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Test No-1 SEN Marks-70

Q no 1) Attempt any FIVE of the following ..................................................... 10 Marks

a) List any four types of software.

b) List any four planning principles.
c) Describe following design concepts
i) Abstraction ii) Information hiding.
d) List the project cost Estimation Approaches.
e) Define risk and list any two types of risk.
f) Define Software Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
g) List the phases of Software Quality Assurance.


Q no 2) Attempt any THREE of the following:…………………………12 Marks

a) Explain Waterfall Model with neat labelled diagram.

b) State and describe any four core principles.

c) Explain Test Documentation with the help of following terms.

i) Test Case ii) Test Data iii) Test Plan.
d) Describe critical path method with suitable example.


Q no 3) Attempt any THREE of the following:……………………………12 Marks

a) Distinguish between waterfall model and spiral model.

b) Describe any four Software analysis modeling principles.
c) Draw DFD for Railway Reservation Management System for level 0 and level 1.
d) Explain line of code metrics for size estimation.

Q no 4) Attempt any THREE of the following ............................................. 12 Marks

a) Explain Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM).

b) State software engineering practices and its importance.
c) State and explain the component of Risk Management.
d) Distinguish between Black Box and White Box testing. (Write any four points).
e) Explain RMMM strategy.


Q no 5) Attempt any Two of the following ..................................................... 12 Marks

a) Sketch use-case diagram for Library management with minimum four use cases and
two actors.

b) Draw and explain translating requirement model into design model.

c) Describe a Cocomo and Cocomo-II models.


Q no 6) Attempt any Two of the following:………………………………12 Marks

a) Recognize requirement for following modules of hospital management software

i) Customer module ii) Administrator module iii) Account module
b) Describe six Sigma Strategy in details.
c) Use COCOMO model to calculate.
i) Effort
ii) Development Time
iii) Average staff size
iv) Productivity
if estimated size of project is 400 KLOC using embedded mode.
……..…………………………………ALL THE BEST …………………..………………….

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