April 2023 Horoscopes

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What can Aries expect in April

Happy Birthday dear Aries! This month is your month, all eyes are on you, the
whole Universe is looking at you, your soul is looking at you, the highlight is on
you. You are asked to give your best, to do your best and to be your best. You
are receiving enormous energy and your strength is increased. You feel you can
do many things, you can finish many things, you can start many things, but this is
not about how many things you finish or start. It is about the quality and the
importance of those things that you do, that you feel, that you give and receive.
There are many things that happen this month for you including the New Moon
Solar Eclipse in your sign which is a huge event for you personally. Expect many
wake up calls. Change is knocking on your door, change is there, change is
inevitable and you won’t be asked if you want that change or not. These are
cosmic initiations and there’s a lot of focus on who you are and how you do your
life and your relationships.

On the 3rd of the month Mercury enters Taurus and joins North node, Uranus
and Venus in your second house of finances, wealth, abundance, self-worth,
talents, gifts, self-sufficiency, budget, incomes, earnings, possessions, how you
do money and how you earn money, savings and spendings, purchases,
self-validations and priorities. Venus is here in her own sign until the 11th of April
while Mercury will be here longer than usual due to its retrograde motion that
begins on the 21st of April. You can expect a lot of sudden and unexpected
financial opportunities. Something good and positive can happen with your
finances during this month and later when Mercury stations retrograde you will
have time to review and reconsider some of your financial decisions, some of
your priorities, your gifts and talents and how you can monetize them, and how
you can cash in your capacities and abilities in a more sustainable and valuable
way. Mercury is retrograde until 15th of May. Mercury here can bring you
business conversations and business deals, job opportunities, opportunities for
improving your finances and for feeling abundant, not necessarily financially
abundant, but abundant in life, abundant in how you live and experience life and
then material abundance aligns itself with you too.
On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in your opposite sign of Libra and this
triggers your relationships. This illuminates your one-on-one relationships and
asks you to have a closer look at your relationships dynamic. You will have to pay
more attention to a certain relationship. You may have to be more committed or
you may be signing some documents, making things official in a certain
partnership whether it is social, intimate or business partnership. Something
needs to be seen in your close personal relationship, something culminates in
your relationships, things come to a head between you and somebody perhaps,
or things come to a fruition. Full Moons can bring drama, completions, endings,
fulfillments and culminations. Something needs to be resolved in your
relationships. This is a time for fairness, equality, justice, commitments, pairing
up, connecting with a significant person, finding a counselor, a lawyer, a doctor, a
therapist, a trainer, a psychologist, a dentist, an assistant, a friend, a lover, a
partner, whoever with whom you have one-on-one relationships with. This Full
Moon opposes you and it shows you your reflections and projections and since
there’s so much going on in your sign this month, this will have a huge effect on
your relationship with yourself and on your behavior, your physical wellbeing and
your physical appearance.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and highlights your third house of
everyday communications, connections, siblings, relatives, neighbors, short trips,
local trips, studying, learning, teaching, sharing information, news and messages.
Having Venus here is beautiful for you and you will be able to use your intellect in
a very valuable way. Venus is here to bring you beautiful messages and
conversations and for those of you who are single, possible new love interests
through your social interactions, through short trips, through networking, through
classes or skills that you’re learning and developing perhaps. This can also be
something very positive and lucky for you, lucky opportunities for you to learn
something, to master your skills, to launch something in areas of social media,
social interactions and group activities. You are going to enjoy your time with
others, enjoy social activities and connections with your brothers and sisters. You
can expect good news from your brothers and sisters or good news about them
or about those who feel like your brothers and sisters. Your words can have a
very uplifting and empowering effect on others and you can pour love into others
by words you’re using. Venus will be here until 7th of May.
On the same day when Venus enters Gemini, you have one brilliant aspect
happening in your sign and that’s Sun conjunct Jupiter. This is truly an amazing,
powerful and strong energy for you. Sun is exalted in your sign and Jupiter also
feels very good here and when they’re together, this brings a strong and powerful
energy, powerful events, great power to do things, to take risks, to achieve things
you want. You may be more popular during this time, more wanted, more
powerful on many levels. Some planted seeds can bloom in beautiful fruits and
flowers during this time but you can also plant many seeds now that are about to
sprout in the future. This is a lucky and beneficial energy, incredible energy for
you. Expect positive vibes and connections around the time of the 11th.

And then on the 20th of April, a huge event for you dear Aries, a New Moon Solar
Eclipse in your sign, the first Eclipse of 2023. It marks the beginning of new
cycles and a new Eclipse series that is not yet strong, but it’s just taking a leap
now. Even though Moon’s nodes are still in Taurus and Scorpio, there’s Eclipse
now in your sign because it happens at the very end of the sign, the very last
degrees of your sign while the North node is still in Taurus. So, there are still
things to be finished with the previous Eclipse series that happens in the
Taurus/Scorpio axis, but you will also experience the beginning of a new cycle
with the Eclipse in your sign. Eclipses are life-changing events. They are times of
big transitions and transformation, huge changes, big endings and beginnings
and this is especially strong when happening in your sign because it affects you
personally and directly. The last time this series of Eclipses was active was back
between the beginning of 2004 and the beginning of 2006. But it was also active
between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. You probably experienced
huge changes in your relationships, huge changes in your identity and
personality, in your physical appearance, in how you look, in how you behave, in
your physical health and your personality. Now you’re starting another cycle of
transformations that have the same storyline but of course nothing will happen in
the same way. Lessons that are left unlearned from that period of time will come
back now to be acknowledged, learned and understood. You also have Jupiter in
your sign until the middle of May, Chiron is in your sign, the Sun is also here
during this Eclipse and there’s so much energy in your first house so you are
advised to be careful. Take care of your body. Take care of possible incidents or
injuries, don’t go wild around these days. Take care of yourself, your health, your
body, your head. Anger may be triggered too. Your ruler and the ruler of this
Eclipse Mars is in Cancer in your fourth house and this can trigger some family
drama or emotional insecurities. Eclipses are intense events, but they are also
very liberating and awakening. They bring and take things that are inevitable to
be brought or to be taken. The effect of Eclipse is not active only now around this
date but their effect is felt strongly for weeks and months before and after they
happen. Let life show you and direct you in the right way. Let the Universe guide
you. Don’t resist and reject changes. This Eclipse triggers a new series of
Eclipses that will be happening in Aries/Libra and this will strongly affect your
relationships, your marriage, your partnerships, your friendships, your
commitments and all your one on one relationships. Karmic events and karmic
connections and disconnections are definitely going to be very strong in the next
two years while these series of Eclipses are active and running.

On the same day of this Eclipse, only four hours later, the Sun enters Taurus and
joins the party in your second house and shines the light on your everyday
finances, budget, money, savings, spendings, your gifts and talents, your abilities
and capacities, your priorities and your possessions. You will have a lot to work
on when it comes to your financial situation. You will experience great
improvements in your finances and this is all initiated greatly for you this month
and it will be active in the next month too, especially when Jupiter enters Taurus
and stays there for the whole year. These are new financial and material cycles
for you but this is not only about the money of course, this is about how you
value yourself, how you value your gifts and talents, your time and energy, your
work and efforts. You will be able to provide yourself greater comfort but you will
be asked to take care of possible overindulgence or overspending too.

Mars is in Cancer this whole month and Mars doesn’t really feel great in Cancer
but of course it can be used in a powerful way if you know how to deal with it.
Mars in Cancer can make you more emotionally reactive when it comes to your
home and family matters, when it comes to your inner child woundedness, when
it comes to your emotional insecurity. Emotional awareness is what you’re
looking for but Mars can be pretty angry in Cancer. Mars cannot express its
energy in a way it’s used to while in Cancer, so you will have to find other ways of
expressing your active energy this month, especially in your home, with your
family, with your loved ones. You may be obsessed with things in your home, with
your house, or with your family. Take it easy and dive deeper into your emotional
center. Let this Mars in Cancer teach you about the depth of your emotions,
teach you about the depth of energy that you carry. You may be too protective
towards others or too self-defensive. Anger management may be a theme for
you. Anger is not bad. It is bad when it is suppressed, but it is also bad when it is
projected onto others and expressed in an ugly way towards others, when it’s
hurting others. On the 27th of April, your ruler Mars squares Chiron in your sign
and this can trigger some old wounds of identity and it also triggers another cycle
of healing those wounds and vulnerabilities.

You are invited to show your greatest abilities, gifts and talents. You are initiated
into new stories, new chapters, new karmic imprints, and you’re going to rewrite
some of your stories, your lessons and your traumas. You’re on to something
precious. You’re on the soul’s journey that unfolds continuously throughout your
whole life and you can never lose, you can never fail, you can never miss the
mission of being you. Have this on your mind and in your heart and don’t be
afraid of any change, don’t be afraid of any failure, don’t be afraid of any

Aries relationship with inner self

Dear Aries, you are in the center of attention this month and you may feel as if all
eyes are on you. You may feel as if you have to do something, to show
something, to present something, to prove something but you are also going to
realize that the only one who asks for any proof and approval is you. You are on
the road to truth, self-truth, truth that is about you, truth that is you. You are
working towards aligning yourself with the truth, but not the truth as something
subjective, not the truth based on somebody else’s perspectives and perceptions,
but the universal truth, truth of me and you, truth of us and them, truth of life and
death, truth of love, truth of good and evil, truth of polarity, truth of duality, truth of
existence and non-existence, truth of truth and lies, truth of tears and smiles. You
are journeying on a flying carpet above your personal desires and wishes and
you have an ability to see them for what they are and to realize that they all
belong to the world of duality and polarity while you’re searching for oneness, for
unity with the soul and spirit. Soul seeks unity while the body seeks pleasure.
You are going to work on discovering the secret of integrating both into one. Body
and soul invite the spirit when they’re integrated and you may also be inviting and
invoking the spirit now, the unconditional spirit, not the spirits of the past, nor the
spirits of the future, but the unconditional spirit that has limitless, boundless and
fearless manifestation. You are the spirit too. You are the soul, but you are also
the body. You are the trinity being and the being that belongs to oneness at the
same time and some of you are going to reach that level of perception, that level
of experience at least for one moment. But all of you are going to be on the
journey to get there, on the journey to comprehend and understand that you have
nothing to be afraid of, that you’re always here, always present, always right
where you should be. You’re getting clarity about many things but especially
about yourself, about your character, your behavior, your desires, your
personality and identity. You are changing your life consciously now. You make a
conscious decision to change your life because you have a very deep and
exciting realization that you really have that power to do it, to make it, to change
it. Rebirth time is here with this Solar New Moon in your sign together with Jupiter
the bringer of abundance and growth, together with the Sun exalted in your sign
and together with the wounded healer Chiron. You are on a fast track of
understanding the truth, the self and the Universe in a more real way, through
direct experience of who you are. You are just getting started now and you’re
excited about the experience and the journey itself. You are not obsessed by the
final goal or results, you are just sincerely joyful because of the experience itself,
whatever the experience may be. This month you are starting a serious work
towards making things more clear for yourself and if you want more clarity, you
want more purity in your mind, heart and body.

Aries relationship with others

Dear Aries, your social life and family life are incredibly active and strong
throughout April. Your ruler Mars is in Cancer activating your fourth house of
home, family, family members and those who feel like a family and those you live
with. Mars doesn’t have its full strength while in Cancer and may feel somehow
weak so you may experience some kind of weakness when it comes to your
family relationships and your close relationships. You may experience some kind
of difficulties with family members or with those who feel like a family. Mars here
can provoke and trigger you emotionally and can trigger some wounds from the
past as well since the fourth house represents the past, the roots and ancestors
too. You can expect emotional moments with others and you may be a bit
obsessed with family matters or with someone from your family. Venus enters
Gemini on the 11th of April and shines a beautiful light in your third house of
everyday connections, everyday communications, neighbors, relatives, brothers
and sisters and those who feel like them. Venus is the planet of love, beauty,
harmony, comfort and values and qualities. You can connect with others now in a
quality way and you can expect beautiful news and messages during this time.
Venus here brings loving conversations and beautiful people too. Expect
beautiful and cheerful people into your life, people who lift you up, people who
cheer you up, people who inspire you and people with whom you feel like
brothers and sisters. You may go on a lovely short trip now too and you may
connect beautiful souls on your trips now. You enjoy exchanging your stories with
others and sharing beautiful messages, sharing valuable information, sharing
knowledge and experience. You are going to have a good time with others, with
those you already know and with those you’re just meeting. Powerful group
connections are supported now. Venus makes a trine aspect with Pluto and Pluto
just recently shifted into Aquarius highlighting your communities, social circles,
groups of people and friendships. This is a very supportive and positive aspect
even though Pluto, the lord of the underworld, is involved. Pluto in good
combination with Venus can bring powerful support and powerful people in your
life and you can expect positive transformations of your social circles. You also
have a Full Moon happening in your opposite sign of Libra and you have a Solar
Eclipse in your sign. This impacts all key areas of your life and especially your
relationships with others. You can expect very significant people in your life
during this time and you may reconnect with some people or you may connect
with totally new people. Either way, you are going through major shifts in your
relationships with others, especially when it comes to your one-on-one
relationships. This is where big new cycles, endings and beginnings are starting
to happen now. Look at your close personal relationships and see what needs to
be improved, approved, resolved, acknowledged and processed.

Aries love & romantic life in April

Dear Aries, love is on your mind a lot lately and you’re going through big shifts
and transitions in your intimate world. Your intimate world has been under a lot of
stress perhaps, under a lot of examinations and reexaminations and this is not
done yet. You’ve had Eclipses in Scorpio that affected your intimate partnerships
since the end of 2021, in a very transformative and life-changing way. This
storyline continues and everything is now connected with bigger cycles too. You
are going to have insightful a-ha moments in your love relationships which are for
better or worse, depending on your personal situation and these a-ha moments
are not only related to your existing relationships but also to your past
relationships and your perception of romantic love. You are being tested in some
way when it comes to your love relationships. You are challenged in a way that
you have to see what you’re missing, what you’re putting out there, what you’re
investing, what you’re expecting. You are asked to take a look at what was
happening in your life around the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006,
as well as the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. These are the last times
that Eclipses and the Moon’s nodes were activating your sign and your opposite
sign Libra. You have experienced important karmic connections and
disconnections around those times in your one-on-one relationships and you may
have to go through some lessons too. You have a Full Moon on the 6th of April in
your opposite sign Libra and this brings things to light in your marriage, with your
spouse, with your loved one. Something may come to light here, something may
culminate, something may end or something can bloom and you can expect
some drama in your relationships too. You will also have Venus in Gemini in your
third house of social connections and social activities and Venus will be here
between the 11th of April and 7th of May. This can bring you love connections
through your siblings, your relatives, your neighbors. Random people you meet
everyday in your life may attract you now and you may attract them. These are
love connections through friends too, love messages, love news and love
conversations. Venus is the ruler of your seventh house of marriage and
relationships and she’s the ruler of that Full Moon in the seventh house too and
she’s in the house of social interactions. Flirting is strong now. It’s cheerful and
uplifting and can lead to something more. But Eclipse in your sign shows that
there’s something deeper, more meaningful and more life-changing happening in
your life that touches your love life and love relationships. Eclipse cycles that are
starting and finishing are deeply touching your intimate world and your identity
that may be dependent upon your love life. Love can never be lost and love may
deliver you this message now through many synchronicities and metaphors.
Love is communicating with you all the time, not necessarily through love
relationships, but through all your life experiences.

Aries sex life in April

Dear Aries, April is a very active, intense and hot month. April is your month, it is
your season, your energy and you have another New Moon in your sign, the
second in the row together with all other players in your sign. There is a stellium
of energies in your sign again this month and everything is amplified again. The
energy continues to grow and rise and you will have a lot of energy to deal with,
a lot of energy to channel and manage. It may even be too much to handle from
time to time. You are entering a new cycle now. This Eclipse initiates something
that is very purifying and liberating for you and it will be active in the next two
years. Eclipse happens on the 20th of April in your sign in your first house but it
won’t be felt only on the 20th, it will be felt for a whole month and it will affect your
physicality and vitality, your physical health too. Jupiter conjuncts this Eclipse and
it magnifies the energy of Eclipse. Chiron is here too and there’s a square
between your ruler Mars in Cancer and Chiron in your sign around the 27th of
month. So, there’s a lot of healing energy now, healing of your sexual energy,
healing of your vitality. This has been the theme for quite some time and it’s very
very strong now in April. Your ruler Mars is a planet of sexual drive and active
energy and it’s in Cancer where it’s in fall. It doesn’t really feel very good in
Cancer so you may experience possible issues when it comes to expressing and
channeling sexual energy. Of course, this doesn’t mean that this is something
that will happen one hundred percent, it is only a possibility so that you know if it
happens, it is normal and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. This only means
that you have to use a different method of expressing and channeling this energy.
This actually gives you more space to find ways of exploring your own sexuality.
Your love relationships are also strongly influenced now and you may have to
deal with your partner and to resolve possible issues that you may have. A
potential drama between you and your partner can drain you energetically and
leave you feeling empty and tired but this will quickly be recovered since you
have so much energy in your sign. Health is affected, sexual energy is affected,
but it is happening so that you can improve it and heal it. If you feel exhausted
and tired, don’t worry, take your time to heal, to improve and to upgrade yourself.
If you’ve already dealt with these issues before, you may have a totally different
manifestation of these energies and you may actually feel very good physically,
sexually and energetically. Full Moon happens on the 6th in your seventh house
of relationships and marriage and it opposes many energies in your sign, in your
first house. Eclipse is felt throughout the whole month and all these things have a
very complex influence on how you feel your body, how you feel your sexuality,
how you enjoy it or how you feel tortured by it in some way. If you feel tortured by
your own mind and body, if you have certain sexual obsessions, don’t worry too
much about it either. Don’t give it too much attention and don’t think that it is
something out of the ordinary. Accept it and let it pass through you so that it can
be realigned in a harmonious way again. Obsessions become obsessions when
you give them too much attention. Things can really become smooth and
beautiful for you from now on when it comes to your ability to channel your own
energy and sexuality. You are guided beautifully this month on how to make
peace with your sexuality and you will be given great instructions along the way.
Aries career & purpose in April
Dear Aries, April can really be a big transformative month for your finances, your
job and job opportunities, work that you do, your investments and incomes, your
business partnerships, business deals and legal matters too. There are many
lucky opportunities for you, many sudden turns that can be very beneficial for
your material security, your future, your self-sufficiency. You will have amazing
support for improving your finances, for signing good contracts, for changing
jobs, for changing your way of doing things. Eclipse in your sign can bring huge
shake ups in your personal life and this affects all your key areas of life. But,
these are just the beginnings of changes. Eclipses are times of big shifts,
life-changing events, trajectory events, hellos and goodbyes, endings and
beginnings. Of course this can affect your current work, your current career, your
current life path. If something is not aligned with you as it should be, it will be
either realigned or removed. On the 3rd of the month Mercury enters Taurus and
joins Venus, Uranus and North node in your second house of earnings,
possessions, finances, money, sources of income, resources, how you use your
resources and how you earn your resources. This energy is very powerful
throughout the whole month. Mercury will be here longer than usual due to its
retrograde motion that starts on the 21st of April and lasts until the 15th of May.
Mercury will be in your second house of money until the 11th of June. That’s a
long period of having Mercury in one place and you will be reviewing, fixing,
correcting, improving your finances, your resources, your spendings and savings.
Mercury here is very good for financial deals, for business conversations, for job
interviews, for great ideas for earning and using your gifts and talents in the most
productive and useful way. Uranus is here too and you can expect sudden crazy
ideas that may sound impossible, but you should know that these ideas have a
very strong potential to come to life and to bring you amazing things actually. You
also have great support from Venus this whole month. She is first in Taurus, in
her own sign until the 11th of April and she also supports your finances and your
earnings while she’s here. Then she enters Gemini and highlights your third
house where she can help you with successful marketing, successful writing,
successful learning and teaching. You can freely invest in all things that are
related to your third house matters such as writing, speaking, social media,
internet, broadcasting, webinars, seminars, webshops and workshops, learning,
teaching, sharing information. All these things are supremely supported by Venus
here and you can only gain success now if you invest in any of your skills. What
do you do in order to make your dreams come true? Have you ever asked
yourself this? What exactly do you do in order to make your dreams come true
and what are your dreams like? What are you dreaming of, what kind of life do
you imagine, what kind of Self do you imagine? Do you feel abundant regardless
of your financial situation?

How the Full Moon in April will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in your complementary
sign Libra. This is your opposite sign which means that it shows you your
projections. It reflects you. This is your mirror. These are your one-on-one
relationships, your significant other, your business partner, your spouse, your
marriage, your divorce, your union, your separation. This is a house of pleasures
and desires too since this is a house of relationships. It’s about getting to know
the other person and getting to know oneself through others. This Full Moon
shines a light in your seventh house and illuminates things related to your
one-on-one relationships. Things come to a completion, things come to a
culmination, things come to a head, things come to a fruition. Full Moons are
times of endings, closures, beginnings and revelations. Something that’s been
hidden in the dark may come to light around the time of this Full Moon. This is
Libra Full Moon and it’s all about relationships, about diplomacy, about You and I,
about you and your projection in the mirror. This energy can shake up your
marriage, your friendship, your business partnership or any other one-on-one
relationship. Something is about to culminate and for some of you, some
relationships may end in some way, some relationships may go through a
transformation and some may go through a rebirth. You may finally see
something fulfilled in your relationships. This involves all your one-on-one
relationships and for example, if you’ve been seeing your lawyer a lot lately, you
may see this connection coming to an end because the case is closed and you
don’t need a lawyer anymore or at least not for now. You and a lawyer have a
one-on-one connection, so this can be applied in any relationship actually. This
can be your doctor, your dentist, your counselor, your adviser, your friend, your
boss, your astrologer, your spouse, your coach or anyone you have that
one-on-one relationship with. Full Moons can bring dramatic energy and dramatic
emotional overreactions. You may feel provoked by someone during this time,
you may feel a need to react or you may feel threatened by someone for some
reason. This involves all your partnerships too. So, something may need to be
changed, re-addressed, transformed, acknowledged, released and resolved. This
is a great opportunity to improve your relationships, to invest more in your
relationships, to have a closer look at your close personal relationships and see
what needs to be changed, what needs to be transformed and what can be
beautified in your relationships, in your commitments, in your partnerships. Do
you trust your counselor? Do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your lover? Do
you trust your partner? Do you trust your lawyer? Do you trust your astrologer?
Do you trust your inner self? Do you trust yourself? It all comes down to this, do
you trust yourself? This Full Moon in Libra wants you to see yourself without
rejecting and resisting any part of who you are. Avoid extremes and remember to
weigh your decisions, your choices, your reactions and your feelings. Use the
energy of this Full Moon to let go of something that needs to be let go of in your
relationships and commitments. Release something that needs to be released in
a particular relationship and don’t be afraid to perceive others as your own

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Aries
Dear Aries, this New Moon is not a regular New Moon. It is a Solar Eclipse New
Moon and it happens in your sign and this is the second New Moon in a row.
Previous one happened on the 21st of March at the very beginning of the sign
and this one happens at the very end of the sign. This is not a typical Eclipse
either. This is a very unusual energy and it has a lot of mystical atmosphere, a lot
of intriguing vibes. The spotlight is on you again. All eyes are on you since last
month. Eclipses are times of huge shifts and life-changing events and situations.
Eclipses are trajectory events, big transformations, karmic cleanings and
decluttering. This is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it marks the beginning of a new
Eclipse cycle that will be active in the Aries/Libra axis. This affects you directly,
this is very special for you and it also triggers the period of time between the
beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also the period of time
between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. Think back to this period,
see what big changes and shifts were happening then, especially in your
relationships, in your one-on-one connections, in your partnerships, in your
personality and identity, your behavior. You’ve been going through big personality
transformations in these periods and some lessons that you haven’t learned
during that time can become active again. This New Moon Eclipse happens in
your sign and even though this is New Moon, it will have a vibe of endings and
closures maybe. This is the very last degree of a sign and it’s the second New
Moon in a row so it has a very profound effect on you, a very deepening impact
on your physical appearance, on how you present yourself, how you want to be
seen by the world, how you want to be perceived by others. This affects your
health too, your image, your style, just as the previous New Moon, but there is a
difference. This one is Eclipse and it has more intensity and a possible dramatic
atmosphere. It is on anaretic degree, the last degree and it may reveal something
to you. It may also start delivering to you something you’ve initiated around the
time of the New Moon that happened in March. This is a rebirthing energy,
recycling energy, energy that gives you a lot of new opportunities for growth. This
is a testing and challenging energy too. Expect inevitable personal changes.
Jupiter is still here until the middle of May. The Sun and the Moon are at the very
last degrees of your sign squaring Pluto at the very first degrees of Aquarius in
your eleventh house of communities, groups of people, networking, social circles,
friendships. You may feel provoked by someone now. You may feel as if
someone wants to dominate you and this can trigger emotional reactions now.
Ruler of this New Moon is also your ruler Mars and Mars is in Cancer where he
doesn’t really feel comfortable. This can also bring you some tensions with family
members or with things related to your home or real estate. This Eclipse triggers
a new series of Eclipses that start in the Aries/Libra axis and this is just the
beginning of the story. You will have to work on yourself and to change things in
your personal life that are not serving you anymore. You will have to become
your best friend. You will have to start starving negations of the self and start
feeding the affirmation of who you are, not of who you are as personality, but who
you are in your heart. You are asked to starve all desires that are not serving the
best in you and to show your best qualities in the hardest of times, not because
you want to be perceived as a good person, but because you have a burning
desire to meet yourself.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Aries, your Tarot card for April is The Star upright. This is one of the most
positive and benevolent cards in Tarot. This card brings back hope, optimism,
inspiration, faith, renewal, and regeneration. It represents youth and strength. It
represents abundance, and it reminds us of the abundance of everything around
us and within us. Maybe this abundance is not currently that obvious, but you’ll
start feeling it soon. This is about the courage to believe that things are possible,
the courage to have trust and faith in things. This card represents blessings and
new hope. It shows that you’ve probably gone through a heavy task. You went
through a tough period, through a heavy life challenge, but you’ve survived and
gained new hope. Now you start recognizing your strength, strength that you
were unaware of while you were experiencing tough situations. You recognize
now that this heavy period helped you to rediscover your own strength, your own
endurability, your own inner power. Now you appreciate what you already have.
You start honoring what you have.

This card represents light that guides you and redirects you and puts you on the
right track. This card represents the light of the stars that resides in all of us, and
it is a reminder for you that you can find all your answers within. This card invites
you to connect with your higher nature and higher centers, with the star in you,
with the star that you are. The stars shine in the night, and they are a symbol of
divine intelligence. This card represents regeneration and recovery, and the
water that is spilled by a woman on the card is the water of life. This card shows
that instability and insecurity have passed and you’re ready to be healed by the
water of life. This water is the sustenance of life. The nymph spills the water from
two jars; from one jar, water is spilled into a little pool or lake that represents the
spiritual realm and our subconsciousness, while the water from the other jar is
spilled onto the land that represents the physical and material side of life.
Consciousness and unconsciousness are in balance, and inner conflict is
resolved. This card reminds you that the effort wasn’t for nothing, that it hasn’t
been wasted, and this card suggests that you can become much better than you
already are. There is a self-betterment journey ahead of you. This card is
strongly related to the number eight. There are eight stars on the card and eight
rays from each star. The card’s number is 17, which also equals eight, and eight
represents balance between upper and lower worlds, balance and peace
between spiritual and physical.

This card is strongly related to spirituality, and it reminds us of the importance of

meditation and deep thinking, deliberation and contemplation. This card reminds
you that progress and evolution are constant—they don’t happen in stages that
are finished at one point but are continuous processes. It reminds you that the
journey doesn’t end when you reach the goal but rather, the journey is an alive
process, one that happens all the time. It is a creative process, and it reminds
you that something is achieved, but it is not the end. It is just the beginning.
There is a sense of relief when this card comes up. You have reached the light at
the end of the tunnel. The Star guides you, and you surrender to its wisdom. The
Universe will take care of you. Your world takes care of you. It represents good
news as well. Your power is renewed, and it tells you that everything is going to
be okay. This is reassuring and calming energy. It reminds you of your own
power, and it brings great healing. The Star reminds you of your own inner light
that always guides you and of your own capacity for healing. You’re coming back
to yourself and you’re growing stronger.

The most impactful planet for Aries in April

Dear Aries, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. There is a New
Moon Solar Eclipse happening this month in your sign and this is also the first
Eclipse in 2023. This is very significant for you personally and for your close
personal relationships. You are entering a new cycle of self-transformation and it
will last for a couple of years. Think back to times between the early 2004, and
early 2006, and also time between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016.
Lessons you’ve skipped during this time may come back now in order to be
learned and acknowledged, in order to be integrated. You can also expect certain
rewards for learned lessons and for all the hard work you’ve done during that
time. This energy has a huge influence on your personality, your identity, your
behavior, your physical appearance, your physical health, your body, your vitality,
your energy level and all your key areas of life since this happens in your first
house which represents you.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel the energy of the Moon and the energy of Eclipse this month,
you are asked to examine yourself deeply, dig through yourself, look deeply into
yourself, get lost in yourself and try to see whole life as yourself too. Try to
integrate yourself with life instead of seeing yourself separate from life, separate
from what’s going on in the world, separate from what’s going on in your society.
Try to see it all as different aspects of your being and accept it. You can liberate
yourself from many imprisoning patterns just by accepting yourself fully and
completely. Look at yourself and see the beauty in those things that you usually
reject, deny, avoid, resist or neglect. Start recognizing beauty in those things that
you cannot accept, that you’re afraid of. Start recognizing the value in things that
are unknown to you, in things that you feel attacked by, in things that make you
feel threatened, in things that make you feel disempowered in any way. Instead
of fighting against something, start recognizing the value and message of those
things, start realizing the power of the things you’re rejecting. When you reject
certain things, you attract them even more and when you accept things, the
pressure is gone and you have clarity. When you reject something, whatever that
is in the world, whether that is something very close to you or something that is
very far away from you, it doesn’t matter. It will still have a very troubling effect on
your personal life. So, instead of being focused on things that cause you any kind
of trouble, focus on things that bring resolutions and focus on things that upgrade
you in every way and by doing so, all the things you rejected or neglected or
avoided, start realigning with you in a harmonious way. Do some small ritual that
involves the Moon and your own element of Fire. Write down your strongest
affirmations for yourself. Write down everything you want to see manifested in
your world and use fire and water as helping guiding elements on your journey.
Fire is your ruling element while Water element is related to the Moon. Connect
yourself with both of these elements, set your intentions during this time, say out
loud things you are ready to release and let go of. Say out loud things you’re
grateful for. Say out loud things you already have and feel gratitude in your heart.
Count your blessings every day, every hour, every minute. Become a present
moment instead of trying to live in a present moment and let this become your
greatest investment.

Healing tips for Aries in April

- Imagine yourself walking through ancient temples and ancient cities. Use your
imagination and imagine these ancient cities and ancient temples. Travel through
time. You can watch some ancient temples in order to get inspiration from them.
Imagine the whole thing, the interior and the exterior, all the details too. Walk
through them fully. Start from walking through the city, explore everything you
can, imagine whatever you want. There are no limitations. Enjoy the ride.

- Imagine your life as a big book, as a book that is still being written, a huge living
book. Give a title to your current chapter of life. Think about this chapter. When
did it start? Is it ending or is it just beginning? Where are you right now? What is
the name of this current chapter and what is the previous chapter? Think about
the previous and the next chapter too. You need all three, the present, the current
and the next one. Feel each day of your life as new pages of this current chapter
of your book of life. Live as if you are writing a book of your life and enjoy this
process fully.

- Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep
breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth and feel relaxed.
Then start this breathing exercise. Close your left nostril with the middle finger of
your right hand and count to 4 while you’re inhaling and then hold your breath as
you count to 16. When you finish counting to 16 without breathing, remove your
middle finger from your left nostril and then close your right nostril with the thumb
of your right hand and count to 8 while you’re exhaling. Keep your thumb still
there and inhale counting to 4, hold your breath counting to 16. When you finish
counting to 16 without breathing, remove the thumb from your right nostril and
close your left nostril with the middle finger and exhale, counting to 8. Repeat
these shifts six times if you can. This is a very powerful breathing technique that
cleanses you and showers you, keeps you mentally and physically healthy and
has many other benefits. Enjoy your breathing and refreshment.

- Go outside and find a branch that you’re going to take with you. Find a little
branch from a tree. Ask the tree to allow you to take it. Tell the tree that you’re
going to take care of this branch. It’s just a little branch. You won’t hurt the tree.
Thank the tree for this branch and take it with you. See this branch as your
magical stick. Feel it as a magical stick, energize it with your intention and with
your energy. Hold it in your hands with your eyes closed and connect with this
branch. It also has its own energy and field around it. This will be your magical
stick, your teacher, your friend, your guide. Use it every day in any way you want,
confess to it, ask it questions, save your mental memories into it, meditate with it,
tell it your worries and feel your connection with it.

- Imagine a fountain of light around you. Feel the fountain of light from above and
from beneath, feel it through your head and through your feet, feel this fountain
through your whole body, feel how your whole body is permeated by this fountain
of light streams. Feel the streams coming in and out of your body. Imagine this
divine fountain washing you and purging you, cleansing you and enlightening
you, keeping you clean, clear and conscious. Enjoy the feeling and the benefits
of this exercise.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Every day say to yourself: “I am pure energy and pure light. I am abundant in
who I am. Everything serves me and I am deeply grateful for everything that
happens on my journey, whether I label it as something “good” or “bad”. I am the
expression of the soul and spirit and I do my best to manifest their expression in
the most authentic, true and meaningful way.” Really feel these words. Empower
them with your own intention and energy. Write it down and have it with you. Add
or remove whatever you want from this sentence. Have fun with it and see how
this works for you. Say these words every now and then during the day,
whenever and wherever you want and feel the power of these words and
- Make a list of all the things that you are done with, that you are breaking up with
and make a list of all the things you want to gain, that you want to achieve, that
you want to earn and learn. Let this list become your motivation and inspiration.
Put it somewhere where you can see it every day and focus on the list of things
you want to gain. You will see how all the things from the first list start falling off
on their own once you start doing things that get you closer to things you want to
- Try to observe others as your own projections. Try to perceive others and all the
things that you do like and that you don’t like in others as your projections. Give
your best to maintain this kind of perception as long as you can. See what you
can discover by doing this, see what new insights you can gain and see how this
makes you feel. It ain’t easy but it’s very powerful and can be life-changing. Good

- Go outside and look at all the faces of people you meet randomly on the street.
Observe others. Observe their gestures, their facial expressions, their postures,
their walk, their routines. Just observe others while you’re taking a walk and see
what are the things that catch your attention the most, what attracts you the most
and what repels you. See what you can learn about yourself through this simple
and yet very complex and deep exercise.

- Practice fish pose. Do your research about it, see how it’s done, learn more
about it, explore what it’s good for and what it means. This pose is known as
Matsyasana. Learn and practice, follow the guidance and see how it makes you

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- When do I feel that I am being the best of myself? When was the last time I felt
that I am giving a hundred percent of myself? Into what kinds of things do I invest
a hundred percent of myself in?

- How do I feel about changes? What kind of vibe does that energy give to me?
What are my first associations, feelings, images, emotions and thoughts that
come up when I hear the word “Change”? What does this tell me about myself?
- If my higher self was right here in front of me, watching me directly in my eyes,
what would I be ashamed of? What would I be afraid of and what would I be
proud of? What would I be happy for?

- When do I feel abundant? When do I feel rich? What is richness to me? What is
my concept of values?

- Who am I? What kind of feeling do I get when I ask myself this question? What
colors, sounds, images, tastes do I get when I ask this question? Who am I?
What emerges from the depth of my being as a feeling, as a voice, as a
vibration? What do I get, in what shape and form do I receive the response of this
echoing question?


What can Taurus expect in April

Happy early Birthday dear Taurus! This is another very important month. We are
in Eclipse season, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign and the season of
Taurus begins too. Reality tastes like something new, something strange,
something you haven’t tasted before. There are new tastes, new feelings and
visions, new plans and new intentions. You are coming into your own and you are
very satisfied because of it. You feel it coming and you feel fulfilled from the
inside. You are also bringing things out into the surface and it feels good to
declutter the past without any fear, but with joy. You are coming back to
something too this month, something that serves you, something that can be very
beneficial for you. You are discovering how truly big you are. You are discovering
the powers of being a human being. It's a time of awakening on many levels and
it’s time for a big self-reflection. Self-loyalty is the key and you’re working on
developing your own qualities now. You are the driver and you have to control the
speed. You make the choice where you want to turn around. You decide when to
pull over, when to enjoy the smooth ride and when to go at full speed. But you
cannot control everything. Sometimes you want to go at full speed, but there’s
traffic and you cannot. Sometimes you want to pull over but you have to find a
spot where you can do it. So, you are really learning how to drive without getting
frustrated about things that you cannot control and you learn to honor every
possible scenario along the way.
On the 3rd of the month Mercury enters your sign and joins Uranus, North node
and Venus in your first house of personality, identity, individuality, physicality and
vitality. Mercury will be here for a long time due to its retrograde motion that
begins on the 21st of April in your sign and ends on the 15th of May. Mercury will
be in your sign all the way until the 11th of June which is a long period of time for
Mercury to stay in one sign. So, for the first three weeks you have Mercury direct
here and it’s a great time for having conversations, meetings, interviews, for
signing documents and contracts. It’s also great for all kinds of trips and
transport. Once Mercury starts its retrograde motion, you will have a lot of time to
question certain decisions and choices. You will have a lot of second chances to
improve, to fix and to correct certain things in your life. You are correcting your
behavior. You are improving your vitality. You are reflecting on your words in your
close personal relationships. Uranus is here too so these are sudden
self-realizations and opportunities for redirections. Mercury retrograde in your
sign will give you a lot of great opportunities for insightful monologues and
dialogues. You may perhaps feel a bit frustrated. You may feel as if others don’t
understand you. You can expect misunderstandings and misinterpretations, so
be patient with yourself and with others, practice groundedness which is your
natural quality. Feed and nurture those qualities that are really serving you.
Practice listening too with Mercury in your sign. Writing is also a good way of
expressing your thoughts, but don’t be surprised if you share messages with
others and you don’t receive an expected response. Make sure you are clear and
think before you speak with Mercury retrograde in your sign between the 21st of
April and 15th of May. You may also realize that you’ve been doing some things
in a wrong way and you can make things right now. Take your time and don’t
rush with making any important decisions.

On the same day when Mercury enters your sign, Mercury makes a tense square
aspect with Pluto in Aquarius in your tenth house of career, success, reputation,
contribution, ambitions and goals, authorities, life path and life direction. Pluto
just entered Aquarius and this is a square on the first degrees of Aquarius and
Taurus. There is a possible tension around the 3rd of April when it comes to your
personality, your reactions, your behavior and your career, your boss, your
authority figures, your life direction. Something may be critical here but it also
gives you an opportunity for a powerful shift in the way you do things. You may
do something quite differently now.
On the 6th of April there's a Full Moon in Libra, shining a light in your sixth house,
showing you some things you need to see and acknowledge about your health,
your wellbeing, your work, your daily routines and habits. You may be doing
everything on your own perhaps. You may be rejecting help from others even
though they are there to help you. This Full Moon will enlighten this for you so
that you can change something in how you live your life and how you organize
yourself. You may be overloaded with work. You may be working hard, working
too much or putting a lot of effort into something. This Full Moon brings
culminations now with your work, your job, your relationships with colleagues
perhaps, your everyday routines and habits, your schedules and your lifestyle.
Something may come to an end here. Some of you may quit a job, or change
your job, or you may see some of your colleagues leaving a job for some reason.
Something may come to a head in your work area or with your health. You may
reveal something related to your health or to your work. This is a time of
revelation. Something may also come to a fruition, something you’ve been
working on. Be of service, help and support others, but also accept help and
support from others. This is the sixth house and it’s all about being of service and
taking good care of yourself. Some habits and routines may be changed now. It’s
time to release toxic routines and habits and to discover the beauty and quality of

On the 11th of April your ruler Venus enters Gemini and highlights your natural
second house. Venus is here in her own house and she is your ruler. She also
trines Pluto in Aquarius which is a very beautiful and friendly aspect. This is a
magical time for you and your money. This is a potential for big money, for
earning more than you could imagine, for increasing your income, for improving
your budget, for building up your financial stability and for receiving help from
powerful authorities perhaps. You can count on financial support now. Days
around this time are extremely beneficial for all kinds of purchases, earnings,
investments, for valuing your talents and gifts, for loving yourself, for appreciating
yourself and for achieving your material goals too. You can gain great comfort
during this time. You attract money while Venus is here and Venus is here until
the 7th of May. You can expect powerful opportunities for financial improvements
and for gaining material stability. Something beautiful can be achieved now.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini, you have a conjunction between
the Sun and Jupiter in your hidden twelfth house. You can expect great hidden
help, hidden support from someone. This is a protection from the invisible world
and it’s very strong now. This has been active already, and now with the Sun and
Jupiter here together, this is a very strong and powerful combination and it brings
amazing protection and support. You are protected from your unconscious fears
and anxieties and you are breaking through emotional patterns. Insights and
intuitive messages are present all the time throughout the whole month. This
twelfth house is very active throughout the whole April and you’re experiencing a
lot of secret blessings from the invisible realm. Inner blessings are strong.
Spiritual journey is very powerful this month and your psychic gifts and powers
are activated too. Pay attention to your dreams. This placement has been strong
in March too and now it’s very strong again.

On the 20th of April there’s a first Eclipse of the year, the New Moon Solar
Eclipse in Aries in your twelfth house and this is the second New Moon in a row
in the same sign. This is not a typical New Moon since it’s an Eclipse time but it’s
also not a typical Eclipse since the North node is still in your sign and it should be
in Aries. So, this is a bit weird, interesting, exciting and new energy. This Eclipse
marks the beginning of a new Eclipse cycle that will be active in the Aries/Libra
axis, but the Eclipse cycle in Taurus/Scorpio is not finished yet. You will still have
some work to do when it comes to the Eclipse cycle that began around the end of
2021. But this new Eclipse cycle will be felt anyway and it highlights your twelfth
house of retreat, rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, ancestors, family
lineage, otherworldly things, dreams, symbols, metaphysical and esoteric
teachings, spiritual insights. This is a complex placement and you’ve already had
the New Moon here last month. But this one is different, more intense and strong,
more important and you will be receiving strong synchronistic and intuitive
messages. It’s a powerful time for meditation and for self-healing and this will be
a very significant theme for you in the next two years too.

On the 21st the Sun enters your sign dear Taurus and marks the beginning of
your season! Happy Birthday dear Taurus! It’s time for you to shine, to stand up
for yourself, to ask yourself important questions, to make important decisions, to
see if you’re on the right path or if you have to change something. The Sun
shines a light on you and shows you what you need to do. You have Mercury in
your sign together with Uranus, North node and the Sun now. Amazing powerful
energy for you to reinvent yourself and prepare for Jupiter’s journey through your
sign which starts in the next month. This is a huge shift and you may already feel
something powerful changing for you, expanding you and widening you.

Mars is in Cancer this whole month and it’s activating your social and mental third
house. Your mind is very active, your social life is very active and this energy is
serving you well even though Mars is here in its fall. Mars cannot naturally
express its energy and drive while being in Cancer and it has to use different
ways of expressing its energy. So, you may be more emotional with friends, with
siblings, with relatives, with neighbors. You may be more protective towards
them. You may also have some thoughts that are very stubborn and that make
you feel reckless and that’s why this is a powerful time for meditation too, for
mental exercises, for healthy social activities. Mars squares Chiron in Aries on
the 27th and this can bring you interesting conversations that may trigger some
wounds. Take care of your words and how you share certain information during
this month with Mars in your third house. Words can be sharp. Conversations
may be a bit passive aggressive too, so make sure you’re aware of that too. But
generally, this is a great time for taking action with others, for going on short trips,
for writing, learning, teaching, for putting effort and action in developing skills and
for using Mars in Cancer to express your emotions through actions.

Taurus relationship with inner self

Dear Taurus, rays of your inner world are shining right through you this whole
month and you will feel their light and their darkness. You will feel their
wholeness. You will feel the center from where these rays emanate and they will
be cleaning you and cleansing you from the inside out. You are letting them do
their job. You are not standing in the way. You are not blocking these inner rays.
You are not preventing them from shining right through you. You have learned
how to surrender and some of you have even mastered surrendering which is a
huge thing to achieve actually. And those of you who haven’t mastered that yet,
you are on your way to get there. You are learning the mastery of surrendering
and you realize the power of pure surrender, the power of winning through
surrendering. Actually there’s nothing to win or lose once you realize the hidden
meaning of surrendering. You are taking your time now. You are not in a rush
even if others are rushing you, even if life is rushing you, you won’t be rushing.
You are calm and you’re learning how to be even more calm, grounded, serene
and centered. You are learning to slow down when everyone and everything is
speeding up. You are learning the importance of taking it easy and not living a life
in a rush. You may have a deep realization of how the whole world lives in a rush,
everything is a rush. The whole world is running after something, chasing
something and this realization and deep inner feeling can actually redirect your
heart’s desires during this month. This can change your taste of life and can
deeply influence your wishes, your personal desires, your life direction. Your
internal world is beautifully lit up this whole month and you’re going through some
profound changes on the inside, through some initiations and recycles due to the
Eclipse that is happening in your twelfth house of intuition, meditation,
contemplation, relaxation, retreat, self-healing and ego-dissolving. There are
incredible inner revelations going on this whole month. Huge healing of hidden
wounds is also strong because you also have Chiron in your twelfth house.
Hidden wounds are coming to light, you are bringing things out from the bottom
of the barrel, you are cleaning out your closet and this is something you’ve been
doing quite well lately. Fears that used to haunt you are dissolving now and you
will be positively surprised by how certain feelings that used to be there and that
used to be very strong, are gone now. You may even be shocked a little bit by
how these strong feelings of worry and anxiety feel differently now. They don’t
have the same strength they used to have. You are cleaning up your past too and
these are karmic ancestral cleansings and detoxes. Ancestral detox is happening
and this will be felt in your personal life. You are ready for all kinds of revelations.
You’re not afraid of new self-discoveries. You are calm and grounded,
self-reflective, self-sufficient and sustainable. You know your worth and you’re
rooted in your own qualities.

Taurus relationship with others

Dear Taurus, you have a lot to offer to others and you also have a lot to learn
from others now. You are asked to be more in the listening mode rather than in
the talking mode. You will be in a position to be of service to someone and you
will also be in a position to be served, to be helped, to be supported, but you may
not want to be helped and supported. Your task is to accept the help from others.
Let the ones who can be of service to you, do their job. You may do all things at
once on your own and this can bring you stress and health issues too. Allow
yourself to be helped and supported from time to time. Some of you may do
some charitable work or you may be volunteering in some way. This has to come
from the heart, not from the sense of obligation. If it comes from the sense of
obligation, it doesn’t work. It’s better not to do it in that case because it won’t
have a value in that case. It won’t really count. You have Mars the whole month
in Cancer in your third house of younger brothers and sisters and those who feel
like them, relatives, neighbors, people from your local community and people you
meet everyday, your everyday communications. Having Mars in the house of
conversations can be a bit tricky. Mars can be impulsive and even aggressive
and it’s in its fall when in Cancer. It has difficulties to express energy in its own
way. So, some passive aggressive behavior may be possible between you and
your siblings, relatives or neighbors. You should be careful of the words you say,
not only because Mars is in your third house but because you will have Mercury
retrograde in your sign too. This will affect your close personal relationships and
your way of using words, your way of communicating, your way of sharing
information, sharing messages and sharing knowledge. You have to carefully
choose your words and try to be as clear as possible. Misunderstandings and
misinterpretations are very possible so be aware of that too in your
conversations. Certain relationships can have a very therapeutic effect on you.
Certain conversations can be beautifully healing and comforting especially
around the time of Full Moon in Libra on the 6th of April. You can also expect
great help from someone anonymous, or from some hidden source. Someone
may secretly help you in some way. Hidden support is very strong this month and
it may happen in many different ways. You may also play a role of hidden support
in somebody’s life, so, if there is a chance, if you recognize an opportunity for
that kind of service and activity, go for it. But remember, don’t do it out of
obligation to do it. Do it only if it comes from the heart, from the being, from the
pure intention. You may be very busy with others this month. You may be putting
a lot of effort and energy into socializing but you will also have to work on resting
periods and balancing between socializing and withdrawing due to a lot of energy
happening in your twelfth house of deep rest, relaxation, meditation and
self-healing. Be of service whenever you feel called to be of service, but don’t
overload yourself and allow others to be of service to you too. Knowing how to
receive help is as equally important as knowing how to be of service and offer

Taurus love & romantic life in April

Dear Taurus, your romantic life looks good in April and there’s a great potential
for big love stories, for big love returns, for big love transitions and for true love
qualities and values. You can always count on love and this month you’re going
to understand that more meaningfully. Your love relationship feels comfortable.
You feel comfortable with someone, whether it is somebody new or your existing
partner. There is no discomfort. There is a healthy intimacy and healthy
conversation, healthy dialogue and healthy way of exchanging your experiences
and sharing things with your significant other. Even if there is something that may
disturb you, you won’t see it as a disturbance, you will see it as an opportunity to
upgrade your relationship and to work it through. Just take care of your words.
This is something you should be aware of in general this month due to Mercury
being in your sign, Mars being in your third house and Mercury going retrograde
later in month. You still have South node in Scorpio in your seventh house of
relationships and next month you will have another Eclipse in Scorpio, so, there’s
something to be finished, something to be seen and acknowledged in your
relationships next month and some of that you may see even now because we’re
already in Eclipse season and Eclipses are felt four to six weeks before they
happen. This one in Scorpio happens on the 5th of May, so you will probably feel
it already in April. This follows a certain storyline that’s been active since the end
of 2021. You will know what it is and this is the final Eclipse in Scorpio in your
seventh house of marriage in this Eclipse series and it won’t be active again in
another nine to ten years. But this month is pretty good for your relationships and
this Eclipse that is about to happen in Scorpio might bring to an end a long
process of transformations that have been going on in your partnership sector.
As it is said at the beginning of this section, you can always count on love and
there are lucky elements for you this month. Romance looks good and you may
even go on a holiday with your lover. You may decide to spend some days alone
where you can just spend some time together, away from the noise and
distractions of the everyday world. This kind of retreat is very possible now.
Some of you may reconnect with someone from your past too. You may fall in
love with someone you already know or with someone you haven’t seen in a
while and in some cases, ex lovers may come back on the stage so that you can
gain some clarity and resolutions if it is needed. If it is not needed, it won’t
happen, so don’t worry and don’t be afraid of it.

Taurus sex life in April

Dear Taurus, you have a very strong potential for enjoying intimate moments, for
exploring the pleasure of being intimate with your lover, for exploring the power
and beauty of sexual union. You can have a very unique moment with your
partner in April, something very special, something memorable, something that is
totally new and different from what you’ve experienced so far. You are
experiencing new things with an existing lover. For example, some of you may
have used sex as an escapism tool and now you experience it from a totally new
and different angle. Or, some of you may have had sex only while under the
influence of something, only after a couple of drinks or only in certain conditions,
and now you have a completely different atmosphere of it. Or, some of you have
used sex as a way of shaking off stress and satisfying personal desires and now
this shifts and you have a clearer experience of it and so on. For each of you will
be different, but something has changed and it’s not your usual kind of thing and
it will be refreshing and renewing for you in every way. You can expect certain
revelations now in bed, revelations that come to you while making love or soon
after making love. You can also have a lot of solo exploration and pleasure with
yourself that gives you a lot of space and freedom to feel yourself, your body,
your senses, your wants and needs. If you’ve been afraid of sexual experience,
this is something that will become more clear to you and many of you may think
that you’re not afraid of it but some feelings and revelations now will show you
that you have been afraid actually. Even if you had many sexual experiences, it
doesn’t matter. That fear is subconscious and it prevents you from having a full
experience of it. You may discover that there is something that has been
preventing you from achieving the sexual experience and sexual energy in its
real way and you may discover that you’ve actually been afraid of sexual energy
because you don’t really know what that energy is, where it comes from, where it
goes and why it triggers a body and mind in the way that it does. What kind of
urge and need is that? What kind of pleasure is that? Who are you when you’re
making love? Who are you when you have a need for sex and who are you when
you’re not thinking about it or when you’re not feeling it at all? Are you identifying
sexual energy with physical experience between people or are you perceiving
sexual energy and sexuality beyond the borders of the physical realm? These
kinds of questions, thoughts and thinking, will give you a deeper and wider
insight into your own sexuality and will deepen your own sexual experience as

Taurus career & purpose in April

Dear Taurus, this is the most alive area of your life in April and you may be doing
many things in order to improve your material stability, in order to gain more
wealth, in order to gain more comfort, in order to find the right path for yourself,
the right direction. Some things may happen that transform your path, that
redirect you now and these redirections in your career will be very active since
Pluto is now in Aquarius in your tenth house and Pluto is the lord of
transformations. Mercury in your sign squares Pluto in Aquarius at the very
beginning of the month and this can bring some kind of conflict with a boss or
some kind of manipulation at your work or in your career. But this is a very short
transit and it won’t last long so this can actually only bring you a breakthrough
and liberation from something that’s been restrictive in your work and career.
Pluto will also make a fantastic trine aspect with your ruler Venus on the 11th of
April and this is more important and more beautiful than Mercury square Pluto.
This happens while your ruler Venus is in her own second house, in house where
she belongs so she feels very good here and she can bring you more money.
She can bring you amazing opportunities for improving your finances and
especially because she makes a friendly aspect with Pluto in your tenth house of
career, contribution, success and reputation. Expect powerful support and help
now. Venus in Gemini in your second house in trine with Pluto can really bring big
money now. There is a high potential for achieving material goals but also for
feeling powerful in who you are and for appreciating yourself, your gifts, your
talents, your skills and your capacities. You have a lot happening in your sign too
and you can expect destined and unexpected shifts in your life direction. You will
be questioning your decisions and choices later in the month and you will be
improving what needs to be improved. You are making things right. Take your
time and don’t rush with making decisions. Venus in your second house between
the 11th of April and 7th of May brings you beautiful gifts and possibilities for
earning money and for enjoying the fruits of your labor. You are putting love into
things that you do. You are spending money on things you love and enjoy. This is
a great month for money, but not only for money and material stability. It is a
brilliant time for really enjoying things and providing a comfort for yourself which
doesn’t have to be spectacular, but it will be comfort and luxury for you. For
some, luxury is to be in nature and to spend days in a beautiful environment, to
sleep in a tent, to camp. For others, luxury is to travel around the world and
collect experiences. So, whatever is luxury and comfort for you, you will
experience it in some way.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Taurus

Dear Taurus, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra and it
illuminates your sixth house of everyday work, everyday job, everyday tasks and
obligations, schedules, duties, responsibilities. This is a house of hard work,
service to others, daily habits and routines, health, physical wellbeing, diet
regime, exercise regime, self-care, pets and animals in general. Full Moons are
times of endings, completions, drama, fulfillments, fruitions, culminations,
revelations, disclosures. Things are coming to a head in these areas of your life.
Something is being brought to light. Something is revealed and needs to be
acknowledged, adjusted, changed, resolved, released or integrated. Things are
culminating in your sixth house matters and this can be related to your work or to
your health. Some of you may quit your job during this time or you may finally
finish some project you’ve been working on. Some of you may be overloaded
with work. You may be working too much, you may be working too hard and you
may not allow others to help you even if they can. Some of you may be of great
service to others now. Some of you may be changing jobs, changing working
place, changing your routines and habits. Things can happen now that transform
your lifestyle, that transform your daily schedules, your daily routines and habits.
You may discover something related to your health and you may have to improve
your health. You may have to pay more attention to your health. You may have to
change your diet regime and start exercising if you’re not already doing it. It’s
time to say goodbye to certain routines and habits that are not serving you and to
start implementing more healthy ones. This Full Moon wants you to take better
care of yourself and to improve the quality of your life. Others may help you now
since this is Libra Full Moon and this means that it affects your one-on-one
relationships too. Maybe you’re finishing a certain treatment and you’re done with
visiting a doctor perhaps. You’ve done the work and this Full Moon brings an end
to a healing phase. If you’ve been working on healing, detoxing, and decluttering,
you can now experience a culmination of that kind of work. You can experience
blooming of your health. Things can come to a fruition now. Libra Full Moon is
also about justice, equality, fairness and commitments. So, you may also commit
to your wellbeing now, you may become more committed to your health, to your
work, to service to others. But, if something is not serving you, it’s also a time to
say goodbye to it, say goodbye to a certain routine and habit, say goodbye to a
certain job or project, say goodbye to a therapist perhaps, say goodbye to your
doctor, say goodbye to your trainer. All these scenarios are possible and this Full
Moon is a lot about how you use your energy and your free time. Do you know
how to take care of yourself, do you know how to live a healthy life, do you know
how to eat, how to rest, how to sleep, how to work? This Full Moon is here to
enlighten you about those questions and to show you what you need to work on,
what needs to be improved and developed. Use the energy of this Full Moon for
cleansing, detoxing, cleaning, healing and releasing what needs to be released.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to eat healthy. Don’t overeat during the time of
this Full Moon. Keep yourself hydrated. Try to do some fasting on this day. Purge
yourself, connect with people who know how to take care of themselves and who
are responsible and committed, devoted and diligent. This is an amazing time for
releasing stress, for doing a massage, for working out, for taking a walk in the
nature, for walking on a hill, for going to a spa, for doing yoga, tai chi, for
meditating, for taking really good care of your mind, body and soul.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Taurus
Dear Taurus, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April and this is the second
New Moon in Aries in a row but this one is way different because it is Solar
Eclipse New Moon and it’s on the very last degrees of the sign while the first New
Moon in Aries that happened last month was on the first degrees of the sign. This
now activates your twelfth house again and this is some kind of double initiation,
a confirmation and some kind of ending and beginning. This is a double energy
of endings and beginnings since Eclipses are all about endings and beginnings
while twelfth house is also about endings and beginnings. But these are not just
any kind of endings and beginnings. These are key changes. These are
life-changing events. Eclipses are very karmic and they bring destined goodbyes
and hellos but this Eclipse may not be that strong yet, since North node is still in
your sign and there are still some things to be finished when it comes to Eclipse
series that have been active since the end of 2021 that happens in the
Taurus/Scorpio axis. But it will anyway be strong enough and it marks the
beginning of a new series of Eclipses that will be active in the next two years.
The last time this series of Eclipses was active was between the beginning of
2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the
beginning of 2016. You can think back to these times and see what big changes
and shifts were happening back then, especially related to your inner world, your
psyche, your mental energy, your physical wellbeing, your health, your work, your
addictions, your fears, your anxiety, your meditation, your inner peace, your
service to others. These are 6th/12th house areas of life for you and this
particular Eclipse in Aries happens in your twelfth house and your subconscious
world will be triggered, your subconscious fears, your addictions, your spiritual
thirst and hunger, your spiritual journey, your dreams and your need for the
metaphysical teachings, for spiritual teachings, your need for meditation, for rest,
for retreat, for healing. This Eclipse is very good for you because it is here to
cleanse you, to set you free from past limitations, to set you free from addictions
from the past, to liberate you from ancestral karmic patterns and to prepare you
for a new dawn in your life. Life can put you in such situations where you will be
given a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth, for learning the language of
symbols, for studying metaphysical and esoteric teaching, for studying astrology,
numerology, dreams, archetypes, runes, ancient knowledge and scripts of
ancient teachings. Many of you will be initiated into this kind of knowledge and
wisdom but the road to that initiation may be a bit scary at first because you have
to go through self-healing. You will be able to see your addictions clearly in the
next two years and this first Eclipse in this series is opening things up for you and
showing you what you will be working with and dealing with. This is an incredible
opportunity for dissolving egoic desires and wishes, for dissolving nightmares
and fears, for dissolving anxiety and ancestral karma.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Taurus, your Tarot card for April is The Nine of Wands upright. This card
means that there’s one last obstacle in front of you before you succeed in
something important to you. You have to endure just a little bit more. You have to
be resilient and persistent just a bit more. This card means that you’re very close
to a certain ending of a certain significant task or project, and in this last moment
you’re faced with the final obstacle, with the final barrier. This is a card of
courage, resilience, perseverance, fatigue, and a test of faith. This card means
that you’ve probably already been working a lot on something and you feel like
that’s it, you’ve done it all, but with this card pulled it means that you shouldn’t
give up now. You’re right there—it is just one last step right before achievement
and manifestation.

The man in the card seems injured, exhausted, and weak but he is still standing
and holding on to a wand with eight other wands behind him. He battled previous
battles. He’s been in the battle and he survived. He is right there. Even though he
is wounded and exhausted, he seems determined, strong, and resilient. He is not
lying down or sitting down. He is not in pain. He knows that there is that last
battle in front of him, and he’s ready because he has many battles behind him
and he knows he’s going to make it. He has been through them all, and he has
overcome those battles. This is a card of determination and triumph and mixed
feelings. He is protected by many wands behind him that create a protective wall,
and that represent battles that are behind him. Those are his triumphs, and you
feel the same now. You go through similar experiences and stories, and there’s
that one last battle in front of you.
This is a card of great hope, and it shows that you’ve been through many trials,
but you were able to overcome them all. You already made it through. You’ve
been through multiple challenges, and you’re ready for that final challenge in this
chapter of your life. This is also a card of success and encouragement. You know
you’re right there. You know that you’re about to succeed. This card reminds you
to stand tall despite all challenges and previous battles you’ve been through. This
card reminds you of your inner strength, and it reminds you to be courageous
and not to give up no matter how many battles you’ve already been through. This
could be that last major challenge you’re supposed to face in order to reach the
place you want to be. This card also encourages you to take a risk if you have to,
and this card could bring someone into your life who can transform your
perception and your point of view in a very uplifting and encouraging way. This
card encourages you to move on with a certain project or task, and it motivates
you to continue with whatever it is that you’re doing that you might have doubts
about. You are very close to reaching the goal and gaining success, so don’t give
up now. This card is like the last test and the darkness before dawn. It is the last
challenge before the success, before the bloom.

The most impactful planet for Taurus in April

Dear Taurus, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Mercury. Mercury will be in
your sign starting from now until the 11th of June and this is an unusually long
period of time for Mercury to spend in one sign but this happens due to its
retrograde motion. Mercury stations retrograde on the 21st of April and will be
retrograde until the 15th of May. Mercury is in your sign together with Uranus and
the North node. You will have a lot of inner talks, inner conversations,
monologues and inner dialogues. You will be questioning yourself, your choices
and decisions, your wants and needs. You will be working on fixing and
correcting things in your behavior, in your communications, in how you present
yourself. You are more intellectual and it is easy for you to express yourself while
Mercury is direct, but once it stations retrograde, you may find it hard to express
yourself and you may feel misunderstood from time to time. You may also think
about people from the past or you may even reconnect with some of them while
Mercury is retrograde here. You will also be thinking about your past and you will
be resolving those things that bother you with retrograde Mercury in your sign.
You will have a second chance for something, to improve it, to correct it, to fix it.
Mercury is the planet of communication, planet of words, planet of transportation,
technology, devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching,
learning, sharing, and connecting. Mercury is a planet of mental energy, and it
rules our intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others.
Mercury gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the
ability to analyze and to sort things out. Mercury is about the facts and rational
mind. Of course, Mercury can make us naive as well if we allow the opinions of
others to affect us easily and to dictate our behavior. We can become victims of
the opinions of others, victims of manipulations either of others or of our own. But
Mercury can be strengthened, and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize
the truth. Mercury is the messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator,
the one who communicates and transfers messages. Mercury is the master of
words, and it reminds us of the magical power of words, the power of spells that
create reality. Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas,
how we perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from
others, and how we transfer it to others, how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, our style of communicating, our sense of humor, and
our way of thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves. It shows how
eloquent we are, how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and
how easily we connect the dots.

In order for you to make the most of this Mercury’s transit through your sign and
to channel this energy in its most energizing, empowering and constructive way,
you should be ready to learn from others, to listen to others, to think before you
speak, to write down or record your thoughts and feelings because this will help
you to see yourself more clearly and to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings,
miscommunications and misinterpretations. Use your words wisely, thoroughly,
and patiently. Look at yourself, examine yourself, have a conversation with
yourself, have a daily chat with yourself. Make an interview with yourself, ask
yourself questions, write down questions for yourself as if you are about to have
an interview with somebody but in this case “somebody” is you. Schedule an
interview with yourself, make it official and have a real conversation with yourself.
Take yourself out for a walk and have a conversation with yourself while you’re
walking. Say things to yourself that you would love to say to somebody else,
confess to yourself as if you would confess to your soul and spirit. Imagine that
you’re confessing to your soul and let it all out. Practice doing this. Practice these
daily conversations with yourself and see where this takes you, see what kind of
feeling this triggers in you. Whenever you can, have a conversation with yourself,
a sincere, heart to heart conversation. Whenever you feel whatever it is that
you’re feeling, instead of just thinking about it or sharing your thoughts on social
networks or in messages with others, try to keep those things for yourself and try
to speak about them with yourself first. Be your main filter of your thoughts,
words and feelings and see how this changes and transforms your relationships,
your behavior, your reactions and your wants and needs. Look at yourself,
examine yourself, research yourself. Use powerful words in your everyday
conversations. Carefully choose your words and see how this affects you too.
Examine your thoughts and start filtering your thoughts so that they serve you.
Read, write, learn, study, teach, share information, travel locally, connect and
communicate in order to awaken the inner messenger of gods, in order to bring
out the highest expression of Mercury.

Healing tips for Taurus in April

- Put one hand on your belly-button and the other on the back of your head and
breathe in through your hand on your belly-button, transferring air through your
spine to your hand which is on the back of your head. Breathe out through your
hand on the back of your head through your head and through your spine back
through your belly button to the hand. Repeat this a couple of times, transfer the
air between your two hands through your spine, through your belly button and
through your head and back again. Feel this transfer of your breath, feel it
through your spine, feel it through your hands. This is a very powerful technique
and you can use it any time during the day every day.

- Put your hands in front of you and watch your thumbs. Put your thumbs next to
each other. Focus on your thumbs and as you observe your thumbs count to 30
in yourself and then close your eyes but still keep your focus on your thumbs with
your eyes closed and count backwards from 30 to 1 while keeping your focus on
your thumbs as if you're still watching them. This is an exercise that helps you
with focus, awareness, conscious actions, memory and good mood.

- Imagine your past bad memories, your past wounds, your past hurts, your bad
habits, your unhealthy choices, your disturbing feelings as burned black
branches and then throw these branches into the fire. See how they start shining,
feel how these black dry branches start sparkling and giving light, put them into
the fire to purify them and to transform them into sparkling shiny branches. Feel
this process. Start a fire somewhere if you can in order to feel this process more
lively. If you want, you can do this in your yard or in nature somewhere, start a
small fire and throw some old little broken branches into the fire and watch how
they become beautifully transformed, how they shine, sparkle and give warmth.
You can also just imagine it without literally doing it. Enjoy the process.

- Play with your shadow. Create light in your space so that you can see your
shadow on the wall. Take a photo of your shadow, ask your shadow a question,
move around and see how it reshapes, how it grows and how it disappears, how
it transforms easily. Dance with your shadow, watch it and make your own
shadow performance. Then turn on the lights and see how all of that was just a
play. See how certain things that are totally invisible become visible under a
certain combination of light and darkness. Contemplate this and enjoy the ride.

- Light up a candle in front of you and turn off the light. Focus on the light of the
candle. Focus on the fine air that you see right above the flame of the candle. Put
yourself a bit closer to the candle and inhale the air from the candle three times
in a row and hold your breath, then exhale. Ask it to purge you and purify you.
Ask it to awaken the spirit within you and to bring you new inspiration and
willpower. First dedicate this candle to something that is really meaningful to you
and then do this. What you are inhaling is life that ascends towards the top of the
flame and you feel stronger as you inhale it. Feel the power of this exercise and
enjoy the benefits of it.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Make someone feel comfortable in your company. If you feel that somebody
feels uncomfortable, do something in a subtle way so that this person doesn't
notice it and make them feel comfortable, make them feel relaxed, make them
feel safe and secure, make them feel understood and accepted. Do this with
people, experiment, try to make them feel appreciated and accepted, make them
feel comfortable and easy. You will also enjoy this and you will feel better too. Of
course do not drain yourself and do this by force. If you cannot do it, don't do it.
But remind yourself of this and try making it work, see how it makes you feel.
- Whatever it is that you’re doing throughout the day, whenever you notice a
beautiful moment, an inspiring moment, or scenery that you like, or an
atmosphere that makes you feel good, inhale it. Just inhale the whole image,
take a deep breath and hold it, feel how you’re saving that moment within
yourself. Really feel like you’re saving and storing the memory within you, by
inhaling it. This is how you will start remembering these moments more vividly.
Each time you take a deep breath, you will remember all these beautiful
moments and you will feel very abundant.

- Listen to the sound of water. If you can, go somewhere near the water if you
have any near you and just close your eyes and focus on the sound of it. If there
is no such place near you, just play some videos or audio of water and focus only
on the sound. Become this sound. Feel yourself as this sound and surrender
yourself to it completely.

- Take yourself outside for a walk and have a nice intimate dialogue with yourself,
in yourself, while you’re walking. Enjoy the walk and the conversation. See how
you feel and what new insights you receive through this simple and powerful

- Practice Boat Pose. Do your research about it, see what it’s good for, see how
it’s done and start practicing it. This pose is known as Navasana. This is a
challenging one but it is very powerful and it helps you on many levels, mental,
emotional and physical. Enjoy it.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- When do I feel completely fulfilled from the inside? Are there moments like
those in my life? How often do I get those kinds of feelings?

- What am I not afraid to let go of? What do I want to let go of with great pleasure
and joy in my heart?

- Is there anything in my past that I would love to come back to? What does this
tell me about myself?
- Am I loyal to myself? What is true loyalty according to me? What are my first
associations, images, thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up when I hear
the word “loyalty”? What does this tell me about myself?

- What has been the hardest question for me lately? What is the hardest question
that I could ask myself? What is the hardest question from these five questions


What can Gemini expect in April

Dear Gemini, April is a loving month for you. It brings joy and pleasure, uplifting
and inspiring social connections, deep reflections and introspections, popularity
and attraction. You will be balancing between social activities and spending more
time alone. You are finding your space, space that you will need so much. You
need to have that time for yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to communicate
with others in the right way. You have to do things that fulfill you. You need some
time on your own so that you can do things that you have to do. You need quality
time and space with yourself. You need activities that feed your soul so that you
can come out in the world and do the job, socialize, do your duties and connect
with people. You are discovering more limiting and destructive mental patterns
during this time. You will also be a great inspiration to others and others will look
up to you for lots of things. Social life is rich and powerful this month and you
may be introduced to some influential people or people who can have a very
deep and significant impact on who you are.

On the 3rd of April your ruler Mercury enters Taurus and joins Uranus, North
node and Venus in your twelfth house of dreams, intuition, meditation,
withdrawal, retreat, relaxation and self-healing. Mercury will be here until the 11th
of June due to its retrograde motion. Mercury is retrograde between the 21st of
April and 15th of May. Your thoughts are turned inward and you’re focused more
on things that happen on the inside, on your feelings, your perspectives, your
past. You may be thinking about your past a lot during this time, thinking about
people from your past. You may have dreams of people from your past, or people
who have passed away. You may also communicate with these people in some
way. You can expect spiritual breakthroughs and insights, a-ha moments, sudden
insights, unexpected realizations, sudden shifts in perception. Some of you may
be writing about these experiences. Mercury is also learning and teaching and
some of you may be learning or teaching about things related to psychology,
astrology, numerology, things that explain the unknown and the invisible. This is
the realm of the intangible and the untouchable. These are self-healing talks,
self-healing words, self-healing thoughts. You may be doing some work in the
background, working behind the scenes, finishing the unfinished, analyzing your
dreams, your psyche, your synchronicities. You need some quality time on your
own. You are learning to take a rest, to relax, to calm down, to recognize the
beauty of nature and to recognize the healing power of nature and silence.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra in your fifth house of joy, pleasure,
love, romance, children, entertainment, self-expression, creativity, fun and sports.
This should be a good energy for you, even though Full Moons can bring endings
and closures. They also bring fulfillments and fruits. One of your children can
gain success in something now if you have children. You may be working with
children and experience some kind of culmination with them. They can be
successful in something if you’re their guide, their teacher or coach. This Full
Moon reminds you to have fun and enjoy life if you’re working too much, and also
if you’ve been having too much fun lately. This may be a time of culmination of a
party and an end of that type of period. Each Full Moon rebalances you and if
you’re too off the track, it will put you back on the track. Some of you may receive
pregnancy news. You may welcome children in your world perhaps. This can be
a time of launching something, of finally seeing the fruition of some creative
project you’ve been working on. This is also a lot about love and romance and
some of you may meet a new love interest in your life or you may feel very good
in the company of an existing partner. In some rare cases, endings and
culminations can happen in your love life too but since this is a friendly energy,
you should enjoy and have a good time now.

On the 11th of April Venus enters your sign dear Gemini! This is a very beautiful,
inspiring and harmonizing transit. Venus in your sign brings popularity, beauty,
attractiveness, harmony, comfort and money too. Venus in your sign also makes
a positive trine aspect with Pluto in Aquarius in your ninth house of long distance
travel, foreigners, international connections, international business, spiritual
pursuits, higher meaning, higher education. You can be supported beautifully
now in these areas of your life. There is so much that you can do and achieve.
You feel great and you look great and others notice your good energy and vibes.
Others want to be around you and they feel good in your company. You are
beautifying yourself during this time. You are improving your physical
appearance. You are shining and you are recognizing your true values and true
beauty. You easily attract things in your life. You attract love and beauty
effortlessly with Venus in your sign in trine with Pluto. Beautiful transformations
are happening in your life. Spiritual journey or physical journey beautifies you in
every way. Changing beliefs beautifies you. Learning things beautifies you. You
will have wonderful new inspiring ideas that you’re going to share with others.
You are naturally expressing your qualities and just by being who you are, you
achieve it all. When you pretend, when you try too hard, when you put so much
effort into something, it won’t work. But, when you are relaxed with being who
you are and express yourself naturally just as you are, all things come to you and
this will be shown to you this month in a beautiful way. Venus is in your sign until
the 7th of May.

On the same day when Venus enters your sign, there’s a conjunction between
the Sun and Jupiter in Aries, shining in your eleventh house of friends, groups of
people, social circles, communities, your soul family, your tribe. This is an
amazing energy for social interactions, for connecting with people, meeting new
people, experiencing something lucky and positive with others, getting support
from others, something abundant and powerful happening within your social
circles, within your community. This area of your life is very strong throughout the
whole month. This has already been very strongly activated last month and now
it continues in an even stronger way. A friend can introduce you to someone who
can be of great help or you may become more popular during this time, people
notice you, people start recognizing you for something that you do. You can
receive great offers from others. You can meet new people, you can connect with
new friends and you can also expand your existing friendships in a very cheerful,
exciting and uplifting way.

There’s also Eclipse happening this month and this is the first Eclipse in 2023.
This is the New Moon Solar Eclipse and this New Moon is the second New Moon
in a row that happens in the same sign, in Aries. This amplifies the whole Aries
energy and your social connections and social activities. Something powerful,
karmic, destined and awakening is happening in your social world. You may find
your soul family during this time. You can connect with people who really strongly
resonate with you. You can connect with friends of your friends who can click with
you in a majestic way. Your highest aspirations are also activated with this
Eclipse New Moon. There is a sense of urgency perhaps related to your goals
and aspirations, your long range goals and plans. You are learning a lot from
others. You may be sharing things with others, collaborating, cooperating,
networking in a very significant way. Community based projects can be greatly
supported now too. You are pursuing your goals and you’re very well supported
on that road. The last time these series of Eclipses were active was back
between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also between the
end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. Think back to these periods of time and
see what big changes in your social world have been happening, or with your
children if you have them, or with your projects, your creativity, your love life, your
friendships, your aspirations. This series of Eclipses will last for the next two
years and there will be a storyline that follows this cycle. Things you’ve wanted
back then, things you’ve dreamed of back then may manifest during these two
years and things you’ve missed to understand, lessons you’ve missed to learn,
classes you’ve missed to attain during the last Aries/Libra Eclipses cycle, may
reappear so that you can learn, acknowledge, let go and accept. You are
connecting with some key people in your life and your connections will play a
huge role for your future.

On the 21st the Sun enters Taurus and highlights your hidden twelfth house
where you already have your ruler Mercury and Mercury stations retrograde just
a couple of minutes after the Sun enters Taurus. Uranus is also here with the
North node and there’s still a lot of work to be done in your twelfth house. There’s
still a lot of healing, a lot of letting go and releasing. The Sun here will help you
do that together with retrograde Mercury. You are resolving things from the past,
you are clearing out things from the past, you are detaching from past
attachments and you’re dealing with anxieties, subconscious fears and perhaps
some nightmares along the way. But it looks pretty good and you’re very satisfied
with how things are going in these areas of your life. Pay attention to your
dreams this whole month and the next month as well. Remember, things can be
resolved in your dreams. If you resolve them there, you don’t have to resolve
them here. You may be facing fears through your dreams instead through your
real life experiences and if you manage to resolve this fear in your dreams, you
won’t have to resolve it here either.
Mars is in Cancer in your second house of finances, money, earnings, resources,
talents, gifts, values and priorities. You will be putting energy and effort into these
things. You may even be a bit obsessed with spendings and savings, or things
related to your financial situation. You may have a hard time to spend or save
money but Mars here can also give you a lot of motivation and courage to take
risks. Just don’t make any quick decisions related to finances or your earnings.
You may be emotionally attached to your resources too and you will see it clearly
this month. You can actually put more energy into becoming more self-assured
and stable, because when you have these things, you have all other stabilities
too. They come naturally and even if they don’t, you are not afraid of losing
material stability because you know that it is something that can be destroyed
and rebuilt any time anywhere. You learn how to not get too identified with
material stability and resources and you start focusing on things that can survive
the test of time.

Gemini relationship with inner self

Dear Gemini, April is amazing for your inner work. There's great support from the
universe and you and the Universe are looking at each other. When you turn
within, the whole Universe starts looking back at you because when you look
within, you are actually looking directly at your own universe. Don’t be afraid of
falling into the depths of your own being, your soul will catch you every time, you
cannot get lost. Don’t get identified with the ideas that come to you when you feel
down, those are toxic ideas and thoughts. Look up to those who have achieved
self-mastery, let those minds become your role models. Don’t allow yourself to
identify with words, thoughts and emotions that feed attachments to things that
are not serving you. Identify with the highest expressions of being, identify with
the masters, identify with high thoughts but don’t suppress and reject those
thoughts and emotions that are putting you down either. It’s time to address and
identify things that are putting you down and to see them for what they are
instead of being afraid of them or being attached to them. You are working on
releasing the pressure. You are working on finding more time and space for
nurturing yourself, for healing yourself, for meditating, for walking in nature, for
reading, for resting, for relaxing, for learning to love yourself and to turn that into
your full time job and full time joy. You are learning to feel the joy of loving
yourself and you’re working on big releases of addictions and big investigations
of your own escapisms. What are your escapisms? What are your ways of
escaping necessary confrontations? What are your ways of escaping yourself?
Are you afraid of not being afraid? Are you addicted to fear? You may think now
that it is absurd that you can be addicted to fear, but it is actually one of the
greatest addictions and it is very hidden and subtle. But, you’re going to have
that revelation now and you may see that you’re actually afraid of not being afraid
and this is something that happens on a subconscious level. You are afraid of
taking full responsibility for your feelings, actions, words, reactions, situations,
experiences, traumas, pains. Taking responsibility for these things doesn’t mean
that you’re guilty for your traumas and pains. This only means that you’re done
with blaming games and you’re making a decision to rise above that and to take
your own responsibility for that. Expect an inner voice that comes from the
depths of your being, an intuitive voice that tells you what to do, an intuitive voice
that tells you where to go, an intuitive voice that teaches you how to dissolve the
fear of not being afraid. You’re breaking free from negative narratives that you
maybe grew up with. You are letting those negative narratives fall apart and
crumble. You won’t try to save any of them. You will just watch how they dissolve.
You are creating new narratives, new stories for yourself, new and fresh scripts
with upgrades and innovations. Don’t try to solve the past by going back in the
past, but by dealing with what’s going on right now.

Gemini relationship with others

Dear Gemini, April is a great and powerful month for your social life and you will
start feeling that right away, as soon as the month starts. There are many
invitations, ceremonies, birthdays, celebrations, parties, gatherings and all kinds
of meetings activated throughout the whole month. Last month was also very rich
when it comes to social life but April is even more so. You still have a strong
stellium of planets in fiery Aries and you have another New Moon in Aries this
month too which turns out to be Eclipse New Moon. Eclipses are very intense
and life-changing events, karmic shifts, destined events and some of your
connections now can be very karmic and destined. Of course, every meeting,
every relationship, every connection is karmic to some degree, but with Eclipses,
these connections are stronger and more intense and for you this happens in
your eleventh house of friends, communities, networking, groups of people,
like-minded people, soul family. You also have Jupiter, Chiron and the Sun here.
Healing energy, energy, rich and powerful energy is present in your social circles
and within your communities. You will be introduced to people, others recognize
you, you are more noticeable and your energy feels good to be around. Others
want to be around you. They feel relaxed and understood next to you. You are
making new connections with people. You can expect new friends, and very
significant relationships are brought to light during this time. You initiate
something within your community. You start something with a group of people or
with a friend. These are also social networks and connections with people
through the internet, through online communities as well. Expect lucky
opportunities with others. Something really enriching and empowering is
happening in your social world. You are also learning a lot from other people but
others are also learning a lot from you. People from your past may show up in
your life now too due to your ruler Mercury stationing retrograde later this month
but also because of the energy of Eclipses. Think about events in your
relationships and social connections around the time between the end of 2013,
and the beginning of 2016. What was happening back then that was important
and crucial in your social interactions, in your communities, in your friendships, in
your social activities? What important lessons have you been going through? You
may have a similar taste now of those times. Some lessons may be repeated and
it may not be with the same people of course. Sometimes we end a relationship
with someone, but the very essence of that relationship, the feeling of it, the
lessons and the entity of the relationship just relocates and brings all of that in
the shape of somebody else. So, you may have similar experiences with these
Aries/Libra Eclipses. You also have Venus in your sign between the 11th of April
and 7th of May and this is amazing energy for you and your close personal
relationships. You can also expect great meaningful stories and experiences with
people who come from different cultures and traditions, especially if you’re
traveling. Pluto is in your ninth house of foreigners, travels and spiritual journeys.
Pluto is aspecting Venus in your sign with a friendly trine aspect and this is very
good for all your international connections. This is a truly remarkable month for
making amazing connections that have a very deep and profound effect on your
perspectives and beliefs.

Gemini love & romantic life in April

Dear Gemini, your love life is glowing this month. You are actually glowing, you
are shining, you are sparkling and glittering like the stars in the night sky and you
are irresistible. There are glitters in your eyes and others feel this energy and
they are drawn to you. You are attractive and beautiful. You feel beautiful within
yourself and you look beautiful. You have a strong self-esteem and self-trust
which gives you the most powerful attractiveness and the most appealing beauty.
Love blossoms all the time, love instantly heals us, love purifies and installs
wisdom into our hearts. When there is lack of love, there is lack of clarity. When
there is lack of love, there is lack of wisdom, lack of trust, lack of reliability, lack of
the ability to imagine beautiful things effortlessly. You are going to help those who
feel a lack of love now. You are going to recognize them and give them your
hand. Your presence can have a very healing effect on others. Of course, this
doesn’t mean that you should now be a helping hand for everyone, especially if
you’re doing that just for the sake of satisfying egoic desire to be seen as a good
person. Goodness is not something that is practiced and done forcefully. Those
who force goodness do more harm than good in the world. You are learning this
now. You know this and you don’t fall into those tricks of forced goodness. Being
“good” is a very controversial thing and it’s a huge theme. It is a highly conditional
thing and it’s related to a system of punishment and award. Love is not present in
that kind of system. Where there is punishment and award, there is no love, there
is control. So, you are learning a huge difference between love and control,
between pure intention and goodness based on fear or sense of obligation. This
will largely influence your love life and your decisions in love relationships,
existing ones and potential ones. Your love life is blossoming actually this month.
You have a Full Moon in Libra on the 6th of April, in sign of relationships and
marriage, in your fifth house of love, romance and children. You also have Venus,
planet of love, beauty, harmony and relationships in your sign between the 11th
of April and 7th of May. This is magnificent news for your love life and you can
experience a beautiful fulfillment in your love life. Your existing relationships are
strong and there are some culminations happening there. Even though Full
Moons can bring dramatic reactions and emotional responses, even though Full
Moons can bring endings and completions, this Full Moon makes a supportive
trine aspect with your sign. But, if your relationship is not serving you, if it is toxic
for you, if it’s not bringing you joy, if it’s not making you smile, if it’s not making
your heart smile, some kind of culmination that can bring to ending and closure
may actually happen. This is supportive energy, harmonious energy and it wants
you to be in harmony too. New love relationships are also very strong this month
and you can expect many new connections with potential partners. A love
relationship comes to a fruition during this time. You are attracting love into your
life. Venus and Pluto in a positive aspect can bring love overseas or long
distance relationships to some of you. But what is really important now, as is
always, is that you don’t give away your power to love that is outside of you.
Venus in your sign reminds you of the most powerful presence of love, the most
unique and authentic relationship that you have - your love relationship with

Gemini sex life in April

Dear Gemini, you are awakening and opening your senses this month in a more
passionate and lively way. You have Full Moon happening in your fifth house this
month and this brings to culmination and to light your pleasures, your passion,
your sexual pleasures, your love and romance, your fertility and your wish for
making children too. Your sex life looks very colorful and eventful, not only
because of the Full Moon in the fifth house that makes a positive aspect with
your sign, but also because Venus will be in your sign between the 11th of April
and 7th of May. Venus in your sign makes you even more appealing and
attractive, charismatic, charming, seductive, and intriguing. You are irresistible
and people cannot say No to you, so if you are single and you want to make an
impression, if you want to enchant someone, you won’t really have to do anything
special. You just have to be your natural self and things will just come to you.
Your sexual energy is shining brightly and you feel very confident and sexual
yourself. You know you are attractive and you know you have that charismatic
look, charming gestures and sexy ways of expressing yourself. You have a huge
potential for deep enjoyment of senses, for enjoyment in bed with your partner,
for enjoyment through touch and body pleasures, for enjoyment that exceeds the
body and that touches more subtle realms too. Full Moon also triggers wonderful
things with your partner and some of you may be making children now or you
may be expecting children since Full Moon brings culminations and closures of a
cycle. Things come to a fruition. Things shine brightly in your house of pleasures
and love. Some of you may feel as if your sixth sense is opening up through
sexuality and sexual experience. Some of you may feel a telepathic connection
with everything while making love. But this is also true for all of you, whether
you’re making love with a partner or with life itself. You don’t have to have a
partner in order to feel these blessings of energetic showers and pleasures. You
can also discover some very delicate details about your sexuality and sexual
energy this month.

Gemini career & purpose in April

Dear Gemini, you are on some serious quest for meaning and you won’t be
hunting results of any kind. You are living without expectations and without
counting on results. You are doing things because you want to do them, not
because you have to do them and this will be your motto from now on. This will
be your inspiration, your motivation, your guidance. Keep this in your mind. This
doesn’t mean that you should leave behind things you have to do because you
don’t want to do them, but you can turn the things that you have to do into things
that you want to do. You can change your perception and this change of
perception gives you a totally different way of looking at the things that you do in
your life. Then, you can leave behind certain things that you cannot find any type
of satisfaction doing them. But don’t make any quick decisions just yet. Saturn
just recently entered Pisces and this is your tenth house of career and reputation,
your life direction. This is a theme for you in the next three years and you may be
making your career dreams come true, your life path dreams come true with
Saturn in Pisces here. Venus is in your sign this month starting from the 11th of
April which is very good for you in every way, on all levels. Venus represents
money and finances, values and qualities besides love and relationships. So, you
can increase your finances with Venus in your sign. You can attract good things
into your life, beautiful things, great opportunities for earning and for improving
your financial stability. Venus trines Pluto around the 11th of April when she
enters your sign and this can bring you great international opportunities, big
international connections, powerful travels that transform your perception and
that transform you. Mars is in Cancer in your second house of money, earnings,
income, finances, spendings and savings, resources, purchases, possessions,
gifts and talents, values and priorities, self-worth and self-esteem. Mars is not
feeling great being in Cancer and it can be a bit more sensitive, emotionally
reactive and passive aggressive. But you are going to put more energy into
earning. You are putting energy into turning your gifts and talents into sources of
income. Mars in Cancer can be a bit too defensive or too protective and you may
protect what is yours, what belongs to you, what you consider to be yours. Some
of you may have to defend or protect something material, some of your
possessions, your values or your self-esteem. But with Mars here you can also
earn more money and be very proactive, strong and courageous. Mars in Cancer
is very courageous and strong, very resilient. You also have Full Moon in Libra in
your fifth house of creative projects, starting your own business, running your
own business, launching a product, launching a service, launching a project,
doing things that you enjoy and love doing, doing things that are entertaining and
fun, doing things that fulfill your heart. This Full Moon will remind you of what
those things are and it will show you if you’re not doing things that you love doing
so that you can change something about it. You can express your talents now.
You can achieve success in sport activities if you are into sports. You can turn
your hobbies into business or if you’ve already been working on something like
that, you can expect the completion of a project. You can expect the culmination
of a certain work you’ve been doing lately. You may also be busy with doing
things in the background, working on something, hiding money from others,
hiding financial status or incomes. You know what you’re doing and Venus in your
sign loudly reminds you of true values, true qualities, true love. So, many of you
are also discovering great treasure within yourself, the true gold, the true

How the Full Moon in April will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in your fellow Air sign
Libra, illuminating your fifth house of true love and romance, your heart chakra,
your heart to heart connections, your love relationships, your pleasures, your
children if you have them or somebody else’s children, youth, young people, the
child within you, sport activities, talents, gifts, performances, entertainment, joy,
fun, laughter, creative projects, creativity, self-expression, self-esteem and
self-awareness. This is a powerful placement and this Full Moon brings you fun
and joy, smiles and memorable moments, parties, celebrations, birthdays,
restaurants and cafes. You can enjoy life a little bit if you have forgotten how
that’s done or if you can’t remember the last time you had fun and enjoyed a little.
If you’ve been too busy lately, if you’ve been too occupied with work and
obligations, with inner issues, with dealing with yourself or with others, this Full
Moon can bring you a necessary relief and relaxation, a moment when you can
just have some fun. This is also the time for love and romance and you may
experience some kind of culmination in your love life now, with your partner, with
your existing partner or your new potential partner. Even though Full Moons can
bring endings, closures and completions, they also bring fulfillments,
blossomings and manifestations. Something you’ve been working on may come
to light now. Full Moons bring things to light. They shine a light on things that
have been impossible to be seen before. Some of you may experience fullness
with your children if you have them or with somebody else’s children. Maybe
you’re working with children and in that case you can expect some kind of
success from a child or your success through children if you’re their teacher,
coach, guide or anything similar. This is a great time for launching something, for
bringing certain projects to an end, for showing your gifts and talents, for bringing
things to light if you’ve been hiding them. It's a great time for creative projects, for
making children, for doing things with children, for spending more time with
people you love and whose company you enjoy. This is Libra Full Moon after all
and it’s all about relationships. Ruler of this Full Moon is Venus and Venus is in
her own sign Taurus during this Full Moon. This Full Moon also makes a
supportive and friendly aspect with your sign and you should have benefits
through this energy. You may be invited for a party or some kind of celebration
and it's a great time to spend time with others, to catch up with others, to have
fun, to make someone smile, to do something creative and to allow yourself to
relax a little bit. But if you’ve been partying too much, if you’ve been having too
much fun perhaps, this energy can be a culmination and end, closure and ending
of that period. Use the energy of this Full Moon to establish a healthy connection
with others and with yourself, to do something that makes you feel good, do
something that is enjoyable and that makes you smile, that makes you feel good
being alive, be romantic, enjoy good meals, enjoy good times and remember to
have fun.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Gemini
Dear Gemini, this New Moon is the second New Moon in a row that happens in
the sign of Aries. But there is a big difference between them. This one is Solar
Eclipse New Moon and Eclipse is not a typical New Moon. Eclipses are intense
and huge events, big shifts, life-changing moments, karmic connections and
disconnections, goodbyes and hellos, beginnings and endings. But this Eclipse is
also not a typical Eclipse, so maybe this won’t be felt to that degree yet. This is
the first Eclipse of 2023, and it marks the beginning of a new cycle of Eclipses
that will be happening in the Aries/Libra axis. But we’re not done yet with the
Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse cycle and that is why this is not the full energy of Eclipse
since the North node is still in Taurus. But this doesn’t make this Eclipse any less
important, in fact, this makes it even more unique. This New Moon happens at
the very end of the sign of Aries, on the last degrees of the sign and it won’t
necessarily be related to new beginnings. This is a time of endings and
beginnings which is actually always true, but during this time, it may be felt more
than usual. This happens in your eleventh house of social connections,
networking, communities, friendships, associates, acquaintances, social circles,
groups of people, like-minded people, soul family, your tribe of people, your
support group, fans, clients, older brothers and sisters and those who feel like
them. This is also a house of your highest aspirations, your goals for the future,
your long range plans. You already had the New Moon happening here in March
and it was also very powerful and strong. Now it’s even stronger and you still
have Jupiter there together with Chiron and now also with the Sun and the Moon.
This is fantastic energy for social life, for new connections, new friends, karmic
connections, key people, people who can expand your vision and help you a lot
on your path. You can be introduced to someone. You may be recognized for
something by others. You are invited to some kind of gathering where you
connect with all kinds of people who may turn out to be a very valuable and
meaningful contact. This is also the energy of renewals and some friends may
come back into your life during this time too. This Eclipse is just the beginning of
this process and it will definitely change your social interactions and your
friendships in the next two years. The last time this series of Eclipses was active
was back between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also
between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. These periods of time are
important because similar themes and storylines will be active now again. This
doesn’t mean that the same things will happen or that they will happen in a
similar way. Things have changed, and there are never two same Eclipses
happening, but they are happening in the same areas of your life, so you will feel
the similar taste perhaps. Some lessons that are left unlearned will become
active again so that you can learn them now. This is a great time for starting your
own community or for joining a new community, for connecting with more
like-minded people, for establishing important connections with others, for
starting some community based project, for working on a team with people, for
sharing your message with others and for collaborating, for moving towards your
highest aspirations and desires. You have that passion and desire now. This is
Aries energy with so much support from other players in this lunation and you
can achieve remarkable things now especially with Jupiter in conjunction with this
Eclipse. You can expand your connections like a burning flame. This is Fire
energy and you are an Air sign. Fire cannot exist without air so you can definitely
make things happen now and make them alive. Go for it, enjoy your connections
and collaborations. Make sure you do something proactive in your communities
and with your friends. Friends play a huge role in your life now and they bring you
new possibilities, new contacts and new ideas that can direct you in the right way
and that can serve you in the future.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Gemini, your Tarot card for April is The Ten of Swords inverted. This is a
good card to have inverted. It is positive when inverted, and it means that there's
regeneration and renewal happening. It means that something bad is avoided,
some kind of accident or incident is avoided. This card inverted also means that
something is ending, and it could be painful, but it is necessary, inevitable. This
card also means that the dark storm is clearing. The darkness is lifting.
Something bad is ending. Something that could manifest in the worst possible
way is avoided and prevented. The worst isn’t coming, after all. This card means
that if you’ve been expecting some worst-case scenario, it’s not going to happen.
You may have been convinced that something terrible is about to happen either
in the world or with your life, but none of this happens. Somehow things work out
on their own, and there’s nothing to be scared of. Also, this card can bring peace
and understanding in your relationships with others after a long time of conflicts
and arguments. If you’ve been experiencing something heavy in relationships,
you can expect things to be resolved now. Solutions come. This card represents
solutions that come to you for things you thought would never be solved.

This card in some cases can also show someone in your life who still clings on to
what was, and, even if the worst didn’t happen or if it’s all gone and behind in the
past, the person still lives in that atmosphere. This could also be you. So this is a
reality check and a reminder that it is not time for staying in the old. What
happened happened. The past is in the past, and the present moment is now.
This is a reminder to get up and get going, to move on and notice many
opportunities that are all around you. There is a need to reject and remove that
which is no longer serving you. There is a need for changing plans as well and
changing attitudes about life and the future. This card is a strong message that
instead of staying stuck in something bad, instead of crying over something that
happened in the past, you have to look into the future and understand that past
events have only liberated you. See how life has changed, and see how those
changes created a new set of possibilities that are in front of you. Irrational fears
may be present, and you are going to see that they’re irrational. You are getting
rid of something painful that happened in the past now, and you’re looking into
the future. Something you’ve been afraid of that might happen actually doesn’t
happen, and this makes you open for new beginnings. It’s time to get over
something so that you can start fresh. Old pain needs to be dealt with once and
for all, and the time is now. This card means that it is time for releasing old pain
and wounds, for releasing suffering and feeling relief from old burdens. This card
represents healing and learned lessons. You are rising above problems, and
you’re pulling yourself together. It’s time for rebirth. You have survived the
worst—now there’s only one way, and that way is up.

The most impactful planet for Gemini in April

Dear Gemini, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus will be in
your sign between the 11th of April and 7th of May and that’s one of the most
beautiful transits. Venus makes you the star of the show and this is a time of
beautifying yourself, making yourself feel good and look good on the inside and
on the outside. You may be more wanted, more popular, attractive and
magnetizing. You use your skills and qualities in a brilliant way and you can
achieve things you usually can’t achieve so easily. People can’t say no to you
during this time and you can use your charm and charisma in a wonderful and
loving way. Love is in the air and you can gain success in things you’re interested
in gaining success. Venus is on your side and she’s on your side together with
Pluto, the lord of transformation. This is an amazing positive and powerful energy
and you can expect beautiful and strong manifestations and realizations of your
true values. Self-love is highlighted and Venus here reminds you of your true
qualities, your true abundance and true values.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers. She
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus this month in the most effective,
influential, productive, loving and beautiful way, you should do things that are
more venusian in life and connect with your inner Venus. Beautify yourself in
some way. Beautify your home, beautify your space, beautify your perception of
life, beautify your physical appearance. Do it in any way you want. Put some new
detail on yourself that is refreshing and renewing. Do something that renews you.
Recognize the beauty in others and recognize the beauty in yourself. Search for
beauty in everything. See the beauty in things that you usually don’t see it in.
Visit galleries, theaters, culture events, cinemas, concerts. Do something that
evokes beautiful feelings. Feed your senses in a healthy and uplifting way. Eat
good food, try new food, take yourself out for dinner or prepare yourself a
wonderful dinner and enjoy it. Remind yourself to love yourself and practice
loving yourself even if you don’t know how it’s done, start learning now. Take
yourself out to a nice place. Invite someone special with you too if you want, if
you feel like it. Smell flowers, connect with flowers. Enjoy taking a shower, fill
your bathtub and play some relaxing music or music that you enjoy. Create an
enjoyable atmosphere for yourself in everything that you do and feel life. Open
your senses and feel the joy of being alive.

Healing tips for Gemini in April

- Ask the elements to help you with anything that you want in your life, with any
seed that you plant, with any issue you might have. Ask the Earth to plant this
seed and to nurture it, to help it grow strong and to manifest and evolve as it
should. Ask the Water to keep it hydrated and fresh, to shape it and to water your
seed daily. Ask the Air to inhale a breath of freshness into it and ask the Fire to
purge it from any impurities and to infuse it with the spirit, to enlighten its

- Put yourself in the position of somebody else. Put yourself in a different role.
Choose somebody else's situation in life, somebody else's role and try to play
that role. Try to imagine and feel as if you are in that role completely. Choose one
role for yourself and get into that role. Get into the new role as much as you can.
Give your best to really play that role and imagine yourself as an actor who got a
new role. Put yourself into that new frame of mind and have fun.

- Imagine that you are washing your whole energetic body, that you are washing
and grinding your ego, that you are transforming yourself and washing all the
heavy stains that have been stuck with you for many lifetimes. Imagine that you
are put into the great cosmic washing machine and that you are being totally
cleaned. Feel how you are completely permeated by the divine smell and purity.
Put yourself in this cosmic washing machine and wash your energetic body
clean. Feel the new smell of your own atmosphere just as you feel the new and
fresh smell of your clothes.

- Focus on the top of your head and feel that there is a fountain right on the top of
your head that you can open or close. Play with this fountain and open it for a
little while to feel how it flows through you, feel how it works. Do whatever it is
that you're doing during the day, open your fountain while you're taking a walk or
while you're having a conversation. Just open it and feel how it showers you,
protects you and guides you. Once you feel you don't need it so much, close it
and feel this too. Feel your fountain closed and feel that water within you. Feel
yourself as a source and as a guardian of your own fountain, of your own water,
of your own source.

- Tell yourself a story of your life. Sit down with yourself as if you are at a meeting
with a Deity itself and tell yourself your own story, tell yourself everything, make it
official. Schedule this meeting with yourself, make an atmosphere for this
meeting and conversation, set up everything and go on that meeting. Feel this
really. Feel as if you are talking to the highest forces, as if you are in front of the
high priests and high priestesses and tell your whole story. Enjoy the process.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Imagine yourself as a star in a movie that is your life. Feel yourself as an actor
in your own life, as a star of your life and feel and see all situations and
experiences as adventures from a movie, as scenes from a movie of your life.
Feel yourself as a performer. Feel your life as a performance. Try to imagine life
from this perspective as much as you can.
- Each day when you wake up, make sure that you ask the spirits of dreams and
night to leave you. Ask them to detach from you and ask the spirits of day and
spirits of light to come and take their place. Feel the connection with these spirits
of light within you. Let them come in. Tell them that they are welcomed and ask
all other entities and spirits to leave your field. Let this be your first task when you
wake up. And also when you're going to sleep, ask the spirits of night to guide
you and protect you during your sleep. Ask the spirits of light to be there still with
you. Feel them present in your auric body. Ask them to guide you through astral
planes that you visit while you sleep.

- Read a book. Find a new book that you haven't read before, something you've
always wanted to read perhaps or something you've never heard of before but let
it be something that speaks about things that awaken you. Find those books that
channel words of masters and great mystics. Find valuable books, books that
transfer real knowledge, books that decode symbols and hidden meanings of

- Keep your little daily journal for taking notes for each time you feel inspired, for
each time you get some new idea about something, for each meaningful question
that comes up to you, for each curiosity, for each feel good moment, for each
time you notice something unordinary either within yourself or in your
surrounding. Keep this journal, be present in life, connect with your world and let
your world connect with you too. Taking notes and writing has always been a
magical tool for connecting with your essential parts. Enjoy.

- Practice Rabbit Pose. Do your research about it, see how it’s done, what it
means, what it’s good for and start practicing it. This pose is known as
Sasangasana. This is a very powerful pose for releasing tension and stress, for
bettering your sleep and your mood, for your health, for your mental state of
being. Do your research about it and do it as many times as you want during the
day. If you find it uncomfortable, you can just do Child’s pose instead.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- How do I do self-reflection? What is self-reflection according to me? How often

do I go through self-reflection in my life?
- What is a true quality time for me? How would I define quality time? How do I
spend time with myself? How would I describe a quality time spent with myself?

- What kind of inspiration would I love to trigger in others? What kind of influence
would I enjoy having on others? What kind of role model would I love to be?
What does this tell me about myself?

- What kind of hidden knowledge would I love to learn, to have access to, to
discover? If I could choose a certain ancient hidden knowledge, what would it be

- What do I see and feel the moment when I close my eyes and use my intention
to turn within? What do I see when I am looking at myself? What kind of feeling
do I get when I am on my own, listening to the sound of myself?


What can Cancer expect in April

Dear Cancer, April has the power to redefine your life path and to redirect your
chosen direction. You are resolving things within your family, you’re growing up
emotionally and you may feel emotionally drained along the way, but you do need
draining from time to time so that you know when it is the right time for boosting
yourself again. There are many energy boosters for you in April and you’re
putting a lot of energy and effort into your health, your wellbeing, your vitality,
your energy level, your physical strength and endurance. Mars is in your sign this
whole month and this is very significant for you even though Mars is in its fall
when in Cancer since it cannot express itself fully, cannot express its active
energy in the way it’s used to. But this doesn’t mean that Mars is useless here,
on the contrary. Mars in Cancer is very persistent and strong, just be careful of
not being passive aggressive, and be direct with others and with yourself. Don’t
allow yourself to fall into emotional manipulations of any kind. You have a
motivation to do things even if they feel uncomfortable. You can be very
protective and maybe even overly self-protective. You may feel easily provoked
and emotionally triggered with Mars in your sign, so be aware of that too. Mars in
Cancer can be calm for a long time, can carry a lot of anger and resentment, but
once it explodes, it’s a tsunami. It's an emotional volcano so be aware of this too,
because this affects you directly. You can make the best of this transit when you
put your focus, energy and effort into your health, your exercise regime, your
vitality, your strength, your achievements. If you’ve been rejected for something,
for a certain project or an idea, give it a try now again with Mars in your sign.
Things can play out differently and you can take some risks.

On the 3rd of April Mercury enters Taurus and joins Uranus, North node and
Venus in your eleventh house of social circles, communities, team of people,
groups of people, friendships, associates and also your goals, dreams and
wishes. Mercury will be here for a long time, longer than usual due to its
retrograde motion that begins on the 21st of April and lasts until the 15th of May.
Mercury will be in Taurus all the way until the 11th of June. Now it’s direct during
the first three weeks and it brings you great communication with your friends,
agreements, deals and conversations with people from your social circles, with
people you work with, people you collaborate with. Sudden meetings with people
are possible, unexpected connections with people, unexpected conversations
and topics. You may reconnect with someone from your past too. You may be
thinking about old friends, old connections, people you haven’t seen or heard in a
while. There is a possibility of reconnecting with them again. But it’s also possible
to experience some misunderstandings and misinterpretations with those you’re
already involved with, with your existing friends and people from your team. This
is nothing to worry about. It is just a reminder for some things that need to be
resolved with others while Mercury is retrograde. You will also be reviewing and
reevaluating your wishes, dreams and goals for the future, your aspirations.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra in your fourth house, in your core
placement in the chart, your place of home, family, real estate, family relations,
roots, past, emotional attachments, emotional stability and security. This Full
Moon shines a light on your home and family matters and it brings things to a
head. It brings things to a culmination in these areas of your life. Some kind of
drama is possible between you and family members, something that needs to be
resolved, acknowledged, adjusted and changed. There are changes in your
home and family world, changes in your emotional setup. Some of you may
relocate or you may be searching for a new place to stay. You may be doing
something related to your home. You may be repairing, renovating, upgrading,
changing your environment. Expect things to come to a fruition in your home and
family world. Your emotions may be heightened during this time. You may feel
emotionally triggered and it’s time for you to grow emotionally, to mature, to look
at your closest relationships, look at your family dynamics and look at those who
feel like your family. This is Libra Full Moon so it’s a lot about relationships and
family connections. Something is brought to light in your family world and you
have to pay attention to it. It is a message for you and it has a strong effect on
your emotional wellbeing.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and shines a light in your hidden twelfth
house, bringing beauty, harmony and love through your twelfth house matters.
Venus in the twelfth house can bring hidden love, hidden emotions towards
someone, a love relationship that you keep as a secret or a love fantasy perhaps.
Your love life becomes more private, more hidden. It’s also a good time for
couples retreat, for therapies of all kinds, for healing wounds related to love
relationships, for understanding your past traumas, for healing anxiety and
subconscious fears through love and beauty, through poetry, through music and
dancing, through doing things that satisfy your deepest desires, your soul
desires. Venus also makes a trine aspect with Pluto, the lord of the underworld,
in your eighth house of rebirth, transformation, intimacy, deep psychology, inner
world, shadow work, shared resources, investments. This is a very profound
friendly trine even though Pluto makes an awkward angle with your sign. These
are Water houses, eighth and twelfth houses and you are a Water sign too. This
will have a powerful impact on you. Expect a deep transformation of your inner
world. You have an amazing opportunity to do something pleasurable and
enjoyable with Venus in your twelfth house. What nurtures you? What comforts
you? What makes you feel good and grounded? Beauty that you see in nature is
a reflection of your own beauty and Venus in your twelfth house wants you to
become more aware of that too. You may earn money through things you do
behind the scenes. You may be busy with things that are happening on the
inside. You are beautifying your inner world and you’re recognizing the power of
spiritual values. You are discovering spiritual values within yourself.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s another
important transit happening between the Sun and Jupiter. They are in conjunction
in your fellow Cardinal sign Aries and this happens on top of your chart, in your
tenth house of career, profession, reputation, success, social status, contribution,
your life path, your life direction, recognitions, public image, your role in the
world, your relationship with authority figures and father figures, your relationship
with your father. Sun is exalted in Aries and Jupiter also feels good in the fiery
sign of Mars. Jupiter expands everything it touches and here you have a very
powerful combination, authoritative energy and strong motivation in your tenth
house matters. You can achieve some truly powerful things in your career now.
You can contribute in amazing ways to society, to people around you. You can be
of great service to others and you may be very proactive about it. For some of
you this can be something really big and important, a recognition and an award
from those you work with or work for, or if you’re self-employed, this can be
another level of success. You may be more publicly exposed during this time.
Your career opportunities are expanding. Your opportunities for contribution are
growing and expanding too. This can be something that gets you out of your
comfort zone since this energy makes a square aspect with your sign, but it is
also very lucky and brings you success. It’s not only the Sun and Jupiter here this
month that are important but there’s also a New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in
Aries on the 20th of April. This is the second New Moon in a row that is
happening in Aries and it’s again a stellium of planets in Aries. This is very
powerful for new life direction, for new initiations related to your career, your
relationship with your father or with father figures, with authority figures.
Something karmic and destined is happening with your life path and this Eclipse
is a trigger for events that are going to unfold in the next two years. Something
big is happening with your public figure, your public image, how the world sees
you, how you present yourself in the world, your role in the world. You are able to
contribute in a more powerful way now and powerful doesn’t mean spectacular.
Powerful contribution can be you transferring knowledge to someone who is
interested in knowing what you know for example. You are very active and
proactive in achieving your goals now and the ruler of this Eclipse is in your sign
so you will be very persistent and able to make things happen.

On the 21st of April the Sun moves into Taurus and shines a light on your
friendships, your communities, your groups of people, your connections, your
social circles and also on your highest aspirations. Mercury is also here, Uranus
is here and the North node is here. A lot is going on in your social world now and
it will continue to be highlighted in the next month as well. Something significant
is happening with your friends or with your team. There is light in there and you
can celebrate things with others and you may be thinking of new plans and goals
for the future. You are reconsidering and revisioning your aspirations, your
dreams and goals.
Big significant positive things are highlighted in April. Family dynamics are pretty
much strong. Your relationship with your mother is significant too. Things can
culminate and you may feel as if you’re giving too much in the family. You may
feel as if you need to be there for yourself more. You may feel as if you’re getting
lost in family dramas and family vortexes. But it’s also time to resolve and heal
some of those things that are pulling you down. It’s an amazing time for dreaming
big dreams, for initiating things that may have seemed impossible, for being
persistent and for getting out of your own way.

Cancer relationship with inner self

Dear Cancer, you’re getting a special access to your hidden world now and it
won’t be a scary ride as it usually is but it will actually be pretty enjoyable and
beautiful. But what is truly an inner journey? Is there actually such a thing as an
inner journey? You realize now that everything is an inner journey. Every single
thing in your life is actually an inner journey. There is no journey outside of you.
Who is experiencing the journey? It’s you. Without you, there is no journey to be
experienced. Without you there is no story to be told, there is no meaning to
things that happen in life. Who gives things in life a meaning? You. Who
experiences life? You. So, how can there be any other journey besides an inner
journey? Everything that you experience in life is a direct result of your
interpretation, your perception, your projection, your witnessing. There is no
journey outside of you and you’re going to feel this strongly now. This gives you a
great sense of relief and liberation actually. Everything that you resist is also your
experience. Everything that you don’t agree with is your experience and your
journey too. It’s how you see it, how you perceive it, how you interpret it, how
attached or detached you are from the thing you’re looking at, from the thing
you’re experiencing, from the thing you’re witnessing. Your inner self is the one
who is always there. It is the one who cannot disappear or cease to exist. You
are learning and comprehending that it is not about being able to let go once in a
life, or a couple of times, but you are actually working on letting go continuously.
It’s a job that is done all the time and it becomes a natural thing that happens on
its own once you are really able to let go. So, letting go is something that
happens every day, every hour, every minute. It’s a process, it’s not a one time
event and you’re having a deep insight about it and why is that so. You may not
be able to explain it with words, but you will know it and understand it within
yourself which is way more important. It is something that is happening again and
again in the process of deconditioning yourself from conditioned beliefs and
learned behaviors and you’re about to enjoy the process. You’re discovering the
true beauty and value of doing it. You are discovering illusions that you’ve been
creating in order to protect yourself and you realize that healing is an everyday
process. You are also being grateful for things that didn’t work out. You now see
that you don’t actually need them, that they would be a burden and you are
grateful for everything that happens even when it seems like it’s working against
you, because now you know that everything is actually working in your favor. You
are going to discover your currency of life. You are going to see what currency
you use to walk through life. Are you using the currency of love or are you using
the currency of fear? What are your supplies of this currency? Where is the
source of it? From where do you gain your resources and supplies for life? You
are seen through temporary illusions and you will see that the whole world we
live in is actually built on those temporary illusions, temporary pleasures,
temporary values. All the madness of the world and relationships and families is
happening because of temporary illusions, because of struggles and battles that
happen because of those temporary illusions and pleasures. You will have a
clear vision of what these temporary pleasures are and how they manipulate and
control the whole world, whole lives, families, relationships, careers, spiritual
journeys, everything. People are afraid of losing temporary pleasures. They are
addicted to temporary pleasures because permanent pleasures need to be
earned through self-observation, self-awareness, self-cognition,
self-responsibility and discipline, knowledge and wisdom, deeds and contribution.
You are ready to confront your own temporary pleasures and to see them as they
are. When you see them for what they are, they start dissolving. You are not
pushing them away, you are accepting them and honoring them too and by doing
that, you are resolving them and releasing them.

Cancer relationship with others

Dear Cancer, your family dynamics are very important this month and your
relationship with your mother, with your father, with mother and father figures in
your life, with authority figures are very accentuated. There are important things
happening between you and these people, important revelations, endings,
beginnings, culminations and closures. Something may be brought to light
between you and your family members or between you and someone who feels
like a family. There is a culmination and possible drama in your closest
relationships with people, but there are also resolutions and adjustments,
releases and fulfillments. You may need to work on something in a particular
family relationship. You may have to stand up for yourself perhaps if you feel like
you’ve been giving too much of yourself in family dynamics. This can be a
culmination point. Things can come to a head and you may feel emotionally
triggered and provoked to react. Mars is also in your sign and you may just
explode unexpectedly or you may be passive aggressive in some way. But this is
all purposeful and it’s all happening for you so that you can improve your
relationships, your behavior, your attitude. You may feel as if your family is asking
too much sometimes and you just need some time on your own. These kinds of
things are very possible to come up during April. You can also expect renewal of
your relationship with your father or some kind of change and karmic event
related to your father whether he’s around or not. Your social world is highly
activated and you will have Mercury in your social eleventh house whole month
and Mercury will station retrograde on the 21st of April which can bring you
people from your past, old connections, old friends, old contacts, people you
haven’t heard or seen in a while, people you lost touch with for this or that
reason. But, during the first three weeks of April, Mercury is direct and it’s in
Taurus, together with Uranus and North node. Venus is also here until the 11th
and then the Sun enters Taurus on the 21st. Something valuable is happening
with your friends and your team, your group of people, your tribe. You are doing
something concrete with people. You may be building something together,
working together on something. It's a great month for socializing and for having
lots of conversations with lots of different people, with people from your
community, with people who you may be collaborating with. You are having many
conversations with friends and you are advised to have your conversations in
nature if you can or in beautiful environments. Make sure that you’re meeting and
connecting with people in places that are natural, that have beautiful
surroundings, that have natural ambience. This has a huge influence on the
outcome of those conversations and on the overall energy that is exchanged
between you and others. There are possible misunderstandings with your friends
and with people from your community this month and you’re advised to take care
of your words in your conversations, but not only your words, your gestures, your
body language, your attitude in conversation. All these things have a huge impact
on how others receive what you’re sharing and delivering. You have a great
chance to fix and correct things with others now. If you have wronged someone
or if someone wronged you, now is the best time to work on it and to resolve it, to
fix, to make it right.
Cancer love & romantic life in April
Dear Cancer, April has a lot in store for you when it comes to your love life and
it’s a month of blossoming and blooming. It’s a month of initiations and renewals.
You are focused more on things that make you feel grounded, peaceful, content,
comfortable and satisfied than on the things that make you feel too excited, too
enthusiastic, too exalted. You don’t need that kind of feeling. You know that
excitement is not love, enthusiasm is not love, exaltation is not love. You need
true peaceful expansion, peaceful and grounded fulfillment, satisfaction that
fulfills you on a deep level, something that provides emotional stability and
security and you’re working on getting there. You are on the road to peaceful and
grounded growth and expansion. You may want to keep your love life private.
You may want to go with your lover somewhere far away from the public eyes, far
away from distractions, far away from everyday stress. You have a need to
withdraw with your partner and to build something beautiful and worthy, to work
on quality time spent together. Some of you may be visiting a relationship
psychologist, a therapist for relationships. You may go on a retreat together,
somewhere where you can just relax and spend quality time together, where you
can see what this relationship really is without daily obligations, without daily
tasks and schedules, without distractions from the everyday world. You are going
to see what this relationship really is about when all these everyday layers are
removed. Some of you may be fantasizing about someone too. All these things
happen because of Venus transiting Gemini which is twelve signs far away from
your sign. This carries the symbolism of the twelfth house and this is something
hidden, secretive, private and it can also be something illusory and confusing. It
can also be a very spiritual connection, a very strong karmic connection
especially because Venus makes a supportive trine aspect with Pluto and Pluto
is in the eighth house of intimate relationships and partnerships, of merging with
another, of sharing all your resources with another. This can be an aspect of big
love and transformation of your values and priorities in love life. Venus in twelfth
house in trine with Pluto in eighth house can bring deep satisfaction, profound
fulfillment, powerful relationship, powerful commitment. But, be careful of
confusions and fantasies along the way too. You may also want someone who is
unavailable, someone you cannot be with. These kinds of fantasies are totally
useless and they are even dangerous. So, if you maybe feel that you’re moving
in that direction, step back and observe that need. See what you can learn from
it. If you’re single, you may have to work on discovering those patterns where
you fall in love with someone who is unavailable or who is unreachable or
someone who is somehow always letting you down. You are recognizing these
patterns now. Or you may be falling in love with people who need to be “fixed” in
some way, who need to be “saved” in some way and you end up fixing and
saving others. These are all patterns that need to be cracked and decoded and
you’re working on it now. Some of you may be thinking of past love relationships
too or you may reconnect somehow with old love. Venus in the twelfth house can
definitely bring past love connections in many different shapes and forms and
also through your dreams. It’s a deep and memorable month for love, dear
Cancer, and it’s very emotional, deep and sensual.

Cancer sex life in April

Dear Cancer, you are working with your sexual energy this month without even
knowing that you’re working with it perhaps. You have accumulated a lot of
energy lately. Mars has been in your twelfth house and this hasn’t been easy but
now you have Mars in your sign and that’s great support for you, even though
Mars is considered to be in its fall when in Cancer. But it’s in your sign after all
and in your first house and that’s what counts more in this case so you will have
that support on a level of energy, vitality and physicality. Mars represents sex
drive so you will have it. You won’t feel a lack of it. Your libido is strong and it’s
very active. If you’ve felt a bit off lately, if you’ve been feeling ill or sick in some
way, this is cleared now and you have a great opportunity to improve that now
and to come back to yourself, to feel strength and healthy sexual appetite. You
also have Venus in your twelfth house and these are pleasures, pleasures in bed,
intimate pleasures and what’s even better is that Pluto from your eighth house of
intimacy and sexuality trines Venus in your twelfth house. These are enjoyments
in bed, sexual enjoyments, powerful experiences of sexuality, transformation
through sexuality, liberation through sexual experience too. Venus in the twelfth
house can bring hidden love connection, hidden crush perhaps and in connection
with Pluto in eighth house it brings some secret and hidden sexual fantasies
perhaps. Just be careful of not getting lost in fantasies too much. But some of
you may be manifesting your sexual dreams during this time. Venus in your
twelfth house in trine with Pluto in eighth is really promising for sexual
experiences, for deep insights too, for meditation and sexuality, for metaphysical
use of sexuality, for altered states through sexual energy and for use of sexual
energy as transcendental bridge. This is not for everyone of course, but some of
you will have that kind of relationship with sexuality and sexual energy where you
dive deeper into your own intimacy, into the intimacy of your soul. This can be a
month where you’re totally enjoying the physical union with your partner and the
pleasures of your senses. These are very supportive aspects now and you can
feel exalted. Venus in twelfth house loves poetry and eroticism, loves the art of
the body and satisfactions of unconditional and unlimited pleasures. You can
taste some of that pleasure now and you can really feel the transformative power
of sexual energy and how it changes you.

Cancer career & purpose in April

Dear Cancer, April is a mega month for your career and your life path. Things are
changing, transforming and moving differently. New waves of changes are ahead
of you and you’re entering a whole new cycle of your role in the world. Last
month was also very important and strong when it comes to your contribution,
profession, reputation and career but this one is even more so. You had a New
Moon last month in Aries in your tenth house of career, mission, true vocation
and purpose and now you have another New Moon in Aries too, but this one is
Solar Eclipse New Moon. Jupiter is also here, Chiron is here, the Sun is here
until the 21st. Amazing powerful intense changes and challenges in your public
world, in your life direction, in your career. You can expect big shifts, karmic
events and meetings that redirect you and put you right where you should be. But
this is just the beginning of this series of Eclipses that is going to happen in the
Aries/Libra axis. The last time this cycle of Eclipses was active was back
between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also between the
end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. Think back to this time and see what big
changes and shifts were going on back then, what kind of things you’ve been
through, what lessons you’ve been through that are related to your career, your
life path, your family world, your mother and father, your public image, your
contribution to society, your ambitions, your reputation, your social status. Things
are about to change now and they’re expanded thanks to Jupiter here and there’s
a huge opportunity for healing these things too thanks to Chiron. You can expect
recognition from others, recognition from authority figures perhaps, recognition
from your boss if you’re employed, awards of some kind for the work that you’re
doing. But, some of you may also feel some kind of tension between you and
your boss, you and authority figures, you and father figures, you and your father.
This energy makes the square aspect with your sign and squares can be tense
and challenging, but they are ultimately liberating and carry a great potential for
creativity. You are trying to balance things between your home and work,
between your private and public life, between your mother and father, between
the known and the unknown. Venus in your twelfth house trines Pluto in your
eighth house and this can bring some secret investments, money that comes
from an unknown source, money that is hidden perhaps or earning through
something secretive. You may also gain money now through something or
someone. You may feel as if you have to hurry up and do something now in your
career world, or in your life direction. You may struggle with certain insecurities
when it comes to your opportunities for earnings, for career, for success. Don’t
rush, things won’t run away and don’t make any snap decisions now. You can
expect great new opportunities, big ones. Someone may offer you something
very good or your boss, your employers want to offer you something better now.
You are also contributing in a new way to the world. You realize that the essence
of contribution is not in doing something spectacular and huge, but in really
making a difference in somebody’s life and enjoying it. This is huge. Giving
someone a hand while crossing the street can be a huge thing if they have some
difficulties in crossing the street. Smiling at someone can be the greatest
contribution too. So, some things can really become more important than others
now and you are moving towards truer values in your life, towards things that
really have a meaning to you, to your heart and your soul, rather than to your
expectations and expectations of others.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra and it
illuminates your fourth house of home, family, family relationships, family
dynamics, people who feel like a family, people you live with, your place of living,
your literal house, your residency, your roots, your past, your mother, your inner
child, childhood, your house where you grew up, your emotional stability and
security, your emotional wellbeing and emotional maturity. This is a very
significant placement for Full Moon and it happens in the core of your chart, in
the heart of it. This is the root of your chart. These are your core emotions, your
relationship with your mother, mother issues and family dramas too. Full Moons
bring completions, closures, revelations, endings, drama, fruition, fulfillments,
disclosures and acknowledgments. This is a time when things that have been
invisible become visible. This is a time when things that have been hidden in the
dark come to light. This is a time when things that have been suppressed or
avoided become expressed and brought to you to see them and acknowledge
them. This all happens in your fourth house matters and you can expect possible
drama in your family or with those who feel like your family. There is a possible
tension, emotional reactivity and emotional provocation present in your home that
needs to be resolved. You are working on resolving things in your family world or
with your place of living, with your house situation, with real estate. Some of you
may plan on moving or you may actually move during this time. Relocations are
possible, change of living place, buying and selling real estate or a house or an
apartment. But you may be just finishing work around your home, you may be
finishing renovations and upgrades in your home. Expect culminations in your
home and family situations. Things may come to a head now. Something you’ve
been working on with a family member may come to its completion now. You may
feel a bit emotionally drained too with a certain family situation. Libra Full Moon is
about relationships, fairness, equality, justice and diplomacy. You may feel
emotionally provoked perhaps by a family member and you may have a need to
stand up for yourself. Moon is your ruler and this affects you strongly now since it
happens in your fourth house and this is naturally your house too. So, this can
have a very emotional influence on you and this activates your inner child and
inner mother too. You will be able to resolve certain mother issues or to at least
address them during this time. You are asked to pay more attention to your
emotional reactions, emotional instabilities and insecurities. Something needs to
be acknowledged and adjusted in these areas of your life. You are releasing past
traumas too during this time. It’s a very big lunation for you and tears may come
too. You may be crying and this is a brilliant and powerful way of releasing
emotions that have been blocked and imprisoned within you. Use the energy of
this Full Moon to feel yourself, to feel whatever there is to be felt, to reconnect
with your inner child and inner mother, to make things right with your mother
whether she’s around or not. You can do this within yourself. Use this energy to
nurture yourself, to take care of yourself, to find a way to be with your family, to
find kind words and ways to connect with your family and with those who feel like
your family. Use this energy to look at your emotional self and to contemplate on
your emotions, to observe them without identifying with them, to let them pass
through you and to allow them to come out without hurting anybody including

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Cancer
Dear Cancer, this is a Solar New Moon Eclipse that happens on the 20th of April
in the sign of fiery Aries. This is the second New Moon in a row that happens in
the sign of Aries but they are actually very different even though they happen in
the same sign. The previous New Moon in Aries happened on the very first
degrees of the sign while this one happens on the very last degrees of the sign.
The last degree is known as anaretic degree, critical degree and it carries the
energy of endings and beginnings. This is also Eclipse New Moon which makes it
more significant and intense and it makes a square aspect with your sign.
Eclipses are game changers and they bring important life-changing events.
Eclipses intensify karmic events, karmic manifestations and karmic resolutions.
They bring destined things, things that are meant to be and for you all this is
happening in your tenth house of career, success, profession, reputation, social
status, public image, your chosen path, your life path, your life direction, your true
vocation, your contribution and recognition, your role in the world, your
relationship with authority figures, with father figures, with father and with your
own authority. This is a time of endings and beginnings, of initiations, new
chapters and new storylines. These are powerful new opportunities for career, for
success, for recognition. You may be offered something big during this time since
Jupiter is here too, next to this Solar Eclipse and Jupiter expands everything it
touches. Your career is expanded in some way, there is abundance in your
career world, but there is also abundance in how you contribute, in what you
have to offer to the world, in how you affect and influence others and how the
world sees you. Your reputation is growing bigger perhaps and you may feel a bit
challenged. This Eclipse makes a square aspect with your sign and squares can
bring tension, pressure and crises. This only means that you may have to step
out of your comfort zone when it comes to your career, your mission, your
purpose, your profession. You may have to do something you’ve never done
before. This is Aries Eclipse so you are very proactive about it. You are motivated
to do it. You are encouraged to go for it even though you may doubt yourself and
you may feel insecure. Ruler of this Eclipse is Mars and Mars is in your sign. This
directly affects you and your decisions, your choices, your behavior. Your public
image is being renewed. Your role in the world is rejuvenated and refreshed. You
will be able to do some great things now. The last time this Aries/Libra series of
Eclipses was active was back between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning
of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. Things
you’ve been dreaming of back then may start manifesting now. Lessons you
have skipped back then may come back now so that you can learn them. Things
you’ve avoided back then may come back now to be faced. Chances you’ve
missed may come back so you can make the best of it now. This series of
Eclipses will be active in the next two years. Things about what big changes have
been happening in your life in those times, what has been happening with your
mother, with your father, with your contribution, with your reputation, with your
social status, with your own authority, with other authority figures, with your home
and family. All these areas of your life will be affected by these Eclipses. This one
now in April is the beginning, the initiation of something new in your career and a
reminder of what a true abundance in life really is, what a true contribution, an
essential contribution is. Your role in the world doesn’t have to be any mega role,
any huge role. But, if you are centered, if you know your mission, if you know
what fulfills you, if you know what kind of contribution warms you and lifts you up,
you have then found the greatest of them all, no matter how insignificant that role
may seem to others. If it fills your heart and soul instead of only filling your
pockets and body, go for it. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you don’t do things
that bring you money. But, if you do things that you do only for the sake of
earning, you cannot really feel abundance because you always worry about
temporary pleasures and survival. But when you do things that fill your heart, you
already fill up everything else and you always have more than enough. And by
following this path, you probably end up having even bigger and fuller pockets
than if you were only doing something that is for the sake of surviving and living a
comfortable life.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Cancer, your Tarot card for April is Temperance upright. This is a card of
patience and purpose. It is about steadiness and the middle path. This is the
wisdom of the middle path, and you’re introduced to this wisdom now. This is
also a card of balance and moderation. Here we see an angel with wings, and
the angel balances with one foot in water and the other on land, which represents
spiritual and material realms. This means that there is a right balance between
matter and spirit, between reality and dreams, between the conscious and
unconscious. The angel has no gender, so this card also represents equality
between genders, equality between feminine and masculine principles. There is
a balance between the two. On the robe of the angel, we see a triangle inside of
a square. This is again balance and harmony between spiritual and material,
between the holy trinity and four sides of the world, the material plane and the
holy plane, tangible and intangible, seen and unseen, and known and unknown.
The Angel pours water between two golden cups. Water flows between the cups;
this is about finding balance between higher and lower, between two extremes.
This card represents perfect harmony and balance. There are probably going to
be situations in your life where you’ll have to be patient and stable instead of
reacting quickly. Avoid quick judgments and quick decisions during this
time—patience is needed, moderation is needed, and stability is needed. Don’t
react quickly and immediately. Wait, and slow down. Your lesson under this card
is to learn to remain calm in the midst of the storm, and with this card pulled out,
you will definitely be supported to do so. You have the ability to remain calm and
centered, to control your behavior, to control your reactions, and to be peaceful
during chaos. This card means that you do find this harmony now within—you
are capable of achieving this harmony. You are able to resist extremes now, and
this will serve you in a good and positive way. You are able to control your
emotions now. You are able to control wild and uncontrollable emotions. There is
a centeredness and serenity around you and within you. This card reminds you
not to make decisions in the midst of the problem, in the midst of the storm, but
rather to wait for when things are clearer and calmer. Don’t make decisions
based on intense emotions. This card can also mean that there is someone who
has all these characteristics in your life during this time, and this person will be of
great help to you. This card represents maturity and a person who knows their
own path—this is someone who knows their purpose. This card also means that
there’s something in your life that could be out of control, but you are going to
recognize it and bring it into balance. This is also a balance between you and
somebody else. This can also mean a new relationship or new balance in an
existing relationship. You are more able to adjust to different situations and
different people because there’s this inner peace inside of you—there’s a greater
and higher understanding and knowing of things. Your calmness gives comfort to
others, and what’s most important is it gives comfort to you. Remember
tranquility, serenity, peace, calmness, harmony, and balance. Cultivate and
nurture these qualities now. Express these qualities, and try to act and react
under the rulership of these qualities.

The most impactful planet for Cancer in April

Dear Cancer, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler the Moon. Both
lunations this month happen in key areas of your life. They both happen in
Cardinal signs and you are also one of four Cardinal signs. Full Moon happens in
Libra, in your fourth house of home and family, roots and childhood, mother and
emotional stability, inner child and emotional maturity. New Moon Solar Eclipse
happens in Aries, in your tenth house of profession, success, career, reputation,
recognition, contribution, vocation, mission, purpose, authority figures, father
figures, father and your own authority. These are very important events for you
and they affect you strongly and directly. These are times of significant shifts in
these areas of your life. Things are culminating in your home and family world.
You are resolving things with family and some of you may be moving or
relocating. Things change on your path and new opportunities arise in your
career. You are renewing your relationship with your father or you’re resolving
things with father figures in your life.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to use the energy of the Moon in the most empowering, constructive,
useful and inspiring way, you should work with your own qualities, examine your
own values and qualities, observe yourself, investigate yourself and see what are
your qualities, virtues and values. Focus on them, express them as much as you
can, manifest your qualities, virtues and values. If you don’t know your qualities,
virtues and values, start discovering them. This is a must. If you don’t know these
things, you don’t know yourself. Make sure you express these things when it’s
hardest to express them, when you feel challenged the most, when you feel
provoked by others, express your qualities, virtues and values. This is what
counts. This is what polishes you as a human being. This is what crystalizes you.
Express your qualities with your family members, express your virtues and
qualities at your work, with your authority figures, with your father, with your
mother, with your close friends. Work on empowering these things. Amplify
yourself, train your best self, work on these things, practice being the best that
you can be. Don’t suppress your emotions. Let them exist. Let them express
themselves without hurting others or yourself. Do the best with what you already
have. Connect with the Moon, with your inner Moon as well. Imagine all phases
of the Moon within yourself. Feel how the Moon is waning and waxing within you.
Feel its brightness when it’s full and feel the rebirth and renewal when it starts
waxing after the Dark Moon phase. Do your research about the phases of the
Moon, explore the astrological meaning of the Moon, the symbolism of the Moon
and the influence of the Moon. Do your research about Eclipses too. Observe
your emotions and feelings and see how they’re fluctuating, see how they’re
changing. Keep your journal of emotions and feelings and write down how you
feel every hour. Keep it short. It doesn’t have to be a big description of how you
feel. You will see how many different states and feelings and emotions go
through you during the day. You are always going through changes and your task
is to try to rise above those fluctuations and try to observe them without being too
identified with them.

Healing tips for Cancer in April

- Write down your own sentence that celebrates life, a sentence that awakens a
really deep feeling within you, feeling of joy and love, feeling of presence and
blessing. Write down this sentence with your intention to bring it to life and then
sing it. Sing this sentence in any way you want. Play with the melodies, Change
them every day if you want or stick with one melody if that's how you feel it. Sing
your own sentence of affirming life and celebrating life, your own magical formula
for blessings and joys in life. Enjoy it and have fun.

- Imagine that you are watching a world through the perspective of a bird. Feel
the life of this bird and feel its perception. Fly from one branch to another.
Communicate with nature through sounds and moves. Move from one place to
another. Connect with other birds from your nest. Tweet and rejoice each
morning. Feel the aliveness of everything around you. Feel the life through
everything. Feel the sky. Feel the air through which you move. Feel the wind.
Feel the motion. Enjoy the perspective of a bird. Fly and visit as many places as
you can.

- Every night before sleep, think about your ancestors, about those who passed
away. Think about all of them. Make a little prayer for them and ask them to help
you if they can and to let you go if they have unfulfilled desires to manifest them
through you. Tell them you want to build your own and you don't want to be
interrupted by their desires.

- Practice any kind of meditation. See what works for you. Experiment. You can
try active, dynamic meditation, walking meditation, showering meditation, running
meditation, lying meditation, sitting meditation, singing meditation, any kind of
meditation that works for you. Practice. Try to be as much present as you can, as
much focused as you can on what you are doing. If you are walking, become that
walking. If you are taking a shower, become that showering. If you are running,
become that running. If you are just sitting in silence, become that silence and so
on. Practice, experiment, grow and enjoy.

- Express your highest values every day. Observe yourself every day during the
day and catch your brightest and highest moments and increase them, boost
them even more, make them shine, enhance your qualities. Do not miss your
brightest moments, your greatest qualities and work on them. Do not focus on
your lower expression. See them and accept them, but work on your highest
expressions. Imagine that they are growing on a tree of life. They come to fruition
and feel how new ones come after them, more beautiful and stronger.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Create your own perfect atmosphere at your place. Make everything perfect for
your meditative state, for relaxation, for making yourself feel good. Create your
own ambience and atmosphere. Your space is an extension of your energy field
and it affects you more than you can imagine. Make it beautiful, cleanse it, let
some light inside, play sounds from nature, calming sounds, refreshing and
healing, let the fresh air come in, use an incense, use a thyme, use essential oils,
purify your space, bring in new things, get rid of old things that only collect the
dust and as you do this, feel how you are doing this on an inner level too, with
your inner space and inner home. Enjoy this, enjoy your space, make yourself
feel good, make a beautiful atmosphere around you and within you.

- Take a daily walk and try to do this in the morning. Get up a bit earlier and try to
make this your first activity in the morning, before your coffee or tea, before your
breakfast, before work. First do your morning walk. Try to give your best to make
yourself do this. If you have too many obligations and duties for a day, just wake
up one hour earlier and take a walk at least half an hour and then return to your
daily activities. This will set a beautiful and relaxing tone to your whole day. But
don't take a walk with your thoughts occupied with the things you have to do
after. Enjoy this morning walk. Be present. Feel each step you take. Feel each
movement of the body. Feel your breathing. Be there. Become the walk. If you
don't make it in the morning, don't skip it. Do it any time during the day when you
can. But try to do it in the morning. Keep trying.

- Be your own best friend. Do things for yourself that you would do for your best
friend. Make yourself feel comfortable in any situation. Give yourself a gift. Take
yourself out. Spend quality time with yourself. Listen to your favorite music and
sing. Give yourself a break from usual routines and daily habits. Pick one day
where you will just do whatever it is that you want to do.

- Try to walk throughout the day without any expectations from others. Try to put
yourself into this frame of mind as much as you can. Don't expect anything. Don't
count on anybody's love and support. Decide that you are going to love and
support yourself and others without expecting anything in return. Try to live like
this. Experiment for one day, two days, three days, ten days... See where it takes
you. This doesn't mean that you are giving all the time to everyone, this only
means that you take good care of yourself and you give and love without
expecting anything in return. Experiment, practice, see how this makes you feel.

- Practice Garland Pose. Do your research about it, see what it’s good for, see
how it’s done and start practicing it. This pose is known as Malasana. This is a
very powerful pose and if you do it every day for a couple of days, you are
definitely going to experience a wonderful change physically, mentally and

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What are the things that emotionally drain me and exhaust me? What are the
things that emotionally provoke me and trigger me? How often do I feel
emotionally triggered and provoked? How do I deal with these things?

- Where am I putting the most of my energy, effort and action? Into what am I
investing the most of myself? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are my best reminders for self-love in life? Who and what are my greatest
teachers of self-love?

- What does my inner home feel like to me? Do I feel comfortable in my own
inner home or does it need some upgrades, renovations, innovations? What can
I do to improve my inner home?

- What are my soul’s desires? What satisfies my soul? How do I know the
difference between my egoic desires and my soul’s desires?


What can Leo expect in April

Dear Leo, April is a month of wisdom and knowledge for you. It’s a month of
great lessons and big updates of your beliefs. You are also getting over
something. It can be anything that’s been very important to you, something
you’ve wanted to achieve for a long time may not have the same strength
anymore and you feel free from it. This is not something that you’re still
passionate about. This is something that’s been a burden to you. You are not
doing it anymore. You’re done with it. You are socially fulfilled this month and
you’re visiting many places and connecting with beautiful people, with beautiful
souls on many levels. You are using your skills in many ways and your
multi-talented nature is recognized by others. Your thoughts are refreshed and
there are some thought patterns that may explode during this time in order to be
dissolved. You are changing the way of expressing your thoughts and the way
you process thoughts and emotions.

On the 3rd of April Mercury enters your fellow fixed sign Taurus and joins Uranus,
North node and Venus in your tenth house of career, profession, vocation,
success, reputation, social status, contribution, authority figures, father figures
and father. This area of your life has been highlighted and accentuated for a long
time and you’ve done a lot of work in this area of your life, but it’s not finished yet
when it comes to big transitions and shake ups. Of course, as long as Uranus is
here it will be shaky and challenging, but also very awakening and liberating in
your career, in your relationship with your father, in things related to your success
and public image. Mercury also goes retrograde here in your tenth house on the
21st of April and will be retrograde until the 15th of May. Mercury is direct during
the first three weeks of April and Venus is also here during the first eleven days
of the month. Expect supportive business conversations, contracts, deals,
agreements, plans and ideas for achieving your goals, concrete ideas and plans.
You are investing in your career now and with Mercury here you will probably be
learning more about things that you’re doing, learning about career, learning
more about the role that you want to play in the world, learning how to be of
service. When Mercury stations retrograde you will have enough time to
reevaluate and reconsider your career, your life path, your way of doing things
that you do. You are questioning your professional life. You are questioning your
role in the world and you will be fixing and correcting things related to your public
persona and your relationship with your father perhaps. You will have a second
chance for something in your tenth house matters. Second chance for career
success, second chance for making things right with a certain authority figure,
second chance for achieving certain goals that you’re passionate about. The Sun
enters Taurus on the 20th of April, one day prior to Mercury’s retrograde walk.
The Sun is here to help you and enlighten your life path, to show you what needs
to be done, to show you the way. The Sun represents authority, father, power,
ego, willingness and with the Sun in the tenth house in the sign of Taurus, you
will have a very strong willingness to pursue your goals, to pursue your role and
to contribute in the way you want to contribute.

Mercury makes a square aspect to Pluto in Aquarius on the 3rd of April too and
this energy can bring you some tension and possible conflict with a partner that is
related to your work, your employment, your career. Authority figures play a very
important role in your life now and you may get in conflict with someone who has
some kind of power, someone who is dominant but you’re also going to resolve
things with this person and to make things work out in the right way. This is
actually something that serves you now and this conflict or disagreement can
lead you towards something that can turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra, shining a light in your third house
of everyday connections and communications. Expect emotional conversations,
important conversations, things coming to light through conversations. Expect
news and messages that reveal something to you. You are connecting with
people and exchanging ideas and stories. Pay attention to messages and words
you hear or read in your everyday life during this time. Synchronicities are strong
and what you’re thinking about may be manifested quickly. Things are coming to
a fruition, things you’ve been working on. You may go on a short trip where you
learn something significant, something that changes your thought patterns,
something that makes you think differently, something that changes your
perspective. Your relationships with younger brothers and sisters are significant
now too, with relatives, with neighbors, with people from your local community.
You may do something with these people now, your role in the local community
may be significant. This is the energy of learning and teaching and you may learn
something that strongly affects your way of thinking and your way of
communicating with others. The ruler of this Full Moon is Venus and she’s in the
tenth house of father, career, reputation and life direction. So, this energy can
also show you something you didn’t know before related to your father, your
career, your contribution and life path.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and shines a light in your social
eleventh house of friendships, groups of people, social circles, team work,
communities, networking and also your hopes, dreams and wishes, your desires.
This is an amazing energy for your social life, your friends, your friendships, your
love life too. You are socially busy in a beautiful way. Venus here brings you a
connection with beautiful souls, with people who are charming and charismatic.
You are involved in many different communities and groups of people since this
is Gemini energy. You are in many places with many different people. If you have
some kind of community you are going to see its growth now. Venus is also a
planet of values and finances so she can bring you money and earnings through
your communities, your fans, your clients if you have them. You are enjoying time
spent with friends. You are celebrating things with others in a beautiful way. You
are enjoying good times. You are enjoying good food in good company. It is very
good energy and Venus makes a trine with Pluto too. Pluto is in your seventh
house of one-on-one relationships and this energy can bring you improvements
in relationships, beautiful encounters, harmonious partnerships and comfort
through your relationships. This is very lucky and benevolent energy for you and
you can definitely expect great things through your friendships and communities,
through your relationships and collaborations. Venus will be here until the 7th of

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini, there’s another significant aspect
happening and that is the conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter. The Sun
shines a light on Jupiter while Jupiter expands the rays of the Sun and enriches
its expression. This is a very powerful combination and it brings you courage,
motivation, willpower and decisiveness. This happens in your fellow Fire sign
Aries, shining a light in your ninth house of long distance travels, international
connections, international business journeys, adventures, education, higher
education, graduation, studying, learning, teaching, advertising, marketing,
publishing, launching. This is a place of wisdom and higher meaning, spiritual
pursuits and higher knowledge, higher mind and higher self. This is a search for
truth. This is about self-knowledge and self-realization. Sun and Jupiter together
here bring you golden opportunities and possibilities for achieving great things in
these ninth house matters. This energy has already been active strongly in
March. You are gaining more wisdom and knowledge that can set you free. You
are changing your beliefs in a way that you are free from things you thought are
good for you perhaps. There are certain beliefs that can seem as very productive
and useful, but some of them may turn out to be totally imprisoning actually and
you’re freeing yourself from those kinds of limiting beliefs. This Aries energy is
extremely strong this month too and that’s not only because of the Sun and
Jupiter’s conjunction, but because there’s a Solar Eclipse happening here too
this month and this is the first Eclipse in 2023. Eclipse happens on the 20th of
April and this is the second New Moon in a row that happens in the sign of Aries.
So, these themes have already been strong last month and now they become
even more evident and enhanced. Eclipses are intense and life-changing events.
You may be traveling now or planning a long distance trip. International
connections are powerful and there are karmic connections with people who live
in different countries, who come from different cultures, religions, traditions,
nationalities and beliefs. Expect life-changing connections with people, especially
with foreigners. Your beliefs are changing in a very transformative way too. Some
of you may begin a very passionate spiritual journey now. You are inspired by
spiritual teachings in a magnificent way. You may start studying something very
significant. You are hungry for knowledge and wisdom and this hunger will unlock
many new and different paths for you.

Mars is in Cancer this whole month and this activates your twelfth house. You
may have a bit of trouble sleeping and resting. Mars is restless in the twelfth
house and also in the sign of Cancer. It cannot express itself in the best way. This
is active energy that wants to express itself outward, that wants to do things. It is
energetic and it gets things done. Twelfth house is about resting, relaxing,
dreaming, fantasizing, imagining, visualizing, singing, dancing, meditating, being,
diving deep into the ocean of yourself, exploring your depths and subconscious
realms. So, it is truly powerful if you put your energy and efforts into these kinds
of things, into spiritual work, into learning how to take a rest, how to relax, into
finding some time to be on your own. You are putting energy into subtle energies.
You are accumulating energy. Taking a walk in nature every day could be the
best thing that you can do for yourself, your vitality, your health, your drive, your
motivation and willingness. This is the best time for meditating, clearing your
mind, spending time near water, looking at the sea or any water surface, lakes,
rivers or oceans, observing the waves regardless of how small or big they are,
listening to the sound of water, listening to the sound of birds, being active in
nature, in meditation, in understanding yourself and your reactions, actions and
Leo relationship with inner self
Dear Leo, you are exploring the journey of your soul now and you are interested
in learning more about karma, about different dimensions, about how you come
into this life, how you leave this life, what is this life, what are dreams, how do
you dream, how do you think, how do you speak, how do you breathe. These are
very deep and key questions actually but they get lost in everyday life. They
become less important in life full of obligations and work. These kinds of
questions and thoughts wake up your intuitive center. These kinds of thoughts
activate the right hemisphere of the brain and your codes of spirit and soul. You
are thinking about the soul and the spirit. What is the soul? What is the spirit?
Where do you feel them? How do you feel them? You are examining these
questions. You are searching for wisdom. You are asking what is wisdom? Who
are wise people? What you can learn from them? Do they exist? Where are
they? What do wise people do? Some of you may connect with a spiritual
teacher now. You may connect with someone who can have that kind of influence
on you. Your ninth house is very strong and active this month and you have
Jupiter here together with Chiron and the Sun and then you have the New Moon
Solar Eclipse happening here. These are blessings in these areas of your life,
spiritual blessings, blessings through knowledge and wisdom, blessings through
spiritual teachers and people who feel like spiritual teachers. You also have Mars
in your twelfth house of meditation, contemplation, relaxation, spiritual journey,
transcendence, liberation, oneness, unity, altered states, withdrawal, retreat and
self-healing. Mars is here the whole month and you are going to feel that energy
that is turned towards these subtle things, these invisible and unknown things,
these subconscious things. Subconsciousness is like an invisible monster, the
unknown and dark place that we know nothing about. The passage is narrow but
the space is infinite. Subconsciousness can be scary and ugly, hard to deal with if
you look at it from the perspective of learned behavior. But, this month you’re out
of learned behavior. You’re busting the learned behavior. You’re revealing what is
learned behavior and this can be shocking for some of you because you didn’t
know how much of your personality is built upon those learned behaviors.
Everything is consensus in this world and everyone leaves according to those
rules and regulations that are aligned with the collective, with what is acceptable,
what is considered to be “normal”, what is moral or immoral, what is good or bad.
You are breaking free from many of those learned agreements, laws and rules.
So, subconsciousness is something that becomes your obsession perhaps this
month. You may have a very strong need to learn and explore
subconsciousness, to see how it works, how it functions, where it is, what it
hides, what it holds, what it reveals. You are interested in deeper mental
processes and you will be inspired by your own material, your own mental field.

Leo relationship with others

Dear Leo, you have beautiful events and connections with people this whole
month. Your relationships are glowing and you can expect harmonious
relationships, help and support from others, comforting people and
conversations, valuable friendships and precious new meetings or reconnections.
You have Full Moon this month in your third house of siblings, relatives,
neighbors, local community and random people you meet in your everyday life.
These connections will be significant around the time of the Full Moon and some
things may be brought to light now in your social life. Something can culminate
and it should be something good since this Full Moon is in sextile aspect with
your sign. This is Libra Full Moon and Libra is an Air sign. Air and Fire
collaborate very well together and this can bring you amazing manifestations in
your social life. Expect support from your siblings and those who feel like them.
Expect something emotional and liberating with your relatives or with your
neighbors too. It’s all about relationships during this Full Moon and actually this
whole month is very strong when it comes to relationships of all kinds. Pluto has
just entered your opposite sign of Aquarius in March and Venus enters Gemini on
the 11th of April and highlights your eleventh house of friends, communities and
groups of people. Venus in your eleventh house is a very powerful social transit,
very beautiful and uplifting. You are connecting with people from different
communities. Your team work is going well. You feel supported by others. You
feel love between you and others. You feel support and beauty in your
relationships. You are enjoying good times with people. Your social life is rich and
worthy. You feel beautiful in the company of others. You are reminded of true
values in friendships and relationships, of true worth, of what’s precious and what
counts. You are visiting concerts with friends, going out, having a drink, having
dinner. You are invited to parties or you prepare a gathering at your place. You
enjoy good times with others, good food, good drinks, quality time with people,
quality conversations, quality moments. With Venus here, you are involved in
many different social circles and you can connect different types of people. You
can play an important role in connecting others in a significant way. Some of you
may be correcting and renewing your relationship with your father or with father
figures in your life, with dominant people in your life. Mercury will be retrograde in
your tenth house of father and authority figures and you may experience some
kind of conflict or disagreement with a boss or with father, with mother, with
anyone who has that role of authority in your life. And you have a chance to
renew and rejuvenate that relationship, to improve it. Your international
connections are shining brightly. Your relationships with foreigners, with people
who live overseas are really golden and they are inspiring and uplifting. You are
inspired by these connections and some of you may travel and connect with
amazing human beings, with amazing souls. This month is like a jewel in your
social world and you can really feel a sense of abundance through connecting
with people, with communities, with individuals who think differently and live

Leo love & romantic life in April

Dear Leo, you are finding and recognizing love everywhere, in everything, in
everyone, in yourself and in nature, in other people, in your family, in your
neighborhood, in your friends, in your home, on the street, in your dreams. You
are seeing love everywhere and this brings you a special feeling of being one
with everything, of feeling that oneness. Even when you feel down, even when
bad things happen, even if you fail in things in life, love guides you and carries
you when you allow it to guide you and carry you. You are attracting love in your
life now and your love relationships look good too. There is only one possible
tricky thing at the very beginning of the month and that is the square between
Mercury and Pluto that happens on the 3rd of April. Pluto is now in your seventh
house of relationships, marriage, union and commitments and Mercury is in your
tenth house of father, authority figures, career, reputation, public role and life
direction. These two areas of your life, your career and your marriage, may
somehow be in conflict and you will be able to resolve it and see what are your
priorities and how you can make things right now. But, this is nothing to worry
about really. On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and shines beautifully in
your social eleventh house. Gemini is also a social sign and the eleventh house
is the house of friendships, communities, groups of people, social circles,
gatherings and social events. Venus is a planet of love, beauty, harmony,
comfort, pleasures, and love relationships. You can expect something very loving
and valuable now in your friend zone. A friend can become a lover during this
time, a friend may introduce you to someone, to a new potential partner. Those of
you who are single will have many opportunities for connecting with someone
who is really beautiful in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally and
spiritually. You may connect in a romantic way with someone from your
community or your team. Those of you who have relationships will probably
spend more time together with your partner and your friends. You will have good
moments together. You both will be invited to certain gatherings, celebrations and
events. You spend time with your partner who is also your best friend. Venus also
makes a positive trine aspect with Pluto in your seventh house of relationships
and this is very powerful, can bring big love into your life and show you how big
your love is actually. These are big love stories and also big transformations of
your partnership, your marriage, your unions. But these are positive
transformations now. It is a trine aspect and this is friendly energy with Venus.
Your friends support your love relationship, your love choice and this means a lot
to you or your friends remind you of the qualities of your love relationships.
These things are very active this month in your life and you’re reminded of the
true value of a relationship. You are learning more about how to express your
love towards others. Love resources are endless. They cannot be exhausted,
only multiplied and expanded and you’re spreading that awareness amongst
others which gives you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Leo sex life in April

Dear Leo, your sex life is somewhat different this month in a way that your
energy is directed differently. You feel it differently and you express it in a more
artistic and subtle way. This is happening because of Mars in your twelfth house
and Mars carries the energy of sexual drive. Mars doesn’t really feel good in
twelfth house, doesn’t really feel comfortable. What is Mars planet of passion,
action, proactivity and energy doing in the twelfth house of meditation, sleeping,
resting and relaxation? Mars can feel frustrated here. Mars doesn’t sleep. Mars
doesn’t meditate. Mars is also in Cancer and Mars is in its fall when in Cancer.
So, this sexual drive can feel a bit tamed, a bit imprisoned in some way and
therefore you may feel a little bit frustrated or irritated, not knowing how to
channel this energy. But, if you know what Mars in twelfth house in Cancer is
good for, you can actually create a magic now. You can change your approach
and try some different things now. Play soothing music, calming music,
something atmospheric and sensual, slowly trigger your senses, create a poetic
and romantic ambience. Create a loving atmosphere, calming and soothing,
relaxing and inspiring. Use lamps with subtle colors and lights. Use massage as
a way of relaxing and feeling your body. Massage can become the best sexual
pleasure actually and it can be very healing as well, it can be meditative and
pleasurable at the same time which is actually the perfect way to channel this
energy this month. Massage stimulates you and relaxes your muscles and your
whole body and when you are fully relaxed, you can recover your energy levels,
you can improve your vitality and health and you can enhance the intimate
pleasure. You are enjoying different ways of exploring and experiencing senses
and pleasures. Sound of water can be very powerful now too since Mars is in
Cancer which is a water sign and it’s in the twelfth house which is ruled by
Pisces, another Water sign. You can play water sounds in the background or find
some relaxing music with sounds of water, sound of water drops perhaps. You
can stimulate your sexual energy beautifully in this way. You can use essential
oils and diffusers to fulfill the whole atmosphere with beautiful and healing natural
smells. So, these details are important now and you know how to make the most
out of this energy this month. It’s time to be creative and to connect health,
pleasure and vitality, to connect the beauty of sexual expression with healing and
with relaxing. You can have it all really. The key is in knowing how to use this
energy when it’s manifested in different ways.

Leo career & purpose in April

Dear Leo, this area of your life is not resting and it doesn’t seem like you will
reach final stability as long as Uranus is here. Uranus is constantly activated
through other transits and aspects and Uranus will be in your house of career
until the spring of 2026. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you won’t have any
stability in your career, in your professional world, but it won’t be full stability. It
will be shaken up from time to time because there are big awakenings and
changes happening for you on that level. Your way of contributing to society is
still going through big changes, transitions and upheavals. This area of your life
has been strongly affected ever since Uranus has entered Taurus in 2018. And
this area of your life has gone through many changes already, especially
between the end of 2021 and now, due to Eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio. This isn’t
over yet. Eclipses are still active here this year and the last one will happen in
late October. So, you are definitely going through big shifts and changes, through
big processes related to your life path, your career, your profession, your
reputation, your contribution, your public image. This month brings a lot of
improvements and corrections and the next one brings renewals and new
beginnings, expansions and beginning of the new cycle for you in your career.
Jupiter will enter Taurus in the middle of May and this is a next twelve year cycle
for you and your career, you and your life direction. Jupiter will be here one whole
year, but we’ll talk about it in the next month. You are now preparing for that
expansion and new opportunities for expressing your talents, gifts and abilities.
Mercury is in your tenth house of career and authority figures and it will be here
all the way until the 11th of June due to its retrograde motion that starts on the
21st of April. Expect signing contracts, documents, having conversations and
meetings related to employment, career, new position, recognition, promotion.
You may be talking in public. You may be exposed more than usual with Mercury
here together with Uranus and North node. Venus is also here until the 11th of
April and these first ten days of the month can bring you something harmonious
and soothing in your professional life. Your qualities and values will be
recognized. Once Mercury stations retrograde you will be reevaluating,
questioning, revisioning your decisions and choices in career, in work that you
do, in your contribution and in your relationship with authority figures. You will
have an opportunity to improve things here, to correct something, to make things
right. You will have a second chance to make something, to come back to
something you’ve started, something you’ve planned on doing, something that is
left unfinished perhaps. You also have a lot going on in your ninth house. You
have Eclipse here with Jupiter and this is very good for international connections,
for work overseas, for work with foreigners, for traveling and working, for learning
and studying. You may be graduating or starting something that will bring you
higher education and a higher degree. You can expect success in academic
studies if you are studying or if you’re just starting something. You are also using
your skills in a way that can serve you thanks to Full Moon in your third house.
Things related to marketing, advertising, social media, online business,
publishing, writing, teaching, learning can bring you success and you can
definitely show your qualities through these activities.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra
illuminating your third house of younger brothers and sisters and those who feel
like them, relatives, neighbors, local community, everyday connections and
communications, short trips, local trips, learning, teaching, writing, reading,
sharing information, news and messages, marketing, webinars, seminars,
devices, vehicles, transport, driving, learning and developing skills, expressing
yourself verbally, speaking, being socially active. This is a very dynamic
placement, very social and intellectual too. Full Moons are times of completions,
endings, closures. These are times when things become known, revealed,
disclosed, acknowledged, times when things come to an end or when things
come to a fruition. This is the time of culminations and fulfillments. So, something
may be revealed now between you and your siblings, something may be brought
to light or you may be sharing some important information now with others.
Expect news and messages from your brothers and sisters or about your
brothers and sisters. These should be positive and uplifting messages. You may
go on a short trip with your siblings and it can be emotional. You are developing
stronger relationships with others. You may connect with your relatives or your
neighbors in a more significant way now. Something emotional may happen in
your local community between people. This is Libra Full Moon and it has to do
with relationships. So, it’s all about communication with others now, It’s how you
communicate, how you express your thoughts, how you connect with others and
how you influence each other in these relationships. Something can come to its
full circle now with others. Things are culminating in your social world and this
can mean for example that you’re finally going on that trip you’ve been trying to
schedule for so long. Expect great conversations with others, intellectual
conversations, conversations where you can understand each other,
conversations that are full of mutual support and respect, conversations that are
meaningful and that may be even business related in some cases since the ruler
of this Full Moon is Venus and she’s in Taurus in your tenth house of career and
profession. You may finally be able and ready to say something you’ve been
trying to say to others, something you’ve been planning to say or do. You can do
it now. Full Moon is time to do, say, acknowledge and release things you haven’t
been ready or capable of doing before. It's the time when you see something you
haven’t been able to see before. So, you may also see your thought patterns that
you weren’t able to recognize before. You have an opportunity to let go of certain
thought patterns that are not serving you and to get over something that’s been
burdening your thoughts and perspectives. Words have huge power now too so
make sure you know how to use your words, especially in your one-on-one
conversations with people. You may have a strong influence on others with your
words, so make sure you use words and gestures that are uplifting, that are
encouraging, that are comforting, that are awakening and sobering. It’s also a
great time for finishing some learning courses or some lessons you’ve been
studying. This is also a house of learning and teaching and it may be a great time
for bringing that course to an end and finishing learning some new skills or
developing existing ones. Use the energy of this Full Moon to connect with others
in a true way, in a peaceful way, in a way that opens your heart gently and
powerfully. Use your words and skills wisely. Find the right way to communicate
with people and with yourself. Work on releasing those thought patterns that are
outdated. Allow yourself to think differently. Practice mental exercises, mental
discipline and see how you can consciously transform your way of thinking and
expressing your thoughts with yourself and with others.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Leo
Dear Leo, this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse New Moon and it happens on the
20th of April in your fellow Fire sign Aries. This is the second New Moon in a row
that happens in Aries and these themes have been strong and powerful for you
since last month. Eclipses are powerful events, karmic events, life-changing
moments that bring trajectory changes and destined goodbyes and hellos. This
one may still not be that dramatic and intense, but it is the first Eclipse in 2023,
and it’s the first one in the series of Eclipses that will be happening in Aries/Libra
in the next two years. This happens in your ninth house of higher learning, higher
education, higher mind, higher purpose, higher self and you’re asked to aim high
during this time. This is also the house of studying, learning, teaching, publishing,
advertising, traveling, connecting with people from all over the world and
expanding your visions, stretching your perception and widening your horizons.
This is a placement of beliefs, ideals, ideas, religious views, legal matters,
spiritual teachings and spiritual teachers. This is a house of wisdom and true
knowledge, of seeking truth and meaning. This New Moon happens on the last
degrees of the sign of Aries and it can bring you endings and beginnings in these
ninth house matters. The last time this series of Eclipses was active was back
between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also between the
end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. What big transitions and transformations
were happening back then in your life? What did you learn during that time?
What kind of lessons did you learn? What were crucial things that were active in
your life? Something that you missed to learn or comprehend back then will
reappear now in order to be learned, understood and acknowledged. This
doesn’t mean that it will come back in the same shape and form. Lessons can
repeat in many different ways. This is a great time for starting a learning program
that can serve you in the long run. It’s an amazing time for studying something
new, for learning something new, for starting a spiritual journey or for starting a
new cycle on your spiritual journey. This is coming for sure. You will have
Eclipses here in the next two years and this is a time of transformation of your
perception. You may be learning and transforming your perspectives during your
travels or through your connections with people who come from different cultures,
countries, traditions, religions, nationalities, beliefs and different backgrounds.
You are expanding your vision and you are very passionate about it. You have a
necessary fire for these ninth house matters. This is Aries Eclipse and Aries
energy is about the new beginnings, the courage to do things, taking risks, taking
action, moving forward. It’s about validation of the self. It’s about who you are. It’s
about your awareness of who you are. So, many of you will be on this journey of
self-discovery, on this journey of gaining self-knowledge through spiritual
teachings, through traveling, studying, through connecting with all kinds of people
in the world, through practicing spiritual discipline and through experiencing
adventures and sharing your stories with people you meet on your journey. Your
task is to discover the journey within you through experiencing the journey
through everything that happens in your life. Your task is to gain spiritual freedom
and you will definitely be supported on your way to do so. You are meeting
amazing people, different people and you’re starting to change your fixed
opinions and fixed thought patterns. They’re being purged by the fire of Aries in
this Eclipse.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Leo, your Tarot card for April is The Knight of Sword upright. This is a
card of ambition, and it is action-oriented. It represents someone who is bold,
daring, strong, and courageous. This is a card of great confidence and
dynamism. The Knight of Swords knows what he wants, and he’s got it all. He
won’t stop on his quest to the goal he aims toward. Nothing can stop him or
disturb him. He is assertive and direct, focused and ambitious, daring and
unstoppable. We see a young man in armor rushing forward with a sword in his
hands. He rides a strong white horse with great speed, and the white color of the
horse always represents purity of the heart and intellectual power. His sword is
high as he rides his mighty horse, which all represents clarity, positivity and
determination. The Knight rushes forward without fear—he is fearless, and he is
not really worried about dangers that might be in front of him. This card also
represents a powerful movement, as we see that everything is moving in this
card, and the Knight rides against the wind. We see the trees are bowed in the
opposite direction of the Knight. Wind is strong in this card, and the element of
Air is very important. The Knight of Swords is full of life and energy, and, once he
starts moving toward his goals, nothing can stop him.
This card suggests that either you or somebody else in your life will play the role
of this Knight. The Knight of Swords is impatient, though. He doesn’t have time to
stop and check if everything’s right. He rushes toward his goal. You should be
aware of this, too, and perhaps it is good if you do bring in a bit of patience
because too much confidence is also not good. But, on the other hand, this card
gives you such strong power, assertiveness, boldness, courage, drive, and
ambition. You will have what you need in order to achieve what you want. There’s
a victory in front of you, but don’t rush blindly because this could lead you in the
wrong direction as well. The Knight is determined to succeed no matter what,
and he’s not afraid of any possible challenges, but this could also make him
totally unaware of the consequences of his actions as he’s making his way
toward his goals. So, be aware of these potential dangers with this card, and
don’t rush blindly into something. Do some preparation, do a fact-check, and then
go after your goals. You have all the support that you need, but don’t burn
yourself out along the way either.

The Knight strongly believes that what he does is done with the best of
intentions, that it is just and right, but he may make some mistakes along the way
because he’s not worrying about any kind of consequences. You may have to
deal with someone who’s like this in your life now, but you may also have
amazing benefits through this as well if you know how to deal with this strong and
powerful energy. The Knight is not really careful, but it doesn’t mean that he’s not
right. When this card is pulled in a reading, it means that you have a green light
to pursue your goals and ambitions, but you should also make sure that you
know what you’re doing and that you’re not just blindly following your impulses.
You may also have a need to say what you mean without really thinking about
the consequences of your words. You have a need to speak your truth no matter
what. This is sometimes good, but sometimes it is not. So, your awareness here
is needed in order to estimate and evaluate when it’s the right time to do
something, when you can say the truth, to whom, and how. This card is great for
competing. It is a card of victory. The question here is: What would you choose to
do if you knew you could not fail in what you’re doing?

The most impactful planet for Leo in April

Dear Leo, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. You have New
Moon Solar Eclipse happening in your fellow Fire sign Aries and this is the
second New Moon that happens in this placement highlighting your ninth house
of truth and meaning, spiritual practice, metaphysical and esoteric teachings,
higher education, higher knowledge, studying, learning, teaching, traveling,
connecting with people from all over the world, exploring the world, going on
adventures, changing your beliefs. Something significant is happening for you in
these areas of your life and this is just the beginning of the process that will be
active in the next two years. You are expanding your vision. You are changing
your perception. You are spiritually growing and you’re gaining wisdom and

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel the energy of the Moon and Eclipse in the most constructive
and empowering way, you should work with your beliefs and recognize your
strongest beliefs. See what beliefs define you and what beliefs shape your whole
world and reality. What are your beliefs about yourself? What are your beliefs
about the world you live in? What are your beliefs about spirituality, about
religion, about life, about experiences of life? You have an opportunity to renew
and refresh your beliefs now and to understand how huge role beliefs play in
everybody’s life, how certain beliefs can transform whole life, how one certain
belief can either imprison or liberate a person. These kinds of things are
important to understand in order to work with the energy of the Moon this month.
Look at how emotionally attached you are to certain beliefs. What are you
emotionally attached to? What kind of perspectives and ideals keep you
emotionally imprisoned? What are the things you cannot let go of? What are the
things you strongly hold on to? Emotional freedom is very important. Ask the
Moon to help you release emotional attachments so that you can become
emotionally mature and so that you can gain emotional freedom. Imagine the
campfire and the Moon in front of you. Imagine that you are in a beautiful place
near the water and that there is a campfire and the Moon in front of you. Feel the
connection between the fire and the Moon, the Eclipse in Aries. Feel that in your
heart and carry this image with you in order to align with this energy in the most
empowering way. You can draw an image of a campfire and the Moon near the
water, or you can find some image and print it so that you can carry that with you.
Enjoy this scenery and of course, if there is any chance that you can have this in
real life, go for it and experience it directly. But if not, the image and visualization
will work perfectly too.

Healing tips for Leo in April

- Go outside in the Sun each day whenever there is a sunny day and connect
with the Sun. Find your perfect spot for the connection with the Sun and go there.
Stand in the Sun and if you can, be naked. Find a place where you're alone. Find
some spot where you can be naked in the Sun but if you cannot do this, no
worries. You don't have to be naked. You can do it anyway. Stand in the Sun and
ask the Sun to teach you its language. Ask the Sun to upload its alphabet into
your consciousness. Ask the Sun to teach you the meaning of this alphabet and
to teach you how to communicate with it in the right way. Tell the Sun that you are
willing to learn and to manifest its highest expressions through yourself. Enjoy
the Sun and enjoy the connection.

- While you're taking a walk, close your eyes from time to time and walk with your
eyes closed for a couple of moments and then open your eyes and then again
close them and walk for a little while with your eyes closed. Practice this while
you're taking a walk outside in nature, through parks or on a flat surface where
there is no traffic. Enjoy this exercise and have fun. Feel how it is to walk like this.
Feel how you have no control in these moments and surrender each time a little
bit. Enjoy your walk and the benefits of it.

- Feel yourself as if you are in a bubble. Feel this bubble around you all the time.
Whatever it is that you are doing, be aware of this bubble. Feel how it carries you
and how you carry it. Feel this bubble as your protective shield around you. Feel
this bubble as something only you can see and feel. Feel this bubble as gentle
and nurturing energy, as your cosmic parents who guide you and protect you all
the time through thick and thin. Energize this bubble each day with your
awareness and with your breathing. Feel how this bubble moves with you and
breathes with you. Feel strong and invincible and connect with your protective
shield. Enjoy, have fun and feel nurtured, guided and taken care of.

- Open your arms wide open with your palms turned upward. Feel the energy
coming in through your palms. Feel how you are energizing and recharging your
whole body through your palms. If you can, stand in the Sun and feel the light
and warmth of the Sun piercing through your palms and stretching through your
whole body but you can also do this wherever you want, in your room or during
the night under the night sky or anywhere. Energy is always present and you feel
how you're reloading and recharging yourself through your palms. Twist yourself.
Turn around a couple of times from left to right in order to make the spiral of the
flow of this energy and feel the spiral entering your palms and spiraling through
your whole body. Enjoy the process.
- Salute nature every day. Every day when you wake up, salute the four elements
and nature, salute everything in nature and be aware that everything is alive. Be
aware of the aliveness of nature during the whole day every day. Salute flowers
and plants, trees and the grass, insects and animals but also rocks and stones.
They are also very much alive. There is huge energy inside of them. Salute their
patience and endurance and ask rocks and stones to teach you some of those
things. Salute water, rivers, oceans. Salute the stars and planets. Salute the Sun
and the Moon. Salute all other beings and entities that we're unable to detect and
notice with our naked eye.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Celebrate something each day. Each day find one thing to celebrate and really
feel the joy. Make a celebration time. There is something to celebrate every day.
Once you start doing this you will see how many things there are to celebrate in

- Imagine each day of your life as if it is a really unique and irrevocable day in
your life. Feel each day as a universe for itself. Say this out loud each day when
you wake up in your own way to affirm this and really feel this and live this as an
ultimate truth. Spend your day knowing this and feeling this and living this.

- Learn something new. Read something new. Take a book you've never read so
far each day and open it randomly and read a new paragraph, new sentence,
new thought. See what it has to tell you. See what it delivers to you. Learn new
motions. Learn new skills. Learn new words each day, new words of your native
language and new words of other languages too. Learn about the meaning of
symbols each day. Have fun, educate yourself, improve your knowledge and

- Stretch your time. Whenever you are in a hurry, stop and start doing things
slowly. Do not hurry. It will only make you have to hurry even more and time will
shrink. Instead, take your time. It doesn't matter that time ticks away on the clock.
Take your time to do things normally just as you would if you haven't been in any
kind of hurry. Test this experiment and you will see that time will actually stretch
and you will have more time to finish and do everything you have to. So, don't
hurry if you are late. Take your time. If you generally feel that you have no time
for many things during the day, take longer time for everything that you're doing.
Do one thing at a time and don't think about the next thing you have to do. Just
be in that present activity where you already are. Remember, take your time and
don't hurry.

- Practice Reclined Twist pose. Do your research about it. See what it’s good for.
See how it’s done and start practicing it. This pose is very powerful and it relaxes
you immediately. It has many benefits and it really feels good doing it. Enjoy.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What are my burdens in life right now? What are the things that I consider as
burdens in my life? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are the things in my life that I don’t want to do anymore? What are the
things that I don’t want to repeat?

- What do I feel when I think of my life path? What are my first associations,
images, thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up when I think of my life
path? How would I describe my life path? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are the things that I believe in and what are the things that I just know,
that I don’t have to believe in because I just know them?

- What is the most inspiring and magical conversation that I have ever had in my
life? How often do I have those kinds of conversations? When was the last time I
had any similar conversation with someone, including myself?


What can Virgo expect in April

Dear Virgo, you are letting your voice be heard this month and you will feel great
for standing up for yourself in situations where you would usually step back and
withdraw. This mostly happens in your career sector, with authority figures and
father figures but you also know that ultimately this is all about your own
insecurities and vulnerabilities and you will have an amazing opportunity to see
your projections clearly especially now when Saturn is in Pisces, in your opposite
sign, showing you your projections clearly and bringing you great healing in your
relationships. You are also going to question your service to others. Is it real and
sincere or is it a product of trauma? But you may see that everything is actually a
product of trauma and you won’t get too attached to that. You are really finding
your voice and you are deeply satisfied because of it. You are fulfilled because
you can say No if something doesn’t feel right instead of accommodating to
others. Others are recognizing your worth now because of you taking a stand for
yourself. Others recognize your values because you start valuing yourself and
you will immediately see the results of this kind of change. Self-worth is the key.
Those of you who already have self-worth strongly built will feel an increase of it
and things will align with your wants and needs. Things will open for you easily.

On the 3rd of April your ruler Mercury enters Taurus and joins Venus, Uranus and
North node in your ninth house of long distance travel, foreigners, international
connections, international business, beliefs, ideals, religious views, spiritual
journey, spiritual teachers, learning, writing, teaching and studying. You have a
lot going on here and this area of your life has been shaken up a lot. Uranus is
here so you can expect continuous shake ups of your beliefs, your perspectives,
your travels and living abroad perhaps, your ability to see the bigger picture and
your spiritual journey. Mercury is here now and it’s direct until the 21st. It's a great
time for traveling and communicating, for learning and teaching, for passing
exams or for getting some license or diploma. You may be transferring
knowledge in some way. This is a time when unexpected travel can pop up but
it’s also a time when sudden and out of the blue insights happen, sudden
realizations that transform your perception. Your beliefs have changed a lot,
especially since 2019, and this is a long process of transforming your beliefs,
religious views, your philosophy of life, your perception and your spiritual
practices. Mercury then stations retrograde on the 21st of April and will stay
retrograde until the 15th of May. You may revisit some places you’ve visited
before. You may revisit countries you’ve been to before. You can expect people
from overseas to come and visit you perhaps, people you haven’t seen in a
while, or you may travel to reconnect with someone. It is also a great time for
coming back to something you used to learn, going back to school, going back to
studying something you used to enjoy studying. This is a time for finishing the
unfinished business and for questioning your beliefs, questioning your spiritual
journey. You are reevaluating your view on life. Life seems different. Things don’t
have the same power over you. Things that used to make you sad or happy lose
their effect and influence on you. On the 20th of the month the Sun joins the party
here and brings you new rays of light in your perception, new filters through
which you observe reality and yourself. Are you searching for the meaning or is
the meaning searching for you?

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra in your second house of finances,
earnings, money, values, possessions, resources, gifts and talents, self-worth
and priorities. Libra is about relationships and commitments, collaborations and
partnerships and this Full Moon can bring you business relationships and
partnerships, financial partnerships of some kind. You can expect fulfillments in
your financial world. Something may finally come to a fruition related to your
money projects, your financial situation and your self-esteem too. Something
may also culminate now in areas of your finances and earnings. You may have to
do something that gets you out of your comfort zone when it comes to earning
money and using your resources. Your gifts, talents, abilities and capacities can
become a great source of income. If you’ve made some purchases lately, you
can expect to finally receive them now. You may ask for a raise and it is actually
a good time to do so if you know your worth and you know you deserve it. If
you’ve been working too hard lately without any recognition, you may change
your attitude and behavior now because you finally become aware of how
valuable and worthy is the thing that you’re doing. You may have to take a closer
look at your finances now and change what needs to be changed. Adjust your
spendings and savings and see how you’re using your resources, how you’re
earning and how you're using them.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and shines a light on top of your chart,
in your tenth house of father, father figures, authority figures, success, external
and material security and stability, contribution, career, profession, vocation,
reputation. This is beautiful transit for you and your success and you can expect
recognition or promotion during this time. Something powerful can happen in
your career and with your role in the world especially because Venus also makes
a trine with Pluto in Aquarius. This can have a very beneficial influence on your
work and schedules. You can receive a great offer for work. Your daily work
improves and you have more space, health, energy and motivation to do things
that you enjoy doing. Venus in your tenth house is all about doing the work that
you love doing, contributing in a way that satisfies you and fulfills you, doing
beautiful and loving things. Your charm is amazing and you can shine when it
comes to your profession and career. This is something beautiful on your life
path, something big and powerful perhaps since Pluto is involved in a friendly
way. Others recognize your worth now. You have changed your attitude. You
have realized your own worth. You know what you’re capable of and you have no
doubts about yourself. You may be more in public now. You are beautifying your
public image and you attract good opportunities for success. You bring joy and
love in things that you do. Is it worth doing something just for the sake of earning
money if there is no pleasure, if there is no feedback, if there is no motivation?

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini, you have the Sun and Jupiter
conjunction in fiery Aries in your eighth house of transformations, intimacy,
shared intimacy, shared resources, partnerships, intimate and business
partnerships, taxes, loans, debts, bills, credits, pensions, passive income,
partner’s money or somebody else’s money, secrets, things that are hidden,
unknown and unconscious. Sun and Jupiter together here can bring you some
financial blessings and blessings in your intimate world. Positive transformations
are highlighted, lucky circumstances with your investments and your debts and
credits. You can resolve some of your financial issues if you have any, but you
can also dig deep and resolve some of the more profound things within yourself.
You are investigating yourself and you’re discovering some flowers in bloom now.
Last time you checked it didn’t look so pretty, but you’ve separated wheat from
the chaff and you’ve made it. Now you’re seeing the results. Your fears don’t
seem so important and big anymore. Your fears have shrunk and they search for
a safe space. You are not dealing with your fears now. You’re dealing with your

This area of your chart is very powerful and strong this whole month and it’s been
highly activated last month too. This happens because there’s another New
Moon happening here in Aries, but this one happens to be a New Moon Solar
Eclipse. This is a big theme and big event. It brings karmic and destined events,
big changes and trajectory shifts. Eclipse happens on the 20th and it brings you
big initiations into personal transformations. You are going to deal with your own
intimacy, with your shared resources, with your secrets and vulnerabilities in the
next two years. This is the area of death, rebirth and transformation, intimacy,
trust and loyalty, secrets, taboo themes and things that are kept hidden, things
that are beneath the surface. Your partner may receive some extra money during
this time or your family money may be renewed and refreshed in some way.
Something is ending so that something new can take its place in these eighth
house matters. This Eclipse is very strong because it is next to Jupiter and
Jupiter expands everything it touches. This is something big and bright that
brings you light and transformation. Fire of inner vision is lit up and you’re
carrying the torch that enlightens your journey. You may be investing in
something now and you’re probably very passionate and inspired about it. You
are more interested in investigating the hidden side of life, the hidden nature of
life and the less known side of yourself.

Mars is in Cancer this whole month in your eleventh house of friendships and
communities, connections and networking, dreams, wishes and hopes. You may
feel overly protective towards your friends and people from your community. You
may have a need to defend someone now. You are putting energy into your
social circles and friendships. You are also putting energy into manifesting your
highest aspirations. You may be a bit obsessed with certain goals and plans for
the future. Mars here is great for healthy socializing and for doing things together
with others, for playing some outdoor game with your friends regardless of how
old you are. It’s a great time for nurturing the healthy child within you and for
expressing your inner child every now and then. Play football if you feel like
playing football. Run and jump if you feel like it. Play frisbee. Play basketball.
Ride a bike with a friend. Take fast walks everyday with people you feel good
around. Do all kinds of activities with others that boost your energy and that
make you connect with others in a healthy and profound way. You can reset your
stress by doing these kinds of things with people you feel connected with. Give it
a try.

Virgo relationship with inner self

Dear Virgo, you are becoming very loyal and devoted to your wellbeing, to
yourself, to your peace, to your serenity, to wisdom, to spiritual practice, to
gaining knowledge and living in accordance with that which is of the highest
value and quality. You are becoming loyal to your highest principles and this
makes a lot more space for practicing more of your inner skills, more of your
inner powers. You are discovering a playground within yourself where you can
practice as much as you want without getting hurt anyhow. This playground is
your safe space where you can practice self-trust, self-love, self-care and
self-worth. You can now do things you could only dream of before, things you
thought you cannot achieve within yourself and with yourself. Well, things start
sprouting now and you are amazed by what you see. It’s like you’re entering a
garden full of blossoming trees and flowers. You are blossoming on the inside
and this beautiful process has a deeply healing effect on you. You feel good in
your own company. You feel good being with yourself. You feel comfortable with
yourself and this is something you’re definitely going to celebrate in some way.
You are not afraid of the things within yourself that you used to be afraid of. You
are not afraid of yesterdays. You are not afraid of tomorrows. You feel safe
wherever you are because you can count on yourself. You can count on every
version of yourself. You are not afraid of any version of yourself that may come
up. You have seen many sunsets and sunrises in the darkness and lightness of
your own being and you are ready to see even more. Your self-devotion and
self-loyalty become your best friends, your highest purpose, your greatest
support and you know how to maintain and nurture these qualities. You are
detached from your past wounds and scars and you can see them from the
higher perspective. You are observing your past through the eyes of the
conscious witness and you can sense the freedom of being detached from what
could be, what should be, what it’s supposed to be, what is expected from you,
what you expect from others, how the world should function, how would it be if…
All these things drain you and you feel emotionally weak then. Now you’re
building up your emotional strength and these eternal persistent questionings
and mental and emotional torturings are starting to disappear. You are inhaling
freedom and space. You are exhaling your old grudges and insecurities. You are
not setting any rules for yourself. You are done with rules. You are tired of rules
and limitations. You are tired of musts and mustn'ts. Everything passes.
Everything changes. Everything recycles and moves in spirals of eternal loss and
gain and you find yourself in the middle of the recycling process now and it feels
good and it is good.

Virgo relationship with others

Dear Virgo, you are putting a lot of energy and effort into your social activities this
month, into your friendships, into your connections, into networking. You may
even be a bit obsessed by your social life in some way. You may be obsessed a
little bit by your community, which is not a bad thing actually, because you can do
a lot with your team, with your group of people, with your friends. You feel very
protective towards others during this time. You are nurturing and caring towards
others and you may defend others in some way now. You may lead others in
some way too. Mars is in Cancer this whole month in your eleventh house of
friends, associates, acquaintances, groups of people, social circles, your tribe,
your soul family. Even though Mars is in its fall when in Cancer, you can make
the most of it with your friends and in your social life. You are proactive and you
initiate things with others now. You invite others and you come up with ideas in
your social spheres. You also feel protected and taken care of in your social life.
Mars can also represent brothers and those who feel like brothers and the
eleventh house is also related with older brothers and sisters so this transit can
bring something up with your older brothers and those who feel like them too.
You can also expect something beautiful and comforting in your relationship with
your father or with father figures, with dominant people in your life. Your father
can be a source of joy now or your relationship with some authority figure can
bring you something beautiful and valuable during this time. Your ninth house is
also strongly activated and this is your fellow Earth sign Taurus where you have
Uranus, North node and your ruler Mercury. Mercury also stations retrograde this
month on the 21st but it will be felt earlier. People from your past may reappear,
people from overseas may come to visit you or you may travel to visit them.
People you met before and haven’t seen in a while may show up now. People
you lost touch with can suddenly reappear, out of nowhere. You may revisit
places you’ve been to before and you may connect with new people on this
journey or you may reconnect with people you’ve already met before on this
same journey. But you’re also going to meet people who are on the similar
journey as you are, who are similar in spirit to you. You are meeting a lot of
teachers on your journey and a lot of students too. You are learning from
everyone and some of you may see that people who are closest to you are your
greatest teachers, your closest friends, your brothers and sisters, your family,
your partner, your children, regardless of how you personally perceive them. You
may see them in a totally new light with completely different feelings and without
personal attachment and identification. When you’re able to perceive others in
their pure state, without labeling them, without identifying them with your
subjective perception, then and only then you’re able to see these persons for
who they are. This is not an easy thing to achieve, but you are asked to practice
this, because you will be so grateful that you did practice it once you manage to
feel that kind of perception of others, at least for a short period of time.
Virgo love & romantic life in April
Dear Virgo, there is a sense of completion and connection present in your life
now and it feels good. It feels like the sunshine and the moonlight at the same
time and it may or may not have anything to do with your relationship status. You
feel recognition and love from your own being and you allow yourself to feel good
but you also allow yourself not to feel good. You are not forcing yourself with how
you should feel or how you should be. You are at peace with what you’re feeling
and this will also have a positive influence on your existing love relationships and
also your new love relationships. Love can come through work this month for
those of you who are single. Love can come through career and profession,
through your contribution. Your beliefs have a very strong influence on your love
life and you’re seeing through your beliefs now. You see how they block you or
liberate you when it comes to love life and you will also see that you can see as
far as your beliefs allow you to see. You will experience what you believe is
possible and you understand now how powerful your thoughts and beliefs are.
You have the freedom to experience limitations and that freedom is very
constructive too. You are now understanding and realizing that there are many
freedoms, there are multiple freedoms, different forms of freedoms that are all
serving their purpose. These different kinds of freedom you’re experiencing the
most through your love relationships, through your marriage, through your union,
through your shared experiences with your lover. This month there’s a strong
energy happening in your eighth house of intimacy, merging, bonding, shared
resources, secrets, transformation and sexuality. There are beautiful aspects
happening there that can bring you amazing intuitive connections with your
existing partner or with your potential partner. These are new initiations, new
cycles, new chapters in your intimate world. There’s Eclipse happening in your
eighth house in the sign of Aries and this is fiery energy, passionate energy and
it’s deep and profound, it’s transformative and karmic, it’s destined and meant to
be. This process will be active during the next two years and you’re entering a
new phase in your love life, new level of intimacy, new insights and memories.
Sun and Jupiter are also here and they come together on the 11th which is also
powerful for your intimate relationship. You are opening your heart now to each
other. You can talk about things freely. You are not afraid to share yourself with
your partner. You trust yourself with your feelings and you trust your partner too.
If there was any kind of lack of trust between you and your partner, this is about
to disappear now. You start trusting each other and you feel how all those
possessive, obsessive games, manipulations, jealousy and egoic desires are
dissolving and you see how these egoic desires pushed you both into “what
about me” patterns. These patterns are dissolving in a big way and you’re seeing
them crumbling away easily and effortlessly.

Virgo sex life in April

Dear Virgo, you have a very strong sexual energy this month and it’s very visible,
it’s shining through you. You are attractive and magnetic. Your energy is vibrating
and others can sense your strong vibes. You are captivating and charming, sexy
and desirable and you just feel that strength from the inside, but this is not just
raw sexual energy, this is much more. These are deep feelings and profound
senses. They cut through the surface and touch the depths of your soul. This all
happens due to strong and powerful energies in your eighth house of sexuality,
intimacy, secrets, depths, unconscious desires and attachments, sexuality,
merging and bonding. You already had this area of your life strongly affected last
month and now it gets even deeper and stronger. First you have the Sun and
Jupiter together here in passionate and fiery Aries and then you have Eclipse
happening here and Eclipses are very intense and deep. Sex is something very
private and intimate for you. It is something that connects you spiritually with
another being. It goes beyond the words and senses. It encompasses all of who
you are. It dissolves who you are and recreates who you are. You feel as if you’re
continuously being reborn again and these continuous rebirths are like
continuous orgasms that happen on the level of the soul and on the level of the
body as well. You have very deep and prolific experience now, very spiritual and
soulful, and yet very physical and sensual. It feels like being entangled in oceanic
blue silk and you cannot tell the difference between the ocean and the silk. You
don’t know if you’re in the ocean or in the silk. It feels like both and it’s
otherworldly. It triggers your deep unconscious desires and it liberates you from
unconscious conditionings and fears. You feel like you can surrender and just
dive into that oceanic silk that carries you through the enchanting feelings and
experiences that you cannot put in words. This month is very special for your
sexuality and your understanding of sexuality. You may investigate sexual energy
through psychological and emotional processes, through your own experience
and your dreams too. Your sexual energy is very powerful and you’re discovering
the power of sexuality, the power of this precious energy that has been twisted
and misunderstood in so many ways and that has created many mental and
emotional dysfunctions on a collective level. You will have a little closer look at
how this energy truly operates and works without relying on beliefs and things
you’ve been told and taught about it. It’s a powerful time for breaking some of the
sexual patterns that are deeply connected and rooted in your childhood, in
karmic records, in ancestral records, in your mental and emotional states. You
are feeling freedom now and this freedom comes through the pure feeling of this
energy without labels and description, just pure feeling and energy.

Virgo career & purpose in April

Dear Virgo, there is some beautiful surprise for you this month in your career
world and with your finances as well as with your sense of self-worth and
self-trust. You are receiving compliments from people you work with perhaps, or
from your clients if you have them or from people you collaborate with in any way.
Expect beautiful compliments and comforting comments when it comes to your
work, your talents, your abilities and intelligence. You know how to use things.
You know how to combine things. You know how to make things and you know
so much more. You are multitalented and these talents are being exposed and
expressed now more and more. You are also changing your attitude in work and
you stand up for yourself if there is a situation where you have to prove
something, to defend yourself, to protect your integrity. You are not going to step
back and be quiet. You are not going to smile and accept more obligations than
you can take for the sake of keeping things safe, secure and peaceful. You know
your worth and capacities and you’re going to show that directly and because of
your self-trust and self-esteem, you are going to be respected even more. You
are gaining respect from others and you can expect great offers too. Venus is on
the top of the chart in your tenth house of career, profession and reputation
between the 11th of April and 7th of May. This is really beautiful even though
Venus makes a square aspect with your sign. These are some blessings in your
career, in your profession, something that motivates you to do things that you
love doing. Venus asks you, are you enjoying this work? Do you love what you’re
doing? Do you enjoy your life path? Do you find it worthy and valuable? Do you
enjoy your role that you play right now? Venus also brings you beautiful and
valuable offers and possibilities. Someone can recognize your value and they
may want to invest in you or you may start valuing yourself more and things start
making more sense in your life. Your money houses are very strong and powerful
this whole month. You have two lunations in your two money houses. First one is
the Full Moon in your second house of finances, budget, earning money,
spending and saving, using your resources, using your gifts and talents and this
Full Moon brings something to light in these areas of your life. Things culminate
in your financial world and you’re asked to pay attention to money and what is
your relationship with money like? How do you perceive money? How do you
experience money and resources? How do you earn your resources, your food,
your comfort? There’s a lot going on in your eighth house of shared resources,
taxes, pensions, inheritances, insurance money, credits, bills, loans, debts, your
partner’s money, your family’s money or somebody else’s money. Your partner
may receive some extra money now and this affects your shared finances in a
positive way. Expect good financial news and good news related to your
investments too. You may be investing now and you can receive money through
other sources besides the one where you’re earning your own money. You are
more conscious of your choices and decisions. You are more conscious of your
values and worthiness and this really puts you in a whole new place with your
achievements and success. Purpose plays a huge role now. Your ninth house of
ideals, philosophy, meaning and wisdom is also very strong and you cannot feel
fulfilled and abundant if there is no inner satisfaction there too. You are not
working for temporary satisfaction. You are expressing your gifts because you
feel joy expressing yourself from within yourself.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra, shining
a light in your second house of earnings, possessions, finances, things you need
in order to survive in this world, food, shelter, clothes, resources of all kinds,
material security and stability, comfort, hidden gifts and talents, self-worth,
self-esteem, self-trust, self-validation, your concept of values and your priorities.
Something is brought to light in these areas of your life. Something is expressed,
manifested, illuminated, revealed and acknowledged in your financial world, in
how you earn money, how you save and spend money, how you deal with
money, how you interact with money. What is your relationship with money like?
Do you have a healthy or toxic relationship with money? This Full Moon will show
you your relationship with money and what needs to be changed and improved.
You may also gain money during this time. You can expect some kind of bonus
and increase of money. It’s a good time to ask for a raise and to start honoring
and appreciating yourself more. You are recognizing your talent and gifts. You
can sort things out in your financial world. You can resolve certain things in how
you do your money, how you earn your money and how you use your resources.
Do you trust yourself? Do you value yourself? How do you know if you value
yourself? This Full Moon will show you that too. Full Moons are times of
completions, endings, closures, acknowledgments, revelations, disclosures,
fulfillments, dramas and fruitions. Something that has been unseen becomes
seen. Something that has been hard to see and impossible to comprehend now
becomes seen and possible to understand. So, there is something now in your
financial world that needs your attention and this involves your relationships
since this is Libra Full Moon. Libra is all about relationships and this energy can
bring out your money relationships, your business relationships, your relationship
with the money. Something you’ve been working on can come to a fruition now
and you can expect financial success too. Endings and closures are of course
possible with each Full Moon but this one seems like it will bring you fruition and
fulfillment and even if it takes away something, even if it closes a certain source
of income, don’t worry because it will open up something much better for you.
You can discuss things about money with someone and this can bring you new
light and resolutions about a certain money situation. But what’s most important
here is your self-worth and your priorities. What is your number one priority in life
and do you value your life? These kinds of things will come up now. Question of
integrity and worthiness is significant and you’ll be working with that. Use the
energy of this Full Moon to let go of everything that doesn’t belong to you
financially and materially. Don’t hold on to something if it’s not serving you. Look
at your life and see how dependent you are on money and how independent you
are. Look at your priorities and make a list of your biggest priorities. Arrange
them and see if you are living in accordance with that list of priorities. Give away
things you don’t need. Give your old clothes that you don’t wear and don’t need,
old shoes, old furniture, old devices, whatever it is. Donate some of your things.
Give them away and see how attached you are to things, to clothes, to money, to
earnings. Recognize your attachments and recognize your values and qualities
and work on expressing your values and qualities as much as you can, always,
every day. This is a job for the rest of your life and make sure you don’t forget to
always know your worth and your qualities.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Virgo
Dear Virgo, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April and this is the highest
peak of Aries energy, the very end of the sign, the Sun and the Moon are both at
the very end of the sign of Aries together with Jupiter in your eighth house of
death, rebirth, transformation, secrets, hidden things, traumas, unconscious
desires, things that are buried under the surface, things you don’t know, shadow
work, investigation, research, psychology and parapsychology, metaphysical side
of life, things you’re ashamed of, things you hide. This is also a house of shared
resources, shared intimacy, shared life with another person, your partner’s
money or somebody else’s money, family’s money, money you share with others,
taxes, loans, debts, bills, credits, pensions, inheritances and mortgages. This is
one complex placement and it is also a house of karmic debts, psychological
processes, parapsychology, occult knowledge and teachings, power and
manipulations. This is a scorpionic house and you’ve already had the New Moon
in Aries in March. This is the second New Moon in Aries in a row but it is very
different from the one in March. March New Moon happened on the very first
degrees of the sign while this one happens on the very last degrees of the sign.
This New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse New Moon and this is the first Eclipse in
2023, and it marks the beginning of a new series of Eclipses that will be active in
the next two years in the axis of Aries/Libra. The last time this series of Eclipses
happened in this same area of your life was back between the beginning of 2004,
and the beginning of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning
of 2016. Think back to these periods of time and see what big transitions and
changes were active in your life back then? What big lessons have you been
through? What was happening in your financial world, with money, with
resources, with your intimacy, with your sexuality, with your inner world, with your
traumas, with your vulnerabilities, with your shadow work, with death themes.
This doesn’t mean that anything similar will happen now. That’s impossible since
everything is different and there are no two same Eclipses or lunations ever
happening. But the same area of your life is affected and some lessons that
haven’t been learned during that time may become active again in order to be
learned, understood, released and acknowledged. This Eclipse brings endings
and beginnings in these eighth house matters and it initiates some new storyline
that will be active in your life in the next two years. You are maybe dealing with
some secrets now and you’re making things right. You are going through a
healing process and you’re very motivated and inspired when it comes to
self-investigation and self-discovery. Some of you may start therapy during this
time. Psychology and parapsychology are strong themes now. You may be
dealing with your unconscious fears and attachments, with your hidden world,
with things you’ve suppressed and repressed, with things you’re ashamed of,
with things you’re afraid of. Expect positive results and great new possibilities for
resolving your past traumas and for detoxifying yourself, for letting out the poison
from your system. You can expect something new related to your family’s money,
your investments, your shared resources. Expect some initiation related to your
inheritance or to your partner’s money. You may be busy resolving your debts if
you have any and you may also receive money through others now, through
inheritance, through passive income, through sponsorship of some kind or
through investments. Something is ending and something is beginning and these
are big shifts and changes. Eighth house is house of transformation and
metamorphosis, death and rebirth, it is a Phoenix rising from the ashes and being
reborn. In the same way, you’re now turning into ashes all things that are not
serving you and you’re using that fire as an initiatory fire for rebirth.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Virgo, your Tarot card for April is Nine of Swords inverted. This card when
inverted is actually very positive, but when it is upright it has more negative
influence. So, it is actually good that it is inverted. This card represents a more
promising period ahead of you. It represents recovery, support and help. This
card when inverted means that hard times are over, the worst has passed. It may
also mean that you’re dealing and coping with anxieties and worries from the
period that has been tough and heavy. There is a strong desire to heal and
recover and you’re going through that recovery process. You are putting great
effort into pulling yourself out of the troubles and you’re succeeding. As long as
you push yourself and support yourself, you are safe, you are out of trouble, you
can deal with past wounds and hurts. There is clarity coming to you. There is
support from a friend, from a partner or from a family member. This card means
that fear is slowly fading away, it disappears, it diminishes. You may feel down or
disempowered and wounded by recent issues and troubles, but they’re slowly
fading and leaving your field. It will pass.

This card means that whatever it is that you’re facing that is difficult now, it will
pass. You’re about to discover that your fears, worries, anxieties and stress have
no real foundations now. These feelings slowly disappear and you’re becoming
ready for action. You see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are that light and
help and support are on their way to you. This can also mean that you’re going
through something painful from the past. You are replaying a painful memory or
trauma. You’re re-experiencing something that has happened before. Something
may be haunting you but it’s time to leave it behind. It is time to step out of it, to
focus on the new, to focus on action, to focus on well-being and self-healing, to
focus on that light at the end of the tunnel, to focus on your qualities, to focus on
qualities that you’re yet to awaken and develop. Self-care methods and
techniques are very welcomed. Don’t judge and criticize yourself. Know that
whatever it is that tortures you is already behind you. It has passed. Don’t
hesitate to search for help during this time. Help from others is very much
needed and you can actually have many benefits through the help and support of
others. Focus on practical things. Be practical. Write down how you feel. Keep
your journal. Express your inner state of being and know that whatever it is that
you’re going through, it will pass and everything will be okay.

The most impactful planet for Virgo in April

Dear Virgo, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus will be on
top of your chart starting from the 11th of April and she is shining a beautiful light
on your life path and life direction, on your career and your profession, on your
reputation and social status, on your relationship with your father and with father
figures. Venus here brings beautiful opportunities for work, for employment, for
contribution, for success and for love also that can come through your work and
through your contribution, through your devotion to something. This is your true
vocation and Venus here in Gemini can bring you multiple beautiful and valuable
opportunities and connections.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers. She
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus in the most constructive and empowering
way, you should work with Venusian energy, connect with your inner Venus,
awaken and trigger Venusian qualities and symbols in your life. Bring more
beauty into your life. Do things that you enjoy doing. Choose at least one thing
during the day that you will do with pleasure and joy, that you feel satisfied with,
that you truly fully enjoy and that is at the same time useful, that can be of
service to others. Bring more beauty into your work, into your contribution to
others. Think about your contribution to society, to those around you, to people
you influence and think about how you influence other people. Do your best to
contribute in a beautiful way, whatever your contribution is, it can be anything, it
doesn’t have to be something spectacular and huge. It is already spectacular and
huge when you do it from the heart. So, put your heart into things that you’re
doing, especially in those little acts of kindness towards others in your life. Work
on bringing harmony in your relationships with authority figures, with father
figures, with your father. Beautify your working space if you have one. Bring
flowers, smell flowers, look at beautiful things, do things that you love, enjoy food
that you eat, put love into your food, wear beautiful clothes and feel beautiful. Try
to put more effort into your style, into your image, into how the world perceives
you. Give space for beauty in your life. Make sure that you enjoy and love things
that you do, things that you eat, things that you drink, things that you wear.
Awaken the principle of Venus within you, the sense for beauty, harmony, love
and true values. Recognize values in your work, in your talents, in your
profession, in your contribution. Find true values and let love guide you. Do your
research about Venus and her meaning in astrology, her symbology. Venus
brings comfort and luxury and this luxury doesn’t necessarily have to be material
luxury but it can be about the luxury of knowing your true values and living by
those values. You can carry the symbol of Venus with you during this time and
connect with her. Let her guide you. Ask her to teach you and to show you the

Healing tips for Virgo in April

- Imagine that you’re floating on the water. Feel the surface of the water cradling
you and nurturing you. You’re floating on the water and you’re watching the trees
above you. You are floating through the woods and the water’s temperature is
perfect, the weather is perfect and the Sun is shining through the thick woods on
your face, infusing its rays of light into your eyes. Feel everything. Be there.
Float. Enjoy. Feel the water. Feel the Sun. Feel the breeze and the trees.
Observe the beautiful rich trees above you. Enjoy the ride.

- Sit down and close your eyes. Make yourself feel comfortable and relaxed. Take
a couple of deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Now, as you inhale, feel all the newness, freshness and lightness being inhaled
in you and as you exhale, feel all the stress, all the toxins, all the anger, all the
suppressed emotions, all impurities being exhaled and transformed into that
brightness, lightness, freshness and newness that you're inhaling. Repeat this for
some time. Do this for at least three minutes. Tap into a trance while you're doing
it. Enjoy it and feel the process of cleansing through breathing.

- Create your own talisman or amulet. Create it with anything that you want. Be
creative. You can choose certain items and pendants that you already have. You
can use an old coin if you have one. You can use old pendants and parts of it.
You can also go outside and ask your world to help you find a perfect piece for
your talisman. You can also go outside and search for items in nature. You can
find a perfect little stone or a piece of wood that you can use as your sacred item.
Talk to this talisman that you're creating. Inhale spirit into it. Inhale life into it. Feel
yourself as a creator. Enjoy the process and use your talisman or an amulet as
your protection and guidance.

- Take yourself somewhere from where you have a high view of the city. You can
go on a hill or on a mountain, or anywhere from where you can have that kind of
view, it doesn't matter, just take yourself to a certain height from where you can
have a bigger picture view of things. As you observe and absorb the wideness of
the landscape in front of you, feel how your perception and your emanation
widens and stretches as well. Feel yourself as this landscape. Feel your being as
this big vast space, infinite and beautiful. And whenever you feel small, whenever
you feel that you are too immersed into details, whenever you feel that you're
obsessed by something and too much imprisoned into a framed limited view,
remember this bigger picture view. Take yourself again to places from where you
can feel this wider horizon and integrate this image into your heart. Update this
image each time you go again. You can also visualize vast space and horizons,
landscapes that are just mind blowing and get into that state. Feel it and embrace
it and let it embrace you too.

- Put your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your back so that both
of your hands are at the same height. One is on your chest in front of you, the
other is on your back and the solar plexus is between your hands. If you have
trouble placing your left hand on your back, don't worry, use only your right hand
on your chest and start singing. Feel the vibrations through your hands and
through your whole body as you sing. Don't just sing any words, sing voices,
those primal sounds, sing vowels “A E I O U” in any order and in any type of
melody or just say them in a prolonged way like aaaa, oooooo and so on. Feel
your voice. Feel the power of your whole body. As you do this, you create a link
with the higher centers that are within you. You are awakening these forgotten
powerful tools within you. Have fun and enjoy.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Each day when you wake up ask the day to lead you, to guide you, to take care
of you. Speak to the day that is in front of you to unfold in the best way for you.
Ask the day to protect you and to enlighten your path. Ask the day to give you
signs and to deliver you messages that are on their way to you. Ask the day to
deliver them in the right time and at the right place. Let it know that you're ready
to receive messages that are finding their way to you.

- Create a collage. Express yourself through different symbols, images, colors

and put them all in a collage. Create your own collage that expresses your world,
your feelings, your dreams, express yourself through this and use this collage.
Print it and put it on the wall in your room to look at it, to observe it, to
contemplate on it, to let it speak to you and to let it give you some deeper
insights about your path and your direction.

- Write down powerful wise sentences or quotes, affirmations, thoughts that

inspire you, thoughts that wake you up, thoughts that refresh you instantly. Use
many small pieces of papers or sticky notes and write down as many of these
things as you want and then put them all around wherever you want as constant
reminders. Put them in the fridge. Put them in your bathroom, in your bedroom,
wherever you find the place for it. Take some of them with you when you go
outside and put them somewhere outside randomly so that other people can
receive that message too. Enjoy and have fun.

- Make sure you spend at least one hour daily doing self-maintenance. You owe it
to yourself. It can be anything you really enjoy, taking a walk, taking a bath,
turning off everything and turning on your favorite music, dancing, screaming, just
doing nothing, relaxing, enjoying your favorite meal or your favorite drink, reading
a book, journaling, exercising, meditating, gardening, anything you find fulfilling
for you and your soul. Enjoy and make it brilliant.

- Practice Threading the Needle pose. Do your research about it. See how it’s
done and what are the benefits of doing it and start practicing it. This pose is
called Urdhva Mukha Pasasana. Enjoy doing it. Practice every day. It’s very
simple and comforting, very beneficial and meditative.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What am I identified with the most in my life right now? Is it my work? Is it my

past? Is it my partner? Is it my relationship status? Is it my future? Is it my family?
Is it my home? Is it my style? Is it my public image? What am I mostly identified
with right now? What does this tell me about myself?

- How often do I recognize my own worth, my own qualities, my own values?

How often am I aware of my own worth? Do I give myself any credit for being the
great human being that I am?

- What kind of knowledge am I transferring throughout my life right now? What

kind of information do I share with others? What kind of stories do I exchange
with people? What does this tell me about myself?

- What describes me the most? What are the top five things that describe me the
most? What am I recognizable for?

- What am I truly and really enjoying doing in life? What contributions that I am
making in my life right now are enjoyable, uplifting, fulfilling and satisfying? Do I
do things that satisfy me on a soul level?

What can Libra expect in April

Dear Libra, April is a very important month for you. It is a crossroad for you in
some way and you’re making new compromises with yourself and with others,
compromises that serve you. You are halfway to your Birthday time and it’s a
great time for reviewing the past six months of your life and for making more
powerful moves in your life that will get you where you want to be in the next six
months. This always happens when there’s a Full Moon in your sign and it’s a
time for self-reflection and self-investigation too. You are asked to see how you
want to be seen and perceived six months from now, what are your goals and
what you can do in order to get yourself there. Have you started yet? You need to
take a closer look at yourself and see what needs to be nurtured more, what
needs to grow, what needs to be taken care of, are you doing everything that you
can in order to make yourself feel good and look good, are you doing everything
that you can in order to recognize and meet your own true wants and needs?

On the 3rd of April Mercury enters Taurus and joins Uranus, North node and your
ruler Venus in your eighth house of shared resources, shared money, shared life,
your intimacy, your secrets or somebody else’s secrets, your power struggles,
taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, pension, passive incomes, investments. There
is a big focus on these areas of your life now and you can expect important
conversations with your business partner or intimate partner that is related to
money and investments. You are dealing with these things now. You are dealing
with your shared resources and with some karmic debts and you’re resolving
these things. Mercury here gives you good communication and it’s a lot about
finances and perhaps some financial secrets that you’re discovering or opening
up about. This is also a house of deep psychological processes, unconscious
things, things that are beneath the visible realm, things that happen on an
unconscious level. This is also a house of occult knowledge, of things that are
hidden, things you’re afraid of perhaps, things you want to keep hidden and
some of these things may be coming out and you will be supported to deal with
them. You will be able to talk about things you’re usually afraid of. You will be
able to communicate about your fears, about your sexuality, about death, about
all taboo themes. This area of your life has been accentuated for quite some time
and you’ve experienced many shake ups in your intimate world, with your shared
resources, with your own personal transformations already. Uranus is here and
it’s no surprise that you’ve been through a lot of mental, emotional and financial
earthquakes. Mercury will be here until the 11th of June due to its retrograde
motion. Mercury stations retrograde on the 21st of April and will be retrograde
until the 15th of May. During this time you can expect a lot of ideas and thoughts
from the past resurrecting, people from your past reappearing, money that
somebody owed to you may come back to you now suddenly and unexpectedly.
This can also reconnect you with an intimate partner from your past in some way
so that certain things can be resolved and released or a past issue with your
existing intimate or business partner may show up again so that it can be fixed
and corrected. You are finishing the unfinished business in these eighth house
matters. You are dealing with something inside of you that’s been problematic or
traumatic in the past but that now has a totally different vibe so that you can face
it and complete it. The Sun also enters Taurus on the 21st, on the same day
when Mercury stations retrograde and will help you to get a clearer picture of
what needs to be brought to light, what needs to be healed, what needs to be
transformed, what loss needs to be accepted. You may become more devoted to
self-work, inner work, shadow work. You are dealing with your toxins and you’re
working on clearing and cleaning things from your space.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon happening in your sign and this is all about
you. The focus is on you, on your wants and needs, your direction in life, your
behavior, your identity, your personality, your individuality. Who you are, what do
you want, where are you going, what makes you you? These questions are
always amplified and their meaning is enhanced and magnified during the time of
the Full Moon in your sign. You are discovering something about yourself that
you’ve been unaware of before. You are seeing something that you’ve been
avoiding related to how you live your life, how you behave, how you pursue your
goals and ambitions. What are your compromises? Where do you feel as if
you’ve compromised too much? There are culminations in your personal life and
you’re experiencing some kind of endings and completions. You’re saying
goodbye to something and it feels good. What do you want to say goodbye to?
You are very well supported to do so now. You are thinking about your past and
your future and you shouldn’t get lost in those thoughts. Remember that you are
the present moment. This Full Moon reveals to you something about yourself and
this can happen through your personal relationships too.
On the 11th of April your ruler Venus enters your fellow Air sign Gemini and
shines a light in your ninth house of long distance travels, international
connections, international business, higher education, higher learning, higher
mind, higher meaning, higher self. Venus will be here until the 7th of May and
you can expect some really positive, helpful and friendly events, connections,
relationships and situations. You can enjoy your travels if you’re traveling. You
may go visit beautiful places and meet beautiful people along the way. Some of
you may get into a love relationship with someone who lives in a different
country, someone who speaks a different language, someone who comes from a
different background, different religion, different nationality, different tradition.
This doesn’t have to be a love relationship of course, it can be a good friendship
too. You may also travel with your lover or with a good friend. This is also very
good energy for studying, for learning, for publishing and launching things, for
transferring knowledge, for spiritual practice, for upgrading your knowledge about
something that really matters to you, something that brings you joy and pleasure.
You are learning things that you love and you are teaching things that you love
and enjoy. Venus makes a positive and friendly aspect to Pluto when she enters
Gemini on the 11th and this is powerful for your business, your hobbies, your
talents, your children, your love life and your creativity. Pluto is now in Aquarius in
your fifth house of love, romance, children, creativity, self-expression and
self-esteem. This beautiful energy can bring you international business, upgrade
in love life, children, you may travel with your children and have a wonderful
beautiful time or your children may travel somewhere. Your spiritual journey is
shining brightly and mighty too and you can learn things that are very powerful
during this time. You discover the true power of love as a state of being and your
spiritual practice becomes very strong. You have an ability now to transform a
torture of the mind into the supportive mental discipline that serves your highest

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s another
very strong and benevolent aspect happening and that is the conjunction
between the Sun and Jupiter in your opposite sign of Aries. This area of your life
has already been very strongly affected and influenced last month and now it
becomes even stronger. This is about your relationships, your one-on-one
relationships and there’s something very positive and beneficial happening in
your one-on-one connections. Expect something really amazing, inspiring,
motivating and encouraging. Your relationships will be very powerful now and you
feel fully protected and guided in your relationships. This can be someone new or
people you already know, but you feel very good around someone and there’s a
very strong energy of trust and optimism between you and somebody. You can
expect some big partnership opportunities, big collaborations, and amazing new
possibilities for collaborating. This area of your life is hugely activated now and
there’s a very important thing happening here in April, and that is Eclipse in Aries.
This is the second New Moon in a row in Aries and it affects your commitments,
collaborations and partnerships. This is about your own integrity in relationships
too. Is there something that you cannot put up with in a certain relationship and
you just need to stand up for yourself in that relationship? This energy will give
you what’s needed to express yourself in your relationships. Have you been
neglecting yourself for the sake of the security of a certain relationship? If that’s
so, you’re going to feel the change within yourself and this New Moon Solar
Eclipse initiates a whole new chapter in your relationship world. This is the
beginning of a new Eclipse cycle that will be happening in Aries/Libra for the next
two years. The last time this happened was back between the beginning of 2004,
and the beginning of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning
of 2016. What big transformations, reconnections, disconnections, unions and
separations have been going on in your life during that time? What big lessons
have you learned back then? You may see some of those lessons coming back
now in order to be learned if you’ve missed something. This affects your
marriage, your divorce, your unions, your unity, your partnerships of all kinds.
These are karmic and destined events happening now and it will be very
important for you and your personal journey. Something big is changing and
shifting in your one-on-one relationships.

Mars is the ruler of Aries and the ruler of this Eclipse, the ruler of your seventh
house of relationships and it’s in Cancer this whole month. It’s in its fall when in
Cancer. This happens on top of your chart, in your fellow Cardinal sign Cancer
and Mars is pushing you in your career world and you may experience some
changes, challenges and possible frustrations in your career, in your profession,
with your father or with father figures, with your mother perhaps too, with anyone
who has that dominant energy in your life. You are putting energy into your
career. You are putting energy and effort into your public image, into your
reputation, into your contribution. You may have to do something that is outside
of your comfort zone now. You may experience some kind of passive aggression
with your boss, with your employer, with someone you work with but you can
transform all of this once you know how this energy works and you can use this
Mars in Cancer to protect your reputation, to protect your position and your role
in the world, to be persistent and if you have any sense of urgency, take it easy
and don’t rush. Mars in Cancer is very protective and defensive and you may
have that kind of attitude in your work and career. But you can have that
protective role in somebody’s life and you can actually do something that you
usually don’t do and this can bring you positive outcomes. You have courage to
show yourself in the world and to present yourself, to be more in the public if
that’s needed, to let your voice be heard and to have a positive, empowering and
motivating influence on others around you, to be a healthy authority to others.

Libra relationship with inner self

Dear Libra, you have a strong connection with yourself now and you will have a
lot of space to see what needs to change on your journey, to see where you’re
going, to see what are your true wants and needs, to see how far you’ve come
and what you’ve done lately that is worth mentioning, that is worth remembering,
that is worth carrying with yourself. Are you proud of yourself? What makes you
feel proud of yourself? What inspires you to improve yourself and what are the
things that put you down and make you want to quit? What inspires you and
motivates you to keep going through life, to keep growing, to keep learning and
exploring? You are discovering things that inspire you in that way now and you’re
learning more about the hidden reality within you, about the things that we don’t
see. You will have an amazing opportunity to put your story into words, to find
words to explain yourself to yourself, to find words to describe your feelings, to
find words for your own inner state of being and these words may come as
thoughts and your conversation with yourself. They may come as written words
too. You are finding the way to express yourself and to explain yourself to
yourself and this means so much to you and you create a higher level of intimacy
with yourself now. You are very close with yourself and this bond is unbreakable
really. Just by knowing that you can be your worst enemy, puts you in the place
of knowing that you are also your greatest friend and guidance. You are making a
choice. You actually realize that you make the choice and you choose what
you’re going to be to yourself. Which side are you going to take? You can choose
the perception. You don’t have to see certain things that you personally don’t like
in a way that is putting you down, that is bad, that is making you feel bad. You
can choose. You can see things that happen in life as a constant help and
support on the road. Things that you don’t like are warnings and lessons and you
can change your perception. Instead of saying: “Why is this always happening to
me…”, or “Will I ever….”, or “I’ve tried everything…”, or “That’s not possible…”, or
“I cannot make it…”, say “Thank you for showing me again that I have to change
something in my life”, “I accept what is happening in my life right now and I am
going to work with what I already have in the best possible way without searching
for excuses”, “I am finding new ways and discovering the beauty of life in
experimenting with my possibilities and capacities”, “I am capable, I can do this,
and wherever I am, I am on the right path.” This little change in how you speak
with yourself and how you think, changes everything. It changes and transforms
every cell in your body and this changes the circumstances and the possibilities
for you. You hold the power and you are discovering that power within yourself

Libra relationship with others

Dear Libra, you have powerful things happening in your relationships now and
there are many things that you’re discovering and seeing in yourself, in your own
behavior in relationships and in your relationships that you haven’t or couldn’t
see before. Some things are new to you now and some of you may see that
you’ve abandoned yourself perhaps because you’ve always wanted to make
things perfect with others. You’ve always wanted to keep peace no matter what
and you’ve always worked in a way to comfort others and to accommodate
others. You may have neglected yourself a lot on this journey because of that
and now you may see that in some way and this will help you rebalance yourself
with yourself and with others too. Or, it may be that some of you have been too
focused on yourself that you’ve neglected others and this may have been
happening in many ways. You may have been talking only about yourself in your
relationships. You may have transformed every conversation into a conversation
about yourself, your worries, your health, your work, your children if you have
them, your love life, your fears, your journey… You may have been turning every
conversation into a conversation about yourself and this may be very liberating
for you to acknowledge and recognize now because this will get you out of that
self-imprisonment. It is not healthy to talk about your own things all the time and
to be too self-occupied. That closes and imprisons you in many ways and it
prevents your relationships from growing and having spontaneous experiences.
This is all activated through Full Moon in your sign this month and Eclipse in your
opposite sign of Aries in your house of relationships. There’s a lot to be done in
your relationships this month, to be improved, to be upgraded. Jupiter and the
Sun come together on the 11th and that’s amazing for powerful connections with
others, for someone who can really do something great for you and with you.
This is a lucky aspect and you will feel lucky in somebody’s company. You may
have some conflicts with authority figures, some kind of frustration may be
present in your relationship with father or father figures. You may have a need to
protect yourself, to defend yourself in some way, you may feel that your own
authority is threatened in some way by another authority figure in your life but
you’re going to resolve it quickly if something like that happens. You may be
traveling and connecting with beautiful people during this time and you may
connect with amazing people through something you’re learning or teaching
perhaps. It’s a great time for exchanging experiences and for sharing your story
with others, and these beautiful and loving connections may come to you through
foreigners, through people who come from different religions and traditions. You
can enrich your life now through these connections and you may recognize
certain people as your teachers, people who are in your close surroundings. You
can rely on these people now and you are very honest and sincere with yourself
about your behavior in relationships with others which gives you a wider
perspective of events and relationships in your life.

Libra love & romantic life in April

Dear Libra, your love life is full of newness and freshness. There’s a lot going on
in your love life, in your love relationships and in love as a state of being. This is
a time of journeys and adventures, beautiful encounters, loving conversations but
also depths and transformations in your intimate world. This has been triggered
already in your life and it’s continuing, growing and evolving now. You are going
to see if you’ve been neglecting yourself in a love relationship and you’re going to
see if you have forgotten to nurture and nourish yourself because you’re
expecting others to do that, you’re expecting your lover to do that, your spouse,
your potential intimate partner. You may have been waiting for the perfect partner
and you may have forgotten to love yourself along the way. You may have
forgotten that that is possible at all because you’ve been desperately wanting
someone to love you in that way. So, your love life is going through a powerful
transformation where you’re going to recognize your own self-neglecting patterns
and you’re going to start changing the direction on that journey. Your love life is
very rich this month and there are possible karmic and destined connections and
reconnections happening. There is an initiation of something new in your love
life. Some of you are getting married or getting engaged now or you’re just
planning and this is something that may happen in the next two years. But some
of you may also go through separation and divorce in the next two years with
Eclipses happening in your first and seventh houses. Whatever it is, it is for your
best and it’s happening right as it should be happening. It’s really not so much
about what is happening but it’s more about how you react to those things that
are happening. You can expect new love stories too, new love interests, new love
inspiration. Your intimate world is also very active now and you have Mercury in
your eighth house of intimacy and bonding together with Uranus and North node.
Your ruler Venus is also here until the 11th of April so this can really bring your
intimacy to a higher level. You are bonding with your partner through
conversation, through open communication, through opening up about things you
kept only for yourself. There are also disclosures in your love relationships that
bring more awareness of your bond. Your ruler Venus enters Gemini on the 11th
of April where she stays until the7th of May. Venus in your ninth house brings
travels and love in another country, love with foreigners, journey with your lover,
honeymoon of some kind perhaps, falling in love with someone who comes from
different religion and tradition. You may travel with your intimate partner or you
may meet a new love interest on your travels. If you’re studying or learning
something, something beautiful can happen with someone from your class or
your learning group. Venus makes a positive and friendly trine aspect with Pluto
in your fifth house of love and romance. This is definitely something powerful in
your love life, something strong and profound. Deep transformation that brings
you something enlightening and rejuvenating in your love story and in your
experience of love as a state of being too. This is amazing energy for celebrating
something together with your partner. If you’re single, this month brings great
opportunities for meeting someone new or for reconnecting with someone, but
also for going through a process of learning to love yourself, value yourself,
nurture yourself and nourish yourself. Don’t wait for the perfect partner to fulfill
you and complete you. You are a complete human being already and if a partner
comes it’s great, but if the partner doesn’t come, it’s great again. There is no
such thing as your stronger or more beautiful half, those are illusionary and
imposed programs. You are whole already, you are not half of a person if you
don’t have a partner. So, it’s really important to know that you’re whole already
and that a partner comes as a bonus to your wholeness as your partner is also a
whole person. You are definitely changing your perception about love and life this
month in a big way and it’s just the beginning of your personal transformation.
Libra sex life in April
Dear Libra, your sex life is exciting this month and you’re going through exciting
stages within yourself when it comes to your own sexuality and your expression
of sexuality. You are finding an artistic way to express your sexual desires and
sexual energy. Your sexuality is something that is a big part of you. Sexuality is
also something very authentic but it also changes and transforms as you grow
and evolve. Sexuality is something that matures too and you’re going to see how
you’ve changed and matured when it comes to your sexuality. How do you
express your sexuality? How would you express it if you had to express it in
some artistic way for example. What color would it be or what colors? What
shape would it have? What taste would it have? How would it move? What kind
of voice would your sexuality have? What kind of energy, what title, what genre?
Describe your sexuality and see how well you know yourself. Do you allow your
sexuality to define you, or do you see sexuality as another way of expressing
your uniqueness, another way of experiencing and tasting yourself and your life?
There’s a lot going on in this month and you’re going to feel a greater and deeper
bond with your partner. You are working on your intimacy and you’re upgrading
your intimacy with your lover. You’re improving your bond. Communication may
have a key role in your sex life. You have Mercury for a long time now in your
eighth house of intimacy, sexuality and merging with another person, sharing
secrets and intimacy, being in an intimate relationship. Mercury is not alone here,
you also have Uranus and the North node here. You are going through some big
changes and awakenings through your sexual experiences and through your
expression of sexuality. Are you afraid of expressing your sexuality? Are you too
open about it? Are you going into extremes about it? Are you suppressing it, are
you denying it, are you openly inviting? What are your sexual patterns and how
do they influence your choice of partners? You may see some of those patterns
now and they’re being destroyed in some way so that they become transformed.
There is depth through a sense of pleasure thanks to Pluto in your fifth house of
sexual pleasure, enjoyment and romance. Venus, your ruler, makes a trine with
Pluto here while she’s in the ninth house of long distance travels, international
connections, journeys, adventures, spiritual pursuits and widening of your
perception. There is a lot of opportunity for connecting with someone overseas
too for those of you who don’t have a partner and who are searching for one.
Some beautiful, deep and sensual connections are very activated around the
time of the 11th of April but also throughout the whole month.
Libra career & purpose in April
Dear Libra, you are putting effort and energy into your career this month and you
may actually be a bit obsessive with your career and profession, with your
reputation, with your contribution. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing of course,
just something to know and be aware of. You have Mars in your tenth house of
career and vocation this whole month and Mars doesn’t really feel comfortable
being in Cancer. Mars is in its fall when in Cancer and cannot express its full
energy in the way that Mars would love to. So, you have to find a different
approach and different way to take action in your career and your professional
world, in your authority, in your reputation, in how you want the world to see you
and perceive you. Mars is also the ruler of the Eclipse in Aries that happens on
the 20th of April but Eclipses are felt weeks before and weeks after they happen.
This happens in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. You also
have the Sun and Jupiter conjunction here in your seventh house of partnerships
and this can bring you a powerful new business partnership or collaboration. You
also have a lot happening in your eighth house which is a powerful financial
house and it shows your shared resources and shared finances, shared money,
your partner’s money, your family’s money or somebody else’s money. Mercury is
here together with Uranus and North node and your ruler is here until the 11th of
April. A lot can be done now when it comes to your taxes, credits, loans, bills and
debts. You can expect business communications that can resolve some of these
issues if you have any. You can gain money through others now, through other
sources besides your own source, besides your own earnings. Money that you
invested before can now return back to you. Mercury will be retrograde here and
you will be correcting and fixing things in these areas of your life. You are
reevaluating and reconsidering your investments, your business partnerships,
inheritance, pensions and passive incomes. These things are now accentuated
and you can make things right if there is a need for that now. Your ruler Venus
will be in Gemini in your ninth house between the 11th of April and 7th of May.
This is an amazing transit for traveling, learning, teaching, sharing information,
publishing, launching, exchanging stories, going on adventures, embarking on a
spiritual journey. You can expect beautiful changes of perception in your life,
beautiful connections with people who live differently and think differently.
Something stretches your perception and helps you see the bigger picture and
this has a huge impact on your beliefs too. Pluto is in your fifth house that
represents starting your own business, turning hobbies into business, expressing
yourself, being creative, launching your product or service, expressing your gifts
and talents. Your ruler Venus makes a positive and harmonious aspect with Pluto
and this can bring you big business, big values and financial opportunities
through creative projects or through travels, through work with children perhaps
or with young people but also through knowledge and teachings. It's a really rich
month when it comes to your possibilities and what you can do. You can do
anything now. You also have Full Moon in your sign and this helps you make a
decision about your life direction. Where do you want to be six months from now?
What do you want to achieve? What are your ambitions and what is your passion
right now? Invest in those things. Don’t be afraid of investing. It’s a good time to
do that and to see where that is going to take you. Knowledge can play a key role
in your career and you can start manifesting some of your dreams now. You are
changing some crucial things in your world and that will have a big influence on
where you are going and what you’re doing.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in your sign and it’s all
about you and your close personal relationships. It’s about your identity and
personality, about your behavior, your physical appearance, your image and your
style, your wants and needs, your vitality, your health, your action, your passion.
It’s about who you are and how you do your life. Full Moons are times of
completions, endings, closures, drama, disclosures, culminations, fruitions and
fulfillments. Something is culminating in your personal life, something about you,
your close personal relationships, your relationship with yourself, your health
maybe, your vitality, your physicality, your image. Something about you is brought
to light, something you weren’t able to see before, to recognize before, to
acknowledge before. The Full Moon is a time when the Sun and the Moon are in
perfect opposition to each other and they’re looking at each other. This Full Moon
the Sun and the Moon are in your first and seventh houses. Your houses of “Me”
versus “We”, of “You” and “I”. This is something that you have to face, something
you have to deal with and it may be your behavior or behavior of somebody else.
Something culminates in who you are. How do you feel about yourself? How do
you behave in your close personal relationships? Do you feel appreciated? Do
you feel neglected? Do you feel abandoned? Do you feel left out in some way? If
so, ask yourself when have you abandoned yourself? When have you stopped
appreciating yourself, when have you started neglecting yourself, when have you
stopped taking care of yourself? Whatever you suppress is being expressed in
one way or another and this Full Moon will shine a light on those things that
you’ve been suppressing, hiding, avoiding or that you’ve been unaware of. Do
you have yourself? Do you know yourself? Or do you have a need to be known
by others? You may have great insights during this Full Moon about the Self,
about knowing yourself not as a person, but as a being. You will have profound
insights that will show you that when you have a need to be known and
understood by others, you actually have that need because you don’t know or
understand yourself. You may get a bit emotional about yourself. You may be
emotional when it comes to your relationship with yourself and this emotional
moment can set you free now. You can also achieve things now that you’ve been
fighting and working for, that you’ve been working on and that you’ve been
dreaming of. Some of your personal desires can start manifesting if they are in
alignment with your being, with your true wants and needs. This Full Moon can
reveal those true wants and needs to you and can show you that certain things
you’ve been wanting so badly are not meant for you at all. Use the energy of this
Full Moon to take a deeper look at yourself, to examine yourself, to release
things that need to be released, to let go of everything that is standing in the way
between you and you, to let go of your past beliefs and learned behaviors and to
start using your own power in the right way, to start living your life, breathing your
own life, inhaling and exhaling your own life instead of breathing somebody else’s
lives, instead of listening to somebody else’s voices and chasing somebody
else’s dreams. You are your greatest dream and you are already manifested. The
rest manifests on its own once you believe yourself and in yourself.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Libra
Dear Libra, this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse New Moon and it’s very significant
for you. It has a huge impact on your relationships and your partnerships. This
affects you directly and it activates key areas of your house. This New Moon
Solar Eclipse happens on the 20th of April in the sign of Aries and this is the
second New Moon in a row that happens in the sign of Aries, but these two New
Moons are not the same of course. First one happened on the very first degrees
of the sign while this one happens on the very last degrees of the sign. This New
Moon is also an Eclipse and this is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it also marks the
beginning of the new Eclipse cycle that will be happening in Aries and Libra in
the next two years. Eclipses are game changers. They bring things and people
into our lives that are meant to be there and they also take away things and
people that are meant to be removed from our life in many different shapes and
forms. But this is a process and things don’t happen overnight when Eclipses are
in the game. This is a process and this first Eclipse in this series of Eclipses is
showing you what it's gonna be about and how it’s gonna affect you. This is just
the beginning and it’s about initiation and ending at the same time. Something
begins and something ends and this is happening in your relationships sector, in
your one-on-one relationships, your marriage, your union, your business
partnership, your social relationships, your friendships and all your one-on-one
relationships. The last time this Eclipse was active and was activating the same
areas of your life was back between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of
2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. What big
things were happening back then in your life? What big changes and
transformations do you remember? What are your feelings like when you think
back to these periods of time? Something was happening in your close personal
relationships or in your other one-on-one relationships that changed you, that
transformed your relationship with yourself and your behavior, that changed who
you are and how you live your life. Some lessons that you have skipped back
then may come back during this time to be learned. Some lessons may need to
be repeated and you may be tested and challenged when it comes to certain
lessons that you’ve learned because you’re asked to apply those lessons. Pay
close attention to your relationships and your place within your relationships, your
feelings in your relationships. This is something that is meant to be between you
and someone. This can be a marriage, an engagement, a friendship, a business
partnership that is very important, very significant. Next two years your
relationship with others and with yourself are crucial for your soul’s journey and
your shadow work. You will be experiencing a lot of cleansing energy through
your one-on-one relationships and through your own personal desires, wants and
needs. You may see someone you already know in a new way or you may see
someone new and feel as if you know this person forever. You may feel like you
have many memories together even though you see this person for the first time
in your life. These are strange feelings and Eclipses are like that, a bit strange, a
bit karmic, a bit otherworldly. You can hear your name in many places and in
people’s hearts, and you recognize yourself in others while your name echoes to
the stars.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Libra, your Tarot card for April is The High Priestess upright. This is a
card of great intuition and higher power. It represents knowledge of our mind,
body, and soul. This card is about inner wisdom, mystery, sexuality and feminine
principles. This card is also about forgotten wisdom and ancestral knowledge and
it represents a time for the quest to the inner self. Soul remembers that which is
forgotten, and this card represents access to this kind of knowledge and wisdom.
This card means that it is time for deep reflection and that all answers lie within
you. This is a very complex card, full of symbolism of all kinds. The High
Priestess wears the crown of Isis, the Egyptian Goddess from the story of the
Holy Trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus. We also see the Crescent Moon at her feet,
a symbol of feminine power and the power of the unconscious. She sits between
two pillars on a cubic stone. These two pillars are from Solomon’s Temple, Jachin
and Boaz. They represent two main principles in this reality, the two main forces:
good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark, night and day, masculine and
feminine, the Sun and the Moon, conscious and unconscious, plus and minus, all
of which are a holy balance; High Priestess is in the middle. She is the third pillar,
the one that holds the balance. She holds a scroll with the word TORA in her
hand, a word also related to Tarot. Tora means the law, and we see that the word
is not fully visible—it is hidden a little bit, which means that true knowledge is
accessible but not for everyone. This card is an invitation to go deep, to go on
that inner quest. It encourages you to go within. This card means that you will be
shown what prevents you from knowing yourself. You are called to confront
something that is hidden within you, to confront fears that block you from
knowing yourself, and you are asked to follow your inner voice now more than

The importance of your intuition is great now, and you are asked to follow your
heart. This is also a calling for a spiritual journey, and it asks you to take some
time out, to allow yourself to be quiet, to be still, to receive insights, and to allow
yourself different learning experiences. This is about Divine knowledge; it’s not
something that can be rationally explained. It cannot be logically understood. It is
that moment when you just know that something is right for you or that something
is not right for you. Allow your intuition to guide you now. You can also expect
very powerful advice from someone during this time, unusual advice. Maybe it
will be a bit mysterious as well, but it will be revealed to you. You may know
something you can’t explain during this time. Some of you may start a powerful
therapy during this time as well. You may connect with a powerful woman. This is
an archetype of a powerful woman, a healing woman, a female shaman, a
female psychic, a wise woman—you can expect this kind of figure in your life
during this time. This card also means that it is the perfect time for meditation, for
prayers, for rituals, for inner knowledge. You are introduced to the unknown and
you’re initiated into it. Answers to your questions are within you. Don’t forget this.
There could be a female figure who could help you find your direction during this
time. You may be standing in front of a big dilemma in your life, and this card
suggests that you are learning to access your inner wisdom, your higher powers
where you’ll find the answer. You are asked to listen to your emotions, your
feelings, to rely more on your intuition than on your thought patterns. You are
called to connect with your inner Divine feminine, with your inner High Priestess.
This card means that you are now ready to receive this knowledge and to follow
her voice.

The most impactful planet for Libra in April

Dear Libra, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. Both lunations
are happening in key areas of your life and affect you directly. First, there’s Full
Moon in your sign on the 6th of April, putting more focus on you, on who you are,
on your wants and needs, your personal desires, your personality and identity.
On the 20th of the month there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign
of Aries in another key area of your house, your relationships, your one-on-one
relationships and partnerships, social, intimate and business partnerships,
marriage, unions, divorce, separation, commitments, collaborations. Something
crucial is beginning. There’s a new cycle and new process that is being triggered
now and that will be active in the next two years in your relationships with
yourself and with others.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to make the most out of this Moon’s energy, in order to use the energy of
the Moon in the most powerful and constructive way, you should work on your
emotional intelligence, work on emotional independence and emotional maturity
through allowing yourself to feel all that there is to feel without suppressing and
rejecting your emotions and feelings. Let those emotions come out right through
you. Let them get out by allowing them to pass through you. Speak with your
emotional body. Imagine your emotional body as a tree with big and rich
branches, leaves and fruits. Water this tree. Nurture it. Nourish it. Take good care
of this tree. Make it the most beautiful tree that you can. Make it the most
powerful everlasting tree ever. Turn it into the most magical place that there is.
Observe your emotions as leaves and fruits of the tree and know that they’re not
yours and they’re not there forever. There are different seasons and different
stages of their processes. There is a time when these fruits fall on their own,
once they’re ready for it. There’s also a time when leaves fall so that the new
ones can grow. You have to allow your emotions to grow and to allow them to fall
away when the time is right. You also have to take care of the whole tree despite
the fact that some fruits or leaves or branches may not be the best. These are all
natural processes and you should start observing your emotions as something
totally natural. Nurture yourself even when you are not aligned with emotions and
know that you are not your emotions. They come and go and they have
something to show you and something to teach you. Treat them in that way
instead of attaching yourself too strongly to them. Have a healthy approach to
your emotions and nurture yourself despite everything. Take good care of
yourself despite all laziness, all fears, all obstacles, all struggles and despite all
comfort too, despite all the happiness and goodness, despite all the luxury and
abundance too. Never forget to nurture yourself, your roots, the roots of the tree
of life that you are.

Healing tips for Libra in April

- Find a shape that perfectly describes your current state of being. Find any kind
of shape, geometric shape, shape that you invent, shape that you see in nature
or somewhere around you. Choose one shape that you can relate to and
contemplate on that shape. Observe it for some time and then close your eyes
and continue observing it. Imagine yourself as this shape and see how it makes
you feel to be this shape. See if you want to change this shape while you're
there. Observe your feelings and thoughts. See where this shape takes you.
Draw it and carry it with you. Ask this shape something that is significant to you
right now. Play with it and have fun.

- Pack your intention into something. It can be your favorite lucky item, your lucky
pendant, your lucky bracelet, your lucky pen, it can be a rose too, it can be a
crystal, anything you are connected to and if there is nothing like that, find
something to connect with in that way. Energize it with your own energy, hold it in
your hands and connect with it. Set your intention into this package. Feel how
you are packing your intention and how you’re sending it further into the
laboratory of intentions, into the fabric of wishes. Think well about your intention
and meditate on it while you're packing it. Do this daily. Do a little meditation with
your packed intention and enjoy the process.

- Imagine yourself as an old rust and as a tool for removal of this rust at the same
time. As a rust, feel how persistent, stubborn and fixed it is. Feel how hard it is to
be removed, to be cleaned, and then feel yourself as a vinegar that cleanses this
rust. Feel how you are removing it. You are touching it and scratching it. Feel
yourself as both, rust and vinegar and feel both processes. Try to apply this
process in your life, with your emotional and mental patterns that are rusty,
stubborn, persistent and that are destructive for you.

- Whenever you see or feel something strange, something awkward, something

that reminds you of a dream you had or something that feels different from
normal reality, do something to memorize that moment, do something that will be
a reminder for you for each next time you get this feeling. Snap with your fingers,
clap with your hands, jump a little bit, look at your palms, close your nose and try
to breathe through it. Choose any of these methods and each time you get this
feeling, you do the same. This will help you to realize that you are dreaming in
the dreams. You will remember whenever you see or feel something strange or
absurd in your dreams, you will do your little notification gesture and this will tell
you that you are dreaming. You will realize that you are in a dream and you will
awaken in your dream. This is a very powerful technique for awakening and
awareness. Practice it each day.

- Practice effortless state of being as much as you can. Every day, use one part
of the day where you are going to be totally effortless. Don’t put any effort into
anything, not even an effort to be effortless. Try to be totally relaxed. You will
soon notice how hard this is. Mind will take you in many directions but you have
to try to let it go. In the beginning, you will have to put an effort into not putting an
effort, but as you keep practicing, effort will fall away itself. This is an effortless
meditation, no imaginations, no visualizations, just breathing and just nothing. No
effort into anything, no focus on breathing because that is still an effort. Just an
effortless being. This is a very powerful state of being if you can feel it for at least
one moment. Keep practicing and enjoy the ride.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Perceive everything that you experience throughout the day as a sacred

mission and a task for you. Perceive everything that you hear, see, receive, say,
give, touch, and come in contact with as a direct message for you and something
you need to resolve and discover. See everything as a special task and as a
special message for you to work with it, as a holy mission, as a code from your
higher self that you have to decode and work with.
- Visit new places every day. Go to a new place each day, to a place you haven't
been to before or change your perception of the things you're looking at every
day and see them as if you're looking at them for the first time, as if you're
experiencing them for the first time in your life. Bring new impressions into your
life every day. Make sure you renew your perception, your feelings, your
observations, your knowledge, your relationships on a daily level. Enjoy and have

- Try to be as present as you can in everything that you're doing. Give your best
to be fully present in all your daily activities. Be there in each moment. Of course,
you will fail many times because your mind will take you into many different
directions very quickly, but don't give up and keep practicing daily focus and
concentration. Don’t allow yourself to get lost in distractions. Be present with
what you’re doing. Be into that activity fully. If you’re washing the dishes - wash
the dishes, and do the same with everything else. Don’t think about things. Be
where you are. Drink water, brush your teeth, take a shower, prepare a meal,
take a walk, dress yourself, do all these things consciously. Be present.

- Give yourself three daily tasks that you're going to do. Each day write down
three tasks for yourself and make sure you do them. Keep your promise. Make
these tasks as little promises to yourself and keep your promises. These don't
have to be any big promises. These are small daily accomplishments. See which
ones are important for you and give your best to manifest them.

- Practice corpse pose. Do your research about it. See how it’s done. Learn more
about it. See what it’s good for and what benefits you get from doing it. This pose
is known as Savasana. It is very simple, the simplest pose ever and it’s very
powerful, relaxing, detoxing, empowering and liberating. Enjoy it.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What compromises do I have to change, to renew, to transform, to let go of, to

remove, to update? What are my most important compromises in life and what
are the top three compromises that I have to change?
- What have I done that is worth mentioning in the last six months? What are the
most important lessons that I have learned in these past six months? What am I
proud of doing, achieving, transforming or releasing during these past six

- What do I need to nurture more in my life? Where have I neglected and

abandoned myself? What areas of my life have I totally forgotten about? What
have I been avoiding?

- If I could put my whole life up until this moment into one word, what word would
I choose to describe it? What does this tell me about myself?

- How often do I have conversations with myself? What are my usual themes in
my conversations with myself? How do I feel after these conversations? How
often do I have a real talk with myself?


What can Scorpio expect in April

Dear Scorpio, April is a lot about your health and wellbeing, your stability, your
centeredness, your vitality, your cleanliness, your detox, your rest and relaxation,
your relationships and work, your mental and physical discipline, your wellness
and your commitments. You are looking at your past and your past can serve you
now in a way that it can actually bring you a necessary healing. You are cracking
the codes of your soul in some way. You are unriddling the riddle. You’re figuring
out the puzzle in many ways. You are directly looking at things that are holding
you back and you start releasing one by one. You are letting go of those ropes
that are squeezing you, tightening you, suffocating you and you’re not fighting
against those things. You are focusing on calmness and groundedness instead.

On the 3rd of April Mercury enters your opposite sign Taurus and joins Venus,
Uranus and North node in your seventh house of partnerships, commitments,
collaborations and relationships. This area of your life is still very much affected
and it will continue to be so. You have gone through a lot of turbulent changes in
your one-on-one relationships because there is a big awakening happening for
you in the area of your relationships. Uranus has been here since 2018, and it
will continue to shake up your relationships and partnerships until 2025-2026.
This month you experience more connections and sudden conversations in
unexpected places with people you didn’t expect to connect with or to meet.
Expect surprises in your relationships, surprising conversations and perhaps trips
with someone. You can expect very awakening conversations, authentic
connections and awareness of strength in certain relationships. You can say what
you mean in your relationships and you will feel good about it. Mercury will be
here until the 11th of June which is a lot of time for Mercury to stay in one sign,
but this happens due to Mercury’s retrograde motion that begins on the 21st of
April, and lasts until the 15th of May. Mercury retrograde here can bring you
people from your past in one way or another. You may meet them on the street
or you may hear from them. You may suddenly and spontaneously reconnect
with some people during this retrograde period of time. People you’ve lost touch
with can reappear now too. Past ideas can be brought to light again and you may
start collaborating with someone with whom you weren’t able to collaborate
before for some reason. You are also reevaluating and reassessing some of your
one-on-one relationships. You have an opportunity to fix and correct things in
your relationships too. If there is something that needs to be communicated
between you and somebody, this is a time to do so now. This area of your life is
active throughout the whole month and this also affects your marriage, your
union, your business partnerships too, any type of your one-on-one relationships.
This area of your life will continue to be very active in the next month too, and
now you’re making things clear in your relationships so that you can prepare for
great renewals and new beginnings in May when you will have Eclipse in your
sign and New Moon in Taurus. The Sun enters Taurus on the 21st, on the same
day when Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus and the Sun brings more light,
more information, more direction and clarity in your one-on-one relationships.
There are some things in your relationships and partnerships that need to be
fixed. You have an opportunity to make things right with someone and it's the
perfect time for reconciliations, reunions and reconnections.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon happening in Libra in your hidden twelfth
house and this Full Moon has a lot to do with your healing and your ability to
relax and restore, recover and rest. This Full Moon will enlighten your blindspots
too and will show you what needs to be released from within you, what needs to
be cleansed and healed. This energy activates your subconscious fears and your
addictions too, your escapism tools, your need to escape reality, your need for
meditation, your need for rest. You are searching for peace, for calmness, for
tranquility and for those people who resonate with that state of being. You are
connecting with people who practice groundedness, who practice calmness, who
work with their subconscious fears and who can help you walk through your
anxieties, people who can help you recognize your past traumas and anxieties so
that you can work on real detox. Something is revealed to you about your past,
about ancestors, about your inner world. Something from the spiritual realm is
brought to light and you can expect intuitive messages, messages through your
dreams, astral projections, lucid dreaming, altered states, a-ha moments and
insights. This is some kind of culmination and ending, a closure of your damaging
habits and revelation of your inner qualities. You are asked to take a good rest, a
quality rest, to have some time for yourself, to step into your own being and
search for wisdom in silence, without distractions and without mental
disturbances and noise.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and brings harmony, peace and beauty
in your natural eighth house of transformation, rebirth, inner world, unconscious
actions and attachments, intimacy, intimate relationships, business partnerships,
finances, your partner’s money, family’s money, inheritance, pension, taxes,
loans, shared resources. Expect good financial news and something beautiful
and supportive when it comes to your family and home too. Venus makes a
friendly trine aspect with your ruler Pluto in your fourth house of home, family,
real estate, emotional stability and security, your mother, your family members.
Even though these positions make a bit of an awkward and intense angle with
your sign, it is actually going to bring you something beautiful and powerful when
it comes to your family money, your home, your family business perhaps, your
partner’s financial situation, your investments. You can also expect a beautiful
connection between your partner and your family members, something
harmonious that can bring you closer and bring you together. Revealing secrets
can bring positive outcomes too during this time. Financial investments in the
family can turn out to be very good now.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s another big
and important aspect happening between the Sun and Jupiter. They meet
together in Aries on the 11th of April in your sixth house of daily work, daily tasks,
daily schedules, habits and routines, your lifestyle, your wellness, your health
and wellbeing, your diet regime and your responsibilities, your service to others
and your pets too. This is amazing and benevolent energy for your health and
work. Expect lucky circumstances in these areas of your life. Jupiter expands
everything it touches and in this case it magnifies the attributes and the meaning
of the Sun - the light, the authority, the will, the health and vitality, career and
purpose. And the Sun enlightens Jupiter and shines a light on truth, on meaning,
on wisdom, on abundance, on knowledge. You are learning how to heal yourself.
You are learning how to live your life in a more disciplined and responsible way,
how to be your own authority, how to find more meaning in your everyday life and
everyday work and how to value and appreciate your health, your body, your
wellbeing. This is a lucky aspect and can bring you lucky opportunities for work,
for new job, for health and healing, for something that fulfills you, something that
brings back hope into your life, but not fake hope, not hope of waiting for
tomorrow’s happiness, but hope as a state of being, hope as trust, hope as
knowledge, hope as a healthy belief that removes all impurities.

On the 20th of April there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in Aries,
amplifying and accentuating even more the conjunction between the Sun and
Jupiter and the areas of your life that are related to health and work. Eclipses are
intense and life-changing events and there’s definitely something big happening
now in your everyday life. Expect a big shift of your routines and habits. These
are karmic changes, those that are meant to be and they are triggered now in
areas of your work, your health, your service to others. You have an opportunity
to initiate something that is really meaningful for you. Jupiter has been here for
quite some time, helping you in these areas of your life, protecting you and your
health, showing you what needs to be restored, recovered, changed and healed.
Now you have an Eclipse happening here and this Eclipse brings big changes,
destined and karmic events and situations. Take care of yourself. You already
had a New Moon in Aries last month and this is the second New Moon in a row,
activating your health and your work, showing you important things that you have
to deal with, that you have to renew and rejuvenate, that you have to work with.
It’s an ideal time for starting a new diet regime, for detoxing yourself, for purifying
your mind, body and soul. If you haven’t done that around the time of the
previous New Moon in March, now you have another chance and if you don’t do
it yourself, life will generate things for you so that you will have to work on
self-improvement and self-betterment.
Your ancient ruler Mars is in your fellow Water sign Cancer this whole month, in
your ninth house of traveling, learning, teaching, studying, connecting with
people from all over the world, expanding your vision, your perception, searching
for the truth, searching for the meaning, exploring yourself, experiencing life in a
more adventurous way. You are putting a lot of action and energy into learning,
into knowledge, into studying, into traveling, into your beliefs and some of you
may be even a bit obsessed by some of your beliefs, obsessed by some of your
ideals, obsessed by learning a certain thing, obsessed by some spiritual practice.
It's a good time for being proactive in these areas of your life and doing things
that expand your knowledge and vision. You are defending your beliefs. You are
defending your ideals. You are defending your attitude about something but it’s
also a time to feel protected by higher power, to feel protected and guided by the
power that is beyond your comprehension, to surrender to that feeling and to
have trust and faith that you are always guided and protected.

Scorpio relationship with inner self

Dear Scorpio, there is a big story being written in the background of your life, in
the background of your awakened state, in the background of your active
processes, in your mental and emotional yard. You are doing some gardening
now and you’re turning your mental and emotional yards into the most magical
and inspiring places and spaces. You are going to do a huge mental work, a
huge inner work with yourself now. You are very familiar with this kind of work
and you’re mastering your skills even more. You never stop surprising yourself
with discovering and revealing more and more of who you are. You never stop
surprising yourself with new insights. There’s always more to be revealed, more
to be learned, more to be understood and acknowledged. This month you’re
dealing with some of your subconscious fears that come up to the surface. These
subconscious fears are brought to light in many different ways and you will know
how to deal with these things. You won’t waste your time on dealing with the
trigger itself, but you will immediately deal with that which is behind the trigger.
Your intuition is very strong now and you can sense things easily. You can see
through the dense reality and touch the more subtle matter of this density and
reality. Dreams are revealing a lot to you during this time too, so, pay attention to
your dreams, write them down, have a dream journal and observe the symbols
that catch your attention not only in your dreams, but also when you’re awake.
Some of you may experience some kind of culmination of anxiety, a culmination
of your fears, a culmination of your invisible “enemies” and this is good because
you will see them. You will have an opportunity to face them. It’s hard when
they’re suppressed and unseen, but once they start coming out, it becomes
easier to address them and identify them. So, you’re identifying and addressing
your anxieties now. You’re identifying your subconscious fears and you will have
help from someone on this journey. You will have support and you will be ready
to transform your way of living your life. You are ready to get out of your labyrinth,
out of your maze and to step into your library of consciousness where you have
all that you need. But, you also understand now that without getting lost in the
labyrinth, without getting lost in your maze, you would never be able to discover
the library. You would never be able to find the exit, to find the entrance into the
new level of your being. Every exit is an entrance and every entrance is an exit
too. You are entering and exiting something at the same time. You are dealing
with your past and you’re looking at your past as if you’re looking at your mirror.
Mirror cracks and you have an ability to take pieces of this mirror and to see
them with greater clarity. You are letting go of this image. You are detaching from
that picture and you’re walking away from broken mirrors and broken memories.
You can recover yourself and your dreams and you will be working a lot on
self-healing. You enjoy this process and you figure out that you’ve been avoiding
something that is crucial, something that is actually very fulfilling and that
enlivens you. You are making a choice to take care of yourself without excuses.
You are making a choice to value yourself and to never second guess that.

Scorpio relationship with others

Dear Scorpio, April and May are very important months for your relationships and
there are key relationships in your life now that will show you what needs to be
improved and released, what needs to be transformed and healed. Expect
positive surprises in your relationships, enlightening surprises, surprises that
remind you of the strength of certain relationships with others. This strength
inspires you and helps you see yourself with greater clarity. You are reconnecting
with someone during this time. Mercury stations retrograde this month on the
21st and will be retrograde until the 15th of May. You will actually feel this
retrograde cycle before the 21st because Mercury enters a pre-retrograde
shadow period around the 7th of April. So, people from your past, your thoughts
about people from your past, thoughts about people with whom you’ve lost touch
with are very present and you may either meet these people accidentally or you
may be thinking about them and call them perhaps, or you may receive a call
from others. And, of course, you realize that there are no accidents or
coincidences, there are no sudden and unexpected things, they only appear to
be unexpected and accidental. You may hear about people from your past from
others. It’s a great time for reconciliations, for reunions and reconnections. You
have a lot to talk about with someone too. You can also expect great help and
support from others when it comes to your health and wellbeing, your addictions,
your fears, your anxieties. You are not alone and this month proves this to you.
You are never alone, but sometimes you choose to be alone. This is a month
when you’re asked to recognize yourself in others and to see that if you reject
support and help from others, you actually reject help and support from yourself
too. You are learning how to connect with people in a more compassionate and
honest way. You feel good around those who work on themselves. You feel good
around people who are grounded, who practice groundedness, centeredness
and calmness, who are sincere and honest, who don’t pretend to be calm and
grounded, but who are very open and clear about where they are on their path.
You are learning something new from others now too. You are learning things
you’ve never known or heard before and this can initiate you into something that
has a very healing influence on you. Service to others is of highest importance
now and you’re learning more about true service to others, about what that really
means. Pay attention to animals too, animals you meet on your journey, animals
you connect with on the street, your own pets or somebody else’s. They are also
messengers and this month they have a special message to deliver to you. Be
more aware of their presence and how they affect you, what they trigger in you
and how they make you feel when you meet them. You are very proactive with
foreigners too and you may travel, connect with others, exchange your beliefs
and experiences. Do not compete if you feel a need to compete in who has
collected more experiences, or who has a better story to tell. Let go of the need
to compete in this way and enjoy the story of others. Enjoy and listen, actively
listen. Feel their story and let them know that they’re heard. You are heard now
too and you will feel that support. Somebody is helping you on your journey very
much now. You have great helpers, guides and protectors. Your task is to
recognize them and honor them.

Scorpio love & romantic life in April

Dear Scorpio, you are going through many innovations in your love life. You’re
preparing for something new and different and you’re reflecting a lot on your past
and your past relationships, past way of thinking and feeling in a relationship,
past way of perceiving love and love relationships. You are traveling a lot
mentally and emotionally this month and you’re walking through many different
areas of your past. You’re flying over your past experiences and you have a
bigger picture overview of your love life which gives you a lot of understanding
about certain situations and events that may have been confusing and torturing
in some way. But, you are not focused on your past, you are just using it as a
source of valuable information. You are using it as a powerful resource for
yourself but you are actually very powerfully rooted in the now. You have Mercury
in your opposite sign of Taurus in your seventh house of relationships and
Mercury will be here until the 11th of June. You also have the North node and
Uranus here. Venus is in her own sign of Taurus in your seventh house of
marriage and engagements until the 11th of April. The Sun enters Taurus on the
21st and on the same day Mercury stations retrograde. Next month you will have
a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign and this will have a huge impact on your
love life too. So, there’s a lot going on really and Venus moves into your eighth
house of intimacy on the 11th of April where she will stay until the 7th of May.
Expect beautiful encounters in love life, beautiful intimate experiences and
opening up, lovely connections, sincere conversations, something beautiful in
your love life and family life. Expect a good connection between your partner and
your family members. Your family supports your love life and your partner
supports you and your family. There is a harmonious energy now in your love
relationship. You may also connect with someone new now or reconnect with
someone from your past due to this retrograde Mercury energy. You are able to
make things right if there was some conflicting situation between you and your
lover. You are finding your power now in expressing yourself in a relationship.
Mercury here gives you a voice and gives you an intelligence to use that voice in
the right way, to use your words in the right way. Just be careful during the
retrograde period and make sure you’re aware of the words that you’re using.
Mercury retrograde can bring some misunderstandings and miscommunications
in your love relationships but it also offers an opportunity for resolving and
correcting things between you and your partner. You may think about your past
love relationship in a way that it can help you to avoid unnecessary pain and
mistakes you’ve already been through before. It is a time for applying lessons
that you’ve already learned in your love relationships. You are always searching
for the depth in your love relationships and you’re also searching for depth in
your feelings, in how you live your life, in how you experience life and you’re
definitely experiencing that level of depth now in some way. You may go on a
holiday with your lover. You may go together on some kind of healing, on some
retreat. You both may need a rest and a reset and Full Moon in Libra in your
twelfth house can bring you that kind of rest and reset. You are rooted in who you
are and you are fearless when it comes to letting go of the things that prevent
you from allowing love to shine through you.

Scorpio sex life in April

Dear Scorpio, April is a great month for your sexual energy and for enjoying the
pleasure of being together with your lover, for sharing and increasing your
pleasure and connection, for something emotionally beautiful and empowering
through your sexual experience and your sexuality. You have Venus this month in
Gemini in your eighth house of sexuality, intimacy, bonding and merging. Venus
makes a friendly aspect with your ruler Pluto in your fourth house of emotional
stability and security and this is very good for gaining back the power that you’ve
been giving away through sexual energy, for accumulating sexual energy that
you’ve wasted and for gaining back sexual vitality that’s been drained and
exhausted in any way. You are reminded of the power of your emotional
independence and you feel a great confidence in sex life this month. You feel
very easy and natural in expressing your sexuality. You may see that many fears
and unconscious desires can be cleansed and purged through expressing sexual
energy in a healthy way, either through a sexual experience with a lover or
through artistic expression, or through creative self-expression, or through any
other way, through healing and meditation. These are all ways of expressing your
sexuality and channeling sexual energy. You figure out that you can reveal so
many things that are hidden and suppressed through expressing and channeling
your sexuality and sexual energy. Venus is in your eighth house between the 11th
of April and 7th of May and this is amazing for sex life and for sexual pleasures
with your intimate partner. Venus is here to increase the joy and to remind you of
the value and beauty of shared intimacy. If you’re alone and don’t have a partner,
this energy also shows you the same, just in some other way. Of course, you
may connect with someone new during this time, or you may reconnect with
someone from your past and there could be a sexual attraction between the two
of you. But the point is to understand the pleasure of expressing joy and power of
your sexual energy. You may also talk about your sexual experiences now. You
may have very inspiring conversations with your partner and these conversations
can be very pleasurable too and talk can quickly turn into a bonding and merging.
You also have Full Moon in Libra in your twelfth house on the 6th of April and
some of you may go on a trip with your lover. You may go on a holiday together
or you may go on some kind of mutual healing where you can just spend quality
time with each other and enjoy making love.

Scorpio career & purpose in April

Dear Scorpio, there are some very interesting changes and initiations of changes
happening in your work area and this will be just the beginning of a new chapter
in your life and new role that you’re about to start playing. It’s not that things
happen in life and then you change something, it is always the opposite. You
change something in yourself and then something happens externally. This is
true even when it seems that you have changed because of something that has
happened externally. What comes first, cause or effect? Or do they happen
simultaneously, at the same time? This is a good question and you are going to
gain some clarity about this. You are going to witness changes in your everyday
life now and this will transform your way of living, your lifestyle, your habits and
routines, your everyday work and your schedules. There is something that ends
and begins now in your work area and you’re very passionate about this. You’re
inspired to make this change, to initiate something new. There is a sense of
urgency related to your need to either quit your job or to start a new one, to
change something in your work, to start with new routines and habits, to change
the way you use your time and energy. This sense of urgency can be a good
thing, but you are anyway asked not to rush. There’s no need to rush because
you will have a lot more processes happening here in this area in the next two
years because this is the beginning of a new Eclipse cycle in Aries/Libra axis and
this month’s New Moon Solar Eclipse happens in your sixth house of everyday
work, routines, habits, responsibilities, duties, tasks, obligations, your service to
others and your wellbeing. You cannot do things that are not serving you too. You
cannot be of service to others if that service is making you feel tired and
exhausted all the time, if there is no fulfillment and joy. Jupiter is also here and
the conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter brings amazing new possibilities
and opportunities for your work and your health, for finding more meaning in your
everyday work and in your service to others, in your service to life, in your service
to yourself. Expect lucky opportunities and circumstances when it comes to you
finding a job or leaving a job that you don’t like, expect lucky events when it
comes to you finding a way to schedule your day in a way that fulfills you and
that nourishes you. You have Venus in your eighth house of taxes, pensions,
inheritances, mortgages, passive incomes, investments, debts, loans, credits,
your partner’s money, family’s money, money that comes to you through others,
shared resources, shared finances and this energy can bring you good news
about these things, good news about your credit, good news about inheritance,
good news about your partner’s money. You can gain money now through
investments. Venus also makes a positive and friendly aspect with your ruler
Pluto in your fourth house of home, family and real estate. You can gain money
through real estate perhaps, or through family members, family business, family
house. There’s something very positive and benevolent happening with your
shared resources and shared money. Venus is a planet of love, beauty, harmony,
relationships but she is also a planet of values, finances, luxury and comfort.
Having her in your eighth house in the sign of Gemini can bring you multiple
choices and opportunities to win some money, to gain money, to get some bonus
money and to feel good about it. You are also building something strong and
stable through your business partnerships if you have them. Your collaborations
are strong and you can expect opportunities from the past to reappear and
resurrect again, expect ideas from the past, things you’ve started before can
come to a full circle while Mercury is retrograde, collaborations you’ve planned
before can now become active again and you can really finish a lot of work that
you’ve started. You can make things right between you and somebody and this
collaboration can play a vital role for your material stability and your resources.
You are searching for greater meaning in your everyday life and this month will
offer you a lot of material to work with so that you can create more meaning in
your everyday life through your daily habits and routines, your daily tasks and
duties, your way of spending your free time and your way of being productive,
proactive and effective. You also have your ancient ruler Mars in the ninth house
of traveling, learning, teaching, publishing and launching. You may have a very
strong desire and drive to learn things, to study, to expand your knowledge, to
travel, to expand your vision of life, to explore more of life, to experience life as
an adventure. Purpose of life is discovered all the time and it’s being revealed
through everything all the time. Purpose is in being aware, being awake, being
present and being conscious of all your feelings, all your intentions, all your
actions and reactions. You are working on achieving that level of awareness
through centeredness, relaxation, experience and knowledge.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra and
it illuminates your hidden and subconscious twelfth house. This Full Moon shines
a light on things that are invisible, unknown and unreachable with your five
senses. This is the energy of sixth sense and otherworldly experiences, this is
the energy of subconscious realms, spiritual experiences and journeys, astral
projections, dreams, lucid dreaming, altered states, meditation, contemplation,
rest, relaxation, retreat, far away places. This is also a house of grandfathers and
grandmothers, ancestors, family lineage, the past, regression and past lives that
are only called past lives but they probably happen in all times. This is a house of
institutions too, schools, prisons, hospitals, isolations, withdrawals. This is the
last house in the Zodiac and it represents the ending and preparation for a new
birth, preparation for a new cycle, so, you may be preparing for something new
while you’re letting go of something old and you’re working on something in the
background. You’re working on something behind the closed doors. This is some
kind of culmination in your inner world, culmination of your subconscious fears
and anxieties too. This is a house of blindspots and addictions, weaknesses and
escapism. You need to deal with these things now and this Full Moon will reveal
to you what needs to be faced, what needs to be confronted, what needs to be
released and let go of. This is a time of surrender too. Libra Full Moon is about
relationships and partnerships. It is about fairness and justice, equality and
diplomacy and this energy in your twelfth house can bring you a retreat with
someone, a healing of a relationship or a partnership, a relationship that can
trigger your subconscious fears too. This is a house of loss too and Full Moons
do bring some kind of ending and closures, so, this can also in some cases bring
some kind of an ending of a certain relationship but it is most likely that it will
bring an end and a closure to some past attachments, to some past relationship
that you’re still clinging on to. This is an ideal time for letting go of old grudges,
for forgiveness, for self-healing, for any kind of therapy, for relaxation of all kinds,
for spending time in nature, for calming yourself, for grounding yourself, for
surrounding yourself with people who help you accept yourself and deal with your
fears, your unknown territories, your anxieties. This is a time to reconnect with
your source, with your inner power, with your inner light and inner darkness too.
You are a whole being and you have to own your light and darkness in order to
become whole. This Full Moon can bring you inner fruition and fulfillment. You
can connect with others through spiritual journey, through therapy, through
self-healing, through dealing with addictions and escapism tools. Your
relationships with people are emotional and very liberating too. Your fears and
anxieties are your assistants, your messengers, your guides. Don’t be afraid of
them, use them for your healing and for self-betterment, use them as an
awakening tool that they are, use them as a fuel for your liberation of past
conditionings and traumatizing memories. Use the energy of this Full Moon to
take good care of yourself, to have a good quality sleep, to meditate, to let go of
imprisoning thoughts and beliefs, to surrender, to release past attachments, to
relax, to breathe, to take a walk in nature, to look into the sky and the trees, to
watch the sunrise and the sunset, to become one with that image, to forgive, to
connect with your own inner guru, your inner shaman, your inner healer.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Scorpio
Dear Scorpio, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April in fiery Aries and this
is the second New Moon in a row that is happening in Aries. Last month the New
Moon in Aries was on the 20th-21st of March and it was happening at the very
first degrees of the sign, while this New Moon now is happening at the very last
degrees of the sign, known as anaretic degree, critical degree that brings the
energy of endings and beginnings, that carries a lot of experience and
knowledge. This New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse New Moon and it carries a lot
of intensity and newness in its manifestation. This is the first Eclipse in 2023, and
it also marks the beginning of the new Eclipse cycle that will be happening in the
next two years in the signs of Aries and Libra. This is now happening in your
sixth house of work, health, healing, wellbeing, everyday's work, everyday’s
habits, everyday’s routines, tasks, obligations, discipline, responsibilities, service
to others, your job, your workplace, your efficiency, productivity, practicality and
usefulness. This is also a house of pets and animals and this energy may bring a
new pet to some of you or a new situation with your pets, new connection with
animals, new way of experiencing animals. Your connection with animals actually
says a lot about you and your awareness of other beings. That is why the sixth
house is related to both pets and service to others. This is also a house of your
schedules, your lifestyle, your way of living your life and organizing yourself,
organizing your days, organizing your time. This New Moon Solar Eclipse is here
to initiate something new and to bring an end to some habits and routines that
prevent you from living your best life, that prevent you from enjoying your
everyday life, that prevent you from feeling satisfied and fulfilled through your
work, habits and routines. This is Aries New Moon and it has everything to do
with taking action, with initiating things, with starting something, with
acknowledging who you are, with being independent, bold and courageous in all
your choices and decisions. What are you choosing now? What kind of habits
and routines are you choosing? The last time this Eclipse cycle was active was
back between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also
between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. What was happening back
then in your life in the area of your health, your routines and habits, your
schedules, your everyday life, your health, your service to others, your pets?
Things won’t repeat now of course, but the energy can be similar and lessons
that you’ve missed to learn back then, may become active now in order for you to
learn them and comprehend them. You may also be challenged to show lessons
that you’ve learned during that time, to apply them and use them.

This is an amazing time for starting a new diet regime, a new exercise regime, a
new job, a new way of living your life, a new schedule, new routines and habits,
new you, new way of being of service. This is you making a choice to improve
yourself, to improve your life, to live a life that counts, that matters, that makes
you feel worthy and valuable, that is aligned with who you are, that is rooted in
your heart. What makes you feel worthy? What makes you feel practical? What
kind of work fulfills you? What is a true service to others? Are you being of help
and support to others and to yourself? What are you doing about improving your
life and your habits? Do you believe that you are a healer? Do you believe that
you have the power to heal yourself and to nurture yourself fully and powerfully?
One small change can turn your life upside down completely. One small change
has the power to transform your whole life direction and whole scenario of
events, relationships and situations. Choose wisely your habits and routines. You
have the free will in that area of your life. You can control what habits and
routines you’re going to do every day. It’s up to you. The power is in your hands
and you can make tremendous changes in your life in the next two years starting
from now.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Scorpio, your Tarot card for April is The Hierophant inverted. This card
when inverted represents a rebel nature. It shows a change of status quo, and it
means to go against conformity. This card represents breaking from a cycle. This
card generally represents organized and structured beliefs, religions,
identifications, beliefs, tradition, education, knowledge, and conformity, but when
inverted like in this case, it represents a rebellious nature, unconventional
behavior, new methods, openness, and freedom. This card can mean that rules
and restrictions are suffocating you, and you have a need to break free.
Formalities are too much for you—you feel restrained in some way, and you have
a strong need to react, to change the situation, to break free from a limiting
situation, or to change the status quo. There is a strong need to do something
different, to do something in an unusual way, something that is not quite typical of
you. This card means that you cannot accept some things. You cannot accept
certain rigid structures and norms, you cannot accept the tradition that may
surround you and affect you, and you want to change the ideas and concepts
that you once believed in. This card also suggests that you’re questioning
yourself, you’re questioning your choices and your decisions, and you’re
wondering whether what you’re doing is right or not.

Too many structures and rules in life may make you feel restrained. You are
questioning your beliefs and your tradition, and you’re coming out of certain
limitations. These are unconventional solutions, and sometimes this card can be
compared with a young rebellious teenager or with a young person who wants to
change things in the world, and this can lead to a certain conflict with authority
figures or with the law. This card can also mean that you could have a certain
situation with a young and rebellious person in your life who rebels against you.
This card can also mean that you are forced to do something in a way that you
disagree with, but society and the system says you have to and you may not
have the choice. For example, you may have to pay a penalty for inappropriate
parking or something similar. It can also mean that you have a boss or authority
figure in life who demands something from you, and even though you don’t agree
with what he or she wants, you have to do it. But most of all, this inverted card
represents the breaking of a status quo and doing something different, breaking
taboos, and changing the usual flow. This card suggests that you don’t need
approval from other authority figures because you feel yourself as your own
authority, you are your own teacher, and you trust yourself more than anybody
else, no matter how important or authoritative they may be. The Hierophant
represents the knowledge in you and you as a holder of that knowledge, and it
can relate to ancestors and elders as well. This is about passed down
knowledge, and it doesn’t have to refer to blood ancestors and knowledge within
a family, but these are also ancestors based on spirit and spiritual knowledge.
This card represents an initiation into a spiritual path, and it can represent a
spiritual community, too, spiritual wisdom, or a spiritual teacher or mentor or you
becoming a teacher or mentor.
The most impactful planet for Scorpio in April
Dear Scorpio, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Mercury. Mercury enters
your opposite sign of Taurus on the 3rd of April and stays here until the 11th of
June. Mercury stations retrograde on the 21st of April but it enters a
pre-retrograde shadow period around the 7th of April which means that you’ll feel
this retrograde motion almost throughout the whole month. This influences your
relationships and partnerships, your commitments, your collaborations, your
social, intimate and business partnerships. Mercury retrograde here can
reconnect you with people from your past, with lovers from the past, friends from
the past, business partners from the past, or anyone with whom you had a
one-on-one relationship with. You also have an opportunity to fix and correct
things between you and someone, to make things right, to say things you need to
say, to talk about things you couldn’t talk about before, to finish the unfinished
business. Contacts that you’ve lost may be found again. Phone numbers and
emails can be found during this time. It is a time of reconciliations and reunions
but also of accomplishing things in relationships through conversations.

Mercury is the planet of communication, planet of words, planet of transportation,

technology, devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching,
learning, sharing, and connecting. Mercury is a planet of mental energy, and it
rules our intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others.
Mercury gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the
ability to analyze and to sort things out. Mercury is about the facts and rational
mind. Of course, Mercury can make us naive as well if we allow the opinions of
others to affect us easily and to dictate our behavior. We can become victims of
the opinions of others, victims of manipulations either of others or of our own. But
Mercury can be strengthened, and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize
the truth. Mercury is the messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator,
the one who communicates and transfers messages. Mercury is the master of
words, and it reminds us of the magical power of words, the power of spells that
create reality. Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas,
how we perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from
others, and how we transfer it to others, how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, our style of communicating, our sense of humor, and
our way of thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves. It shows how
eloquent we are, how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and
how easily we connect the dots.

In order to make the most of this energy and in order for you to work with
Mercury during this month, you are advised to connect with your inner
messenger, to connect with your thoughts, to observe your thought processes
and their transformation into words. Observe your thoughts and notice your
thought patterns, notice how your thoughts affect your emotions and how your
thoughts and emotions translate into words. Write down your thoughts and
emotions on a daily basis. Write down how you feel about it, translate your
thoughts and emotions into words. Write down words that you love hearing from
others. Make a list of those words and try to use these words in your everyday
conversations with people. Use those words that you love hearing from others in
your communications with people. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should
always use these kind words and never stand up for yourself if needed, but give
your best to use those empowering and inspiring words most of the time. Use
words wisely. See them as weapons and as gifts at the same time. Give your
best to use these empowering words even when you would rather use words that
can hurt or insult. Practice this as much as you can. Then, write down words that
you don’t like hearing from others and see if you’re using these words too and
when, either out loud or in yourself as a thought. See if you’re suppressing these
words and thoughts too. Notice how certain words in your relationships trigger
different reactions, feelings and emotions within you. Experiment with words in
your conversations. Try to use words in a way that are uplifting, compassionate,
inspiring, encouraging, real, sincere, supportive, empowering and helpful. See
when is the right time for using the right word in a particular conversation with
others. Observe words that you don’t say in your relationships and write them
down too. Use your words responsibly and make sure that your conversations
are real, valuable and meaningful.

Healing tips for Scorpio in April

- Concentrate on your own inner Sun that exists within you. Just as there is a
physical external Sun that represents a compressed image of all higher forces,
each of us has their own inner Sun that also represents a collection of higher
forces of our own essence. This is a bright and light point, one that always exists,
always shines, always gives warmth and light. Feel this inner Sun, connect with
it. It is the center of your own inner Solar system and your own stars and
constellations. Each man carries their own constellations, maps, stars and
planets and when you are connected with the center, with the Sun, everything
starts aligning as it should. Feel this inner Sun and shine your light. Feel the
warmth and light from within and connect with the external Sun as well in order to
strengthen this connection.

- Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, irritated, frustrated, sad, angry,

depressed, over worried, whenever you feel these attacks on your wellbeing, ask
yourself a question, where am I right now? Where do I exist right now? What
exists through me? What do I emanate? Where is my being? Who asks these
questions? Who answers them? Start asking these questions as soon as you feel
these things coming and taking you over. Start asking. Start thinking more
actively about what you're asking. Put yourself right there in the position of the
one who asks questions and the one who receives them.

- Wash yourself with living cosmic water. Do this every day no matter what you're
doing or where you are. Imagine drops and showers of sparkling glittering water
falling over your head and your whole body. Feel how it awakens your body and
cleanses you whole. Feel these drops and showers on your whole body. Every
now and then during the day let this water fall over you and feel how you're being
refreshed, rejuvenated and regenerated. Invoke these higher intelligences,
higher forces, show them you're open and ready to receive their blessings.

- Go into nature where there are trees around you and ask the trees and nature
around you to absorb from your field everything that is not good for you and to
transform it into elements that are good for you. Feel how you're giving away
these toxic elements and feel how you're receiving constructive and healthy
elements back from nature. Trees have this power to absorb toxins and to
transform them into a new life, into a medicine. Ask the wisdom of nature to do
this for you. Nature loves absorbing these things and transforming them. It is
what she does. You are doing a favor for nature and trees and they do you a
favor too. Feel this process of giving and receiving and enjoy.

- Sing to your inner self, speak to your inner self and sing in any melody you
want. Each morning tell your inner self: “How are you? I wish you the very best
experience and the greatest healing today. Let me learn from you. I will make
your day today.” Sing these words to your inner self. Come up with your own
empowering words and sing. Use your imagination and creativity. Feel your inner
self and connect with it through singing kind and empowering words.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Do something that stretches your capacities and abilities. Dare to learn more, to
know more, to be more. Of course don't do anything that is life risking. Know your
limits but do something that expands your possibilities. Something you usually
step back from, something that you usually leave and let go of, something that
you usually say to yourself: nevermind, I cannot do it. Keep trying, don't give up.
Be persistent and always do at least a little more than you could previous time.
For example if you're working out or if you're doing some mental techniques or if
you have trouble expressing your thoughts and emotions with someone, if you
struggle with somebody or something at your work, if you cannot figure out
something, if you want to learn a new skill or a language. Whatever that is, try
and give a bit more of yourself each next time.

- Change your daily routines and habits. Each day let the start of your day be a
bit different. Whenever you notice you are repeating something, shift it, do it in a
different way, change a route, change direction, change a hand. Suddenly
change your routine. Stand on one leg, freeze yourself in that position where you
notice repetition, step out of your mechanical activity. Bring in new daily
impressions, different impressions, ones that you will remember because they
were different and they changed your day. Play with this. Experiment and have

- Go outside in the fresh air every day and absorb that freshness, breathe, inhale
and exhale consciously. Go outside with an intention to breathe fresh air and to
feed your body with fresh impressions. Be aware of the air you breathe and
breathe out. Go outside for your air food. Feed yourself and let this become your
daily habit, your must routine.

- Give yourself a smile each day in the mirror when you look at yourself. Smile to
yourself. Each morning when you look at yourself, give yourself a smile. Give
yourself as many smiles during the day as you can. Remember your face with
that smile. Whenever you see yourself, see yourself with a smile. This doesn't
mean that you are smiling all the time of course. This means that each time you
look at yourself, you remind yourself that you are in the right here and right now.

- Practice an easy forward bend pose. Do your research about it, see how it’s
done, see what it’s good for, what are the benefits and start practicing. This is a
very simple pose and easy as its name says. Start doing it. Just enjoy and relax.
Breathe and feel yourself there.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- How do I perceive my past? How can I use my past to my advantage? What

can I learn from my past and how can I heal thanks to my past? What does my
past tell me about myself?

- What am I mostly focused on during the day? Am I more focused on solutions

and resolutions, on things that are calming me, that are supporting me or am I
focused more on things that worry me and that bring me no solutions?

- What kind of an awakening do I need in my life right now? Where do I feel like I
am fully asleep or like I am half awake? Where do I need that sobering moment,
in which area of my life?

- What would be the most surprising scenario in my life when it comes to people
from my past? What are my first associations, images, thoughts, feelings and
emotions that come up when I hear these words: “people from my past.”? What
does this tell me about myself?

- How often do I surprise myself positively with my behavior, my attitude, my

inner reactions, my perception, my advice, my action? When was the last time I
surprised myself in that way?


What can Sagittarius expect in April

Dear Sagittarius, April is an amazing month for you full of love, beauty and
harmony. It’s really a positive energy and you’re breaking out of repetitive
energies. You’re starting something fresh and you start feeling fresh in every
moment. You are refreshing yourself and your life in each moment just by being
present and this creates a whole new dimension of perceiving life and yourself.
This is a month that brings you amazing opportunities for having fun, for
enjoying, for romance, romance with yourself or romance with others, for love
and gratitude. Many of you will have an awakening experience that will show you
that you have so much to be grateful for. You may suddenly see things that have
been in front of you all this time, but you were blinded by personal issues and
troubles and you couldn’t notice them before. You are treating yourself with
kindness and you’re learning how to make things right, how to appreciate
yourself, your body, your energy level and your abilities. You will be able to talk
about things you couldn’t talk about before. It is easy for you to talk about certain
topics that you usually find uncomfortable and you can talk about deep themes
with great emotional maturity and stability.

On the 3rd of April Mercury enters Taurus and joins Uranus, North node and
Venus in your sixth house of daily work, daily routines, daily habits, service to
others, responsibilities, obligations, hard work, efficiency, productivity, practicality,
health, healing, diet regime, exercises and self-care. Mercury will be here until
the 11th of June due to its retrograde motion that starts on the 21st of April. But,
you will feel the retrograde energy even earlier because Mercury starts a
pre-retrograde shadow period around the 7th of April. You can finish so many
things with Mercury here, especially while retrograde. You can finish the
unfinished business. You can find things you’ve lost, lost documents or lost
papers perhaps. It’s a great time to finish work that you’ve started before this
retrograde phase and to see what needs to be fixed and corrected. This also
affects your health. What needs to be fixed and corrected in your health? You are
recovering now. You have enough time and space to dedicate to yourself and
your wellbeing. You may need to do something again if you haven’t used your
chance the first time. Mercury retrograde brings you second chances. This
energy has been very active for you lately and it still continues waking you up
and shaking you up when it comes to your health and work. Mercury is
retrograde here until the 15th of May. Uranus has been here since 2018, and as
long as Uranus is here it will keep challenging and shaking your health and your
work, your service to others, your lifestyle, your schedules and duties, your habits
and routines. This month you can really make some positive changes in your
everyday life. It’s your choice. You can also expect some kind of
miscommunications with your colleagues or with people you are connected with
through your work and health in some way. You are learning and studying more
about your health and wellbeing. You are educating yourself about your health
and about health in general, about things that are really valuable and worthy of
doing. The Sun also enters Taurus on the 21st of April, on the same day when
Mercury stations retrograde and it gives you more information and shines more
light on your health and your physical state of being, your vitality, your energy
levels. You can boost your health in many ways now and you can change things
that you don’t like in your work so that you can bring more quality and value in
your everyday life.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra in your eleventh house of friends,
associates, communities, groups of people, social circles, networking and your
hopes, dreams and wishes for the future. This brings you a lot of focus on your
social connections and your team, your tribe of people, people you resonate with,
people you collaborate with. There is a culmination of some kind happening
between you and others, culmination in your social circles and something may
come to a head in your community. Some of you may leave a certain community
or you may see that you don’t belong to a certain group of people. But this
energy also brings fruition and fulfillment and this can be a time of manifesting
your long-range goals, manifesting group projects, manifesting things with your
team of people. Collaboration, fairness, equality and diplomacy play key roles in
your friendships now. You may feel tension in your social activities around the
time of the Full Moon even though it makes a positive aspect with your sign. Full
Moons can bring tensions and dramas. But it is more likely that you will get
emotional about something in your communities or within your friendships and
you can actually experience satisfaction and fulfillment with others. You may be
celebrating something together, helping each other, sharing stories in order to
become closer to each other. A friend may experience something important and
you will be a part of that experience too. You will feel it closely. You will
experience it directly.

On the 11th of April Venus shifts into your opposite sign of Sagittarius and brings
harmony into your seventh house of relationships, marriage, union,
commitments, collaborations, one-on-one relationships, intimate, social and
business partnerships. This is an amazing energy, stunning indeed. Venus is
here in her own house, the house she rules and she feels good here in the
seventh house of relationships. She is in Gemini and she is very talkative,
charming, charismatic, social and can bring you a lot of social connections and
interactions, a lot of beautiful people and harmonious relationships. This is
amazing for love life too. This brings you a big love story and it increases the
power of your existing love relationship too. Expect powerful business
connections too. It’s an amazing time for discovering the true value and beauty of
your relationships with others, especially your one-on-one relationships. You can
also earn money through your partnerships and collaborations. You can
experience something very beautiful and comforting through your relationships.
Expect to have someone who is like a bright star in your life whether that is your
friend, your lover or your business partner or anybody else with whom you have
one-on-one relationships with. Expect peace and harmony in your relationships,
new friendships, new love relationships, popularity and attractiveness. Venus will
be here until the 7th of May. Venus also makes a positive and friendly aspect with
Pluto around the 11th of April, right when she enters Gemini. Pluto is in Aquarius
in your third house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, short trips, learning, teaching,
sharing, communicating, developing skills, connecting with people and with the
local community. This is a very powerful and beautiful aspect and you can expect
powerful relationships and great support from your brothers and sisters and
those who feel like them, from your local community, from your relatives and
neighbors. Short trips are supported and you can have a wonderful experience
with others on these trips. You can learn things from others that completely
transform your way of thinking and way of living. There’s a strong influence from
others and you can expect some very powerful connections and powerful

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s another
very powerful and significant aspect happening between the Sun and your ruler
Jupiter in your fellow Fire sign of Aries in your house of love, romance, fun,
pleasure, entertainment, business, hobbies, sport, gifts, talents, children, young
people, self-expression and self-esteem. This area of your life has been strongly
triggered and activated last month and now it continues to be significant and to
bring you lucky opportunities and possibilities. The Sun and Jupiter together are
like two Suns and you have support from both of them. This is something
amazing in your love life, great energy, great boost of your love and romance, of
your creative projects, of your hobbies, gifts and talents. You are doing things
that you enjoy doing. You are living life to its fullest with this energy. You can take
a full breath of life and feel that you’re alive, fully feel it through your whole being.
Your creativity is on fire and you can achieve great things. This is creative
success and you’re waking up the child within you. This also influences your
children if you have them and you can expect their success too. Some of you are
making babies or expecting children, or you may be working with children and
young people. This fulfills you. This entertains you. Anything is possible with this
transit and love is strongly activated. Love is all around you and within you this
month and you’re in love with yourself. This area of your life is strong throughout
the whole month and especially because there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse
happening here on the 20th. This is the second New Moon in a row in Aries and
this is an initiation of things in your fifth house matters. Something new begins,
new chapter, new beginning but there’s also an ending of something that’s
standing in the way of your renewals and refreshments in these areas. There’s a
sense of urgency from your side to start something, to start a business perhaps,
to launch a product or service, to start a new love relationship. This is all good
but don’t rush. Don’t allow this sense of urgency to control you because you will
actually have a plenty of time and space in this area to work with it. This Eclipse
is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it marks the beginning of a new Eclipse cycle that
will be happening in the Libra/Aries axis in the next two years. It’s time for
celebrating something, for gathering, for being creative, for playing with children,
for starting something brand new that fulfills you and that makes you feel fully
alive and present in yourself and in life.

Mars is in Cancer this whole month and it’s in your eighth house of death, rebirth,
transformation, intimacy, secrets, shared resources, shared money, taxes, loans,
debts, credits, bills, inheritances, pensions, passive incomes, investments,
intimate partners, business partners, your own inner world, things that you hide,
things that you’re unconscious of. This is a complex placement and Mars in
Cancer in this house can be a bit too emotional, too self-defensive, too
protective, too sensitive and even passive-aggressive. But this is a great time to
invest in things, to take some risks, to be encouraged to look inside of yourself, to
be motivated for some inner work, for self-investigation, for putting energy and
action into your inner world, into revealing your own secrets to yourself and stop
hiding things from yourself, stop avoiding and escaping yourself. This is about
your inner strength and ability to deal with your inner demons. You are proactive
in your financial world too and you’re dealing with shared resources and shared
finances now. You can get a lot of things done related to your investments and
shared resources. Your inner warrior wakes up and has great strength to confront
the shadow part and instead of fighting your shadow, you can actually see it as a
part of you that you’ve been denying and rejecting.

Sagittarius relationship with inner self

Dear Sagittarius, you have a lot of things to treasure, to honor, to admire, to feel
good about, to feel blessed with, to be grateful for and this month is the month of
revealing those things and absorbing them all consciously within your being so
that you start shining. You are becoming the glitter in the dark for yourself. You
are your own guidance. You are your own navigator once you remove all
obstacles that are on your way. These obstacles are your egoic desires and
behaviors. These obstacles are jealousy, possessiveness, self-pity, feeling sorry
for yourself, feeling sorry for others, fake compassion, fake authority, fake
self-love, these obstacles are manifested as your own unconscious projections
and this month you are revealing these obstacles and by revealing them, you
liberate yourself from them. You are climbing the mountain of self-mastery and
self-love and you’re not afraid of heights. You need to keep climbing without
looking back. Don’t look down, just be in that present moment where you are
right now on that journey and keep walking. This is how you reach the top without
many troubles. Trouble is if you keep looking down or if you keep looking up. You
have to be very present and conscious of your current position if you want to get
there safely. You cannot skip any step. You have to be careful with each step you
take. So, this month you’re becoming conscious and aware of the importance of
each step you take, of each moment on your journey without looking back,
without looking in the distance, but with full attention in the now. This makes you
powerful. This gives you insights into your vast inner universe. This gives you the
greatest knowledge, direct knowledge without need to prove anything to anyone,
without need to correct others or yourself. You are achieving inner fire of peace,
peace and calmness when it comes to things that used to bother you and disturb
you. You now have a deeper comprehension of those things and they lose their
power over you. You cannot fix and correct this world, but you can fix and correct
your perception, your attitude and your reactions. You are going to see that
everything is already as it should be, all is a part of the stage we call life and
there is no mistake there. All injustice happens for a reason too, without those
things, many people would still live in the darkness of their own illusions and
projections. These things serve us, pain serves you, traumas serve you, suffering
serves you. The problem is when you start serving pain, traumas and suffering by
giving them full control and being afraid of them. When you see these things for
what they are, their control loosens and you gain your power back. This is what is
happening now for you and it’s really good energy for you, very positive and
uplifting. You are able to experience life with the full capacity of your being now
and you are able to catch the moment and to live it, to fully feel it and to be alive
from the inside! You are alive in each moment and nothing can be wasted. This
whole life is that present moment that you’re alive in and you’re awakening to
that truth now.

Sagittarius relationship with others

Dear Sagittarius, you have a very rich and beautiful social life this month and it’s
up to you how you’re going to use these energies. Harmony is back within your
relationships. You’ve been through some turbulence with others lately. Mars has
been in your opposite sign of Gemini for seven months and it hasn’t been very
pleasant all the time. You are now rebalancing yourself and others. You are
rebalancing yourself and your relationships and you will have amazing support
and help from Venus in your seventh house of relationship. You also have Full
Moon in Libra, in the sign of relationships, in your eleventh house of groups of
people, communities, friends, social circles, team of people, associates and
acquaintances. This Full Moon may actually bring a bit of tension, a bit of drama,
some culmination or ending, closure and completion of something in your social
circles but this will actually be something beneficial for you since it makes a
supportive aspect with your sign. But it may happen that some of you leave a
certain group of people, leave a certain community and see that you don’t really
belong there anymore or see that you don’t really resonate with that community.
This energy also brings you fulfillment in your social world, in your friendships
and communities. You may finally see something coming to a fruition, something
you’ve been working on with others. Things are brought to light and it’s easier to
acknowledge something that is happening in your team, in your friendships, in
your groups of people. You are connecting with people and you’re aware of the
power of people too. Pluto is now in your third house of everyday connections
and communications, younger brothers and sisters and those who feel like them,
relatives, neighbors and people from your local community. Pluto is now
important because it makes a positive trine aspect with Venus in your seventh
house of relationships. This is very good for your connections and you can
expect powerful and beautiful relationships, very supportive and uplifting. People
who have great power and authority can come into your life or you may connect
with them in a beautiful way. People who have power don’t have to be rich
people. People who have power can be anyone who carries their own wisdom
and knowledge, someone who has experienced a lot, someone who has
powerful contacts and who can connect you with those people too. It can be
someone who knows some powerful skills and who can teach you those skills. It
can be anyone who has some kind of power that is not necessarily material,
financial, career related, even though it can be. These are powerful
conversations too and topics that may be taboo but that you’re easily processing
and expressing. You can expect unconventional themes and conversations, great
new insights and knowledge through others and great memories, celebrations,
gatherings and fun times with others due to the conjunction between the Sun and
your ruler Jupiter in your fifth house of joy, pleasure, entertainment, fun and
children. Eclipse is also happening here and it affects you in a wonderful way.
Expect memorable moments with others, with your children if you have them or
with somebody else’s children. Pay attention to children and don’t ignore their
messages. They may deliver something significant during this time.

Sagittarius love & romantic life in April

Dear Sagittarius, April is about big love. It's a month of big love stories and it
wakes up your love life in a gentle and exciting way, in a loving and passionate
way, in a creative and uplifting way. This is an amazing month for falling in love,
but it is better to say for rising in love. You may see how these terms have huge
influence actually. Falling in love has to do with those superficial feelings and
emotions when there is only pure physical chemistry between two people and it
lasts only a couple of weeks but some people stay stuck there for years and
cannot get out of it because of the need to repeat those first couple of weeks of
“love” serum. This is an addiction. Here, we are talking about something that is
really rising in love, love that wakes up your dormant senses and that makes you
see things clearly. You know that saying that love is blind, that love hurts and all
other sayings that are total misinterpretations of love. This is how we’re
collectively programmed actually. Love has nothing to do with blindness, with
hurt, with falling. This is a month when many of you will have an opportunity to
see this clearly, to be one-on-one with that feeling of love and that other feeling of
“falling” in love, of experiencing “love hurts” and “love is blind” projections. This is
not love, this is only an unconscious projection of our own insecurities and
abandonment issues, of our own traumas. We have to burn these insecurities,
traumas and issues so that we can integrate them within us. Love goes beyond
elements and love is not fire, love is not air, love is not water or earth, love is all
of that and much more. These revelations will have a huge impact on your love
relationships and your love choices from now on. This month is about big love
and this big love can also happen between you and you. You have Venus, planet
of love, beauty, pleasure, comfort, relationships and values in your opposite sign
of Gemini, shining a light in your relationships, in your marriage, in your
commitments, in your unions. This definitely brings you amazing things in your
existing love relationships and beautiful new people into your life that attract you
romantically. This is even more amplified and increased by a friendly and
supportive trine aspect between Venus and Pluto. Pluto is in your third house of
siblings, relatives, neighbors, your local community and everyday connections
and some of you may connect romantically with someone from these areas of
your life, through your brothers and sisters, through your friends and relatives,
through your neighbors. Big love attraction is activated now and this is not only
because of Venus and Pluto in amazing places for you and in amazing
connection, but also because of friendly and harmonious influence that you
receive through the Sun and your ruler Jupiter in your fifth house of love,
romance, pleasure and joy. This is lucky energy, benevolent energy and you can
expect love on every corner, through every connection and conversation.
Romance is beautifully highlighted and it’s everywhere. You enjoy romantic
places, romantic gestures, romantic atmosphere with yourself, with your friends,
with your lover. There’s also the New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in this fifth
house of love and romance and for some of you all these energies can bring
marriage or engagement, a new level of being in a relationship, a new phase that
is very promising, enlightening and pleasurable. Some of you may be making
babies or expecting children and this is a theme that’s been active for you for
quite some time. It may finally be a time for some news in this area of your life if
you’ve been working on it or planning it. This is a wonderful time for your love life
and for celebrating your love life. If you’re in a relationship, celebrate it, show
your gratitude, surprise your partner romantically, surprise yourself romantically
and don’t limit yourself when it comes to love. Don’t think of love only in terms of
relationships. Expand your perception and experience of love. Expand it and
stretch it in all directions, connect with your inner spark, connect with your inner
fire and let the love transform your worries, your anxieties, your fears, your
traumas, your pain, your hurt. When love is present, these things cannot cease to
exist. Practice love. This is the most amazing month to do that kind of work.
Practice love in all your activities, in all your relationships, in all situations and let
the light of love enlighten all impurities that need to be released from your

Sagittarius sex life in April

Dear Sagittarius, this month is a very beautiful month for you in every way and it
especially enriches your passion, your fertility, your libido, your sexual appetite,
your ability to enjoy making love. Some of you may be making babies during this
time and this has been an active theme for you for quite some time. You may be
working on making babies, you may be expecting children or you may just be
planning to have children. This theme is again very strong and potent now due to
the conjunction of the Sun and your ruler Jupiter in your fifth house of children.
Jupiter your ruler also represents children and now it’s in conjunction with the
Sun and then in conjunction with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your house of
children. This is truly an amazing energy for pregnancy or for news of pregnancy,
for turning your sexual energy into creative power and to manifest new life with it.
But of course this won’t be the case for everyone. It’s really just a wonderful time
for experiencing joy and pleasure and for reigniting the spark of passion and love
between you and your lover. Some of you are connecting with someone new and
there may be a sense of urgency to connect, to join together and especially
because this Eclipse happens on the very last degrees of Aries and the ruler is
Mars in your eighth house of intimacy and sexuality. Mars is in Cancer in this
eighth house and it activates your need for bonding and merging, for feeling the
union with another person, for physical touch and physical connection, for
passionate exchange of energy, of desires and of love. Venus is in your seventh
house of love relationships and it also adds to all these inspiring and passionate
energies. It brings the ingredient of love and beauty in your love relationships and
it reminds you of the importance of mutual trust, understanding, compassion and
love between you and your lover in order to achieve the full pleasure and full
experience of love making. It’s a wonderful time for sharing your wants and
needs with your lover, for expressing your desires and for fulfilling them. You can
expect a whole new feeling in your sex life, a whole new experience of making
love, a whole new chapter of sexuality actually. Pleasure, joy, love, passion and
compassion are your combination of sexual pleasure and sexual fulfillment this
month. You are expressing your desires through your sexual act and you can
unintentionally express some of your unconscious desires too while making love
which gives you a great and deep insight into those hidden parts of yourself.
Sagittarius career & purpose in April
Dear Sagittarius, this month is an ideal month for manifesting your highest
aspirations, for manifesting your creative projects, your passion projects, for
launching something, for starting your own business, for improving it if you have
it already, for cashing in your creativity, your talents, your gifts and abilities. You
can expect a great month full of colorful connections and relationships, full of
possibilities and opportunities for expressing who you are, for doing things that
you love and enjoy, for doing things that awaken the child within you. It’s all about
you expressing and receiving joy and love through your work, through your
service to others, through your creativity. Creativity is the key for purpose and for
living your own purpose. If you can express your creativity, you have found your
purpose. Purpose is not fixed, it is not one thing in life that you do your whole life,
it is something much bigger and deeper. It is something you discover throughout
your whole life, day by day, moment by moment. When you are able to enjoy and
love things that you do, share, express, serve, give and receive, you have found
your purpose. It’s not that complicated really. It’s actually very simple and some
of you will figure out how simple it really is. You can expect great collaborations
with people, amazing partnerships, people who want to help you with work, with
investments, with your creative projects if you have them. Venus and Pluto in
trine aspect bring you powerful connections and contacts with people. Full Moon
in Libra in your eleventh house can be very good for you because it can bring
fulfillments of your dreams, manifestations of your desires and aspirations or, it
can also bring an ending of a certain dream or goal. If you see that this is not
something that you’re still passionate about, if you don’t recognize yourself in that
dream anymore, it may be a time to let it go and to focus more on things that you
feel strongly right now. You also have a very beneficial aspect between your ruler
Jupiter and the Sun in your fifth house of creativity, children, business, launching
things, competing, performing, acting, expressing your talents, turning hobbies
into business, doing things that bring you joy, fun and pleasure. There is also
Eclipse happening here and you can expect some initiation into a new business
perhaps that is yet to be developed. You can expect success if you are working
with children or young people, and also if you are involved in sports activities.
You also have a lot going on in your sixth house of routines, habits, daily work,
tasks, schedules, health, your job, your service to others and your
responsibilities. You have Mercury here the whole month and Mercury stations
retrograde this month in Taurus in your sixth house. You can correct things in
your work if you’ve made some mistakes, you may find things you’ve lost that are
important for your work and organization. You may come back to something
you’ve been working on before. Ideas from your past may resurface now and you
will have a second chance to make it work now. Mars is in Cancer in your eighth
house for the whole month and this is an interesting time for you to put more
energy and action into resolving things related to your taxes, investments, shared
resources, your partner’s money, your family’s money, your credits, your loans,
your debts and bills. It’s time to be proactive in these areas of your life. You may
have to protect your shared resources in some way. All in all, it’s a very eventful
month for your work, your activities, your creativity, your ideas, your daily job,
your dreams and aspirations, your business and your talents. You can do so
much now and you can initiate some great things thanks to others too.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in the sign of Libra
and it illuminates and enlightens your eleventh house of friendships, groups of
people, communities, online communities too, social circles, associates,
acquaintances, older brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, clients,
fans, support groups, your tribe, your soul family. This is also a house of highest
aspirations, desires and long-range goals and dreams. This Full Moon brings to
light your relationships and connections with others, it enlightens your position
amongst others, you within a group of people, your place in a team and your
feelings and emotions in that group of people, in that community, in those
friendships. This is the energy of revelations, endings, closures, culminations,
fruitions and fulfillments. Something is revealed, something needs to be
acknowledged, seen, adjusted, changed, released or transformed in your
friendships, in your communities, in your relationships with older brothers and
sisters and those who feel like them, in your long-range goals and dreams. This
is Libra Full Moon and this is all about relationships and commitments. Are you
satisfied with your connections with others? Are your connections and friendships
fulfilling, inspiring, supportive, uplifting or are they draining you, exhausting you,
putting you down in any way? Do you have time for your communities, your
connections, your friendships? Do you feel good in your social circles? Do you
feel understood, supported and honored in your team, in your tribe? For some of
you this Full Moon may reveal that you don’t really resonate with a certain group
of people anymore. For some of you it may bring a fulfillment and manifestation
in your community based projects, in your friendships, in your team work. It all
depends on your personal situation, but something will be revealed about your
connections and your aspirations. This is about you finding the right way of
communicating with others, finding the right way of being there for others and
finding the right way of expressing yourself amongst others, in your communities,
in your team, in your social circles. You are going to see if you don’t resonate
with someone anymore. It can be an ending of a membership perhaps. If you’ve
been a part of some group, or organization, this energy can bring a culmination
of that period of time and an ending of that membership or it can also bring you
success and fruition of that organization, of that group. You can achieve things
with others now. The ruler of this Full Moon is Venus and in time of this Full Moon
she is finishing her journey through Taurus and your sixth house of everyday
routines and habits, everyday work, service to others, health and healing. Your
everyday work can have a big influence on your friendships and social activities.
Your friends may help you with your work too, with your daily obligations and
daily schedules. You can count on their support. You don’t have to do it all by
yourself. This is a transition in your social life, a transition in how you do your
relationships, how you connect, how you perceive others and how you perceive
yourself when you’re with others. You are recognizing the power of the people
during this time. Use the energy of this Full Moon to express your emotions in
your relationships with others, express your good feelings towards others, show
others that you care for them, that you’re grateful to have them in your life. If you
don’t feel good in a certain group of people, step back and see what resonates
with you and what doesn’t resonate with you. Let go of old limiting goals and
plans. Leave behind dreams and goals that are not serving you anymore, that
you don’t find yourself in them anymore, no matter how big those dreams are, no
matter how long you’ve been nurturing those dreams. If they’re not serving you, it
may be a time to focus more on those things that you see rising now, that
resonate with you strongly and that you can commit to. Connect, communicate,
share, interact, unite with others, partner up, collaborate and see how powerful
connections and contacts can be, how powerful teamwork can be and unite with
yourself too. Be on the same team with yourself and see how powerful it is when
you have all parts of yourself on your side.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Sagittarius
Dear Sagittarius, this New Moon is the second New Moon in a row that happens
in the sign of Aries and it’s showing you things that you need to start, to activate,
to initiate, to break through when it comes to your creativity, your children if you
have them, your child within you, your hobbies, your talents, your gifts, your love,
your romance, your business, your vitality, your identity, your self-esteem and
self-confidence. This New Moon happens on the 20th of April and it’s in
conjunction with your ruler Jupiter. Things are expanding in your fifth house
matters dear Sagittarius. Your love life is expanding. Your business is expanding.
Your pleasure is expanding. You are given an opportunity to initiate something
new in these areas of your life and you have all the support that you need. This
New Moon happens on the last degrees of Aries and it brings endings and
beginnings at the same time, but this is not only because of the last degrees of
the sign, but also because this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse New Moon. This is
the first Eclipse in 2023, and it also marks the beginning of a new Eclipse cycle
that will be happening in the Aries/Libra axis for the next two years. You already
had the New Moon in Aries last month, but this one is far more intense, dramatic,
life-changing, karmic and destined. You may meet a new love partner during this
time. Expect a new love story and a renewal of your existing love relationship in a
very enlightening and passionate way. Some of you may be expecting children or
you may be working on making babies. This is a long-lasting theme for you
already Sagittarius and now there’s a whole new chapter in that area of your life
that begins with this Eclipse. Something amazing and pleasurable happens in
your love life, with your children if you have them, with young people in your life,
with the child within you, with your creativity and your talents. You are expressing
yourself in a unique and authentic way. You are expressing your independence
through your creativity, through the child within you. You are invited to do things
that excite you, that make you feel alive, that ignite the spark of infinite life within
you. You are invited to enjoy life, to feel the pleasure in doing things that you’re
doing, to have fun, to celebrate life, to gather together with people and to
celebrate life. Your love life is highlighted and you may rise in love during this
time. You can create new love stories now. It’s a romantic Solar Eclipse for you
and you are creating romance all around you. You are recognizing love and
romance in every corner of your life and your being. You can do many things
during this time. You can bring others up only by your presence and your
gratitude. You can make others smile and create a big change in the lives of
those around you. Your relationship with children is beautiful and loving too. It is
exciting, playful and cheerful. Pay attention to children in your life, to all the
children that you meet on your journey and see what message they have to
deliver to you. Read between the lines. Recognize the symbols and
synchronicities. The last time this series of Eclipses was active was back
between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006, and also between the
end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. What big changes have been happening
in your life back then when it comes to your creativity, your passion, your children
if you have them, your love life, your business, your sport activities perhaps, your
talents and gifts, your self-esteem, your hobbies, your pleasures and joys in life?
What important lessons have you learned during that time? This energy now can
bring you back some things that you’ve missed perhaps. Missed opportunities
and skipped lessons may reappear now so that you can finish the cycle and
move on. This is a time to celebrate things in life, to feel the joy of being alive, to
invite others for celebrations, to accept invitations from others, to have fun, to
dance, to organize a party, to start a new love relationship, to renew your existing
love relationship, to start a new love relationship with yourself too and to start
smiling at yourself and others more, to start sending smiles all around you, not in
a fanatic way of course, but in a way that you are aware of the importance of the
energy that you emanate and in a way that you know that you have the power to
choose how you want to react to certain situations in life. It’s a great time to start
a new business, to initiate something new, to start a new creative project, to
express yourself, to express the playful side of you, to nurture creativity in
everything all the time, to remember that you are the co-creator and that you are
participating in creating your life and reality in a huge way. You have the power to
invite love and to express love. You are making the conscious choice now and
you’re ready to enjoy, to have pleasure, to smile and to say Yes to life no matter
how hard it may be sometimes.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Sagittarius, your Tarot card for April is The Page of Cups upright. This
card is very much focused on the heart and soul. This is a card of idealism,
creativity, youthfulness, beginnings, naivety, inner child, and the messenger. This
is a card of possibilities and idealism, sensitivity and romance. This card
represents inspiration that comes out of the blue, inspiration that comes from
your subconscious, from deeper and higher realms. This card shows that your
subconscious is communicating with you now directly. This is the card of a
messenger, so there are messages now that come to you, and all these
messages actually come from your subconscious, even though they may come
to you through a friend, through a lover, through a family member, or anyone
else. Messages may come through dreams as well or through creative
expressions and inspirations. This card is connected to children as well, and it
may be connected to your feelings from your childhood, to things you felt while
you were a child. This card means that you can expect good news during this
time. This card can also mean that there is a young person or a child present in
your life, and this relationship is now very significant and meaningful. This card
can also represent a heart full of love, a new love relationship, or a friendship
filled with love. The Page of Cups is about releasing and expressing your
emotions instead of holding them inside. This card asks you to open up your
heart and express yourself.

In this card, there is a young person holding a golden cup wearing a pink and
blue tunic with water lilies. These symbols and colors represent spirituality and
purity. This person has a pure heart, pure intentions, and pure emotions. There is
a fish that is coming out of a golden cup, and they’re looking at each other. This
represents unexpected news, unexpected messages, unexpected situations, and
unexpected emotions, but most of all, the fish represents spirituality, and it
indicates that this will be a spiritual journey for you; this will be something that
enriches your inner world. The element of Water is very strong in this card.
Behind this young person, there are oceanic waves, and the fish is in the cup.
The young person wears a blue beret on their head, and this blue color
resonates with blue waves in the background. Water represents emotions,
intuition, creativity, hidden knowledge, the female principle, spirituality, and the
inner world. This card represents a messenger who brings good news. Since this
card represents the child within you, it also means that there’s a greater need to
be more playful, to have fun, to be entertained, and to enjoy, and this card tells
you to bring more fun into your life. This is a card of great creativity, so you can
expect enhanced creative possibilities. Your gifts and talents may become more
visible and notable.

This card also represents new adventures, and it asks you to embrace new
things in life even though they may come in unexpected ways and even though
you may not know all about them. This is about exploring your soul, exploring
and experiencing magic and spirituality. Don’t take things too seriously during this
time—explore things in a lighthearted way. You need lightness of spirit and
lightness of heart on this journey. Curiosity is welcomed, readiness for an
adventure. Of course, there are challenging times as in every journey, but this
card says even though there are challenges, you should keep your heart and
your spirit light. This card also represents the inner child, so this card could also
mean that you may face some of your inner child issues, your childhood wounds,
which is good because this means that you’re ready for it. You now have a
different approach to those things, and you don’t feel the same about your
childhood wounds. You have a different perspective, and you can resolve these
things now with a fresh perspective and with lightness in your heart. This card
can also bring you a message from far away. This card represents a person, a
funny, creative, and artistic person, an unpredictable person as well. This is a
positive card, one that reminds you to be open-minded and open-hearted, to
follow your intuition and your heart, and to expect new solutions and new

The most impactful planet for Sagittarius in April

Dear Sagittarius, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus will be in
your opposite sign of Gemini this whole month starting from the 11th of April and
this is truly a very beautiful and supportive energy to have in your house of
relationships, commitments, marriage, unions, collaborations, legal matters and
all your one-on-one relationships. This is a very beautiful time for connecting with
people, for supporting each other, for improving all your relationships, for helping
others and for recognizing the true value of your one-on-one relationships. This is
also very good for your love relationships and business partnerships. Expect
beautiful people in your life, beautiful new friends or valuable renewals of your
existing relationships. This is a time to enjoy your time with others, to bring more
love and harmony into your one-on-one relationships and to recognize the beauty
in yourself and in your relationships.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to make the most of this energy this month, in order for you to channel
the energy of Venus in the most beautiful and constructive way, you are asked to
bring more of those venusian qualities into your life, bring forth those venusian
attributes and meanings. Be like Venus in your relationships. Try to manifest and
express the energy of Venus in your one-on-one relationships. Try to recognize
the value of Venus in others. Try to recognize the true value of your relationships.
Do things that are worthy in your relationships. Give compliments to others, say
nice things, tell someone how beautiful he or she is, be generous in giving
compliments. Don’t limit yourself and feel good by giving compliments. Don’t
expect anything in return and just enjoy giving compliments, supporting others,
and sharing the best of who you are with others. Do things with others that wake
up Venus in your relationships. Invite someone out for a dinner, for a concert,
visit a museum with someone, visit a gallery, visit something where there’s
expression of beauty, value and love, expression of art. Venus is also about food
and enjoying good things in life and you can also beautify your connections by
preparing something nice, by enjoying good times with others. Give others
presents and gifts during this time. These presents and gifts don’t have to be
anything big and spectacular. It can be anything, just a small sign of kindness
and appreciation. Show others what they mean to you, make your own present,
be creative. Dance with someone. Play good music and dance. Do things with
people that trigger joy and pleasure, that make you feel comfortable, that make
you taste the beauty of life, the beautiful side of life. Venus is related to flowers
too so you can give flowers to others as well. Have a good and pleasurable time
with your close personal friends, lovers, partners, or anyone with whom you have
that one-on-one relationship with.

Healing tips for Sagittarius in April

- Choose one image, one picture, one painting that you love, that you find
mesmerizing, inspiring, enchanting and inspiring and observe it. Start observing
it. Watch it. Focus on this image and go through its details. Observe everything.
Observe the feelings that you get while you’re observing this. Enter this image,
this picture, this painting. Enter into it. Walk through it. Fly through it. Drive
through it. Go on a journey through it. Visit every corner of it. Explore every
detail, every face if there are faces. Spend some time inside this story and have
an experience. Feel the experience. Feel the journey. Feel the story.

- Imagine that you're floating on the water surface. Feel yourself there. Feel the
water holding you, protecting you, embracing you. Feel the subtle texture and
matter of the water. Just lie and let it hold you gently. Enjoy with your eyes closed
and just lie fully relaxed. If there is a floating tank near you, you can go and try it.
It has a very healing influence. Enjoy being immersed by water. If you live near
the beach and it is not winter time, go and lie on the surface of the water. Just
float, just be, just breathe and enjoy the process and the benefits of it.

- Take yourself out for confession walks. These are your daily walks where you
will have inner conversations with yourself during these walks. You will tell
yourself everything that lies on your chests each day. Take yourself out for a walk
on your own every day for at least half an hour and make your confessions to
yourself. Tell everything that bothers you, that tortures you, that worries you.
Make these walks your daily therapeutic routines. Take them seriously. Be your
own therapist during these walks. Release things. Feel relief during these
sessions and enjoy.

- Watch the rays of the Sun. Catch the rays of the Sun. Try to catch these rays
whenever you have a chance. Whenever you’re outside and you see the rays of
the Sun shining through, go there and be in the Sun. Let it wash away all
impurities from you. Feel the white and gold warm light healing you and purging
you. (Of course, do not stand in the strong Sun for too long. Choose part of the
day when the warmth is comfortable and if you live where it’s cold, you can of
course stand in the Sun whenever during the day.)

- Think about the things that torture you, things that make you feel
uncomfortable, things that you are not proud of, things that you have wronged,
think about your “mistakes”, your fails, things from your life that you would rather
forget or things that you somehow regret. Think about the guilt that you feel.
Think about all these things and offer all of these things to the higher forces, to
the Divine, to your higher self to take them. Don’t analyze this. Don’t go into
details. Don’t think about it. Just offer it to these forces. These things don’t belong
to you. You can freely return them to the source. Just do it consciously and
willingly. Say: “I am giving back all my mistakes, failures, fears, anxieties, worries
and traumas back to the source where they belong. They have served me. I have
learned the lessons but I don’t need to be attached to them anymore. I quit my
addiction to these things and I surrender to higher powers.”

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Dream big. Write down your biggest dreams and feel them as if they are already
manifested. Live them already. Feel as if you have already accomplished and
achieved what you want. Dream big and think big. Feel the abundance. Connect
with your own inner abundance. Be aware that it is there already. Write down
your big dreams and see yourself already living those dreams.

- Spend more time with like-minded people, with people who share similar
thoughts and ideas with you. Spend more time with those who make you feel
good. Spend more time with people who work on themselves, with people who
work on their self-development and self-betterment. If you don't have such
people around you, find online communities or groups or individuals who are
working on themselves and who can share valuable and meaningful things with
you. Share knowledge and experiences with others and spend more quality time
with your friends, with real friends.

- Make sure you go to bed with clear and positive thoughts. Don't fall asleep with
some bad and negative thoughts. Give your best to shift your thoughts and to fall
asleep with good thoughts, because this is what will give you a quality sleep, but
if you fall asleep with bad thoughts on your mind, you won't have a quality sleep
and you will wake up tired and exhausted. If you feel bad thoughts taking you
over at night, it is better to get up and do something that will shake off that
energy. Do something to shift your state of being. Stretch yourself a little bit. Take
a shower. Wash your face with cold water. Put your feet into hot water. Sing
something uplifting. Listen to the sounds that make you feel safe and relaxed.
Make sure you are not focused on bad things before you fall asleep. This will
improve the quality of your whole life.

- Take your friends out. Take them to your favorite place somewhere in nature.
Just spend some time there together in nature, outside, walking, hiking, being
close to the river or lake or sea, or in the mountains, wherever is one of your
favorite spots. Take someone close to you and just spend some quality time in
nature together, breathing fresh air and healing, observing, grounding and
cleansing, just feeling good and enjoying impressions.

- Practice Plow Pose. Do your research about this pose, see how it’s done, see
what it’s good for and what are the benefits of it and start practicing. If you cannot
do it immediately, practice it. Stretch yourself every day until you make it. This
pose is called Halasana.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What is it that I am repeating in my life for quite some time that I need to
change? Where am I being too repetitive? What are my most repetitive thoughts
and emotions in life?

- How can I refresh and rejuvenate my life? What do I do in life in order to refresh
myself, to uplift myself, to cheer up myself? What are my methods of refreshing
my life?

- What am I mostly grateful for in my life? What are the main things in my life that
I am grateful for? How often am I aware of the things that I am grateful for in my

- What kind of self-recovery do I need in my life right now? What is the most
urgent self-recovery that I need right now? Where do I feel injured, wounded,
hurt, or let down in some way by myself?

- Do I feel strong on the inside? Do I feel fearless when I am facing my own

shadow or do I need to hide behind distractions and noises of everyday reality?

What can Capricorn expect in April

Dear Capricorn, you are making your life much easier in April. You are making
things run smoothly for you. You are finding the right people who can help you in
your organization. You are finding the right rhythm for yourself. You organize
things perfectly and manage it all. You handle it all in a much easier way than you
ever did before. You are removing burdens from your everyday life. You are
getting rid of unnecessary daily obligations and duties. You are getting rid of
some of your responsibilities that are draining you and you finally feel good in
your everyday life. You are managing stress and you’re ready for things that you
have to do without too much worry. This is maybe unusual for you since you’re
somehow used to worrying and being too cautious. Now you’re ready for
something lighter and brighter even if you may have more things to worry about.
Your inner perception and inner feelings have changed and you’re somehow
easy with stress, worries and ups and downs of life. Pluto is out of your sign after
fifteen years and you will feel that energy now. That is why you may feel less
burdened too. You have a different approach to life and yourself.

On the 3rd of April Mercury joins Uranus, Venus and North node in your fellow
Earth sign Taurus in your fifth house of joy, pleasure, entertainment, playfulness,
love, romance, children, creativity, self-expression, hobbies, business, gifts and
talents. This area of your life has been shaken up many times already and you’ve
gone through many changes and awakening in these areas of your life already.
But, there’s more of that and it’s actually good. These energies make a positive
supportive trine aspect with your sign and you should expect beneficial and
uplifting events and situations in your love life, with your children if you have
them, with your business, self-employment, with your talents, in sports activities if
you are into sports, with your creative projects and your experience of fun and joy
in life. You can expect joyful conversations with people, entertaining
conversations and trips too, romantic trips perhaps, romantic conversations,
cheerful connections and relationships. You are learning and studying more
about your role as a parent if you’re a parent. You are learning more about your
business if you have one. You are learning more about your creative processes
and your talents. You can expect sudden shifts in love, sudden changes in love
life, unexpected pregnancy news are possible too and this is something that is
very much accentuated as long as Uranus is here in your fifth house, whenever it
gets activated through aspects with other planets as it is now. You are able to feel
the joy of life and you may be reminded that you’ve forgotten how to simply enjoy
life, how to enjoy simplicity, how to enjoy being who you are. Mercury will be here
until the 11th of June due to its retrograde motion that begins on the 21st of April.
But, Mercury’s retrograde motion will be felt earlier because it enters the
pre-retrograde shadow period around the 7th of April. Expect people from your
past to reappear in your life, ex lovers may show up again in your life for one
reason or another, in many different shapes and forms. You may bump into them
on the street, or you may hear from them in some way, someone may tell you
some news about your ex lovers or you may be thinking about them. Expect
conversations that can bring you revelations and closures with others. You can
finish the unfinished business, unfinished creative projects. You are fixing and
correcting things with your children if you have them or with somebody else’s
children, with young people. You can also find things that you’ve lost during this
time, Mercury will be retrograde until the 15th of May. On the same day when
Mercury stations retrograde, the Sun enters Taurus too and highlights this area of
your life. You can expect more opportunities for expressing your gifts and talents,
more performances, more popularity, more self-expression. The Sun brings light
into these areas of your life and there’s more chance for success in your
business, in your love life, with your children or if you work with children. You will
be given more chances for fun and pleasure, for something that truly fulfills you
and that makes you feel good about being alive right here and right now.

On the 6th of April there’s a Full Moon in Libra, illuminating the top of your chart
and shining a light on your career, your profession, your success and reputation,
your relationship with your father or with father figures, your vocation, your life
direction, your contribution to society, your life path. This is a time to see
something that you may have been avoiding in your professional world. You may
have been putting too much effort into your career, into achieving results and
success and now it’s time to see things coming to a fruition in these areas of your
life. Something is culminating now for you. You may experience some kind of
culmination in your career, or a culmination on your life path. There are possible
endings and closures too. Maybe this brings a certain closure to some project
you’ve been working on, or maybe a closure of a certain period in your career or
in your contribution. Something may come to a head now and this is related to
your relationships in your career, relationships with authority figures, relationships
with people who look up to you and business relationships. Something may be
ended here for you and this may be a final resolution of a certain situation in your
work or with a boss or with your career goals. Change is happening and
something is revealed to you that will give you a greater clarity about your life
path and life direction.

On the 11th of April Venus enters Gemini and brings comfort, healing, love,
beauty and harmony into your sixth house of health, healing, wellbeing, everyday
work, everyday tasks and duties, routines and habits, your service to others, your
work, your job, your obligations and schedules, your stress and your time
management, and your pets too. This is a very beautiful energy to have here in
this area of your life, especially after having Mars here for such a long period of
time. Mars is finally out of your sixth house and now you have Venus here to help
you with all things related to health and work. You will find perfect helpers in your
life now if you need them and you will find a perfect way to organize yourself,
your work, your schedules and routines so that you can really enjoy your daily life
without feeling exhausted and tired, without feeling as if your time is leaking. You
will finally have time for yourself, for your wellbeing, for a good diet, for good
exercises, for pleasurable activities without overworking and overloading
yourself. You can make exquisite changes now with your everyday life. Venus
here wants you to love yourself and to do things that are beautiful and valuable in
your everyday life. Venus also makes a supportive trine aspect with Pluto in your
second house of finances, material stability, resources, earnings, your money,
your possessions, your priorities and self-worth. Expect beautiful opportunities
and possibilities now. You can expect big money too or big opportunities for
earning more money, for using your resources in a more beautiful and valuable
way, for being more grateful for all that you have gained and all that you are. This
is a lot about true self-love, self-appreciation and self-worth.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s another
significant aspect happening and it’s a conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter
in fiery Aries in your core placement of the chart, in your fourth house of home,
family, real estate, your house, your place of living, your family relationships,
family members, emotional stability and security, your mother, your inner child,
your emotional intelligence and emotional independence. This area of your life is
very important this whole month and it’s been hugely activated last month too.
Now this conjunction brings lucky opportunities and lucky events in your home
and family world. You can expect expansion of your family in some way, new
family members, you moving in to live with someone, new roommates perhaps,
bigger home, bigger space, something expands and it’s very good now. Expect
good family news. You may be buying or selling a house or real estate. You are
passionate about your family and family members. You are taking action in these
areas and you feel abundant with your home and family situation. Something is
shining here for you and you feel blessed with your home situation. This area of
your life is also very strong this month because there is a New Moon Solar
Eclipse happening here too on the 20th of April. This is the second New Moon in
a row that happens in Aries in this area of your life. Expect some big initiations in
your home, with family members, with your place of living, with your emotional
world, your inner child, your emotional setup. These are new chapters, karmic
and destined events, necessary cycles and renewals. This is a whole new
process in your emotional world, with your place of living, your residency
perhaps, your location, your family situation that will be unfolding and changing in
the next two years. This is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it marks the beginning of
a new Eclipse cycle that will be happening in the Aries/Libra axis in the next two

Mars is in your opposite sign of Cancer this whole month and it puts more focus
on your one-on-one relationships. You are putting more energy and effort into
your partnerships and you should be careful of your behavior in your one-on-one
relationships. Mars can bring impulsiveness and overreactions especially when in
Cancer since it is very sensitive and too protective. Passive aggressive behavior
can be present now and come either from you or from others, or from both. But,
this doesn’t have to manifest at all if you’re proactive in your relationships, if
you’re focused on healthy activities with others. This is a great time for being
proactive with others, doing things in pairs, taking action, moving forward,
initiating something in your relationships instead of trying to prove your point and
impose your will onto others. This is a time for active collaboration and for mutual
benefits, mutual work that brings blessings in your relationships.

Capricorn relationship with inner self

Dear Capricorn, there’s a power in your inner voice now that you haven’t felt so
strongly before. There’s a new sense of inner power that is rising from the bottom
of your being. There’s a new dose of strength that is increasing and growing and
you feel supported by yourself. You finally feel that readiness you’ve been
working on. You finally feel that moment of being your greatest support and
guidance. You can rely on yourself. You can count on yourself. Whatever
happens, you know you have yourself and you’re fearless because of that. You
don’t have any doubts now when it comes to self-trust and self-love. You have full
trust in yourself. You believe in yourself as you’ve never believed in anything or
anyone before and this gives you all that you need now. You have total and
absolute confidence and faith in yourself. You finally don’t need anyone’s
approval. You have your path, your journey, your mission and you feel it strongly.
Your faith in yourself is untouchable and you have finally managed to achieve
that level of self-trust. You deserve it dear Capricorn and you’re so grateful for it
but you should also know that this is not something that you get and have
forever. You now have to work on maintaining that strength and power, that faith
and confidence, that trust and love. It is hard to gain it and achieve it, but it may
be even harder and more challenging to maintain it. But once you know the taste
of it, you won’t let it go away so quickly. Try not to attach yourself too much to
that state of being. Try not to attach yourself to any outcome, to any state of
being. These are things that come and go. Your true centeredness is in your
ability to allow instabilities, disruptions and upheavals of life to happen without
allowing them to take you with them, without allowing them to control you.
Self-trust is your power and you should always be aware of how you use your
power. This kind of power can be abused too, as any type of power, so make
sure you’re aware of that too. Don’t allow yourself to go into another extreme
where you feel overconfident and you feel that you’re better than the rest in some
way. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others. This will help you so much in your
life. Once you stop comparing yourself with others, you will immediately feel
burdens falling off and this will help you release unnecessary stress and pressure
that you’re carrying and that is in some way torturing you even if you think it’s
motivating you. There is nothing constructive in comparing yourself to others, so
instead of comparing, celebrate yourself and others right where you are. Focus
on your strength and honor your whole being as it is. Accept yourself fully and
polish that self-trust every moment. Don’t allow it to get dirty or dusty. Work on
yourself every day, bring joy and pleasure into your everyday life. Recognize
blessings in your life and focus on things that are beautiful and inspiring while
honoring things that are painful and uncomfortable.

Capricorn relationship with others

Dear Capricorn, April is great for finding help and helpers in others, for being
proactive with others, for doing things in pairs with someone, for doing things with
your family, for focusing more on your family, for spending more time with family
and with people who feel like family. You have been working too much perhaps
lately, you have been too busy achieving goals, results, career success and now
it’s time to be more devoted to things that bring you emotional satisfaction, be
more devoted to your family relationships and close friendships. Something
beautiful is happening in your home and family life, especially around the 11th of
April when the Sun and Jupiter join together here in your fourth house of
domestic matters. This is fantastic energy for you and your relationships with
your family, with people who feel like a family, with people you live with and with
your soul family too. You may find your soul family now and some of you may
really feel greater and deeper connection with your family members. There is
something big happening between you and family members that makes you feel
good that you’re a part of that family or it may also be that you feel and
experience this with people who are your soul family. Expect new beginnings and
renewals of your family life in a very karmic and life-changing way. You also have
Mars the whole month in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships. Mars
is in Cancer and it’s in its fall while in Cancer. But this doesn’t mean that Mars in
Cancer is bad. This only means that you have to use that energy of Mars in a bit
of a different way. You are putting energy into your relationships. You are putting
more effort into your one-on-one relationships and you’re asked to avoid any
passive aggressive behavior. It’s better to be direct than to pretend that
everything is fine while at the same time you want others to know that things are
not fine. Be direct and honest in your one-on-one relationships and you’ll feel the
most benefits from Mars in Cancer in your seventh house. Be proactive with
others. Initiate new things with others. Do things together. Do vital things
together. Take a walk with someone for example. Do a workout with someone.
Go running or swimming. Do these activities in pairs. You may be too protective
towards others during this time too. You can expect great help from people, from
doctors, associates, colleagues, assistants of any kind, from personal trainers,
coaches, psychologists, therapists, healers, anyone with whom you get in touch
with on your healing journey. You can really expect beautiful and supportive
energy through these people and from these people. You can also expect some
kind of culmination and closure with your father or with father figures. Expect
changes and some kind of tension or possible drama with authority figures or
father figures. But, these revelations and possible dramas are part of the bigger
picture and part of these blessings that you’re also experiencing in your family
world, so don’t rush with making conclusions and decisions. Allow yourself to
process it all and to allow yourself to feel emotions that come up in your family
relationships, with your father, with your close people and people who are of
service to you.

Capricorn love & romantic life in April

Dear Capricorn, you are reviewing, reevaluating, reconsidering and reassessing
your love life this month. There are things you’re going over and over again in
your love relationships and your love life. You can expect sudden and
unexpected shifts in your love life. This is a time of sudden changes and shifts in
your romantic world, unexpected connections and reconnections with people
from your past and finding love in the most unusual places if you’re single. This is
a great time for fixing and correcting things in your love life, for making things
right in your love relationships if there have been any troubles, issues and
mistakes lately. You can also expect some miscommunications and
misunderstandings with your romantic partner now when Mercury is retrograde in
your fifth house. But this is not something to worry about. This energy makes a
supportive and friendly aspect with your sign and any miscommunication and
misunderstanding now with your partner leads to clarity and understanding. You
will have a lot of conversations now, love conversations, lovely communication,
conversations about things you wanted to talk about before with your partner but
there was no chance for it, or it wasn’t the right time for it. Now is the time for
making those conversations that you’ve been delaying and procrastinating with.
Some of you may reconnect with your ex lovers in some way. You may bump into
them in the street. You may think about them and see them passing by
somewhere. You may have a closing conversation with your ex lover. You may
hear news about them through a friend perhaps. All kinds of different scenarios
are possible, but there are some thoughts about your past love relationships that
can bring you clarity and liberation now. You are resolving things from your past
when it comes to love and the past hurts. Venus, planet of love and love
relationships is in your sixth house of everyday life, routines, habits, work, service
to others, healing and health and you can expect love connections with people
from your work, with people you meet in your everyday life, through your tasks
and duties, in gym perhaps, through your exercises and workouts, at places
where you go for healing perhaps. These unusual places can actually bring you a
new love interest. Mars, planet of action, drive and energy is in your seventh
house of marriage, union and commitments and you may have some conflict with
your partner, some kind of passive aggressive behavior perhaps or you may be
too protective towards your partner. Some of you may be too defensive and too
sensitive in your relationship and you may have a need to constantly defend
yourself in your love relationships. This is also something that helps you work in
your relationships and improve the way you communicate and collaborate. Venus
is in your fifth house of love and romance until the 11th of April, Uranus is here,
North node is here and Mercury is here too. The Sun joins them on the 21st and
this is a lot of focus on your love life, your joy and pleasure and you can really
make the change now. You can really improve and correct your love life in many
ways. Expect beautiful and romantic trips and conversations. Loving words,
gestures and motions in conversations can make wonders. Just try and watch.

Capricorn sex life in April

Dear Capricorn, you are redoing something in the area of your sexual life. You
are reviewing, reevaluating, reassessing and reconsidering things about your sex
life, about your sexual affinities and sexual appetite. You are looking at what
attracts you, what really inspires you to make love, what really attracts you there,
which force is present in your sexual expression, which force makes you want to
have sex and make love. What kind of energy is that? How do you perceive sex?
What is sex for you? Some of you may go through sexual healing of some kind
now and you may experience a sudden and unexpected sexual attraction which
may be a proof for you that this is something that you cannot really control but it
is something that you can make a decision about. If you’ve ever experienced any
kind of sexual issue or discomfort, this month can bring you a resolution, a
healing, a greater understanding of it, an insight about it, a conversation about it
perhaps. This is also a great time for making things right in your sexual life.
There’s a new level of experiencing this whole energy. This is also a time for
reconsidering and rethinking your possible plans for making babies and if you’ve
been planning this before, now may be a time when this topic becomes active
again. Some of you may be working on this now with Mercury retrograde in your
fifth house of love, romance, sexual pleasures and children. If some of you had
issues with pregnancy or issues with having children, now may be a great time to
try again and to give it another chance. So, some of you may be busy using
sexual energy to create a new life. There is some kind of magic in your sexual life
now and in the way you use your sexual energy. You can also use this energy for
huge creative work. Passionate projects, creative projects can be brought to light
thanks to the right way of using your sexual energy. If you know what you want,
you can use your vitality, your energy, your prana for making things, for creating
things, not only for creating babies, but for creating new life in your life, new life
for yourself, for bringing something to light and to life. This is especially strong
because there’s this healing sexual energy and this can really put you in a better
place when it comes to all your areas of life. When sexual energy is somehow
disrupted, your whole energetic levels are disrupted, your chakras are disrupted
and your wants and needs are also disrupted. Now you’re realigning with natural
laws and with your true wants and needs. Your sex life is a bit challenging but it is
also very creative and healing at the same time.

Capricorn career & purpose in April

Dear Capricorn, April is full of business oriented events for you and full of
possibilities and opportunities to improve your career, your life path, your work
and your sense of usefulness. Things are changing for the better and many of
you have been putting so much effort and action into your work and your career
that you really feel exhausted and tired now. You need a recovery and the
recovery is on its way. You are going to do things that you enjoy doing now and
you will finally be able to organize yourself in a way that suits you and that
comforts you. Venus will be in your sixth house of daily work, your job, your
routines and habits. She will be here between the 11th of April and 7th of May
and this comes as a great healing energy after having Mars here for seven
months. Mars is now finally out of your sixth house of health and work and Venus
is here to bring you comfort, healing, beauty, love, pleasure, values and finances
too. You are doing things that you love and enjoy. You can organize your life in a
way that you enjoy your daily routines and habits, you enjoy your work, you enjoy
your schedules. You can expect the results of your hard work now. If you need a
recovery, a physical healing, a stress relief, this month is amazing for that and
Venus here will help you manage your stress especially stress related to work
and everyday schedules and obligations. You can find people who can help you
in your everyday life with your everyday tasks and responsibilities and you’re also
removing unnecessary work and duties from your life. Those of you who don’t
have a job and are searching for one, you can find a job that suits you now. You
can find something that is pleasurable and enjoyable. Venus also makes a
friendly trine aspect with Pluto in your second house of financial stability, earning
money, owning things, gaining resources, spending and saving, valuing things,
valuing yourself, having healthy priorities and knowing your worth. This is a
powerful and positive aspect. This is an aspect of big money, and for some of you
this energy can bring a new source of income that brings you extra special
money. You feel abundant and there’s something beautiful and powerful
happening in your work area and in your financial area. You also have a Full
Moon in your tenth house of career, profession, reputation, life path, life direction,
your contribution, your success and your goals and ambitions. Something can
manifest in your career world now. You can gain recognition, reputation,
manifestation of your efforts and work. Something may also complete now.
Something may come to an end. A certain phase in your career world can come
to its completion. You may have to say goodbye to something in your career
world so that you can bring more joy, more pleasure, more adventure into what
you’re doing and what you’re creating. You have a lot going on in your fifth house
this month and this is great for your own business if you have one, for your
creative projects, for your expression of talents and gifts, for self-employment, for
finishing the unfinished business. You can come back to something you used to
love doing, something you enjoyed doing. You really have so much happening
this month in your career world and you can expect all kinds of good shifts, shifts
that are all for your own benefit, for your wellbeing. This month reminds you of
the importance of your vitality and health first of all, and then from that place of
feeling good, from feeling satisfied, you go and move in the desired direction.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in your fellow Cardinal
sign of Libra, shining a light on top of your chart in your tenth house of career,
profession, vocation, reputation, social status, authority figures, father figures,
father, external security and stability, achievements, contribution to society, your
role in the world, your place in the world, your success and your life path. This
Full Moon brings revelations, disclosures, acknowledgments, closures, endings,
completions, culminations, fulfillments and fruitions in these areas of your life.
Something is coming to light and you may have to look at something you would
rather avoid perhaps. Full Moons bring to light things that you were unable to see
and recognize, things you avoided, things you’ve neglected perhaps. But, it also
brings fruition and fulfillment if you’ve been working on those things, if you’ve
been putting a lot of effort into achieving something related to tenth house
matters. Full Moons can also bring drama and intense events and situations. This
Full Moon makes a tense square aspect with your sign so you can expect some
kind of pressure or crises in your career, in your life direction or with your father,
in your relationship with father figures or authority figures. There is some kind of
ending too here. Some of you may be saying goodbye to a certain phase in your
career. You may be ending something, a certain role you played and now you’re
switching to a different kind of role. You want to be seen differently by the world.
You want to change your role perhaps, to change your social status, your
reputation and contribution. You are more exposed perhaps during this time, you
are more in public or your role is seen and recognized. This is Libra Full Moon so
it’s a lot about relationships and commitments. It’s a lot about fairness, justice,
legal matters, relating to others, collaborating. You can expect collaborations in
business and career, commitments in your contribution, culmination in your
relationship with your father. There’s something you need to acknowledge and
adjust in your tenth house matters now. There is something you need to look at
with greater attention and detail when it comes to your career and your role in the
world. How are you making your contribution? Are you satisfied with your role in
the world? How do you want to be seen by others? What kind of influence do you
have on others? What kind of role model are you? What kind of impression do
you leave on others? These kinds of things are significant with this Full Moon. It’s
time to let go of things that don’t serve you on this path. It’s time to release things
that are unnecessary in your career, in your contribution, in your public image, in
your relationship with father and father figures. Use this energy to look at your
goals and ambitions, look at your true passion, your true vocation and see how
aligned with that truth are you. Remember the middle path during this Full Moon
in Libra. Libra is the sign of scales, not of extremes, so you may have to make
some decisions in your career world, make decisions about your own life path
and rebalance your life so that you can contribute in the way that serves you and

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Capricorn
Dear Capricorn, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April in your fellow
Cardinal fiery sign of Aries in your core placement of the chart, the bottom of the
chart, your fourth house of core emotions, family matters, family relationships,
your home, your place of living, your mother, your inner child, your emotional
stability and security, your roots and ancestors, your childhood and your past.
This is a very sensitive placement and this house is ruled by the Moon. This is
the second time in a row that there’s a New Moon in Aries and it again activates
the same areas of your life but in a very different way. This New Moon happens
at the very last degrees of the sign and the previous one happened at the very
first degrees of the sign. Last degrees of the sign are known as anaretic degrees,
critical degrees and they carry a lot of experience, wisdom and knowledge.
These are endings and beginnings and whatever you have initiated during the
first New Moon in Aries last month is likely to start showing up in some way
already now. This is not just a New Moon energy, this is also Solar Eclipse New
Moon and this is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it’s also the beginning of a new
Eclipse cycle that will be happening in the Aries/Libra axis in the next two years.
These series of Eclipses are very significant for you because they impact the key
areas of your life and you will definitely feel their influence. The last time this
series of Eclipses was active was back between the beginning of 2004, and the
beginning of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016.
Think back to this time and see what big transitions, transformations, changes,
endings and beginnings were active in your life. This is especially active in your
work, career, reputation, social status, public image, contribution and your home
and family life, your residence, your family relationships, your roommates, your
place of living, your childhood, your mother, your emotional wellbeing, emotional
stability, your inner child and your ability to cope with emotional changes and
challenges, your ability to grow and mature emotionally. Focus will be more on
your home and family world from now on, on people you love, on real estate and
the place where you live. Expect karmic and destined events in these areas of
your life. Some of you may be moving, relocating, selling and buying a property, a
house, a real estate. You may be renovating your home, upgrading it, improving
it, making it better in every way. You are also working on renewing and
empowering your family relationships, your environment, your emotional stability
and security, your relationship with your mother and mother figures, your
relationship with family members and those who feel like a family. There is a
sense of urgency around the time of this Eclipse since it happens at the very last
degrees of the sign. But, you don’t really need to rush with anything now. You will
have plenty of time to work on this and to process all the changes and challenges
on your path in these fourth house matters. Jupiter is in conjunction with this
Eclipse and it emphasizes this energy, it expands this energy and the meaning of
your fourth house of home and family. You can expect some big changes and
feelings of abundance in your home and with your family. The ruler of this Eclipse
is Mars and Mars is in your opposite sign of Cancer in your seventh house of
one-on-one relationships. You are entering a whole new chapter and new phase
in your family life. You are renewing and recovering your family relations and your
home situation. You are going through a renewal of your emotional setup as well.
You start working on building emotional independence and emotional
intelligence. You’re given all the tools that you need and you’re ready to recover
emotionally and to break through the old, sticky and traumatizing emotional
attachments. You are ready to go where you haven’t dared to go before and that
journey is leading you towards emotional healing of the highest and greatest

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Capricorn, your Tarot card for April is The King of Cups upright. This is a
card of emotional balance, maturity, mentoring, generosity, father figures, a
spiritual mentor, teachers of all kinds and providers. The King of Cups is a
mysterious figure, has a mysterious and mystical nature and he can be distanced
and cold, secretive and intense at the same time.

We see the King sitting on the throne which is floating on the turbulent water. The
King is calm and he is looking somewhere in the distance and he holds the cup in
his right hand and the scepter in his left hand. These things symbolize his control
over his emotions and his power, his self-mastery and his creativity, his spiritual
maturity. In the background there is a fish leaping from the water and a ship.
There is a great balance between the material and emotional dimensions. There
is a balance between the conscious and subconscious.

This card represents the balance between the mind and heart. It represents
wisdom, devotion, diplomacy as well as advisors and counselors.This card may
refer to a real person in your life. It can represent you or it can have a symbolic
meaning or all three. The King is very emotionally receptive but he can also be
explosive and strict. He is very charismatic and he attracts people easily. People
trust him. The King of Cups is a very creative soul and he has a very fresh
perspective all the time. His perspectives are way beyond the learned ways of
looking at things. He is thinking outside of accepted norms and patterns. He is a
creative and sensitive soul, very artistic, compassionate and devoted. This card
is a reminder for you to listen to your heart, listen to your intuition. There is a
need for emotional fulfillment, for emotional pleasure and satisfaction. These are
measured decisions and high levels of emotional control. You can achieve
success if you know what you want now. This card is deeply connected to your
own intuition and emotions but in the case of this card, you manage to control
your emotions and to express them in the right way, to express them consciously.
This card means that there is harmony in your emotional body. You are gaining
emotional harmony and emotional stability.
This card can also represent a compassionate friend or someone who gives you
wise advice. He is a very good listener. This card also suggests business deals
and plans, improvement of social status and reputation. You may also be in a
position to take on a leadership role or you may be in a close relationship with
someone who has that role. This can be related to social communities of all

This card shows that you are in full charge of your emotions and impulses. There
is a deeper and greater knowledge of yourself, of who you are within yourself, of
your impulses and desires, your wants and needs. This card can also bring you
an older person, an older male person who makes wise choices and who takes
responsibility for his actions and you can learn a lot from this person. This is
someone who owns great self-knowledge and who can be a great father figure
now in your life. This is a gentle mentor, someone who can guide you beautifully
and who acts from his emotions but who carries a great balance of emotions and
logic. This card reminds you to master your emotions, to become emotionally
independent and emotionally healthy and wealthy. This is a very powerful time for
you to grow and mature emotionally and to remain calm in the middle of
emotional storms and negative emotional patterns. This is your chance to
overcome emotional “weaknesses” and to turn them into your strengths.

The most impactful planet for Capricorn in April

Dear Capricorn, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. This month you
have both lunations happening in key areas of your life, influencing you directly
and putting focus on your ability to balance your career and home life, to balance
your external ambitions and your emotional needs, to balance your inner and
outer worlds, to balance your need for material security versus your need for
emotional security. You have Full Moon in Libra in your tenth house of career,
reputation, father and father figures, profession, public image, influence on
others, contribution to society, authority figures, success and your role in the
world. Expect culminations, endings, closures, fruitions and fulfillments in these
areas of your life. Then you have New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries in your fourth
house of home, family, mother, family relationships, people who feel like a family,
real estate, place of living, your literal house, your place where you grew up, your
childhood, your roots, your past, your inner child, your emotional stability and
security. Expect new stories, new chapters, initiations and renewals in your home
and family world. Something very significant, karmic and destined is being
initiated right now and even though it may not happen all at once and over night,
it is something that will be unfolding in the next two years due to this new Eclipse
cycle that will have a profound effect on you.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.
In order to make the most of this energy this month, in order for you to connect
with the energy of the Moon and to channel these energies in the most
constructive and powerful way, you are asked to dive deep into yourself and deal
with your inner child, with your past, with your emotional stability and security,
with your inner mother and with your insecurities, vulnerabilities and emotional
triggers. This is very important because this is Eclipse in your fourth house and
it’s the main player now. Moon is also ruler of the fourth house and this is even
more amplified. Emotions are strong and powerful and you have an amazing
opportunity to channel these emotions, to filter them in a new way, to transform
them into a pure emotional state, to create a new emotional setup. Connect with
the energy of the Moon. Do something that balances you and aligns you with
your emotional center every Monday. Actually do it every day, but on Mondays it
will have greater strength since Monday is the Moon’s day and you can connect
with that energy more. Wear something white or silver to connect and align with
the energy of the Moon too. Try to manifest the energy of the Moon in your home
and family world. Be nurturing, nourishing, caring, compassionate, loving,
supportive and helpful in your home and with your family members. Bring some
food to your family. The Moon also represents the food so it’s very good to offer
food to your family, to bring more food in your home in order to connect with the
Moon in a better way, to make its influence easier and lighter and brighter into
your life. Do something beautiful with your family around the time of the Full
Moon and the New Moon. Show that you care. Show that you are there. Show
that you are grateful for your home, your family, your roots and ancestors,
regardless of how you personally feel about them. Accept your home, your roots,
your ancestors, your family but don’t get identified with those things too much.
Honor and respect these things, but don’t allow yourself to get emotionally
overwhelmed and to believe that you are your family. You are far more than your
family as is each family member of your family. You are far more than emotional
attachment as is anyone who you feel as your family member. You are now
working on emotional maturity and emotional intelligence. Allow yourself to feel
all that you have to feel. Cry if you feel like crying. Allow yourself to feel it all but
know that all the time there is a conscious witness, an observer within you, the
one who is detached from all emotional ups and downs. This is the place where
you’re going. Wherever you go, you’re not getting anywhere, unless you dare to
look inside of you and meet with the observer within you, with the one who is free
from all attachments, so that you can reconnect with the ones you love in a pure
and clear state of love.

Healing tips for Capricorn in April

- Draw your own symbol, something that strongly resonates with you. Find your
own symbol that resonates with you right now. Explore and research symbols
and find the one that resonates with you. Something that catches your eye,
something that draws your attention. See what this symbol is about, research it,
learn more about it, draw it on a piece of paper and carry it with you. Connect
with it and see what you can learn from it. This symbol will guide you and protect
you. It will help you see the signs and read the signs. It will help you recognize
synchronicities and follow your path. Enjoy the process and the benefits of this
amazing exercise.

- Try to look at others with understanding, with kindness, with love and with a
strong attitude. Try not to look at others with eyes that are angry, hateful, full of
criticism, judgment, victimhood, fear or irritation. Try to give yourself and others a
look that awakens something magnificent in you and others, a look that makes
you feel good about yourself, a look that makes you feel fulfilled, supported,
understood, a look that makes others feel easier, not heavier. Practice this look in
all situations. It won’t be easy but it is something that will bring you supreme
benefits and good vibes throughout your life.

- Count numbers in your head in this way: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and then go backwards, 9,

7, 5, 3, 1. While you do this mental counting, remember what you did from the
moment you woke up until now. Replay your day in your head as you’re counting.
This will become easy as you practice because counting will become a
background process but it will keep you concentrated. This is a fantastic exercise
for concentration, for focus, for being present, for memory and for awareness and
these exercises help you build a better life because your mental patterns will be
corrected and you will be able to think in the right way. Your perception will
become clearer and brighter.

- Take a look around you wherever you happen to be. Observe your surroundings
very well. Observe everything that you see and try to memorize the whole picture
that you’re watching. When you have observed it well, close your eyes and draw
the same image in your mind. See all the items and details with your eyes
closed. You can use the help of a friend who will be there next to you with their
eyes open and you will tell your friend what you saw in the room or in the
environment of the place where you are. Describe each object, each item, its
color and its position that you can remember. This is another brilliant mental
exercise that helps you improve not only your mental state of being but also your
emotional state of being.

- Find new words in your own native language. Discover new words, search for
them and then find their meaning. See if it somehow connects with your life right
now. See if these words have something to do with something that is happening
in your life. Each couple of days find another new word. Use this word in your
daily conversations. Try to find an appropriate situation when you’re going to use
it. Try to use it at least three times during the day. See in which situations you
can use it. Try to see why you picked up exactly this word. Play with it, have fun
and have some insights too.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Be willing to learn from others. Be open to hear opinions of others without

rejecting them right away. Be patient and try to see somebody else's point of
view. You don't have to agree with them, but allow yourself to hear it and to think
about it, to honor it and to maybe learn something new through it. Also be willing
to transfer your knowledge, your skills, your wisdom, teach others something
through sharing but don't impose anything onto others. Don't insist on your truth
and your methods. Don't be intrusive in your presentations and conversations.

- Connect more with your family members or with those who feel like your family.
Support somebody from your close surroundings if you are in a position to do so.
Do not reject somebody's help either. Be willing to support and be supported by
your family. Be willing to connect more with your family and to be more forgiving
and more lighthearted with family members.

- Clean your space every day a little bit. Do cleansing in your space each day,
light a candle, light an incense, change your sheets, clean your room, bring in
new smells, bring in a new flower in your space every once in a while, sing
uplifting songs in your space, enrich it with your moves and your energy, your
voice and your presence. Purify it a little bit each day and as you do this, feel
how you are purifying and enlightening and cleaning your inner space little by
little each day as well.

- Give yourself certain must do’s during the day. Write down your must do’s for
each day and try to accomplish all of them. Don’t make the long list. Be
reasonable. Give yourself a couple of must do’s and do them. Be responsible and
disciplined with these things. Don’t let other obligations that are less important
distract you. Make your daily priorities and do the things that you really have to
do, that are the most important for that day.

- Spend some time in Diamond Pose each day. Do your research about this
pose, see how it’s done and what it’s good for, what are the benefits of doing it
and start practicing it. This pose is called Vajrasana. This is a very simple and
easy pose but very powerful and calming. Practice daily and see how it makes
you feel.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What are the most burdening things right now in my life? How often do I deal
with them? What are some of my methods that I’ve already tried in order to
handle these burdens? What holds these burdens? What is causing them to be
there in the first place?

- What are my unnecessary obligations and duties during the day? What are
some of my most unnecessary routines and habits? Why do I do them if they’re
unnecessary? Can I remove them from my life?

- Do I worry too much? What do I worry about mostly during the day? What are
my most usual worries? What do my everyday worries tell me about myself?

- Where do I feel blessed in my life right now? How often am I focused on

blessings when compared to how often I am focused on worries? What does this
tell me about myself?
- Would I be fine if all my beliefs turned out to be illusions and fake beliefs?
Would I be fine if it turned out that all my knowledge and all my beliefs are not
valid? Would I be fine? On what is my stability based? Is my stability based on
my knowledge and beliefs or is my stability based and rooted in me, in my being,
in my self-knowing and self-trust?


What can Aquarius expect in April

Dear Aquarius, life is everything but ordinary and this is something that you can
especially feel strongly these days. You are revisioning and reviewing your life
and you can see how your life is changing right in front of you. Your life is
shape-shifting for you in a big way and this is inevitable. You may feel as if you’re
watching live changes of your life on a big display. You are looking for more inner
safety and security. You are looking for inner stability and you’re more and more
aware of how important it is to have your inner anchor, how important it is to have
your inner station and inner shelter so that you’re free from depending on
external and outer circumstances and shifts. You are experiencing key shifts of
who you are, key shifts of who you were and key shifts of who you’re becoming.
You are actually always you, but your personality changes, your identity
transforms, your character transforms and without these changes, there is no
growth. It’s not good to stay the same all your life with the same habits and
routines. This is actually very damaging and destructive. People think it’s good to
stay the same, but personal transformation is the most wanted change in the
universe. It is something that puts you in a constant process of death and rebirth
and this is what life is about. Growth, transformation, rebirth. You are
experiencing this largely, especially now when Pluto is in your sign for the first
time after approximately 248 years. Pluto will be in your sign only until June now,
but you already feel that personal shift strongly. You feel your personal power
and your personal transformation.

On the 3rd of April Mercury joins your ruler Uranus, North node and Venus in
Taurus in your fourth house of home, family, domestic matters, your house where
you live in, your location and residency, your emotional stability and security, your
mother, your family members and people who are close like a family to you, real
estate, family home, childhood and the past. This area of your life has been
active for quite some time and there are many changes, tests, challenges and
transitions happening for you, especially since your ruler Uranus has entered
Taurus in 2018. This area of your life will continue to be shaken up and triggered
as long as Uranus is here, which is active until 2026. You also have more activity
of Eclipses in these areas of your life this year and something is ending and
culminating here for you in 2023. But now, this month, you can expect some
sudden changes in your family world, unexpected shifts, a lot of family
conversations, conversations about your family or significant conversations with
your family members and with those who feel like your family. You may go on a
short trip with your family too. Mercury is here until the 11th of June due to its
retrograde motion and Mercury stations retrograde on the 21st of April. You will
feel this retrograde motion throughout the whole month since Mercury begins its
pre-retrograde shadow period around the 7th of April. You are reviewing,
revisioning, reconsidering, reassessing and reevaluating things related to your
home situation, your house, your place of living, your family relationships, your
emotional wellbeing, your mother and your ability to emotionally process things
that happen in your life. You may reconnect and reunite with family members,
with those you lost touch with and who felt like a family to you. You may revisit
your hometown if you don’t live there anymore. You may visit a home where you
grew up if you’re not there anymore. You may go through old albums, revisiting
your childhood, your past and receiving insights and intuitive messages through
your emotions and feelings. Some miscommunications and misunderstandings
are possible with family members too while Mercury is retrograde here. So, don’t
rush with making any conclusions or final decisions related to your home and
family world while Mercury is retrograde here. You have an opportunity to fix and
correct your family relationships, to fix and correct things related to your house
and your place of living. You can finish the unfinished business in your home.
Some of you may be moving and relocating now, changing your environment in
some way and communicating a lot with people from your close surroundings.
On the same day when Mercury stations retrograde, the Sun joins and enters
Taurus, bringing more focus on these areas of your life, showing you what needs
to be done, what needs to be worked on. You are focused on your home and
family in a big way and there are second chances for you to do something right
this time.

Mercury also makes a square aspect with Pluto in your sign on the 3rd of April.
These first couple of days of April can be a bit conflicting and intense when it
comes to your needs and your family’s needs. Arguments and disagreements are
possible and this can provoke you and trigger you emotionally. But, this is not a
long-term aspect. It passes quickly and this is just something to be aware of and
to know that if it happens, it is there to teach you something about your behavior
in family relationships, your personality and your emotional stability.

On the 6th of the month there’s a Full Moon in Libra, illuminating your ninth
house of long distance travel, higher learning, higher education, higher
knowledge, higher meaning, higher self. This Full Moon shines a light on your
spiritual journey and shows you what needs to be changed there, what needs to
be released and what needs to be transformed. What do you want to learn, to
teach, to upgrade, to share? You may be traveling or finishing your travels now.
This is a culmination, an ending, a closure of something. Some of you may be
graduating, finishing school, finishing some kind of spiritual practice and reaching
a culmination. This Full Moon makes a positive, supportive trine aspect with your
sign and you can expect good things through your travels, through your spiritual
journey, through your knowledge. You can see things from different angles now.
You are expanding and extending your vision and perception. This is a great time
for international connections and international business too, for connecting with
people who come from different places, cultures, countries, traditions and
religions. It can also be an end of some legal matter, a final resolution of a legal
situation that you’ve been dealing with. Expect insights and spiritual
breakthroughs too. You need more meaning in your life and if you feel a lack of it,
it’s time for you to change something.

On the 11th of April Venus enters your fellow Air sign Gemini and shines a light in
your sector of love and romance, in your fifth house of joy, pleasure,
entertainment, fun, playfulness, children, creativity, self-expression, hobbies,
business, sports, gifts and talents. This is the most beautiful place for Venus and
it’s very loving and romantic, very enjoyable and a pleasurable time and this is
especially good and favorable for you because Venus also makes a friendly and
harmonious trine aspect with Pluto in your sign. This is powerful energy now that
can bring you an amazing love, big love, big money, big power in some way. This
is a great energy of positivity and healthy enthusiasm, healthy playfulness. This
also has a very good influence on your children if you have them. You can
experience joy and love through your children, through your business, through
your creative projects, through your love life too. These things have a very
empowering effect on you and you feel great about it. Venus is a planet of love,
beauty, harmony, comfort, luxury, relationships, values and finances. It is a true
blessing to have Venus in your fifth house and in a harmonious aspect with Pluto
- the lord of the underworld, in your sign. Your love life shines brightly and you
will have many different options and opportunities to choose your source of joy,
love, pleasure and romance. You are looking at the world through the eyes of a
child now and this inspires you amazingly. You are beautifully motivated and you
can really feel the power and joy of your hobbies, your gifts and talents. Some of
you will be able to monetize your hobbies, your gifts and your talents, to do
something remarkable and loving thanks to your skills and abilities. Venus will be
in Gemini until the 7th of May. Make the most of this transit while she’s here
supporting you and enlightening you in many ways.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and trines Pluto, you have another
very lucky aspect happening between the Sun and Jupiter in fiery Aries in your
social and mental third house. This area of your life has also been very strong
since last month and now it continues to be emphasized and accentuated
beautifully. Having the Sun and Jupiter together is really strong and amazing and
you can achieve things easily now in your third house matters. This has to do
everything with your communications, your everyday connections, your younger
brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, your relatives, your neighbors,
your local community and people you randomly meet through life. This is a house
of intellectual abilities and capacities too, of mental abilities, mentality,
perception, knowledge, learning, teaching, sharing messages, news and
information, transferring knowledge, signing documents and contracts. This is
great energy for making agreements and having interviews, for having
conversations with your siblings and for resolving and improving things.
Something beautiful and positive is happening in your neighborhood, in your local
community, in your close environment. Your mind is enlightened and expanded
too. Your thought patterns become bright and constructive, inspirational and
authentic. You gain a great mental clarity now and mental strength. You also
have the New Moon Solar Eclipse happening here this month and this is a big
theme. You can expect big themes and big conversations, life-changing
conversations, karmic connections, destined meetings and conversations. This is
just the beginning of this cycle. This is the first Eclipse in 2023, and it’s also the
first Eclipse in the new cycle of Eclipses that will be happening in the next two
years in the Libra/Aries axis. You are changing your mind about something and
your whole mental program is being renewed and rejuvenated. This is a time for
a totally new way of thinking and it begins now.

You have Mars in Cancer this whole month in your sixth house of health,
routines, daily work, daily duties, daily schedules, responsibilities, health, healing,
diet, exercises, pets, service to others and self-care too. This is the perfect time
to put more energy and action into healing and wellbeing, to be more proactive
when it comes to your detoxing, your healthier lifestyle, your healthier routines
and habits. You may experience some kind of passive aggressive behavior with
your colleagues though, you may feel somehow provoked or triggered and in
need to defend or justify yourself, or you yourself may be passive aggressive or
too protective in things related to your work, your schedules, your organization,
your daily responsibilities and service to others. It’s great if you put all that energy
into healthy habits and routines, in this way you can avoid unnecessary conflicts
but even if they happen, know that this is Mars teaching you how to channel and
use your energy and how to work with it. This is a great time for finishing tasks,
for doing the work, for organizing your life in a better way and for putting energy
into self-improvement and self-development.

Aquarius relationship with inner self

Dear Aquarius, you have no time to waste it on unnecessary things. You have no
time to waste it on things that are bothering you, that are worrying you, that are
taking away your energy. You have no time to waste it on illusions. You stop
wasting your time and you stop chasing illusions. You start living your dream. You
stop doing things just for the sake of fulfilling your day. You stop wasting time on
doing things that fulfill the gaps during the day. You start using time in a top
quality way, in the highest quality. You start valuing each moment and you stop
enjoying the unconscious way of living a life. You want to be sober in every way
of experiencing yourself, your processes, your mental, emotional and physical
processes. You want to be there, to feel every change, every transition, every up
and down, every transformation. You don’t want to miss anything. It is like when a
parent doesn’t want to miss any change that is happening on the journey of their
child’s growth. You are now going to feel the same with yourself. You feel yourself
as your own child and you just want to be there all the time. You want to offer the
best to yourself and you want to be present in every moment. You don’t want to
leave yourself alone on that journey and skip into the unconscious way of living
your life. You don’t want to skip anything. You don’t want shortcuts either. You
want real life, real feelings, real emotions, real you. You don’t want to escape
yourself anymore. You want to do you. When a parent has an issue with a child,
a real parent won’t run away and hide if a child is in pain, a real parent won’t hide
when a child is hungry, or when a child’s teeth are growing and changing. In the
same way, you stop hiding when you’re going through pain, through issues,
through troubles, through difficulties. You stop hiding and running away. You are
taking full responsibility. You are done with escaping and falling into the
unconscious mode of living your life. You stop hiding and getting lost in certain
types of food, in comforting routines and habits that do you no good, in watching
tv shows to numb yourself, in watching news or endlessly scrolling through your
social networks to avoid yourself. There are many ways that you’re avoiding
yourself and hiding from yourself but this month you’re really tired of doing that.
You’re sick of those same routines and same ways of doing things. You’re sick of
escaping and skipping, you’re tired of neglecting yourself. You’re tired of
betraying yourself and you’re taking a stand. You’re standing up for yourself.
You’re there for yourself. You make a decision to be your best friend ever and to
never let yourself down again, no matter what. This decision makes you feel very
good about yourself. This month initiates you into a brand new way of thinking
and being, into a totally different way of mental and emotional processes and
you’re very grateful for that.

Aquarius relationship with others

Dear Aquarius, you are connecting with strong people this month. You are
connecting with many people, with different types of people and you’re starting a
new way of connecting and communicating with others. You have interesting
contacts activated and reactivated and you go through a lot of things with your
family members and with those who are closest to you, with people who feel like
your family. You may be reconnecting and reuniting with family members and
with those who feel like your family. Mercury is retrograde this month and even
though it goes retrograde on the 21st of April, it will be felt earlier and you’ll
experience it in your home and family sector. You are reevaluating, reviewing,
reassessing and reconsidering your family relationships, your relationships with
people you live with, your relationships with closest people and there are
changes and upgrades, corrections and recoveries happening in these
relationships for you. You are dealing with your emotional stability and security
and this happens through your closest emotional relationships. There are
possible miscommunications, misunderstandings, disagreements and
misinterpretations happening within your family too but this happens only
because there’s a need to fix and correct some of the possible issues and
troubles in your family relationships. This is a time for reconciliations and
reunions. It’s a great time for using kind and gentle words with your family
members, to practice patience and to do something valuable with your family
members. It is a time for you to recognize family values and to talk with your
family members about things that you’ve wanted to talk about before but
somehow couldn’t or weren’t able to for some reason. You also have the Sun and
Jupiter coming together in Aries in your third house of everyday connections and
communications, your neighbors, your relatives, your siblings and those who feel
like them, your people from the local community, people you meet every day on
the street. Expect lucky events and abundant connections with these people.
Short trips can bring you a sense of luck and abundance too and you can meet
new people on your local trips who can teach you things you’ve never heard of
before. These are brand new connections and brand new learning, brand new
knowledge and you can learn a lot from others and through others. You can
teach others and expect karmic and destined conversations, connections and
contacts. You have Eclipse happening in your social third house and this brings
life-changing connections with people, renewals and new beginnings with your
brothers and sisters, in your neighborhood, in your local community. There’s so
much going on now and it’s just the beginning. Think back to the times when this
Eclipse was active between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning of 2006,
and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. These are the
times when big changes are activated and triggered in your social world, in your
connections with people, in your way of relating and exchanging stories,
experiences and energies with people. Some things may feel similar now but of
course they won’t happen in the same way. You also have Full Moon in Libra,
sign of relationships, in your ninth house of travels, international connections,
foreigners, people who come from different religions, cultures, backgrounds,
beliefs, nationalities and traditions. Expect some culminations and revelations in
these relationships. You may be visited by friends from abroad or you may go
and visit them. Something is coming to fruition in these connections and you can
expect great energy between you and others now.

Aquarius love & romantic life in April

Dear Aquarius, love is shining brightly this month for you and you’re going
through enlightening and inspirational experiences with yourself and with your
partner if you have one. If you’re single, this month brings you amazing new
potential love connections and relationships and you can really celebrate this
month as a month of love and prosperity. Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony
and relationships will be in your fifth house of love and romance between the 11th
of April and 7th of May. This is truly beautiful and romantic energy and it’s
especially powerful and strong because it makes a friendly and harmonious
aspect with Pluto in your sign, in your first house, so this affects you directly and
it can bring a big love theme, powerful love theme in your life, regardless of your
relationship status. You are recognizing your own power now and you’re going
through a lot of personal transformation that affects your love life in a positive
way. And you’re also going through a beautiful love story that transforms your
personality and your behavior in a powerful and upgrading way. You are being
upgraded now and you realize that you’re always learning, always growing,
always improving and upgrading, especially when it comes to love. There is
something beautiful for you this month, some kind of a gift, some kind of a reward
from the Universe, some kind of a blessing in your love life and you are
celebrating it. Your love life looks cheerful, colorful and uplifting. Those of you
who are single can expect beautiful connections with people, many connections
with people who are somehow connected with you now in a love story. You may
find yourself in a situation where you may have to choose, to see who suits you
better, who resonates with you. This energy brings more pleasure and more joy
in your existing love relationships. Some of you may experience joy through
expecting children too. Venus is now in your house of children too so this can be
like a crown to your love relationship in some way. But of course, this is just a
possibility for some of you, not for everyone. You can dream the incredible and
the impossible dream now and this dream can start showing up in one way or
another in your life. This is the act of love. Every manifestation of your dream is
an act of love really and you’re able to recognize love in many places and faces
this month. You are able to discover and recognize love in places where you
least expect it to be. You may have a sudden flash of insight about patterns
within patterns in love relationships, about cycles within cycles, about you
dreaming, hoping, transforming, changing, upgrading, failing, succeeding, falling
and getting up and you will see that love has been by your side all the time and
love never fails, never betrays, never asks anything from you. You are now going
to align with that force, with that law, with that power and you will bring some of
that force into your love relationships too. Venus in your house of love this month
wants you to enjoy love, to feel the pleasure of love, to enjoy romantic
atmosphere and romantic talks, romantic events, romantic relationships. This is
energy for new love relationships, for beautiful connections within your existing
love relationships and for romantic surprises and romantic experiences with
yourself, with your loved ones or with your love partners.

Aquarius sex life in April

Dear Aquarius, you are putting a lot of romantic moments into love making and
you’re increasing the level of pleasure and sensuality in your sex life. You have
Venus, planet of love, beauty, romance, pleasure, comfort, luxury and
relationships in your fifth house of love, romance, sexual and love affairs,
pleasures, children and creative powers. This combination is the winning
combination for your sexual energy, for your sexual wants and needs, for your
sexual desires and appetites. This is a time of almost divine feelings and divine
energies in your sexual life and you also have a lot of opportunity for improving
the vitality and healing of your physical body if there was any kind of physical
damage or illness present. Mars is in your sixth house now and you are putting
more energy and action into your health and your physical wellbeing. Mars has
been in your fifth house for seven months and this may have been turbulent for
your sex life. It may have been even exhausting or it may have been very active
and sexually satisfying, but either way, it’s been a lot and it’s been colored with
many ups and downs because Mars is your sex drive and it’s been a long time to
have Mars in Gemini in fifth house of love, romance, children, pleasures and
joys. Now Venus is here to soothe things over, to comfort you, to bring more
elegance in your sex life, to bring more grace, more refined energy in making
love. You may have been frustrated even and now with Venus here you can take
your time and spend some quality, memorable and pleasurable time with your
lover. Theme of children is still present with Venus here and those of you who
have been thinking about making babies have a very great support from Venus to
make beautiful children and to invoke beauty in your life through making children.
This is also a great time for using more Venusian energy while making love. Use
good music, good food, tastes, colors, nice atmosphere, focus on touch, on
kisses, on whispers, on body language, use food as aphrodisiac, drink good
quality glass of wine if that’s your style, play quality music, use flowers in the
place where you’re making love, invoke the energy of Venus in your intimate
world. Venus makes magic in sexual life and she gives you a very refined taste in
sex too while she’s here in the fifth house. You are very sensual and you feel
things more than usual. You feel touch stronger than you do usually. You hear
things stronger. You smell things better, all your senses are increased and your
experience of sexual pleasure is also increased and enhanced. You enjoy
senses, you enjoy good atmosphere and you can really have a very romantic
love making throughout this month.

Aquarius career & purpose in April

Dear Aquarius, your life transforms in many ways these days. Your life goes
through many changes, through epochal changes, radical changes and you are
now adjusting to those changes beautifully. You are ready even if you haven’t
prepared for it. You don’t need any preparation for these changes, all you need is
willingness, trust, inspiration and spirit and you do have all of that dear Aquarius.
You are on the road of self-transformation and you are watching life from the
stage. You are not in the place where the audience is. You are the one who is on
the stage and you’re watching life from that perspective now, you are
experiencing life actually instead of watching it. You may notice that most of the
people watch life instead of living life. Most of the people are surviving instead of
living and this survival has nothing to do with financial and material stability but
with the presence of the spirit within you, with the perspective of life that you
have, with the inner abundance. You can be the richest person alive without
having any money and this is the state of abundance that you’re living, that
you’re practicing to live and experience. This of course doesn’t mean that you will
have only inner abundance, this is just said in these terms so that you can
understand that people live in survival mode not because of their financial
situation, but because of the inner state of being, because of their way of looking
at life, because of their way of perceiving reality and situations that happen in
their lives. You don’t want to live in survival mode. You want to live life. You want
to experience life in every moment. You want to breathe each moment and feel
each moment. Venus in your fifth house amplifies these feelings and needs for
you and helps you achieve that state of being. This is an amazing time for
making it possible to earn through doing things that you love doing, through
doing things that you enjoy doing. This is Venus in Gemini in your fifth house.
You can choose from many different options. This is a time when you can
actually get financial support for things that you enjoy doing, for your hobbies,
your gifts and talents, for your playfulness, for bringing out the child within you,
for your creativity, for launching your own product or service, for publishing
something of yours. You have this support now and you can see the beautiful
blossoming of your creativity and your talents. Venus also makes a supportive
trine aspect with Pluto in your sign and this is magnificent energy, very powerful
and strong for transforming things for the better and for achieving something
really valuable through doing things that are fun and entertaining. You also have
Full Moon in Libra in your ninth house and New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries in
your third house. Both of these energies are amazing for learning, teaching,
sharing information, for upgrading your skills and knowledge, for graduation, for
getting a certain type of license, a certification, a diploma, a recognition.
International business is highlighted too and you can expect some kind of
manifestation and fruition with international contacts. This also affects your
spiritual journey and you can actually connect and combine your skills, your
hobbies, your talents and your spiritual path in the most amazing way now. This
is how it actually should be. People should never divide and separate their
vocation, their purpose, their mission from their spiritual path and journey. This is
one journey, every road is your spiritual road, but we have somehow separated
everything into pieces and separated parts and this is what makes us suffer
actually. This month you have an opportunity to bring those pieces back together
and to do things that bring you joy and spiritual fulfillment. You can expect
destined contracts, signing documents, resolving things related to your real
estate, to your house and your family business perhaps. You can expect karmic
connections and meetings that can guide you further on your journey, that can
help you connect with your purpose and recognize your purpose in everything
that you do. Mars is also helping you now and Mars is in your sixth house of daily
work, daily routines and habits, your job, your workplace, your colleagues, your
health and wellbeing. With Mars here you may have some difficulties with doing
the work that you need to do, but you also have the courage to change what
needs to be changed, to stand up for yourself in your work, to put more energy
and effort into serving others in the right way and taking care of yourself at the
same time. That is why Venus plays a very important role this month in this area
of your life. She reminds you to do things that wake up that child within you,
because this is when you can really shine in what you’re doing, this is what
triggers the best of you and this is when you do things that are based on pure
love and joy instead of doing things that are based on personal interest.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in your fellow Air sign
Libra, shining a light in your ninth house of long distance travels, overseas
connections, international connections and international business, higher
learning, higher meaning, higher mind, higher education, higher knowledge,
higher degrees in studies, graduation, school, exams, diplomas, licenses,
certifications and all these things that are related to school, universities, and
higher master degrees. This is also related to higher degrees in spiritual journey,
higher meaning, true meaning, seeking for the truth, seeking for the meaning in
life and exploring life, going on an adventure, searching for freedom, truth and
meaning, changing your beliefs, your ideals, your philosophy of life, changing
your perception, sharing your truth, your knowledge, your experiences,
connecting with people from far and wide, connecting with all types of people,
learning new languages, publishing, teaching, sharing important information and
connecting with teachers of all kinds or being in a role of a teacher. This is a very
uplifting and energizing Full Moon and even though Full Moons can bring
emotional triggers, dramatic situations, intense feelings, endings and closures,
this one should actually be quite positive and exciting for you since it makes a
supportive and friendly trine aspect with your sign. This is Libra Full Moon, so it
has a lot to do with relationships, commitments, collaborations, cooperations,
one-on-one relationships, equality, fairness and justice while the ninth house also
has to do with legal matters. So, when it comes to endings, this Full Moon can
bring to an end a legal matter. If you’ve been involved in some kind of legal
situation, this energy can bring you a resolution and an ending now. If you’ve
been traveling, if you’ve been on a long journey, this energy can also bring an
end to that journey. You may be coming back full of new experiences, full of new
life and energy, full of stories to share and exchange with others. This Full Moon
can also take you on a journey with others. Some of you may be traveling with
friends, with a partner, with a business partner perhaps. You may travel to meet
with someone or someone may travel to meet with you. This is a lot about your
spiritual journey too, about you meeting teachers along the way who may
provoke you emotionally and trigger your inner shadow so that it comes out and
becomes acknowledged and integrated into the whole of who you are. So, as you
can see, these endings and triggers can actually be very good. You are also
changing your beliefs and perceptions. You are saying goodbye to some beliefs
and perspectives. You are saying goodbye to a certain way of looking at life. You
are saying goodbye to a certain philosophy of life that you may have been living
and experiencing. You are expanding your way of looking at life and this is an
amazing energy for upgrading your knowledge and wisdom. If you’ve been
working on your spiritual journey lately, you may see this Full Moon bringing you
culmination on that journey, bringing things to a head, bringing things to a fruition.
Or, if you’ve been studying, learning, teaching, you can expect blossoms and
fulfillments in that area too. This is great energy for international connections and
some of you may be connected with foreigners in a significant way and you can
establish interesting connections and partnerships now. This is a great time for
trusting yourself, for trusting the process and for trusting that life is an adventure
where lessons and guidance are waiting for you on every corner. Use the energy
of this Full Moon to learn something powerful, to let go of old beliefs that are not
serving you anymore, to share your constructive and uplifting stories with others
and to avoid imposing your will and your truth onto others. This is an amazing
time for expanding your knowledge, your skills, your spiritual pursuits and for
releasing all things that are pulling you down. This is the energy of getting higher
and reaching the higher self. Actually, the self is already the higher self. These
are just terms that are used so that we can comprehend them more intellectually
with our rational minds. You now have an opportunity to release fake beliefs and
illusions that keep you imprisoned in thinking small and dreaming small. It’s time
to dream big and to travel either physically, or mentally, virtually, through
meditation, through visualization, through dreams or through intuitive insights.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Aquarius
Dear Aquarius, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April in fiery Aries and this
is the second New Moon in a row that is happening in the sign of Aries. But this
one is way different than the one that happened in March. The one in March
happened at the very first degrees of Aries while this one happens at the very
last degrees. This one carries the strong energy of endings and beginnings and
the last degrees are known as anaretic degrees, critical degrees, degrees that
carry wisdom of that sign. This New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse New Moon and
this gives this lunation great power and meaning. This is the first Eclipse in 2023,
and it is also the first Eclipse in a series of Eclipses that will be happening in the
next two years in the signs of Aries and Libra. The last time this series of
Eclipses was active was back between the beginning of 2004, and the beginning
of 2006, and also between the end of 2013, and the beginning of 2016. Now you
have another round of these Eclipses, happening in the same areas of your chart
and activating the same themes which doesn’t mean that the same things will
happen now. But it is very useful to know what you were going through during
those periods of time so that you can connect the dots and understand the
message that these Eclipses have to deliver to you. There is always a storyline
that is unfolding under the influence of Eclipses and for you this is affecting your
third and ninth houses. But this particular one that happens in Aries now is
activating your third house of younger brothers and sisters and those who feel
like them, your relatives, your neighbors, your local community, people from your
close surroundings, people you meet every day, your everyday connections and
communications. This is also a mental house besides being social and it affects
your way of thinking, your mental processes, your thought patterns, your
perception, your communications and expressions of your thoughts and words.
This is also the house of learning, teaching, writing, reading, sharing information,
transferring knowledge, going on short trips, local trips, transport, marketing,
broadcasting, podcasting, driving, developing skills and using your skills. So, this
is a very active placement, very social and intellectual. You are starting
something powerful here now. You are learning something new and this is just
the beginning. You are starting the process of renewing your thinking,
rejuvenating and refreshing your mental powers, your mental abilities, your
intellectual capacities. You may be teaching too. If you’re a teacher or you want
to be a teacher of some kind, this is a fantastic energy for initiating something
new and for saying goodbye to old ways of thinking and knowledge that is not
serving you anymore. You are upgrading your knowledge now. You are upgrading
your skills. You can start developing and learning great skills now that will serve
you in amazing ways. Eclipses are game changers and they bring karmic and
destined events, connections, unions, separations and situations. These are
meant to be connections and conversations. You are connecting with new people
now who are meant to be in your life, whose role in your life has a special task
and your role in their life has a special task too. This is of course always true, for
all our connections, but when you have Eclipse in your social house, this is more
important, more significant, more intense and more life-changing. You are also
changing your mind now about certain things and you’re developing a new way
of thinking. You are upgrading your intellect and you are increasing your mental
abilities. You can expect contracts, negotiations, agreements, new devices, new
vehicles, things that are important for your everyday connections and
communications. Your way of thinking is of course the most important here and
you will start changing your way of thinking now. The ruler of this Eclipse is Mars
and Mars is in its fall in Cancer, where he cannot really express its energy in the
way that Mars would want to. There is also a sense of urgency with this Eclipse
now and you may have a need to rush with making certain decisions, to rush with
signing documents or contracts, to rush when it comes to meeting someone, to
rush in your conversations. But, there is no need to rush now. There is no need
to hurry with anything because this is just the beginning and you will have a lot of
time and space to work with these energies, to learn and to grow. Expect karmic
renewals and refreshments with your brothers and sisters, something significant
with them is activated, important conversations and themes are strong. Expect
new things in your neighborhood, a new neighborhood or new neighbors
perhaps. These things can have a huge impact on your life, on your connections
and contacts. This is an amazing energy for you, full of possibilities and
opportunities that are just opening up for you and bringing you fresh new
perspectives and new ways to connect with others and with yourself.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Aquarius, your Tarot card for April is The Judgment upright. This is the
card of freedom, spiritual awakening and growth, and new beginnings. This card
belongs to the Major Arcana in Tarot. It has a deep and significant meaning. This
card is also about self-reflection and means that there’s an inner call for
awakening being heard. This is the time of rebirth. This card is connected to the
book of Revelation. We see Angel Gabriel in this card, the messenger of God. He
is blowing a great trumpet and he is a representation of authority as well. We also
see women, men, and children rising from graves to respond to Angel Gabriel’s
call. They show that they’re ready to be judged—they have their arms wide open,
and they’re looking up into the sky. The hair of Angel Gabriel represents Fire. His
wings are red, and there’s a flag with a red cross, too. All these symbols
represent rebirth, new life, renewal, and vitality. This card means that there’s a
call from the spirit to rise up and to be receptive to this higher call, to respond to
it. This inner calling is about self-betterment, self-improvement, and
self-development. Our lower nature rises up to the call of our higher nature.
Children, men, and women rising from their graves represent our lower nature
while Angel Gabriel is our higher self, calling us to rise. This is a call to step up
and to rise above the lower nature, to align with your higher purpose and to level
up, to raise your level of consciousness, your level of performance, your level of
knowledge. This is a fresh start; it’s time to start something new and let go of old
ideas, beliefs, and ideals. This card is about introspection of your actions and
weighing them out, seeing if they’re aligned with your values. You are
reevaluating yourself and your actions, and, through this self-reflection and
self-assessment, you gain clarity about what you do and do not need in order to
grow and evolve as a human being. You’re asked to take a look at your actions
and see if they’re in resonance with your purpose, with your goals, with your core
values. This card also suggests that you’re in a period of awakening. You’re
letting go of the past. You’re accepting things that you have to go through and
you take full responsibility for your past actions, decisions, and choices. You are
invited to face yourself, and you cannot run away from it. You are called to own
yourself, own all of who you are. There’s nothing to hide. You stand behind your
actions, choices, and decisions. You stand behind your past, and you accept it
all. You are ready for a new start. This card is very much about self-acceptance.
Only with self-acceptance can a real beginning start. You have to honor all that
you are, the good, the bad, and the ugly. This card means that you are called to
be free of guilt, shame, and anger. You are called to accept it all without any
shame and to move on. This card tells you that you have a choice, and it asks
you if you are ready to love yourself. Are you ready to accept and own all of you
despite everything? Are you ready to wake up to new beginnings?

The most impactful planet for Aquarius in April

Dear Aquarius, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Mercury. Mercury will be in
your core placement of the chart, in your fourth house of home, family, family
matters, family relationships, mother, inner child, emotional stability and security,
your past, your childhood, your roots and ancestors, your house where you live
in, your location and residence, your real estate. This is a place of your core
emotions, your emotional wellbeing. Mercury will be in your fellow Fixed sign
Taurus in your fourth house next to Uranus and North node until the 11th of June
which is a bit longer period for Mercury to spend in one sign. This happens
because of Mercury’s retrograde motion that starts on the 21st of April and lasts
until the 15th of May. But you will feel this retrograde motion a lot earlier because
Mercury enters a pre-retrograde shadow period around the 7th of April. This will
impact your family relationships, your home situation and your emotional
wellbeing. You may be reconnecting and reuniting with family members. You are
reconnecting with those family members that you’ve lost touch with, with those
who feel like your family too. This is a time of reconciliations, fixing, correcting,
recovering and making things right but also of finishing the unfinished business.
So, you may be finishing some family business now. You may be finishing some
family projects or things related to your home, your place of living. Some of you
may be moving, relocating, finding your new place, renovating your space and
renovating your inner space. You are searching for an inner home, for inner
stability and security, for emotional safety and security. You are reviewing your
life and your emotional setup and you have an opportunity to make things right
now, to do things better now in these fourth house matters.

Mercury is the planet of communication, planet of words, planet of transportation,

technology, devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching,
learning, sharing, and connecting. Mercury is a planet of mental energy, and it
rules our intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others.
Mercury gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the
ability to analyze and to sort things out. Mercury is about the facts and rational
mind. Of course, Mercury can make us naive as well if we allow the opinions of
others to affect us easily and to dictate our behavior. We can become victims of
the opinions of others, victims of manipulations either of others or of our own. But
Mercury can be strengthened, and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize
the truth. Mercury is the messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator,
the one who communicates and transfers messages. Mercury is the master of
words, and it reminds us of the magical power of words, the power of spells that
create reality. Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas,
how we perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from
others, and how we transfer it to others, how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, our style of communicating, our sense of humor, and
our way of thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves. It shows how
eloquent we are, how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and
how easily we connect the dots.

In order to make the most out of this energy, to use the energy of Mercury
retrograde in the best possible way this month, you should really work on your
way of expressing your thoughts and words with family members. You should be
more aware of your use of words, more aware of your thought patterns related to
your home, your family, your past, your childhood, your mother, your roots and
your place of living. Take care of your words, your tone in conversations, your
topics, your way of communicating with close people, with those who feel like
your family and with your family too. Think twice before you say something. Think
twice before you react to any possible emotional trigger or provocation. Write
down your emotional insecurities, instabilities, vulnerabilities, hurts and triggers.
Write down your emotional triggers and track them, observe them, notice when
they show up and how they show up, notice what these triggers cause and how
they make you behave and react and see how that is connected to your past,
your childhood, your mother, your upbringing. Speak with your inner child. Have
a conversation with your inner child every day. Your inner child is a name for the
energetic construction that exists within you and that contains every insult that
you’ve felt during your life, every feeling of being neglected, abandoned,
betrayed, let down, set aside. Your inner child carries all your unfulfilled desires,
all your fears that you’ve been suppressing as you were growing up, all your
traumas that you’ve been pushing aside. Every time you wanted to cry but
couldn’t for some reason or didn’t want for some reason, it is packed into this
complex called inner child. Every time you felt angry and you swallowed that
anger, suppressed it and kept it inside, it got stored in your inner child. So, this is
a great time to unpack that and to have another look at it so that you can work
with it, release it, acknowledge it, and communicate with it in a real way, in the
right way. Mercury retrograde here offers you a chance to treat these things and
to understand the danger of this when it is untreated and left alone on its own to
run the show from the hidden and unknown place within you. Write down your
feelings, your senses, your thoughts and emotions, your fears, your excitements,
your enthusiasm. Write it all down or just record your voice and have your audio
journal with you. Express these things and connect with your inner messenger.
Allow your inner messenger to deliver messages to you, no matter what they are.
Be the one who can decode them and transform them into the most powerful

Healing tips for Aquarius in April

- Imagine different colors shining, vibrating, pulsating, emanating from you during
the day in different situations. Imagine the blue color pulsating and stretching
from your core, then imagine golden color, then imagine pure white light, imagine
purple, imagine red, imagine orange, imagine green, imagine yellow, imagine
these beautiful colors shining their light on you and from you. Feel this beautiful
transparent light emanating from you and encompassing you. Imagine these
colors while you speak as well. Experiment. See which colors come out as you
speak about different things. See how these colors change as you change the
subject and the sound of your voice. See which words have which color, how
certain words make you feel. Have fun and enjoy.

- Sit down in a comfortable position. Keep your head, neck and spine straight.
Relax. Take a couple of deep breaths and feel your body in that position. Be in
total silence if you can. Try not to hear anything but the silence and focus on this
silence but also focus on the darkness that you see. Be totally focused on the
silence and on the darkness. You may hear a certain buzzing perhaps or
something similar. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Focus on this sound. Try to follow its
source. Go deeper and deeper. Just follow this silence and keep staring at the
darkness and do nothing else. Just be there. After a while, when you feel ready
for it, practice that you’re coming out through your forehead. Come out right
through your forehead. Imagine this and feel it. Keep practicing each day and
you will soon be able to do it easily. This exercise is powerful and meaningful for
release, for relief, for cleansing, for liberating the self. Enjoy the ride.

- Write down five things that make you feel light, that make you feel beautiful, that
make you feel happy, that make you feel truly joyful and sincerely fulfilled. What
are these things? What brings you into those states? Now, next to each of these
five things, write down three words that describe each of them. For example, if
one of those five things is the Sun, describe the Sun in three words: warmth,
light, life for example. Do this for each of the five things. Then create sentences
out of these three words that describe each of these five things. Create a
sentence that uses these three words in any way you want, but make sure that
the sentence is in affirmative mode and then use these five sentences as your
own affirmations each day.

- Feel your body as a wave and detach from your physical body. Don’t be afraid
to forget about your physical body during this exercise. Just relax and feel
yourself waving and just focus on that wave. Be that wave and move away from
your body in the shape of a wave. Be a wave in the ocean and imagine how
you’re moving along with other waves. Feel how you’re forming and then rising
and then moving and then disappearing and then forming again. Go through this
process many times. Feel the joy of being a wave. Feel the motion. Feel the
formation. Feel the crashing. Feel it all. If you have trouble to feel and visualize it,
you can find some online videos of waves or if you have a possibility to watch
waves in front of you, even better. But, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine and feel
this. Just close your eyes and let the vision carry you.

- Try to imagine your life without your past. Practice living your life as if you don’t
have a past at all. This is not easy to achieve but it is not impossible either. You
can do this. Practice it daily all the time. No memories, everything is now, there
are no memories and no previous experiences, no previous knowledge of people
in your life either. Try to approach people in your life as if you know nothing about
them, as if you are seeing them and meeting them for the first time in your life.
Reset yourself each time you come in contact with them and see how this affects
your life. See how this changes the situation with people. Practice, have fun and

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Change your attitude towards others in a more positive way. Change your
behavior towards others. Make it better. Change the words that you use in your
conversations with others. Use kinder words, use wiser words, use words that
are healing and see how others react. Use words that make others feel
comfortable, safe, taken care of. Use words and tone that makes others feel like
they belong. Experiment, be more open towards others, more receptive to their
ideas and proposals. Try and see how this turns out.

- Say your own prayer each day. Go into this prayer. Let this prayer be simple. Do
not make the prayer be about things that are temporary and irrelevant. Make this
prayer deep and meaningful, make it valuable, feel its strength as you’re saying
it, feel its power and feel its influence. Say your prayer consciously, bring your
energy into it, your voice, your soul and the power of your mind. Be there.
Become that prayer while you’re saying it. Make it powerful, make it meaningful,
make it strong and make it alive. Let this prayer become your mantra, your guide,
your protection.

- Try not to overthink. Try to keep your thoughts fresh, refreshed, renewed and
regenerated. Observe your thoughts, observe your mental processes and try to
catch their repetition, try to hunt them, try to notice how often your thoughts
repeat and then try to intentionally change them, bring in new thoughts. Use your
conscious effort to do so. Bring in new thoughts whenever you notice that they
are repeating, that those are old thoughts, that those are learned thoughts.

- Each day take yourself to a certain place where you will create a beautiful
memory. It can be in your home, it can be outside, it can be on the street, it can
be in the park, it can be in the car, it can be anywhere but each day make at least
three good memories and memorize them somehow, in any way you want.
Remember the place where you were and put it in your mental collection of “good
memories”. Go into totally new places too, some brand new corners. Walk in
places that you’ve never walked before. Find some corner that you’ve never seen
before and make a good memory there. Tell an affirmation. Sing your favorite
song there. Look at the sky and communicate with it. Connect with yourself. Look
at your hands. Be aware of your body. Create good new memories in as many
places as you can and do different things that make you feel good in those

- Practice Standing Forward Bend pose. Do your research about it, see how it’s
done, see what it’s good for and start practicing it. This pose is known as
Uttanasana. Do your research about it and start practicing it with that knowledge
of it in your mind and heart. Enjoy.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What has changed drastically in my life since last month? Where do I feel
strong change coming in my life? What has been challenged strongly in my life
lately? How do I feel about it?

- When do I mostly feel centered and anchored within myself? Is this feeling
conditioned by external events and situations?

- How do I feel now when I compare myself with myself from the past? How do I
feel about my future self? How do I feel when I put myself in all three
manifestations of myself? Where do I feel mostly aligned with who I am and what
does that tell me about myself?

- What do I expect from my family and what my family expects from me? How do
I feel about expectations in my family world? Where do I feel neglected or
abandoned, and where do I feel nurtured and taken care of? What does this tell
me about myself?

- Do I feel present in life or do I feel more like I am just sleepwalking through life?
Do I feel alive in my life or do I feel as if I am just passing through life or as if life
is passing by without me being in it? How do I feel about my relationship with
life? Do I feel one with life or do I feel separated from life?

What can Pisces expect in April

Dear Pisces, your mind is greatly stimulated this month and you are taking back
your mental powers and discovering more of the mental energies and mental
fields that have been locked for you until now. You are expanding your
consciousness in some way and you’re discovering the deeper layers of your
mental abilities and capacities. This is a very powerful time for you to be alive
and to exist, to breathe, to live, to experience life and you’re beginning a new
journey now. You’re starting the process of deconditioning yourself and that
process is already active and running. You need to complete something too. You
need to say goodbye to something and if you don’t know what that is already, you
may figure it out during this month. You are becoming more aware of certain
personal limitations and conditionings and when you’re aware of it, you actually
shine a light on that area of your life. You take it out from the darkness and it
becomes exposed. So, you are exposing those hidden self-limiting patterns now
and once you do that, they lose their power over you. All these things are
supported even more now thanks to Saturn transiting your sign in the next three
years approximately.

On the 3rd of April Mercury joins Uranus, North node and Venus in Taurus and
this triggers things in your third house of communications and connections. This
third house is Mercury's natural house, so Mercury feels comfortable being here
and you can do powerful things with your skills, with your intellectual abilities,
with your knowledge, and with your communication. Mercury will be here until the
11th of June which is a very long period for Mercury to be in one sign. This
happens because Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus starting from the 21st of
April, but its retrograde influence will probably be felt earlier, due to its
pre-retrograde shadow period that begins around the 7th of April. You can expect
reconnections with people. People from your past may reappear now in your life
since this is the third house of connections of all kinds, everyday connections,
siblings and those who feel like them, relatives, neighbors, people from your local
community, people from your everyday surroundings. You may be reconnecting
and reuniting with some of these people now and you can definitely do some
great things through your conversations, meetings, communications and
interactions. Expect a lot of social connections and social activities with Mercury
here. You may be speaking, writing, learning, and teaching more than usual. You
are learning skills now that can serve you greatly. This is a house of intellect,
mental powers, thought processes and thought patterns. Mercury is also a planet
of thoughts, words, transport, communications and friends. You may revisit some
local places where you reconnect with people you’ve met before, with local
people. Short trips have a very good influence on you and you also have second
chances now to make things right, to correct things, to fix things related to your
connections with siblings, with relatives, with neighbors. You can also fix and
correct things related to your knowledge, your education, your learning and
teaching, your intellectual abilities and mental powers. It’s possible to experience
certain misunderstandings and miscommunications with neighbors, relatives or
siblings, but this is nothing to worry about too much. If it happens, it’s good
because then you have a chance to make things right there. It’s also a very good
time for marketing, for broadcasting, for re-learning something. If you’ve wanted
to learn something before, but were unable for some reason, now is a great time
to start learning it. If you had to make a conversation with someone before, if you
wanted to schedule a certain meeting, if you wanted to make an appointment
before but for some reason you weren’t able to do so, now is also an ideal time
for that. You can manage a lot now thanks to communications, your mental
powers, your way of thinking and your use of words in the right way. This area of
your life has been largely triggered lately and it continues to be important. Uranus
is here and as long as Uranus is here, you can expect surprises, shocks,
awakenings, sudden shifts and shake ups in your communications, in your
connections with people around you, in your social activities. Mercury is
retrograde here and it may also be a great time for finally learning to drive for all
of you who still haven’t gotten your driving license. Mercury will be retrograde
until the 15th of May in your third house, so make sure you pay attention to your
words, your tone, your gestures, your mimics, your body language too and how
you express your inner reactions, your thoughts and opinions with others. The
Sun joins Taurus on the 21st, on the same day when Mercury stations
retrograde. This is great support to have now here and you can expect to receive
important and significant messages during this time. You can also expect some
messages from the past that enlighten and clarify certain things to you.

On the 6th of April there’s Full Moon in Libra, shining a light in your eighth house
of death, rebirth, transformation, intimacy, secrets, psychological processes,
inner work, unconscious desires and attachments, things that are hidden and
secretive, shared resources, taxes, pensions, investments, inheritances, credits,
loans, business partnerships. This is a very deep and complex placement for Full
Moon and you may feel more emotional than usual. This affects your
relationships and partnerships, your shared resources, your partner’s money or
family’s money or money that you share with somebody else. This energy brings
to light certain things in your business partnerships and in your intimate
relationships. Some secrets may be revealed and exposed. You are going
through some changes here, changes with money, changes with partners,
changes with how you deal with certain things that are unseen and unknown. You
are releasing things. You are letting go of past traumas. You are transforming
things that are pulling you down into things that propel you forward. You are
exposing yourself to yourself too and you are experiencing some kind of ending
and a rebirth now.

On the 11th of April Venus enters your fellow Mutable sign Gemini and shines a
light in your fourth house of home, family, family relationships, relationships with
those who feel like family, your house, your place where you live, your location,
your residency, your real estate, your inner home, your mother, your inner child,
your emotional stability and security. You have been through a lot of emotional
challenges and upheavals lately. You may have been through some family
frustrations and irritations. You may have experienced a lot of family drama while
Mars has been here in your fourth house until recently. Mars has been in your
fourth house since the 20th of August until the 25th of March. So, this is the first
month without Mars in your home and family sector after seven months and now
you have Venus here to bring harmony in your family relationships and your
home situations. Venus is here to remind you of the beauty of your home and
family life, to remind you that your family is there for you, that you can count on
your family and those who feel like a family. This is an amazing transit really and
Venus will be here until the 7th of May. Venus also makes a positive and friendly
aspect with Pluto in Aquarius in your twelfth house. This is great energy for you
and you can expect help and support from your family if you’re experiencing any
kind of trouble with addictions, with your mental condition, with your
subconscious fears, with your spiritual journey, with your need to rest and relax,
with your inner world and things that others cannot really see and understand.
You are now supported greatly by your closest ones and you can expect great
harmony and beauty in your home and family. Just be careful around the 14th of
April when Venus will make a tense square aspect with Saturn in your sign. But
this is a short-term aspect and it goes away quickly. Just be aware that you may
be somehow rejecting or avoiding somebody’s support and help or you may be
sabotaging yourself. But Venus in your fourth house is truly amazing and
comforting transit for all your home and family situations and events. You will
enjoy your time spent home and your time spent with family.

On the same day when Venus enters Gemini and makes a trine with Pluto,
there’s another very powerful and beneficial aspect happening between the Sun
and your original ruler Jupiter in fiery Aries in your second house of money,
earnings, financial situation, budget, possessions, ownings, resources, values,
self-worth and priorities. This is an amazing and lucky aspect for your finances
and your earnings. You can expect lucky opportunities and expansion of your
resources and your finances. This is also something that’s been largely aspected
and triggered lately in your life due to Jupiter’s transit in Aries that’s been active
for the whole year with little breaks and due to last month’s big reactivation of
Aries energy. This is now even more activated and highlighted. The Sun and
Jupiter are two big powerful energies that have very strong protective and
guiding powers. Jupiter expands the warmth and power of the Sun while the Sun
enlightens the meaning of Jupiter. This is amazing for your material security, your
financial stability, your way of earning money, your self-worth, your self-validation,
your self-sufficiency and ability to earn money. This area of your life is very
significant this month not only because of this aspect, but also because there’s a
New Moon Solar Eclipse happening here on the 20th of April. This is the first
Eclipse in 2023, and it’s also the first Eclipse in a new series of Eclipses that will
be active in the next two years.

You are moving forward when it comes to your finances and earnings. You are
initiating a new chapter of life in this area. You are starting a whole new way of
earning money, of relating to money, of using your resources and of valuing
yourself, your gifts and talents. You are discovering or rediscovering some of
your gifts and talents that you can use for improving your finances and your
material stability. You are taking action in these areas of your life and it’s all about
how you value yourself, your gifts, your powers, your abilities and capacities. You
are changing your priorities for the better and you’re starting to recognize how
worthy you are, how talented you actually are and how you can make a living
thanks to your abilities, capacities and talents.
Mars is ruler of this Eclipse and Mars is in its fall in Cancer this whole month, in
your fifth house of joy, pleasure, love, romance, children, creativity,
self-expression, self-employment, self-esteem, sport activities, entertainment,
fun, celebrations and memorable moments. With Mars here you are putting a
great amount of energy and action into your business perhaps, into your creative
projects, into hobbies, into gifts and talents, into your children if you have them,
into your love life, into your romantic life or into your sport results if you are into
sports. Make sure you don’t rush and act out of impulse during this time. Mars in
Cancer has a difficulty to express its energy in the way Mars would like to
express it. Mars doesn’t have its full strength in Cancer but it can find different
ways of using that energy too. But Mars makes a positive and supportive trine
aspect with your sign while in Cancer so you can definitely expect support from
Mars in these areas of your life. You are putting more conscious effort into
enjoying things in life and finding pleasure in things that you do, that you create,
that you express. You feel energized when you’re surrounded by young people
and children.

Pisces relationship with inner self

Dear Pisces, you are finding your path now again. If you’ve felt lost in any way
lately, if you’ve felt disoriented, delusional, confused, if you’ve felt like you’ve lost
compass, you’re back on the track for sure now. You’re coming back to yourself,
and you feel re-centered, realigned with your true path, realigned with that place
where you feel good, where you feel rooted in your truth and in your wellbeing.
You are discovering and rediscovering your journey and you will realize that
you’ve been on the right path all this time even when you felt lost and off the
track. You realize that there’s nothing wrong with that, that it’s also the right path
and that you’ve been guided all the time, that you haven’t been misled at all. You
are breaking through some of these tricks of reality where you feel like you’re
alone or abandoned. You are figuring out those tricks and illusions and you feel
safe and protected because you know that you’re safe and protected all the time,
regardless of what you personally believe in. You now know that even when
you’re walking alone, even when you feel lost, even when you believe that you
have lost the track, you are actually right where you should be and there is
nothing wrong with that phase of life either. It’s all needed and necessary and you
start honoring those phases as much as you honor phases of exaltation,
harmony and love. You now experience inner harmony thanks to Venus in your
fourth house. You are harmonizing yourself with your inner being and you feel
blessed for being who you are and for experiencing life in the way that you are
experiencing it. You feel blessed with your journey and with all the dangers and
excitements on the road. You are happy that you’re able to experience all the life
that you do experience. You have Full Moon happening in your eighth house of
death, rebirth and transformation and this strongly affects your inner space, your
unknown territories, your unconscious patterns and programs, things that are
hidden from the conscious realm, things that are buried deep within and this Full
Moon offers an amazing opportunity for releasing this energy, for liberating
yourself from past traumas, for exposing things that are hidden and for detoxing
yourself from negative patterns and impure intentions and desires. You can now
detox yourself beautifully and because of other planetary activities that are
happening this month, you have a very strong motivation to do things that are in
harmony with your inner self, to do things that bring you peace and tranquility
and to do things despite the fear, despite the mess that you may experience
along the way, despite the “wrong turn” that you may take on your road because
you trust the process and you know that in its essence there is no such thing as
“wrong turn”. Everything serves its purpose and it’s there to teach you. It’s all
you. It’s all your generator of reality that creates things for you so that you can
learn from them. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but if you’re
repeating them over and over, then it shows you that you haven’t learned
something and that you definitely have to make some big changes. So, if you are
experiencing repetitions now, know that you still have something to learn in that
particular area of your life and you probably know what that is. Pluto is now in
your twelfth house and Venus will make a harmonious aspect with Pluto on the
11th of April. This is very positive and powerful for your inner world, for your
mental abilities, for your mental power and mental health. You are aligning your
mental and emotional powers now. Pluto is in your area of subconscious fears,
psychic abilities and mental powers while Venus is in the area of your emotional
stability and security. There’s nothing to be afraid of. You have these two
energies on your side, protecting you and guiding you through your labyrinths of
the soul, through the corridors of your emotional channels, through the pipes of
your mental house. There’s nothing to be afraid of really. Trust the flow and be
the flow.
Pisces relationship with others
Dear Pisces, you are rediscovering the power of the family again this month.
Even if you really know this, you will be reminded in some stronger way now
about the power of your family, the power of family connection, the power of
connection with those who feel like a family. Family bonds are the strongest ones
and when they’re broken, it’s really hard to build bonds that are strong. So,
whether it’s blood family bonds or bonds with soul family, or both, you’re going to
appreciate these bonds more than ever now and you’re going to recognize their
power and meaning now. You may have been through some family turbulences
lately, you may have been through some frustrations within your family lately, you
may have experienced some difficulties and conflicts within your family
relationships, but now you will have Venus here in your home and family sector
and this is something that harmonizes your family relationships and that makes
you more gentle, kind and open with others, especially with those closest to you.
You also have a lot going on in your social world with your siblings, with your
relatives, with your neighbors, with people from your local community, with
random people you meet in your everyday life. You have strong activation of your
third social house this month and you have Mercury, the planet of communication
and connections in your third house of communications and connections. So, this
is the doubled energy of social connections and social groups. Mercury will be
retrograde between the 21st of April and 15th of May but its retrograde motion
will be felt a lot earlier this month. So, you can expect reconnections with people
you’ve lost touch with, reconnections with people you separated from for who
knows what reasons, reconnections with people from your past, people you
haven’t seen in a while, people you used to meet often in the past. This can be a
reconnection with a neighbor from the past or with a relative you haven’t seen or
heard in a while. You are reconnecting with friends from the past and you have
an opportunity to have that conversation that you wanted to have before, that
you’ve planned to have before but somehow you weren’t able to. This is a time
for finishing the unfinished business and this is especially strong in your social
connections and with your friends, brother and sisters, relatives and neighbors.
You can also expect some kind of miscommunication, misunderstanding and
misinterpretation while communicating with these people. Mercury retrograde
wants you to make things right, to correct some things in your social world, to fix
some things in your connections. You now have a second chance in your social
life to do something differently. You also have Venus here until the 11th of April,
so you will be greatly supported now in your social world and you can enjoy
beautiful and loving conversations. You also have Uranus and North node here in
Taurus in your third house and this is powerful and awakening for your
relationships with others. You are going through big changes and awakenings in
your social life and this theme is an ongoing theme as long as Uranus is here.
This month triggers that awakening to some degree and helps you make things
right in your relationships, it helps you communicate and improve your
connections so that you can gain greater stability in your relationships, greater
self-trust and self-love through your relationships with others. Others will remind
you of your qualities now and this is amazing because you may have lost your
faith in yourself and in others lately.

Pisces love & romantic life in April

Dear Pisces, this is a month that promises good times in your love life. It
promises harmony and honesty. It promises trust and true bonding. It promises
safety and security and if there’s something lacking in your relationship when it
comes to these things, then some of them may even break during this time. This
is happening because you have already planted seeds and set your intentions
before about your true wants and needs in love relationships. You have planted
seeds of stability, mutual trust, honesty, love and kindness, and mutual support
no matter what. You have planted these seeds and now they’re growing and
bringing results. Seeds that are toxic will be uprooted. They will fall off on their
own. So, some relationships that don’t have capacity to carry these qualities will
definitely be removed from your life in one way or another. This is something that
allows you to grow and build something beautiful with yourself or with somebody
who is truly resonating with these qualities that you’re ready to work on and that
you’re ready to work for. You won’t commit to anything less than this and you’re
ready to sacrifice an existing relationship if that relationship has no chance of
reaching these qualities. There’s a Full Moon this month in the sign of
relationships and marriage, in the sign of Libra, in your eighth house of
transformation, intimacy, shared resources and bonding. Some secrets may be
revealed for better or worse in your intimate relationships. Things may be
exposed and things can culminate when it comes to your shared resources too.
You may experience some drama in your intimate relationship if there is lack of
trust, lack of support, lack of understanding in your love relationship. But, if
there’s a potential for this to grow and to be developed, you’re about to see some
real blossoming in your love life. But, whatever the case, the blossoming is
present, either through ending or beginning, either through union or separation. If
separation happens for some of you, this separation will come as a blessing. But
it is more likely that you’re building a stronger foundation and that you’re feeling
emotionally safe and secure now. You are becoming closer and you’re creating a
more powerful bond between you and your partner. You also have Mars in your
fifth house of love and romance and you will be putting energy into your love life.
Some of you may even be a bit obsessed with your love life, so it is good to be
aware of this and to be more creative when it comes to expressing your love. You
are very proactive in your romantic life but you should be careful of not being
passive aggressive perhaps with your partner. Or, it can be that your partner is
passive aggressive for some reason. But this is nothing to worry about too much,
because if this happens, it only means that there’s some work to do in your love
relationship. There’s something that you need to be open about. There’s
something that needs to be revealed and you need to be more honest and more
open with each other. This is where the Full Moon in the eighth house helps you.
Your love that you feel in your family world has a very huge influence on your
love life, your love relationship and your decisions in love life. Mars in your house
of love, romance and children can bring you a lot of motivation, courage and risk
taking energy even though Mars is in its fall when in Cancer. But, this energy
makes a positive and harmonious aspect with your sign and you can really
expect something exciting, passionate and creative in your love life. Your partner
can be very creative and entrepreneurial, whether it is your existing partner or
your potential partner.

Pisces sex life in April

Dear Pisces, your sex life is deep and profound this month. You are digging up
some unconscious layers that dictate your sexual life and you’re dealing with old
and outdated sex patterns and programs. You are acknowledging some of those
old programs now thanks to Full Moon in Libra in your eighth house of sexuality,
transformation, intimate relationships, merging and bonding, exposing yourself to
another person, sharing secrets, resources and sexual energy. This Full Moon
reveals something now and some of you may experience the revelation of some
secrets now between you and your intimate partner or you may be openly
discussing things with your lover, exposing yourself, sharing your secrets willingly
and getting closer to each other. You are discovering new things about each
other and this can deepen the bond between you or you’re discovering some
things that show that you’re not the match and you may be separating too. This is
a house of loss and death and Full Moon brings endings and closures. So, in
some cases, this energy can bring an end of an intimate relationship, a closure of
some sexual connection but it can also bring a culmination of intimacy. It can
bring you fulfillment and fruition in your intimate world, depending on your
personal situation. Either way, there are deep diggings and revelations, deep
commitments and a sense of closeness or sense of separateness. Full Moon in
the eighth house can bring powerful feelings and a strong need for bonding and
merging physically with another person. Your sex life can be very much under the
influence of your emotions during this time. You also have Mars in Cancer in your
fifth house of love, romance, children, sexual pleasure and sex affairs. Mars is
sex drive and it’s now in this house of love, romance, joy and pleasure. This can
be a very potent energy, very sexual energy, strong libido even though Mars is in
Cancer. Mars in Cancer is in its fall and cannot express its full energy in the way
it wants to. But, this doesn’t mean that it’s useless. It means that it can be used in
a different way, in a more sensual way, in a more protective way, in a more subtle
way. So, you can have a very deep experience of sex this month but if there is no
mutual trust between you and your partner, if there is lack of connection, if there
is lack of honesty, if there is lack of mutual understanding, you will feel it strongly
exactly through sex. You will feel it very quickly and you will know if there is
something missing there. If you are thinking about sex with someone who you
barely know, this experience can be a bit weird during this time, because you
need a deep trust due to this Full Moon in Libra and Mars in Cancer in fifth
house. So, it’s better not to rush with anything. You need a strong sense of
connectedness and trust. This is what turns you on now and this is what gives
you pleasure and joy in sexual openness and connectedness.

Pisces career & purpose in April

Dear Pisces, you have a lot going on this month with your finances, your talents,
your shared resources, your money versus shared money, your earnings versus
money you receive through others. You are working on a completely new
relationship with money and your psychology of money is changing a lot. It is
being renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated. You have a powerful chance to
improve your financial stability and your financial status. There are lucky
opportunities and possibilities now for you financially and you can increase your
incomes, you can expect a raise of your salary, increased resources and budget,
lucky circumstances when it comes to your money and expansion of your money.
You just have to be careful of overspending. It may be that you earn more money
than usual but that you spend it as quickly as you gain it and this may be
possible because of Jupiter in your second house of money. Jupiter expands
everything it touches and it can bring big savings and big spendings at the same
time. This has been an ongoing theme for you in the last year because Jupiter
has been here since May of 2022, with a small break between October and
December. Jupiter is now at the last degrees of the sign. Jupiter leaves Aries in
the middle of May and this can bring you strong motivation for earning and for
expanding your resources and your incomes, but also your self-worth, your
expression of talents and gifts and your self-sufficiency. Sun and Jupiter together
here on the 11th of April are very positive and you can receive some extra money
now. You can use your money in the right way and you can learn a lot about the
deeper connection between self-worth, self-validation, self-love and your financial
stability. You also have Eclipse happening here on the 20th and this is just the
beginning of the new process and new chapter in your financial and material
stability that will be active in the next two years. You are definitely changing the
way you’re earning money and the way you’re spending and saving money. You
are also changing your priorities and this immediately influences your relationship
with the money too. You also have Full Moon in Libra in your eighth house of
business partnerships, shared resources, credits, debts, bills, loans, taxes,
inheritances, pensions, passive income, mortgage, partner’s money or somebody
else’s money, joint finances. Something is ending here, something is coming to a
head, something is being revealed, something needs to be finished and
something also comes to a fruition. Whatever the scenario, there is a
transformation happening now in these areas of your life. You have an ability to
resolve these things, to resolve debts, to resolve credits, to resolve things related
to shared resources and you also have a chance to see things coming to a
fruition here. Some of you may receive money through others now. You can
expect to finally get back your money that you’ve given to others or that you’ve
invested or you may finally be able to return money that you’ve taken from
somebody. Mars is in your fifth house of self-employment, business, hobbies,
gifts, talents, creative self-expression, joy, pleasure, entertainment and children.
Mars is also the ruler of Aries Eclipse in your second house of money and
resources and you can make things work now through these fifth house matters.
You may be putting your energy and action into things you enjoy doing, into your
children if you have them, into work with children and with young people, into
your creative project, into turning your hobbies into business, into expressing the
child within you and being proactive when it comes to things you really enjoy
doing. These things can bring you great satisfaction and a feeling of being useful,
practical, efficient and pragmatic. Your third house is also strong now and you
can actually prosper through anything that is socially related, through marketing,
broadcasting, through social media, through writing, learning, communicating,
teaching, through sharing information, through organizing webinars, workshops,
webshops and webinars, through doing things with others, through
communicating and using your skills. You can make things work now. If you’ve
already tried some of these things and failed, now may be the time to try again
when Mercury is retrograde and see if it works now. You may be surprised now.
Mental work is also very beneficial now too. There’s so much happening here for
you this month and you can expect big big financial changes and changes in how
you earn money and how you do money, and what you do for money.

How the Full Moon in April will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, this Full Moon happens on the 6th of April in Libra, illuminating your
eighth house of death, rebirth, transformation, sexuality, money, shared
resources, joint finances, taxes, inheritances, insurances, mortgages, pensions,
passive incomes, credits, loans, bills, credits, your partner’s money, your family’s
money, money you share with others but this is also a house of deep
psychological processes, your own inner depths, your shadow work, your
traumas, your unconscious desires and unconscious attachments, things that are
hidden beneath the surface, your secrets, things you keep hidden, things you
don’t want others to know about you, things you’re ashamed of, your intimacy,
your privacy. This is also a house of taboo themes, of investigation and research,
of digging deep, of getting to the bottom of something and revealing things that
have been hidden, that have been in the darkness. This aligns very well with the
energy of the Full Moon because Full Moons have a tendency to reveal things, to
bring disclosures, to show you something that’s been hidden and that’s been
impossible to be seen and acknowledged before. So, you can expect some
things to be brought to light, you can expect some secrets to be revealed now
and these secrets may be revealed between you and your intimate partner or
between you and your business partner. This is Libra Full Moon and it has to do
with relationships, with one on one relationships and with partnerships of all
kinds, with commitments, with justice and fairness. Eighth house is also about
loyalty, trust, bonding, merging and relying. This is also a house of power
struggles and betrayals. It’s a very complex placement, it’s a scorpionic house
and it carries a lot of tension and energy of loss, energy of death and rebirth.
There is some rebirth happening now in your life, related to your relationships
and partnerships. Full Moons bring endings, closures, culminations, fulfillments,
fruitions, drama, tensions, emotional reactions, acknowledgments and
disclosures. Something needs to be released now, it’s time to let go of old
traumas, let go of things that are holding you back, that are pulling you down,
that are blinding you and not allowing you to face yourself, to face your secrets,
to face things you’re running away from. Eighth house is like a black hole, this is
where you store all the things that you’re afraid of, that you reject, that you
suppress, that you don’t want to see. So, it’s time to face some of those things
and to liberate yourself from those burdens that are buried deep within your
being. This Full Moon also brings you fulfillments in these areas of your life and it
may be that you’re able now to resolve some of your financial issues. It is a great
time to make a deal, to compromise, to find common language with your intimate
or business partner and to resolve issues related to shared resources and joint
finances. You can also expect resolutions with your taxes, with your credits, with
your loans. Things are being exposed now and you can make necessary
changes. Your intimate relationship may be exposed in some way too, you may
be getting more intimate with your partner, you may be expressing your darkness
with your partner, talking about things you would never usually dare to talk about
or you may go through these things with somebody else, with a friend, with a
therapist, with a doctor, with anyone with whom you have one on one relationship
with since this is Libra Full Moon. Expect emotional reactions in your
partnerships, expect a lot of disclosure, expect a lot of release and shadow work.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to do some kind of shadow work, to face your
inner self, to face things you’re afraid of, you’re ashamed of, to confront things
that you usually just ignore and avoid. You are greatly supported from the
Universe to do so now and you have a cosmic green light to let go of the dark
thoughts, to walk through them and to see that they’re nothing but the clouds and
that when they’re gone, there’s a clear sky that is always there but that you may
have forgotten about.

How the New Moon Solar Eclipse in April will influence Pisces
Dear Pisces, this New Moon happens on the 20th of April in the sign of Aries and
this is the second New Moon in a row that is happening in the same sign, in this
case in the sign of fiery Aries. You already had New Moon in Aries on the 21st of
March and now you have New Moon in the same area of your chart again. But,
these two New Moons are not the same of course. The first one happened at the
very first degrees of the sign and this one happens at the very last degrees of
Aries. This one is happening in conjunction with Jupiter, the great expander, the
planet of abundance, meaning, prosperity and wisdom. Last degrees also
represent wisdom and endings and beginnings. So, you have more wisdom now
than during the previous New Moon here, you have more experience related to
second house matters where this New Moon happens. You are more
experienced now when it comes to money and finances, when it comes to your
priorities and values. Now you know something you didn’t know then. This New
Moon is also a Solar Eclipse New Moon which makes a huge difference when
compared to previous New Moon. This is the first Eclipse in 2023., and it’s also
the first Eclipse in a series of Eclipses that will be happening on the Aries/Libra
axis in the next two years. The last time this series of Eclipses was active was
back between the beginning of 2004., and the beginning of 2006., and also
between the end of 2013., and the beginning of 2016. Think back to these times,
see what big transitions and transformations you’ve been through back then.
What has been going on with your finances, with your material security and
stability, with your self-worth, with your priorities, with your budget and earnings.
If you were too young for earning, then look at what’s been happening with your
perception of money, your own relationship with money, your spendings and
savings, your resources, your way of valuing yourself, your way of treating
yourself, your way of using your gifts and talents. Some lessons that you may
have skipped back then may be active again so that you can learn them. Some
opportunities that were active back then that you missed to act on, will probably
be active now again so that you can make the best of them now. This is a time
for initiations, for new chapters in your life when it comes to self-worth, self-love,
self-esteem, self-confidence. You are discovering some of your hidden gifts and
talents now too. You are finding new ways of earning money, new ways of saving
and spending your resources. You are making new agreements with yourself
about these things and you’re taking action towards achieving your financial
goals. But this is not only about financial things, these are your priorities and your
ability to provide yourself everything you need in this life. You are making things
better now, you have great opportunities that are just starting to open up for you.
You may have a sense of urgency to start something new related to these
second house matters, but it’s better if you don’t rush with anything. You will have
plenty of time and space for doing the work in these areas and for being
proactive. This is just the beginning of this series of Eclipses. Eclipses are life
changing events and you can expect karmic situations, destined events and
circumstances when it comes to your financial situation and your relationship with
money, your money psychology, your self-worth and your way of valuing your
gifts and talents. You can make some amazing new beginnings now that will
bring you greater self-esteem and increase self-worth. This is not a new theme
for you but it is a totally new approach and perception of these things. You are
ready to change your priorities and to renew and refresh your perception of
money and financial stability in life. You are going to become financially
independent in the next two years, and if you’ve already achieved that, you’re
about to bring all of that to a higher level and to bring in more quality in living your
life and expressing your abilities and capacities.

Tarot card reading for April

Dear Pisces, your Tarot card for April is The Knight of Wands upright. This is a
card of action and forward movement. It is about impulses and energetic
behavior. It is about adventures. The Knight of Wands is ambitious—he is
motivated, courageous, bold, and ready to show the world how great he is. This
card means that there is an intensity in the world, an intensity in your social life,
and there is something wild about it. The Knight of Wands is dynamic with a
strong will for life. He is imaginative, communicative, and a great teacher. He
loves to travel and explore things in life, to explore different places, cultures,
traditions, faces, places, and people. He can be impulsive but also funny and
with a great sense of humor, and there is great confidence around him, so when
this card comes up, it means that you will attract these attributes and
characteristics, too, and you will express them to a certain degree. There is a
great urge to act on something when this card comes up, and you will probably
feel fired up with ideas, and it is time to take action. Plans take shape now, and
you want to manifest things, to trigger their manifestation. Be aware of your need
for attention, though, as this card can represent strong egoic needs. You may
also not have all the needed information and structure for manifesting what you
want. You may just run into action without thinking through these things first, so
the advice is to hop before you jump and look before you leap. You may have a
need to be dominant and loud, so be aware of this, too, but all these things can
be used in a very good way. You can take action and use this decisiveness and
boldness in the right manner, without rushing, without running blindly into
something just out of curiosity. This is a card of action and motion. The Knight of
Wands rides his horse fearlessly into the battle, and there is nothing that stands
in his way, except maybe his own ego.

This card means that you may be a leader of some kind, that you are able to lead
others. It is a very charismatic energy, and people will want to be around you.
This card can sometimes mean that there is a relocation, a move, a totally new
direction in life. The Knight of Wands represents the fire within us and the energy
that moves us. It is about action, energy, challenges, and adventures. There is
great confidence and enthusiasm in the air. This card can also mean that
someone who has characteristics of The Knight of Wands may show up in your
life, someone who is very action-oriented and fearless, daring and brave. This
card represents full action—there is no planning, and there is nothing that is
impossible. Everything can be achieved. This is a fully confident approach toward
things in life. This is the card of a free spirit, a charming hero, and a
hot-tempered person. There is a strong determination for success here, and Fire
is a dominant element in the card. You should feel full of life during this time—you
should feel recharged. There is a need to impress others with your skills as well,
with your knowledge and talents, and this card also means that there is a lot of
fun and entertainment all around. Be ready for changes, and be realistic with
your wishes and desires.

The most impactful planet for Pisces in April

Dear Pisces, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus will be in
your fourth house of home and family and she is bringing harmony and beauty
into your family relationships and you really need this after having Mars here for
seven months. Venus now comes here as a remedy, as a comfort, as a cure, as
a detox, as a harmonizer and as the best friend. You can do amazing things with
Venus here and this can also bring you a beautiful home. If you’ve been
searching for a new place or if you’ve recently been upgrading your home,
renovating it or repairing it in some way, now is the time to beautify it, to do all
those details for making your environment feel cozy and comfortable. Venus is
the planet of love, beauty, harmony, pleasure, relationships, comfort, luxury,
finances and values. It’s great to have Venus in your fourth house of core
emotions and emotional stability and security. If you’ve had any issues with your
mother or with other family members, this energy brings harmonious
relationships now and an ability to improve all your family relationships, to bring
back harmony and trust between you and your family members or between you
and those who feel like a family. You can expect good things when it comes to
your real estate, to anything related to your literal home, to your family house, to
your residency. You have a beautiful support here now and you can achieve
anything you want in your fourth house matters.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to make the most of this energy and to channel the energy of Venus in
the most constructive and harmonious way, you are asked to beautify your family
relationships, beautify your home, beautify your environment, and bring more
Venusian energy into your home and family world. Work on harmonizing your
relationships with your family. Be more like a Venus in your family relationships.
Give beautiful compliments to your family members and to those who feel like a
family. Be especially kind to women in your family. Make peace with them if
there’s been any kind of conflict or argument with them. Use Venusian qualities of
beauty, love and harmony and work on bringing those things into your home and
family. Bring beautiful things into your home, beautify your space. Bring more
flowers into your home and your space. Paint your home in beautiful colors, in
refreshing colors. Play beautiful music at your home, make yourself feel like
you’re at home really, don’t feel like a stranger in your home. Make your home
the most beautiful place for yourself but also do this with your inner home.
Nurture your inner home, bring more love, beauty and harmony to your inner
child, to your inner home. Beautify your inner space. Do things that are
enjoyable. Open windows in your home every day and let new and fresh air
come in, refresh your space in every way and by doing this with your home, feel
how these refreshments and renewals reflect in your inner home too. Bring some
beautiful items and things that beautify your space. Bring some feminine shapes
into your home, rounded shapes, beautiful paintings, bring in more feminine
energy into your home and family world regardless of your gender. Invite your
family for a dinner or if you live together with your family, prepare a beautiful meal
for them, or invite them out for a dinner. Do these things together. Eat together,
prepare things together, go and visit some cultural events together, work on
beautifying your space with your family. This doesn’t have to be your blood
family, this can also be your soul family. Think about the symbol of Venus and do
your research about it. See what it means, do your research about the meaning
of astrological Venus and do your best to invoke that energy into your life.
Harmonize your inner and outer family relationships and your inner and outer
home atmosphere. You are greatly supported to do that now, good luck.

Healing tips for Pisces in April

- Sit down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a couple of deep
breaths and just stand like that for a couple of moments, breathe normally, don’t
focus on anything, don’t focus on breathing, just let the breathing happen
spontaneously and focus on the top of your head. Feel how you’re being pulled
upwards from the above and feel a gentle hook, feel an etheric hook that pulls
you up through the top of your head upwards. Feel how your whole body is being
pulled upward through the top of your head. Feel this gentle pull, feel the hook
lifting up your body by stretching the top of your head. Practice this each day and
just lift yourself up as many times as you can in this exercise. If you can, lift
yourself up fully and feel how you’re floating in space while you’re still feeling the
pull through the top of your head. When you’re done, put yourself back slowly,
feel the release from the top of your head and stay like that for some time. Slowly
open your eyes. Enjoy the ride.
- Make a couple of breaks during the day, breaks from whatever it is that you’re
doing and spend only five minutes with yourself during that break and use it for
just focusing on being free. Feel yourself being totally free to feel anything you
want, to do anything you want, to experience anything you want. Just feel that
feeling of total freedom, of total relaxation. There is nothing in those five minutes,
forget about the whole existence. Make this break and intentionally step into this
state, make yourself feel as if there is nothing, there is not any obligation in life,
there are no duties that you have to do. Stay in this state for just five minutes,
practice it and celebrate this moment of bliss. Use these five minutes to detach
from everything and to just feel alive, just feel life, just breathe in and breathe out,
be aware of this process, be aware of your body, be aware of your surroundings,
feel the rhythm of life and really experience those five minutes fully.

- Choose one song that represents you right now in the best possible way. If you
could be a song, which song would you be? Think about it carefully. Then, listen
to this song, see why you chose exactly this song, see how it makes you feel,
see what you can learn from this song about yourself, see what it has to tell you.
You chose this song for some reason, now go through it and see how it helps
you, see what it has to reveal to you about you, see why you chose this song,
see what illusions or fears you feed through this song, try to gain as much as you
can through this. Enjoy, have fun and discover more about yourself.

- Write down your own healing tips for yourself, give yourself healing tips. See
what kind of healing tips you gave to yourself. Was it easy for you to come up
with them or was it a bit of a struggle? Observe the process of creating these
tips and observe how you feel while you’re creating them. Then start practicing
these tips, and see if they feel good for you, see if you know yourself good
enough to give yourself healing tips.

- Feel yourself as a flower in the rain. Imagine yourself as a flower, feel yourself
rooted in earth, feel your own gentle nature, feel your lightness, feel your beauty,
feel your oneness with everything around you, with the sky, with the earth, with
the grass, with other flowers around you. Feel your connection with everything
that surrounds you and feel the spring rain falling down on you and feel how it
feels to be this beautiful flourished flower in the rain. Feel the drops of the rain
refreshing you, feel the smell of everything around you, feel your own smell. Feel
yourself as drops of this rain falling on the flower as well. Feel how it feels to
water this flower as a drop of rain and simultaneously feel yourself as a flower
being watered by the rain. Do your best to be like this flower in your life, to
emanate this beautiful smell and beautiful energy, to be refreshed and watered
as this flower in the rain and also work towards being those drops of rain too that
water the flower and nurture it. Enjoy it fully and feel the benefits of it.

How to use April energies in the best possible way

- Practice seeing everyone as a potential enlightened being, as a child of the

Divine. Try to look at everyone as a potential diamond, as a potential master.
First start looking at yourself like this of course, and then look at others with the
same feeling. Try to see how that changes your perception, your feelings and
your reactions. Try to see that potential in each person that you meet, that you
see, that you talk to and see how that affects you. Experiment.

- Whenever you feel fearful or anxious or depressed or tired or upset or anything

similar, go in front of the mirror and look yourself straight in the eyes. Don’t look
away anywhere else, just be totally focused on your own look, get lost in that
look, stare at yourself long enough that you forget that you are looking at
yourself, that you forget why you’re even staring at yourself. Be really focused,
focus all of yourself into this activity. All your thoughts and all your physicality
should be here in this look, nowhere else. Just watch yourself and observe all the
different kinds of feelings that come up. Feel yourself as the one who is in the
mirror watching you back and watch yourself from the other side, observe your
feelings from the other side.

- Take a short trip somewhere, with your friends or on your own. Go and visit
some place, go and visit a local village, go on a picnic, take yourself somewhere,
change the scenery, change your environment at least for a couple of hours
during a day in a week. Go places, visit different events and happenings near
you. Go to museums, art galleries if there is a possibility for something like that.
Visit local places that you haven’t visited before.

- Make a collage of your current emotional and psychological state. Choose any
images, colors, symbols, anything that you want, anything that you feel and put it
in a collage, create your own collage of inner state. Research, find things that
resonate with you, with how you feel on the inside and connect it all into one.
Express your state of being, express your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts,
your worries, your paranoias, your happiness, your joy, your anger, all that there
is, all that you currently feel, express it in this way, find things that resonate with
you now and make a collage of your inner world.

- Practice tree pose. Do your research about it, see how it’s done, see what it’s
good for, see what are the benefits of doing it and start practicing it. This pose is
known as Vrikshasana. It is a very powerful and meditative pose, enjoy it.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during April

- What are my mental abilities and capacities? What are my mental powers?
What mental powers do I recognize in myself?

- Is there something in my life that I am taking for granted? What are those
things? (Make a list of things that you’re taking for granted and become more
aware of their meaning and value).

- What is the best, the most precious and the most constructive thing that I can
do for myself when I am feeling down, when I am in pain, when I am struggling,
when I am hurt?

- What would I really want others to know about me? What is one thing that I
would love others to know about me? What does this tell me about myself, my
needs, my hurts?

- What is the most inspiring and empowering story that I know, that I have read,
that I have heard in my life so far? Why does this story have that effect on me?
What does this story tell me about myself? Why did I choose exactly that story?
What does it tell me about myself?

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