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Recursion is a powerful concept in computer science, where a function calls itself to solve a problem.

Before we start exploring recursion in-depth, let's quickly review the basic structure of a function in
Python. It consists of two main portions

Base Case:

The base case is the condition that allows the recursion to stop. Every recursive function must have a
base case. This is the condition under which the function stops calling itself and returns a result. The
base case prevents infinite recursion.

Recursive Case:

The recursive case is the part where the function calls itself, i.e. Inside the function, there will be a
call to the same function, but with a smaller or modified version of the original problem.

The recursive case works towards reaching the base case and, in turn, solving the overall problem.

Imagine you want to make a stack of pancakes.

To create the stack, you'll pour a ladle of pancake batter onto a hot pan, and when the pancake is
cooked on one side, you'll flip it over.

You'll repeat this process until you have a delicious stack of pancakes. This repetitive process of
pouring batter, cooking, and flipping represents the concept of recursion. Each time you make a
pancake, you follow the same steps (pouring, cooking, flipping) until the stack is complete.

In programming, recursion follows a similar idea. A function calls itself to break down a problem into
smaller, more manageable tasks. This recursive process continues until a base case is reached, where
the function stops calling itself, just like you stop making pancakes when the stack is done.
Let's understand it with a classic example of a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a

Factorial is a mathematical operation, It is used to find the product of all positive integers up to a
given number.

For example:

The factorial of 5 is calculated as 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.

where 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 can be written as a factorial of 4

So the generalised formula for factorial is : factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1)

Here is the code to calculate the factorial of a number:

 def factorial(n):

# Base case: factorial of 0 or 1 is 1

if n == 0 or n == 1:

return 1


facto=n * factorial(n-1)

# Recursive case: n! = n * (n-1)!

return facto

Now let’s calculate the factorial of 5.

(Add this code below to the above code in Python)

 result = factorial(5)

print("Factorial of 5 is:", result)

Now, let's manually track the value of n at each step when calculating the factorial of 5:

factorial(5) calls factorial(4) because n * factorial(n-1) implies 5 * factorial(5-1).

factorial(4) calls factorial(3) because 4 * factorial(4-1).

factorial(3) calls factorial(2) because 3 * factorial(3-1).

factorial(2) calls factorial(1) because 2 * factorial(2-1).

factorial(1) returns 1, as it hits the base case.

Essentially, in this, when we enter 5, first, the function checks for the base case. As 5 is neither 0 nor
1, it does not return 1 and moves on to the recursive case. In the recursive function, we can see that
to calculate the factorial of 5, the function has to calculate the factorial of 4, for which the function
has to calculate the factorial of 3, and so on, till the recursive case is equal to the base case of 1,
which happens after the calculation of 2 factorial and then the recursive case stops.
You can see how the recursion works by breaking the problem into smaller subproblems until it
reaches the base case.

Recursion is often described as a problem-solving technique where a function calls itself in its own

To gain a clearer understanding, let's delve into some examples.

Consider the task of writing code to determine the sum of the digits of a positive integer through
recursion. Imagine the user inputs the positive integer 456. Mathematically, the sum of digits for this
number (4+5+6) equals 15. Now, let's see how the Python code employs recursion to compute this
sum: Let's start by creating a function:

(In Python)

def sum_of_digits(n): if n < 10:

return n else:

a=n % 10 + sum_of_digits(n // 10) return a

num = int(input('Enter the number:\n')) result = sum_of_digits(num)

print(f"The sum of digits in {num} is {result}")

In this Python code, there's a function named sum_of_digits that calculates the sum of the digits of a
given number n. The sum_of_digits function takes an integer n as input and checks if it is less than
10. If n is a single-digit number, the function returns n itself.

If n is greater than or equal to 10, the function enters the else block. It calculates the variable a by
adding the last digit of n (found using n % 10) to the result of calling sum_of_digits on the remaining
part of the number (n // 10). This recursive process continues until n becomes a single-digit number.

Where n % 10 expression represents the remainder when n is divided by 10. In simpler terms, it gives
you the last digit of the number. And n // 10 expression represents the integer division of n by 10. It
essentially removes the last digit from the number.

So suppose n=345

Then n % 10=345 % 10=5 and n // 10= 345 // 10=34

Moving on let’s say if the user enters the number 456, the code will output the sum of its digits,
which is calculated as 4 + 5 + 6 = 15.

Let's go through the recursive calls at each step for the number 456:

Initial Call:

n = 456
The condition n < 10 is False, so it goes to the else block.

a = 6 (last digit) + sum_of_digits(456 // 10)

First Recursive Call:

n = 45

The condition n < 10 is False, so it goes to the else block. a = 5 (last digit) + sum_of_digits(45 // 10)

Second Recursive Call:


The condition n < 10 is True, so it returns n itself, which is 4.

Back to First Recursive Call:

Now, a = 5 + 4 = 9

This value is used in the original call.

Back to Initial Call:

Now, a = 6 + 9 = 15

The final result is 15, representing the sum of the digits in the original number 456. So the output is :

The sum of digits in 456 is 15

Let's explore another example of using recursion to print a countdown in Python. In this example,
we'll create a function called countdown that takes a positive integer as input and prints a
countdown from that number to 1. Here's the Python code:

def countdown(n): if n <= 0:

print("Happy New Year!") else:

print(n) countdown(n - 1)

# Get user input for countdown start

start_number = int(input("Enter the starting number for the countdown: "))

# Call the countdown function countdown(start_number)

In this code, it defines a function named countdown that takes an integer n as its parameter. Inside
the function, there's an if statement that checks if the input n is less than or equal to 0.

If true, it means the countdown has reached or gone below 0, and the function prints "Happy New
Year!" as a special message. If the base case is not met (i.e., n is greater than 0), the code proceeds to
the ‘else’ block. It prints the current value of n using print(n).

Then, it makes a recursive call to the countdown function with the decremented value n - 1. The
code prompts the user to enter a starting number for the countdown using the input function.
Finally, the countdown function is called with the user-provided starting number as an argument.

Suppose the user enters 10, the output will be:


Happy New Year!

So the recursive nature of the function ensures that it keeps calling itself with a decremented value
until the base case is met (when n is less than or equal to 0), leading to the countdown effect. The
final message "Happy New Year!" is printed when the countdown reaches its conclusion.

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