storey operation
building. The entire treatment process will generally be fully automatic under a continuous
monitoring and control system. Batch processing with manned operation would be adopted
for the filter press units and disposal of sludge cake, in which frequency of processing would
be further investigated in the detailed design, based on the volume of incoming sewage.

Sludge generated in the treatment process (approximately 2.56 m3 per day) will go through a
thickening and dewatering process and will be stored properly in covered containers within
the plant structure to avoid odour nuisance, prior to removal for disposal at landfills or the
proposed Sludge Treatment Facility by trucks.

The used water from water points and water basins will be collected and discharged into the
inlet chamber for treatment. During the operation of the STW, about 5,800 m3 of treated
effluent will be discharged per day at the time of fully utilization of its design capacity which
will be after 2031.

To prevent sewage overflow from the sewage treatment works due to plant failure, standby
equipment, dual power supply and emergency storage will be provided to the sewage
treatment works. The standby equipment and dual power supply will maintain continuous
operation of the sewage treatment works when the duty equipment or main power supply is
down. In extreme situation when both the duty and standby equipment are down or the dual
power supply is failed, the sewage entering the sewage treatment works will be bypassed to
the emergency storage to prevent sewage overflow. In the case of dual power supply failure,
6-hour emergency storage tank and 6-hour equalization tank at STW will store the sewage
temporarily until the storage capacity is exceeded. When the STW is down, Pui O SPS will
stop conveying sewage to the STW and the sewage entering Pui O SPS will be bypassed to its
emergency storage. The STW will still receive sewage from other sewage pumping stations
(i.e. Shui Hau SPS, Tong Fuk SPS, Cheung Fu Street SPS, Cheung Sha SPS and San Shek
Wan SPS) but the sewage will be bypassed to the emergency storage of the sewage treatment

Regular inspection and maintenance will be carried out by DSD’s maintenance crew which
will station in the San Shek Wan STW. During non-office hours, existing mobile team from
Ma Wan STW will be responsible to back up the maintenance crew in San Shek Wan STW.
With the implementation of above preventive measures, the possibility of sewage overflow
from the sewage treatment works and Pui O SPS will be extreme low. However, for safety
purpose, safety outlets will be provided to the emergency storages to prevent flooding of the
sewage treatment plant and Pui O SPS.

It is noted that as no treated effluent will be generated in the event of power failure, overflow
passage or temporary storage of treated effluent is not necessary.

3-11 B&V / ERM

Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –
South Lantau Sewerage Works

For regular cleaning and maintenance, screening and grit removal would be conducted inside
the STW. The rate of solid waste generated from STW is about 3 m3 per day.

3.5 Project Summary

Table 3.4 presents a summary of the project details.

Table 3.4 – Summary of Key Project Details

Project Consideration Details
Proposed Sewerage Scheme  Village sewerage works including gravity pipes and manholes in the
unsewered areas of Shui Hau, Tong Fuk, Cheung Sha, San Shek Wan, Pui O
and Ham Tin in South Lantau
 Trunk sewerage works including trunk sewers and twin rising mains along
the South Lantau Road and Chi Ma Wan Road, and six sewage pumping
stations in Shui Hau, Tong Fuk, Cheung Fu Street, Cheung Sha, San Shek Wan
and Pui O
 Sewage treatment works including a sewage treatment plant at San Shek Wan
and a submarine sewage outfall discharging into Pui O Wan

San Shek Wan Sewage Treatment  Design flow = 5,800 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)
Works (STW)  Installed capacity = 17,400 m3

Treatment Objectives of San Shek Wan  Marine disposal of treated effluent via the submarine outfall
STW  Internal reuse of the reclaimed water for non-potable use within the San Shek

Treatment Process at San Shek Wan Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)


Shui Hau Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 620 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

Tong Fuk Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 1,880 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

Cheung Fu Street Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 2,470 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

Cheung Sha Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 920 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

San Shek Wan Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 3,840 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

Pui O Sewage Pumping Station  Design flow = 1,960 m3/day Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

Project Footprint  About 16 km of gravity pipes, 7.5 km of trunk sewers and 7.5 km of twin
rising mains
 Ranged between 100 – 300 m2 for each sewage pumping station
 About 280 m2 and 1,620 m2 for the administration building and operation
building of San Shek Wan STW (building area)
 About 1,100 m for the length of submarine outfall

Construction Cut & Fill Requirements

o Gravity pipes, manholes, trunk  Excavated materials = about 200,000 m3
sewers and twin rising mains  Fill materials = about 169,000 m3
 Surplus materials = about 31,000 m3

3-12 B&V / ERM

Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –
South Lantau Sewerage Works

Project Consideration Details

o Sewage pumping station (for a  Excavated materials = about 16,000 m3 (about 2,670 m3 each)
total of six)  Fill materials = about 7,300 m3
 Surplus materials = about 8,700 m3

o Sewage Treatment Works  Excavated materials = about 30,000 m3

 Fill materials = about 2,000 m3
 Surplus materials = about 28,000 m3

Area of Seabed Affected by About 1,300 m2 (39m x 33m)

Installation of Outfall Diffuser

Marine Dredging Volume About 4,700 m3

(in situ volume)

Project Operation  Sludge generation = approx. 2.56 m3 per day

 Treated Effluent discharged = 5,800 m3 per day
 Other solid wastes from regular cleaning/ maintenance activities = 2,600 m 3
per year

3.6 Project Planning & Implementation Programme

The proposed works to be implemented are expected to be packaged in three works packages
as follows:

 Package A comprises the construction of a sewage treatment works at San Shek Wan
with submarine outfall, 1 no. of sewage pumping station in Pui O and sewerage to the
unsewered areas of Pui O area. Construction works is anticipated to commence in mid
2017 for completion in early 2023.

 Package B the provision of sewerage to the unsewered areas of Ham Tin, San Shek
Wan, Cheung Sha Upper/Lower Village and Cheung Fu Street region. Construction
works is anticipated to commence in mid 2018 for completion in mid 2023. It involves
construction of village sewers, 3 nos. of sewage pumping stations in San Shek Wan,
Cheung Sha and Cheung Fu Street region, and the associated twin rising mains for
collection and conveyance of sewage to the proposed San Shek Wan STW for proper
treatment and disposal.

 Package C comprises the provision of sewerage to the unsewered areas of Tong Fuk
and Shui Hau. Construction works is anticipated to commence in early 2019 for
completion in early 2024. It involves construction of village sewers, 2 nos. of sewage
pumping stations in Tong Fuk and Shui Hau, and the associated twin rising mains for
collection and conveyance of sewage to the proposed San Shek Wan STW for proper
treatment and disposal.

3.7 Interactions with other Projects

Major interfacing projects are summarized in Table 3.5. None of these projects are
considered as concurrent projects of this Project and hence they are not considered in this EIA.

3-13 B&V / ERM

Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –
South Lantau Sewerage Works

Table 3.5 – Major Interfacing Projects with This Project

Project Title Project Scope Concurrent Project?
PWP No. 257WC – Siu Ho Wan Water A 1200mm diameter raw water main No. Project programme is not
Treatment Works Extension – Pui O along South Lantau Road in Pui O is available for consideration at
Raw Water Pumping Stations and proposed under this Water Supplies time of reporting.
Associated Mainlaying (WSD/Design) Department (WSD) project. Investigation
phase of the project was completed in
2010. There is no definite programme for
the raw water main.

Agreement No. CE 38/2007 (CE) – This is a planning and engineering No. Project programme is not
Planning and Engineering Study of feasibility study commissioned by Civil available for consideration at
Private Housing Development at Engineering and Development time of reporting.
Cheung Sha, Lantau – Feasibility Department (CEDD) for five potential
Study (CEDD/HKI&I) private housing development sites in
Cheung Sha. The feasibility study was
completed in 2010 and recommended
sites CSER 406 and CSER 407 for private
housing development. These two sites
had been recently sold to private
developer in 2011. The actual
development programme would have to
depend on the private stakeholders and
the project implementation mechanism.

Agreement No. CE 11/2008 (WS) – Water mains replacement and No. Construction programme
Replacement and Rehabilitation of rehabilitation works are proposed, under is generally earlier than
Water Mains Stage 4 (WSD/CM) Water Supplies Department (WSD)’s majority of the South Lantau
Agreement No. CE 11/2008 (WS), in Pui Project.
O, Ham Tin, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk and
Shui Hau. The works involves
replacement of water supply pipelines in
the above villages and connection along
South Lantau Road. The construction
works for this project is scheduled to
commence in 2011 for completion in 2015.

CE 29/2008 (EP) – Engineering A set of 132kV submarine electricity No. This project is at sufficient
Investigation and Environmental cables was proposed by Environmental distance (>2km) from the
Studies for Integrated Waste Protection Department (EPD) to be proposed submarine sewage
Management Facilities Phase 1 – constructed underneath the seabed outfall.
Feasibility Study (EPD/IP) between Shek Kwu Chau and Cheung Sha
under Agreement No. CE 29/2008 (EP)
and the project was gazetted under
Foreshore and Sea-Bed (Reclamations)
Ordinance (Cap. 127) in April 2011. The
project was in the status of feasibility
study and construction was scheduled
between 2013 and 2019.

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Outlying Islands Sewerage Stage 2 –
South Lantau Sewerage Works

Project Title Project Scope Concurrent Project?

Agreement No. CE 15/2010 (DS) – Under DSD’s Agreement No. CE 15/2010 No. The proposed sewerage
Upgrading of Cheung Chau and Tai O (DS), the existing Cheung Chau and Tai O works in Cheung Chau and Tai
Sewage Collection, Treatment and sewage treatment works and their O are at sufficient distances
Disposal Facilities (DSD/CM) associated sewerage networks are (>4km and >5km respectively
proposed to be upgraded. The works for Cheung Chau and Tai O)
mainly comprise expansion and from the project area of South
upgrading of the existing Cheung Cha Lantau sewerage works. In
STW and Tai O STW together with the addition, the locations of the
associated sewerage networks. The works in this project at Cheung
construction works of this project is Chau and Tai O are
tentatively scheduled to progressively geographically separated from
start in 2016-2017 for completion in 2021. the South Lantau sewerage
works by Chi Ma Wan
Peninsula and Lantau Peak

Agreement No. 4600003274 – Cable A set of 11kV electricity supply cable was No. Project programme is not
Route Consultancy Services along Chi proposed by CLP Power Hong Kong available for consideration at
Ma Wan Road (CLP) Limited (CLP) to be laid from the junction time of reporting.
of South Lantau Road and Chi Ma Wan
Road via Pui O Camp Site to the south of
Ham Tin and end at Chi Ma Wan
Peninsula, in order to provide sufficient
electricity supply to the Chi Ma Wan and
Chi Sun Correctional Institution, in which
expansion works are being planning.
Feasibility study of the project is
completed in 2010. Construction
programme of the works may hinge on
the funding of expansion works for those
two correctional institutions.

RPIS IS009 – Construction of A new vehicular access was proposed by No. Project programme is not
Vehicular Access at Pui O San Wai Highways Department (HyD) in Pui O available for consideration at
Tsuen, Lantau Island (HyD/Works) San Wai next to an existing river channel time of reporting.
for access from South Lantau Road to
uphill side of the village. The road
alignment is being reviewed by HyD and
there is no definite programme for the

RPIS IS005 – Construction of Car Park Construction of car park and footpath No. Project programme is not
at Pui O, Lantau Island (HyD/Works) improvement were proposed by available for consideration at
HyD/Works in the vicinity of Pui O Lo time of reporting.
Uk Tsuen. No definite programme for the
works is available during preparation of
this EIA Report.

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