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2 Recommendations

5.2.1 Students

Expanding on the findings that reveal a considerable proportion of BEED students

experiencing moderate levels of communication apprehension (CA) underscores the
urgency for targeted interventions. The distribution of CA levels, with high reports of
moderate apprehension highlights the diverse needs of aspiring elementary teachers in
communication situations. This diversity necessitates tailored approaches to address the
varying levels of discomfort experienced by BEED students.

Establishing peer support groups emerges as a potent strategy in combating

communication apprehension among BEED students. These support groups serve as
safe spaces where students can practice communication skills in a nurturing and
empathetic environment. Through structured activities, role-playing exercises, and
group discussions, peers can offer constructive feedback and encouragement, fostering a
sense of camaraderie and mutual support. By engaging in regular interactions with
supportive peers, BEED students can gradually build confidence in their communication
abilities and develop effective coping mechanisms for managing anxiety in
communication contexts.

In essence, addressing communication apprehension among BEED students

requires a multifaceted approach that combines peer support, practical experience, and
targeted interventions. By leveraging peer support groups as nurturing spaces for skill
development and providing opportunities for hands-on experience in communication-
rich environments, educators and institutions can empower BEED students to overcome
their fears and become confident communicators in the field of elementary education.
Through concerted efforts and a supportive learning environment, we can equip aspiring
teachers with the communication skills essential for success in their future careers.

5.2.2 Teachers/Professors
Expanding on the role of stakeholders in education, leveraging insights into
communication apprehension (CA) levels among pre-service teachers can significantly
enhance the preparation of BEED students for their future roles in primary education.
By understanding the nuanced characteristics associated with CA and its impact on
communication abilities, stakeholders can tailor interventions and support measures to
effectively address the needs of BEED students.

Teachers, as primary influencers in the educational journey of BEED students,

play a pivotal role in fostering communication confidence. Providing constructive
feedback and encouragement represents a fundamental strategy in this regard. Teachers
can employ various techniques, such as praise for improvement, specific feedback on
areas of strength and areas needing development, and encouragement for stepping
outside comfort zones in communication tasks. This approach not only acknowledges
students' efforts but also reinforces positive communication behaviors, instilling a
growth mindset and resilience in facing communication challenges. By nurturing a
supportive and affirming learning environment, teachers can cultivate a culture where
students feel empowered to overcome communication apprehension and strive for
continuous improvement.

Moreover, positive reinforcement serves as a powerful motivator for BEED

students in their journey to overcome communication apprehension. Recognizing and
celebrating milestones, however small, reinforces students' sense of accomplishment
and bolsters their confidence in their communication abilities. Teachers can implement
strategies such as verbal praise, certificates of achievement, or public recognition to
acknowledge students' progress in communication skills. By highlighting students'
successes and emphasizing their potential for growth, teachers can inspire self-belief
and intrinsic motivation, fostering a positive cycle of skill development and confidence-
building. In conclusion, stakeholders in education possess the collective responsibility
to empower BEED students in overcoming communication apprehension and
developing essential communication skills for their future roles as educators.

5.2.3 Institutions
Building upon the study's discoveries concerning the absence of significant
differences in communication apprehension (CA) levels among BEED students based
on demographic factors or academic progress, it becomes evident that CA is widespread
among the student body. This result challenges prevailing beliefs and highlights the
prevalence of communication challenges in the institution's learning environments.
Despite variations in gender and academic year, the consistent levels of CA suggest a
systemic issue requiring comprehensive institutional assistance and intervention.

In light of these findings, the institution should prioritize providing accessible

resources and support services to aid BEED students in addressing communication
apprehension. The establishment of dedicated communication centers, staffed with
communication experts or counselors, can serve as hubs for students seeking guidance
and assistance in improving their communication abilities. These centers may offer
personalized coaching sessions, workshops, and resources tailored to meet the distinct
needs and obstacles encountered by BEED students in overcoming CA. Moreover,
integrating modules for communication skill development into existing tutoring services
can enhance students' access to specialized support and guidance.

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