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Scientific American Space & Physics,

vol. 1.5 (December 2018 - January 2019)

5th Edition Scientific American
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December 2018 —January 2019

Space &Physics

On a
New Moon

Far, Far Away




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A Universe of Possibilities
Astronomers estimate that every star in the universe has about one planet in orbit, on average. Given that there are
somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 billion (yes, with a “b”) stars in the Milky Way alone, the number of potential
planets out there is staggering. Despite this apparent plethora, researchers have yet to conclusively observe any
moons orbiting one of these faraway worlds. As Lee Billings writes in “Astronomers Tiptoe Closer to Confirming First
Exomoon,” Columbia University investigators have reported compelling data that a Neptune-size exomoon is circling
a planet around the sunlike star called Kepler 1625 b, about 8,000 light-years from Earth.

Elsewhere in this issue, Alexandra Witze covers the latest efforts to clean up the 20,000 junk items that humans
have littered in space (see “The Quest to Conquer Earth’s Space Junk Problem”). And fascinating new research is
focused on the human eye to get at one of the unresolved issues in quantum mechanics: the measurement problem
(see “The Human Eye Could Help Test Quantum Mechanics”). From moons to single photons, astronomy and phys-
ics never fail to stagger the mind and the imagination.

On the Cover
Andrea Gawrylewski

An artist’s rendition of the moon
Collections Editor (in the distance) from the planet
editors@sciam.com that orbits Kepler 1625 b.

WHAT’S December 2018—January 2019
Vol. 1 • No. 5

Astronomers Tiptoe
Closer to Confirming
First Exomoon
Signals seen by the
Hubble Space Telescope

suggest a Neptune-size
moon may orbit a gas-giant
planet around a star some
NEWS 8,000 light-years from
4. Earth
Search for Alien Life Should Be a 15.
Fundamental Part of NASA, New The Quest to Conquer
Report Urges Earth’s Space Junk
A blue-ribbon committee finds the Problem
science of astrobiology is worthy of Zombie satellites, rocket
shards and collision debris

deep integration into the space
agency’s exploration efforts are creating major traffic
6. risks in orbits around the
India’s “Vyomanauts” Seek to Join planet. Researchers are
the Elite Club of Spacefaring OPINION working to reduce the
Nations by 2022 29. threats posed by more than
Based on more than a decade of What Does Quantum Theory Actually 20,000 objects in space
preparations, the nation’s ambitious Tell Us about Reality? 22.
time line for human spaceflight seems Nearly a century after its founding, physicists The Human Eye Could
feasible to many senior space and philosophers still don’t know—but they’re Help Test Quantum
scientists working on it Mechanics
7. 32. Experiments to confirm
Reimagining of Schrödinger’s Cat Will Pluto Be the Last Habitable World? we can see single photons
Breaks Quantum Mechanics—and The sun’s future is going to change the status quo offer new ways to probe
Stumps Physicists 34. our understanding of
In a multi-“cat” experiment the textbook Einstein’s Famous “God Letter” quantum reality
interpretation of quantum theory seems Is Up for Auction 26.
to lead to contradictory pictures of A note the physicist wrote in 1954 reveals his Beyond the Shadow of
reality, physicists claim thinking on religion and science a Doubt, Water Ice
10. 36. Exists on the Moon
“Optical Tweezers” and Tools Sky Report Deposited in perpetually
Used for Laser Eye Surgery Snag The sky is always changing. To appreciate this dark craters around the

Physics Nobel ever-changing view, grab these sky maps, go poles, the ice could be a
The award’s recipients include the first outside at night and look up! boon for future crewed
female physics laureate in 55 years Sky maps: December, p. 40; and January, p. 41. lunar outposts


An image taken by the Viking 2 lander from

Utopia Planitia on the surface of Mars in 1976.
The Viking missions to Mars were the last time
the space agency performed a direct, explicit
search for life on another world.

FOR DECADES MANY researchers examples. And although organisms creasing maturity and clout, a new
Search for Alien have tended to view astrobiology as were previously thought to need the congressionally mandated report
Life Should Be a the underdog of space science. The relatively mild surface conditions of from the National Academy of
Fundamental Part field—which focuses on the investi- our world to survive, new findings Sciences (NAS) urges NASA to
gation of life beyond Earth—has of- about life’s ability to persist in the make the search for life on other
of NASA, New ten been criticized as more philo- face of extreme darkness, heat, worlds an integral, central part of its
Report Urges sophical than scientific, because it salinity and cold have expanded exploration efforts. The field is now
A blue-ribbon committee finds the lacks in tangible samples to study. researchers’ acceptance that it well set to be a major motivator for
science of astrobiology is worthy Now that is all changing. Whereas might be found anywhere from the agency’s future portfolio of
of deep integration into the space astronomers once knew of no Martian deserts to the ice-covered missions, which could one day let
agency’s exploration efforts planets outside our solar system, oceans of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. humanity know whether or not we

today they have thousands of Highlighting astrobiology’s in- are alone in the universe. “The


opportunity to really address this Optical/Infrared (LUVOIR) telescope odds of success. His community had exploration of the solar system,” he
question is at a critically important and the Habitable Exoplanet Obser- yet to realize that in order to do large says. “Not as an add-on, but as one
juncture,” says Barbara Sherwood vatory (HabEx), are current contend- projects it needed to band together of the essential disciplines.”
Lollar, a geologist at the University ers for a multibillion-dollar NASA and show how its goals aligned with Above and beyond the recent
of Toronto and chair of the commit- flagship mission that would fly as those of astronomers less profession- NAS reports, NASA is arguably
tee that wrote the report. early as the 2030s. Either observato- ally interested in finding alien life, he already demonstrating more interest
The astronomy and planetary ry could use a coronagraph, or adds. “If we want big toys,” he says. in looking for life in our cosmic
science communities are currently “starshade”—objects that selectively “We need to play better with others.” backyard than it has for decades.
gearing up to each perform their block starlight but allow planetary There has also been tension in the This year the agency released a
decadal surveys—once-every-10-year light through—to search for signs of past between the astrobiological request for experiments that could
efforts that identify a field’s most habitability and of life in distant goals of solar system exploration be carried to another world in our
significant open questions—and atmospheres. But either would need and the more geophysics-steeped solar system to directly hunt for
present a wish list of projects to help massive and sustained support from goals that traditionally underpin such evidence of living organisms—the
answer them. Congress and govern- outside astrobiology to succeed in efforts, says Jonathan Lunine, a first such solicitation since the 1976
ment agencies such as NASA look to the decadal process and beyond. planetary scientist at Cornell Univer- Viking missions that looked for life
the decadal surveys to plan research There have been previous efforts to sity. Missions to other planets or on Mars. “The Ladder of Life Detec-
strategies; the decadals, in turn, look back large, astrobiologically focused moons have limited capacity for tion,” a paper written by NASA
to documents such as the new NAS missions such as NASA’s Terrestrial instruments, and those specialized scientists and published in Astrobi-
report for authoritative recommenda- Planet Finder concepts—ambitious for different tasks often end up in ology in June, outlined ways to
tions on which to base their findings. space telescope proposals in the ferocious competitions for a slot clearly determine if a sample
Astrobiology’s reception of such mid-2000s that would have spotted onboard. Historically, because the contains extraterrestrial creatures—a
full-throated encouragement now Earth-size exoplanets and character- search for life was so open-ended goal mentioned in the NAS report.
may boost its odds of becoming a ized their atmospheres (if these and difficult to define, associated The document also suggests NASA
decadal priority. projects had ever made it off the instrumentation lost out to hardware partner with other agencies and
Another NAS study released in drawing board). Instead, they suffered with clearer, more constrained organizations working on astrobiolog-
September could be considered a ignominious cancellations that taught geophysical research priorities. Now, ical projects, as the space agency did
second vote in astrobiology’s favor. astrobiologists several hard lessons. Lunine says, a growing understand- last month when it hosted a work-
This “Exoplanet Science Strategy” There was still too little information at ing of all the ways biological and shop with the nonprofit SETI Institute
report recommended NASA lead the the time about the number of planets geologic evolution are interlinked is on the search for “techno-signatures,”
effort on a new space telescope that around other stars, says Caleb Scharf, helping to show that such objectives potential indicators of intelligent
could directly gather light from an astrobiologist at Columbia Univer- do not have to be at odds. “I hope aliens. “I think astrobiology has gone
Earth-like planets around other stars. sity, meaning advocates could not that astrobiology will be embedded from being something that seemed
Two concepts, the Large Ultraviolet/ properly estimate such a mission’s as a part of the overall scientific fringy or distracting to something that


seems to be embraced at NASA as a

major touchstone for why we’re doing India’s “Vyomanauts”
space exploration and why the public
cares,” says Ariel Anbar, a geochemist
Seek to Join the Elite
at Arizona State University in Tempe. Club of Spacefaring
All this means is astrobiology’s Nations by 2022
growing influence is helping bring
Based on more than a decade of
what once were considered outland- preparations, the nation’s ambitious
ish ideas into reality. Anbar recalls time line for human spaceflight
attending a conference in the early seems feasible to many senior space
1990s, when then NASA administra- scientists
tor Dan Goldin displayed an Apol-
lo-era image of Earth from space and
suggested the agency try to do the INDIA’S PRIME MINISTER Narendra
same thing for a planet around anoth-
Modi has announced a plan to send
er star. humans to space by 2022, when the
“That was pretty out there 25 years
nation will celebrate the 75th anni-
ago,” he says. “Now it’s not out there
versary of its independence. If suc-
at all.” cessful, India will join Russia, the U.S.
—Adam Mann and China in the elite club of coun- During a speech on August 15, 2018, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the nation’s
tries to achieve homegrown human plan to send humans into space by 2022.

spaceflight. India’s only citizen to

travel to space as yet has been China’s taikonauts, Gaganyaan crew also successfully demonstrated the
Rakesh Sharma, a pilot in the coun- members will be called “vyo- prototype of the crew module, a
try’s air force who orbited Earth in manauts”—a moniker derived from capsule to take humans to space, as
1984 as part of the Soviet Union’s vyoma, the Sanskrit word for “space.” well as a launch-abort system, which
space program. Kailasavadivoo Sivan, chairman of is needed to eject the crew in case of
The planned Gaganyaan (Sanskrit the Indian Space Research Organiza- a failure.” Next, Sivan says, come the
for “sky craft”) mission aims to send a tion, or ISRO, is confident about the more intricate aspects of the pro-
three-person crew to low Earth orbit 2022 deadline. “Most critical technol- gram: ensuring the rocket and crew

for up to a week. In keeping with the ogies required for the Gaganyaan module meet stringent safety require-
localized naming traditions set by U.S. program have been developed by ments, developing life-support
astronauts, Russia’s cosmonauts and ISRO engineers,” he says. “ISRO has systems and heat shields for atmo-


spheric reentry, and constructing occasional launch failures and faulty Also, not every Indian aerospace achieved at remarkably low costs
communications and crew-training satellites. The launch of India’s next expert is so sanguine about the compared with its global counterparts.
facilities. The program’s entire cost, high-profile space science effort, nation’s rocketry being ready in time. At $78 million, its Mars mission cost
Sivan says, will be less than the Chandrayaan 2—which aims to orbit Ajey Lele, a senior fellow in the less than the production and market-
equivalent of $1.4 billion. the moon and place a lander at the Institute for Defense Studies and ing of a typical Hollywood movie. And
From humble beginnings in the lunar south pole—has been delayed Analyses in New Delhi, says “the if ISRO’s budgetary projections hold,
1960s and 1970s—when India began twice in the past year and is now major problem is going to be the its first human spaceflight will
developing its first rockets and slated for January 2019. availability of the rocket for the consume roughly one seventh of
satellites—the nation’s space program Even so, A. S. Kiran Kumar, former mission. ISRO needs to make the what NASA is spending on a single
has blossomed. Besides partnering ISRO chairman and one of the GSLV Mk III operational—fast.” space observatory, the $9.6-billion
with other spacefaring countries on a masterminds behind Chandrayaan 1 A more fundamental (and political) James Webb Space Telescope.
variety of missions, India has also and Mangalyaan, is ebullient about concern facing India’s pursuit of a —Shekhar Chandra
launched scores of satellites and the 2022 deadline for India’s human domestic human spaceflight program
even two farther-flung craft: Chan- mission. ISRO, he notes, has for many may be balancing such aspirations
drayaan 1, its lunar orbiter, operated years been diligently advancing the against its goals of continuing its Reimagining of
at the moon from 2008 to 2009; its core technologies for human space- economic development and lifting Schrödinger's Cat
Mars orbiter, Mangalyaan, reached flight. The nation has selected its more of its citizens out of poverty.
the Red Planet in 2013. Specific newest, heaviest and most powerful Kumar, however, sees India’s space
Breaks Quantum
plans for a crew to fly date back to at rocket, the GSLV Mk III, to carry its program not as a frivolous distraction Mechanics­—and
least 2006, according to G. Madha- crews to orbit, and Kumar says from this goal but rather as an Stumps Physicists
van Nair, a space scientist who multiple test flights in the next few affordable necessity that will create
In a multi-“cat” experiment
served as ISRO’s chairman from years should further refine the new jobs and lead to technological the textbook interpretation of
2003 to 2009. That was the year the rocket’s capabilities. Nair shares spin-offs, which enhance and stimu- quantum theory seems to lead
agency completed a study advocating Kumar’s optimism about the GSLV late development. “It is necessary to to contradictory pictures of reality,
such a project as the next logical step Mk III as well as meeting the 2022 meet the growing needs of the physicists claim
for India’s burgeoning space program, deadline, but he worries “India hasn’t economy,” he says. “Space has
and began lobbying the government yet started the process of selecting become the fourth frontier after land,
for formal approval and further and training astronauts for the air and water.” IN THE WORLD’S most famous
funding. mission”—a task that is time-consum- ISRO’s total budget since its thought experiment, physicist Erwin
But this series of successes has ing. To accelerate the crew selection establishment, he notes, is less than Schrödinger described how a cat in
been accompanied by setbacks process, Nair says, ISRO may seek what NASA now spends in a single a box could be in an uncertain pre-
typical of any country striving to collaborations with the U.S. or year; this is in keeping with India’s dicament. The peculiar rules of quan-
advance in spaceflight, such as Russian space agencies. major space successes being tum theory meant that it could be


both dead and alive, until the box Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, nism that would release a poison on
was opened and the cat’s state mea- in Zurich, posted their first version of and is called the Copenhagen the basis of a random occurrence,
sured. Now, two physicists have de- the argument online in April 2016. interpretation, after the city where such as the decay of an atomic
vised a modern version of the para- The final paper appeared in Nature Bohr lived. It says that the act of nucleus. In that case, the state of
dox by replacing the cat with a phys- Communications in September. observing a quantum system makes the cat was uncertain until the
icist doing experiments—with (Frauchiger has now left academia.) the wavefunction collapse from a experimenter opened the box and
shocking implications. spread-out curve to a single data checked it.
Quantum theory has a long history WEIRD WORLD point. In 1967, the Hungarian physicist
of thought experiments, and in most Quantum mechanics underlies The Copenhagen interpretation left Eugene Wigner proposed a version
cases these are used to point to nearly all of modern physics, ex- open the question of why different of the paradox in which he replaced
weaknesses in various interpreta- plaining everything from the struc- rules should apply to the quantum the cat and the poison with a
tions of quantum mechanics. But ture of atoms to why magnets stick world of the atom and the classical physicist friend who lived inside a
the latest version, which involves to each other. But its conceptual world of laboratory measurements box with a measuring device that
multiple players, is unusual: it shows foundations continue to leave (and of everyday experience). But it could return one of two results, such
that if the standard interpretation of researchers grasping for answers. was also reassuring: although as a coin showing heads or tails.
quantum mechanics is correct, then Its equations cannot predict the quantum objects live in uncertain Does the wavefunction collapse
different experimenters can reach exact outcome of a measurement— states, experimental observation when Wigner’s friend becomes
opposite conclusions about what for example, of the position of an happens in the classical realm and aware of the result? One school of
the physicist in the box has mea- electron—only the probabilities that it gives unambiguous results. thought says that it does, suggest-
sured. This means that quantum can yield particular values. Now, Frauchiger and Renner are ing that consciousness is outside
theory contradicts itself. Quantum objects such as electrons shaking physicists out of this the quantum realm. But if quantum
The conceptual experiment has therefore live in a cloud of uncertainty, comforting position. Their theoretical mechanics applies to the physicist,
been debated with gusto in physics mathematically encoded in a wave reasoning says that the basic then she should be in an uncertain
circles for more than two years—and function that changes shape smooth- Copenhagen picture—as well as state that combines both outcomes
has left most researchers stumped, ly, much like ordinary waves in the other interpretations that share until Wigner opens the box.
even in a field accustomed to weird sea. But when a property such as an some of its basic assumptions—is Frauchiger and Renner have a yet
concepts. “I think this is a whole electron’s position is measured, it not internally consistent. more sophisticated version (see
new level of weirdness,” says always yields one precise value (and “New Cats in Town” graphic). They
Matthew Leifer, a theoretical yields the same value again if mea- WHAT’S IN THE BOX? have two Wigners, each doing an
physicist at Chapman University in sured immediately after). Their scenario is considerably more experiment on a physicist friend
Orange, Calif. The most common way of under- involved than Schrödinger’s cat— whom they keep in a box. One of
The authors, Daniela Frauchiger standing this was formulated in the proposed in 1935—in which the the two friends (call her Alice) can
and Renato Renner of the Swiss 1920s by quantum-theory pioneers feline lived in a box with a mecha- toss a coin and—using her knowl-

Physicists have devised a variation of the iconic Schrödinger’s cat
thought experiment that involves several players who understand
quantum theory. But surprisingly, using the standard interpretation
of quantum mechanics, the observers sometimes seem to come to
edge of quantum physics—prepare DUELING INTERPRETATIONS different conclusions about a particular event — suggesting that
the interpretation contradicts itself for complex systems.
a quantum message to send to the Physicists are still coming to terms
other friend (call him Bob). Using with the implications of the result. It
his knowledge of quantum theory, has triggered heated responses from
Bob can detect Alice’s message experts in the foundations of quan- Alice Bob
and guess the result of her coin tum theory, many of whom tend to
toss. When the two Wigners open be protective of their pet interpreta-
their boxes, in some situations they tion. “Some get emotional,” Renner
can conclude with certainty which says. And different researchers tend
side the coin landed on, Renner to draw different conclusions. “Most
says—but occasionally their conclu- people claim that the experiment
sions are inconsistent. “One says, shows that their interpretation is the
‘I’m sure it’s tails,’ and the other only one that is correct.”
one says, ‘I’m sure it’s heads,’” For Leifer, producing inconsistent
Renner says. results should not necessarily be a Alice tosses a coin and, using her Using his knowledge of quantum
The experiment cannot be put into deal breaker. Some interpretations knowledge of quantum physics, theory, Bob can detect Alice’s message
sends a quantum message to Bob. and guess the result of her coin toss.
practice, because it would require of quantum mechanics already
the Wigners to measure all quantum allow for views of reality that
properties of their friends, which depend on perspective. That could

CREDIT: NATURE , SEPTEMBER 18, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/D41586-018-06749-8

includes reading their minds, points be less unsavory than having to
out theorist Lídia Del Rio, a col- admit that quantum theory does not
league of Renner’s at ETH Zurich. apply to complex things such as Two observers
Yet it might be feasible to make people, he says.
two quantum computers play the Robert Spekkens, a theoretical
parts of Alice and Bob: the logic of physicist at the Perimeter Institute for
the argument requires only that they Theoretical Physics in Waterloo,
know the rules of physics and make Canada, says that the way out of the
decisions based on them, and in paradox could hide in some subtle
principle one can detect the com- assumptions in the argument, in
plete quantum state of a quantum particular in the communication When the two observers open their boxes, in some situations they
computer. (Quantum computers between Alice and Bob. can conclude with certainty how the coin landed — but their
conclusions are different. This means that the standard interpretation
sophisticated enough to do this do “To my mind, there’s a lot of situa- of quantum theory gives an inconsistent description of reality.
not yet exist, Renner points out.) tions where taking somebody’s


knowledge on board involves some

translation of their knowledge.”
Perhaps the inconsistency arises
from Bob not interpreting Alice's
message properly, he says. But he
admits that he has not found a
solution yet.
For now, physicists are likely to
continue debating. “I don’t think we’ve
made sense of this,” Leifer says.
—Davide Castelvecchi

“Optical Tweezers”
and Tools Used
for Laser Eye
Surgery Snag
Physics Nobel
The award’s recipients include
the first female physics laureate
in 55 years

OPTICAL PHYSICISTS ARTHUR his invention of “optical tweezers,” short, high-intensity laser pulses At 96, Ashkin is the oldest person
Ashkin, Gérard Mourou and Donna lasers that can probe the machinery now routinely used in corrective eye to win a Nobel. His development of
Strickland have won this year’s No- of life without causing damage. The surgery and precision machining. optical tweezers traces back to the
bel Prize in Physics for “ground- other half will be split jointly be- Strickland is the first female physics 1960s, and culminated in 1986
breaking inventions in the field of tween French physicist Gérard laureate in 55 years, and only the during his tenure at Bell Laborato-
laser physics.” Mourou and Canadian physicist third in the prize’s long, venerable ries in New Jersey. The technique

Half of this year’s nine-million-kro- Donna Strickland for their develop- history. The new laureates will uses the gentle pressure of light
nor (about $1-million) prize goes to ment of “chirped pulse amplification” receive their prizes in December at itself to trap and push a microscopic,
American physicist Arthur Ashkin for (CPA)—a method for making ultra- a ceremony in Stockholm. transparent sphere into the center


of a laser beam. The laser-controlled member of the Nobel physics phone from her home in Waterloo,
sphere can make and measure committee, speaking during the Strickland reacted with surprise
exceedingly minute forces when press conference. “It wasn’t possible when told only two women had
tethered to a biological sample, to go to higher intensity because of preceded her in winning the prize:
allowing researchers to delicately amplifier damage.” “Is that all, really?” she asked. “I
manipulate microbes, viruses and With CPA, Mourou and Strickland thought there might have been
even a cell’s individual components. shattered this wall, sparking a trend more…. We need to celebrate
In a video played during a press that allowed lasers to, on average, women physicists because we’re out
conference at the Royal Swedish double in intensity twice per decade. there, and hopefully in time it’ll start
Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, The technique relies on first stretch- to move forward at a faster rate. I’m
Anders Irbäck, a physicist at Swe- ing out short, energetic laser pulses honored to be one of those women.”
den’s Lund University and member in time, reducing their peak power —Lee Billings
of the Nobel Committee for Physics, and allowing them to be safely fed
provided a simple demonstration of through an amplifier, after which
the principle behind Ashkin’s they are finally compressed back to
tweezers, using exhaust from a hair their original size—dramatically
dryer to hold and manipulate a boosting their intensity. The resulting
ping-pong ball in midair without ultrabrief, ultrasharp beams can be
touching it. used to make extremely precise cuts
Mourou, 74, now a professor at the and holes in a variety of materials,
École Polytechnique in France, was and have been used in surgery to
Strickland’s academic advisor at the correct nearsightedness in millions
University of Rochester in New York of people.
State in the 1980s, where together “This year’s prize is about tools
they created CPA. Strickland, 59, is made from light,” said Göran Hans-
now an associate professor at the son, secretary general of the Royal
University of Waterloo in Ontario. Swedish Academy, summarizing
Before their breakthrough, optical awards during his remarks at the
physicists had hit a wall in develop- press conference. It was, to some
ing lasers of ever-increasing intensi- degree, also about recognizing the
ty. “The technology wasn’t scalable,” achievements of women in the phys-
said Mats Larsson, a physicist at ical sciences.
Sweden’s Stockholm University and Taking reporters’ questions via

Artist’s impression of the
exoplanet Kepler 1625 b tran-
siting its star, trailed by a
candidate exomoon.

Closer to
Exomoon Signals seen by the
Hubble Space Telescope
suggest a Neptune-size moon
may orbit a gas-giant planet
around a star some 8,000
light-years from Earth

By Lee Billings

Lee Billings is an associate editor
for Scientific American. He covers
space and physics.

HAVE ASTRONOMERS JUST FOUND THE FIRST-EVER Pandora may be exceedingly rare. decade pioneering the hunt for exomoons. “If this was the
exomoon, a lunar companion of a planet orbiting anoth- Moons, it is thought, can form in three ways: coalescing 10th known object of its type, we would be calling it a ‘dis-
er star? Definitely maybe. from rings of gas and dust leftover from a planet’s forma- covery,’ no question. But because it’s the first of its kind, it
Using data from NASA’s Kepler and Hubble space tele- tion; from debris knocked into orbit around a planet from demands a higher level of scrutiny…. I can’t yet convince
scopes, Columbia University astronomers Alex Teachey a giant impact; or by being gravitationally captured by a myself 100 percent this is definitely real.”
and David Kipping report the potential signal of a Nep- planet via rare close encounters with pairs of co-orbiting “We are urging caution here—the first exomoon is obvi-
tune-size moon around a planet three times heavier than asteroids or comets. But this newly proposed exomoon ously an extraordinary claim, and it requires extraordinary
Jupiter, all orbiting a nearly 10-billion-year-old sun-like fails to fit neatly in any of those origin stories. It appears evidence,” says Teachey, the study’s lead author and a Ph.D.
star called Kepler 1625 b about 8,000 light-years from to be too big to easily coalesce alongside its planet, which candidate under Kipping’s wing at Columbia. “We are
Earth. Such a large moon defies easy explanation based itself is too massive and gassy to readily eject debris from not cracking open champagne bottles just yet on this
on prevailing theories. The findings appear in a study any conceivable impact. Capture via close encounter, one.”
published October 3 in Science Advances, and follow although possible, would require an implausibly perfect Scarcely anything else is known about this potential sat-
from the duo’s earlier work reported last year that first concatenation of unlikely circumstances. “If valid, this ellite, save that its estimated size and three-million-kilo-
offered more tentative evidence of the moon. would probably open up a new formation scenario for meter separation from its planetary host would make it
If confirmed, this discovery would challenge scientists’ moons,” says René Heller, a theorist at the Max Planck appear in that world’s skies twice as large as Earth’s own
current understanding of planet and moon formation Institute for Solar System Research in Germany who was moon. Based on the planet-moon pair’s 287-day orbit
while bearing potentially profound implications for the not part of the study. “Actually, the very existence of the around its star, Teachey and Kipping have crudely calcu-
prevalence of life throughout the cosmos, revealing once proposed moon would call for a need to rethink our con- lated average temperatures there might approach that of
again that when it comes to alien worlds, the universe is cepts of what a ‘moon’ actually is in the first place.” boiling water—uncomfortably warm, to be sure, but easy
often stranger than anyone can suppose. For perspective, consider that our solar system’s largest enough for Earth’s hardiest microbes to thrive in. Biology’s
moon, Jupiter’s Ganymede, is less than half as massive as bigger challenge would be the lack of surfaces on both the
AN EXTRAORDINARY EXOMOON our sun’s smallest planet, Mercury. Kepler 1625 b’s moon, planet and its moon—expect no aliens there.
if our solar system is any guide at all, moons should by contrast, would be about 10 times as massive as all the
vastly outnumber planets in the universe, and could terrestrial planets and the hundreds of moons in our solar CAUGHT IN TRANSIT
make up most of the habitable real estate in any given system combined. This suggests, Heller says, “that this claims of exomoons have come and gone over the years,
galaxy. Pinning down how—and how often—they form moon would have formed in a completely different way but a couple stand out as particularly plausible. In 2013
would thus give astrobiologists a leg up on finding life than any moon in our solar system.” scientists reported the potential detection of what could
elsewhere in our galaxy. Already, Kipping and Teachey’s Even the study’s authors agree their potentially historic have been either a Mars- to Neptune-mass exomoon cir-
statistics derived from Kepler data suggest moons are claim should give pause—no one has ever conclusively dis- cling a Jupiter-mass exoplanet floating freely through
conspicuously absent around planets in temperate orbits covered an exomoon before, let alone one so utterly space—or a Jupiter-like gas giant orbiting a small, faint
around their stars—hinting that most large lunar com- bizarre. “This moon would have fairly surprising proper- star. Whatever its nature, the system was only detected in
panions must lurk farther out in colder climes, and that ties, which is a good reason for skepticism,” says Kipping, the first place due to a phenomenon called gravitational
habitable moons akin to Star Wars’ Endor or Avatar’s an assistant professor at Columbia who has spent the last microlensing that occurs just once and entirely by chance

in any given instance, and thus could not be observed “A moon is the simplest, ods caused the already borderline signs of the exomoon
again. Then, in 2015, a separate analysis of a gargantuan
ring system found around the “super-Saturn” exoplanet
most elegant and to fade to insignificance in the Kepler data. “I think this
shows how fluid the interpretation can be, with so few
J1407 b revealed multiple gaps potentially cleared by self-consistent hypothesis— observed transits [of Kepler 1625 b],” McCullough says.
what might be several Mars- to Earth-mass exomoons
otherwise hidden in the rings. Yet beyond these circum-
that’s why we favor it.” “The researchers are fully aware of that—they are the
world’s experts in this field. It’s just the nature of the
stantial findings no credible candidates existed. —David Kipping problem—it’s hard.”
The first hints of a breakthrough discovery emerged last Teachey and Kipping maintain that after spending
year, as part of a five-year hunt Kipping and Teachey con- almost a year being their own harshest critics and try-
ducted for exomoons around nearly 300 planets from just five hundredths of 1 percent. Stars dim more than that ing as best they can to explain away the evidence, their
Kepler’s massive data set, which contains thousands of all the time due to starspots and convective patterns on most extraordinary claim remains the most compel-
known worlds. Almost all of Kepler’s planets transit, their surfaces, but basic observational tests suggest such ling. “As far as we can tell, there is no way to kill this
meaning they cross the faces of their suns as seen from stellar activity was not the culprit here, Kipping says. signal—there really is a second dip in the star’s light,”
Earth, casting a shadow toward us that astronomers mea- Instead, he says, the minuscule signal was consistent with Kipping says. And yes, the time shift in Kepler 1625 b’s
sure as a star’s brief dimming. If some of those planets a Neptune-size moon “trailing the planet like a dog follow- transit could alternatively be due to the influence of a
harbor conspicuously large moons in wide orbits, the ing its owner on a leash.” very massive unseen planet—but no such planet has
moons might detectably transit, too, imprinting their own Alas, Kipping and Teachey’s allotted Hubble time been found despite Kepler’s and Hubble’s combined
much smaller diminution in a star’s light either shortly expired before they could capture the conclusion of the scrutiny. “A moon is the simplest, most elegant and
before or after a planet’s passage. Kipping and Teachey smaller transit’s conclusion, rendering their data set self-consistent hypothesis—that’s why we favor it.” Kip-
spied what looked to be just such a signal in three transits incomplete and leaving wide open the possibility that the ping says. “The time has come to let the community
of Kepler 1625 b. This was enough to net them 40 hours of apparent shadow of the moon had been something else interrogate our findings.”
time using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instru- entirely. There is only one way to truly settle the issue: more
ment for a follow-up observation of a single additional data. NASA’s upcoming James Webb Space Telescope
transit of the planet and its potential moon, predicted to A TIME TO KILL should be more than capable of definitively ruling for or
take place on October 28 and 29, 2017. In addition to look- “i don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be an exomoon,” against this hoped-for first exomoon, but it is not slated
ing for a moon’s transit, their Hubble program would also says Peter McCullough, an astronomer and expert on Hub- to launch until 2021 at the earliest. In the meantime Kip-
attempt to pin down the precise timing of Kepler 1625 b’s ble’s instrumentation at Johns Hopkins University who ping and Teachey are awaiting approval of another Hub-
transit, which could be altered by the gravitational tug- was not involved in the research. “Alternatively, I don’t see ble observing proposal, which would use twice as much
ging of a moon or a nearby nontransiting planet. any reason why it would be. Either statement is telescope time to catch complete transits of Kepler 1625
Reaching four times greater precision than Kepler’s justifiable.” b and of its putative moon during the celestial pair’s next
data, Hubble’s observations revealed that, indeed, this Against the exomoon hypothesis, McCullough and oth- predicted crossing in May 2019.
transit of Kepler 1625 b was shifted in time, arriving about er researchers familiar with the results note Hubble’s This time, they predict the moon will be on the oppo-
75 minutes ahead of schedule—just as would be expected WFC3 instrument is notorious for routinely exhibiting site side of its orbit, with a transit preceding that of the
if the planet’s motions were being perturbed by a massive minor, hard-to-pin-down variations in its performance planet itself. “We should see a separate, clean moonlike
accompanying moon. Additionally, 3.5 hours after the that could mimic the subtle signal of a moon. Further- event,” Kipping says. “If we see that, then I think we’re
planet’s transit concluded, Hubble picked up a second, far more, they point to the latest data release from the Kepler done.... I think we’d have a very closed case on this sys-
smaller dip as the star’s brightness appeared to fade by mission, in which new, state-of-the-art analytical meth- tem.” Except, of course, on how it formed in the first place.

An illustration of the space
debris surrounding Earth, with
each piece greatly enlarged
for emphasis.

The Quest to Conquer

Earth’s Space Junk Problem


Zombie satellites, rocket shards and collision debris are creating major
traffic risks in orbits around the planet. Researchers are working to reduce
the threats posed by more than 20,000 objects in space
By Alexandra Witze
Alexandra Witze works for
Nature magazine.

n Monday July 2, the CryoSat-2
spacecraft was orbiting as usual, TRAFFIC IN ORBIT
just over 700 kilometers above The space junk problem is growing quickly: more than
1,800 new objects joined the crowded skies in 2017.
Earth’s surface. But that day, mis-
sion controllers at the European

Number of objects (thousands)

Space Agency (ESA) realized they 20

had a problem: a piece of space
debris was hurtling uncontrollably
toward the €140-million (U.S. $162-million) satellite, which 10
monitors ice on the planet. 5
As engineers tracked the paths of both objects, the chances
of a collision slowly increased—forcing mission controllers to
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
take action. On 9 July, ESA fired the thrusters on CryoSat-2 to
boost it into a higher orbit. Just 50 minutes later, the debris SATELLITES LAUNCHED EACH YEAR BY TYPE
rocketed past at 4.1 kilometers a second. 400

Number of objects
Communications Imaging Science Other
This kind of maneuver is becoming much more common each year, as space around
Earth grows increasingly congested. In 2017, commercial companies, military and civil 200
departments and amateurs lofted more than 400 satellites into orbit, over four times the
yearly average for 2000–2010. Numbers could rise even more sharply if companies such 100
as Boeing, OneWeb and SpaceX follow through on plans to deploy hundreds to thousands
of communications satellites into space in the next few years. If all these proposed mega- 0
constellations go up, they will roughly equal the number of satellites that humanity has 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
launched in the history of spaceflight.
All that traffic can lead to disaster. In 2009, a U.S. commercial Iridium satellite smashed

There are currently more than 20,000 objects in orbit around Earth,
according to catalogues that track operational satellites, dead ones and
other human-made debris, such as pieces from rockets.

TYPE OF DEBRIS A visualization by

= 10 × Payload related NASA depicts the
= 10 × Rocket related traffic of objects in
orbits around Earth.
= 10 × Unknown


altitudes up to 2,000 kilometers ORBIT (MEO)
Not all objects in this count are altitudes between 2,000
confined to low Earth orbit. Some and 35,000 km
pass through LEO and travel
farther from the planet. OTHER ORBITS
Includes medium
Earth orbits

1,488 objects


altitudes around 35,000 km
Used for some communications
and weather satellites. This count
includes objects that pass through
GEO orbits.

2,931 objects

15,900 objects

into an inactive Russian communications satellite called
Cosmos-2251, creating thousands of new pieces of space
shrapnel that now threaten other satellites in low Earth
orbit—the zone stretching up to 2,000 kilometers in alti-
tude. Altogether, there are roughly 20,000 human-made
objects in orbit, from working satellites to small shards
of solar panels and rocket pieces. And satellite operators
can’t steer away from all potential collisions, because
each move consumes time and fuel that could otherwise
be used for the spacecraft’s main job.
Concern about space junk goes back to the beginning of
the satellite era, but the number of objects in orbit is ris-
ing so rapidly that researchers are investigating new ways
of attacking the problem. Several teams are trying to
improve methods for assessing what is in orbit, so that sat-
ellite operators can work more efficiently in ever-more-
crowded space. Some researchers are now starting to com-
pile a massive data set that includes the best possible
information on where everything is in orbit. Others are
developing taxonomies of space junk—working out how
to measure properties such as the shape and size of an
object, so that satellite operators know how much to wor-
ry about what’s coming their way. And several investiga-
tors are identifying special orbits that satellites could be Damage to the Space Shuttle Endeavour from a collision with piece of space debris or a micrometeorite.
moved into after they finish their missions so they burn up
in the atmosphere quickly, helping to clean up space. project that would send millions of small copper needles with the American Historical Association and NASA.
The alternative, many say, is unthinkable. Just a few into orbit. The needles were meant to enable radio com- Since the Soviet Union launched the first satellite,
uncontrolled space crashes could generate enough debris munications if high-altitude nuclear testing were to wipe Sputnik, in 1957, the number of objects in space has
to set off a runaway cascade of fragments, rendering out the ionosphere, the atmospheric layer that reflects surged, reaching roughly 2,000 in 1970, about 7,500 in
near-Earth space unusable. “If we go on like this, we willradio waves over long distances. The Air Force sent the 2000 and about 20,000 known items today. The two big-
reach a point of no return,” says Carolin Frueh, an astro-needles into orbit in 1963, where they successfully formed gest spikes in orbital debris came in 2007, when the Chi-
dynamical researcher at Purdue University in West a reflective belt. Most of the needles fell naturally out of nese government blew up one of its satellites in a missile
Lafayette, Ind. orbit over the next three years, but concern over dirtying test, and in the 2009 Iridium-Cosmos collision. Both
space nevertheless helped to end the project. events generated thousands of fresh fragments, and they
DIRTYING ORBITS It was one of the first examples of the public viewing account for about half of the 20-plus satellite maneuvers
Astronomers and others have worried about space junk space as a landscape that should be kept clean, says Lisa that ESA conducts each year, says Holger Krag, head of

since the 1960s, when they argued against a U.S. military Rand, a historian of science in Philadelphia and a fellow ESA’s space-debris office in Darmstadt, Germany.

Each day, the U.S. military issues an average of 21 warn-
ings of potential space collisions. Those numbers are
likely to rise dramatically next year, when the Air Force
switches on a powerful new radar facility on Kwajalein
in the Pacific Ocean. That facility will allow the U.S. mil-
itary to detect objects smaller than today’s 10-centime-
ters limit for low Earth orbit, and this could increase the
number of tracked objects by a factor of five.
Even as our ability to monitor space objects increases,
so too does the total number of items in orbit. That
means companies, governments and other players in
space are having to collaborate in new ways to avoid a
shared threat. Since the 2000s, international groups such
as the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Commit-
tee have developed guidelines for achieving space sus-
tainability. Those include inactivating satellites at the
end of their useful lifetimes by venting leftover fuel or
other pressurized materials that could lead to explosions.
The intergovernmental groups also recommend lower-
ing satellites deep enough into the atmosphere that they
will burn up or disintegrate within 25 years.
But so far, only about half of all missions have abided
by this 25-year guideline, says Krag. Operators of the
planned megaconstellations say they will be responsible
stewards of space, but Krag worries that the problem Tiny CubeSats are released from the International Space Station in 2012.
could increase, despite their best intentions. “What hap-
pens to those that fail or go bankrupt?” he asks. “They are today are used to avoid potential collisions. “If you knew tion of the planes down to one meter in accuracy.
probably not going to spend money to remove their sat- exactly where everything was, you would almost never The same can’t be said for space debris. Not all objects
ellites from space.” have a problem,” says Marlon Sorge, a space-debris spe- in orbit are known, and even those included in databas-
cialist at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, Calif. es are tracked to varying levels of precision. On top of
TRAFFIC COPS FOR SPACE The field is called space-traffic management, because that, there is no authoritative catalogue that accurately
In theory, satellite operators should have plenty of room it’s analogous to managing traffic on the roads or in the lists the orbits of all known space debris.
for all these missions to fly safely without ever nearing air. Think about a busy day at an airport, says Moriba Jah illustrates this with a Web-based database that he
another object. So some scientists are tackling the prob- Jah, an astrodynamicist at the University of Texas at Aus- developed, called ASTRIAGraph. It draws on several
lem of space junk by trying to understand where all the tin: planes line up in the sky like a string of pearls, land- sources, such as catalogues maintained by the U.S. and
debris is to a high degree of precision. That would alle- ing and taking off close to one another in a carefully cho- Russian governments, to visualize the locations of

viate the need for many unnecessary maneuvers that reographed routine. Air-traffic controllers know the loca- objects in space. When he types in an identifier for a par-

ticular space object, ASTRIAGraph draws a purple line
to designate its orbit.
Only this doesn’t quite work for a number of objects,
such as a Russian rocket body launched in 2007 and des-
ignated in the database as object number 32280. When
Jah enters that number, ASTRIAGraph draws two purple
lines: the U.S. and Russian sources contain two com-
pletely different orbits for the same object. Jah says that
it is almost impossible to tell which is correct, unless a
third source of information could help to cross-correlate
the correct location.
ASTRIAGraph currently contains some, but not all, of
the major sources of information about tracking space
objects. The U.S. military catalogue—the largest such
database publicly available—almost certainly omits
information on classified satellites. The Russian govern-
ment similarly holds many of its data close. Several com-
mercial space-tracking databases have sprung up in the
past few years, and most of those do not share openly.
Jah describes himself as a space environmentalist: “I
want to make space a place that is safe to operate, that is
free and useful for future generations.” Until that hap-
pens, he argues, the space community will continue
devolving into a tragedy of the commons, in which all
spaceflight operators are polluting a common resource.
He and other space environmentalists are starting to
make headway, at least when it comes to U.S. space poli-
cy. Jah testified on space-traffic management in front of
Congress last year, at the invitation of Ted Cruz, a Repub-
lican senator from Texas who co-introduced a space-reg-
ulations bill this July. In June, President Donald Trump
also signed a directive on space policy that, among other
things, would shift responsibility for the U.S. public
space-debris catalogue from the military to a civilian
agency—probably the Department of Commerce, which A piece of space debris that
is thought to be from a space
regulates business. shuttle mission in 1998.

The space-policy directive is a rare opportunity to dis-

cuss space junk at the highest levels of the U.S. govern- at the University of Surrey in Guildford, U.K., will exper- ly showed that there is a dense web of orbital resonances
ment. “This is the first time we’re really having this con- iment with a net to ensnare a test satellite. The project, that dictates how objects behave in MEO (J. Daquin et al.
versation in a serious fashion,” says Mike Gold, vice pres- called RemoveDEBRIS, will then redirect the satellite Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 124, 335–366; 2016). Rosengren
ident for regulatory, policy and government contracts at into an orbit that will re-enter the atmosphere. thinks this might offer a potential solution. There are
Maxar Technologies in Westminster, Colo., which owns But such active approaches to cleaning up space junk paths in this web of resonances that lead not to MEO, but
and operates a number of satellites. aren’t likely to be practical over the long term, given the directly into the atmosphere, and operators could take
huge number of objects in orbit. So some other experts advantage of them to send satellites straight to their doom.
THE ORBITING DEAD consider the best way of mitigating space junk to be a pas- “We call it passive disposal through resonances and insta-
The space around Earth is filled with zombies: some 95 sive approach. This takes advantage of the gravitational bilities,” says Rosengren. “Yeah, we need a new name.”
percent of all objects in orbit are dead satellites or piec- pulls of the sun and the moon, known as resonances, that Other researchers have explored the concept before,
es of inactive ones. When someone operating an active can put the satellites on a path to destruction. At the Uni- but Rosengren is trying to push it into the mainstream.
satellite gets an alert about an object on a collision versity of Arizona in Tucson, astrodynamicist Aaron “It’s one of the newer things in space debris,” he says.
course, it would be helpful to know how dangerous that Rosengren is developing ways to do so. These disposal highways in the sky could be easy to
incoming debris is. “With more and more objects, and Rosengren first came across the idea when studying the access. At a space conference in July in Pasadena, Calif.,
the uncertainties we currently have, you just get collision fates of satellites in medium Earth orbit (MEO). These Rosengren and his colleagues reported on their analysis
warnings no end,” says Frueh. (Micrometeorites repre- travel at altitudes anywhere between about 2,000 kilome- of U.S. Orbiting Geophysical Observatory satellites from
sent a separate threat and can’t be tracked at all.) ters up, where low Earth orbit ends, and 35,000 kilome- the 1960s. The scientists found that changing the launch
To assess the risk of an impending collision, satellite ters up, where geostationary orbits begin. date or time by as little as 15 minutes could lead to huge
operators need to know what the object is, but tracking Satellites in low Earth orbit can be disposed of by forc- differences in how long a satellite remains in orbit. Such
catalogues have little information about many items. In ing them to re-enter the atmosphere, and most satellites information could be used to help calculate the best
those cases, the military and other space trackers use in the less heavily trafficked geostationary region can be times to depart the launch pad.
telescopes to gather clues in the short period before a safely placed in “graveyard” orbits that never interact with Being proactive now could head off a lot of trouble
potential collision. other objects. But in MEO, satellite trajectories can be down the road, as operators of satellites such as Cryo-
Working with the Air Force, Frueh and her colleagues unstable over the long term because of gravitational Sat-2 have found. When ESA decided to take evasive
are developing methods to rapidly decipher details of resonances. action in early July, its engineers had to scramble and
orbiting objects even when very little is known about An early hint that spacecraft operators could harness work through the weekend to get ready for the maneu-
them. By studying how an object reflects sunlight as it this phenomenon came from ESA’s INTEGRAL γ-ray ver. Once the space junk had safely flown by, CryoSat-2
passes overhead, for instance, she can deduce whether it space telescope, which launched in 2002. INTEGRAL took a few days to get back into its normal orbit, says
is tumbling or stable—a clue to whether or not it is oper- travels in a stretched-out orbit that spans all the way Vitali Braun, a space-debris engineer with ESA.
ational. Her team is also experimenting with a from low Earth orbit, through MEO, and into geostation- But the alerts didn’t stop coming. In the weeks that
machine-learning algorithm that could speed up the pro- ary orbit. It would normally have remained in space for followed, mission controllers had to shift various satel-
cess of characterizing items. more than a century, but in 2015, ESA decided to tweak lites at least six times to dodge debris. And in August,
Once researchers know what an orbiting object is its orbit. With a few small thruster burns, mission con- they nudged the Sentinel-3B satellite out of the way of
made of, they have a number of potential ways to reduce trollers placed it on a path to interact with gravitational space junk for the first time. It had been in orbit for only
its threat. Some sci-fi–tinged proposals involve using resonances. It will now re-enter the atmosphere in 2029, four months.
magnets to sweep up space junk, or lasers to obliterate or rather than decades later.
deflect debris in orbit. In the coming weeks, researchers In 2016, Rosengren and his colleagues in France and Ita-

The Human
Eye Could
Help Test
Experiments to confirm we can
see single photons offer new
ways to probe our understanding
of quantum reality
By Anil Ananthaswamy

 22
Anil Ananthaswamy is the author of The Edge of
Physics, The Man Who Wasn't There and, most recently,
Through Two Doors at Once: The Elegant Experiment
That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality.

Paul Kwiat asks his volunteers to sit inside a small, er at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The effort to determine whether humans can directly
dark room. As their eyes adjust to the lack of light, each detect single photons has a storied history. In 1941
researchers from Columbia University reported in Sci-
volunteer props his or her head on a chin rest—as you ence the human eye can see a flash from as few as five
would at an optometrist’s—and gazes with one eye at a photons landing on the retina. More than three decades
later Barbara Sakitt, a biophysicist then at the Universi-
dim red cross. On either side of the cross is an optical ty of California, Berkeley, performed experiments sug-
fiber, positioned to pipe a single photon of light at either gesting that the eye could see a single photon. But these
experiments were far from conclusive. “The problem
the left or the right side of a volunteer’s eye. Even as he with all these experiments is that they were just trying
verifies the human eye’s ability to detect single photons, to use ‘classical’ light sources” that do not reliably emit
single photons, Holmes says. That is, there was no guar-
Kwiat, an experimental quantum physicist at the antee each of these early trials involved just one photon.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Then, in 2012, came firm evidence that individual
photoreceptors, or rod cells, can detect single photons—
colleagues are setting their sights higher: to use human at least in the eyes of a frog. Leonid Krivitsky of the
Agency for Science, Technology and Research in Singa-
vision to probe the very foundations of quantum pore and his colleagues extracted rod cells from adult
mechanics, according to a paper they submitted to the frogs’ eyes and performed laboratory tests showing the
cells reacted to single photons. Now, “there’s absolutely
preprint server arXiv on June 21. no doubt that individual photoreceptors respond to sin-
Rather than simply sending single photons toward a standing of the quantum world, opening the door to alter- gle photons,” Kwiat says. That is not the same as saying
volunteer’s eye through either the left or the right fiber, native theories that argue for a dramatically different view those rod cells do the same in a living frog—or, for that
the idea is to send photons in a quantum superposition of nature in which reality exists regardless of observations matter, a human being. So Kwiat, along with Illinois col-
of effectively traversing both fibers at once. Will humans or observers, cutting against the grain of how quantum league physicist Anthony Leggett and others, began
see any difference? According to standard quantum mechanics is interpreted today. “It could possibly be evi- envisioning tests of human vision using single-photon
mechanics, they will not—but such a test has never been dence that something’s going on beyond standard quan- sources. Soon Kwiat’s group, which now included
done. If Kwiat’s team produces conclusive results show- tum mechanics,” says Rebecca Holmes, Kwiat’s former stu- Holmes, was actually experimenting. But “we got beat on
ing otherwise, it would question our current under- dent who designed equipment, and who is now a research- that,” Holmes says.

In 2016 a team led by biophysicist Alipasha Vaziri,
then at the University of Vienna, reported using sin-
bility of being seen on the left
or the right. The photon’s inter-
“Is there any taneously; the more massive
the object in superposition,
gle-photon sources to show “humans can detect a sin- action with the visual system perceptual the faster its collapse. One
gle-photon incident on their eye with a probability sig-
nificantly above chance.”
acts as a measurement that is
thought to “collapse” the wave
difference consequence of this would be
that individual particles
Kwiat’s team, somewhat skeptical of the result, wants function, and the photon ran- on the part of could remain in superposi-
to improve the statistics by doing a much larger number domly ends up on one side or the person when tion for interminably long
of trials with many more subjects. Their key concern is the other, like a tossed coin times, whereas macroscopic
the low efficiency of the eye as a photon detector. Any coming up “tails” or “heads.” they directly objects could not. So, the infa-
incident photon has to get past the cornea, the clear out- Would humans see a difference observe mous Schrödinger’s cat, in
er layer of the eye, which reflects some of the light. The
photon then enters a lens that, together with the cornea,
in the photon counts on the
left versus the right when per-
a quantum event?” GRW, can never be in a super-
position of being dead and
focuses the light on the retina at the back of the eye. But ceiving superposed photons as —Paul Kwiat alive. Rather it is always
between the lens and the retina is a clear, gel-like sub- compared with photons in either dead or alive, and we
stance that gives the eye its shape—and this too can classical states? “If you trust only discover its state when
absorb or scatter the photon. Effectively, less than 10 quantum mechanics, then we look. Such theories are
percent of the photons that hit the cornea make it to the there should be no difference,” Kwiat says. But if their said to be “observer-independent” models of reality.
rod cells in the retina, which result in nerve signals that experiment finds an irrefutable, statistically significant If a collapse theory such as GRW is the correct descrip-
travel into the brain, causing perception. So getting sta- difference, it would signal something amiss with quan- tion of nature, it would upend almost a century of
tistically significant results that rise above chance is a tum physics. “That would be big. That would be a quite thought that has tried to argue observation and mea-
daunting challenge. “We are hoping in the next six earth-shattering result,” he adds. surement are central to the making of reality. Crucially,
months to have a definitive answer,” Kwiat says. Such a result would point toward a possible resolution when the superposed photon lands on an eye, GRW
That has not stopped them from dreaming up new of the central concern of quantum mechanics: the would predict ever-so-slightly different photon counts
experiments. In the standard setup a half-silvered mir- so-called measurement problem. There’s nothing in the for the left and the right sides of the eye than does stan-
ror steers a photon to either the left or the right fiber. theory that specifies how measurements can collapse dard quantum mechanics. This is because differently
The photon then lands on one side or the other of a vol- the wave function, if indeed wave functions do collapse. sized systems in the various stages of the photon’s pro-
unteer’s retina, and the subject has to indicate which by How big should the measuring apparatus be? In the case cessing—such as two light-sensitive proteins in two rod
using a keyboard. But it is trivial (using quantum optics) of the eye, would an individual rod cell do? Or does one cells versus two assemblies of rod cells and associated
to put the photon in a superposition of going through need the entire retina? What about the cornea? Might a nerves in the retina—would exhibit different sponta-
both fibers, and onto both sides of the eye, at once. What conscious observer need to be in the mix? neous collapse rates after interacting with a photon.
occurs next depends on what one believes happens to Some alternative theories solve this potential problem Although both Kwiat and Holmes stress it is highly
the photon. by invoking collapse independently of observers and unlikely they will see a difference in their experiments,
Physicists describe a photon’s quantum state using a measurement devices. Consider, for instance, the “GRW” they acknowledge that any observed deviation would
mathematical abstraction called the wave function. collapse model (named after theorists Giancarlo Ghirar- hint at GRW-like theories.
Before the superposed photon hits the eye its wave func- di, Alberto Rimini and Tullio Weber). The GRW model Michael Hall, a theoretical quantum physicist at the
tion is spread out, and the photon has an equal proba- and its many variants posit wave functions collapse spon- Australian National University who was not part of the

Keep up with the cutting-edge advances
and discoveries in neuroscience and
study, agrees GRW would predict
a very small deviation in the pho-
“Consciousness… Prevedel thinks first absorption
by a rod should destroy the pho- human behavior with a Scientific
ton counts but says such devia- arises in ton’s superposition. But “if we American Mind Digital Subscription.
tions would be too tiny to be our brain as the can see quantum [superposition]
detected by the proposed experi-
ment. Nevertheless, he thinks any
combined effect in any of the subsequent levels
inside the different cell layers in LEARN MORE
aberration in the photon counts of millions, the retina, or any downstream
would deserve attention. “It
would be quite serious. I find that
if not billions, neuronal circuits even, that
would be really a breakthrough,”
unlikely but possible,” he says. of cells and he says. “This would be an amaz-
“That would be amazingly
neurons.” ing finding.”
There is, of course, an elephant
Kwiat also wonders about the —Robert Prevedel in the room: human conscious-
subjective perception of quantum ness. Could conscious perception
states versus classical states. “Is ultimately cause the collapse of
there any perceptual difference on the part of the per- the quantum state, making the photon show up on one
son when they directly observe a quantum event?” he or the other side? Prevedel doubts consciousness has
asks. “The answer is ‘probably not,’ but we really don’t anything whatsoever to do with measurement and
know. You can’t know the answer to that unless either collapse.
you have a complete physical model down to the quan- “Consciousness … arises in our brain as the combined
tum mechanical level of what’s going on in the human effect of millions, if not billions, of cells and neurons. If
visual system—which we don’t have—or you do the there is a role of consciousness in the detection of quan-
experiment.” tum superposition, it’d involve a really macroscopic
Robert Prevedel, a member of Vaziri’s 2016 team who object on the level of the entire brain, i.e. a huge ensem-
is now at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ble of atoms and electrons that make up the biological
in Germany, is more interested in teasing out exactly cells,” Prevedel says. “From all that we know, this kind of
where collapse actually occurs in the chain of events. macroscopic object would not be able to sustain quan-
Does it happen at the beginning, when a photon strikes tum [superposition].”
a rod cell? Or in the middle, with generation and trans-
mission of neural signals? Or does it happen at the end,
when the signals register in conscious perception? He
suggests firing superposed photons at extracted retinas
and recording from different levels of visual processing
(say, from rod cells or from the different types of photo
cells that make up the retina) to see how long the super-
position lasts.

Beyond the
Shadow of
a Doubt,
Water Ice
on the
Deposited in perpetually
dark craters around the
poles, the ice could be
a boon for future crewed
lunar outposts
By Leonard David


Mosaic of 983 images of
the moon’s north polar
region. Taken over the
course of a month by the
Lunar Reconnaissance
Orbiter Camera.

Leonard David is author of Mars: Our Future on the
Red Planet, published by National Geographic. The
book is a companion to the National Geographic
Channel series, “Mars.” A longtime writer for SPACE.
com, David has been reporting on the space industry for
more than five decades.

The view that Earth’s moon is a dried-out, desolate world may be all wet. is a great mission…. However, the conclusion of sur-
A new analysis of data from the Indian Space Research Organization’s Chan- face-exposed ice from this mission is based on modeling;
it is indirect. And also, there is only one data point in the
drayaan 1 orbiter, which operated at the moon from 2008 to 2009, has revealed south polar region,” Shuai says. In contrast, he notes, the
what researchers say is definitive proof of water ice exposed on the lunar surface. “very unique” spectral features of water in the M3 data
Gathered by NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) spectrometer onboard the incontrovertibly show the presence of exposed ice on the
floors of craters across the moon’s polar regions.
Indian probe, the data all but confirm extensive but tentative evidence from earli- “The results seem very convincing to me,” says Ian
er missions hinting at water ice deposits lurking in permanently shadowed cra- Crawford, a planetary scientist at Birkbeck, University of
ters at the moon’s poles. Such deposits could someday support crewed lunar out- London, who was not a part of the study.
Now that these deposits have been found exposed on
posts while also revealing previously hidden chapters of the moon’s history. The the lunar surface, Shuai and other researchers say, they
results appeared in a study published August 20 in Proceedings of the National could be more easily used to fuel future exploration and
Academy of Sciences USA. sustain human outposts. The ice could be melted and dis-
tilled to provide potable water, and could also be broken
Based on M3’s measurements of water ice’s near-infra- sity of Hawaii in Mānoa. For decades radar sweeps from apart into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen to pro-
red absorption features at and around the lunar poles, the Earth of the lunar polar regions and by moon-orbiting duce breathable air as well as rocket propellant.
study’s authors concluded the ice is only exposed in craft have delivered ambiguous results. Similarly, instru-
around 3.5 percent of the craters’ shadowed area, and is ments carried onboard NASA’s still-circling Lunar Recon- A FROSTY VENEER—OR THE
intermixed with large volumes of lunar dust. Such sparse naissance Orbiter cannot directly, definitively detect the TIP OF AN ICEBERG?
coverage and heterogeneity suggests this lunar ice has a presence of water ice, he says. In fact, he notes, many past Before any of that water is exploited for exploratory gain,
substantially different history than similar deposits found claims of “water” on the moon were really just detections however, most scientists would prefer to know just how
on other airless rocky worlds, such as Mercury and the of hydrogen-enriched, bone-dry minerals on the lunar much of it there is, and how it got there in the first place.
dwarf planet Ceres, where water ice in permanently shad- surface. According to Anthony Colaprete, who served as prin-
owed craters is more abundant and of greater purity. Likewise, Shuai adds, although NASA’s Lunar CRater cipal LCROSS investigator at NASA’s Ames Research Cen-
Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission did ter, the ice’s patchy distribution is key for determining its
A DISCOVERY DECADES IN THE MAKING uncover signs of lunar water in 2009, when it sent probes history. “Assuming [it] isn’t a measurement effect, this
“Before our work there is no direct evidence to show crashing into the permanently shadowed region of says to me that these patches of water ice are not in equi-
there is surface-exposed water ice on the moon,” says Cabeus Crater near the moon’s south pole, that water was librium with a current, ongoing source of water,” Cola-
lead author Shuai Li, a planetary scientist at the Univer- not necessarily from exposed ice at the surface. “LCROSS prete says. A more uniform distribution—like that seen

for ice in craters at Mercury’s poles—could indicate the not a part of Shuai’s study. Whereas the concept behind
ice was being supplied by periodic impacts from water- Shuai’s work is sound, she says, many researchers had
rich comets or asteroids. given up on searching for water ice within the M3 data,

Comprehensive Coverage
But if the moon’s polar ice is not the product of regu- due to its relatively poor quality for most of the moon’s
lar, geologically recent impact events, where did it come shadowy poles. Shuai and his team tackled the problem

at Your Fingertips
from? “One possibility is it is from an ancient reservoir,” by developing multiple independent statistical tests to
Colaprete says, referring to the early stages of more than demonstrate the data’s indications of water ice were gen-
4.5 billion years of lunar history, when outgassing from uine and not coincidental flukes.
volcanoes and colossal impacts may have briefly imbued “Through the years, I’ve learned not to tell a bright,
the moon with a warm, wet atmosphere. Any deposits of energetic young scientist that something really hard is
water ice leftover from that bygone era could later be impossible. Often it is, but sometimes—like now—I’m BUY NOW
excavated, mixed and diffused to and around the surface delighted to be surprised,” Pieters says. “They have
via subsequent impacts and solar irradiation. indeed convinced me of the existence of water ice in the
In the paper Shuai and his co-authors note the ice’s polar shadows.”
patchiness may be due to a hypothesized phenomenon Additional reporting by Lee Billings.
called “true polar wander,” in which the orientation of the
moon’s axis of spin shifts over long periods of time. In this
scenario the distribution of exposed surface ice would hew
close to how the moon’s polar wandering altered its cra-
ters’ exposure to sunlight across geologic time.
Because of such uncertainties about its origins as well
as the limited nature of the M3 observations, Colaprete
says it is currently impossible to say how much bulk
water lurks in the moon’s polar caters. “At [M3’s] wave-
lengths we are only sampling the top 10 microns or so;
thus the water could be a frost or veneer only 100
microns thick—or it could be the tip of the ‘iceberg.’”
What is needed, says Crawford, is more high-resolution
mapping from low-orbiting satellites, which could use
neutron spectrometry to peer beneath the surface—or bet-
ter yet, on-location robotic landers to obtain samples.

“When Shuai Li first described what he wanted to inves-
tigate using M3 data, I thought he was crazy,” says Carle
Pieters, a planetary scientist at Brown University and
principal investigator for the M3 instrument who was

Anil Ananthaswamy is the author of The
Edge of Physics, The Man Who Wasn't There
and, most recently, Through Two Doors at
Once: The Elegant Experiment That Captures
the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality.


What Does
Quantum Theory
Actually Tell Us
about Reality?
Nearly a century after its founding, physicists
and philosophers still don’t know—but they’re
working on it

or a demonstration that overturned the great
Isaac Newton’s ideas about the nature of
light, it was staggeringly simple. It “may be
repeated with great ease, wherever the sun
shines,” the English physicist Thomas Young told
the members of the Royal Society in London in


November 1803, describing what is now known
as a double-slit experiment, and Young wasn’t
being overly melodramatic. He had come up with
an elegant and decidedly homespun experiment indivisible units, or quanta, of energy, which we to argue that the quantum world is influenced by
to show light’s wavelike nature, and in doing so call photons. Young’s experiment, when done with human consciousness, giving our minds an
refuted Newton’s theory that light is made of cor- single photons or even single particles of matter, agency and a place in the ontology of the
puscles, or particles. such as electrons and neutrons, is a conundrum universe. But does the simple experiment really
But the birth of quantum physics in the early to behold, raising fundamental questions about make such a case?
1900s made it clear that light is made of tiny, the very nature of reality. Some have even used it In the modern quantum form, Young’s experi-

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
uit den weg kunnen ruimen, zonder dat iemand merkt, dat ik de hand
in het spel heb gehad.”

„Voor alles moeten wij weten, waar hij zich bevindt,” antwoordde

„Dat zullen wij reeds morgen weten,” sprak Mr. Geis, „want ik heb
hem tegen elf uur morgenochtend bij mij ontboden.” [6]

„Dan hebben wij morgen immers een prachtige gelegenheid, dat

zaakje op te knappen.”

„Neen!” viel Mr. Geis uit, „ik heb je immers gezegd, dat hij niet mag
merken in mij een vijand te hebben. Wij moeten iets heel bijzonders,
iets vernuftigs bedenken om den knaap onschadelijk te maken.”

Bijna een uur lang broeiden zij samen op een plan, eindelijk wreef
McIntosh zijn groote, lompe handen vergenoegd en riep uit:

„Dit plan is prachtig! Op dat eiland woont niemand en wij zullen er

hem zeker naar toe kunnen lokken.”

Den volgenden morgen om 11 uur kondigde de oberkellner bij Mr.

Geis het bezoek aan van een bankier John Govern.

Eerst wilde Mr. Geis hem niet ontvangen, omdat hij Raffles
verwachtte. Maar omdat het een bankier was, die hem wenschte te
spreken, gaf hij den oberkellner bevel den heer binnen te laten.

Een oude heer met voornaam uiterlijk, die, door de jicht geplaagd,
zich van twee krukken bediende, kwam met moeite de kamer binnen
en keek Mr. Geis door zijn gouden bril scherp aan.

„Wil u plaats nemen?” vroeg Mr. Geis. „Wat wenscht u van mij?”

De vreemdeling ging zitten en sprak kuchend:

„Gij kent mij waarschijnlijk niet meer, Mr. Stein.”

Mr. Geis, of liever Stein, zooals hij zich nu noemde, verbleekte en

keek den onbekenden heer eenige seconden lang onderzoekend
aan. Maar hij kon zich niet herinneren, den ouden heer ooit ontmoet
te hebben.

„Het is meer dan tien jaar geleden,” sprak Mr. Geis, „dat ik Londen
heb verlaten en in het buitenland vergeet men op den langen duur
zijn vroegere bekenden. Hoe was ook weer uw naam?”

„John Govern,” kuchte de onbekende. „John Govern, makelaar en


Mr. Geis kon zich met den besten wil niemand van dien naam
herinneren. Maar om den ander niet onaangenaam te zijn, huichelde
hij het tegendeel.

„Zeker, zeker. Wij hebben elkaar dikwijls op de beurs ontmoet.”

„Dat nu juist niet,” lachte de vreemdeling, „daar hebben wij elkaar

nooit getroffen.”

„Laat mijn geheugen mij dan zóó in den steek?” antwoordde Mr. Geis.

„Dat schijnt zoo,” sprak de grijsaard, nog steeds glimlachend.

„Maar ik herinner mij,” sprak Mr. Geis, „dat wij dikwijls samen zaken

„O ja,” antwoordde de ander, „in tamelijk groote ondernemingen.

Alleen met dit verschil, dat ik in die dagen bijna geen verstand had
van zaken.”

Mr. Geis werd zenuwachtig. Hij wist niet, waar de vreemdeling heen
Wie was deze onbekende? Wat wilde hij van hem?

Hij besloot daarom, zijn bezoeker een rechtstreeksche vraag te

stellen en sprak:

„Wilt gij mij mededeelen, wat u tot mij voert?”

„Gij schijnt zeer vergeetachtig te zijn, Mr. Stein,” antwoordde de oude

heer met een spottend lachje, „gij hebt mij zelf voor deze
samenkomst uitgenoodigd.”

Mr. Geis riep met een verbaasd gelaat uit:

„Wie noodigde u uit? Ik?”

„Ja zeker, gij zelf!” antwoordde Mr. Govern, „gisteravond in het

Garrick-theater hebt gij mij gevraagd, heden om 11 uur bij u te komen
in uw hotel.”

„Ik ben wel in het Garrick-theater geweest,” antwoordde Mr. Geis,

„maar ik herinner mij niet u te hebben gesproken.”

„Gij maakt mij een groot compliment, Mr. Geis,” sprak de onbekende,
hem bij zijn waren naam toesprekende, „mijn vermomming moet
uitstekend zijn, als een oude zakenvriend, zooals gij, mij niet

Mr. Geis was bij deze woorden van zijn bezoeker vol verbazing
opgestaan en keek den ouden heer aan, alsof hij een spook voor zich

Eindelijk, na meerdere seconden, stamelde hij:

„Zijt gij het werkelijk, Lord Lister?”

„Ja,” lachte deze. „Lord Edward Lister, genaamd John C. Raffles, de
groote onbekende, doet u de eer aan, u een bezoek te brengen.”

„Drommels, dat is een verrassing! Uw vermomming is schitterend

gelukt. Ik zou er tien eeden op hebben gedaan, dat gij niet Lord Lister
waart, maar inderdaad degene, voor wien gij u uitgaaft. Gij zijt
werkelijk, zooals de couranten melden, een geniale meester!”

„Laat ons daarover zwijgen,” sprak Raffles, die een afkeer had van
loftuitingen, „deel mij mede, wat gij van mij wenscht!”

„Voor alles, mijn lieve vriend,” begon Mr. Geis, „moet gij mij toestaan,
dat ik een lunch voor ons beiden laat opdienen.”

„Geef u geen moeite,” antwoordde Raffles, „ik gebruik bij andere

menschen, zelfs bij zeer goede bekenden, uit principe nooit iets. Het
eenige, wat ik mijzelf gun, is een cigarette.”

„Gij zijt een merkwaardig mensch,” merkte Mr. Geis op, „een zeer
merkwaardig mensch. Meent gij soms, dat ik u iets schadelijks zou
voorzetten?” [7]

Raffles haalde de schouders op en sprak:

„Zijt gij bij de bereiding der spijzen tegenwoordig?”

„Dat niet,” antwoordde Mr. Geis, „maar neem mij niet kwalijk, Lord

„John Govern,” viel Raffles hem in de rede.

„Juist! Neem mij niet kwalijk, Mr. Govern, maar dat grenst aan

„Welneen!” lachte Raffles, „dat is alleen een principe, dat bij mijn
sport behoort en ik ben juist in staat, die sport zoo veilig uit te
oefenen, omdat ik nooit den voornaamsten regel uit het oog verlies.”

„En die is?” vroeg Mr. Geis met gespannen aandacht.

„Ik wil u, als oud vriend, mijn geheim gaarne toevertrouwen”, sprak
Raffles. „Deze regel luidt:

„Voel je altijd bedreigd!”

„Een zeer vreemde stelregel!” vond Mr. Geis. „Sta mij dan tenminste
toe, Mr. Govern, dat ik u een cigarette aanbied.”

„Ook daarvoor moet ik bedanken,” wees Raffles met een fijn

glimlachje af, „ik ben gewend aan mijn eigen merk. Een zeer lichte,
uitstekende cigarette. Ik zal u het merk noemen: Gibson Girl! Gij staat
mij zeker wel toe, dat ik er een van opsteek?”

„Ik verzoek het u zelfs!” antwoordde Mr. Geis en hij zag, hoe Raffles
uit een kostbaar, gouden cigarettenétui, dat versierd was met een
prachtig wapen, samengesteld uit diamanten en robijnen, een
cigarette nam.

„Ik zie, dat gij een prachtig étui bezit,” sprak Mr. Geis, „dat moet zeer
kostbaar zijn.”

„Een souvenir aan mijn ontmoeting met een Russischen grootvorst in

Monte Carlo.”

„Een geschenk?” vroeg Mr. Geis met een spottend glimlachje.

„Neen,” klonk het uit den mond van Raffles, „dat zou in strijd zijn met
mijn beroep als sportsman. Ik koop nooit iets en laat mij ook nooit iets
ten geschenke geven. Bij mijn sport zijn dergelijke dingen overbodig;
alle mogelijke zeldzaamheden komen in mijn handen.”
„Een wonderlijk beroep, wat gij uitoefent,” antwoordde Mr. Geis en
voor het eerst kwam eenige twijfel in hem op, of het hem ooit zou
gelukken, dezen meesterdief in de val te lokken.

„Mijn tijd is beperkt,” sprak Raffles, „ik verzoek u, mij te willen

meedeelen, wat gij gisteravond hebt bedoeld.”

„Goed,” sprak Mr. Geis, terwijl hij tegenover Raffles in een fauteuil
plaats nam. Hij stak ook een sigaret aan en, nadat hij eenige
oogenblikken zwijgend had gerookt, begon hij:

„Gij kent de Lincoln-Bank”.

„Tot dusverre alleen van buiten,” schertste Raffles, „maar het zou
kunnen zijn, dat ik, nu gij er mij opmerkzaam op hebt gemaakt, de
Bank en den inhoud van haar brandkasten eens van binnen ga
bekijken. Maar ik vrees, dat mijn bezoek nauwelijks de moeite zal
loonen, nu ik weet, dat gij directeur zijt.”

„Gij vergist u” antwoordde Mr. Geis, „de Lincoln-Bank is voornamelijk

de spaarbank van kleine kooplui en arme menschen. Wij bezitten
bijna drie millioen pond baar, die in onze brandkasten bewaard
worden. Een bezoek zou dus wel de moeite waard zijn, en in deze
beteekenis van het woord, om het kortweg te zeggen, stel ik u voor
uit deze deposito’s een gedeelte van uw verloren kapitaal terug te

Raffles keek bij deze woorden met half-gesloten oogen naar Mr.
Geis. Zijn trekken verrieden schijnbaar groote onverschilligheid, maar
Mr. Geis zou geen woord verder gesproken hebben, als hij de
gedachten van zijn tegenstander had kunnen raden.

„De duivel hale je,” dacht Raffles bij zichzelf, „die kerel schijnt zijn
schurkenstreken om kleine lui hun spaarduiten te ontstelen nog niet
te hebben afgelegd. Een gevaarlijk sujet!”
Intusschen antwoordde hij op vriendelijken toon:

„Voor den drommel! Mr. Geis, dat zou een weldaad zijn, als ik
eindelijk een deel van mijn geld terug zou krijgen, ik kan het juist zoo
goed gebruiken.”

„Ik ook,” sprak Mr. Geis lachend. „En dat is juist het doel van mijn
komst naar Londen. Ik heb bij eene speculatie zeer veel geld verloren
en hoop het daardoor terug te krijgen. Ik denk, dat wij beiden, als wij
eerlijk tegenover elkaar zijn, spelenderwijze eenige millioenen
kunnen verdienen.”

Raffles rookte en antwoordde:

„Aan mijn eerlijkheid zult ge zeker niet twijfelen. Deel mij het plan, dat
ge hebt, mede; voor mij bestaan bij de uitoefening van sport geen

„Luister dan,” sprak Mr. Geis.

„Ik zal u over 14 dagen, nadat ik de leiding der bank heb

overgenomen, als procuratiehouder der bank aanstellen. Als
zoodanig hebt gij de sleutels der schatkamer in bewaring. Gij zult
binnen korten tijd, op een nacht, voorzien van de sleutels der bank,
de brandkasten openen, en met den gezamenlijken inhoud er
vandoor gaan, d.w.z. gij zult in mijn auto met het geld naar mijn villa
in Brighton rijden, waar ik op u wacht. [8]Dan deelen wij den buit. Ik
zal u daarop zoolang in mijn villa verbergen, totdat de politie
gekalmeerd is. Ik zelf echter blijf op mijn post en leid de zaken der
bank als haar directeur verder. Is dat niet een voortreffelijk idee?”

„Een schitterend plan!” antwoordde Raffles vol vuur, terwijl hij

opsprong, „hier hebt gij mijn hand, wij voeren het samen uit.”
„Bravo”, lachte Mr. Geis, terwijl hij Raffles vriendschappelijk de hand
drukte, „en nu willen wij het zaakje met een flesch wijn bezegelen.”

„Het spijt mij,” sprak Raffles, „daaraan doe ik niet mee.”

„Allright,” antwoordde Mr. Geis, „zooals ge wilt. Maar vóór alles moet
ge mij uw adres opgeven; ik moet u een bericht kunnen zenden,
zoodra het zoover is.”

„Dat luidt—John Govern, Regent Park 13,” was het antwoord van
Raffles, „het is mijn vaderlijk huis, maar niemand weet, dat ik daar

Toen de bezoeker verdwenen was wreef Mr. Geis z’n handen en was
uitermate tevreden.

„Zoo, mijn waarde Lord,” sprak hij tot zichzelf, „nu heb ik je in elk
geval te pakken. Als McIntosh je om zeep brengt, des te beter, dan
zal deze man van eer als procuratiehouder de gelden voor mij stelen.
Mocht echter McIntosh bij dit zaakje zijn leven laten, dan zal ik blij
zijn, eindelijk van hem verlost te wezen, en dan zal Raffles mij de
deposito’s in handen spelen. Twee vliegen in één klap.” [9]


Twee dagen na deze conferentie ontving Raffles met de ochtendpost

een brief van den volgenden inhoud:

„Hooggeachte heer!

Ik weet niemand op de wereld, die mij zou kunnen helpen dan gij. Ik ben
een wees. Mijn moeder heb ik nooit gekend, mijn vader was koopman en
reeder in Trinidad. Vandaag voor twee jaar, voordat ik meerderjarig werd,
stierf mijn vader aan een beroerte, zonder een testament te hebben
nagelaten. Daar ik bloedverwanten, noch iemand bezat, die mijn
vertrouwen genoot, regelde ik met behulp van een advocaat, die mij door
de rechtbank werd toegewezen, de nalatenschap van mijn vader en vond
daarin onder meer, behalve eenige duizenden ponden sterling, waarvan ik
tot heden leef, een landkaart, waarvan ik u een nauwkeurige schets

Aan de keerzijde van die kaart heeft mijn vader genoteerd, dat een ontrouw
beambte, Pelugro genoemd, hem een vermogen van vier millioen had
ontstolen, waarmee hij ongeveer vier jaar geleden zou zijn gevlucht.

Mijn vader heeft het spoor van dien man gevolgd en is te weten gekomen,
dat hij op een onbekend eiland den schat verborgen heeft en met een deel
van het geld naar Parijs is getrokken.

Hij zou het geld juist daar hebben verborgen, opdat het niet, ingeval hij in
Parijs gevangen zou worden genomen, in mijn vaders handen zou vallen.
Eerst als mijn vader gestorven was, zou hij den schat gaan halen.

Pelugro is intusschen gestorven. Men wilde hem in Parijs arresteeren en bij

het gevecht, dat hij daar voerde met de hem achtervolgende detectives, is
hij door een schot gedood. Al wat men op hem vond, waren 100,000 francs
en de kaart van het onbekende eiland.

Tot dusverre is het mij nog niet gelukt, dit eiland uit te vinden. Ik ben nu
zonder geld en daar ik zoo dikwijls in de couranten over u gelezen heb en
heb gehoord, dat gij een edelmoedig mensch zijt, wend ik mij nu tot u en
smeek u, mij te willen helpen.

Ik woon tijdelijk in een Londensch pension.

Intusschen blijf ik met de meeste hoogachting.


Raffles las den brief meerdere malen aandachtig door. Daarop lachte
hij luid en sprak tot Brand:

„Dat is een zeer merkwaardige zaak, die mij daar door de post werd
toegezonden. Men schijnt mij te verwisselen met Sherlock Holmes. Ik
moet een schat van ongeveer vier millioen op een onbekend eiland
gaan zoeken! Het is onzinnig!”

Hij las nogmaals den brief door, om het adres der afzendster te weten
te komen, maar tevergeefs. Er was geen enkele aanduiding te
vinden, betrekking hebbende op de woonplaats der afzendster.

„Echt vrouwenwerk,” sprak Raffles, „ik moet haar helpen, maar weet
niet eens waar zij woont.”

Hij nam de bijgezonden kaart en bekeek deze.

„Een eigenaardige chaos,” vervolgde hij tot Charly Brand, „het eiland
ziet er uit als een groote kreeft en ik betwijfel ten zeerste, of het ding
wel bestaat. Bovendien heb ik nooit gehoord, dat een eiland als dit,
waarop een kleine vulkaan is aangegeven, koraalriffen bezit. Kijk
eens naar die kaart!”

Charly Brand bestudeerde haar met groote opmerkzaamheid,

schudde het hoofd en sprak:
„Ik denk, dat wij aan de Lloyd misschien inlichtingen kunnen krijgen,
waar een dergelijk eiland te zoeken [10]is. Daar heeft men de beste en
nieuwste kaarten van de geheele wereld.”

„Ik dacht daar ook reeds aan. Wij kunnen het probeeren.”

Zij gingen naar het bureau van de Lloyd en de ambtenaren van deze
grootste zeevaartmaatschappij der wereld raadpleegden urenlang
kaarten. Reeds wilden zij hun pogingen opgeven, toen zij een oude
kaart vonden, die misschien uit de 16e eeuw afkomstig was. Ook
deze vergeleken zij met de kaart, welke Raffles had meegebracht.

Beide vertoonden opvallende overeenkomst met elkaar, maar de

koraalriffen, die op de kaart van Raffles voorkwamen, ontbraken op
de andere. De beambte van de Lloyd verklaarde echter als zeer
waarschijnlijk, dat het wel een onjuistheid zou zijn van de teekenaars
der kaart, welke Raffles bezat, daar de bedoelde riffen geen
koraalbanken waren, maar zand- of steenhoogten. Het eiland droeg
den naam Rocky-eiland en bevond zich dicht bij de westelijke kust
van IJsland.

„Gij kunt met een stoomboot,” zoo vertelde de beambte, „het eiland in
vier dagen bereiken. Gij zult in Southampton, voor zoover ik in de
scheepslijsten kan vinden, een boot, genaamd „Hertha” treffen, die
reeds morgen naar IJsland vaart Het is een walvischvanger, veel
geriefelijkheden zult gij aan boord niet vinden.”

Toen Raffles het gebouw der maatschappij had verlaten, ging hij met
Charly Brand naar een groot restaurant, waar hij zwijgend zijn diner

Nadat de maaltijd was afgeloopen, sprak hij, onder het rooken van
een cigarette:
„Ik zal naar IJsland varen en beproeven, het eiland en den schat te

„Ik ontraad het je,” antwoordde Charly Brand. „Wie weet, of het
eiland, dat men ons op het bureau der Lloyd heeft aangeduid,
hetzelfde is, dat je zoekt.”

„Dat hindert niet,” antwoordde Raffles hem. „Dan beschouw ik mijn

vaart als een pleiziertochtje. Morgen gaan wij van Southampton naar

Op de boot, die hen naar de plaats van bestemming bracht, bevond

zich behalve hen beiden nog een passagier, en dat was McIntosh.

Hij gaf zich uit als walvischjager en Raffles vermoedde niet, dat hij de
afzender was van den brief, met het doel om hem uit Londen naar het
eenzame eiland te lokken en hem te vermoorden.

Gedurende den overtocht deed McIntosh niet de minste moeite om

kennis te maken met Raffles.

McIntosh kende uit vroeger dagen, toen hij meerdere zeereizen had
gemaakt, het kleine eiland aan de westkust van IJsland en wist, dat
het zelden door menschen werd bezocht.

Bij aankomst in de haven van IJsland verdween hij spoorloos en

Raffles deed moeite om een visscher te vinden, die hem naar het
onbekende eilandje zou willen brengen. Eerst nadat hij twee dagen
lang gezocht had, gelukte hem dit en na een vaart, die vier-en-twintig
uur duurde, bracht de visschersboot hem naar het kleine,
onherbergzame eiland.

In de door riffen omgeven haven vonden de beide vrienden een

bootje liggen. De eigenaar van het visschersvaartuig was hierover
zeer verbaasd; hij had niet gedacht, dat er menschen op het eiland

Raffles beval hem, drie dagen lang met zijn boot te wachten in de
kleine, door rotsen ingesloten haven.

„Wees voorzichtig,” sprak de visscher tot Raffles, toen bij hem aan
land bracht. „Dit eiland is vol gevaarlijke plekken; ik bracht verleden
jaar een gezelschap, bestaande uit Duitschers en Engelschen, naar
het Noorden van het eiland, en tot op den huidigen dag is geen van
hen teruggekeerd. In de moerassen of in de heete zwavelbronnen
zullen zij den dood hebben gevonden. Wij zeggen altijd, dat dit land
de menschen verslindt en wij noemen IJsland het begin van de hel.
Weest dus voorzichtig, heeren. De bodem is vulkanisch.”

Raffles bedankte den vriendelijken ouden man en ging aan land. Hij
en Charly Brand hadden zich voorzien van wollen dekens,
houweelen, touwen en proviand, om het eenige dagen op het eiland
te kunnen uithouden.

Het was een woeste, rotsachtige streek, die zij doortrokken. Slechts
met moeite konden zij vooruitkomen. Rotsen, ijsbergen en afgronden
versperden hun den weg.

Ondanks dit alles volgde Raffles nauwkeurig de richting naar de plek,

die op zijn kaart was aangeduid als bergplaats van den schat.

In den avond maakten zij in een kleine grot hun legerstede klaar en
Raffles bereidde een stevig glas groc op een meegebracht

„Wij bevinden ons in eigenaardige. omstandigheden,” sprak Raffles.

„Wel een beetje ongemakkelijk om te slapen, maar overigens vind ik
de lucht hier beter dan in ons mistige Londen en men behoeft niet
bang te zijn, hier een inspecteur Baxter te ontmoeten”.
„Daarin heb je gelijk,” lachte Charly Brand, „ik [11]denk, dat wij de
eenige levende wezens op het eiland zijn.”

Zij hadden verscheiden uren gerust, toen Charly, die achter in het hol
lag, en die door de ongemakkelijke houding en de buitengewone
omstandigheden den slaap niet kon vatten, een geluid hoorde, dat
hem vol oplettendheid naar den ingang van het hol deed kijken.

Duidelijk onderscheidde hij in het nachtelijk duister de gedaante van

een man, die in den ingang stond en blijkbaar luisterde.

Hoewel Charly niet vreesachtig was beefde hij nu toch van angst. De
onbekende bukte zich en kroop langzaam naar hen toe. Het bloed
stolde den jongen man in de aderen, zijn keel was als dichtgeknepen
en hij kon van ontzetting geen woord uitbrengen. Hij wilde
schreeuwen, maar het lukte hem niet.

Hij wilde een beweging maken om Raffles, die rustig slapende, naast
hem lag, te wekken, maar hij kon zich niet bewegen en geen geluid te
voorschijn brengen. Zijn tong was als verlamd, en slechts met de
oogen volgde hij elke beweging van den man, die zoo ongeroepen
was komen opdagen.

Het was Charly Brand duidelijk, dat hij niets goeds in het schild
voerde, eveneens twijfelde hij er geen oogenblik aan, dat hij en Lord
Lister tegen dezen schurk gezamenlijk moesten optreden als zij hem
onschadelijk wilden maken.

Hoe verschrikte hij echter, toen de vreemdeling plotseling vlak bij den
grooten onbekende was gekomen en zijn hand ophief, waarin hij een
dolk hield, die gericht was op de borst van den rustig slapenden man.
Het scherpe wapen blonk in het zacht maanlicht.

Daar gelukte het Charly—op het uiterste oogenblik—een luiden gil uit
te stooten en den rechterarm van Raffles heen en weer te schudden.
Dadelijk sprong Lord Lister op met een gewapende Browning-
revolver in de hand.

„Wat is er?” riep hij verbaasd uit.

Charly had eerst eenige minuten noodig om van zijn schrik te

bekomen. Daarop vertelde hij in korte, afgebroken woorden, wat hij
gezien had. Raffles lachte hem uit en meende, dat alles een
droombeeld, een hersenschim was geweest. Toen echter zijn jonge
vriend stellig verklaarde, dat hij zich niet vergist kon hebben en dat hij
den sluipmoordenaar vlak bij zich had gezien, werd Raffles ernstig en
begon hij nauwkeurig het geheele hol door te zoeken. Geen spoor
werd echter van den vreemdeling ontdekt.

Lord Lister en Charly zochten ook in den naasten omtrek van hun
legerplaats, echter zonder iets verdachts te vinden.

Nergens was een spoor van eenig levend wezen.

Rotsblokken van grilligen vorm lagen overal om hen heen verspreid

en boden veilige schuilplaatsen aan voor meerdere aanvallers.

De beide vrienden bleven het verdere gedeelte van den nacht wakker
en spraken samen over het Londensche zaakje met Mr. Geis.

Des morgens gingen zij weer op weg en Raffles zocht bij elken stap,
dien zij aflegden, of hij misschien een spoor kon ontdekken van den
onbekenden bezoeker van vorigen nacht.

Maar in den rotsachtigen bodem bleven geen voetsporen achter.

Tegen den avond waren de beide wandelaars tot op eenige uren

afstand van hun einddoel genaderd.
Maar de snel invallende duisternis maakte het hun onmogelijk om
verder te gaan. Onder een uitstekend rotsblok legden Raffles en
Charly Brand zich, in hun dekens gehuld, neer, nadat zij waren
overeengekomen om beurtelings te waken.

Het was bijna middernacht en Charly wilde juist zijn vriend wekken,
toen hij door twee sterke armen van achteren werd beetgepakt en
zijn keel zoo vast werd dicht gedrukt, dat hij geen geluid kon geven.
Alsof hij een veertje was, zoo werd hij met zijn deken opgelicht en
door iemand, dien hij niet kon zien, weggedragen.

Het was McIntosh, die zijn slachtoffers had gevonden.

Tevergeefs trachtte de jonge man zich uit de armen van zijn vijand te

De man, die hem wegdroeg moest over reuzenkrachten beschikken.

Want zonder eenige moeite en zonder dat hij zijn zwaren last een
oogenblik neerzette, droeg hij hem eenige honderden meters ver.

Charly Brand gaf eindelijk de moeite op om zichzelf te bevrijden.

Allerlei gedachten vlogen door zijn brein. Het was hem
onverklaarbaar, welk belang deze sterke man in hem kon stellen. En
dat niet alleen hij onschadelijk gemaakt zou worden, zei hem een
onbepaald voorgevoel.

Maar waarom dit alles? Waarom?

Hij zag geen kans om Raffles te waarschuwen tegen het onbekende

lot, dat hem wachtte. Hij zag duidelijk in, dat zijn vriend, dien hij zoo
innig vereerde, het offer zou worden van den een of anderen
spitsboef, die eerst hemzelf van kant zou maken. [12]
Hij zag, hoe deze man, wiens armen hem als in ijzeren schroeven
vasthielden, naar de legerstede van Raffles zou sluipen en den rustig
slapenden jongen man het koude staal in de borst zou stooten.

Deze en dergelijke gedachten doorvlogen bliksemsnel zijn hersens,

zonder dat Charly een middel kon vinden, hoe hij zijn vriend nog zou
kunnen redden.

Plotseling bleef de man, die hem droeg en dien hij niet kon zien,
staan en liet zijn vracht op den bodem glijden. Charly Brand wikkelde
zich uit zijn deken en keerde zich snel om. Maar zijn onzichtbare
vriend was sterker dan hij. Op het oogenblik, dat Charly den koelen
nachtwind inademde en zijn hoofd uit de deken stak, greep een
sterke vuist zijn hals van achteren beet en drukte zijn hoofd naar

Daarop omvatte een arm zijn lichaam en tilde hem hoog in de hoogte.

En nu zag Charly Brand voor zijn verschrikte oogen een afgrond,

waaruit witte dampen opstegen.

Met een duivelsch lachje hield zijn onbekende vijand hem eenige
minuten in deze vreeselijke houding vast. De arme jongen beleefde
verschrikkelijke oogenblikken, terwijl hij boven den afgrond zweefde.
En er bestond geen mogelijkheid om aan de vuisten van zijn
tegenstander te ontkomen, er was geen uitweg, geen kans op

Hoewel Charly Brand wist, dat zijn laatste uur was aangebroken,
verloor hij geen oogenblik zijn tegenwoordigheid van geest. Nog
eenmaal keek hij om zich heen, als wilde hij de plek, waar hij den
dood zou vinden, nauwkeurig onthouden.

Het was een woeste, romantische streek, waar de beide mannen zich
bevonden. Rondom hen staken allerlei rotsblokken hun kale kruinen
in de hoogte, rechts onder hen, wel honderd meter diep, lagen
vulkanische meren, wier zwarte, gladde wateroppervlakken als
spookachtige geestenoogen naar den nachtelijken hemel en de maan

Vlak vóór Charly stegen merkwaardige witte dampen op, waarvan hij
de herkomst eerst niet begreep, totdat hem inviel, dat deze sissende
damp veroorzaakt werd door heete, onderaardsche bronnen. Nu wist
hij ook, welk vreeselijk lot hem wachtte. Dat niemand hem meer kon
helpen, als hij eenmaal daar beneden was, begreep hij zeer goed.
Want nog nimmer had men de rotsklooven, die gevormd worden door
de vulkanen van IJsland, onderzocht.

Nu liet de onbekende man zijn slachtoffer los en met een

vreeselijken, doordringenden gil, die duizendmaal weerkaatst werd
door de steile rotsmuren, stortte Charly Brand in den schier
bodemloozen afgrond.

Een hoonend lachen van den misdadiger was het eenige antwoord
op den doodskreet van den jongen man.

Daarop sloop hij als een reusachtige panter naar de legerstede terug,
om Raffles denzelfden weg te doen opgaan van zijn eerste

Maar het gebeurde anders.

De kreet van ontzetting, door Charly Brand geslaakt, had Raffles


Dadelijk was hij opgesprongen en had gemerkt, dat de plaats, waar

Charly Brand had gelegen, leeg was.

Terwijl hij nog nadacht, welke geheimzinnige macht zijn vriend had
doen verdwijnen, zag hij, hoe plotseling vóór hem in het nachtelijk
donker de gestalte van een man opdook.

Nog voordat Raffles zijn revolver kon opnemen, sprong de man als
een tijger naar hem toe en greep hem bij de keel.

Een vreeselijke strijd begon. Geen enkel geluid werd vernomen,

behalve het onstuimige hijgen der beide mannen, die op leven en
dood met elkaar vochten. Ieder van hen wist dat en verdubbelde zijn
inspanning om den kamp te winnen.

McIntosh had de kracht van Raffles onderschat. Al was deze ook iets
kleiner dan McIntosh en al bezat hij niet zooveel lichaamskracht,
Raffles was een uitstekend geoefend worstelaar, terwijl hij lenig was
als een aal.

Terwijl McIntosh ruw vocht, verdedigde de ander zich met alle trucs,
waarin geoefende sportslui bedreven zijn. Het lukte den Ier niet,
Raffles te overweldigen en hij probeerde daarom met een snelle
handbeweging, een dolk uit zijn broekzak te voorschijn te halen, om
dezen den grooten onbekende tusschen de ribben te stooten.

Maar deze poging werd hem noodlottig.

Nauwelijks had zijn hand Raffles vrijgelaten, of deze maakte van de

gelegenheid gebruik en bracht zijn tegenstander een geweldigen
vuistslag tegen den slaap toe.

Als een gevelde boomstam viel de schurk, zonder een kik te geven,
bewusteloos neer.

Nu was het voor Raffles het werk van een paar seconden om den
gevaarlijken kerel met behulp van de meegenomen touwen te binden.

Na korten tijd ontwaakte McIntosh tandeknarsend van woede uit zijn

verdooving; hij zag zich in Raffles’ macht. Deze had zijn electrische

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