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By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

● understand and apply vocabulary items related to the topic Leisure time;
● structure a Part 2 talk about the topic Activity;
● speak more naturally with sentence stress.

- Place
- Speaking part 2

4 tiêu chí speaking

- Fluency and coherence - 7
- Lexical resource - vocabulary - 7
- Grammatical range and accuracy - 6
spend time doing sth
Reading helps me gain knowledge.
- Pronunciation - 6
s, sh
delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/
sit /sɪt/

A Thematic vocabulary: Leisure time

❶ Put the expressions in the table below in the correct place (some can go in more than one
nhóm 1: điền từ vào cột have và go (Hoàng, Quân, Thư)
nhóm 2: điền từ vào ô watch và go to (Hải, Ngọc, An)
nhóm 3: play và go for (Phương Anh & Phương Linh)
nhóm 4: do và collect (Bắc và Huyền)

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 1

a party a takeaway music TV old postcards junk shops clubbing the cinema
the beach surfing swimming DVDs online games a barbecue cards
a concert a coffee a drive a film friends around games a match
a play a quiet night in a restaurant shopping the theater a walk
puzzles chess crossword stamps foreign banknotes sudoku puzzles

junk food

have a party go
-have/ get a takeaway shopping
-have DVDs surfing
-have cards
-have a concert
-have a match clubbing
-have stamps
-have a barbecue
-have a walk
-have a coffee
- have a quiet night in
- have friends around (có bạn bè đến nhà chơi)
= hang out with friends at home

watch TV go to the beach/ a concert/ the theater/ a

-DVDs restaurant/ junk shops/ a match/ a concert/ a
-a concert play/ the cinema/a takeaway
-a film
-a match
- a play

play go for
-online games - a coffee
-games -a walk
-chess -a drive
- a match
- cards

do collect
- a walk - old postcards
- pizzles - cards
- crossword - stamps
- sudoku puzzles - foreign banknotes

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 2

- the shopping

- go to: đi đến 1 địa điểm

- go for: làm hành động gì

I go to a coffee shop
I go for a coffee.

❷ With a partner, use the positive adjectives in the box to say how you feel about various
free-time activities. You can use the activities within or outside Exercise 1.

I felt exciting before this trip.

excited - cảm xúc
exciting - bản chất của việc đó như nào

amusing great enjoyable excellent exciting

brilliant healthy peaceful relaxing

Example: Going swimming is a relaxing and enjoyable activity - I usually do it at the weekend.

❸ With a different partner, use the negative adjectives in the box to talk about free-time
activities. You can use the activities within or outside Exercise 1.

dangerous exhausting tiring harmful hopeless

miserable frightening useless stressful

Example: I’m totally hopeless at doing sudoku puzzles - it’s too difficult for a person who likes
easy things like me.

B Review: Part 1 questions - Hobbies

❹ Work in pairs and take turns to answer the following Part 1 questions. Try to make your
answers 2-3 sentences long.
1. Do you have any hobbies?
Huyền: I like listening to music and enjoy different kinds of music such as pop, ballad, US,
genres: thể loại

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 3

2. Did you have a hobby as a child?
Hải: when i was a child, i often played football with my friends. but when i broke my leg, i
didn’t play anymore.
I often played = I used to play
3. What are popular hobbies in your country?
Hoàng: I think a popular hobby in Vietnam is football because all children like to play it to keep
their health and they always hope to become a footballer in the future. footballer = football
4. Is it important to have a hobby in your opinion?
Phương Anh: Yes, I think it is very important because it helps me relax after a long day and
learn many things.
necessary: cần thiết
crucial > important cực kì quan trọng
essential (cực kì quan trọng, cực kì cần thiết) > necessary
5. What sort of hobbies would you like to try in the future?
Bắc: I want to try tennis in the future. because it is an expensive sport so now I don’t have
enough money to play it. in the future when I have enough money, I will play it

C Speaking Part 2: Describing an activity

❺ Listen to a candidate called Alex giving a talk about a cue card under the topic Activity.
Complete the notes below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. 🔊12
Describe a type of sport you like.
You can talk about:
● what the sport is;
● what equipment it requires;
● when you play it;
and explain why you like it.

Alex’s notes

Introduction: (1) tennis

Detailed description
● Took up this sport in (2) high school

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● (3) fascinated by movements and forehands => picked it up
● Play it regularly with my (4) classmates and dad
● Equipment: a (5) tennis racket, a tennis ball, a (6) tennis court
● Physical requirements: strong, lots of (7) movement and firm (8) musculature => a
lot of training
Focus: Why I like it
● (9) relieve stress
● keep my body (10) in shape
● (11) strengthen the bonds with my friends and dads
Final thought: keep doing it in the future

fascinated + by
muscle (n): cơ
muscular (adj): (thuộc về) cơ - muscular power
musculature (n): hệ thống cơ bắp
relieve (v): giải toả
relief (n)
relieve my stress
stress relief

● strengthen the bonds: gắn kết mối quan hệ

● bonding

- strong (adj): mạnh

- strength (n): sức mạnh
- strengthen (v): làm cho mạnh hơn

today i want to present you about a common sport, its soccer. it’s one of the most famous
sport all over the world. in this sport, it consists of two teams, each team has 11 soccer player
and you need to prepare a ball, and a soccer shoes and a soccer court to play this sport. in …
the purpose of this sport is hitting the ball to the opponent’s goal. if you score a goal, your
team will get one point. at the end of the game
i often play this game with my classmates in the afternoon everyday. i think i really play this

If i have to talk about a type of sport i like most, i would mention swimming.

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I have to go to school,
I usually go swimming one
It helps me keep my body in shape and keep my health
For mental, swimming helps me relax when I swim in water
Regarding/ In terms of/ When it comes to mental health

I think go swimming with my sister might relation… relation with my sister will be stronger

All in all, i think it

❻ Read Alex’s response in page 11 and complete the following table by writing down the
number of the sentences that answer the questions given in the left column.


How long?

Why I picked it up?

How often?

Equipment & Qualities required

Focus Why you like it?

Final thought

❓ Read Alex’s response again and underline the expressions that

1. means you begin doing a new activity.
2. means you do something regularly.
3. is used to transition to the idea of equipment.
4. conclude the talk.

Exam Tip Describing an activity

When faced with an Activity cue card, the following structure can be used to develop your talk.
It also suggests some expressions that may improve the coherence of your talk.
1. Introduction
If I have to talk about …, I would mention / that would definitely be …

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 6

When it comes to …, I would like to talk about …
2. Detailed description
a. How long have I done it? / When will I take it up?
To the best of my recollection / memory, I first took up … when …
If my memory serves me right, I picked it up / started doing it in … when …
It has been … months / years since I first took it up if I’m not wrong.
I hope I can start … when I am … (future)
b. Why did I pick it up? / do I want to pick it up?
The reason I picked it up was because …
I began … as …
I would love to make … a habit because … (future)
c. How often do I do it? (can be omitted if talking about the future)
I do it / play it / … on a regular / occasional / … basis with …
I usually / sometimes / …
d. Equipment / Qualities required
Regarding / When it comes to the equipment, this activity / sport requires …
To play / do / …, we need …
It is important to be patient / strong physically and mentally / tactful / … when …
To do this successfully, … is an essential quality, as …
3. Focus
If I have to talk about the reasons why …, it must be …
Moving on to the reasons why …, it is / was because …
Regarding what made / makes me love / hate / want to live there …, I would mention …
4. Final thought
To sum up, / All in all, … is a wonderful / meaningful / beneficial / … hobby / activity, and I
hope I can maintain it in the future.
To conclude, … offers me a lot of benefits, and hopefully, I can make it a habit of mine in
the future. (future)

❼ In 03 minutes, brainstorm for the following cue card. Remember to only use short phrases
when making notes. Note down your ideas in the template given below.

Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.

You should say:
● what you do;

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 7

● how often you do it;
● where you do it;
And explain how you think this activity helps you stay healthy or fit.





Final thought

❽ Work in pairs. Choose a sport you like and note down the idea.
Then, in at least 1 minute, present and convince your friends to take up this sport.
*Use the expressions given in the Exam Tip of Exercise 6 if needed.

D Sentence stress

We normally stress the main information in a sentence. When we answer a question, we

usually stress the words which give the answer, or give new information.

❾ Underline the words you think Hanan and Kwan, two IELTS candidates should stress in
their answers.
Examiner: Can you tell me what you do, Hanan? Do you work, or are you a student?
Hanan: Yes, I’m a student. I’m studying medicine because I want to be a doctor.
Examiner: And where do you come from?
Hanan: I come from Muttrah in Oman.

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Examiner: Can you tell me what you do, Kwan? Do you work, or are you a student?
Kwan: I’m a student. I’m studying Economics at Chonju University at the moment.
Examiner: And where do you come from, Kwan?
Kwan: I come from a small village near Chonju in Korea.

❿ Listen to check your answers. Then repeat the conversations. 🔊13

*Brainstorm: Write your answer to the following Part 1 questions. Underline the words which
you should stress. Then read your answer out loud.
1. Do you have any hobbies?
2. Did you have a hobby as a child?
3. What are popular hobbies in your country?

E Homework
Exercise 1: Listen to two candidates answering some Part 1 questions about the topic Sports
and Collecting things. Complete his answers with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken
from the recording. 🔊6
Topic: Sports
1. What sports do you like?
I am a (1) _______________ of tennis. It’s pretty (2) _______________ as I have to run after
balls a lot. Yet it helps me (3) _______________ whenever I play it.
2. Where did you learn how to do it?
I learned how to play tennis simply by watching tennis videos on TV and Youtube. Indeed,
I (4) _______________ this sport after I was inspired by a tennis match on TV as well.
3. Did you do some sports when you were young?
Yes, definitely. Actually I played sports (5) _______________ when I was a secondary
school or high school student. As I was young, I often played football with my friends.
4. Do you think students need more exercise?
Sincerely a yes. Nowadays, many of us are too (6) _______________ with homework and
deadlines at school and at home, and they don’t have much time for exercise. It is
important to (7) _______________ between work and health; otherwise, you will be left (8)
Topic: Collecting things
1. Do you collect things?

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Not often, honestly speaking. I used to collect (9) _______________ when I was a child,
around 7 or 8 years old, but now, unfortunately no. I’m not that (10) _______________
about collecting things.
2. Would you keep old things for a long time?
I would love to (11) _______________ things that my grandparents and parents gave me as
(12) _______________ of the precious past. They (13) _______________ for me as they are a
symbol of kinship and family love.
3. Where do you usually keep things you need?
Usually I would put them in my backpack. I am admittedly a (14) _______________ person,
so important things such as my phone and earphones need to be as close to me as

Exercise 2: Listen to a candidate giving a talk for the following cue card. Complete her answer
with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording. 🔊7
Describe a free time activity that you like doing in your free time.
You should say:
● what you do;
● where you do it;
● when you do it;
● who you do it with;
And explain why you like to do this activity.

If I have to talk about an activity I love doing in my spare time, I would mention reading books.
To the best of my recollection, I (1) _______________ this hobby when I was a secondary school
student. I have always been a (2) _______________ kid, wanting to (3) _______________. Books are
a great (4) _______________, and that’s the reason why I started reading books in my free time.
What I need is simply a book of my interest and a (5) _______________. I have no particular
favorite (6) _______________, but I usually opt for Language and Geography books as they are (7)
_______________ with my major at university.
Talking about the reason why I took up reading books in my free time, it is because this activity is
(8) _______________ and (9) _______________ in itself. Sipping a cup of tea and (10)
_______________ yourself in a book feels so (11) _______________. Furthermore, I am always (12)
_______________ for new knowledge, and books have done a great job of (13) _______________
my desire.

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All in all, reading books is a great and beneficial free time activity, and I am sure I will maintain it
in the future.

Exercise 3: Record yourself reading the answer of Exercise 2 aloud. Pay attention to where you
should stress in your talk.

F Homework (group work)

Make a group call. Practice the following Part 1 topics. As you listen to your partners,
complete the feedback form. Send the evidence to the class group.

Exercise 4: Write down your answer for the following Part 1 questions about the topic Book
and Reading habits. Underline the words you think you should stress in your answers. Then
record them with proper sentence stress.
1. Do you often read books? When?
2. Are your reading habits now different than before?
3. Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?
4. Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?
I’m gonna talk
I wanna talk
I don’t like

Exercise 5: Make notes for the following cue card and give a talk about it in at most 2 minutes.

Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study.

You should say:
● what it is;
● how it helps you concentrate;
● when you do it;
And explain how you feel about it.

Exercise 6 [PREP]: Following are a list of different media types. Write down some famous
names in our country and the world that belong to each type.
Physical newspapers: __________________________________________________________________

Online newspapers: ____________________________________________________________________

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Magazines: ____________________________________________________________________________

Social media platforms: _________________________________________________________________

Documentaries: ________________________________________________________________________

Reality shows: _________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 7 [PREP]: Read the following text about the topic Fame through the Internet and
answer the following questions.
In the past, to become famous you needed a talent: singing, playing an instrument, dancing or
writing books. Nowadays, it is much easier to become famous. This is because of the internet. All
you need is a camera or webcam, computer, internet connection and a bit of creativity.
First of all, you need to decide what you are going to write or speak about: hair and makeup,
comedy, sport, news and current affairs, raising money for a charity or something special like
keeping tropical fish. Then choose a site to post on. Some sites are international and some may be
particular to one country, such as Weibo in China. YouTube is a good site to choose if you make
your own videos. It is easy to upload your short films, and many people use it.
If you want to become famous on YouTube, you should make lots of videos and release one every
day. YouTubers who become popular are often those who present tips, advice, 'how to' guides and
opinions on entertainment or stories in the news. If you allow advertisements in your videos, you
will make money when people view the adverts. Facebook is a good platform for those who want
to make money, but not for those who want to be famous. To earn money through Facebook, you
need a very original and/or funny page, with interesting photos which can get you a few hundred
thousand 'likes'. If you achieve fame on Facebook, it probably won't last.
Twitter is a social media site where people can communicate through short messages. It works
well for those who want to be well-known but are not so interested in making money. If you want
to become known on Twitter, you will need to post lots of entertaining content. Instagram is a site
where people mainly put up photos and videos. It is a site which can make you well-known,
particularly if you want to become a famous photographer.
Creating your own blog is possibly the best way to become internet famous and make money,
through advertising, especially once you have become known on one of the sites above. You need
to be aware of the topics and issues that are 'trending' (that are popular right now) and post
about those ideas. Learn to create 'vines' (a series of short extracts from videos put together in a

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 12

creative way) and become an expert on photo editing. With these few easily learnt skills and
some imagination, you can achieve the fame you've always dreamed of - online at least.
1. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. to give the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
B. to advise people how to become famous on the Internet
C. to explain how beginners can start to use the Internet
2. Find the words / phrases in the text that mean
a. of, relating to, or affecting two or more nations
b. to transfer data from a computer or a digital device to the memory of another
device / app especially via the Internet
c. to give permission for publication, performance, exhibition or sale of
d. a picture, short film, etc. to persuade people to buy a product
e. an opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly
f. produced by the artist and not copied
g. famous, known by a lot of people
h. popular for the time being
3. Choose the correct website (A-E) for each statement. You may choose any website more
than once.
1. You want to be rich and become famous.
2. You want to take photographs as a career.
3. You want people to know you but don’t care about money.
4. You want to make money but not be famous.
5. You can post a new film daily.
6. You want to show people how to do something.

A. Youtube
B. Facebook
C. Twitter
D. Instagram
E. your own blog

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Alex’s answer
If I have to talk about a sport that I’m fond of, I would say it is tennis.
To the best of my recollection, I took up this sport when I was in high school. I was fascinated by
the fluid movements and thunderous forehands of tennis players on court, which was the reason
why I picked it up as my new favorite pastime. I play tennis on a regular basis with my classmates
and sometimes my dad.
Regarding the equipment, this sport requires the players to have a tennis racket as well as a
green tennis ball. It will be played on a rectangular tennis court. It is a fact that if you are not
strong physically, you will find it really challenging to play this sport well, as it requires a lot of
movements all over the court. Also, to strike a powerful ball, your musculature also needs to be
firm, which exacts a ton of training at home and in the gym.
The reason I love this sport so much is that it helps me relieve my stress after a week full of
studying and deadlines. Furthermore, playing tennis keeps my body in shape and also
strengthens the bonds with my friends and my dad.
To sum up, tennis is not a sport for those who don’t like training a lot. Yet for me, as a tennis
enthusiast, I will keep on doing it in the future.


I am giving feedback to _______________.
Tick the boxes that feature the statements that are true for your partner’s answers.
⏹️They are relevant to the questions.
⏹️They are well-extended. If yes, write down some of the words he / she used to extend his / her answers:
⏹️They feature topic-related vocabulary. If yes, write down some of the words / phrases in his / her answers
that you like: ______________________________________________________________________________________
⏹️His / Her pronunciation is clear enough.
⏹️His / Her speaking pace is suitable, neither too fast nor too slow.
How can your partner improve his / her answers? Write down some advice for your friends.
Circle the emoji that expresses your feeling about your friend’s answers.

😐 😄 😁

Bud Speaking Course - Lesson 3 15

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