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Groundwater potential assessment in Abaya campus, ArbaMinch University, Southern Ethiopia using
Vertical electrical sounding (VES)








Groundwater potential assessment in Abaya campus, Arba Minch University, Southern Ethiopia using
Vertical electrical sounding (VES)

Approved by the Examining Committee

----------------------- ----------------

Head, Department of Geology Signature Date


Name signature Date

Tariku (MsC) ----------------- -------------


Name Signature Date

……………………….. -------------------------------- --------------------


First glory should be to God. We would also like to acknowledge Arba Minch University
College of Natural Sciences Department of Geology who provide field instruments and give us
to accesses laboratory instruments.
Next to this is our pleasure to express a great gratitude to our advisors Mr. Tariku (M.Sc.) for
helpful advice, giving suggestions, effective evaluation, analysis and interpretation of data,
correcting report, etc., for the successful completion of this project indispensable suggestion and
above all correcting and reviewing this paper.


The study area is located in Arba Minch town in south nation and nationalities people’s regional
state. The general objective of this study was to explore or investigate groundwater potential of
the area using geophysical method particularly Vertical electrical sounding (VES) with different
specific objective. The methodologies we used explore for ground water potential the project
areas include desk study, field work; post work activities. DC resistivity methods are utilized at
Arba Minch University Abaya Campus. The schlumberger electrode configuration was
employed for the acquisition of VES data in the field. A total of 10 VES stations were engaged
within the study area. Different resistivity curve types were identified, reflecting lithological
variations in the area. DC resistivity method provides valuable information about the possible
location of saturated zones at conducted part of the Abaya Campus. Presentation of the data is by
the graph or map form. The VES field data are fed to a computer programmer, IPI2 and Surfer
with their respective electrode spacing to process the data. The software plots graphs and gives
different resistivity layers with their thickness. Finally the data was interpreted.

Key words: Groundwater, Groundwater exploration, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES),


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................2
1.1 General Backgrounds of the study.................................................................................................2
1.2 Description of the study area.........................................................................................................3
1.3 Statement of problem...................................................................................................................5
1.4. Research questions.......................................................................................................................5
1.5 Objectives of the study..................................................................................................................6
1.6 significance of the study................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................7
2. GEOLOGY AND TECTONIC SETTING......................................................................................................7
2.1 Regional Geology...........................................................................................................................7
2.2 Local Geology of the study area and its surroundings...................................................................8
2.3 Structural setup of study area.......................................................................................................8
2.4 General Hydrogeology (Regional Hydrogeology)...........................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................11
3. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS...............................................................11
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Fundamental principle of the DC resistivity method...................................................................11
3.2.1 Principles of Resistivity.............................................................................................................12
3.2.2 The relationship between Geology and Resistivity...................................................................13
3.2.3 Electrical Spreads......................................................................................................................13
3.2.4 The Werner Array.....................................................................................................................13
3.2.5 The Schlumberger Array...........................................................................................................14
3.2.6 Direct Resistivity field procedure..............................................................................................14
3.2.7 Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).............................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................17
4. METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS.....................................................................................................17

4.1 Methodology...............................................................................................................................17
4.2 Materials......................................................................................................................................18
4.3. Expected outcomes of the study................................................................................................18
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................19
5. DATA ACQUISITION, PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION....................................................................19
5.1 Electrical Resistivity.....................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................................20
6. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................20
6.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................20
6.2 Resistivity Data interpretation.....................................................................................................20
CHAPTER SEVEN........................................................................................................................................28
7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................28
7.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................28
7.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................29

List of figures

Figure 1 Location map of the study area..................................................................................................2

Figure 2Topography of study area............................................................................................................3
Figure 3 shows vegetation of study area....................................................................................................4
Figure 4 porphyritic basalt........................................................................................................................7
Figure 5 structural set up of study area....................................................................................................8
Figure 6 scheme of schlumberger array................................................................................................14
Figure 7 graphical interpretation of ves-1.................................................................................................20
Figure 8 graphical interpretation of ves-2.................................................................................................20
Figure 9 graphical interpretation of ves-3.................................................................................................21
Figure 10 graphical interpretation of ves-4...............................................................................................22
Figure 11 graphical interpretation of ves-5...............................................................................................22
Figure 12 graphical interpretation of ves-6...............................................................................................23
Figure 13 graphical interpretation of ves-7...............................................................................................24
Figure 14 graphical interpretation of ves-8...............................................................................................24
Figure 15 graphical interpretation of ves-9...............................................................................................25
Figure 16 graphical interpretation of ves-10.............................................................................................26


VES Vertical electrical resistivity

DC Direct current
ERM Electrical Resistivity Method
GPS Global positioning system
ER Electrical Resistivity


1.1 General Backgrounds of the study

Water is one of the most important commodities which man was exploited than any other
resources for sustenance of his life Chaplin, M. F. (2001). The need for water is strongly
increasing which is not only important for domestic purpose but also for the development
activities in both agricultural and industrial sectors. Any developmental activity is related, either
directly or indirectly, with water utilization Westall, et al (2018). Water occurs on the surface of
the earth as ocean, lake, river flow, spring, etc. and in the subsurface of the earth as shallow and
deep ground water. Therefore, traditionally human beings search water which is found on the
surface of the earth and hand dug wells for their consumption and their animals. These sources
are sometimes far from their residence and travel longer distance to fetch water.

Ground water is that portion of the atmosphere precipitation, mostly rainfall, which has
percolated into the earth to form underground deposits are referred to as aquifers which is a
lithologic unit or combination of a lithologic unit capable of yielding water to pumped wells or
springs (Charles et al., 1999). The need of more water supplies from subsurface sources is partly
an outcome of its quality due to the fact that some contamination may be removed by passage
through the soil as a result of infiltration, absorption and exchange reactions. Groundwater is
Water that occurs below the ground and is brought to the land surface by wells or springs
Suckow, A. (2014).
Geophysical investigations of the interior of the earth involve taking measurements at or near the
earth’s surface that are influenced by the internal distribution of physical properties. Analysis of
this measurement can reveal how the physical properties of the earth’s interior vary vertically
and laterally (Flathe, 1964).

The vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique is geophysical method which was commonly
used to determine the characteristics of subsurface soils and rocks (Ayolabiet al., 2009).

1.2 Description of the study area

1.2.1 Location and Accessibility

The study area is located in South Nation Nationalities and Peoples of Regional State in Gamo
Gofa Zone, Arba Minch town. It is located 500km south of Addis Ababa in the Southern
Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNPR). The study area of this research project
comprises the entire Abaya Campus and covers an area of 1km 2. The area is accessible by a road
from Addis Ababa to Arba Minch either via Addis Ababa – Butajira – Sodo – Arba Minch or via
Addis Ababa – Mojo – Shashemane – Sodo – Arba Minch asphalt roads or by a direct flight from
Addis Ababa to Arba Minch among many other routes.

Figure 1 Location map of the study area

1.2.2 Topography and Drainage pattern of the study area
The study area lies in the Rift Valley, the adjacent escarpment and parts of the western Ethiopian
Plateau that is penetrated and cut by deep river valleys. The main river in the study area was
Kulfo River and other small streams flow to it. Generally, the study area is characterized by
dendritic drainage pattern.

Figure 2Topography of study area

1.2.3 Climate and vegetation
The area is climatically highly variable, being mainly characterized by the subtropical climatic
zones (‘Weina Dega’) on the rift floor and temperate to humid (‘Dega’) on the escarpment and
adjacent highlands. The highest ridges in the map (Chencha highlands) are characterized by sub-
alpine (‘Wurch’) climatic zones. Arba Minch has a significant amount of rainfall during the year.
This is true even for the driest month. In Arba Minch, the average annual temperature is 25.0 °C |
77.1 °F. Precipitation here is about 2818 mm 110.9 inch per year (www.climate-data org)).

Figure 3 shows vegetation of study area

1.3 Statement of problem

The number of students in Arba Minch University (especially Abaya campus) increasing year to
year due to acceptance capacity and employment rate. As a result the demand of water is
increasing the water distributed from the Arba Minch town water supply to University
(especially Abaya) which may be stopped in next few year so the premium attention should paid
to an exploration of its own water source to meet challenging needs (Omosuyi et, al.2003). And
Groundwater is considered as a preferable alternative solution to face this type of problems.

1.4. Research questions

1. What are lithology and subsurface structure variations of the study area?
2. Where is the groundwater potential of study area?
3. How Vertical Electrical sounding method is used to investigate subsurface?

4. How to determine the depth of available groundwater table?
5. How we identify geologically weak zones and lithologic contact that serve as conduit for
ground water movement and structures?

1.5 Objectives of the study

1.5.1 General objective

The general objective of this study was to explore or investigate groundwater potential of the
area using electrical resistivity method.

1.5.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the study area were:-

• To determine the depth of available groundwater table

• To determine the depth and thickness of aquifer
• To locate potential drilling site for extraction of ground water

1.6 significance of the study

After this study it was very easy for the students to understand the usefulness of geophysical
method vertical electrical resistivity (VES), to access the groundwater potential area, to
develop knowledge of using different types of software to interpret the data. The study aims to
improve groundwater sector knowledge.

2.1 Regional Geology
The geology of Ethiopia includes rocks of the Neoproterozoic East African Orogeny, Jurassic
marine sediments and Quaternary rift-related volcanism. At parts the unconformity of the
Precambrian basement has glacial striations, rôche moutonnées and chatter marks formed likely
during the Karoo Ice Age (Zanettin, 1978; George and Rogers, 1999; Rooney, 2010).
Lithology and Petrology Volcanic activity in the southern MER is divided into three major
episodes: (a) Eocene to Oligocene pre-rift volcanic activity (~ 45 to 27 Mas), Miocene syn-rift
volcanic activity (~ 24 to 11 Mas) and Pleistocene post-rift volcanic activity.
The pre-rift Amaro-Gamo sequence and related basic volcanites (Ebinger et al. 1993; George et
al. 1998; George and Rogers 2002) have a minimum thickness of ~600 meters and are dominated
by tholeiitic and transitional basalts. The associated Shole Ignimbrites also known as the Amaro
Tuffs (JICA 2014; Ebinger et al., 1993; George et al., 1998) have a rhyolitic composition with a
thickness of ~200 meters. The post-rift volcanic sequence represented by the Nech Sar Basalts
(e.g. Levitte et al. 1974; Ebinger et al. 2000) was also described as the Bobem, Tosa Sucha or
Arba Minch unit (Zanettin, 1978; George and Rogers, 1999; Rooney, 2010). The pre-rift
volcanic sequence comprises the following rock types: (a) Amygdaloidal basalt lavas and
pyroclastic deposits (Amaro-Gamo Basalt) of Eocene age mainly exposed at the lowest erosion
base level on the map sheet around the Lake Abaya. This sequence was followed by a
subsequent eruptive event, cropping out throughout the area surveyed, consisting mainly of (b)
welded to unwelded Eocene to Lower Oligocene rhyolitic ignimbrites and minor pyroclastic
deposits (Shole Ignimbrite) with (c) minor rhyolite lava flow and breccia called as the Ugayo
rhyolite. The Shole ignimbrites are covered by (d) several massive basalt lava flows of Lower
Oligocene age. The origin of the syn-rift volcanic sequence represented by minor deposition of
the Dorze Ignimbrite (~30 meters in thickness) and the Mimo Trachyte lava flow (~10 meters in
thickness), both revealing the Miocene age associated with the initial stage of the rift subsidence.
The Pleistocene post-rift volcanic deposits (Dino Formation) originated during the youngest
volcanic event and are exposed in the lowest part of the rift structure.

Alluvial sediments are exclusively preserved on erosion terraces located around the town of Arba
Minch or are developed as few meters thick intercalations within the syn-rift Nech-Sar basalts.
The deposits form alternations of re-deposited reddish-brown clayey to fine-grained sandy soils,
medium- to coarse-grained sands and clast-supported conglomerates. Ripple marks and trough
cross-bedding tens of meters. Lacustrine sediments are exposed in narrow rims along the shores
and adjacent swamps of the Lake Abaya and consist of unconsolidated fine-grained deposits –
mud and silt Kebede, S. (2012).

2.2 Local Geology of the study area and its surroundings

The study area is covered by volcanic rocks such as aphanitic basalt, porphyritic basalt, vesicular
basalt, rhyolite and dolerite and an alluvial deposit Berhanu (2019). The degree of weathering
varies from one rock types to another based on their resistance to environmental factors. This is
easily reflected on the degree on fracturing of the rock.

Figure 4 porphyritic basalt

2.3 Structural setup of study area

The Rift floor is affected by several faults that form smaller horst and graben structures. Main
tectonic overprints are of brittle origin in the form of extension joints and normal faults which
are quite consistent with the marginal older faults and fault escarps of the main Ethiopian Rift
that trend in the NNE–SSW with steep to moderately dipping slickensides towards ESE to NE
(Gidey Woldegebriel et al., 1990).

Figure 5 structural set up of study area

2.4 General Hydrogeology (Regional Hydrogeology)

Hydrogeology is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of
groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust, commonly in aquifers and it encompasses
the interrelationships of geologic materials and processes with water (Fetter, 1994).

There are three important geological patterns that control the nature & distribution of hydro-
geological units in geologic system. These are litho-logy, strati-graphy & structures of the
geologic formation. The occurrence of groundwater depends not only on the nature of the rock
but also in their geologic history. According to Tesfay Chernet (1993) the aquifer of Ethiopia are
classified based on aquifer type and productivity. Concerning aquifer types the country is
classified in two five aquifer types.

1. Extensive aquifer with Intergranular permeability (unconsolidated sediment, alluvium

eluvium, colluvium, lacustrine sediment and poorly cemented sandstone

2. Extensive aquifer with fracture and /or karstic permeability (consolidated sediment and
metamorphic carbonates: Limestone, Sandstone, Evaporate, Marble associate with shale, marble)

3. Extensive aquifer with fracture permeability (volcanic rock; Basalt, Rhyolite, Trachyte,

4. Localized aquifer with fracture and Intergranular permeability (non-carbonated metamorphic

rocks, granitic intrusive, dolerites) and

5. Main geothermal area, common occurrence of thermal ground water in fractured volcanic rock
and subordinate unconsolidated sediment and also based on the productivity of the aquifer ,the
different aquifer are classified into three that includes:-

 High productivity aquifer permeability value ranging 0.62-124m/day

 Moderate productivity aquifer permeability value ranging 0.14-62 m/day, and;
 Low productivity aquifer permeability value ranging 0.004-0.14 m/day.

3.1 Introduction
Electrical Resistivity Method (ERM) is part of geophysical methods which used as preliminary
step involve in any groundwater exploration Riwayat, A. (2018) the electrical geophysical
methods are used to determine the electrical resistivity of the earth's subsurface. Thus, electrical
methods are employed for those applications in which knowledge of resistivity or the resistivity
distribution was solve or shed light on the problem at hand. The resolution, depth, and areal
extent of investigation are functions of the particular electrical method employed. Resistivity
data are usually integrated with other geophysical results and with surface and subsurface
geological data to arrive at an interpretation. Electrical methods can be broadly classified into
two groups: those using a controlled (human-generated) energy source and those using naturally
occurring electrical or electromagnetic energy as a source.
The controlled source methods are most commonly used for shallow investigations, from
characterizing surficial materials to investigating resistivity down to depths as great as 1 to 2 km,
although greater depths of investigation are possible with some techniques and under some
conditions Allred, et al (2008). The techniques are used extensively in the search for suitable
groundwater sources and to monitor types of groundwater pollution; are used in engineering
problems to locate Subsurface cavities, faults and fissures, permafrost, mineshaft; and in
archaeology for mapping out the aerial extent of remnants of buried foundations of ancient
buildings area and also used in well logging in down hole logging (Reynolds, 1997) to map
lithologies and contact between beds. The purpose of electrical resistivity surveys is to determine
the subsurface resistivity distribution by making measurements on the ground surface. From
these measurements, the true resistivity of the subsurface can be estimated. The ground
resistivity is related to various geological parameters such as mineral and fluid content, porosity
and degree of water saturation in the rock (Loke, 1999).

3.2 Fundamental principle of the DC resistivity method

Electrical resistivity survey is based on the principle that the distribution of electrical potential in
the ground a current- carrying electrode, depends on the electrical resistivity and distribution of

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the surrounding soils and rocks. The usual practice in the field is to apply an electrical direct
current (DC) between the two current electrodes implanted in the ground and to measure the
potential difference between the two potential electrodes, If we consider continuous flow of
current in voluminous on the principles of conservation of Energy (kunetz,1996).

3.2.1 Principles of Resistivity

The well-known resistance R, in ohm, of a wire is directly proportional to its length L, and is
inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area A. That is
R = ΡL/A…….……………………………………………….… (1)
Where, the constant of proportionality, is known as the electrical resistivity. It describes the
characteristic of the materials, which is independent of its shape or size.
According to Ohm’s law, the resistance is given by
R=∆V/I……………………………………………………..……… (2)
Where ΔV is the potential difference across the resistance and ‘I’ is the electric current through
the resistance. The resistivity ‘ρ’ of homogeneous and isotropic materials in the form of regular
geometric shapes, such as cylinder, cubes are determined from the following equation;
p=∆V/I (A/L) ………………………………………………………. (3)
In resistivity surveys, commutated direct current is introduced into the ground via two electrodes.
The potential difference is then measured with another pair of electrodes. The current and
potential measurements along with the parameters that determine the distribution of the
electrodes over the ground are used to calculate resistivity. The electric potential ‘V’ caused by a
point electrode emitting an electric current ‘I’ into a homogeneous and isotropic medium of
resistivity ‘ρ’ is given by;
V=PI/ (L/R)……………………………………………..………... (4)
Where, r2 = x2+y2+z2 is the distance between the point of measurement and the current electrode.
For a semi-infinite medium, which is the simplest Earth model, and with both current and
potential point electrodes placed at the Earth surface (z = 0), equation (4) reduces to;
V=PI/ (1/r)
V=PI/ (L/MA)………………………………………………….…. (5)
Where, AM is the distance on the Earth’s surface between the positive current electrodes ‘A ‘and
the potential electrode ‘M’.

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3.2.2 The relationship between Geology and Resistivity
Resistivity surveys give a picture of subsurface resistivity distribution. To convert the resistivity
picture in to a geological picture, some knowledge of typical resistivity values for different types
of subsurface materials and the geology of the area surveyed, is important igneous and
metamorphic rocks typically have high resistivity values. The resistivity of these rocks is greatly
dependent on the degree of fracturing and the percentage of the fractures filled with ground
water. Sedimentary rocks which usually are more porous and have higher water content normally
have lower resistivity. There is an overlap of resistivity values of the different classes of rocks
and soils. This is because the resistivity of particular rock or soil sample depends on a number of
factors such as the porosity, the degree of water saturation and the concentration of dissolved
salts. The resistivity of groundwater varies from 10 to100Ωm depending on the concentration of
dissolved salts. The low resistivity (about 0.2Ω.m) of sea water is due to the relatively high salt
Content. Wet soils and fresh ground water has lower resistivity values. Clay soil normally has a
lower resistivity value than sandy soil (Loke, 2000). Of all the physical properties of rocks and
minerals, electrical resistivity shows greatest variation. The resistivity values of common rocks
and soil materials (Keller and Frischknecht 1966, Daniels and Alberty 1966).

3.2.3 Electrical Spreads

There are various electrode arrangements have been designed in electrical measurements and
several are occasionally employed in specialized survey, only two are in common use
(Habberjam, 1979). As a result, the apparent resistivity can be determined. The most widely used
electron configuration in DC resistivity survey is the following.

3.2.4 The Werner Array

This array is a symmetrical arrangement in which the points C1, P1, P2 and C2 are taken on a
straight line such that the points are symmetrically placed at a fixed separation 'a'.

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3.2.5 The Schlumberger Array
The Schlumberger array is also a symmetrical arrangement in which C1, P1, P2 and C2 are taken
on a straight line such that the points are symmetrically placed about the centre of the spread O.

3.2.6 Direct Resistivity field procedure

Regardless of the specific electrode spread employed, there are only two basic procedures in
resistivity work. The particular procedure to be used depends on whether one is interested in
resistivity variation with depth or lateral extent (Telford, Geldart and Sheriff, 2001).

3.2.7 Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)

This method is sometimes called vertical electrical drilling or Sounding. Vertical changes in
electrical resistivity are measured by progressively moving the electrodes outwards with respect
to a fixed central point. This VES method involves the introduction of direct current (DC) into
the ground through a pair of current electrodes and the measurement of the resulting potential
through another pair of electrode called potential electrodes. Since the current is known and the
potential can be measured, an apparent resistivity can be calculated. For Schlumberger
soundings, the apparent resistivity values (ρa) were plotted against half current electrode
separation (AB/2) on a log-log graph and a smooth curve was drawn for each of the soundings.
Then, the sounding curves were interpreted to determine the true resistivity and thicknesses of
the subsurface layers. The resistivity of the subsurface material observed is a function of the
magnitude of the current, the recorded potential difference and the geometry of the electrode
array used. The depth of penetration is proportional to the Schlumberger array which uses
closely spaced potential electrodes and widely spaced current electrodes.

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Figure 6 scheme of schlumberger array
Half spacing of current electrode (C1C2/2) varies according to the objective of the study in
addition, whether or not the area of spreading limited. Then, this measured physical quantity
which is resistivity (R) in Ohm’s (which is calculated as R=ΔV/ΔI). The measured resistivity
must be changed in to the weighted average resistivity over a volume of the earth named
apparent resistivity these, bring about by multiplies the measured resistivity with the
arrangement of both current and potential electrodes called geometrical factor (K).

  kR Where I
 k
Where K  C1P1  C 2 P1  C1P 2  C 2 P 2
Any variation in electrical resistivity with depth will be reflected in variation in measured
potential difference. Electrical sounding involves investigating a progressively increasing
volume of ground. As the vertical extent of this volume increases so will lateral extent. Lateral
variations in electrical resistivity will therefore introduce errors when determining variations of
resistivity with depth. Ideally the lateral dimensions of the volume of ground under consideration
should be kept relatively small compared with the vertical dimension. Electrical sounding using
the winner configuration requires that both the current and potential electrode separations are
increased between each resistivity measurement. The lateral dimensions are therefore allowed to
become large. The winner sounding is likely to produce depth relationship because of lateral
variations in resistivity. When electrical sounding with schlumberger configuration is used the
potential electrode spacing is kept small (potential electrode spacing 0.2 current electrode

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spacing) and the current electrode spacing is increased between each resistivity measurement
voltage is very small and minimum lateral dimension conditions is more-or-less satisfied.

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4.1 Methodology

4.1.1. Office work /desk study

The activity which was performed includes; checking and preparing field materials (like GPS,

compass, hammer, geophysical instruments and etc.)

4.1.2 Field work

During this study geophysical method particularly Vertical Electrical resistivity sounding (VES)

was used. The VES method involves the introduction of direct current (DC) into the ground

through a pair of current electrodes and measuring of the resulting potential through another pair

of electrode called potential electrodes. Since the current is known and the potential can be

measured, an apparent resistivity can be calculated. Schlumberger soundings which an apparent

resistivity (ρa) was plotted against half current electrode separation (AB/2) on a log-log graph

and a smooth curve was used as a preferable electrode arrangement. Then, the sounding curves

were interpreted to determine the true resistivity and thicknesses of the subsurface layers.

4.1.3 Post Field work

The activities which was performed during the post field work includes; data processing,
interpretation, and analysis by including different data, photographs, maps and finally preparing
draft report concluding the finding of this research work.

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4.2 Materials
The materials used in this research work were:

 DDC-8 Resistivity measure: to measure resistivity of subsurface

 GPS: to locate VES locations and water well coordinates.
 4 wires for surficial potential & current electrodes
 4 stainless electrodes to be used as surficial potential & current electrodes
 Electrode-wire connectors & clips
 Hammers: to place current and potential electrode wire
 Computer: to process, interpret and analysis data

4.3. Expected outcomes of the study

Electrical surveys were used to locate groundwater table level and aquifer thickness in Abaya
Campus. And also the finding of geophysical approach was able to pinpoint the groundwater
potential site and existence of subsurface geological structures which used as a pathway for
ground water flow.

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5.1 Electrical Resistivity
The DDC-8 electrical resistivity meter used in the present study, arrange electrodes in series and
gathers data. We used IPI2 and SURFER software to process and invert the input data.

5.1.1 ER Field Procedure and Data Acquisition

In order to investigate the ground structure and determine the individual formation resistivity, a
series of measurements must be made with the arranging electrodes on the ground surfaces in
different positions. Electrodes are set in main sequence and roll along sequences. Those
electrodes are arranged in series and sets in different distance.

5.1.2 Resistivity Data Processing

Using electrical resistivity method data is processed in the field as the electrodes in the ground
used in electric section that corresponds to true resistivity of the subsurface Earth materials.
During field survey, unwanted data (noise) were recorded due to improper manipulation and
instrument setting (lack of ground contact of electrode, improper connection of connecting box
and connecting cable, etc). Main sequence and the entire roll along of every profile were merged
in one line because they are successive segments of the same profile. The inversion procedure
divides the subsurface into a number of small rectangular prisms, and attempts to determine the
resistivity values of the prisms to minimize the difference between the calculated and the
observed apparent resistivity values.

5.1.3 Resistivity Data presentation

Different software’s were used to made different maps from the data obtained in the field using
geological maps (by Arc GIS) of the study area. Finally, the maps of the area are presented in a
well sophisticated way.

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6.1 Introduction
This chapter includes results and interpretation of the Electrical Resistivity data collected on the
field with their profile picture and their representative maps. The present studies of geophysical
investigations have been carried out to access groundwater potential in the area. The selection of
the geophysical survey is basically made with the consideration of accessibility, local geologic
situation and target of investigation. Accordingly several survey lines were selected and they
were oriented in parallel direction.

6.2 Resistivity Data interpretation

The observed data were interpreted in terms of layer parameters (depth and true resistivity) using
the IPI2WIN resistivity software Moscow State University Version3.0.1a (1990 – 2003).
The interpretation of the sounding data has been made in relation to the geology and
hydrogeology of the project area by taking in to consideration the following properties of
geologic units;
 A hard rock without pores or fracture and dry sand without water or clay are very resistive:
hundreds to several thousand ohm.m.
 A porous or fractured water bearing rocks has a resistivity, which depends on the resistivity
of the water and on the porosity of the rock: hundreds to several thousand ohm.m.
The interpretation of electrical resistivity sounding data is the process of deriving the values of true
resistivity and thicknesses of various subsurface strata from the values of recorded resistance or apparent
resistivity at electrode separations.
The resistivity value is dependent on the porosity (Assuming all the pores are Saturated) as well
as the clay content. Clayey soil normally has a lower resistivity value than sandy soil. However,
there may be the overlap in the resistivity values of the different classes of rocks and soils. This
is because the resistivity of a particular rock or soil sample depends on a number of factors such
as the porosity, the degree of water saturation and the concentration of dissolved salt.

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Profile-1 ves-1

Figure 7 graphical interpretation of ves-1

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =500 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and HAK Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 1.78 Ωm, depth of less than 1m and with a thickness of 0.737m show the
response of unconsolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 14Ωm, depth
1.65m and with a thickness of 0.911m is the response of highly fractured and or/ weathered
basalt with porosity. The third layer with a resistivity value of 0.496Ωm, depth 3.71m and
thickness of 2.06m is the response of ultra-highly fractured basalt. The fourth layer with a
resistivity value of 1.63Ωm, depth 21.7m and thickness of 18m may be the response of highly
fractured basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity value of 5.8Ωm, depth 39.5m and thickness of
17.8m is the response weathered basalt without any porosity basalt.

Figure 8 graphical interpretation of ves-2

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =500 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and HHK Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 0.161 Ωm, depth of less than 1m and with a thickness of 0.485m show the

20 | P a g e
response of unconsolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 1.13Ωm, depth
1.14m and with a thickness of 0.656m is the response of highly fractured and or/ weathered
basalt with porosity. The third layer with a resistivity value of 0.125Ωm, depth 2.36m and
thickness of 1.22m is the response of ultra-highly fractured basalt. The fourth layer with a
resistivity value of 0.544Ωm, depth 15.5m and thickness of 13.1m may be the response of highly
fractured basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity value of 1.31Ωm, depth 30.7m and thickness of
15.3m is the response weathered basalt without any porosity basalt.


Figure 9 graphical interpretation of ves-3

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =500 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and KHA Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 76.1 Ωm, depth of 1.19m and with a thickness of 1.19m show the response of
moderately fractured and weathered basalt. The second layer with a resistivity value of 363Ωm,
depth 4.39m and with a thickness of 3.19m is the response of highly compacted basalt. The third
layer with a resistivity value of 195Ωm, depth 7.22m and thickness of 2.83m is the response of
compacted basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 5.14Ωm, depth 8.85m and
thickness of 1.63m may be the response of ultra-highly fractured basalt. The fifth layer with a
resistivity value of 29.6Ωm, depth 209m and thickness of 200m is the response moderately
fractured and weathered basalt.

21 | P a g e

Figure 10 graphical interpretation of ves-4

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =500 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and QHK Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 91.8 Ωm, depth of 0.527m and with a thickness of 0.527m show the response
of moderately fractured and weathered basalt. The second layer with a resistivity value of
1114Ωm, depth 1.04m and with a thickness of 0.524m is the response of highly compacted
basalt. The third layer with a resistivity value of 101Ωm, depth 51.4m and thickness of 50.4m is
the response of compacted basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 46.1Ωm, depth
73.6m and thickness of 22.2m may be the response of ultra-highly fractured basalt. The fifth
layer with a resistivity value of 321Ωm, depth 133m and thickness of 59m is the response
moderately fractured and weathered basalt.


Figure 11 graphical interpretation of ves-5

22 | P a g e
This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =500 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and HKH Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 43.9 Ωm, depth of 0.555m and with a thickness of 0.555m show the response
of moderately fractured and weathered basalt. The second layer with a resistivity value of
1454Ωm, depth 1.24m and with a thickness of 0.689m is the response of highly compacted
basalt. The third layer with a resistivity value of 71.2Ωm, depth 2.87m and thickness of 1.63m is
the response of compacted basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 598Ωm, depth 8.6m
and thickness of 5.72m may be the response of ultra-highly fractured basalt. The fifth layer with
a resistivity value of 13.7Ωm, depth 22.3m and thickness of 59m is the response moderately
fractured and weathered basalt.


Figure 12 graphical interpretation of ves-6

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =750 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and KQ Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 196Ωm, depth of 0.302m and with a thickness of 0.302m show the response
of consolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 7.21Ωm, depth 1.13m and
with a thickness of 0.825m is the response of highly fractured and weathered basalt. The third
layer with a resistivity value of 118Ωm, depth 14.1m and thickness of 13m is the response of
compacted basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 261Ωm, depth 18.7m and thickness
of 4.57m may be the response of highly compacted basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity value
of 63Ωm, depth 242m and thickness of 223m is the response of moderately fractured and
weathered basalt.

23 | P a g e

Figure 13 graphical interpretation of ves-7

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =750 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and AKQ Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 103Ωm, depth of 0.748m and with a thickness of 0.748m show the response
of consolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 26.4Ωm, depth 4.71m and
with a thickness of 3.97m is the response of highly fractured and weathered basalt. The third
layer with a resistivity value of 51Ωm, depth 5.86m and thickness of 1.15m is the response of
compacted basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 1048Ωm, depth 15.5m and
thickness of 9.62m may be the response of highly compacted basalt. The fifth layer with a
resistivity value of 64.3Ωm, depth 190m and thickness of 174m is the response of moderately
fractured and weathered basalt.


Figure 14 graphical interpretation of ves-8

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =750 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and HAK Curve type. The first layers with

24 | P a g e
resistivity value of 4.51Ωm, depth of 0.554m and with a thickness of 0..554m show the response
of unconsolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 1116Ωm, depth 1.28m
and with a thickness of 0.729m is the response of weathered basalt. The third layer with a
resistivity value of 8.86Ωm, depth 3.67m and thickness of 2.39m is the response of ultra-highly
fractured basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 33.3Ωm, depth 148m and thickness
of 144m may be the response of compacted basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity value of
85Ωm, depth 221m and thickness of 73.2m is the response of moderately fractured and / or
weathered basalt.


Figure 15 graphical interpretation of ves-9

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =750 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and HKK Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 16.72Ωm, depth of 0.9m and with a thickness of 0.9m show the response of
unconsolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 31.31Ωm, depth 1.913m and
with a thickness of 1.013m is the response of weathered basalt. The third layer with a resistivity
value of 10.19Ωm, depth 4.066m and thickness of 2.153m is the response of ultra-highly
fractured basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 123.5Ωm, depth 8.643m and
thickness of 4.577m may be the response of compacted basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity
value of 36.49Ωm, depth 39.11m and thickness of 30.47m is the response of moderately
fractured and / or weathered basalt. The sixth layer with a resistivity value of 242.1Ωm, depth
83.86m and thickness of 43.95m is the response of highly compacted basalt.

25 | P a g e

Figure 16 graphical interpretation of ves-10

This vertical electrical sounding (VES) with AB/2 =750 is conducted at ………… which
containing six geo-electrical layers with a substratum and AKQ Curve type. The first layers with
resistivity value of 24.3Ωm, depth of 2.17m and with a thickness of 2.15m show the response of
unconsolidated top soil. The second layer with a resistivity value of 34.5Ωm, depth 11m and
with a thickness of 8.88m is the response of weathered basalt. The third layer with a resistivity
value of 51.3Ωm, depth 53.7m and thickness of 42.7m is the response of ultra-highly fractured
basalt. The fourth layer with a resistivity value of 244Ωm, depth 128m and thickness of 74.5m
may be the response of compacted basalt. The fifth layer with a resistivity value of 79Ωm, depth
155m and thickness of 27.3m is the response of moderately fractured and / or weathered basalt.

26 | P a g e

7.1 Conclusion
Resistivity measurements of the ground are normally made by injecting current through two
current electrodes and measuring the resulting voltage difference at two potential electrodes. By
this VES method (Schlumberger sounding), the variation of the resistivity with depth is
measured, depending on the electric properties of the geologic sequences in the subsurface. In
the study area, different lithologic and soil units have been identified. The electric properties of
the geologic sequences in the studied subsurface characterize the horizontal and vertical
resistivity distributions in the underground and shapes of the vertical electrical sounding curve
types. Results of this investigation were presented as of sounding curves, pseudo-section. From
the qualitative interpretation of VES curves, the subsurface layering is depicted by eight (08)
types of sounding curves (HAK, HHK, KHA, QHK, HKH, KQ, AKQ, HAK, HKK and AKQ)
characterizing the vertical changes and the sounding curves in the Abaya Campus. More than
20% of the Schlumberger electrical sounding curves are dominated by the QHA. From this study
we conclude that there is probability of getting groundwater at about 200m depth.

7.2 Recommendation
 We are interested to recommend if there is a possibility it is better to use other method that
help to know the potential of the ground water easily and that is easy to handle and to operate
in the field rather than geophysical method.
 Ground water modeling study is recommended to estimate the more accurate temporal
changes in groundwater recharge of the study area in order to identify ground water
recharge/discharge areas and those in need of protection from further development.
 Ground water monitoring wells should be constructed to control the temporal groundwater
fluctuation of the area as well as to conduct further detail groundwater flow modeling.
 All the interpretation techniques and software’s studied and assessed here with ground truth,
it appears that no single technique can be considered as fully reliable in all types of
subsurface conditions. However, in the interest of accuracy and reliability of subsurface

27 | P a g e
profiles derived through any interpretation technique, the engineers/ explorers are advised to
verify such profiles with ground truth by drilling bore holes at few selected locations.

28 | P a g e
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Table 1 Resistivity data
AB/2 MN/2 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1.5 0.5 2.82 0.301 87.29 176.6 98.2 16 65.9 10.5 18.5 25.4
2.1 0.5 3.3 0.407 103.9 226.9 132.6 16.4 47.5 16.8 20.7 24.7
3 0.5 3.68 0.35 130.2 222 173.1 21 38.2 21.8 20 25.6
4.2 0.5 3.77 0.374 154.5 258.3 217.8 30 33.8 29.2 20.5 26.4
6 0.5 3.26 0.353 165 220 245.2 38.1 36.4 41.7 22 30.8
9 0.5 2.26 0.374 184.6 130.8 214.9 50.3 49.2 53.7 24.2 32.4
13.5 0.5 1.54 0.385 160 110.3 232 64.3 66.7 57.2 31.7 33.3
20 0.5 1.67 0.389 110 133.4 236.35 71.1 93.4 83.7 37.85 36.85
30 0.5 1.57 0.413 52.6 93.53 190.3 93.8 112.2 38.9 42.5 43.7
45 6 1.93 0.329 35.3 93.68 115.7 92.1 177.3 42.8 47.2 47.6
66 6 2.03 0.327 29.8 106.7 81.5 90.9 182.1 37 51.5 53.8
100 6 2.12 0.35 29.5 99.6 61.6 81.3 160 37.1 61.1 65.9
150 6 1.49 0.414 34.09 85.2 96.45 65.9 112.1 31.2 68.3 78.7
220 6 1.27 0.356 35.43 95.85 80.54 66.2 95 33.6 72 86.2
330 45 0.89 0.381 48 89.49 120.4 53.4 61 44.5 59.5 78.2
500 45 0.87 0.373 70.8 40.66 108.6 42.3 40.7 31 44.1 51.1
750 45 103.2 31.5 30.9 27 32.4 23.2

Table 2 Table of Resistivity data location

VES-1 339935 664770
VES-2 339956 664784
VES-3 339987 664759
VES-4 339658 664865
VES-5 339468 664967
VES-6 339435 664759
VES-7 339964 664125
VES-8 339764 664768
VES-9 339342 664924
VES-10 337645 664729

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