August 2023 Horoscopes

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What can Aries expect in August

Dear Aries, August can turn out to be a brilliant month for you, a month when you
align and realign with things that are in resonance with yourself. You are
reconnecting with your own rhythm, your own being, and your own source. You
will be able to understand things easily, and you will be learning when to slow
down and when to speed up. You are going to learn to discern between many
things, including the pace and the rhythm of taking action, creating things,
initiating something, or ending something. You are learning the art of endings,
beginnings, and knowing the right moment. This month, there are two Full Moons
happening. The first one happens at the very beginning of the month while the
second one happens at the very end of the month. Mercury goes retrograde this
month, happening on the 23rd of August. Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo, in
its own sign, which is very strong, until the 15th of September. Venus is already
retrograde until the 4th of September in Leo. You will be re-evaluating your
health, work, way of living your life, habits, routines, and responsibilities, but also
your love life, decisions about children, having children or not having children,
and the child within you. You will be re-evaluating and reviewing your business
and creative projects, and many of you can expect challenges and blessings
from the past.

The month begins with the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 1st of August, and this
Full Moon illuminates your eleventh house of friendships, groups of people, team
work, communities, networking, social circles, collaborations with others, tribe of
people, and soul family, but also your desires, long-term dreams, goals, and
aspirations. This Full Moon can bring amazing breakthroughs and insights about
what you want and what you’ve planned. Expect innovative and creative
solutions about your future. Expect emotionally charged relationships and
connections with your friends and people from your community. This energy can
bring endings, culminations, closures, fruitions, and fulfillments. If you’ve been
working on something with a certain group of people, this energy can bring things
to a fruition, and you can expect manifestation of your teamwork and group
activities. You can also expect successful online connections with people and
networking, but this energy can also bring endings and closures. This can mean
that it is possible that a certain connection with someone ends for some reason,
that your membership is now ending, or that you may leave a certain community
and join a new one. Your group activities are under the spotlight, and things that
have been unknown will become known now.

Also on the 1st of August, your ruler Mars makes a supportive and friendly
aspect with the great benefic Jupiter. This is amazing for you, and you can
expect great support and expansion of good things in your life. Your ruler Mars is
in Virgo in your sixth house of work, daily routines, habits, schedules, health,
pets, diet regime, exercise regime, responsibilities, and obligations. Jupiter is in
Taurus in your second house of money, earnings, resources, finances, self-worth,
and priorities. Mars and Jupiter are in a good combination, and you can expect
expansion of your resources but also your work. You may be working more and
earning more money, as well as earning more self-esteem and self-worth. You
will be able to make your life more sustainable, sufficient, and worth living now.
You have support now to start something new, which will bring you more of an
ability to trust yourself and recognize your own capacities and possibilities.

On the 12th of August, the Sun in Leo will make a trine with Chiron in your sign.
Then, on the 13th of August, the Sun and Venus retrograde will be together in
your fellow Fire sign Leo, in your fifth house of love, children, joy, and pleasure.
On the 14th of August, Venus retrograde will also trine Chiron in your sign. This
is an amazing time for deep healing that will be rooted in love. But since Venus is
retrograde in Leo and making trine with Chiron, you will be turned more inwards,
retrospecting, looking within, and searching for your inner gold. Leo represents
the heart of gold, and the fifth house represents love, while Venus represents
love, beauty, and harmony. You will now have an amazing opportunity to deal
with your wounds with greater and deeper understanding, with pure heart, and
with trust in your soul. You will be dealing with your past wounds, identity
wounds, personal wounds, and wounds that are related to your birth, health,
physical appearance, and earliest expression of who you are. You will now be
able to nurture yourself and start a harmonious relationship with yourself. You will
be able to search for your inner gold and find it through your wounds and past
On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon in Leo, and as you can see, Leo is
very active and strong this whole month. This is great for you since Leo is your
fellow Fire sign, and Leo’s energies make a supportive, friendly, and harmonious
trine aspect with your sign. This is a beautiful new beginning for you, and you will
be celebrating something new. You may start a new creative project or you may
be doing new things with your children if you have them. These are also new love
beginnings and renewals of existing love relationships. Even though Venus is
retrograde in Leo, this New Moon brings new beginnings to those things from the
past that you’re dealing with. Expect a new taste of forgiveness and a new way of
feeling and experiencing love in your life. These are new beginnings with your
children but also with the child within you. Expect new hobbies and refreshment
of life that will bring you back the fire that might have been lost for a while.

On the 22nd of August, your ruler Mars makes an opposition with Neptune in
Pisces. Mars is still in Virgo and will oppose Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth
house of spirituality, transcendence, otherworldly experiences, and dreams, but
also fantasies, deceptions, illusions, delusions, and confusion. This can result in
some kind of mental fog, exhaustion, and confusion in your everyday life, but this
is a short-term aspect so don’t worry too much about it. It will soon be gone, so
just be patient when things seem to get out of your control around the 22nd of
August. Things may seem a bit irritating and frustrating, and you may feel
prevented or obstructed in some way by mental and physical restlessness.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo, and on the same day, Mercury
stations retrograde in its own sign of Virgo. This all happens in your sixth house
of everyday work, everyday tasks, obligations, duties, schedules, service to
others, pets, health, energy level, and time management. You may have a lot of
unfinished business to finish and sort out while Mercury is retrograde here.
Mercury will be retrograde until the 14th of September, and you will have enough
time to clear your desk, clean any mess that you may have, sort things out, and
finish the unfinished business. This period invites you to reassess, review, and
re-evaluate your work, health, job, working place, service to others, pet, everyday
habits and routines, and lifestyle. You will get a second chance to do something
now. There is a possibility of past things and opportunities resurfacing,
particularly in relation to your health and work. You may be able to resolve some
health issues that you might have been dealing with, or you may make things
clear when it comes to your work and obligations. You may also have to do
something that you have forgotten to do or that you thought you were finished
with. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is also fantastic for re-evaluating or changing
your decisions from the past if you need to.

On the 25th of August, your ruler Mars makes a trine with Pluto in Capricorn.
These are beautiful trines with earth energies that are happening with your ruler
Mars this month, and you will be greatly supported by these energies now. You
will be able to do something concrete, get real, deal with things in a physical and
tangible way, make things happen, and see manifestation of certain things you’ve
been working on. Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn in your tenth house of
career, ambitions, profession, reputation, goals, success, and contribution. Mars
is in your house of hard work, practicality, efficiency, and service to others. You
can prosper through your work now. You can expect great power in your career,
with transformative success and recognition for the hard work that you’re doing.
You will gain great power and strength thanks to this.

On the 27th of August, your ruler Mars enters your opposite sign Libra and
activates your seventh house of relationships, marriage, unions, separations,
commitments, and one-on-one relationships and partnerships. This is very
important for you. You will be very active with people in your life, with your love
partner, business partners, or with anyone with whom you have one-on-one
relationship with. You will be taking risks in your partnerships, and you will be
very direct and straightforward. You will stand up for yourself, and you will be
bold and courageous in your relationships with others. Just be careful of possible
anger projections in your relationships, as well as impulsive and reactive
behavior. You may feel easily provoked by others and you can expect some
conflicts and disagreements, which is not a bad thing if you know how to deal
with them. Mars is here to teach you about the power of collaboration, but also
the power of listening to your own voice.

On the 29th of the month Uranus, planet of shocks, surprises, sudden shifts,
awakenings, future, innovations, technology, revolution, and authenticity, stations
retrograde in Taurus in your second house of money, finances, earnings,
resources, possessions, self-sufficiency, sustainability, self-worth, self-value, and
priorities. Uranus stations retrograde every year around the same time, and this
is not something unusual or new. However, it’s a great time for surprising insights
about your worth, priorities, earnings, and need for material safety and security.
You may be surprised by what comes up while Uranus is retrograde here, and
this energy can bring you money from the past—unexpected money from the
past, money that you have forgotten about, or money you thought you won’t see
again. Unexpected incomes and expansions can happen, especially because
you also have Jupiter here.

On the 31st of August, there’s a second Full Moon happening in one month, but
this one happens in the sign of Pisces and it shines a light on your twelfth house.
It is the last house of the Zodiac, the place of mystical and mysterious events,
and the place of unexplained, intangible, unknown, unreachable, unseen, and
invisible realms and experiences. This Full Moon illuminates your
subconsciousness and reminds you of your soul, spirit, source, true origin, true
roots, and spiritual roots. But this Full Moon also has a lot to do with your
ancestors and family lineage. You will be faced with some things that need to be
seen, acknowledged, accepted, and released, and you will be shown what you
have to let go of. This Full Moon asks you to embrace the wisdom of surrender
and to search for your inner voice and inner wisdom. This is a time to relax, to
breathe, to be, to rest, to take a break, to take some time for yourself, and to
spend quality time on your own. This is the perfect time for meditation and
contemplation, for being in nature, for diving deep within yourself, and for
learning how to breathe and how to be. You will be asked to trust your intuition
and to let go of what disturbs you deeply. You are letting go of certain addictions
and damaging patterns. These things will be revealed to you, and you will be
given a great push forward after this energy.

Aries relationship with inner self

Dear Aries, you are getting to the bottom of something this month and you will be
very close to figuring out something that brings you great inner joy and inner
strength. You need this now and you deserve it. You deserve to discover the
place within yourself that brings you a sense of safety and security, to get closer
with yourself in an empowering and uplifting way, and to be happy. This is your
birthright. Many of you will be discovering that it is truly your birthright to be
happy. Nobody else can make you happy or unhappy, prevent you from being
happy, do it for you, or take it away from you. You will be working on
understanding and feeling the power of that happiness, which has nothing to do
with happiness that is forced, that is opposite to sadness, or that is fighting
against something. This is just a pure state of being, observing and accepting
things that are beyond your control, and doing your best to improve and upgrade
things that are under your control. This simple yet very powerful cognition and
insight will echo through your body, mind, and may even reach your soul and
spirit in the form of a very subtle intuitive whisper. You are now open to those
kinds of whispers. You are able to hear those whispers clearly and loudly through
your heart and your mind. You may hear your inner drums that are calling you,
inviting you, and summoning your essence. You will feel invited, hear this
invitation and inner call, and respond to it. There is no turning back once you
respond to this intuitive invitation. There’s a lot of retrograde energy this month,
and you will feel this inner call strongly. You will feel your inner fire burning and
enlightening your whole space. You will see that darkness is just an absence of
light, that darkness is there to teach you about the light, and you will become
more intimate with your own darkness, your own essence, your own obstacles,
your own fears, and your own tears. You are getting together with those aspects
of yourself that you’ve been running away from. You realize that you cannot hide
from yourself, trick yourself, and fool yourself. Sooner or later, those things come
up again and you have to face whatever it is that you have to face. So, there’s no
running away from yourself. You will see how absurd and senseless it is and how
powerful it is to actually trust yourself, even those parts that you’re afraid of. Trust
your fears, as they are not there to hurt or eat you. They are there to show you
the way, revealing what you need to do, what you need to deal with, what you
need to overcome, and where you need to grow. Fears are your growth tools.
You’re starting to honor and respect them. You’re starting to honor and respect
your restricted areas within you, and you’re starting to trust your intuition more
than ever. You are discovering amazing new ways of experiencing inner joy and
pleasure, inner love, and inner happiness.

Aries relationship with others

Dear Aries, you will be very much aware of others in your life. You will have a
high level of knowledge and consciousness of others in your life. You will see if
you’ve been living your life with total unawareness of others, and if this was the
case, you will admit this to yourself and you will clearly see this now. Many of you
will realize that this is the first time that you are really aware of the presence of
others in your life and grasp what this presence really means. You will have a
high level of awareness of other people’s roles in your life and your role in other
people’s lives. You now have a great capacity to understand that no one is better
than anybody else and that no one is worse than anybody else. Everyone is
doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing with your relationships with
them, whatever that is. You are asked to stop comparing yourself with others and
to stop comparing others with others too. This will set you free in many ways
when it comes to your interactions with others. You have a Full Moon happening
this month at the very beginning of August, on the 1st of August. This Full Moon
shines a light on your friendships, associates, group of people, teamwork, social
circles, and communities. This Full Moon can bring something to a head with
someone; it can bring something to an end or it can bring something to a fruition.
All three scenarios are possible with the Full Moon’s energy in Aquarius in your
eleventh house. You may be connecting with people who can help you with your
health situation if you have any issues, or you may be the one who helps others
with their health situation. You are dealing with someone at work and you may
have to learn to be more patient with people, especially with people you work
with throughout this month. You can also expect their help and support now if you
are willing to cooperate, collaborate, and make compromises. You may realize
that you’ve almost never compromised, and now may be the time to see how
things may unfold for you if you make a couple of compromises instead of
expecting others to behave in a way that you want them to behave. Of course,
many people do this. Many people push others into different roles in order to
have them do what they want them to do. But, you are going to overcome these
obstructions now. You will be able to rise above this kind of behavior regardless
of other people's behavior. You are now ready to compromise and put yourself in
other people’s shoes for a little while. You will be more considerate towards
others in your life, and this will give you great advantages and wisdom in your
relationships and friendships. You are learning how to cooperate and collaborate
with people without searching for mistakes in their behavior and actions. You are
learning to relax in your everyday connections with people without searching for
mistakes in your own behavior, actions, and communications. You are given a
great opportunity to be truly natural and organic in your relationships with others.
Once you’re able to interact in a relaxed way with others, you are able to see and
feel who is who in your life—who is real, who is unreal, who is there to stay, and
who needs to go.

Aries love & romantic life in August

Dear Aries, this August is truly like the blooming and blossoming of gardens in
the desert. This is a time when you will recognize true love stories, true love
feelings, and true love insights and experiences. You may also figure out that the
love you’ve experienced so far hasn’t really been in true alignment with your
heart and soul, but it has been attracted to your projections, traumas, fears,
rejections, repulsions, affinities, and personal subjective likes and dislikes. This
month can bring you clarity about your past love experiences and past love
issues. You can expect challenges from the past to resurrect during this time
when it comes to love and romance. This is truly an amazing month for feeling
love deeply and freely through your body, mind, and soul. You have the Sun in
Leo until the 23rd of August, and the Sun brings warmth, life, and light into your
love life. You also have Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony, relationships, and
values in Leo, also in your fifth house of true love and romance. She is
retrograde, which means that she can bring back people from your past into your
life or she can bring love issues from the past in order for them to be resolved
and finished. But it is much more than that. Venus retrograde puts more focus on
the inner journey. It makes you more introspective and more reflective; it teaches
you more about love, romance, joy, and pleasure; it teaches you about the
source of love and the value of true love. You will have your ruler Mars in your
opposite sign of Libra, starting from the 27th of August, and this means that you
will be more proactive and willing to take risks in your marriage, love
relationships, and commitments with your lover. You may make the first move in
your love relationships, and you can expect beautiful surprises, romantic
surprises, and love encounters. You also have New Moon in Leo happening on
the 16th, in your fifth house of love and romance, and this can bring you new
beginnings in your love life—new love stories, new love chapters, and renewals
and refreshments of existing love relationships. This month is very rich when it
comes to your love life. Even if you’re single and you don’t have anyone
interesting around you, you can expect truly loving experiences with people
you’re surrounded by. You will feel loved, and you will want to share this feeling
with people, with yourself, and with life. If you do things out of love, there is no
chance for those things to fail. Whatever it is that you do with love is meant to
succeed and has to succeed. But you have to know that you are truly doing
something with love or at least thinking you’re doing it with love. This will become
clear to you throughout this month, especially by the end of the month.

Aries sex life in August

Dear Aries, you are insightful this month and you feel things very strongly. You
are almost psychic, especially when it comes to sexual interaction and
connection. You have a very sensual atmosphere around you, and this is felt,
heard, and known, and others are magnetically attracted towards you. You have
a very deep and profound look in your eyes that mesmerizes and makes others
get lost in the labyrinths. Your look is hypnotizing and you attract people only by
the way you look at things. You have a strong connection with your sexual energy
this month. You trust your instincts and you feel your intuition strongly. When you
have instinctive and intuitive connection strongly present in you, this creates a
highly orgasmatic energy and aura around and within you. You are somehow
aware of this, and it is advisable not to use this knowledge in order to manipulate
and seduce others, but to use this naturally and freely. Feel connected with life
and enjoy this energy. This is the energy of pleasure and joy, sexual enjoyment
and pleasure, and making children. Some of you may be initiating themes of
children and making children; some of you may be changing your decisions
about having or not having children; and some of you may not even be asked,
but the Universe will bring this energy to you. You have a lot of strong energy
present in your fifth house of sexual joy and pleasure, children, love, and
romance. This has already been strongly activated with Venus here in fiery Leo in
this fifth playful house. This month, Venus is retrograde and she’s together with
the Sun, and there’s also New Moon happening here on the 16th. This is a very
refreshing and renewing sexual energy in your life, and you can expect amazing
connection and great sexual freedom and expression. Your ruler Mars is in Virgo,
together with Mercury. Mercury stations retrograde on the 23rd of August in its
own sign of Virgo, in your sixth house of work and health. Having your ruler Mars
here and Mercury retrograde can bring more focus on your health, including your
sexual health, sexual energy, vitality, well-being, and physical body. Mars is here
and brings you positive and beneficial energy this whole month, and you can
count on Mars even though it is in a bit of an awkward angle with your sign. Mars
makes a positive trine aspect with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto this month, all in
Earth signs, and this makes your physical energy strong and well. You will have a
lot to share with your lover, and you will enjoy your time together. You may visit
places together and experiment with your sexual energy in different places, in
new and different ways. Your overall energy is good, and it will remain in a great
state as long as you keep taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical
hygiene. This is very important in order to maintain a healthy sexual life and to
have enjoyable and pleasurable sexual experiences with yourself and your lover.
You may feel blessed many times during this month by being able to experience
all that you’re experiencing physically, emotionally, and mentally. You will
understand how all of that is orgasmic energy, and it can come through all body
parts, not just genitals. This is a month of deep insights and experiences, and
you’re ready to feel them from the top to the bottom of your body and back to the

Aries career & purpose in August

Dear Aries, you have exquisite opportunities for earning and expanding your
earnings this month. Your ruler Mars is in Earth sign almost the whole month, and
it makes positive and supportive aspects with big players who are also in Earth
signs and Earth houses. Mars first makes a supportive aspect with Jupiter on the
1st of August. Jupiter is in Taurus in your second house of money, finances,
material security, financial stability, self-worth, hidden gifts and talents, resources,
possessions, things that are yours, and your priorities. Jupiter here protects and
brings you expansion and abundance. Mars makes a positive aspect and helps
you earn money, gain resources, maintain sustainability, and reach financial
independence. Then, Mars makes a trine aspect with Uranus, also in Taurus, in
your second house of money and finances. Uranus brings sudden and
unexpected things, and Uranus is about innovations, technology, authenticity,
originality, revolution, and awakening. Uranus brings shocks, surprises, sudden
shifts, and things you couldn’t see coming. This energy can bring you sudden
and unexpected earnings, abundance, or opportunities that come to you through
your everyday or hard work, as Mars, your ruler, is in your sixth house of
efficiency, practicality, working place, job, everyday routines and habits, repetitive
work, and hard work. This trine aspect is here to bring you support, friendly
energy, reward, and opportunity that you need to act upon. Then, Mars makes
another supportive trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the lord of the
underworld, known as Hades, and Pluto brings death, rebirth, and
transformation. This can bring you positive opportunities and resolutions related
to your career, success, reputation, and profession. You can expect recognition
and transformation of your social status too—transformation of your career in
some way or transformation of your role in the world that will serve you and
others in a supportive way. You also have amazing energy in Leo in your fifth
house of joy, pleasure, entertainment, hobbies, self-employment, and having your
own business. Venus is here retrograde together with the Sun, and then you
have the New Moon happening here on the 16th of August. This is truly a great
time for starting your own business if that’s what you’re up to, if that’s what you
want, and you will be given great opportunities to do so. This is also a great time
for renewing and refreshing your existing business and bringing in more joy, love,
and pleasure into your work. This can bring you work with children or younger
people. This energy has been strongly present for quite some time already and
will continue to be present as long as Venus is here in your fifth house, which will
be active until the 8th of October. Things from the past can come up during this
time and they can serve you now. You may be able to do things now that you’ve
wanted to do before but weren’t able for some reason. You can expect great help
from the past in some way, as well as money from the past. This is a time to
remember your true priorities, true values, and true qualities, and to act
accordingly. Some of you may be involved in group projects, community-based
projects, and creative projects, and this can turn out to be very positive and
beneficial for you and others.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this Full Moon happens on the 1st of August and this is the first Full
Moon of the month. This month, we have two Full Moons. This one happens in
the sign of Aquarius in your eleventh house of groups of people, friendships,
associates, acquaintances, team of people, soul family, older brothers and sisters
and those who feel like them, clients if you have them, followers, fans, support
groups, communities, community-based projects, and networking. This is also
the house of long-range goals and dreams, highest aspirations, desires, and
things you want to manifest. This Full Moon brings revelations and disclosures
about the things in your life during this time; it brings closures, endings,
disclosures, completions, culminations, revelations, illuminations, fruitions, and
fulfillments. Full Moons also trigger emotional behavior and emotional reactions.
You may be more emotional about someone from your social circles, about
someone from your community or about your community, or about a friend who
may need your help. Some of you may be completing a certain relationship now,
and this is not necessarily a bad thing. You may have to leave a certain
community for some reason or someone from your community may have to go
now. A friend may be going through something important and may need your
help. Your uniqueness is needed and wanted during this time, and you’re invited
to be who you truly are amongst others. Don’t pretend, don’t be fake, don’t only
do things to be accepted or to please others, don’t do things that may hurt others,
and don’t do things that will only serve you without considering others. Whatever
you may want to say or do during this time with others, think first about whether it
serves others or only yourself. Your role is needed now amongst people. You
may see something coming to an end or fruition. This can be an ending of a
certain community-based or internet project. If you’ve been working on
something like that, now is the best time to see it manifested. This can also bring
things to a head with someone, so be careful, but it is more likely that this energy
will bring to light certain things that need to be known, seen, and acknowledged
when it comes to your group activities, friendships, and communities. This Full
Moon also affects your desires, dreams, goals, and aspirations. You can expect
to see some of your dreams coming to light, your goals coming to a fruition, and
your imaginations and visualizations being manifested. This Full Moon brings
authenticity and originality, and you will feel a strong creative flow with people.
Expect group activities, expect that sense of belonging, expect to feel the power
of people, and expect to see some of your goals and dreams coming to light and
having an opportunity to be embodied in reality. Use the energy of this Full Moon
to be original, authentic, and unique. Express your greatest qualities and virtues
and connect with people based on those highest and greatest qualities and

How the New Moon in August will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo. It
shines a new light in your fifth house of true love, romance, joy, pleasure, fun,
entertainment, children and young people, creative expression, self-expression,
self-esteem, having your own business, self-employment, sport activities, and
sport results. This is a very creative placement, and it has to do with creative
projects, your own creativity, your products, your services, your launches, your
hobbies, things you enjoy doing, and things that are fun doing. This is also a
house of celebrations and having a good time with others. This New Moon
makes a supportive trine aspect with your sign. During this time, you can expect
more joy and fun, love and romance, and memorable moments with your children
if you have them or with somebody else’s children. This is a time of new
beginnings in these areas of your life, and you will be enjoying something new
here now. You may be working on a new creative project, or you may be initiating
something new that is enjoyable and pleasurable. This energy can also bring
new love relationship in some cases, but also renewal and rejuvenation of your
existing love relationship. This is a time of celebrating something—life, birthdays,
business, success, creativity, children, and love. You will be celebrating
something, and you will feel renewed and refreshed by these energies. This New
Moon can also bring new opportunities for your business if you have one, for
starting your own business if that’s what you want, or for renewing your existing
business. You may become more interested in new hobbies, and you will enjoy
these hobbies now. You may be launching a new product during this time—a new
service, a new creative work that you’re doing, or a new creative way of
expressing yourself, your individuality, your passion, and your true heart’s
desires. This is Leo energy, and Leo is about light, life, warmth, passion,
strength, creativity, willingness, dignity, courage, leadership, playfulness, drama,
pride, being theatrical, and being generous. You can expect these energies to be
very activated and very present during this New Moon. Venus is also in Leo and
she is retrograde, and the Sun is here right next to the Moon. A New Moon
happens when the Sun and the Moon are together; they bring to life something
new, and in your case, these new things can be a child. For some of you, this can
mean that children are coming into your life, either your children or somebody
else’s children. This New Moon makes a positive and friendly trine aspect with
Chiron in your sign. You will experience great healing energy around the middle
of this month, especially around the time of this New Moon when you will be
entering a new chapter of love, romance, creativity, playfulness, fun, pleasure,
and joy. You need something new, romantic, playful, and dramatic in a positive
and beneficial way. Expect new light to come into your life that will enrich your
experience of living, loving, and breathing.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Aries

Dear Aries, the second Full Moon this month happens on the 31st of August,
which is the very last day of the month. It happens in the last sign of the Zodiac,
in Pisces, in your twelfth house, which is also the last house in the natal chart.
This Full Moon illuminates your subconsciousness and the things that are
unseen, unknown, invisible, unreachable, intangible, unexplainable, otherworldly,
spiritual, mystical, and mysterious. This Full Moon also shines a light on your
illusions, fantasies, delusions, and hallucinations. It has the power to bring these
things to light so that you can become aware of them, acknowledge them, and
break through them. This Full Moon shines a light on your addictions,
weaknesses, blindspots, damaging patterns, and unhealthy routines and habits.
This Full Moon brings to light things that you’ve forgotten about; it brings to light
your subconscious fears and anxieties, your ancestral patterns and programs,
your roots, your past, and even your “past” lives. Some of you may discover
things through regression therapies, therapies of other kinds, hypnotism of other
types, psychotherapy, psychology, spiritual practices, meditation, and
contemplation. This is also a house of faraway places, institutions like hospitals,
schools, prisons, courts, and similar places of isolation, withdrawal, rest,
relaxation, the need to be on your own, and just be in the state of being rather
than doing. This energy has a lot to do with dreams and symbols, so you should
pay more attention to your dreams and the symbols that you see in your dreams.
This is the house of astral projection, altered states, transcendental experiences,
substances, drugs, alcohol, and the need to be in a state that is unconscious.
This Full Moon is here to bring you healing and relaxation. It is here to remind
you to take some time on your own, spend quality time on your own, meditate,
sink deep within yourself, ask deep and profound questions, walk into the
unknown despite the fear, face your fears, release your fears, let your fears go,
and surrender. This definitely is easier said than done, but, once you’re in that
state of being, you realize that it is actually much easier than you thought. This is
a time to be fearless, courageous, and trust the higher power, the spirit, the
transcendental, and your subconsciousness, and to be the flow like ether or
water. Pisces is a Water sign, but it is also more like an ethereal sign since it’s
the last sign; it’s very deep, mystical, complex, and dual. There are two fish in the
glyph of Pisces, swimming in opposite directions, but they’re connected with the
cord that unites them. Pisces represent the process of self-undoing,
deconditioning, and letting go of all attachments and all identifications, which can
be hard, and that is why we have addictions and illusions related to Pisces and
the twelfth house. This energy can also bring spiritual bypassing, so be careful of
this too. Be careful of avoiding reality and using spirituality as an excuse. You
cannot deny one world in order to bring to life the other one. Nothing should be
denied or avoided, and that is another lesson of this Full Moon for you. Full
Moons bring closures, endings, completions, acknowledgments, resolutions,
fruition, fulfillments, and manifestations. Something is culminating around the
time of this Full Moon for you in these areas of your life. Something comes to a
head, or something comes to life. You may be going through a serious healing
process or dealing with some of your addictions. You may have very vivid
dreams, or you may go through some kind of mystical experience. Some of you
may be working on releasing old fears, dealing with your past and ancestral
karma, and experiencing a series of synchronicities. This can be a very insightful
energy, so make sure that you do your work and surrender. Surrender to the
higher power and trust the source, the Divine, and the spirit.
Tarot card reading for August
Dear Aries, your Tarot card for August is The Sun upright. This is one of the
cards from the Major Arcana deck of the Tarot, and it is very powerful,
meaningful, magical, and uplifting. This is the card of warmth, fun, vitality,
success, happiness, fulfillment, truth, confidence, and joy. The Sun is the source
of life and energy, and this is the card of wealth, health, and prosperity. This is
the card of clarity and good luck, and you can expect success. You will see things
going your way. When you get this card in a reading, it often means that the
qualities and the meaning of the Sun are more expressed in your life, and others
are naturally drawn to you because of those qualities. You can light up the room
when you walk into it. You can cheer others up. You can bring light and love into
the lives of others. You feel empowered, regenerated, and revitalized. The Sun is
the source of all life on this planet, and it represents life energy and everything
that follows it.

There is a child in the foreground playing joyfully in the card. The Sun shines
down on everything with its brilliant rays, offering warmth, fulfillment, happiness,
and joy. The Sun spreads its life energy over everything. The child represents our
innocence, purity, and joy, and the child is naked, has nothing to hide. The child
wears the sunflower crown, which represents contentment, abundance, and
happiness. The child rides a white horse, and the white horse is always a symbol
of purity, nobility, innocence, freedom, and strength. The child is the
personification of the Sun, of its emanation. The child has its arms wide open,
and this is an open heart, gratitude, innocence, and joy.

This is the card of pure joy, pure innocence, light, love, warmth, vitality, fulfillment,
and satisfaction. Darkness is revealed, and then the Sun shines brightly and
makes all shadows and darkness disappear. You can expect joy and happiness
coming your way. You can expect great clarity. You can expect light after
darkness. This is a time of rebirth, when the clouds are gone, and there is only a
bright blue sky—all is clear and pure. This is a card of abundance and strength,
and you can expect these things in your life now. This is about your own light that
you radiate toward others, and this also has to do with your relationships. You are
learning about yourself a lot through your relationships with others. The card that
precedes this one is the Moon. The Moon is about shadows, the night, hidden
things, and unanswered questions. The Sun represents answers to these
questions, clarity, and understanding, unveiling the truth and revealing that which
was hidden, and you can expect revelations during this time. You radiate love
toward others, and others are drawn to you because they feel your warmth and
confidence. This is a card of good feelings, and you can expect lucky events and
situations. If you’ve been experiencing tough times lately, you can expect sunny
times in your life now. You will see how things improve now and how reality
becomes brighter and more attractive. This card reminds you to look at the
brighter side of life, and this is also a reminder that after the dark, there is always
light; after night, always comes the day. The Sun never fails to come up every
morning. You are waking up from hibernation. You are refreshed, energized, and
ready to move on. Say yes to life and celebrate life itself. This is a card of
spiritual gratitude, spiritual freedom, spiritual journeys, and spiritual encounters
and insights. This card reminds you to see yourself as part of a whole, but also
whole itself. You are whole, but you are also a part of a greater whole. This card
reminds you to connect with simple joys and feel the pleasure of being alive,
being grateful, and just being. This card asks you to simplify your life, to focus on
what truly matter to you, and to connect to those things and people that give you

The most impactful planet for Aries in August

Dear Aries, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler Mars. Mars will be making
important beneficial aspects with Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto—all in Earth signs.
Mars will be in Virgo in your sixth house until the 27th of August, and then it shifts
in your opposite sign Libra in your seventh house of relationships and marriage.
But until then, Mars will be in your sixth house of health, work, service to others,
schedules, time, efficiency, practicality, routines, habits, everyday work, duties,
tasks, obligations, and responsibilities; it will be making supportive aspect with
Jupiter and Uranus in your second house of money, finances, self-worth, and
priorities, and also with Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth house of career,
profession, reputation, goals, ambitions, and success. Use the power of your
ruler Mars and make the best out of it. Invest in your health, resources, work,
healthy routines and habits, and things that are practical, healthy, and efficient.

Mars is a fiery planet of action, ambition, initiation, energy, drive, and passion. It
is proactive energy. It moves forward. It represents physical strength, physical
energy, vitality, and endurance. Mars is a planet that shows how you deal with
your anger. It rules your impulses and the fire in you. It rules your inner fighter
and the way you fight in the world—the way you fight for your place under the
sun. Mars is the ancient God of War; it is the archetype of a hero, a soldier on a
battlefield, and a warrior. It is very energetic and can be aggressive as well. Mars
shows how good you are in any kind of competition. It rules your energy level; it
shows how much energy you have to fight for what is right for you, to accomplish
things, to do things, or to finish things; it rules your courage, sexuality, and
reproductive system; and it represents your masculine side and your inner
warrior, but it also represents dangers, scars, accidents, and incidents. Mars
usually strengthens you in those parts that are hurt in any way, and where you
have Mars in your chart is where you have certain strength. Mars strengthens
that part of the body where you have it in your natal chart. Mars is also very
defensive and protective energy. It is very persistent, and it wants things right
here and right now. Mars is a hot and dry planet, and it shows how you fight and
conquer. It represents fearless energy, but it can also be very violent and toxic.

In order to use Mars in the most positive, beneficial, constructive, and

empowering way, you should work towards things that are truly meaningful. You
should be investing your time and energy into things that are valuable, worthy,
pragmatic, useful, efficient, and service-oriented. This is your time to work on
healthy habits and routines, to implement a healthy lifestyle, to eat healthy, to
exercise, and to be physically active in a healthy way, but not to overwork or take
too much work on yourself. You need to learn to discern, and Mars in Virgo will
help you with discernment and with knowing how much of something is healthy
and how much of something is damaging. Use this transit to put more energy and
action into correcting your lifestyle, improving your everyday life in every way,
and doing things on a daily basis that are helping you in your personal growth,
self-development, and self-betterment. Physical work is always good with Mars in
sixth house in Virgo, and it’s great time to be active, to exercise, to workout, and
to implement new ways of being physically active—jogging, doing planks, doing
full body workouts, taking long walks, and bringing in more uplifting habits and
routines into your life. You can put more energy and action into being of service
to others. See how you can be of service and what you can do in order to be of
service to others, but of course, this doesn’t mean becoming a slave to others.
Being of service to others means doing things that are truly meaningful, valuable,
worthy, efficient, practical, and that can truly be of great help to someone. If your
friend needs some physical help with something, be there and offer your help. If
someone needs to move furniture or if someone needs help with certain
obligations and you can jump in, do it. If someone you know has a dog or a cat
and needs help with them, offer your help. Volunteer, support others, and be
helpful in many ways. Bring someone a meal and do something practical and
useful. See how you can be of help and see how you can serve yourself better
too. Take care of yourself. Don’t do things that are damaging your health and
your body. Do things that uplift you and improve your health and overall

Healing tips for Aries in August

- Imagine your own death. Become more intimate with your own mortality. Be
aware of your own death. Choose one hour daily to feel it as if it is your last hour.
Feel it intensely, fully, and as a reality. Become closer and more intimate with
death. Ask your death any questions. Feel free to behave in any way. Don’t be
afraid in this space because there’s nothing to lose. Feel your death, embrace it,
go through it, let it pass through you, hug it, consume it, digest it, process it, and
live it. Imagine this powerful moment. Imagine yourself face to face with death,
and feel yourself here, in this space. Feel how powerful it is to be aware of this
moment and yourself when you’re left without everything near and dear to you.
What is left in those moments? Feel what is left when you’re face to face with
death. That is your essence, your core being. Feel it, awaken it, and enjoy the

- Observe your life as if you are observing it from somebody else's perspective.
Feel your life detached from your personal point of view. Watch yourself walk
through life as if you are watching a movie. See if you like what you're seeing. Do
you find this life interesting, purposeful, exciting, full of life, and spontaneous?
What is your impression of your life? Work on improving your life and making it
more alive and meaningful. Observe your life every day from the perspective of
somebody else and see how you can make it more rich and purposeful.

- Put your hands in front of you at the height of your eyes, so that your palms are
facing each other. Start separating and uniting your hands. Bring them close, but
don’t let your palms touch each other. Separate them, and do this in the rhythm
of your breathing. As you inhale, bring your hands almost together, and as you
exhale, separate them. Feel the harmony between your breathing and your
hands. Feel the pulsation and the rhythm. Do this for a couple of moments, and
when you’re done, just go with your hands through your whole body—from top to
bottom, the top of your head to your toes, and then back from your toes to the top
of your head. Feel the vibration. Feel your hands, your whole body, your
breathing, and the synchronicity with the whole of you.

- Imagine yourself as the sky. Feel yourself as the broadness, the wideness, the
largeness, and as a vast space. Imagine yourself being the sky. Feel all the
changes that you go through as the sky—the clouds coming and going, the Sun,
the Moon, the stars, the day and night, the dusk and dawn, the birds embraced
by you, the air, and the rays of the Sun. Feel as big as the sky. Feel eternal,
infinite, and abundant. Imagine this completely. Feel how it is to be the sky. Try to
feel this wideness as much as you can. Put yourself in the position of the sky and
observe everything that there is to observe. Look beneath you. You can see
every part of the world. Imagine this and bring this feeling into your body. Enjoy
and have fun.

- Whenever you’re taking a shower, imagine yourself as the water that is being
poured on you. Feel yourself as this water that is washing and showering you.
Try to imagine yourself as the water that is coming through the shower and falling
on your body. Feel yourself as this water. If you’re taking a bath in the bathtub,
feel yourself as the water that you’re lying in. Try to feel this, as it is a magical
feeling. Try to enliven it, and become completely absorbed by that feeling of the
water that is showering you.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Write down awesome things that can be done on a daily basis. Write each of
those things on a single piece of paper. Mix these pieces of papers, pull one
each day, and make sure to do the thing that is written there. Be creative, as it
can be anything. Come up with new things every day and add them to the rest of
the papers. Mix papers every day, pull one paper each day, and do what is
written on it. Enjoy and have fun.

- Enjoy fresh early mornings. Wake up early and breathe in fresh morning air.
Spend some time just doing this and nothing else. Don’t read anything, listen to
anything, look at your phone, text anyone, or speak with anyone. Just be there in
the morning. Be the morning and bring the morning into your body, mind, and
heart. Feel the energy of the new day, feel the energy of a new beginning, merge
with the morning, feel the freshness and initiation, and feel the regenerative
power of the early morning smell, atmosphere, and energy. Do this if you can
every day. Your life will improve immensely if you can manage to do it. You will
feel how powerful mornings are and how different they are from other parts of the
day. There is something mystical, magical, healing, and empowering in mornings.
Use this power that is given to you. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity, as it is
right there every day.

- Create an enjoyable daily routine for yourself. Do something that you really love
and enjoy every day. Become aware of this daily joy and be present in what
you’re doing. It can be anything that you enjoy, like drinking coffee, drinking beer
at night, drinking tea with a friend, sibling, or someone, going on a daily walk,
dancing, working out, or going to a place you enjoy each day. Choose one daily
routine that has a really healing and relaxing effect on you.

- Lie down and feel your body. Just lie down and do nothing, and that’s all. Don’t
put any effort into anything. Just lie there effortlessly, fully relaxed. Do this as
many times during the day as you can. Just lie down if you have a mat; it would
be better to lie on the mat on the floor than to lie on your bed. Feel your whole
body and feel its heaviness, its weight, and just be there. Just lie there. That’s it.
Stay like this for as long as you want, and then slowly get up. Repeat as many
times as you want during the day, but make sure you do it every day.

- Do something that is totally unexpected from you, but that doesn’t hurt anyone.
Do something that is a good and positive surprise for you and others. Do
something unexpectedly positive and uplifting. Also, work on random acts of
kindness from time to time. Do these things for no special reason, and just do
them. Let this become your habit, and you will start gaining fulfillment and joy
through doing this. You will start feeling pure joy and pleasure through doing
these kinds of things.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- What are the things that resonate with me? What are the things that I do and
experience in my life that truly resonate with me, and what are the things that I do
and experience in my life that do not resonate with me?
- Do I have any idea of what my rhythm of life is? How would I describe my own
rhythm of life, my natural rhythm? Do I know what kind of rhythm is the one that
is the best for me?

- Do I know when is the right time to stop doing something and when is the right
time to start doing something? Do I know these things? Do I have the knowledge
and the wisdom of knowing the right amount, the right measure, and the right
rhythm of what I do or don’t do in my life?

- What do I think about my habits and routines? Do I have more healthy or

unhealthy habits and routines? What are my routines and habits telling me about
myself? Do I consider myself a healthy person? What is a healthy person
according to me? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are my dreams telling me about myself? What kind of dreams do I have?
Do I remember my dreams? What kind of themes prevail in my dreams? What
am I most afraid of in my dreams, and what am I mostly enchanted by in my
dreams? What does this tell me about myself?


What can Taurus expect in August

Dear Taurus, you are expanding your sense of self this month. This is happening
thanks to the many lessons that you’ve been through lately, and you will be very
grateful for all the challenges and lessons that have been testing you for quite
some time. There is a lot of focus on your physical well-being and your physical
body this month, and you will be able to work with your body in amazing ways
and learn more about how the body works and functions. This will bring you great
knowledge and wisdom of the physical reality and the physical realm that we all
live in. You are also working on relaxing yourself, your nervous system, mind,
heart, and body. You will be experimenting this month, and you will be learning
how to be more in the free flow with life and with things that are out of your
control. This month, there are two Full Moons happening. The first one happens
at the very beginning of the month while the second one happens at the very end
of the month. Mercury goes retrograde this month, and your ruler Venus is
already retrograde. Mars makes positive and beneficial trine aspects with Earth
energies, and you are an Earth sign, so this will have a very good influence on
you and very strengthening and encouraging energy is coming your way.

Month begins with the Full Moon on the 1st of August in your fellow Fixed sign
Aquarius, in your tenth house of career, profession, success, reputation,
vocation, contribution, father figures, relationship with father, authority figures,
role in the world, and life direction. This Full Moon can bring a little bit of pressure
for you in these areas of your life. You may have to do something that takes you
out of your comfort zone, and honestly, this is something you’ve mastered lately.
You can expect culminations and changes in your external world, in your career,
in your business, or in your relationship with your father or father figures. Things
are being transformed on your life path, and things you’ve been working on can
come to a fruition now. Efforts you’ve been putting into your career, contribution,
and profession will definitely be recognized, noticed, and awarded during this

Mars makes three Earth trines this month, and the first one happens on the 1st of
August with Jupiter in your sign. This is majestic for you and for an expansion of
your personal taste of happiness and abundance. Mars is in your fellow Earth
sign Virgo, in your fifth house of love, romance, creativity, self-expression,
children, pleasure, joy, entertainment, fun, and playfulness. Mars is very
proactive here. You will be willing to take some risks when it comes to what you
enjoy doing—your children if you have them, your business if you have one, and
your decisions related to children and the child within you. Mars is here until the
27th of August, and while it’s here, it’s pushing you towards achieving things that
are truly enjoyable and favorable for you. This trine with Jupiter in your sign is
very positive for you. You will be able to improve your physical appearance in
many ways and expand your personal joy, your personal creative powers, and
your sense of self.

Mars then trines Uranus, also in your sign, and this happens on the 16th of
August, on the same day when there’s New Moon in Leo. This trine with Uranus
in your sign can bring sudden and unexpected good things in your life. These are
the things that happen out of the blue and they change your way of living your
life. You may suddenly change the course of your life direction, suddenly fall in
love, or suddenly and unexpectedly start something that is very authentic and
original. By doing this, you start attracting good things in your life that have a role
to wake you up in an exciting way.

Mars makes third and last earth trine with Pluto in Capricorn, and this brings you
regeneration and transformation of your beliefs and ideals in a way that serves
and supports your spiritual development and spiritual growth, but also your
knowledge, wisdom, and journey in this life. You may travel to places, and those
places can deeply transform your perception and your beliefs for the better. This
can also bring you resolutions with legal matters and positive outcomes.

Throughout this whole month, your ruler Venus is retrograde in your fellow Fixed
sign Leo, making a square with your sign. On the 12th of August, Venus makes a
friendly and positive aspect with Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries, in your
twelfth house of subconsciousness. Venus meets with the Sun in Leo on the 13th
of August, and the Sun makes the same positive and friendly aspect with Chiron
on the 14th. Middle of the month has a very strong healing effect on you, and it
can bring deep internal healing and opening of some old ancient wounds that
you’ve been carrying with you through many lifetimes. This is now like a balm to
your wound, and you will have a comforting and soothing healing energy present
within you. Venus and the Sun make a tense and heavy aspect with your sign,
but this trine with Chiron in your twelfth house will soften it and bring deep inner
healing that comes through your home, your mother, your relationship with the
mother within you, your home and family, your place of living, and your roots and

Your ruler Venus is retrograde this whole month and until the 4th of September.
This is a time to be introspective, reflective, think about your home and family,
reconnect with members of your family and with those who feel like a family,
reconnect with people from your past, work on resolving issues from the past,
and work on forgiveness that will serve you and everyone around you.

On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon happening in Leo. This is a very
strong and active energy in Leo this month, revolving around your home, family,
real estate, buying and selling a home, finding a new home, renovating, renewing
and refreshing your home, renewing your family relations, and regenerating and
rejuvenating your relationship with your inner child. This New Moon brings new
beginnings in these areas of your life, along with new creative solutions to the
issues you may have around your home and family.

On the 22nd of August, your ruler Venus makes a square with Jupiter in your
sign. This can be a bit of a pressure point in your life, where you may feel some
kind of struggle with your family or with things related to your home and place of
living. Your family obligations and things that have to do with home may
somehow limit your personal wants and needs, or you may feel limited in some
way when it comes to achieving harmony and beauty in your home and with your
family. This pressure point is actually very constructive if you manage to allow
yourself to loosen up those tight ends that might be holding you back and
preventing you from doing things that are good for you. This square with Jupiter
can actually bring you a great sense of abundance that comes from your past,
your sense of belonging, or your relationship with your mother or with the mother
within you.

On the 23rd of August, there are two important shifts happening. The Sun enters
Virgo and highlights your fifth house of love, romance, pleasure, joy,
self-expression, hobbies, gifts, and talents; and on the same day, Mercury starts
its retrograde journey in its own sign, also in Virgo and also in your fifth house.
You will be reassessing, reviewing, reconsidering, restructuring, and
re-evaluating your love life, business, creative projects, hobbies, ways of having
fun, relationship with children, and relationship with the child within you. You can
expect ex lovers to show up in your life, especially now when you have Mercury
and Venus retrograde. You can expect blessings from the past too—blessings
from the creative work you’ve been doing in the past. You will be able to finish the
unfinished business now, related to children, creativity, gifts, and talents. It is not
really the best time to start something brand new now, but it's an awesome time
for finishing something you’ve already started. You will be greatly focused on
doing the work that needs to be done. You can expect to experience great joy
and pleasure through being of service to others. This is how Virgo and the fifth
house collaborate, and you can really do something that is very tangible,
practical, efficient, and useful that brings you a deep satisfaction and joy.

On the 27th of August, Mars enters Libra and activates your sixth house of
health, work, routines, habits, everyday life, lifestyle, well-being, diet regime,
exercise regime, and service to others. Mars will be strong here in September,
but you will feel this energy during the last couple of days of August. You will be
very motivated for doing the work and being of use every day. You will be putting
a lot of energy and action into collaborating and compromising with people when
it comes to your work and health. You will be inspired to change your routines
and habits in order to make them more meaningful and healthier for you.

On the 29th of the month, Uranus stations retrograde in your sign. This is
something that is happening every year around the same time, so it’s not really
something rare or new. However, it is a more inward and introspective energy,
especially because Mercury and Venus are also retrograde this month. This is
the energy of internal action, inner work, introspection, and intuitive learning that
will be very strongly accentuated and brought to light.

On the 31st of August, there’s a second Full Moon happening in the sign of
Pisces, in your eleventh house of communities, friendships, groups of people,
social circles, people you collaborate with in any way, soul family, tribe, and
like-minded people. This Full Moon brings things to light and may reveal
something about someone to you. This energy can bring certain culminations,
endings, closures, and resolutions with a friend, someone from your community,
or someone you know and interact with. You can also expect to see some of your
long-range goals and dreams coming to a fruition now, or you may say goodbye
to a certain plan or dream that is outdated and that needs to be transformed. You
are letting go of certain people or certain dreams now, and you’re supported on
this path. You are surrendering and trusting the process, especially when it
comes to your relationships with people—your group activities, your
communities, and your highest aspirations.

Taurus relationship with inner self

Dear Taurus, you will be self-indulgent in a very spiritual and positive way this
month, and you are setting yourself free from the chains of your past and from
the ancestral chains as well. You are releasing yourself, letting go of your painful
attachments, letting go of your toxic ways of thinking, and letting go of thoughts
and beliefs that are based on fear and scarcity. You want to wake up. You
desperately want to wake up from the hibernation, stay awake, and don’t want to
fall asleep ever again. You want to be real in this life, feel alive, and search for
higher meaning instead of accepting the circle of life that revolves around job,
food, entertainment, and escapism. You want something more of life. You want to
know things, feel things in their depth, interact with life, and be one with life. This
month, these things are opening up for you and you cannot say that you don’t
see them because they will be there. You will experience great synchronicities in
your everyday life, and you can expect huge creative potential that will be
catapulted directly from your heart. You have been dealing with some heavy
things lately. It hasn’t been easy for you in the last two years, and it’s been pretty
transformative and disempowering, but you are going to feel how things start
shifting for the better now. You won’t feel that same pressure and intensity, at
least not to that degree. You have grown and learned so much, and now you
know how to handle those heavy moments, how to live with them, and how to
walk through them. You are now experiencing a beautiful healing that is
comforting, wanted, needed, and necessary. You are celebrating your wounds
and you’re grateful for them. You are celebrating your past and you’re grateful for
it. You’re celebrating your family and you’re grateful for them too, whether or not
they’re present. You are putting all your trust in yourself and in the all pervasive
spirit that enlivens everything in this reality. You are giving yourself the
permission to be happy no matter what. You are giving yourself permission to be,
to say No to things that are not good for you, and to say Yes to things you’ve
been afraid of saying Yes to because you thought that would be betraying
someone or something. You are not afraid anymore of standing up for yourself
and taking full care of yourself. You are not afraid of being the best version of
yourself, getting out of all versions, including the best one, seeing yourself for
who you truly are, seeing the whole of who you are without separating yourself
into pieces, and disconnecting yourself from the other parts of who you are. You
cannot live in a survival mode anymore. You want to truly live, and this month is
here to show you how and to open doors for you that will take you into that
direction. You are recognizing that you yourself are the journey and that you are
not born to live life in fear, but to experience it directly through all your senses
and feelings.

Taurus relationship with others

Dear Taurus, you have learned amazing things when it comes to your
relationships with people, when it comes to interactions, and when it comes to
collaborations. You are mastering these skills every day, and this month, you will
feel the higher level of mastery in this area of your life. You will be handling some
crazy situations with others with great ease. You are virtuous in relationships with
people, and you can handle any situation no matter how complex it is. You know
people, you know how to deal with people, you know what people expect mostly,
and you know what people like and don’t like because you have learned so much
about yourself lately. You have examined, inspected, and researched yourself
thoroughly, and this is how you know what to expect from others and how to
interact with others in the most enriching and comforting way. You are able to
avoid all unnecessary conflicts and unnecessary tough situations that might
happen. You have the power to transform the atmosphere in your social circles if
things seem to escalate, and others will be very grateful for that. You have no
problem in communicating things that need to be communicated, asking for help,
offering help and support, saying No when you need to, or saying Yes when you
want to. You have overgrown these issues, and you feel much more self-assured
with others. You feel strong and you are not afraid to express your uniqueness
and authenticity with other people. This month, you have an opposition between
Mars in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, and this aspect can bring a little bit of
confusion, illusions, deceptions, and fog when it comes to your relationships with
people—your friendships, group activities, and communities. You may have a
need to express yourself and dominate others. You may be confused by other
people’s reactions, but you may also have a need to show your superiority in
front of others. This will be felt around the 22nd of August, so just be careful of
this and know that this could happen with people too. Don’t allow yourself to think
that you’re more powerful than others because you have outgrown certain
issues, but also don’t give your power away to others by thinking that they are
more superior or powerful than you. This month will show you that we are all right
where we are supposed to be, and there is no better or worse position. Each
position and level of being is highly purposeful, and we should honor these
positions and appreciate where we are at any given moment. You also have the
Full Moon in Pisces in this same placement where you have Neptune, and
Saturn is also there in Pisces. This month, you may go through some kind of
healing within your group activities or healing with a friend, a group of people,
and within your community. You are letting go of someone if there is a need for it.
This can be emotional energy, but also very liberating and empowering. You are
ready to surrender and you trust that everything is exactly how it should be, even
if it doesn’t seem that way at first. You are maybe helping someone from your
group of people to understand this, and you may be somebody’s support and
healer during this time. Your ruler Venus is retrograde in Leo, together with the
Sun, and there’s also a New Moon happening here on the 16th. This is putting a
lot of focus on your family relationships, past, new beginnings with family
members, and new stories with your family and with those who feel like your
family. These themes have already been triggered during the last two months,
and now you may feel the culmination and regeneration of your family ties and
possible family issues. You will have to deal with someone from your family, and
you may go through a very strong emotional moment with someone from your
family or with someone who feels like your family.

Taurus love & romantic life in August

Dear Taurus, your love life feels good this month. You may have a need to
protect, defend, or stand up for your love life in some way. Your love life is your
sanctuary, regardless of your relationship status. You turn every act in your life
into a love life and you turn every breath of your existence into a love life. You
learn how to breathe with love, how to act with love, and how to walk with love.
Life is your teacher and love is your guidance, and together they bring peace and
harmony into your world. Some of you may be able to literally feel the harmony,
to hear the music of spheres, and to experience love as a divine feeling that is
extended into a physical realm through your body. You are happily in love
whether you’re in a relationship or not. This month is amazing for love
relationships because you have Mars in your fifth house of love and romance.
Mars here is very proactive and willing to do things for love, to act out of love,
and to act from the heart directly. You are motivated by good things, and you will
be taking risks in your love life. Mars was here last month and will be here until
the 27th of August. The Sun joins on the 23rd and brings more light, love, and life
into your fifth house of romance and pleasure. You will be able to see love in
places you couldn’t see before. You will receive new sight and new vision of love
and romance, and you will notice love in those places where you least expect
love to be. But you will see that love doesn’t search for a specific place. Love can
be found anywhere because love is really projected from within, and that is why
you can actually feel and taste love anywhere you are. Wherever you are, love
follows if you are present and rooted in your truth and love. Mercury is also here
in your fifth house of love and romance, and Mercury will go retrograde on the
same day when the Sun enters Virgo. Mercury retrograde can bring you back
someone. This energy can bring love back into your world and ex lovers can
reappear. You will also have second chances with people you are romantically
interested in. You will be able to recover and correct some things between you
and your lover, finish the unfinished when it comes to a certain love relationship,
and resolve things from the past—resolve past love issues and communicate
about it openly and freely. Of course, misunderstandings and miscommunications
are highly possible during Mercury retrograde, and this will especially be strong
in your love relationships. If you are experiencing this, know that this is
happening so that you two can build clearer communication and understanding
with one another. Mercury retrograde is here to teach you about the power of
clear communication and understanding. When you can understand each other,
you can resolve any potential issue or misunderstanding, and this understanding
goes beyond words. Mercury in Virgo in your fifth house can bring mental
communication and strong telepathy. You will be able to do things with your
partner that you wanted to do before, but for some reason were prevented at that
time. Now, you will have a chance to do something pleasurable and enjoyable
with your lover—travel together if that’s what you planned, celebrate something
that you have missed, or do something that was on the list before but you weren’t
able to make it happen then.

Taurus sex life in August

Dear Taurus, August brings some presents in the form of energetic impulses that
are enjoyable, pleasurable, and harmonious. These energetic impulses can
come through your sexual energy and sexual experiences. Sexual union is about
impulses and pulsating beats that your body produces, which turns into a
vibratory field around you. This energy has the power to connect you directly with
the field of your aura and the field of your own atmosphere, and you can heal
your field through those impulses and pulsating vibrating fields. When you
experience those pulsations, you are transformed each time. These pulsations
that are produced in the body and then transferred to the energetic field are like
electromagnetic devices. They have the power to reset your whole system—your
organs, body, blood, and nervous system. This energy can be very healing and
generous, and you can experience this generosity and healing through sexual
union with your lover or through sexual expression of your being. You have Mars
in your fifth house of sexual pleasure, pregnancy, love, romance, and sexual joy.
You also had Mars here last month, so, if there were some similar experiences
last month, these experiences will be prolonged now and will be brought to a
climax. Mars is here until the 27th of August in the sign of Virgo, and Virgo is
about health and healing while Mars is a planet of sexual drive and passion.
These combinations are very powerful and strong when it comes to making love
and expressing your sexuality. You can expect pregnancy news too. Some of you
can receive sudden and shocking news about pregnancy, but since Mars is
making a positive and harmonious trine aspect with Uranus in your sign, this
probably won’t happen unless you really want it. So, if you’ve been working on
making babies and had troubles, now is an ideal time to make it happen. You
have great support from Mars, and Mars is making a supportive and friendly
aspect with your sign and with Jupiter and Uranus in your sign. This is amazing
for the experience of joy and happiness and for expansion of those good
moments. This energy can also bring long orgasms and prolonged pleasurable
moments while making love with your lover. This is a big healing energy that is
active now, and you can truly feel those pulsations and vibrations in your body.
Your body is speaking to you in the language of the Universe, so listen closely
and carefully. Sexual energy is a huge creative energy that is being channeled
through you in many ways. Expect pure connection and healing joyful

Taurus career & purpose in August

Dear Taurus, you are open and ready for abundance in your life. You are open
and ready for changes that are uplifting, worthy, meaningful, and powerful. Many
of you will be experiencing changes in your career during this time and these
changes may bring a bit of an intensity and pressure, but eventually they are
there for your betterment, improvement, and growth. This could actually be the
change that you’re happy with right away, especially if you’ve been dreaming of
it, working on it, or putting effort into creating it. You are now going to see
manifestations of things you’ve been working on in your career, profession,
contribution, reputation, and employment. You will also be putting a lot of effort
and energy into your gifts and talents, creative projects, self-expression, sport
activities if you are involved in sport, and business of any kind, if you have your
own business or if you’ve been thinking of starting your own business. You are
investing in your products, services, and things that you’re good at, and you’re
being proactive when it comes to things that are enjoyable doing, things that you
truly love doing, and things that bring a smile on your face. You will be looking at
what you’re doing, and you’ll be noticing if the things that you do bring a smile to
your face or if the things that you do take away that smile from your face. You
can check that out right now, and you will know immediately. You will have
amazing opportunities to come back to something you used to enjoy doing
before. You will also have second chances when it comes to opportunities you
used to have but didn’t act upon when you should have. Now, you will be able to
do something again and act upon those opportunities again. Mercury goes
retrograde on the 23rd of August in Virgo, in your fifth house of self-employment,
business, entertainment, hobbies, gifts, and talents. This can turn out to be very
good for business deals and finishing things related to what you enjoy doing.
Mars is also here, and the Sun joins on the 23rd. This gives you a huge
motivation and willingness towards investing in things that you love doing and
that you’re good at. You also have Full Moon in Aquarius, and this activates the
top of your chart, your tenth house of career, profession, success, goals,
ambitions, contribution, and reputation. This Full Moon shines a light on your
career and brings changes in these areas of your life, but also brings fulfillments
and culminations. You will see what is for you around the beginning of August.
Something changes on your path and you will be able to see something coming
to a fruition, whether that is your business project, personal creative project,
work, contribution, public performance, or whatever it is, you will feel appreciated
for what you do. If you don’t, this energy can also bring endings and completions
of certain chapters and cycles. You are given amazing opportunities this month
for allowing and attracting abundance into your life. This will be a big theme for
you as long as Jupiter is in your sign, and especially now when Mars makes a
supportive trine aspect on the same day of the Full Moon in Aquarius in your
career sector. You are given all the tools and equipment that you need in order to
succeed in whatever it is that you are willing to succeed in.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Taurus

Dear Taurus, this Full Moon happens on the 1st of August and it opens the
curtains of this month. It sets the tone of the month, happening in your fellow
Fixed sign Aquarius, illuminating the top of your chart, and shining a light on your
tenth house of purpose, mission, reputation, goals, ambitions, career, profession,
vocation, social status, success, contribution, role in the world, life direction,
efforts, work, employment, own authority and relationship with authority figures,
relationship with father and father figures, influence on others, external role, and
expression of who you are. This Full Moon brings to light something that has
been hidden, avoided, neglected, ignored, and unknown. Now, this Full Moon
brings it to light so that you can acknowledge it, release it, let go of it, transform
it, or use it constructively. You are faced with something that has to do with your
career or with your place in the world, and you have to work on it. There is
something that needs to be completed or ended, perhaps in these areas of your
life. You may be very emotional about it. You can expect recognition for what you
do. Others may notice your work now and they will want you to know that your
work is valued, appreciated, and that you have done great work. You can expect
some kind of validation and award, but in some cases, some of you can expect
endings and completions when it comes to your current life direction. Some of
you may be changing and shifting your career path now. You may be redirected
and put on a different track, or you may experience something different in your
profession. This can also bring things to a head with authority figures, father or
father figures, boss, or superiors of some kind. You may have a situation with
someone who is an authority figure, but you will resolve it and figure it out
eventually. This energy is here to shine a light on possible issues and to bring
unique resolutions and solutions. You may be working on something in a unique
and authentic way, and your work will be rewarded. Expect success with any
authentic hard work if you’ve been doing it lately. Make sure you work on
becoming your own authority and do things that make you feel purposeful. Go
after those things that make you improve yourself every day in every way and be
the role model that you would want to have in your life. Use the energy of this
Full Moon to release negative feelings towards authority figures. Let them go and
focus on things that hold real value. Focus on things that inspire you, and make
sure you make your contribution in any way that you can. Do something that
helps you and others rise and grow. Do and say things that inspire you and
others, rather than doing things that put you or others down. Be an inspiration to
yourself and others, and make sure that you are aware of your actions, words,
and thoughts in every moment as much as you can.

How the New Moon in August will inspire Taurus

Dear Taurus, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in your fellow Fixed
sign Leo, in your core placement of the chart, at the very bottom of the Zodiac, in
your fourth house of home, family, mother, family members, family relations,
people who feel like your family, people you live with, real estate, literal home,
place where you live, place where you grew up, residency, emotional stability and
security, inner child, inner world, inner mother, inner family, emotional health, and
emotional intelligence. This New Moon renews these areas of your life, and you
can expect new beginnings with your home, family members, place for living,
emotional setup, mother, or connection and experiences when it comes to your
past, roots, family, and childhood. This is Leo energy, and Leo is all about
warmth, passion, playfulness, drama, and possible egocentric behavior, but also
generosity, sincerity, dominance, royalty, and pride. Leo represents fun, joy,
entertainment, vitality, energetic impulses, theatrical behavior, and theatrical
situations. You can definitely expect these Leo attributes and qualities to show up
during this time in your home, family members, emotional reactions, and things
related to buying or selling a home or real estate. Some of you may be getting a
new home, or buying and selling a home. Since your ruler Venus is also here in
Leo and she is retrograde, you should be careful when it comes to brand new
things and new beginnings. Don’t rush with making any important decisions,
especially if they’re related to real estate—purchasing, buying, and
selling—because you may regret something you do now once Venus goes direct,
which will happen around the 4th of September. Venus is retrograde here and
she can bring back things from the past that will have a new and fresh taste, that
will have a different energy, and this involves people too. Family members you
haven’t seen or heard may reappear during this time in a new light, in a new way.
This New Moon also brings refreshments and renewals of your home and family
worlds. You may be renovating, decorating, renewing, and refreshing your space
and your home. You can expect some new experiences with your family. You
may go to new places or do new things together—things that are playful,
enjoyable, and fun to do. This New Moon brings something positive and uplifting
in your emotional world, and it brings new ways of dealing with your emotions,
inner child, emotional wounds, and emotional needs. You will be able to bring
new light and new joy into your inner emotional world. This is great energy for a
new way of handling your inner child. You may finally feel that you’ve grown in
that way, realizing that you’re not playing anymore and that you’re done with
searching for any kind of attention, whether you’re searching for it in an obvious
or hidden way. Suppressing your needs and not talking about your problems to
anyone is also a very hidden and unconscious way of searching for attention,
through your inner anger and inner dealing with everything. If you are in any of
these two extremes—searching for attention or deeply suppressing that need,
you will know it now and experience a new and different way of dealing with your
wants and needs. Plant your seeds during this time. Initiate something
emotionally liberating and purging. Set your intentions towards emotional growth
and emotional independence. Start something new. Make that first step towards
bringing harmony and peace in your home and family, and be the bringer of
peace and harmony in your internal and external home and family.
How the second Full Moon in August will influence Taurus
Dear Taurus, the second Full Moon happens on the 31st of August, the very last
day of the month. It happens in the last sign of the Zodiac, in Pisces, and it
shines a light in your eleventh house of friends, communities, older brothers and
sisters, groups of people, social circles, associates, acquaintances,
collaborations with others, group activities, online communities, networking, soul
family, tribe, and team. This eleventh house also has to do with your highest
aspirations, long-term goals and dreams, long-range plans, desires, and
manifestations. This Full Moon can bring manifestation of your dreams, and this
energy is also supported through Saturn in Pisces. This Full Moon will trigger
Saturn in Pisces, and Saturn in Pisces can definitely turn those invisible things
into visible ones; it can turn the intangible into tangible, and you may see some of
your dreams coming to a fruition during this time. Pisces has to do with
transcendence, dreams, imaginations, visualizations, meditation, contemplation,
hypnosis, healing, oneness, unity, and unconditional love, but also with
addictions, collective unconsciousness, escapism tools, and spiritual bypassing.
You may be using your social life as an escapism tool, or you may search for
healing within your communities and friendships. This Full Moon can connect you
with people who are on a similar healing journey as you are. This energy can
connect you with like-minded souls, soul family, and people who are dealing with
similar addictions and escapism tools. Full Moons bring endings, completions,
culminations, closures, disclosures, revelations, illuminations, fruitions, and
fulfillments. You may experience something fulfilling with your friends, your group
of people, or you may see certain things you’ve been working on coming to life
and to a fruition. You can expect support from your group of people, friends, and
community. But, for some of you, this energy can bring endings and closures with
certain people. This can be a very healing process now—healing transformation
through union and separation with certain people. You can expect the feeling of
oneness with a certain group of people. You may be somewhere together with a
certain group of people where you may experience that sense of oneness and
unconditional love between you. Some of you may have a need to get lost in
something with others, to abuse certain substances or medicines, and to drink
with others to feel a unity with others through those kinds of experiences, which
is, the other side of the coin of this energy that brings illusions and delusional
behavior. That kind of oneness and unity is not real, and that is why Pisces
energy also represents confusions, brain fog, delusional thinking, illusions,
massive hypnosis, and unconscious behavior. Be aware of that and avoid any
use of substances around the time of this Full Moon, especially with groups of
people, because this can lead to emotional discharges that can culminate in
uncomfortable experiences. This is less likely to happen. It can happen if you
abuse this kind of energy in that way, but it is more likely that you are going to
experience some emotional culmination with others and a sense of unity through
healing, through community-based projects, through similar goals that are for the
common good, and through things that you do together with a group of
people—things that are constructive and healthy. Use the energy of this Full
Moon to let go of unhealthy and damaging behavior and to surrender to the
wisdom of the higher power, to trust the process, to shake off those destructive
patterns and needs to be accepted by others, to please others, to be seen, and
to be noticed by others no matter what. Work on your healing. Be an example to
others. Get together with those who inspire you and who have pure intentions,
and make sure that you are an inspiration to others too.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Taurus, your Tarot card for August is The Knight of Pentacles. This card
represents stable energy. It shows someone who is dedicated, practical, reliable,
hardworking, stoic, and efficient. His word is solid as a stone. He is committed,
patient, and reliable to the bone, and he is someone who knows the hardships of
the path that is in front of him but firmly and steadily goes in that direction. This is
a card of responsibility and steadiness. This card is about facing each challenge
that comes up and being prepared to fall off from the horse and climb back on.
This is a friend you can lean on, and this card can mean that you will have
someone who reflects this kind of energy in your life right now. This may not be
the funniest person to be around, but this is someone you can really count on
and someone who will never let you down, no matter what. This is a card of
complete commitment, and it can also mean that you will have a lot of these
characteristics. You will be very committed, steady, patient, reliable, responsible,
and diligent. This is a card of determination; you may be very determined,
persistent, and even stubborn about something, but this persistence will take you
somewhere. You know that something demands hard work, and you’re ready for
it. You don’t give up, and you keep pushing. But, you should also check if you’re
being too stubborn with something that may not bring any results and that you
need to let go of. The energy of this card represents someone who will spend as
much time as he needs to finish the business that needs to be finished. This
energy can be used in such a valuable way now. You will be able to endure and
keep going no matter what, but you shouldn’t be pushing in the wrong direction.
You have to see whether you’re doing something right or not, or whether you’re
pushing in the wrong direction or not.

This is also about being methodical and having a plan. This card speaks of the
need of knowing things in advance, to know what awaits you and what you need
for this journey. This is someone who respects all the rules and all the signs. It is
very possible that you will have this kind of person around you during this time,
and this person can be of enormous help, but don’t count on spontaneity and fun
with this person. This is someone who wants to finish their tasks and to show up
on time everywhere. This Knight is not in a rush. He plans. He knows he will
succeed when the time is right. He waits for the right moment, which could also
mean that you’re waiting for the right moment for something. You are all set up
and ready. Everything is prepared, as the Knight is fully equipped and ready, just
waiting for the right moment. But don’t be fooled by his calmness—he is a Knight.
This is Fire energy, energy of action. It is just a different manifestation of what
we’re used to seeing when Knights in Tarot show up and always run into
something. This card is related to physical pleasure, sensual pleasure, and
sexual pleasure, which sometimes means that this pleasure can last a whole
night. The Knight is someone who keeps his promises, and he always checks
everything—is everything done properly? Is everything right? Is everything where
it should be? When this card is pulled for a reading, it gives you a message that if
you feel tired or exhausted with something, if you feel like giving up, don’t give up
yet. Be a bit more persistent. But if a situation is on hold for too long, if nothing
happens, and if it’s stagnant, then this card means that you are too stubborn and
you should let it go. It may be hard to discern, but this card suggests that you will
know if you’re being too stubborn with something that is actually not working or if
you’re giving up on something that is about to give results. This is a friend one
can only wish for, so look around and see if there are some Knights of Pentacles
in your close surroundings.

The most impactful planet for Taurus in August

Dear Taurus, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. This month, you will have
two important lunations that will directly affect you and your key areas of life.
First, you have the Full Moon on the 1st of August in the sign of Aquarius on top
of your chart, affecting your career, profession, vocation, reputation, employment,
role in the world, public image, contribution, and life direction. Then, you have
New Moon on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo at the very bottom of your
chart, in your fourth house of home, family, mother, inner child, inner family,
emotional stability and security, emotional maturity, and emotional
(in)dependence. This will affect these two areas of your life strongly, and you will
experience beginnings and endings related to your career and home, mother and
father, success and need for emotional safety, external and internal reality, as
well as public and private life.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother, but also with Mother Nature, inner
Goddess, and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon represents
nurturing, caring, and nourishing energy, and it is also associated with the mind
and the fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us overly emotional,
reactive, easily provoked, and irritated, but it can also make us compassionate,
kind, gentle, and friendly. It is always a reminder that we have to work with our
emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon represents people as well
and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our daily life and daily habits, and
it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and our heart, our nerves and our
cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our routines and habits. The Moon
quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning to waxing phase, and it affects
the fluids and the water in our body; water symbolically always represents
emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations, too. The Moon is also related to
receptive energy, the feminine principle, instincts and intuition, and rhythms and
cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system and our eating patterns related to
our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions, the way we react, unconsciousness
and unconscious patterns, relationship with the mother, past, past lives, growing
up, and subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are
packed with those memories. The Moon has a lot to do with our soul food, what
feeds our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and
imagination, and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our
home, family, roots, and ancestors, and it also rules our space and need for

In order to channel the energy of the Moon in the most valuable, meaningful,
purposeful, and liberating way, you are invited to honor your feelings and accept
things that are outside of your control. You are asked to nurture yourself, to
re-parent yourself, to work on emotional growth and emotional maturity, to work
on expressing yourself in a creative and freeing way, and to work on healthy
emotions without suppressing or denying those emotions that are considered to
be unhealthy. All emotions are there for a specific reason and you shouldn’t be
afraid of any of them. You shouldn’t run away from any of them. You are asked to
trust emotions and to work on their acceptance. Observe your emotions,
especially those emotions that are triggered within your family, and emotions that
are triggered by things related to your career, success, contribution,
achievements, reputation, authority, profession, goals, and ambitions. Pay
attention to those emotions that are related to your parents, mother and father,
other family members, home where you live in, and home where you grew up in.
How attached are you to your home and family? Do you suffer because of those
attachments? What are those attachments telling you about yourself? Do you
feel emotionally safe and secure? What do you feel is missing? What is your
greatest emotional desire? What kind of recognition are you yearning for? What
kind of independence do you need, and what kind of nurturance do you want and
demand in life? All these questions are important now. You will be asked these
questions or you will be asking yourself these questions, and they can get you
closer to some of the key emotional resolutions. Work on emotional freedom,
focus on emotional freedom, and contemplate on emotional freedom. Write it
down, and see what is emotional freedom for you and how you perceive it. Let
yourself feel all the feelings and trust the process fully without doubts in what
you’re going through. Observe, accept, forgive, let go, release, and transform.

Healing tips for Taurus in August

- Choose one word in your native language where the sound makes you feel
something greater, deeper, illuminating, awakening, profound, and deeply
moving. Now, use this word to create an affirmative sentence and do this every
day throughout this month. Create new affirmation every day using this word. Let
this word be your guidance. Choose wisely.
- Whenever you feel restless, nervous, too busy, too worried, or stressed about
whether you're on time to somewhere, not being able to achieve everything you
want, something is always missing, or feel lost, ask yourself: "Where am I?" and
give yourself an answer: "Here." Ask yourself: "What time is it?" and answer:
"Now." Repeat this as your mantra throughout the day each day. Remember that
you are always here and now. This will always put you in the present moment,
and you will start empowering that inner centeredness wherever you are. Enjoy
doing this exercise and the benefits of doing it. This exercise always puts you
back on the right track and always reminds you to be present, to be in the here
and now, regardless of what you’re going through.

- Write down the most painful experience you had in your life. Write it down or tell
it to yourself. First, write or speak about your experience in first person, second
person, and third person. Express your story through the “I” angle, through the
“YOU” angle, and then through the “HE/SHE” angle. Enjoy the healing effect of
this amazing technique.

- Go over all the heavy feelings that you hold inside, that you can think of, that
you can remember, and that you still carry. Think of all the anger, injustice, and
past memories that still cause you trouble. Look at these things and dare to take
responsibility for all those things. Say: “I am fully responsible for this, and that is
my responsibility. I am the only one in charge of how I feel about that.” This will
give you the power to release these emotions and to liberate yourself from them,
and you won’t blame anyone or anything and you won’t depend on others. You
know that nobody else can make it go away because it’s nobody’s fault. It is your
responsibility for how you feel, and you are owning it now. This will give you a
great sense of authority and self-esteem, and you will be able to build great inner
muscles if you keep doing this every day.

- Breathe through your heart. Inhale harmony, balance, beauty, truth, abundance,
and love through your heart. Exhale everything that is making you disbalanced,
uncomfortable, heavy, and worried. Do this process as many times as you want.
Enjoy the process. Feel it in your heart.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Extend your eye vision. Observe something that is very far away and focus on
that single object in the distance. Make sure it's the furthest object that your eye
can catch. Make it your only point of focus, and zoom in it with your view. Get lost
into it, then zoom it out. Do this with the power of your will and focus. Zoom in
and zoom out of this object, and play with it.

- Go through old family photos and find one photo that strongly resonates with
you. Find one that makes you feel something strong within. Use it, contemplate
on it, meditate on this photo, observe it, close your eyes, feel this photo, enliven
it, go through it, feel it, and live it. See what new answers, insights, and feelings
you gain through this.

- When you wake up in the morning, don't forget to say to yourself: "Good
Morning, Beauty, my love, and my everything. Welcome to the brand new day of
your life. Welcome to brand new moments, feelings, breaths, and impressions.
This is the day you have never lived before. Welcome and enjoy this unique
moment in time." You can also come up with your own good morning sentence.
You can add things to this one or you can remove things that you don’t like.
What’s important is to use these powerful words for yourself each morning, to
use these thoughts and send this kind of energy to yourself, and to start your day
in this way—empowered, uplifted, loved, and appreciated.

- Practice five tibetans every day. See how they’re done, choose how many times
you’re going to repeat these exercises, and make sure you do at least six
repetitions for the start. You can gradually increase this number. This is a very
powerful thing to do every day. This helps you on many levels and improves the
quality of your life. Do your research about it, see how it’s done, and start
practicing it.

- Smile to your organs every day. Send smiles to your organs. Think about them
and smile at them. This is how you keep them vital, rejuvenated, taken care of,
and healthy. Practice this every day, a couple of times a day.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- What is the most valuable lesson that I have learned in the last couple of
months? What is the most challenging thing I’ve been through lately, and what
kind of insight and wisdom did I gain thanks to that experience?

- Am I satisfied with my body, health, physical abilities and functions, physical

appearance, and physical performances? What can and needs to be improved?
How does my body affect my life and my experience of life? What is my body
telling me about myself?

- What are my ways of relaxing myself? What are my ways of resting and
relaxing? What is the most enjoyable and pleasurable thing that I do for myself,
and how often do I do it?

- How do I behave and feel in those moments when things are outside of my
control? What is my reaction, and how does that affect me? How do I change due
to changes that happen in life that I cannot control?

- Where do I feel the strongest blockages in my life? In what areas of my life do I

feel those chains of life that are holding me back? What are my strongest blocks
and locks that still have power over me? What are my blockages and chains
telling me about myself?


What can Gemini expect in August

Dear Gemini, you are bringing some things to your awareness—things that have
been under the surface are brought up to the surface. You will have a lot of a-ha
moments, especially when it comes to your communications, words, knowledge,
education, relationships with people, family, and emotional patterns and
programs. August is an amazing month for exploring, experimenting, and
experiencing life without too much pressure, too many schedules, and rigid
plans. It's a month that reminds you of the importance of spontaneity and the joy
that comes through life that is not planned. You are leaving strict and rigid plans
behind, and you’re experimenting with flexible plans. You are learning things for
fun and you’re stepping away from people who are dead serious about every little
detail in life. You are learning how to live a life that is more aligned with the
playful energy of the Universe. After all, you are Gemini and you are very witty
and playful, but sometimes people and circumstances can pull you down and you
can forget your true nature and the joy of expressing your true self. This month
brings you blessings of expressing your true self and experiencing life through
spontaneous and playful energy.

Month begins with the Full Moon in your fellow Air sign Aquarius on the 1st of
August, and this is the first Full Moon this month out of two Full Moons. The
second one happens at the very end of the month, on the last day of August, in
the sign of Pisces, in your fellow Mutable sign. These two Full Moons will impact
you in a significant way, and you can expect strong breakthroughs and
revelations that can redirect your life path. The first Full Moon in Aquarius makes
a supportive and friendly aspect with your sign, shining a light on your ninth
house of higher meaning, higher purpose, higher education, higher knowledge,
higher mind, and everything that is higher and vertical. This is the house of
wisdom, philosophy, beliefs, ideals, religion, legal matters, long distance travels,
foreign countries, spiritual pursuits, spiritual practices, spiritual teachers, and
spiritual teachings. You can expect culminations in these areas of your life, and
this is a great time for traveling, learning, teaching, connecting with people from
all over the world, being on the road, and learning things that expand your
consciousness, vision, and perception in an original and authentic way. You may
be involved with a group of people who come from different parts of the world, or
you may connect with someone who can teach you something valuable. This is
an amazing time for spiritual breakthroughs, for reaching the end of a certain part
of the journey, for finishing studies, for passing exams, and for learning
something that will serve you and stretch your perspectives and mental abilities.

On the same day when this Full Moon happens, there’s another beautiful aspect
happening—a supportive trine aspect between Mars and Jupiter. Mars will be
making three positive trine aspects, and these trines are happening in Earth
signs. This is strong material energy that brings concrete and tangible results.
Even though these Earth placements are making a bit of an awkward angle with
your sign, they will be working in your favor eventually. Mars in Virgo makes its
first trine with Jupiter in Taurus, and this can bring you benefits through your
home, family, emotional patterns, and emotional well-being. Your emotions can
lead you towards your inner peace, and your sense of belonging can bring you
that sense of inner peace. You can also expect expansion of your insights
through the things that have to do with your home and family. You may be a bit
obsessed with your home and family with Mars here until the 27th of August. The
second trine happens on the 16th of the month between Mars and Uranus, also
in Taurus in your twelfth house, and this brings sudden and unexpected changes
that can turn out to be very beneficial and supportive. You will be very proactive
when it comes to your home and family, and this energy can bring unexpected
gifts, mental breakthroughs, unexpected healing of your past, and out of the blue
blessings and manifestations of some of your dreams. Third trine happens
between Mars and Pluto on the 24th of August, and this trine brings positive
transformations and changes, wanted rebirths and regenerations, and
transformations that will have a long-term positive influence on you, your home,
your place of living, your relationship with your family, and your shared resources.

Your ruler Mercury also makes a trine aspect with Jupiter in Taurus. This brings
positive communication with your family members, good exchange of energies,
exchange of words, and powerful agreements with family members. It may or
may not be a bit tense and critical from time to time this month, due to Mercury’s
retrograde motion that begins on the 23rd of August.

On the 12th of August, the Sun in Leo also makes a positive and friendly trine
aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in Aries, in your eleventh house of
friendships, communities, groups of people, older brothers and sisters, and
teamwork. On the 13th of August, the Sun and Venus retrograde make a
conjunction, which means that they will be bond together in fiery and playful Leo,
in your natural third house of communications, everyday connections, relatives,
neighbors, siblings, people you meet every day, words, conversations, learning,
teaching, sharing information, exchanging news, and messages. You can expect
empowering news and messages during this time. On the 14th of August, Venus
retrograde makes another trine aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in Aries.
These couple of days bring strong and powerful healing of your relationships with
others, healing of your communication with people, healing of your past
connections with others, and healing of anything that has to do with your place
amongst others and your connections with people. Some of those wounds will be
activated now, and they will be treated with kindness and generosity.

Venus is retrograde in your natural third house, and the Sun is also there until the
23rd. There’s a New Moon happening here in Leo on the 16th of August. This is
an amazing energy for you, dear Gemini. You can experience miraculous energy
with people from your close surroundings, your local community, your siblings
and relatives, and your neighbors. Expect new and old friends to show up in your
life, and expect reconnection with old relatives or old neighbors. Expect
harmonious and loving communications with people. You may be revisiting
places you’ve been to before. Expect short local trips that can inspire and teach
you many things, enriching your mental abilities and skills. You will be learning
something significant during this time and your words will have enormous power.
You may be aware of the power of words, but this month will show you how
powerful spell words are. You can expect blessings from the past this whole
month. You will be given amazing opportunities to improve your social status, to
improve your social connections and social skills, to put love into your words and
conversations, to put love into all your expressions, and to see how miracles
happen easily when you know how to use words in a true and harmonious way.

On the 22nd of August, there’s a bit of a tricky aspect between Mars in Virgo and
Neptune in Pisces. Mars is in your fourth house of home and family while
Neptune is in your tenth house of career and success. You may feel a bit
confused and possibly irritated when it comes to these two polarities. You may
feel a strong push and pull energy between your home and your career, as well
as between your private life and your public life. You may fall into some kind of an
illusion when it comes to your profession, ambitions, family, and emotional
stability. But this is a short-term aspect and it will quickly pass. Just be careful
around this date and rely on common sense.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mercury and Mars in your
fourth house of home, family, emotional stability, core emotions, mother, inner
child, place of living, roots, and childhood. This is a strong area of your life this
whole month and it will be strong in the next month too. On the same day when
the Sun enters Virgo, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo and will be retrograde
until the 14th of September. Mercury is your ruler and it is in the core area of your
chart, in your fourth house of emotional maturity, emotional intelligence,
emotional health, emotional stability, relationship with your mother and family,
house situation, and residency. You will be revisited by ghosts from the past, and
you can expect past issues within your family to rise again in order to be
acknowledged, corrected, resolved, and cleared. You may experience some
misunderstandings and miscommunications with family members, but this will
lead you towards resolutions and clearer communications. You are reconnecting
with family members and you’re also reconnecting with your inner child,
childhood, roots, and past. Mercury retrograde in Virgo can be very
detail-oriented and focused on the past, but this is also the perfect time for
relaxation and holidays with your family or with those who feel like your family.
You may be visiting your family if you don’t live together, or family may visit you,
and you may have a chance to find a home you’ve been looking for. If you
wanted to relocate or sell a home, you may have a second chance to do so now.
Just be careful with brand new contracts, plans, and ideas. It is a great time for
finishing the unfinished business related to your home and family and for having
flexible schedules. Stay away from rigid and strict plans, and don’t promise too
much to others because you may not be able to deliver all your promises now.
Use this energy to go within, to have inner dialogues with your inner child and
inner family, and to go back to something in order to understand it better now.
You can expect to discover some things from your family's past and to receive
deep insights that will bring you relief. Patience is also very important now, as
well as the way you use your words and power of communication.

On the 31st of August, there’s a second Full Moon happening in your fellow
Mutable sign Pisces at the top of your chart, in your tenth house of success,
ambitions, reputation, contribution, social status, career, profession, external
achievements, father and relationship with father, relationship with authority
figures, and own authority. This Full Moon brings some things to a head when it
comes to your career and success. You can expect culminations, manifestations,
fulfillments, and fruitions in your profession and contribution. You may have
something powerful to share with the world. Your message can be heard now,
and you will use your intuitive power and intuitive knowledge in your career and
your role in the world. You may experience certain fulfillment of your career
dreams. Saturn is also here in Pisces and Neptune. The ruler of this Full Moon is
also in Pisces, so this is highly spiritual and healing energy when it comes to your
profession and life direction. Some things may come to an end, some chapters
are closing, and you may finally see some project coming to an end if there is
something you’ve been working on for quite some time. This is also a great time
for dealing with your father or dominant people in your life, for dealing with your
authority issues, and for letting go of toxic authority patterns that you may have
been unaware of but that are surfacing now so that you can see and heal them.
Gemini relationship with inner self
Dear Gemini, you are coming back to yourself in every meaning of those words,
and you will have plenty of blessings that you will pick up along the way. You will
be picking up fragmented, forgotten, and long lost parts of your being, and you
will feel how you’re being found and rediscovered again by yourself. There’s no
better feeling than this. You will have a strong will and impulse to feel yourself
through all chapters, all periods, whole past, all relationships, all ups and downs,
all failures and rises, and the power of who you are. You will like how you have
nothing to lose. Many of you will realize that you really have nothing to lose in
this realm, as what is yours is always with you. You will feel the power of owning
what is truly yours—owning your authenticity, individuality, soul’s expression, and
shadow. You are expanding your consciousness in a beautiful, harmless,
painless, and gentle way. You are removing blindfolds that have been patched
onto your heart and soul. You will have an ability to clearly see with your inner
eyes, to have a clear inner vision, and to feel the power of knowing and owning
yourself. Your ruler Mercury goes retrograde this month in your fourth house of
home, family, emotional stability, emotional needs, emotional wounds, emotional
health, and emotional maturity. Mercury retrograde will put more focus on your
inner self, private world, emotional processes, and emotional setup. You can
expect deep conversations with your inner child and your past. You will be
clearing the air between you and your past, between you and your inner child,
and between you and your relationship with your family. You are discovering the
new language within yourself, and you realize that this language has been within
you all the time. This is intuitive and universal language, a language that is not
learned but earned through personal experience, feelings, silence, acceptance,
observation, meditation, hardships, and sufferings. This kind of language will be
revealed to you now. You will be deeply grateful for what you’ve been through
and what you’re experiencing right now, even if it means that some things will
have to go now. You now have the capacity to understand some really deep
truths that explain to you your journey in a more simple way. You are learning
how to rise above the trivial everyday worries and fears, and you realize that
each journey is truly a precious gift that needs to be lived and experienced with
full awareness and responsibility. You are always on the right path wherever you
are. Remember this and don’t doubt your journey because even if you do take
some wrong turns, life will put you back on the track eventually and you will be
always redirected in the right way, again and again.
Gemini relationship with others
Dear Gemini, this month is extremely important for your relationships with people
because this area of your life is hugely accentuated and brought to light in many
shapes and forms. You will be dealing with things from the past when it comes to
your relationships and your past, including your family—your relatives, siblings,
neighbors, and local community. You have two personal planets retrograde, and
one of them is your ruler Mercury. Venus is already retrograde in Leo and
Mercury will station retrograde on the 23rd of August, but its retrograde motion
will be felt throughout the whole month. Venus is retrograde in your third house of
siblings, neighbors, relatives, everyday communications and connections, short
trips, and people from your close surroundings. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo in
your fourth house of home, family, mother, family members, and those who feel
like your family. So, you will be very busy with reviewing, reassessing,
reconsidering, restructuring, repairing, regenerating, rejuvenating, refreshing,
re-establishing, and re-evaluating your relationships with people. Everything that
begins with RE will be very active in your relationships with others. You will also
experience a gentle and comforting healing process with a friend or with a group
of people, due to the supportive and friendly aspect that will happen between
Venus and Chiron, as well as between the Sun and Chiron. Some wounds will be
brought to light and they will be treated and nurtured now. You will be supported
and helped with that process, and you will be able to heal certain chapters from
the past related to your friends, family, partners, associates, and communities.
There’s also the New Moon happening on the 16th of August in Leo, in your
natural third house, and this is also very positive and beautiful for you. Venus is
also here with the Sun, and these energies bring very beautiful and loving
connections and reconnections with people. You can expect new connections
with people—new ways of connecting with people you already know, new people
coming into your life who remind you of someone you already know, and new
people who feel familiar and that you know from different lifetimes. These
energies are connecting you with whom you are truly supposed to be, and with
whom you are meant to meet or reconnect with. Expect resolutions, solutions,
corrections, forgiveness, reconciliations, and relief with others. You can also
expect some misunderstandings with family members, and some of you may be
a bit obsessed with family stuff, family members, or things that have happened in
the past. Expect resolutions in these areas of your life. Your family relations are
very strong and very powerful now, and you will also have the power to resolve
things by using your words and gestures in the right way. Be aware of the power
of words and communication. Make sure you use words that are uplifting,
empowering, supportive, comforting, real, and valuable. Be aware of what you
create with your words and communications, especially when it comes to your
relationships with family members and parents. There will be something
important happening there. You will have an amazing opportunity to address and
make some things clear between you and a family member, should there be
something that needs to be worked on and cleared.

Gemini love & romantic life in August

Dear Gemini, there is a beautiful energy in your field of existence this month, and
you will feel good in your own skin. You will feel loved by life and loved by people
you’re surrounded with, and this overall energy of love will bring you amazing
connection and communication in your existing love relationships, but also in new
potential love relationships that may happen now. Venus is retrograde, and it is
always good to be a bit more careful when it comes to brand new love stories
during Venus retrograde, as things may not be as they seem once Venus stations
direct. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid new love relationships,
but you shouldn’t make any snap decisions. You should take it easy and move
slowly. Get to know each other before you make any more serious commitments
when it comes to brand new love relationships. This month can bring lovers from
the past. This has been active last month, and it continues to be active now.
Venus is still retrograde and your ruler Mercury also goes retrograde this month.
This can definitely bring back people from your past, but also things from the past
can become active again in your existing relationships. You may have to go
through a certain conversation, through something you thought was finished, and
through something you thought you were done with. But now, it resurrects again.
Since this Venus makes a good aspect with your sign, you can expect positive
outcomes and opportunities that are true blessings, but you will have to act upon
them. You can expect blessings from the past when it comes to your love life.
You are experiencing joy and pleasure with your partner. You may go on a short
trip together, meet your lover with your family if you haven’t done that already, or
go for dinner with your family and your partner where you can have a nice time
together. You may be going through old stories and memories from your
childhood and talking about your past with your lover. You will have more intimate
moments together and more time to share some of your past stories, getting to
know each other better now. This is true even if you already know each other
very well. You can have a lot of fun with your partner and you can also expect
support from your partner’s family. There is this supportive force between you
and your partner, family and your partner, partner’s family and you, and this will
be strong throughout the whole month. It is possible that you also feel some kind
of pressure or tension when it comes to your family and partner, but this will
quickly be gone and resolved if you don’t give it too much attention now. Just
make sure you don’t use words that can be interpreted in many different ways.
Be straightforward, direct, clear, and sincere. This month, you’re reminded of the
power of using beautiful and loving words, words that unlock the strongest locks,
and words that break emotional chains in a gentle and kind way.

Gemini sex life in August

Dear Gemini, you are intrigued by your emotional expressions and emotional
wants and needs this month, and these emotional processes will deeply
influence and impact your sexual energy and sexual experiences. Actually,
emotional and sexual energy cannot be separated, even though they teach us
that these things can be separated. Our sexual needs come through our
emotional wounds and holes, our sexual desires are dictated by our emotional
desires, and our sexual experiences are rooted in our emotional insecurities and
instabilities. This is something that will be clear to you now, and you will have a
totally different approach and perception of your sexual energy and sexual wants
and needs. You will be researching your sexual and emotional connectedness,
and you may even have a journal that will track these processes and
expressions. You will have strong feelings in your body that will tell you what is
wrong and what is not wrong, and sexual energy has the power to correct some
of those things now—to bring healing in those places that are not working right
and to make you more aware of your emotional woundedness and emptiness
that is subconscious, repressed, unseen, and unaware of. Most of our sexual
needs and desires come from our suppressed emotions that we’re usually
unaware of, and some of these insights will be coming to you now. You will be
able to use your past as a way to realize your sexuality and to get to know
yourself more closely. Your sexual life is emotionally triggered, and this is
something that has already been activated during the last month. You can expect
deep understanding with your partner through conversations, acts of kindness,
communication, body language, expression of your thoughts, written words,
spoken words, and touch. You will be able to communicate in a way that brings
you two together, even though there is a possibility for misunderstandings due to
Mercury retrograde. This retrograde energy will now have a deeper influence that
is here to show you the things within you that are creating your external
experiences. You will be able to express your inner state of being and translate it
into your sexual experiences. Some of you will make love instead of having
conversations, and you will say all that you need to say through lovemaking. This
is a very deep and beautiful energy for those of you who are aware of it. You can
express yourself and connect with your lover in a very healing and soothing way,
and you can even reach your past now through sexual experience. You can
travel through time while making love.

Gemini career & purpose in August

Dear Gemini, you are searching for sustainability and productivity in all that you
do and achieve, and you won’t be satisfied with anything less. Satisfaction comes
from your inner fulfillment of the things that you do and create. So, the question
here is, what do you create? This doesn’t have to be anything big or concrete.
This can be anything that you do in life. Do you create a good atmosphere or do
you create a heavy atmosphere? Do you create your day or does the day create
you? Do you create love or do you create worry? What do you create on a daily
level? What are your creations like, and what do they tell you about yourself?
This month will be a lot about your achievements, past efforts, skills, knowledge,
and use of knowledge. How do you use your knowledge? You may prosper now
through the skills you already know and have forgotten about. You may come
back to learning something you wanted to learn before, and now you can actually
gain success through those things from the past. Money from the past can come
to you during this time. Contracts from the past may reappear and resurface. You
will have new chances to correct something, to finish the unfinished business,
and to make things right this time if there was something you did and you weren’t
satisfied with it. You will be able to make it up now and to do it in a way that is
really practical, efficient, and useful. Family business is also accentuated during
this time. Some of you may be buying or selling things from your home, or you
may be buying or selling a house. Just be careful with prices and purchases now
because you may have more expenses than you think. Mercury is retrograde,
Venus is retrograde, and Saturn is retrograde in your tenth house of career, and
all these retrograde energies can bring delays and unexpected expenses. Just
be aware of this, and if you’re signing any documents, check them a couple of
times and read those small prints. You have Full Moon on the 1st of August in
your fellow Air sign Aquarius, in your ninth house of long distance travels,
international connections, international business, higher learning, higher
education, teaching, publishing, expanding your vision, and broadening your
horizons. You can expect to expand your capacities and consciousness. Things
can culminate now, and some of you may be finishing studies, graduating, getting
a master's degree, or passing exams. You can also expect something beneficial
through international connections and work with foreigners. This energy brings
you higher meaning and change of beliefs that can lead you in a whole new life
direction. There’s a second Full Moon this month that happens on the 31st of
August, in the sign of Pisces, in your tenth house of career, purpose, profession,
mission, contribution, and reputation. This Full Moon can bring manifestation of
some of your dreams, healing related to your career, and changes and
transformations of your role in the world. Something is coming to a fruition now,
and you can expect recognition and respect from others. This is Pisces energy
and tenth house, and these combinations can really bring you deeply meaningful
and satisfactory feelings related to your work in the world, your service to others,
and your ability to do something, create something, and contribute in some way.
You are finding inspiration in the spirit, and this is the only authentic source of
inspiration that there is. You will feel blessed to do the work that is unique and
that unites you with the spirit.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, the first Full Moon in August happens at the very beginning of the
month, on the 1st of August, in your fellow Air sign Aquarius, illuminating and
enlightening your ninth house of religion, religious views, legal matters, beliefs,
ideals, perception, spiritual teachings, spiritual teachers, spiritual pursuits, higher
vision, higher mind, higher meaning, higher teaching, higher learning, higher
purpose, and higher education. This is also the house of international
connections, international business, long distance travels, long distance
relationships, being on a journey, searching for the truth, being on an adventure,
connecting with people from far and wide, learning new languages, being on the
road, reading, publishing, and launching things. This is a very international
house, and it is about new birth, new vision, expanding your possibilities,
knowledge, and perspectives. Aquarius is an intellectual sign; it’s an Air sign in a
fiery house, and this can create a flame of wisdom. It can bring you the light of
knowledge and the power of seeing and knowing. Aquarius is about objectivity,
detachment, inventions, originality, uniqueness, authenticity, extremity, and
rebelliousness. Aquarius energy is outspoken, friendly, genius, and loves
freedom. The Ninth house is also about freedom. So, this Full Moon can either
bring you a great sense of freedom or a great urge for freedom, and you can
have a taste of that freedom now. You are connecting with people and you can
feel the power of people—the power of unique individuals being together. You will
be able to objectively see things and detach yourself from emotional attachments
that blur your vision. This Full Moon will reveal some truths to you—truths that
has the power to set you free in many ways. You are searching for higher
meaning. You are searching for purpose, and you may have to let go of certain
beliefs or religious views in order to gain that kind of freedom and knowledge that
you want. Full Moons bring closures, endings, completions, dramas,
culminations, transformations, changes, disclosures, revelations, fruitions, and
fulfillments. Something that has been unknown becomes known. Something that
has been impossible to understand before will become understandable for you.
You may be traveling now, or you may be coming back from your travels full of
experiences and lessons you’ve learned. You may be learning or teaching
something significant during this time. You may be working with a group of
people, or you may be involved in learning or teaching with a certain group of
people. You can really learn or teach some things that completely transform other
people’s or your own beliefs. This is a time for different perspectives and for a
change of perception. You may connect with a spiritual teacher of some kind
now, or you may be in a role of a spiritual teacher in somebody’s life. Stay away
from fake teachers and fake gurus. Stay away from trying to impose your own will
and your own truth onto others. Don’t go into fanatic discussions where you’re
trying to prove your point. Accept everybody’s point of view and honor
everybody’s journey. You don’t have to agree with everyone’s opinion and others
don’t have to agree with your opinion. This is the energy of freedom, free speech,
free expression, and infinite possibilities.

Use the energy of this Full Moon to learn something powerful, to read something
that expands your perception, to teach something valuable, to resolve any legal
issues that you may have, to connect with people from all over the world, to
speak different languages, to connect with people in many ways, to expand your
vision, to travel, to meditate, to learn from others, to feel the power of true
knowledge, to expand your knowledge, and to see that there’s so much more to
know and learn. Knowledge will set you free. This is something that will ring and
echo in your world. You will be reminded of this during this time, and you will be
invited to step on the path of learning and discovering the truth and meaning. You
will be invited for an adventure that you cannot reject.
How the New Moon in August will influence Gemini
Dear Gemini, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo, in
your natural third house of everyday communications, everyday connections,
conversations, learning, teaching, writing, speaking, and connecting with siblings,
younger brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, neighbors, relatives,
locals, and people from your close surroundings. This is also the house of
knowledge, intellectual skills, communicational skills, and any other skills that
there are. This is the house of social media, social connections, mental
connections, mental patterns, opinions, thoughts, and words. This is the house of
marketing, internet, networking, broadcasting, podcasting, and seminars. This is
the house of telecommunications, devices, vehicles, and transportation. And this
New Moon is in the sign of fiery Leo, which is the sign of royalty, pride,
playfulness, warmth, subjectivity, passion, and egocentric behavior, but also
generous behavior, depending on how we use this energy. Leo is also related to
drama and can be childish; it can also be bossy and domineering, so be aware of
this in your interactions and communications with others. This is New Moon
energy, and New Moon brings new beginnings, new possibilities, new
opportunities, new starts, restarts, renewals, and refreshments. This is what is
happening now in your third house matters, and this New Moon in Leo makes a
positive aspect with your sign. It makes a 60 degree angle aspect, which brings
great opportunities, but you have to act on those opportunities too. This New
Moon will open up new possibilities and you will have to act on them. Venus is
also here in Leo and she is retrograde, so this New Moon may not necessarily
bring something brand new. It will bring new situations with things from the
past—new resolutions of old problems with people from your close surroundings,
new ways of communicating about things from the past, and new ways of looking
at things from the past. You can expect new connections with people who feel
familiar or people you feel you know from different timelines. You are connecting
and communicating in new ways with your siblings, relatives, and neighbors, and
this energy can bring personal satisfaction and joyful experiences. You may go
on a short local trip, and this trip can bring great joy and pleasure. This is a great
time for writing and for learning something you’ve wanted to learn but couldn’t for
some reason. You may be relearning some skills, redoing some things, and have
the same conversations with the same people, but there will be something new in
those same conversations. Expect people from your past to show up, and
resolve things with them in a harmonious and beautiful way. You will now have an
opportunity to resolve some things that bothered you for a long time, and this can
happen through conversations and uplifting words and expressions. You may be
learning new skills that bring you joy and pleasure. You are learning something
that uplifts you, or you may be expressing your gifts and talents through social
media, podcasts, social interactions, marketing, or something similar. This is also
a great time for new mental patterns and for renewal and refreshment of your
thoughts. You will feel fresh energy that cheers you up, and you will have a lot of
inspiration and motivation to create something and share it with others. Plant new
seeds during this time, set your intentions, make a wish, start something new,
renew your communications, learn something new or learn something you’ve
always wanted to learn, share messages and news that have the power to
inspire others, and deal with those news and messages that are uncomfortable
without dismissing them right away. Feel the power of your expression, your
words, and your thoughts, and be the one who is in charge of those expressions.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this is the second Full Moon that happens in the month of August.
This one happens on the very last day of the month, on the 31st of August, in the
last sign of the Zodiac, in your fellow Mutable sign Pisces. This Full Moon brings
to light things in your tenth house, and tenth house represents your career, life
direction, chosen path, role in the world, reputation, profession, contribution to
society, place in the world, recognition, employment, authority, father and father
figures, authority figures, boss, superiors, success, goals, ambitions, vocation,
and true calling. This Full Moon happens in the sign of Pisces—sign that
represents oneness, unity, spirituality, connectedness with all that there is,
transcendence, unconditional love, deep feelings, and deep sense of
interconnectedness, but Pisces also represent addictions, escapisms, illusions,
fantasies, confusions, delusions, deceptions, and brain fog. Pisces also
represents creativity, arts, imagination, visualization, music, and dance. All these
things will be felt and expressed in one way or another through this Full Moon.
This Full Moon will bring you deep insights and profound feelings of unity and
oneness with all that there is, and this could happen through the work that you’re
doing—your contribution, career, profession, success, and role in the world. You
may have some important message to share with others, and you may be able to
make a truly beautiful contribution that doesn’t have to be anything big and
spectacular. These contributions can be small acts of kindness. You can make
someone’s day just by helping them carry their bags. You can make a huge
contribution just by listening to someone, smiling while passing by someone, or
being a role model that uplifts and inspires others. There are many ways to be of
great service and to make a valuable and meaningful contribution, and this Full
Moon will show you some of those ways. This Full Moon can bring things to a
head when it comes to your career and profession or your relationship with
authority figures, father figures, bosses, and superiors. Something may culminate
here, and something may come to an end too. Some of you may be ending
something. You may be bringing it to an end, and this doesn’t necessarily mean
an end of a career, even though in some cases it can mean that, but it is more
likely that something you’ve been working on is coming to an end and is now
finally being brought to light and manifested. This Full Moon makes a little bit of a
hard aspect with your sign. It makes a square aspect, and this can mean that
there’s some crises and pressure when it comes to your work, employment,
career, authority, reputation, and social status. This crises and pressure actually
has a higher purpose; it is to make you do something you may have been
procrastinating with, push you in the corner, and leave you with no choice but to
do something that needs to be done in these areas of your life. This energy can
bring you great healing with authority figures and with your career, goals, and
ambitions. You can achieve some of your goals now, and you can expect this
sense of oneness and unconditional love through your work and contribution.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to let go of all unnecessary and unhealthy goals
and ambitions. Shake off negativity related to your career and authority issues.
Surrender, trust the process, trust the Divine energies with this Pisces Full Moon,
let it happen, let go of what needs to go, and don’t be afraid because life never
leaves you alone and life knows what’s best for you.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Gemini, your Tarot card for August is The Six of Swords upright. This is
the card of personal transformation. It represents transition and detachment from
a period of grief, but it doesn’t mean that the emotional baggage is gone. This
card is about changes. It is about taking a leap of faith, going on a journey, and
experiencing a transition. This card shows detachment from conflicts and battles.
It signifies the end of suffering and the new path ahead. This card means that
relief is coming after a period of hardship and tough battle. It represents travel,
including short, long-distance, and overseas travel. It also brings up questions
from the past, and it makes you take a look at your past wounds and grudges.
You are questioning issues from the past so that you can move forward without
the gravity of the past. This card means that you’re ready to leave a relationship
that is not good and healthy for you. It means that you can leave behind toxic
relationships and past attachments. This card gives the green light for getting
clear about things from the past that are still active and that are still creating a
problem. This card suggests that you’re leaving something behind and moving
towards something more meaningful and valuable. It is about moving away from
turbulence and toward a calmer sea.

This is about the power of a rational and sober mind, rather than a mind that is
solely charged with emotions and empathy. This card can mean that there is a
hard but necessary change ahead of you. There is a painful process that you’re
facing due to a decision that you have made, but you know that this is the best
option for you. There is a new joy and happiness waiting for you, so don’t be
afraid to throw out anything that keeps you stuck in the past. This card means
that you have to choose something that will bring you greater purpose and
meaning, which means that you will have to make some hard decisions. This
card suggests that you shouldn’t grieve over the things that are left in the past or
that you’re leaving behind. You are choosing something better for yourself. There
is a totally new chapter and a new story that awaits you. This card can also mean
that you’re moving, relocating, or traveling, and, because of that, you are leaving
some things behind. This is also about the process of moving on after a difficult
time. It means that you’re wiser and stronger. A shift and a transition is
happening. It is about a healing journey, so consider yourself to be on this kind of
journey right now. This card represents carrying wounds and scars from the past
and moving on from staying attached to them. You are stepping away from
traumas, wounds, vulnerabilities, and insecurities, but you’re carrying the wisdom
and experiences with you. You are asked to accept your healing journey and
move on. Experiences that have been painful are now used for healing and
transformation. This can be about recent pain and wounds or something that
happened a long time ago. This card also suggests that you don’t have to do it
alone and that you are never actually alone. There is always someone who gives
you a hand and who supports you on your journey.

The most impactful planet for Gemini in August

Dear Gemini, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler Mercury. Mercury is in its
own sign of Virgo and it’s at the very bottom of your chart, in your core
placement, your fourth house of home and family. Mercury stations retrograde on
the 23rd of August and it will be retrograde until the 14th of September. Mercury
here is very important for you and it affects you directly. Mercury is here to
remind you of any unfinished business you may have related to your home, place
of living, residency, mother, family members, relationship with family and those
who feel like your family, emotional setup, emotional insecurities and instabilities,
inner child, childhood, and past. Mercury retrograde brings back people from
your past into your life, reconnecting you with your family in a significant way. You
can expect conversations about your past. You can expect resolutions, second
chances, last minute magic, and revelations. You will be thinking about your past,
and perhaps coming back to something that needs to be done.

Mercury is the planet of communication, words, transportation, technology,

devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching, learning,
sharing, and connections. Mercury is the planet of mental energy; it rules our
intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others. Mercury
gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the ability to
analyze and sort things out. Mercury is about facts and rational mind. Of course,
Mercury can make us naive if we allow the opinions of others to affect us easily
and dictate our behavior. We can become victims of the opinions of others and
victims of manipulations either of others or of our own. But Mercury can be
strengthened, and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize the truth.
Mercury is the messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator, the one
who communicates and transfers messages, and the master of words. It reminds
us of the magical power of words and the power of spells that create reality.
Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas, how we
perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from others,
how we transfer it to others, and how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, our style of communicating, our sense of humor, and
our way of thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves; it shows how
eloquent we are, how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and
how easily we connect the dots.

In order to make the most of this energy this month and to channel the energy of
your ruler Mercury in the most satisfactory and fulfilling way, you should work
towards resolving any family issues, housing issues, or real estate issues you
might have. Deal with your emotional insecurities and instabilities. Connect and
reconnect with your inner child. Rediscover things from your past and
acknowledge them, talk about them, talk with yourself, write down your feelings
and emotions, write down your observations, write down your story, and rewrite it
if you have a need for it or if you feel like it. Be aware of the words you’re saying
and the power of your words. Write down affirmative sentences and uplifting
words and use them in your everyday conversations and communications,
especially in your conversations with your family and with those who feel like a
family. Write a letter to yourself, to your inner child, to your mother whether she’s
around or not, to your family, or to yourself, and express your vulnerabilities and
insecurities in this way. You can also record your voice and express your feelings
in this way if you don’t feel like writing. Communicate about what needs to be
communicated. Don’t avoid certain conversations now, as now is the ideal time to
have those conversations that you’ve been avoiding, escaping, delaying, and
prolonging. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Share empowering and
inspiring news and messages with people. Write down beautiful messages and
leave them in the house so that people who live with you can see them, but do
this if you live alone so that you can be reminded of some good and uplifting
thoughts. Sing to your inner child, smile to your inner child, smile to your family
members, welcome them with warmth and smiles, and create magic with your
words and expressions. Let your words become the healing tool and inspire
others to work on their improvement and development.

Healing tips for Gemini in August

- Lie down or sit down in a comfortable position. Focus on your physical body.
Focus on yourself. Don’t let your thoughts go far away from you. Don’t let your
focus go further than one meter away from you. Imagine your own atmosphere
around your body. Feel it, see it, observe it. Now, when you have felt it, seen it,
observed it, inhale your own atmosphere inside of you. Feel how you inhale the
most nutritive ingredients directly from the aether and your own atmosphere.
Enjoy the ride.

- Imagine your mind and think about your mind. How do you feel when you think
about your mind. What kind of colors, shapes, and images emerge when you
imagine your mind. Illustrate your mind, make movements that describe your
mind, and move in the way that your mind moves. Think about this, try to feel
your mind, and express it in many ways. Illustrate it, color it, and write down
words, messages, shapes, and melodies to describe it. What kind of music,
shapes, words, colors, and images describe your mind the best? Create a
collage that describes your mind.

- Create a photo album of your photos from your childhood to the present day.
Choose the photos that resonate with you the most, the ones that evoke
something real when you look at them. Choose one to two photos for each period
of your life. Print these photos and put them in an album. Look at them, go
through them, feel them all, recapitulate them, contemplate them, and feel all the
emotions that come up. Let this be a purging, insightful, emotional, and liberating
experience. This should be your time traveler, emotional trigger, catalyst, and
self-healing tool.

- Imagine that you’re surfing on big waves, the biggest you can imagine. Imagine
a huge wave and yourself surfing this wave on your board. Feel yourself on top
of the world, on top of this wave, surfing and enjoying, and you feel totally safe
and relaxed. Feel this with your whole body. Feel the water beneath you, the
height of the wave and its strength, the board under your feet, the wind, the
breeze, the drops of water splashing you, the rays of the Sun, the sky above you,
and the joy and pleasure of being on this wave and moving with it. Now, feel
yourself as this big wave that you’re riding. Feel how it feels to be this wave, to
just keep rolling in the water. Feel your strength, power, speed, and the texture of
your body. Feel yourself surfing this wave again and again, then feel yourself as
the wave that’s being surfed. Shift between these two roles and enjoy the ride.

- Practice letting go. Each day, choose something that you need to let go,
whether you’re ready for it or not. Remember all the things that you really need to
let go of and dedicate your time to this process of letting go. These can be small
things in the beginning, but as the process progresses, you should include larger
things that you need to let go of. Go through this process of letting go, give
yourself time for this, and make a list of the things that you’re letting go of. Give
yourself this task consciously and practice this actively.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Set intentions that include the well-being of others. Mention others in your
prayers. Let your prayer reach those who need it the most. Send some
encouraging energy and vibrations towards planet earth and everything that lives
on it. Be generous in your prayers and involve others in your intentions, hopes,
and dreams. Let the Universe know that you’re not alone. Feel yourself and
others as one great powerful organism. Feel the power of this organism and set
intentions for this organism.

- Take daily walks. During those walks, speak affirmations to yourself. Don't think
about them before the walk. Come up with them during your walks. Let the walk
inspire you. Come up with new affirmations each day. Don't obsess about them. If
you come up with only one affirmation, that's enough. You will see that they keep
coming, as the walk will inspire you, and there is no need for any special effort
from your side. This happens effortlessly, and you will see how powerful
affirmations just come to you. Speak them within yourself. Walking is one of the
most powerful healing exercises, and during walks, you can come up with some
really magnificent insights, ideas, and resolutions.

- Get rid of old clothes, old things, old letters, and old memories that you really
don't need anymore—anything that you keep to yourself unnecessarily or
anything that you keep collecting and accumulating for no reason. Get rid of it
and don't regret it. Just throw it away or give it away. Make room for new and
fresh things. Throw away everything that is not usable anymore, and give away
everything that you’re not using anymore. Don’t be nostalgic and melancholic. Be
in the present moment. Give away things that you don’t really need in your life

- When you find yourself dwelling on a single thought or feeling for too long,
change the direction of your thoughts and feelings. Don’t let yourself stay too
long in one atmosphere. Change it. Shift it as soon as you feel that you’ve been
there for quite some time even if it’s something that you enjoy. Just shift it. If you
find yourself spending too much time thinking about one thing, shift it
immediately, change your focus on purpose, and move into a different direction. If
you find yourself stuck in a certain feeling, do something different on purpose to
change this state of being. Don’t let yourself stay too long in one condition.
Change it frequently, consciously, on purpose, and be aware of the shift that
you’re making.

- Slow down in everything that you’re doing. Slow down for just one subtle layer.
Slow down with everything—with your morning routines, your walks, your driving,
your talks, and your decisions. Just slow down and feel this moment of slowing
down. Allow yourself to really feel that you are slowing down. Feel that you’re
calming down. Don’t forget to do this, all the time. Whenever you feel you’re
speeding up somewhere, pushing something, forcing, or rushing, just step back
and slow down. Take your time. Give yourself enough time and space for feeling
and living life.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- What are the things that I’ve been pushing aside a lot lately? What are the main
things in my life that I have been suppressing and repressing lately? What are
the things that I have mostly denied and ignored in my life recently?

- When was the last time I felt that I was truly alive without any pressure and
intensity? How often do I feel alive without feelings of pressure, worries, and
tension? Where is this pressure coming from? Where are worries and tensions
coming from? Do I have an answer to this?

- What does my family remind me of? How would I describe my family to

someone I just met? How would I describe and explain my family to my higher
self? What kind of feelings arise in me while I am describing and explaining my
family? What does this tell me about myself?

- What kind of people am I surrounded with mostly in my life? What type of

friends do I have around me most of the time? What are my friends and my
groups of people telling me about myself?

- What chapters of my life do I dismiss and deny? Are there some chapters in my
life that I am ashamed of and that I don’t want to think about at all? What are
those chapters telling me about my shadow?

What can Cancer expect in August
Dear Cancer, you have a great inspiration for taking action this month. You will be
very entrepreneurial, you will be taking initiative, and you can count on your past
efforts. Things are paying off now in a true way, and you are gaining back your
trust in life, in yourself, and in what you’re doing. Things do pay off, sooner or
later. Everything you’ve ever done, no matter how insignificant it may seem at
first, pays off, in one way or another. You are going to see that now and
experience it directly in your life. You may also be a witness of it, and this will
increase your inspiration and your intuitive chords. This month, you can expect
tangible and concrete things, real manifestations, real results, real money, and
real connections. You are welcoming things that used to stress you out, frustrate
you, and annoy you. You are welcoming these things, and you are dealing with
what’s in front of you. You are dealing with whatever comes up, whatever that
may be, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant it may be. Things that are going
on under the surface are now becoming more visible and known, and you cannot
continue denying those things even though you may want to at first. You will soon
realize that it’s better to deal with it right away if it’s already there instead of
delaying that for some other time when you may not have as much inspiration
and intuitive support. Opportunities from the past are very powerful now, so pay
attention to things from the past. Relationships with others, especially with
siblings and relatives, need to be re-evaluated, reviewed, and recovered in some
way. This is a month of rich and abundant connections that are emotionally rich
and valuable. Money is a big theme, and you will be learning and growing
through your relationship with money and finances.

The month begins with the first Full Moon happening on the 1st of August, in the
sign of Aquarius, in your eighth house of death, rebirth, transformation, intimacy,
shared resources, taxes, inheritance, bills, debts, and loans; this also affects your
inner world, inner processes, hidden reality, suppressed feelings and emotions,
traumas, and shadow. This is a complex Full Moon. It has a task to bring hidden
things to light, to reveal some significant secrets, to show you something you
need to see, and to have you face something you have been avoiding for a long
time. You can expect culminations with your shared resources and joint finances,
and things can come to a head when it comes to your intimate world or your
business partnership. You may need to deal with something that is
uncomfortable, but you are definitely experiencing unique transformation and
regeneration during this time. This is a great time for healing, purging, and
honoring your unique path and journey, for respecting and appreciating things
that transform you deeply, and for discovering something profound about yourself
and about the psyche in general.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there is a positive trine aspect happening
between Mars and Jupiter. This has a very supportive influence on you, and you
will feel it in your social life, friendships, and relationships with people. Mars is in
Virgo in your third house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, local community, and
people from your close surroundings. Jupiter is in Taurus, in your eleventh house
of communities, friendships, groups of people, networking, and social circles.
There is expansion of your social networks, and you can expect something very
good, positive, rich, and abundant through your interactions with people, through
your connections, and through your conversations and teamwork. Mars makes
three trines this month and they all happen in Earth signs, so this has a strong
energy of materialization and manifestation. The second trine happens on the
16th of August, between Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus. This can bring
sudden and unexpected positive surprises with people you know—people from
your community, with your friends, with associates, with groups of people, and
with relatives and siblings. Something awakening and shocking can happen, but
this will be a positive shock. On the 24th of August, there is another trine, and
this one happens between Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a wanted
transformation, a needed change, and a regeneration that you’ve been praying
for; a rebirth you’ve been waiting to happen, and these are deep and profound
wanted transformations in your relationships and partnerships.

On the 10th of August, there is another positive and friendly trine aspect. This
time, it happens between Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. This is great
energy for benevolent agreements and conversations, as well as for positive
connections and amazing contacts with people. Expect conversations that
expand your resources, social connections, knowledge, and friendships. Expect
news and messages that bring you something practical, useful, sustainable, and

On the 12th of August, there’s another trine aspect happening, and this time it
happens between the Sun in Leo and Chiron in Aries. The Sun is in its own sign
when in Leo, and this highlights your second house of finances, earnings, money,
resources, self-worth, and priorities while Chiron is in your fellow Cardinal sign
Aries. It is on top of your chart, in your tenth house of career, purpose,
profession, authority, father, and father figures. This trine here can trigger healing
of wounds related to your father, achievements, success, and life direction. You
will have great support now from the Sun and Venus in Leo to heal those wounds
and to gain the necessary self-esteem and self-worth. On the 13th of August, the
Sun and Venus join together. On the 14th of August, Venus retrograde makes
trine aspect with Chiron, also known as wounded healer, in Aries. You are
reminded of your own worth, and you will be supported during this time to gain
back self-trust, self-love, and self-appreciation in a true and healthy way. You are
healing your relationship with money and your need to prove yourself to the
world, to show your worth, and to be someone for somebody else. You are
detaching from the wants and needs of others. You are detaching yourself from
those voices within you that come from everyone else but you and you’re
listening to your own voice.

Venus is retrograde in Leo in your second house of money and finances, and you
should be a bit careful when it comes to your savings and spendings. You can
receive money from the past now. You can get back money that you gave to
someone before and you can expect to gain money from your past investments,
but you should be careful of having a need to spend it right away or to make big
purchases. Just take it easy with the money and check everything first. See if you
can afford it without losing more than you can gain. You can expect blasts from
the past when it comes to your financial situation, but just be careful with
overspending if you feel you’re going in that direction. This energy can bring you
money, and it can also bring you an increase of self-esteem and self-worth. But
you should be careful of not allowing money to dictate your value. You are
valuable and worthy regardless of your money and financial situation. This is
what brings you resources—your qualities, gifts, talents, and actions. Make sure
you don’t sell something under the price now. Check the value of everything first.
Don’t sell something valuable that you may regret later and be careful of buying
something that is overpriced too. This energy has to do with emotional values, so
see how emotionally valuable something is for you and you’ll know how to deal
with it.

On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon in Leo in your second house of
possessions, resources, earnings, having your own money, earning your own
money, spendings, savings, financial stability, material security, gifts and talents,
self-esteem, self-worth, sufficiency, and sustainability. This is happening in the
sign of playful Leo. There is a great chance that you may start earning money in
a new way, in a way that is more playful, fun, and entertaining. This is something
you’re passionate about, and this can be something you used to enjoy before.
You may come back to something that used to work in the past for you,
something that brought you money and made you feel good, and now you will be
given a new chance to do it and you may do it in a new way. These are new
beginnings and refreshments of your earnings, finances, money, and priorities in
life. The question is, how much do you value yourself and what are your
priorities? What are the necessary things in life that you need, and how can you
afford and provide them? This New Moon is here to bring you new opportunities
and possibilities to do things that you enjoy doing and to earn money along the

On the 22nd of August, there is an opposition between Mars in Virgo and

Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is in your fellow Water sign, in your ninth house of
spiritual pursuits, spiritual teachings, higher purpose, higher meaning, higher
education, truth, adventures, freedom, expansion, traveling, learning, teaching,
expanding consciousness, and stretching your perception. But, this opposition
can bring some kind of illusion when it comes to your knowledge, spiritual
journey, or spiritual teachers. Be careful who you trust and beware of any fanatic
behavior or belief. This can bring mental confusion, paranoia, anxiety, delusional
thinking and behavior, and deceptions. But once you know this, just be patient
and let this energy pass. This will pass quickly and you don’t have to worry too
much about it. It is just a reminder for you to know that if there is some kind of
confusion or deception, it is there to put you back on the right track and to show
you what is missing.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mars and Mercury in your
third house of connections, communications, skills, short trips, mental patterns,
knowledge, learning, and teaching. On the same day, Mercury stations
retrograde in Virgo. Mercury will be retrograde until the 14th of September, and
this retrograde motion will bring you back people from your past for many
reasons—reconciliation, forgiveness, regeneration, recovery, re-evaluation,
reassessment, letting go, resolution, and relief. You may also receive news from
someone you haven’t seen or heard from in a while. You can expect news and
messages from the past to reach you now. You may connect with someone who
knows someone from your past or you may have a conversation about a
neighbor or friend from the past. Your past connections play a very significant
role now. You may also have to have that conversation that you’ve been avoiding
with a relative or sibling. Avoid signing brand new contracts if you can during this
time. If you feel a need to say some things to others that are not so comfortable,
think first and maybe write them down before you say them. See if you still feel
the same after expressing it in that way. Avoid making rigid and strict schedules
because it is very possible that you may have to cancel and reschedule those
plans later. Be flexible and use this retrograde energy to dive deep within
yourself, to contemplate on your thoughts and words, to have a conversation with
yourself, and to see how you can use your words as powerful tools for building
constructive connections, conversations, and relationships.

On the 27th of August, Mars enters Libra and activates your fourth house of
home, family, real estate, residency, place of living, house, family members,
mother, and emotional stability and security. This will be felt more in September,
but you will also feel the shift during the last couple of days of August. You will be
proactive when it comes to your home and family, and you will be putting a lot of
energy and effort into your home, your family relations, and your emotional
stability. You may even be a bit obsessed with things related to your home and
family. You will be able to do a lot of physical work in your home and you will be
very active with your family.

On the very last day of August, there’s a second Full Moon that happens in your
fellow Water sign Pisces, in your ninth house of beliefs, religion, ideals, legal
matters, spirituality, spiritual teachings and teachers, knowledge, wisdom,
experiences, adventures, freedom, perception, higher meaning, higher
knowledge, higher education, international connections, and international
business. This Full Moon makes a positive aspect with your sign and brings deep
revelations, deep insights, profound truths, and clairvoyance. If you’ve been
working on understanding some complex spiritual truth, this Full Moon can bring
those things to a fruition. You can expect to understand things that you’ve been
struggling with lately. You can expect resolutions of legal matters if there are any.
This energy can take you on a journey, and you may be traveling and connecting
with people from different parts of the world. You are learning something
significant or you’re finishing your studies, education, and exams. Something is
culminating when it comes to your spiritual journey, your knowledge, your search
for truth, and your travels. Some of your beliefs are falling away now, and it’s time
to say goodbye to certain beliefs that are not serving you anymore. This is a
great energy for feeling unity and oneness with the whole world, especially
through your connection with people who come from different countries,
backgrounds, religions, and beliefs. This is time for truth, and truth will set you
free. Truth has many faces, and you won’t be dealing with analytical truth, but
with the truth that is felt, intuitively recognized, and always valid and present.

Cancer relationship with inner self

Dear Cancer, this is a time for deep understanding of things that are unknown
and unseen. For many of you, this month can bring enormous inner power and
clear inner vision that is here to set you free from certain fake and limiting beliefs.
You will be able to see and recognize those limiting beliefs and detach yourself
from them. You have two Full Moons this month that will strongly affect your inner
journey and your spiritual insights. First Full Moon happens on the 1st of August
in the sign of Aquarius, in your eighth house of deep hidden things, secrets,
suppressed feelings, unprocessed and untreated traumas, unconscious desires,
things that you’re afraid of, things that you’re ashamed of, and things you don’t
want others to know about you. This is the house of death, rebirth,
transformation, deep psychological and emotional processes, loss, alchemy,
transmutation, and metamorphosis. This is a time of endings, beginnings,
culminations, closures, and revelations. You are digging deep and you’re getting
to the bottom of something. Some of you may be going to therapy, working on
acknowledging your toxic patterns and programs, detoxing, purging, and healing
past unconscious traumas, suppressed fears, and unknown and hidden layers
that have been accumulated throughout your life at the very bottom of your
being. Everything you deny, neglect, avoid, ignore, suppress, and repress, as
well as everything you’re disgusted by, dislike, afraid of, and don’t want to deal
with is stored in your unconscious sphere that is called your shadow. Each time
you reject something and push it aside, you feed your shadow. This Full Moon is
here to bring those things back to the surface so that you can deal with them.
This can be a bit uncomfortable and painful, but is very necessary, therapeutic,
and healing. You can do this now. You are supported to do it and you have a free
entrance into your underworld with special edition limited tickets, so use them
wisely. You have another Full Moon that happens on the 31st of August in your
fellow Water sign Pisces, in your ninth house of truth, higher meaning, spiritual
pursuits, spiritual journey, spiritual teachings, higher knowledge, spiritual
teachers, beliefs, and ideals. You will be faced with some illusions here. You will
be invited to look at your beliefs, knowledge, and experiences in life, and you will
learn from them, see how far you’ve come, and see how long you’ve been stuck
in certain beliefs that have been taking away your power. This Full Moon is here
to bring revelations and insights about things that are truly valuable and aligned
with your purpose. You can expect revelations to come through dreams too. Be
aware of fake gurus, fake teachers, and fake teachings. This month reminds you
to listen to yourself and find authorities who are trusted, who are masters, and
who have gone themselves through hardships—through dark night of the soul,
and let them be your example instead of searching for quick and instant solutions
to your problems, whether they are emotional, mental, physical, social, or all at
once, which is mostly the case nowadays. You may have a deep realization
about our world and collective and how we are living in an anxious society. This
will give you certain knowledge and wisdom of how to deal with it and how not to
give it too much attention when you feel it in your life. You will have an amazing
opportunity this month to resolve and solve anxious thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors, and this will be a huge relief for you, at least to some degree.

Cancer relationship with others

Dear Cancer, there’s a lot going on in your social world this month. There are
things that you will have to say and do in order to make more room for open
mindedness in your relationships with others, to bring more awareness and
freedom in your everyday connections, and to bring more truth and value in your
relationships with people. You will be greatly supported in your relationships with
others this month, but there are also some things that you will have to do so that
you can allow those beneficial and positive things to happen. You have Mars and
Mercury together in Virgo, in your third house of siblings, relatives, neighbors,
people from your local community, and people you randomly meet in your
everyday life. Having Mars here is very strong and inspirational, and you will be
very proactive in your social connections and social activities. You may even be a
bit obsessed with your social life in some way. You may be too protective when it
comes to your relationships with these people. Mars brings you action, passion,
willingness, inspiration, and motivation to do things, and you will be initiating
things with others now in a practical and pragmatic way. This is Virgo energy, and
Virgo is about purity, practicality, efficiency, usefulness, discernment, and healing.
This is what you will be working on when it comes to your relationships with
siblings, relatives, and neighbors. You may have to set some boundaries with
these people, and you may also have to hear your own voice instead of always
listening to other people’s opinions. Your opinion is very important now and
others may actually see you as a leader or a guide in some way. Mercury is also
here, and Mercury will go retrograde on the 23rd of August, but this retrograde
energy will be felt throughout the whole month. Mercury will be retrograde here
until the 14th of September. This can bring you connections from the past.
People from the past can resurface and reappear in your life now, and you will be
reconnecting with them, resolving things, re-evaluating, reviewing, and
reassessing your past decisions, past conversations, and past behavior with
these people. Old conversations may be brought up again. You will have a
second chance to make things right this time, to say things in the right way, and
to correct things that have been problematic. You can also expect to be
misunderstood and misinterpreted while Mercury is retrograde, so make sure you
are clear and don’t be lazy to repeat things if you have to do it a couple of times
in order to be understood. Also, ask others to explain what they say if you didn’t
understand what they meant the first time. You may hear things differently and
you may interpret things in a way that is different from what the person said. The
same is possible with what you say. Be patient and know that these things are
possible now. You also have Jupiter in your eleventh house of communities,
friendships, groups of people, social circles, group activities, teamwork, and
associates, and Mars and Mercury will be making positive and supportive trine
aspects with Jupiter this month. This is very good for your social interactions and
connections, conversations, agreements, and group activities. You can expand
your social life and you can receive blessings through your relationships now.
You also have Pluto in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, and Mars
will be making a supportive trine aspect with Pluto too. Expect positive and
supportive transformations in your close personal relationships around the 24th
of August. This month is also great for international connections and for
experiencing emotional moments with people who come from different parts of
the world. This is an amazing month for resolving any issues you may have with
others, for doing things together with people, and for doing things that bring you a
sense of abundance and fulfillment.

Cancer love & romantic life in August

Dear Cancer, love doesn’t have a deadline. You will have a very profound
realization of this truth this month, which will set you free in many ways when it
comes to your love expectations, your love life, and your love experiences. Love
does not have a beginning or an ending, and neither do you. When you’re in
love, love is in you too, and this is a very simple wisdom of life that will be given
to you as a gift this month. Love is a full spectrum journey that doesn’t exclude
anything. Love encompasses everything, the good and the bad and everything in
between, as love overgrows duality and exists in a unity field. When you’re
connected with the field, you feel invincible, and life is very different when you’re
in love. We’ve all experienced that to some degree, in small portions, but we
have been misled and taught that love is not present if there is a missing partner
in love. This confusion and hypnosis has been ruling and controlling our minds
and hearts for a very long time and will continue to do so, but sometimes, some
individuals manage to recognize and feel love despite this. Some of you will truly
feel this now. You are going to feel yourself as inseparable part of life, and this
feeling will give you a true sense of freedom. When you sense freedom in a true
way, fears dissolve. When fears dissolve, love enters the space and removes the
clouds and the fog that have been creating all kinds of illusions and confusions.
This month is here to clarify to you what love is and what love isn’t, and this will
be reflected in your existing and potential new love relationships. You can expect
wanted transformations in your love relationships. You can expect positive
changes and regeneration of your marriage if you’re married or in a relationship.
You also have Full Moon happening on the 1st of August in Aquarius, in your
eighth house of intimacy, intimate partnerships, shared resources, joint finances,
secrets, desires, bonding, and merging. This Full Moon can either bring things to
a fruition or to an end. It all depends on your personal situation, but this Full
Moon is here to shine a light on issues that you may have in your intimate
relationships with your partner. You are also going through a healing of your
intimate relationships or healing of your shared life with someone—healing of
your secrets and secrets between you and your partner, as well as healing of
your need for an intimate partner and your desperate eagerness and thirst for
being in a relationship. This also includes your fear of being in a relationship or
your fear of being alone. Some of you may feel both. This energy this month
brings a lot of insights and revelations about these fears and brings deep
confrontation with your own childhood imprints that are now reflected and
projected in your wants and needs in love life. You will be working on purifying
your wants and needs and letting go of unhealthy ones, and you will be letting go
of those needs that are rooted in your traumas and wounds by directly going
through them.
Cancer sex life in August
Dear Cancer, you have a very intuitive connection with your lover this month and
you’re turned on by intuition, mental connection, telepathy, authenticity,
uniqueness, and originality. If you feel a lack of these things in your intimate
world, it won’t be so easy to connect with your partner and you won’t feel like you
can click together. You need to have a soul connection. If there is no soul
connection, you will feel empty and you won’t be able to have a full experience of
merging with another person. This happens due to the Full Moon in Aquarius in
your eighth house of death, rebirth, transformation, intimacy, sexuality, bonding,
merging, and sharing secrets. This is also a house of taboo themes and fetishes,
and some of you may reveal some of your fetishes either to yourself or to your
partner, and this can lead to either stronger connection or disconnection. Full
Moons can bring endings, and the eighth house is also house of death and loss.
This can bring some kind of an ending of your intimate connection with someone,
but this is only happening in the case that there is no more of that soul
connection between you. This energy seeks truth, devotion beyond words, and
depth. You need to have that sense of powerful connection, otherwise you won’t
be able to connect and express your sexuality. You also have Pluto in your
seventh house of marriage and union. This month, Mars, planet of sex drive and
passion, makes a supportive trine aspect with Pluto in your seventh house of
love relationships. This can bring a very positive and wanted transformation,
especially in your intimate relationships. You will be able to go through a healing
with your partner, and this healing can transform your relationship for the better
and bring you two even closer. Some of you may connect with someone from the
past or with someone you already know, and this connection can inspire you and
trigger your sexual desires. Someone may show up in your life who activates
certain sexual desires that you haven’t felt for quite some time. These could also
be totally new sexual desires and tastes, ones you haven’t really felt until now
and ones you’ve been dreaming of. This is the energy of fulfilling your sexual
dreams and fantasies, but be careful if you’re opening up to a completely new
person now. There are retrograde energies present and you may regret some
things later. Don’t share your secrets with just anyone because you may feel
uncomfortable about it later. Others may share their secrets with you too, and
these shared secrets usually happen in bed. Shared secrets could be very
liberating and freeing. They don’t have to be top secrets that can put you in an
uncomfortable position later, but this is just something to be aware of and to have
on your mind if you see it coming. You will be able to taste your sexuality in a
fulfilling way, and you can actually feel relief through this experience. However,
some of you may experience a lack of trust and connection, and this can lead to
certain detachment and coldness in an intimate relationship.

Cancer career & purpose in August

Dear Cancer, you will be able to express your gifts and talents this month in a
more authentic and unique way. You will be working on healing your financial
wounds, money issues, and relationship with money, and this is something that’s
already been activated for you since last month. You have Venus retrograde in
Leo in your second house of money, finances, self-esteem, self-worth, resources,
possessions, savings, and spendings. This transit is a long one and it is here to
make things right in these areas of your life, to bring back harmony in your
financial world, to teach you how to use your resources, to teach you how to save
and spend, and to help you reprioritize things in your life. This month, you also
have the Sun here until the 23rd of August, and on the 13th of the month, the
Sun and Venus will conjunct each other, which means that they will be joined
together; this is the energy of love and light, even though in some cases the Sun
can burn the energy of Venus. Venus is retrograde here, so this energy will be
felt as a purging and detoxifying fire that removes things that are not essential,
leaving behind pure gold, things that are truly important, and things that are of
utmost priority. You will be reminded of things that have the highest priority in
your life, and some of you may be surprised by how you’ve lived your life up until
now without knowing your true priorities. You may have thought that you knew
them and that you lived according to them, but you may realize now that you’ve
been following the priorities of other people and not your own. This energy is
here to put you back on the right track when it comes to earning money, earning
resources, knowing your values, and honoring your gifts and talents. Venus and
the Sun will make a positive and supportive trine aspect with Chiron in Aries, in
your tenth house of career, profession, contribution, reputation, vocation, role in
the world, and life path. This will bring you support and benefits in your career,
triggering beautiful healing of your ambitions, goals, career issues, fear of
success, or fear of failure. You will be healing your wounds related to your ability
or inability to contribute in the way you want. This energy this month has the
power to rebuild your self-esteem and self-worth, to return your faith in yourself,
and to make you more aware of your qualities. There is also a New Moon this
month in Leo, in the same area where you have the Sun and retrograde Venus,
and this happens on the 16th of August. This New Moon can bring you new ways
of earning money, but these new ways may be related to your past. You may
rediscover things and do them in a new way. You may come back to old ways of
earning money but in a new way. You may receive money back from
others—money that others owe to you may come back now, and you will be able
to resolve financial issues from the past. Your friends, siblings, or relatives may
play an important role now when it comes to your money and your financial
situation. You may be working on something with them, and you can prosper
through social media, communications, social activities, things that are
entertaining and fun, the entertainment industry, work with children, networking,
and online business. These things are greatly supported now, but you will also
have support in international business and work with foreigners. You are
searching for truth and meaning, and things will culminate in these areas of your
life so that you can recognize those things that infuse you with life, that enrich
your experience, and that inspire you to improve and upgrade yourself regardless
of how much you already know and what you’ve already achieved.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this is the first Full Moon in August and it happens at the very
beginning of the month. It is on the 1st of August, in the sign of Aquarius, in your
eighth house of depths, secrets, transformations, death, rebirth, loss, intimacy,
shared resources, shared money, joint finances, shared intimacy, power
struggles, deep processes, shadow, inner work, traumas, suppressed feelings,
unconscious desires and attachments, untreated wounds, things you’re ashamed
of and afraid of, things you don’t want others to know about you, and things you
hide. This is also the house of deep research, investigation, introspection,
detective work, digging deep, discovering things that have been buried deep
within and hidden, revealing secrets, and dealing with things that are
uncomfortable. This is also the house of other people’s money, your partner’s
money, your family’s money, your partner’s family money, money that comes to
you through other sources, inheritances, mortgages, passive incomes, royalties,
penalties, taxes, debts, loans, bills, insurance money, and money that you
receive through others. This is a very complex placement and it has to do with
transformation and alchemy, energy and conversion, darkness and light, death
and rebirth, and you will be going through something transformational now. You
will be experiencing culminations and revelations. Full Moons reveal and
illuminate things that have been hidden or secretive, and this will especially be
the case now since this is the eighth house. Some secrets may be shared now,
and you may discover some secrets or you may tell a secret to someone. This is
a time of deep investigation of something that really interests you. You may be
researching things related to traumas, psychology, parapsychology, and occult
teachings. This is a time of deep insights and confrontations with traumas and
suppressed feelings and emotions. Something culminates in these areas of your
life. Something comes to a head, an end, or a fruition. You may experience these
culminations, endings, and fulfillments in your intimate relationships or business
partnerships. This is Aquarius Full Moon, and Aquarius represents rebellious
energy, objective observation, detachment, intellect, intelligent and unique
solutions, inventive mind, innovations, paradoxes, progressions, freedom,
humanitarian work and actions, independence, individuality, technology,
solidarity, revolution, and reforms. These things will be in focus more than usual.
You may experience unique transformation during this time, and you may
experience paradoxes when it comes to dealing with a certain loss or gain that
will lead you towards a rebirth. This energy can bring financial resolutions and
culminations in areas of your shared resources. You may either receive money
through others or you may have to give money to others. Full Moons bring
endings, completions, closures, revelations, acknowledgments, fruitions,
fulfillments, and illuminations. This is something deep, hidden, occult, and
secretive, and you may gain great inner power and inner strength now. Beware of
being too detached from things that are going on. You can use this Aquarius
energy in order to detach from things that you’re strongly attached to and to
detach in a healthy way from being too identified with your traumas, intimate
partner, fears, and secrets. Use the energy of this Full Moon to let go of the
things that are suffocating you. Release the negative energy, let this Full Moon
discharge you, and shake off anything that is sticky and that holds you
imprisoned. Detox yourself. Work on detoxing and healing your body, mind, and
heart. Work on purifying yourself. Be innovative and original when dealing with
your fears and traumas. Don’t listen to others and don’t follow anyone’s
instructions. Dive deep within yourself, walk through the dark field of your inner
world, feel the light from within you enlightening the path, meet your shadow, and
let your shadow introduce itself to you.

How the New Moon in August will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo. It
shines a new light in your second house of resources, possessions, money,
finances, things you need in material world like clothes, shelter, and food,
financial stability, material security, savings, spendings, self-worth, self-values,
self-trust, self-sufficiency, sustainability, gifts, talents, priorities, livelihood,
abilities, and capacities. This is the house that provides things for you so that you
can live a normal life and have resources, and this has to do with your use of
resources. How do you use your resources, how do you save money, how do you
spend money, what are your priorities, and do you save and spend money in
accordance with your priorities or are those things in disbalance? You are asked
to pay more attention to those things and see what can be improved, upgraded,
renewed, and refreshed. This New Moon brings new beginnings in these areas of
your life. It brings new possibilities, new opportunities, new start, and new ways
of doing things when it comes to earning money, using resources, valuing your
qualities, knowing your qualities, and owning your values. This energy is about
knowing your real values, the value of what you own, the value of your gifts and
talents, and the value of your time and energy. Venus is also here and she is
retrograde, so these new beginnings may be somehow related to the things from
the past. You may be doing something you used to do, but you will be doing it in
a new way. Or, you may get a new chance and new opportunity to do something
you’ve wanted to do before, but for various reasons were unable to accomplish
or were prevented from doing so. This is the energy of valuing yourself,
refreshing your faith in yourself, renewing your self-esteem, looking at your
priorities, and making new changes if there’s a need for that now. You may see
that your priorities are not aligned with your actions, that your priorities are not
aligned with your lifestyle, or that your priorities are not aligned with your
self-expression and creativity. This is Leo New Moon, and this has to do with joy,
pleasure, enthusiasm, and creativity, but it also has to do with pride, egocentrism,
bossy behavior, authority issues, grandeur complex, and with things that are
considered to be royal and regal. This energy can actually bring you new sources
of income, new ways of earning money, and new ways of using your resources,
and you may be really proud of yourself which will lead you towards greater
self-esteem and self-confidence. But this energy can also push you towards
bossy behavior, egocentric wants and needs, selfish use of finances, and
arrogant behavior. Leo also has to do with generosity, dignity, vitality, strong will,
and strong motivation. You can really implement these qualities now in the way
you earn money, in the way you value yourself, in the way you use resources,
and in the way you relate to money in life. This is a great time for planting seeds
for the future, for initiating something new, for starting something new in these
areas of your life, for setting your intentions, and for making that step towards
bringing your priorities and your needs for material security in balance. This also
has to do with emotional security and emotional values, so you will be
experiencing something where you will have to know the true value of things that
you’re working with, that you’re looking at, that you’re buying or selling, that
you’re earning, and that you’re turning into your resources.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, the second Full Moon in August happens on the very last day of
the month, on the 31st of August, and it happens in the last sign of the Zodiac, in
your fellow Water sign Pisces. This lunation illuminates your ninth house of
higher knowledge, higher education, higher purpose, higher meaning, higher
mind, and higher self. This is also a house of learning, teaching, publishing,
launching, traveling, connecting with people from different parts of the world,
visiting other cultures and countries, and learning about other traditions. This is
the house of beliefs, ideals, legal matters, faith, and religion. This is also the
house of spiritual teachers, spiritual teachings, spiritual pursuits, and spiritual
practices. This is a highly spiritual placement and Pisces represents spiritual
dimensions and transcendence, so this Full Moon has a very deep spiritual
impact on you. This can bring culminations related to your studying, your college,
your master’s degrees, your graduation, and your exams. You may be finishing
your studies, graduating, passing exams, or getting your diplomas, license, and
certificates for what you’ve learned and mastered. Saturn and the rule of Pisces
is here in Pisces, so this energy is very potent and fertile now. There is a strong
potential for manifesting some of your dreams, especially if they’re related to
traveling, learning, teaching, connecting with people, expanding your
consciousness, and broadening your vision. This is a time for deepening your
knowledge and upgrading your education. Full Moons bring closures, endings,
culminations, completions, disclosures, revelations, exposures, releases, reliefs,
letting go, acknowledgments, and adjustments. You may also be adjusting,
releasing, letting go, ending, completing, or revealing things related to your ninth
house matters. Under the power of the Full Moon, things are coming to a fruition,
coming to full light, and brought to the surface, and this can bring you spiritual
fulfillment, spiritual insights, and spiritual knowledge and wisdom. You may be on
an adventure during this time, and you may be experiencing a great sense of
freedom. This is Pisces Full Moon, and Pisces is all about unity, oneness,
unconditional love, compassion, empathy, healing, transcendence, mysticism,
mysteries, osmosis, dreams, fluidity, imagination, vision, and intuition, but it also
has to do with illusions, delusions, deceptions, confusions, victimization,
moodiness, and being overly sensitive. This Full Moon makes a supportive trine
aspect with your sign, so it is more likely that you’re about to experience more of
the higher expression of Pisces; however, it is not excluded that you may feel the
other side of it too. This Full Moon can bring some dreams to light and to a
fruition. You may be revealing mysteries and acknowledging delusions and
illusions. This is a great time for traveling, and you may gain a lot of wisdom
through your travels and through connecting with people from different cultures
and countries. This is also great potential for working with foreigners and for
international business, but this is also a strong spiritual blooming and you can
definitely expect strong spiritual shifts during this time. Some of you won’t have a
choice but to embark on a spiritual journey with deep devotion and discipline.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to let go of false beliefs, to step away from fake
gurus, fake teachers, and fake teachings, to follow your intuitive voice, to
meditate, to sink within yourself, to dive deep into the subconsciousness, to bring
that gold to the surface, to gain knowledge, to learn things that empower you,
and to transform your beliefs into true knowledge.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Cancer, your Tarot card for August is The Eight of Swords inverted. When
inverted, this card is much more positive than the upright version. This card
means that there’s a liberation from something that’s been restrictive. You are
freeing yourself from restrictive thoughts, you are freeing yourself from
limitations, and you are much more open to new things, new perspectives, and
new beginnings. You are coming out of certain restricting mental patterns, and
your thoughts are refreshed. You start thinking differently, and you feel
empowered and encouraged. This card shows that you’ve been through a tough
and heavy period; now, that period is over and you are getting out of it. This card
represents liberation from mental blocks and psychological limitations, and you
are ready to accept yourself. You can clearly see what’s right and what’s wrong
for you, and you are making new choices now.

This card means that there’s a mental breakthrough happening for you, and it
also means that you’re rejecting playing the victim and feeling like the victim.
Instead, you’re taking responsibility for your actions and reactions. You are
getting free from past restrictions. You still have some things that you drag from
your past, and you see them clearly now—you know you need to get rid of them.
You are leaving behind old behavioral patterns and perceptions that have been
limiting you. This is also an emotional release. Liberation and acceptance take
the place of rejection. This card suggests that obstacles are being removed and
fears and stressful situations are being reduced and minimized. You can handle
your fears now—you are ready for it. You are getting stronger, and your
self-esteem has increased beautifully. There are new possibilities in front of you,
and you can make your own choices now. You are letting go of negative patterns,
negative scenarios, and negative perspectives, and you’re moving forward. This
is a breakthrough from psychological prison, and you will feel this liberation. This
card means that there’s a great mental clarity and that you will have a sudden
clear perception of yourself and your path. This card means that the struggle is
over and that you can enjoy the results of your hard work. You are releasing fears
related to your relationships, and if you are involved in any kind of abusive
relationship, you will have the courage, awareness, and power to escape from it
and leave it behind. You are taking control of your life. You understand that you
are in charge. You are facing fears, but you are also surrendering. You trust the
process. This is about self-acceptance and maturity. You are taking full
responsibility, and you see your past mistakes now. You are making conscious
decisions, and you are confident in yourself and your choices. This card means
that you’re creating room for new experiences, new people, new things, and new
patterns, and you’re taking out all that is preventing you from achieving your
highest expression. Enjoy the process of freeing yourself, and enjoy your

The most impactful planet for Cancer in August

Dear Cancer, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus is retrograde and she’s
in Leo, in your second house of finances, money, values, resources,
possessions, earnings, incomes, concept of values, material security and
stability, self-worth, self-esteem, and priorities. Venus is here for a very long time
and she will continue to be here until the 8th of October. Venus is retrograde in
Leo until the 4th of September. This month, she plays a very important role when
it comes to your values, priorities, savings, spendings, purchases, buying, selling
and valuing yourself, and qualities. You can expect things from the past to come
up now, money from the past to become active again, receive money that others
owe to you, resolve financial situations from the past, and come back to
something that you used to do in order to earn money. You may also have a need
to spend more money and purchase things that you may regret later, so be
aware of this too.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Venus is
the bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers,
she creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and
simple pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She
shows us those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are
stains and impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be
blissful, but she can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can
become sick and addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs
pure. Her highest expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about
loving ourselves including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the
ugly. Her higher purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated
by love and that love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and
about us achieving this harmony. It is about our well-being in love and through
love. Venus is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect
a lot of activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus in the most powerful and constructive
way, you are asked to pay attention to your priorities and reprioritize things in
your life. Set your priorities in the right way and observe your life. Observe your
relationship with money, your savings and spendings, your earnings, and your
resources, and see if your priorities are aligned with these things. Reprioritize
things in your life in accordance to your highest values. Recognize true values
and true qualities in your life. Recognize your own true values and qualities, and
honor them, appreciate them, and be grateful for them. Don’t devalue yourself,
don’t disempower yourself, and what’s most important, don’t allow others to affect
your self-worth and self-esteem, but also don’t allow yourself to be provoked in
this way and become arrogant, selfish, and egocentric. Be aware of the true
values in life, not only material values but also emotional values. Do things that
bring you joy and pleasure, do things that are generous, and cultivate things in
life that are in alignment with your highest expression, highest purpose, and
highest meaning. Search for true values and qualities in things and in people
around you. Work on expressing your qualities, values, gifts, and talents, and
work on pointing out virtues, qualities, and values of others too. Stay away from
talking bad about others, stay away from talking bad about yourself, stay away
from thinking that you’re better than others, and stay away from thinking that
you’re worse than others. Leave behind comparisons, unhealthy competitions,
the need to prove yourself through money and finances, and the view of material
power as the measure of qualities and values. Start valuing your abilities,
capacities, actions, intentions, character, yourself as a friend, yourself as a family
member, and yourself as a partner. Recognize those values that are permanently
worthy, leave behind the need for too many temporary pleasures, and rise above
hedonistic habits and addictions. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do things
that you enjoy doing, on the contrary, this is about doing things that you truly
enjoy, but not the things that you become a slave to nor the things that you’re
addicted to. This is about recognizing those things in life that bring a true smile
on your face and that make you feel self-sufficient in a joyful and pleasurable
way, in a way that has the power to inspire and motivate others.

Healing tips for Cancer in August

- Write down your most traumatic and memory, something that really sticks with
you, something that is persistent, something that you know is troubling you, and
something that is an issue in your life. Write it down without thinking about how it
will sound. Just be honest, put it out there on the paper, and let your emotions
and feelings out through your thoughts and your words. Now, when you have
written the story, rewrite it. Write it differently and change it. Use that first paper
with the original story and burn it down, crumple it, throw it in trash, tear it down,
or throw it in the water somewhere. Choose your way of getting rid of it, and
while you’re doing this, say out loud: “I am letting you go. I am free from you. I
forgive you and I create my own story now.” Now, rewrite your story. Write it down
from a different perspective. Enjoy the ride.

- If there is anyone in your life who makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, or if
there is anyone who made you feel uncomfortable in any way in your past and
whose influence is still present in a negative way inside of your being, try to do
the following: Imagine this person living the happiest possible life. Imagine this
person being totally fulfilled and happy. Imagine this person as someone whose
wishes and desires were all fulfilled. This can sound weird to do, but this is the
most powerful tool for releasing that pressure, that burden, and that toxicity from
your being. You’re doing this in order to liberate yourself and that person from
negative karmic influences that still strongly hold you tied together and that don’t
allow you to grow.

- Imagine and describe your inner world. When you hear those words, “inner
word,” what do you imagine, what do you feel, what colors do you see, what
sounds do you hear, what do you taste, what kind of feeling do you get, and what
images come up? Describe your inner world. Imagine it, go through it, walk
through it, fly through it, swim through it, and experience it. Go deep into this
imagination and visualization. Feel your inner world, and imagine everything. Go
into this. Find yourself a comfortable place, close your eyes, invoke your inner
world, and ask your inner world to open up and show itself to you.

- Think about your memories. Ask yourself: “What is my most intense and
significant memory of myself?” Let yourself receive this answer. Let this question
guide you and open different folders and files of yourself. What do you see?
What kind of memories arise? Step into those memories, spend some time there,
and see what new answers and insights you can receive on this journey through
your memories. See if there are new things and new perspectives of your journey
that come up. Enjoy the ride.

- Every night, before sleep, try to walk through your whole day in reverse. Do
recapitulation of your day, starting from that very moment until you get to the
moment of waking up. Do a reverse recapitulation. You may lose track of your
day during this exercise many times, but don’t worry, it is normal. Just keep
going. If you lose track, come back to where you lost it and start again until you
make it. This is a very powerful exercise and it helps you be more aware, more
present, and more conscious of yourself—your words, actions, choices,
decisions, and the reality in which you live in.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Do something fun that you haven’t done in a while. Think about something you
enjoyed doing, something you forgot about, and something you really haven’t
experienced in quite some time. Go and do it. Experiment, do something you
used to enjoy, and implement new elements and moments into it.

- Think about the things that make you feel purposeful in life. What are the top
three things in your life that make you feel useful, purposeful, fulfilled, satisfied,
and happy? Think about what makes you feel this way. Can you come up with
more than three things? Write down a whole list of these things. Each day, write
down three new things that make you feel purposeful in life. This will give you a
new perspective and a new sense of purpose, and you will also remind yourself
of many things that make you feel purposeful.

- Every day, search for empowering thoughts from many different sources. Wake
up with empowering thoughts. Be aware of your thoughts in the morning and
make sure that they are empowering. Search for these powerful thoughts. Find
sources of powerful thoughts. Dig deep to find more and more empowering
thoughts. Search in many different places and write down those empowering
thoughts that strongly resonate with you. Search for these empowering thoughts
and sentences in books of wise ancient teachers and masters. Do your research
and enjoy the process.

- Think about the real values in life and start creating a list of true values. What
are true values for you? Write them down. Each day, write down five true values.
Then, imagine yourself expressing each of these true values, and do your best to
express these values in your real life. Do this every day, inhale these true values
into yourself, and start manifesting and expressing them.

- Start each day with beautiful wishes. Wish yourself and the whole world a
beautiful and wonderful day. Wish the whole world, the whole nature, and the
whole existence a memorable, beautiful, unique, amazing, fulfilled, and quality
day. Don’t forget to do this every morning. It doesn't matter if you forget. Do it any
time you remember, but do your best to remember every morning when you
wake up.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- When was the last time I initiated something? When was the last time I started
something, recommended something, or took action about something? How
often do I start something, and how often do I launch something?

- Do I trust my life? Do I trust myself? Do I trust events and situations in my life?

Or, do I feel like I lost trust in life and in myself? What makes me have trust in

- Do I believe that everything pays off in life, sooner or later? What are the most
significant things that paid off in my life so far? Do I believe that every effort,
every action, and every intention counts? What does this tell me about myself?

- Am I able to deal with what’s in front of me, or do I usually camouflage

situations and skip the obvious situation that is in front of me? Am I the person
who confronts these things or am I the person who suppresses things that are in
front of me?

- What are my first associations, images, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that
come up when I hear the word “money”? How would I define money? How would
I explain what money is to someone who has no idea what money is? What does
this tell me about myself?


What can Leo expect in August

Happy Birthday, dear Leo! This is a very powerful month for you for many
reasons. You will feel your strength and willpower in a very inspiring and
encouraging way this month, and you will also have an amazing opportunity to
slow down, calm down, ground yourself, feel rooted, and aligned with who you
are and who you aspire to be. This month, you will feel renewed and refreshed.
You will have a new sense of self in a loving and harmonious way, and you will
experience a mini rebirth. You will be focused on you and your relationships this
month. You will be asking yourself how to improve yourself and in which direction
in the next year, who you want to grow into, and what do you want to achieve.
You are reminded of your true values, and you are able to see your weakest links
now. This is a time for taking it easy, for slowing down, for taking one step at a
time, and for honoring processes and cycles of life. You are also being initiated
for joy and happiness since Venus is still retrograde in your sign, and it’s such a
blessing to have Venus in your sign for such a long time. Venus has been here
since June and she will be here until the 8th of October. Venus is teaching you
about your true qualities and true values, and she is teaching you her greatest
lesson—how to be in love with life and with yourself in the purest possible way.

The month begins with the first Full Moon that happens on the 1st of August, in
your opposite sign of Aquarius, which is shining a light on your relationships,
partnerships, marriage, union, commitments, and collaborations. This Full Moon
asks you to pay more attention to your one-on-one relationships and see what
needs to be changed, transformed, adjusted, and released. How do you do
relationships, how do you interact with people, what are your themes with others,
who are those closest to you, do you value them in your heart, do you nurture
those relationships, or do you take them for granted? Where have you been too
tolerant, and where have you been too demanding? These things will be
important to go through, and you will be experiencing things that will make you
question yourself in this way.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there is a positive and beneficial aspect
called trine and it happens between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Mars will
make three trines this month and they are happening in Earth signs, which are
very concrete, material, dense, and substantial. For you, they happen in Earth
houses, so this Earth element will be very positive for you this month. Mars first
makes trine with Jupiter, and this affects your second and tenth houses. This
energy can bring you money, incomes, new opportunities for improvements in
your career, expansion of your role in the world, expansion of your profession,
and expansion of your gifts and talents. The second trine happens on the 16th of
August, between Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, and this can bring positive
surprises when it comes to your finances, earnings, reputation, and recognition.
This can bring you things that happen out of nowhere and things you couldn’t see
coming. On the 24th of August, there’s another trine that happens between Mars
in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. This affects your work, habits, routines, health,
and lifestyle. This energy will bring you wanted and needed transformations and
changes of your health, work, duties, responsibilities, and well-being.
On the 12th of August, the Sun makes a beautiful and friendly trine aspect with
Chiron, the wounded healer. The Sun is in your sign and Chiron is in your fellow
Fire sign Aries, and these energies have a very calming and healing influence on
you. This is a highly spiritual influence and it has a very awakening impact on
you. On the 13th of August, your ruler Sun and Venus retrograde come together
in your sign and this can be very healing and comforting for you. This is a lovely
energy that brings you more awareness of your wants and needs, your past, your
relationships, your past relationships, your love life, your values and priorities,
your wounds from the past, and your emotional and material attachments. On the
14th of August, Venus retrograde makes another positive aspect with Chiron in
Aries. This brings more healing and more understanding of your journey, of your
experiences, and of your identity wounds and wounds related to knowledge and

On the 16th of August, there’s a beautiful and gorgeous New Moon in your sign.
This is a lovely and positive energy for you. This is your New Year, renewal,
rebirth, refreshment, recovery, rejuvenation, and regeneration. This is a time to
celebrate yourself, to celebrate being who you are, to celebrate your individuality,
identity, and authenticity, to celebrate life, and to celebrate love. Venus is also
here and she’s retrograde. This energy can bring you back people from your
past, thoughts from the past, and experiences from the past, and you are now
able to see in a new light, with new eyes, and different perspectives. You are
renewing your physical appearance, and this New Moon brings you new
beginnings when it comes to your self-care, your physical body, your behavior,
and your relationships. This is a very powerful time for setting new intentions and
asking yourself if you are happy. What makes you happy? What brings you joy?
Do you know how to create joy and happiness? Do you know how to create that
state of being?

On the 23rd of August, your ruler the Sun shifts into Virgo and joins Mars and
Mercury in your second house of money, finances, earnings, possessions,
resources, savings, spendings, values, qualities, self-worth, self-esteem,
priorities, and gifts and talents. Mercury is here, and Mercury goes retrograde on
the same day when the Sun enters Virgo. Mercury will be retrograde until the
14th of September and its retrograde motion will be felt throughout the whole
month, and not just from the 23rd onwards. You have a lot of activities in your
second house. You will be busy when it comes to making money, dealing with
your finances and resources and how you use them, but also how you create
them. Mercury retrograde puts more focus on the inner values and qualities, and
you may also be more busy with dealing with your inner comfort, your own
values, and your self-worth. This will also influence your actual money and actual
finances, and money from the past can come back to you now. This is Virgo
energy and second house; they’re both Earth related. Mercury rules Virgo and
feels good being here, so you will be able to finish the unfinished business
related to money and finances. You will be able to make good deals and resolve
things from the past when it comes to your purchases, savings, and spendings.
You may start earning money, thanks to something from the past or people from
the past. You can expect business deals from the past to come back now, and
you will have new chances to act upon these opportunities. Past issues related to
money may also resurface now so that they can be resolved and acknowledged.
But this really has to do with your sense of self, self-worth, self-value, self-trust,
and how you see yourself. You will have enough time to work on improving these
things, and you will start valuing your time and energy in a healthy and efficient

On the 27th of August, Mars moves into Libra and activates your third house of
everyday connections and communications, relationships with siblings, relatives,
and neighbors, conversations, writing, speech, knowledge, social activities, and
skills. You will be very proactive in these areas of your life and this will be felt
more in September, but you will also start feeling this strong social activation in
the last couple of days of the month. You will be very protective towards those
people who are in your close surroundings and you may have a very sharp
tongue during this time, so you will have to be very careful with the words that
you use with others. You can inspire others with your words, you can be a leader
and guide to others, you can motivate people with your speech, or you can use
words in an aggressive, violent, combative, and conflicting way.

On the last day of August, there’s a second Full Moon happening in the sign of
Pisces, in your eighth house of transformation, depths of feelings and thoughts,
psychological processes, psychology, metaphysical, esoteric and occult
teachings, secrets, things that are hidden, unconscious desires, intimacy,
intimate relationships, business partnerships, shared resources, taxes,
inheritances, investments, credits, loans, and debts. This Full Moon brings things
to light, revealing secrets and things that have been hidden. It brings things to the
surface that have been buried and swept under the rug. You will have to deal with
something that may be a bit uncomfortable, but also very healing and
therapeutic. You may be able to cash in your pain, traumas, and transformation in
some way. But, this is mostly about your inner world, your shadow, your
confrontation with your inner demons, and your purification and detoxification.
You are detoxing yourself now. This Full Moon is perfect for self-healing and for
any kind of therapy; it is perfect for deep meditation, for deep silence, for
profound conversation with yourself, and for dealing with the things that you’ve
been avoiding or hiding.

Leo relationship with inner self

Dear Leo, you will gain a very deep appreciation of who you are. This month, you
will have a very profound intimate relationship with yourself because you will be
experiencing things that you haven’t experienced for a long time—things that you
love and enjoy, things that make you feel good, things that make you feel like
you’re fully taken care of, and things that make you feel safe and secure. These
experiences and feelings will give you a sense of security and stability, and you
won’t be afraid of dealing with some things that you’re usually afraid of dealing
with. You may feel like you’re in the dark room, but you’re not alone. You’re there
with your closest ones, and that is why you’re not afraid. You will have those
kinds of feelings and you will feel guided, protected, and nurtured. You won’t
have so much worries as you usually do, and dealing with your inner demons
and your shadow won’t seem as scary as it usually would. You feel that you are
with a spiritual army, and you won’t feel alone, no matter what it is that you’re
going through. Some of you may become deeply interested in things that are
mystical and mysterious. You may become profoundly attracted by things that are
unknown and unseen, and you will have an opportunity to deepen that
knowledge, to deepen those experiences, and to feel the wisdom of silence,
meditation, being quiet, and not identifying with every little thought that runs
through your mind. You will have the power to detach from your thoughts and see
yourself in an objective way. This is a time when you’re giving your hundred
percent of yourself into being the best that you can be, being satisfied on the
inside, and being happy and joyful with who you are and within yourself. You are
investing in your own happiness and you are not afraid of letting go of certain
things in order to bring that inner happiness to life. You are investing in your true
pure joy, and you are not afraid of leaving behind certain fears that have been
controlling and limiting you. You are not afraid of letting those fears go through
you. You are training yourself when it comes to fears. You are working out and
you are gaining strength and wisdom that enlightens your path, and that makes
you more aware of the importance of darkness. You are starting to appreciate
darkness and fears, and you will see their true value and true purpose this
month. You create your purpose, and you start creating your joy and happiness.

Leo relationship with others

Dear Leo, your relationships with others are somehow always in the focus
because you have a very specific relationship with people. You care about your
impressions on others, and you can be very generous and openhanded with
people in many different, literal, and metaphorical ways. This month, you will be
able to see your qualities and values through your relationships with people, but
you will also be able to recognize your pride and arrogance if there is any in your
behavior towards others. You are discovering and rediscovering things about
yourself through observing your behavior, triggers, and reactions in your
relationships with people. You have Venus retrograde in your sign and, next to
her, you also have your ruler the Sun. You will also have New Moon in your sign,
and these energies and forces will oppose your seventh house of your
one-on-one relationships. You can expect resolutions of past issues in your
relationships, and you can also expect harmonious reconnections and
conversations with people from your past. You can expect supportive and
beneficial contacts with people who can somehow help you with your finances,
career, and life path. You will have healing energy in areas of long distance
travels, international connections, and connections with people who come from
different parts of the world. This is a very friendly energy for you, and you can
now share your wounds with complete strangers who may feel very close or
familiar. You are also connecting with souls from different timelines or with souls
you haven’t met yet in this life. These are soul connections that become unlocked
during this time and that you have earned now, and you will see what you have
earned by seeing what kind of people you attract in your life. This doesn’t mean
that attracting someone negative means that you have earned that because of
your own negativity. This means that there’s more to be learned through that
connection and there are more challenges, which means that there is great
potential for growth in front of you. You will be asked what kind of people you
want to attract in your life. You will be looking at those you’re surrounded by, and
you will be learning so much about your growth, path, inner world, and intentions
through these connections. You may receive an invitation from someone to come
to another country, or you may be visited by someone who lives in a different
country. On the 27th of August, Mars moves into Libra and activates your third
house of relationships with your siblings, relatives, neighbors, people from your
local community, and people you randomly meet on your way to work, grocery
store, gas station, bank, home, or wherever it is that you’re usually passing by.
These last couple of days of August, you will be putting a lot of action and energy
into your conversations with others and connections with brothers and sisters
and relatives. You may be too protective towards these people. You may have a
need to stand up for them in some way, or you may get into conflict with them for
some reason. Mars can be argumentative, aggressive, impulsive, and even
violent, so be careful with the words you’re using in your everyday conversations.
Be careful with the news and messages you share with others, how you share
certain information, and how you react to certain news and messages. This is a
time to inspire, motivate, and uplift others, to be some kind of leader or guide to
others, and to be the voice of the people.

Leo love & romantic life in August

Dear Leo, you are learning so much this month about true values in all areas of
life. You are also learning that all areas of life need love in order for them to
function as you would want them to. All areas of life need love, but we make
mistakes because we divide thing. We think that love is one area of life and that
our everyday life, career, work, duties, and other things that we do are separate
our from love life, but love is needed in every corner of existence. Without love,
life becomes mechanical, repetitive, dull, exhausting, and uninspiring, and it
pushes you into despair, emotional addictions, and all kinds of addictions. You
know this, and this month you will actually feel this because you will start infusing
all areas of your life with love. Of course, this is not something that can be done
just by making a decision, but this is something that will come to you naturally
this month. This is something that will come to your awareness. This is
something that happens spontaneously, but also with your conscious decision.
You are attracting love in your life now, and these attractions are very strong,
especially because you have Venus retrograde in your sign, together with your
ruler the Sun. You will also have a New Moon in your sign next to the Sun and
Venus, and this is a powerful combination for love relationships and for
expressions of love. This can bring you a new love relationship, a new love
interest, a new sympathy, or a new person who is very interesting and who
attracts you in a loving way. But this can also bring you love relationships and
reconnections with people from your past. This has already been activated during
the last month, and it is very strong now since Venus is culminating on her
retrograde journey. Ex lovers can reappear in your life, and you will have a
chance to resolve things from the past in a loving and harmonious way. Of
course, there is always the possibility for some drama here, so be aware of that
potential scenario too. Drama is not to be afraid of. If it happens, it has to
happen, and you shouldn’t suppress things if they need to come out and escalate
in some way. But Venus is here, so this drama shouldn’t really be bad; it can be
drama that leads towards resolutions and reconciliations. You can rediscover
love all over again during this time, and you can rediscover the beauty of being in
love. You are discovering and rediscovering qualities and values in your existing
love relationships, and you may be doing something together with your partner
that you’ve planned before but couldn’t afford or couldn’t make because of work,
children, health issues, or other things. Now, you can make it up and bring things
to life in your love life. You also have Full Moon happening on the 1st of August,
in your seventh house of marriage, relationships, unions, and commitments.
Some of you may be getting married now, but some of you may be breaking up,
depending on your personal situation. This is the Full Moon, and Full Moons can
bring endings and beginnings. Something can come to a fruition, but something
can come to an end. You also have another Full Moon on the 31st of August in
sign of Pisces, in your eighth house of intimate partnerships and shared intimacy.
This can bring either culminations and manifestations or endings and
completions. You can expect healing in your intimate relationships, a sense of
healing and surrender, a sense of oneness and unity, and a sense of strong
compassion and empathy. This is Pisces Full Moon, and you will have strong
feelings and emotions when it comes to your intimate connections and love
relationships. You can experience some kind of loss, but you will also gain
something that will fulfill you deeply. This can mean that you may go through
some kind of fight or tension with your lover, but things will turn out to be just as
they should. This energy reminds you that everything is fine and that everything
will be fine.

Leo sex life in August

Dear Leo, this is a time for experimenting and exploring your sexuality even
further and deeper, in many possible ways. You are very interested in learning
and comprehending the complexity and simplicity of sexuality and sexual energy.
You have Venus retrograde in your sign, and Venus is in your sign for a long
time, which is truly a blessing for love and sexual pleasures, for expressing your
sexuality, and for expressing your inner desires in a more open and passionate
way. Venus in Leo is very fiery, hot, and attractive, and while she’s retrograde,
she may be even more eager for passion, connection, merging, and bonding.
You will have a strong libido this month and a strong appetite for bonding and
merging, not only because of Venus retrograde in your sign next to your ruler, but
also because of two Full Moons this month that are both happening in your
houses of relationships. First Full Moon is happening in your seventh house of
marriage and love relationships, and the second one is happening in your eighth
house of sexuality, intimacy, deep connection, and merging of two souls. You will
have a need to connect with your lover on a deep level, and you may feel a very
deep bond, a very strong intimate connection, and a very profound sexual
experience. Telepathy is strong and you will connect and communicate without
words. You will be able to communicate with your body, touch, looks, and senses.
You can truly have an amazing experience now, but this energy can have a
different manifestation. Some of you may go through dramatic, intense, and
heavy experiences that could lead to a breakup or some kind of an ending, but it
is also possible to experience renewal, regeneration, and refreshment of your
sexual life through the same energy that can bring drama, heaviness, and
tension. This tension can be converted into passion, heaviness can be
transformed into deep feelings, and dramatic situations can be exhausted and
transformed into compassion and emotional understanding. Some of you may be
learning and studying more about the connection between sexual energy and
your nervous system, sexual energy and meditation, sexual energy and healing,
and sexual energy and transcendental experience. These things will deeply
interest some of you. This month has a very powerful potential for deep
understanding of how these things function and what kind of energy they
transmit, emit, channel, transform, and release.

Leo career & purpose in August

Dear Leo, August brings you lots of blessings and fortunate opportunities. You
may feel surprised by how things are unfolding for you now when it comes to
your money, earnings, career, profession, and life direction. There are many
positive aspects and transits happening for you now. You have Mars and Mercury
together in Virgo, in your second house of financial stability, resources,
possessions, values, priorities, gifts and talents, relationship with money, and
self-sufficiency. Mars makes you very proactive when it comes to earning, and
you will have a strong will and a lot of energy to push towards earning money
and to initiate things that can bring you a greater sense of security and stability.
You may be taking financial risks, but be careful when it comes to brand new
things. Mercury stations retrograde this month in your second house and it can
bring delays and misunderstandings in these areas of your life. But, it is the
perfect time for finishing the unfinished business related to finances, money, and
source of income. Things that used to bring you money in the past can become
active again, and you may be able to prosper through the things you already did.
Past efforts will pay off now and you can expect good financial opportunities that
come through those past efforts. You can also expect to have second chances
related to the things that you wanted to do or that you had a chance to do
already, but that you missed to do or you weren’t able to do back then. This is a
great time for having flexible plans and schedules and staying away from rigid
and strict schedules and promises. Mars makes a positive trine aspect with
Jupiter in Taurus, in your tenth house of career, profession, reputation,
contribution, success, and recognition. Taurus is also about money, sustainability,
resources, food, comfort, values, and finances. There’s a lot of positive energy
for you now when it comes to your achievements, success, and reputation. Mars
also makes a trine aspect with Uranus on the 16th in your tenth house and can
bring you unexpected and surprising positive events and situations related to
your career, employment, purpose, and mission. On the 10th of August, Mercury
makes another friendly and supportive aspect with Jupiter, also in your tenth
house of success. These beautiful energies in Earth signs and Earth houses can
truly bring you things that are worthy, valuable, meaningful, and concrete. You
also have Venus retrograde in your sign, together with your ruler the Sun, and
this is fantastic energy for financial improvements and for improvements of your
style, image, and physical appearance. This means a lot when it comes to your
employment, contribution, and reputation. You will be seen, recognized, and
known, and some of you may have some kind of performance or you may be
more in the public. You have Full Moon in Pisces in the eighth house on the 31st
of August, and this can bring resolutions and culminations of shared resources,
joint finances, investments, and passive incomes. Neptune is here too, and there
is opposition between Neptune and Mars on the 10th of August, so be careful of
illusions and deceptions that are possible around this time. These illusions and
deceptions may come through inheritances, taxes, winning money, receiving
money through some illegal sources, investing in something that sounds too
good to be true, and getting in business deals that are suspicious. Be careful
around these dates, the 10th and the 31st of August, and just check things a
couple of times before you make final decisions or actions in that direction. But, it
is more likely that you will be highly inspired to move towards things that are
fulfilling and joyful, that don’t cause any stress, and that make you feel relaxed
even if it brings a smaller amount of money. Make inner peace your highest
priority, and everything else will fall into its place in perfect alignment with your
wants and needs.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Leo

Dear Leo, the first Full Moon this month happens on the 1st of August in your
opposite sign Aquarius, in your seventh house of others. It shines a light on your
relationships, interactions, and exchange of energy with others. This is a house
of marriage, divorce, union, separation, commitments, collaborations,
cooperation, fairness, justice, equality, equanimity, legal matters, official things,
and all your one-on-one relationships. You are dealing with others now, and this
Full Moon will bring things to light and illuminate things in your relationships with
others. There is something that needs to be seen, resolved, adjusted, ended,
acknowledged, released, healed, or felt between you and someone. This Full
Moon brings things to the surface, revealing something that hasn’t been available
and has been ignored or avoided until now. Full Moons bring culminations,
drama, closures, endings, completions, revelations, fruitions, and fulfillments. You
can expect culminations in certain relationships with people. Something may
come to a head with someone, or something may need to be discussed and
brought to light. This affects all your one-on-one relationships, including social,
intimate, and business relationships. Some of you may get married during this
time while some of you may get divorced. This is that kind of energy, but of
course, it doesn’t have to go in that direction at all. This can be about your
business partnership or your friendship. Something is coming to a fruition with
someone. This energy can bring you someone into your life. Your relationships
are authentic and original and they happen in an Aquarian way. Aquarius is all
about technology, innovations, progress, rebelliousness, revolution, objectivity,
detachment, and uniqueness. You are now connecting with unique individuals,
and you may be doing something in pairs or you may be working on something
revolutionary and innovative with someone. This Full Moon can bring things to a
head when it comes to your legal matters. You may connect with others through
humanitarian work and action, and you are connecting with people mentally and
intellectually. Telepathic connections are strong now. You may get in touch with
people who can literally read your mind, or you may feel like you’re reading
somebody’s mind. These kinds of relationships are likely to be present in your life
now. Something may come to an end, and this ending can bring a new
beginning. There are things you need to see in your relationships, and this may
be your behavior in a certain relationship that you need to pay attention to. You
can expect business deals, agreements, contracts, signing documents with
others, signing marriage, signing divorce, signing business deals, or signing legal
stuff. These official things are strong now, and you will be experiencing these
things through relationships. You may feel distance and detachment from
someone who is usually close with you, and this may happen for many reasons,
but it will be revealed under the light of this Full Moon. Use this energy to connect
with people, to reach out to others, to see what can be improved in your
relationships, to see what needs to be said and done, to be innovative in your
relationships, to let go of things that are not serving you anymore in your
relationships, and to release negative feelings towards others in a safe and
healthy way, without harming others or yourself.

How the New Moon in August will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this New Moon on the 16th of August happens in your sign, which is
truly magnificent and gorgeous, and it represents your New Year. This is a time to
celebrate your existence, serving as a reminder that this celebration should be
happening all the time, that you should be celebrating yourself and your life in
every moment, and that you should be celebrating whatever it is that is
happening in your life. This is a time for deep appreciation of your journey and
life path. This New Moon brings you new light into your life—new direction, new
beginnings, renewals, refreshments, and reboost of who you are, what you do,
how you behave, how you walk and talk, how you express yourself, and how you
connect with others. This is a time of regeneration and upgrade of your identity,
individuality, and personality. This New Moon brings you a new sense of self, new
ways of looking at your past self, and new ways of integrating your past, present,
and future into the whole that you are. Expect new beginnings in your personal
life—new outlook, new style, new image, new physical appearance, and new
beginnings related to your vitality and physical well-being. Venus is retrograde in
your sign, so these new beginnings may not be completely new. They may not
be brand new, but they may be related to the things from the past that you see in
a new way. You have the power to renew and bring back to life in a more
powerful way. You may be perceiving your past with new eyes, and your past can
give you a new perception of life and your place in life. This is a time of your mini
rebirth and time when you can express something new, initiate something new,
and do something unusual, uplifting, joyful, and energizing. This is a time when
you decide to be happy, when you decide to bring that sense of happiness and
emanate that energy, when you decide to focus on true and healthy enjoyment,
and when you decide to create inner happiness and work towards that
achievement. You may come back to doing something you used to enjoy doing,
and you may receive blessings from the past that bring you new opportunities
and open new doors for you. There is something significant from your past that
provides you with access to new places and new insights. You can receive the
key to your inner fulfillment now, and some of you will be able to enter that field of
inner contentment. This New Moon brings new smiles and new ways of enjoying
life. Use this energy to make someone smile, make someone’s day, tell someone
how beautiful he or she is, give compliments, uplift others in some way, say
something that has the power to inspire and motivate, and use your uniqueness
and identity to be the best example that you can be to others and to yourself.
This is a time for being playful, for not taking life too seriously, for having fun, and
for seeing how powerful you are and how you can create that kind of atmosphere
any time you want, without waiting for external circumstances to align for having
fun. Of course, this doesn’t mean to force these things, but to consciously make
a decision to bring more joy and pleasure into your life, to shine your light
brightly, to emanate and radiate your warmth, to be like the Sun, to extend your
warmth through the rays of the Sun, and to reach everyone with your heart.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Leo

Dear Leo, the second Full Moon this month happens on the very last day of
August in the last sign of the Zodiac, and it brings to light things that have been
hidden, unknown, buried deep within your soul, or swept under the rug and
pushed down into the basement of your being. This Full Moon happens in
ethereal and mystical Pisces, and it highlights your eighth house of death, depth,
rebirth, transformation, alchemy, metamorphosis, psyche, deep inner processes,
inner work, shadow work, traumas, suppressed feelings and emotions,
unconscious attachments and desires, things that you’re ashamed and afraid of,
and things you don’t want others to know about you. This is also a house of
secrets, power, and power struggles. Eighth house is Water house, Pisces is
Water sign, and the Moon is also related to Water, so this energy is very
emotional, intuitive, deep, transformative, spiritual, and inherent. Pisces are the
last sign of the Zodiac and they represent beginnings and endings, endings of
cycles and chapters, and preparations for new ones. Pisces represents
mysteries, spiritual insights, spiritual journey, transcendental experiences, deep
meditation, contemplation, compassion, empathy, healing, oneness, unity, and
unconditional love. But Pisces also represents confusion, illusions, escapism,
addictions, delusions, and deception. This Full Moon makes an awkward angle
with your sign. This energy can be a bit uncomfortable, dark, and scary, but you
won’t be scared of it. You will welcome it, work with it, learn from it, and use it for
a healing, detoxing, cleansing, and purging. This is time for letting go,
surrendering, and removing toxins from your body, mind, and heart. Eighth house
also has to do with your partner’s money, other people’s money, investments,
taxes, inheritances, passive incomes, debts, bills, credits, loans, royalties,
penalties, banks, business partnerships, money that you receive through others,
and money that you share with others. This is also a house of investigation,
research, occult teachings, occult things, and esoteric and metaphysical
knowledge. Some of you may become deeply interested in these things. You may
be investigating your psyche deeply, learning psychology, and receiving deep
and profound insights. You may be revealing some secrets, sharing a certain
secret with someone, or someone may be telling you a secret. This Full Moon
brings culminations in these areas of your life. There could be some kind of loss,
but this loss can also bring you gains. This is the best time to practice meditation,
healing, and cleansing, to deal with your traumas, bring them out, and allow them
to come on the surface, and to be seen, acknowledged, adjusted, resolved, and
released. You have a great opportunity for emotional relief and for deep
emotional healing. This energy also affects your intimate relationship and joint
finances. Something may be happening there that needs your attention.
Something may come to a head with your partner. Some of you may be going
through an end of an intimate relationship, but this is also the energy of
transformation and regeneration. All kinds of different scenarios are possible, but
there is definitely a change that is happening within you—change in your intimate
world, your relationship with your inner demons, and your shared resources. You
may be able to resolve some financial things and bring a sense of peace and
calmness when it comes to other people’s money, taxes, inheritances, and
credits. Something comes to an end; it could be that you’re finally getting rid of
certain debts or you may receiving a loan that you’ve been waiting for. Some of
you may even win some money, but be careful with investments, credits, or
partnerships that seem a bit shady, suspicious, or illegal. Use the energy of this
Full Moon to heal, cleanse, purge, detox, and take good care of your health,
psyche, emotions, and inner world. Release toxins from your system by letting
them come out. Get rid of negative patterns, and deal with the things that come
up now. Shake off unnecessary stress, dance, drink a lot of water, don’t eat too
much, eat light food, and move. Move your body, mind, and heart. Be like the
water, connect with the mystery of who you are, realize that you are the greatest
mystery and riddle, feel the power of resolving the mystery of who you are, feel
the power of investigating yourself, feel the power of your story and journey, and
rise from the ashes like the Phoenix.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Leo, your Tarot card for August is Death upright. This card belongs to the
Major Arcana deck, and it has a very deep and profound meaning. It signifies a
great long-term transformation in your life. This card represents endings,
transformations, cycles, transitions, letting go, and acceptance. This card means
that there is something significant in your life that is about to shift, change, and
transform. There is an end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Something big is ending in your life. One large cycle is about to close so that a
new one can begin. This card is actually a very positive one, and it signifies a
very big transition in life. When this card is pulled, it means that there is renewal
and regeneration in your life. This card means that there is a rebirth happening.
This card is also a reminder that life is a journey and that everything happens in
cycles. Death is seen here as the great transformer, a game changer, and it’s
inevitable, as death is inevitable. Nobody can avoid it, and death is not the
enemy—death is a necessary renewal, a necessary transformation. This card
means that a big chapter in your life is going through a transformation.

The Death card asks you to let go, release, allow change to happen, allow your
old self to die, and allow things that are no longer serving you to leave your life.
Some long-term situation is ending, something that might have been exhausting,
heavy, troubling, and something that needs to go and die. This is a metaphorical
death—the death of an old identity, the death of an old way of being, or the death
of old beliefs and old behavior. Ending is necessary, as it is a sacred tool for
growth, evolution, and renewal. There is no renewal without ending; there is no
rebirth without death. Cycles of rebirth are extremely important and necessary,
and endings and transformations are an essential part of human life.
This card sometimes means that there is a kind of loss that is happening in your
life, but this loss is something that pushes you toward great change and a
brighter and greater you. It’s time for you to wear your new skin and to allow the
new day to come instead of holding onto yesterdays. This card reminds you that
you cannot be the same person you were yesterday—you have to step into a
new role and a new self. This transition and transformation from one version of
you into another can be challenging and uncomfortable, but it is inevitable. Once
you make the transition, you will be very happy that you did. Cycles are turning,
and you’re in the middle of that process where you’re moving from one chapter,
one cycle, and one version of you into another. This card shows up in life when
there is something that you’re resisting and when there is something that you
want to keep badly, no matter what, by any means. This card is encouraging you
to let go and move on. This card asks you to say goodbye to something or
someone so that you can embrace something new. This is a card of personal
transformation, of letting go of an old identity, and of accepting major new
beginnings and a major ending. One door closes, and a new one opens. One
stage of life is finished, and you’re stepping into a new stage.

The most impactful planet for Leo in August

Dear Leo, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. This month’s lunations
affect you strongly and you will be under the direct influence of it. There’s Full
Moon happening in your opposite sign on the 1st of August, and it puts a great
focus on your relationships with people—your one-on-one connections, your love
relationships, and your partnerships. Something culminates in your relationships
with others, and you will be experiencing changes and transformations in how
you do and behave in relationships. There’s New Moon on the 16th of August in
your sign, and this is a new beginning for you. This is your New Year and your
mini rebirth. You are renewing yourself and you’re experiencing new things in
your personal life—new relationships, new image, new style, and new way of
looking at yourself and dealing with yourself and others. This is a new life
direction, and this New Moon is here to bring you a new connection with your
past and a new perception of your past.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother, but also with Mother Nature, inner
Goddess, and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon represents
nurturing, caring, and nourishing energy, and it is also associated with the mind
and the fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us overly emotional,
reactive, easily provoked, and irritated, but it can also make us compassionate,
kind, gentle, and friendly. It is always a reminder that we have to work with our
emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon represents people as well
and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our daily life and daily habits, and
it connects our brain and belly, mind and heart, nerves and cells. It governs the
rhythm of the body and our routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its
phases. It moves from waning to waxing, and it affects the fluids and the water in
our body; water symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional
fluctuations, too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, the feminine
principle, instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our
digestive system and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules
our reactions, the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns,
our relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home, our
family, our roots, and our ancestors, and it also rules our own space and our
need for security.

In order to make the most of this energy and channel the energy of the Moon in
the most outstanding, magical, constructive, and beneficial way, you are asked to
celebrate yourself, celebrate life, be proud of yourself, be proud of how far you’ve
come, and choose happiness as a state of being and not as an external source
of power. This is the time to remember your values, qualities, identity, and
individuality, to honor yourself, and to honor your past regardless of what was in
the past. You are asked to connect with people, reach out to them, see how you
can be of help to others, and see what you can do for others and for yourself.
Every day, ask yourself what you can do for yourself, what you can do for others,
what you can do to serve you and others, and what you can do that is of benefit
for everyone. Do something new with your image, your style, and your physical
appearance. Renew yourself in some way—renew your way of being, your
clothes, your outlook, and your behavior, and make a little ritual where you allow
energies to rebirth you. Allow the rebirth to happen in your life. Allow yourself to
be happy without feeling guilty, to celebrate life without complaining, and to
celebrate your relationships without a need to praise or devalue others and
yourself. Just celebrate without giving labels, giving names, or having a need to
explain or justify it. Do things that are enjoyable and playful. Make someone
smile and make yourself smile. Smile to yourself when you see yourself in the
mirror, smile to yourself when you wake up, smile to yourself when you need
someone to smile back at you, smile to yourself when you’re crying, smile to
yourself when you’re laughing, and smile to yourself whenever you can. Smiles
are free. When you smile, you expand your energy, you expand the space within
yourself for greater things, and you expand possibilities without losing anything.

Healing tips for Leo in August

- Strengthen your will by doing the following exercise: Sit down in a chair, close
your eyes, and try not to move for five minutes. Make sure it is a whole five
minutes, and try not to move at all. If you move during these five minutes, like
your hand, leg, or head, do it again and restart the exercise. Do this every day,
and while you’re doing this exercise, imagine in your mind that you’re running
towards the sun during the sunset. Imagine the sunset in front of you and
yourself running towards the sun. Imagine your whole surroundings. It can be
any place that you want, but you’re running towards the sun during the sunset.
Do this mentally and keep your body still in that chair for five whole minutes.
Enjoy the ride.

- Imagine that you’re swimming and diving through an ocean, and that ocean is a
whole city. Imagine a whole underwater city in the ocean—a whole world in the
ocean, full of people living there. The place is full of streets, houses, restaurants,
shops, schools, galleries, bars, hotels, and motels. Imagine a whole underwater
city and yourself living there. Of course, you can breathe underwater, you can
swim, and you can move with your intention through the water. You can speak
normally under the water and you can do everything you can normally do outside
of the water, with just one difference, as you move through the water and not
through the air. Imagine these feelings. Travel through this underwater city, this
oceanic city.

- Imagine yourself as a battery that is discharging and recharging itself. You can
do this whenever and wherever. You can do it while you’re standing, walking, or
sitting down. Just imagine yourself as a transparent battery or as a reservoir of
energy, and first, go through the process of discharge. Each time you exhale, feel
this reservoir discharging. Imagine a tank of water and imagine this water
decreasing. Imagine a battery with a green light similar to a video game, and
each time you exhale, imagine this level of green color in battery decreasing.
When it is near the end, imagine a red color and discharge it completely. Feel the
emptiness inside of you. Feel totally and fully discharged. Now, when you get that
feeling of being totally discharged, stay there for some time and enjoy the stay.
Then, start recharging yourself with every inhale. Each time you inhale, imagine
this reservoir filling up or an increase of a green light in battery until it is full.
When you reach fullness, stay there for some time. Feel how you’re recharged.
Feel yourself regenerated, full of energy, and reloaded. Do this every day. You
can actually feel recharged due to this exercise. Practice it daily, and you will feel
the results immediately.

- If you could create your own dream that you’re going to dream at night, what
kind of dream would you create? Imagine this dream, create your own dream,
and spend time in your dream. See what kind of feelings you get in this dream.
What are the main symbols in this dream? Try to see why you created this
dream. Try to illustrate it, write it down, or record an audio of this dream.
Remember it and come back to it for answers. You can create as many dreams
as you want. You can create a new dream every day and see what kind of
dreams you come up with. Enjoy and have fun.

- Imagine your inner sanctuary space. Create this space mentally. Imagine
yourself in the most beautiful place in nature. You can choose whatever you want
and you can add whatever you want. Use your creativity and imagination.
Imagine places that make you feel the most beautiful feelings—feelings you’ve
never felt before. Use all your creativity and imagination to visualize your own
inner sanctuary. This will be a place where you can come back to every time, so
make sure you build something extraordinary, but you can actually update it,
renovate it, innovate it, and modify it any time you want. These places can be
castles, meadows, tops of mountains, parks, rivers, lakes, places from fairy tales,
and fantasy places. You can search for fantasy places and epic tale places in
order to get inspiration and motivation for creating your inner sanctuary. Get
yourself comfortable there once you have it. Explore the place, bring your special
things, and create your special altair there. Do your ritual in that place to officially
make it your sanctuary space. Spend time there, enjoy, and do whatever you feel
like doing in that place. Reshape it in any way you want. You can illustrate this
place or describe it to someone who can draw it, and then you can also print this
image and hang it on the wall in your room as a reminder of this inner sanctuary
space. Enjoy and visit your inner sanctuary every day.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Go outside and search for things that remind you of your state of being. Look at
your surroundings, whatever that is. Observe, notice things, notice details, find
things that resonate with you, and see why that thing caught your eye and your
heart. Try to find answers through the things that you connect with in your
environment. It can be anything. It can be a tree in a park, cloud, a certain ray of
the sun that pierces through branches, a door of a shop, stairs, a couple walking
by, a child, an animal, a man, or a woman who pass you by; it can be a certain
moment that you catch, an object, a building, a window, light in somebody’s
house or apartment, sound of cars, sound of somebody’s steps… Anything. Write
down these small moments that resonate with you. Write them down in short
form, in one line, and keep that journal with you. Try to see if these things give
you certain answers about something important to you. Your surroundings always
communicate with you in unusual ways. Learn to read the symbols.

- Do something proactive and active with your body. Work on improving your
physical well-being according to your own capacities, and do what you can with
your body. If you’ve never done any kind of exercises, start slowly. Start with
what you can. See if you can find someone to teach you how to start, and start
doing anything. Do daily walks, stretches, exercises, or whatever, but keep your
physical body active and healthy. Make sure you don’t allow yourself to become
lazy with your body because this directly affects your mental activities and
capacities. Make a decision about your physical well-being and stick to it.
- Observe your thoughts and emotions each day, and discern constructive from
destructive thought and emotional patterns. This is not an easy job, but it is not
impossible either. You will be able to easily discern constructive thoughts and
emotions from destructive ones once you start practicing this. You can journal
your thoughts and emotions through short notes. You can write down how you
feel at a certain point and what you're thinking of, and try to discern between the
constructive and destructive ones. Create in your mind a space, a folder, for
storing destructive patterns. Collect them in one specific place so that they don't
interfere with other patterns. Isolate them, and see how you can use them in a
constructive way and how you can transform them into something constructive.

- Think about all the people who wronged you in any way. Imagine them in front
of you and talk to them. Let them know how you feel about them, about what they
did, and about how they made you feel, and let them go. Tell them that you
release them, that you forgive them. Write down names of these people on a
piece of paper, and next to each name, write down the first association you have
about that person and first feeling that comes to you. Then, write down
sentences in which you forgive all these people, one by one. Feel relief,
liberation, healing, and freedom. Repeat this as many times as you need. Really
feel this process, these words, and speak to these people mentally. Practice this
and feel this.

- Do something new with your face, behavior, outfit, and appearance. Wear a
new piece of clothes. Renew yourself in some way. Put in some new details,
renew your style, and renew your physical appearance in some way. Wear
something new, do something new, go somewhere new, eat something new, say
something new, listen to something new, and experience something new. Make
sure you bring newness into your life.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- How often do I feel grounded? How often do I feel the benefits of calmness?
How do I calm myself down? How do I ground myself?

- Who do I want to grow into? What inspires me to grow? What motivates me to

grow as a person, as a soul, and as a spiritual being?
- What are my most precious values that I am aware of? What are my weakest
links? What are my most precious values and my weakest links telling me about

- What are the things that I am ignoring in my life right now that I should pay
more attention to? What are the things that I am ignoring in my life telling me
about myself now?

- Who or what is my greatest teacher? What kind of meaning does the word
“teacher” have for me? What are my first associations, images, thoughts,
emotions, and feelings that come up when I hear the word “teacher”? What does
this tell me about myself?


What can Virgo expect in August

Happy early Birthday, dear Virgo! This is a time when you’re dealing with things
that are beyond the visible and that are more about your invisible world, your
inner self, and more about the things that you’re unconscious and unaware of in
your everyday life. You will have a sacred opportunity to restore yourself in a true
way, to heal yourself, and to become serious when it comes to discerning
between healthy and unhealthy mental processes and mental patterns. You will
see how certain thoughts affect your life and your habits and routines, and how
your habits and routines then affect your health, mood, relationships, goals, and
desires. Everything is interconnected and one thing leads to another, but we are
often unable to recognize patterns, see how things happen, why, where it comes
from, what is the cause, and what is the source. You will see that the cause
cannot be found in a linear time and space. The cause and effect are one and the
same point, just like life and death, and you will be diving deeper into the
metaphysical realms of existence, into the paradoxes of life, and into the essence
of living. You are going through a lot of personal things now that will have a huge
positive influence on self-improvement and self-development.

The month begins with the first Full Moon in this month, which happens on the
1st of August in the sign of Aquarius, in your natural sixth house of daily routines,
daily habits, daily tasks and obligations, schedules, work, job, health, healing,
well-being, day to day life, lifestyle, service to others, as well as pets if you have
them. This Full Moon shines a light on your work and health and shows you
something that you need to become more aware of. You will be paying more
attention to how you live your life, how you eat, what you eat, how you sleep,
how you exercise, how you take care of your health, and how you do your
everyday life. You will be able to bring more uniqueness and authenticity in your
everyday life. You are looking at the repetitive work that you’re doing in your life,
and you will be changing some of your unhealthy or unnecessary habits and
routines. It’s time to quit doing things that are exhausting you on a daily level, to
see what truly inspires you, to raise your consciousness, and to learn more
things about life. You will be doing things that are nurturing and nourishing your
body, mind, and soul.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there’s a positive trine aspect that happens
between Mars in your sign and Jupiter in your fellow Earth sign Taurus, in your
ninth house of long distance travels, foreigners, international business, learning,
teaching, educating, getting a master’s degree, graduating, being on a spiritual
path, connecting with people who think differently and live differently, expanding
your consciousness, expanding your life, and experiencing life as an adventure.
These are direct blessings for you, and you will be able to truly expand your life
in amazing ways during this time. This whole month, you will receive blessings
through Earth signs. You will have amazing opportunities for living life that is full
of meaning and that has the true power to bring you more of life’s essentials.
These are Earth blessings and you are an Earth sign, so you can really expect
some things that you could only dream of before. Something beautiful is
happening for you, and you can expand your wisdom and knowledge in a way
that improves your health, behavior, mood, personal life, and personal
relationships. Mars makes another positive aspect with Uranus on the 16th of
August, and Uranus is also in Taurus. This brings sudden and unexpected
positive things for you in areas of your knowledge, travels, spiritual journey, and
education. You may suddenly be invited by someone to come and visit them in a
different country, or you may unexpectedly be visited by someone from another
country. This can be an unexpectedly positive surprise when it comes to your
financial opportunities as well as spiritual embodiments. On the 24th of August,
Mars makes another positive trine aspect, this time with Pluto, the lord of
transformation, in your fellow Earth sign Capricorn. This is in your fifth house of
love, romance, children, pleasure, joy, creativity, self-employment,
self-expression, hobbies, gifts, and talents. This brings you powerful wanted
transformations, regenerations, and changes related to your behavior, pleasures,
identity, joys in life, love life, and personal wants and needs. Expect deep and
powerful changes in your love life, with your children if you have them, and with
your creative processes and business.

On the 10th of August, Mercury makes a positive and supportive trine aspect with
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, prosperity, fortune, and wisdom. Jupiter is in its
own ninth house of higher meaning, higher purpose, higher mind, and higher self,
as well as traveling, learning, teaching, and expanding. Mercury is in its sign, and
Mercury is your ruler, so these are double and triple blessings for you. You will
experience something truly beautiful during this time. These are amazing things
that will remove the shackles from your soul and that will make you feel very
grateful for all that you are and that you’re not.

On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August, you can expect powerful inner healing and
insights that can take you out of your usual self and put you in a very special
place within yourself. You can expect profound insights, prophetic dreams,
self-healing, and epiphanies that set you free; intimate connection and bond with
your partner; sharing secrets, letting go of past attachments, and letting go of
painful experiences from the past. Venus is retrograde in Leo in your twelfth
house, and the Sun is also there next to Venus around this time. They will both
make a friendly and supportive aspect with Chiron in Aries, in your eighth house
of death, rebirth, transformation, intimacy, secrets, deep processes, inner work,
and dealing with your shadow. Past wounds will be brought to light in a gentle
and beautiful way, and you will be discovering hidden values and hidden qualities
within you. Venus is retrograde in your twelfth house, and she brings back things
from the past that are now able to be harmoniously processed and healed.

On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon happening in your twelfth house of
otherworldly experiences, hidden realms, spiritual dimensions, mysterious and
mystical experiences, altered states, hypnosis, therapies, meditation,
contemplation, relaxation, retreat, grounding, calming, spending time in nature,
spending time on your own, and being peaceful and quiet but also letting it all out
and go. This is the house of endings and beginnings, and this New Moon brings
you new beginnings, new spiritual insights, new dreams, new mental patterns,
and renewal and refreshment of your mental abilities, mental capacities, and
mental processes. Expect new joy and pleasure that comes to you through
dealing with your past. You are able to experience great healing of your ancestral
karma and debts, and you will be cleansing and cleaning those accumulated
destructive patterns that are still very present in your life. You are dealing with the
past in a new and harmonious way, and some of you may be doing regression,
hypnotherapist, alternative ways of healing, sound healing, or healing through
being playful, awakening the child within you, recapitulation, meditation, and

On the 22nd of August, there’s a bit of a tricky aspect between Mars in your sign
and Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces. This can bring confusing
projections and illusions in your one-on-one relationships with people. Be aware
of possible deceptions and unclear messages with people. Having Mars and
Mercury in your sign is very powerful and encouraging. You will be able to
achieve things you wouldn’t normally be able to achieve, but just be careful
around this date because you may experience some kind of illusionary moment
or confusing experience with people. You may be confused and you may project
that onto others, but this is a short lived aspect so don’t worry too much about it.
Just be aware if it happens and let it pass.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters your sign. This is the beginning of your
season; this is a time to celebrate life and yourself. It is time to remind yourself of
what you truly want and need, to become more aware of who you are, to shine
your light brightly in the world, to do things that make you feel good about
yourself, and to improve yourself in many ways and on many levels. On the same
day when the Sun enters your sign, Mercury stations retrograde in your sign.
This is very significant for you since Mercury, your ruler, is in your sign too.
Mercury will be retrograde until the 14th of September, and instead of being
afraid of Mercury retrograde, you should actually celebrate it this time because it
can bring beautiful opportunities and second chances in life. It can make things
available for you again and bring blessings from the past. You will be able to
resolve things from the past and resolve things with people from the past. Expect
people from your past and opportunities from the past to show up. Be careful in
your communication with others because not everything may be communicated
in a clear way, so just make sure you express yourself as clearly as possible and
know that your interpretation of somebody’s message may not be true and
authentic. If you are confused about something, ask someone to explain to you
again so that there is no misunderstanding. This is a great time for scheduling
yourself lightly and having flexible plans. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time
for honoring the present moment and for being less obsessed with schedules,
obligations, tasks, and duties. This is a time for thinking differently and for having
inner conversations with yourself.

On the 27th of August, Mars enters Libra and activates your second house of
money, finances, resources, possessions, earnings, material stability, self-worth,
self-esteem, self-trust, and self-sufficiency. You will be inspired to earn money
and gain financial stability, and you may be taking financial risks that will pay off.
This will be felt more in September, but it will also be felt in these last couple of
days of the month.

On the 31st of August, there’s the second Full Moon that happens this month. It
happens in your opposite sign of Pisces, illuminating your seventh house of
marriage, relationships, commitments, unions, collaborations, one-on-one
relationships, projections, dynamics in relationships, fairness, justice, and
equality. This is a significant lunation for you, and you will have to pay attention to
your relationships. Something comes to light and something is being revealed in
your close personal relationships. Something may come to an end, but
something may come to a fruition. There is something that needs to change in
your relationships with people, and this Full Moon can bring deep and profound
healing in a certain relationship as well as great therapeutic relationship with
someone. You may finally find your perfect counselor, lawyer, doctor, assistant, or
anyone with whom you can develop one-on-one relationship with. Some of you
may get engaged during this time or you may start a love relationship. It’s a
beautiful energy that will enlighten your behavior and your role in relationships.

Virgo relationship with inner self

Dear Virgo, it’s truly an amazing period of time for your deep inner cleansing and
healing, for deepening your relationship with yourself, for deepening your
relationship with your ancestors, for understanding your past and your journey
called life, for understanding the necessity of death, and for accepting death as a
natural, organic, and integral part of existence. This is a time for forgiveness,
healing, closeness with yourself, closeness with your pain, closeness and
intimacy with your fears and phobias, making the unconscious conscious, and
inviting your shadow to join you for a walk every day. You are exposing your
shadow to yourself, and your shadow will be exposed easily, gently, and openly.
Your shadow is not your enemy, your shadow is not against you, and your
shadow is not trying to defeat and beat you; on the contrary, shadow is an
integral part of you and it is your inner gate to the world of inner riches and
abundance. Your shadow holds all the keys to your liberation, and you will have a
clearer image of this—clearer image of your pain, resentment, anger, violence,
rage, suppressed anger, subconscious fears, and forgotten traumas. You will
have more understanding for yourself and others, thanks to these exposures and
realizations. This is a time to stop criticizing, blaming, and demonizing your
shadow, past, traumas, and projections related to your closest ones, including
your parents, family, close friends, and partners. This is where you feel wounded
the most. This is where your suffering comes from, where your pain comes from,
and where your extension and expansion of pain and suffering come from. You
are now going down the rabbit hole and you’re pulling out many things—trash
and jewels in one bag, and you’re doing a thing that you’re brilliant at: you’re
discerning, you’re separating the wheat from the chaff, and you’re purifying and
detoxing your whole organism, your whole system, your psycho spiritual nature,
and your emotional body as well. You are being invited by your higher self to do
these things, and invitation can come in many different shapes and forms, but
you will recognize it right away. You will know that this is an invitation for you to
heal, to feel, to deal with it, to peel off layer after layer of confusion, deception,
and illusion, to reach the center of your being, and to meet the core of yourself at
least to some degree, to the degree that is available to you now. You can see
through these layers now, and you can discover the beauty of the whole process
that involves terror and peace and all in between.

Virgo relationship with others

Dear Virgo, what you give is what you get is the saying that we all know, but this
month, you will truly feel this through your relationships with people. You will get
to know this saying a bit better, a bit closer, and a bit more intuitively and
spiritually because it has many layers and many different manifestations. You will
understand the laws of this matrix that we live in, through your relationships with
people, especially through your one-on-one relationships—through your
relationships with those who are there when it gets tough, through your
relationships with those who are there when things are usual and casual, and
through your relationships with those who are there no matter what. You will be
more grateful for all of them because they are all needed to play the role in your
life at certain moments when that is needed. There are many people in your life
whom you don’t really notice that much, but who are somehow always there,
managing to make their way into your life in one way or another. You will have
more awareness of those people now. You will start noticing those people whom
you take for granted in your life, and you will start noticing their role in your life.
You will also start noticing their presence, and this will give you new and deep
insights of relationships and connectedness with people. We are all intertwined
through the web of life, through a huge network, and nobody is alone in this
world. Nobody can be separated from life in any way; there is only an illusion of
being separate. You will have a strong connection with someone who seems to
be far away or who seems to be somehow detached from you. There is
something specific about this relationship now, and you will experience a deep
emotional revelation through this bond. You may share your secrets with this
person and you may feel a very strong connection. This month, there is a very
powerful energy of the past, and people from your past will play a key role in your
life. You have your ruler Mercury retrograde this month in your sign, and you
have Venus retrograde in your twelfth house of the past too. So, the past and the
people from your past will be of utmost importance for your emotional, mental,
and physical health, healing, and well-being. This already started during the last
month, but now, it may reach a culmination point and you will truly have blessings
from the past when it comes to your relationships and connections. You are
reconnecting with people, you are going through forgiveness, you are connecting
with people who feel very close and very familiar, and you are reconnecting with
people who have ancestral connections with you.

Virgo love & romantic life in August

Dear Virgo, love knocks on your doors and brings positive, unexpected, and
beneficial changes and transformations in your life. You will have exquisite
experiences with life and with people in your life that will increase and enhance
the feelings of love in your heart and soul. Love as a state of being and love as
an expression of your being will be strongly triggered in your life now, and you
will feel both. Your love life has a couple of deep messages for you this month,
and you will receive them in many different ways—through your dreams, love
relationships, past love relationships, ancestors, health, well-being, friendships,
lovers, inner conversations, synchronicities, and inner journeys. Synchronicities
are very strong this whole month, and you will be aligned with them in an exciting
way. You can connect with someone new in a mystical and synchronistic way, but
you can also reconnect with someone from the past in the same and
unexplainable way. Your existing relationships are going through a deep healing,
forgiveness, and compassion, and a sense of unity and oneness will prevail in
your existing relationships. Even if some relationships end during this time, they
will end in this friendly, healing, and therapeutic way. You have Full Moon
happening in your opposite sign of Pisces, on the 31st of August, in your seventh
house of love relationships, marriage, divorces, unions, separations,
commitments, and compromises. Pisces Full Moon can bring great healing in
your love relationships, as well as endings, beginnings, revelations, completions,
fruitions, and fulfillments. Retrograde energies bring things from the past to the
surface, providing tools for resolving and letting go of the things that need to be
resolved and let go of. This is a time of reconciliations, understanding, harmony,
inner peace, beauty, true values, and healing of deep intimate connections and
projections. You don’t have to do anything special for this healing to take place,
rather, you just have to be open to everything that comes up and deal with what
is in front of you instead of trying to manifest things for the future or delay things
that need to be dealt with now. You can expect to deal with some issues from the
past that are left unresolved and that are still triggering you in some
uncomfortable and painful way. You are going to feel things in your heart now,
and these things may be hard to explain logically or rationally. Love can come in
paradoxes, and there is something paradoxical in your love life now that will
inspire you in some way and that will bring you some kind of comfort and relief.

Virgo sex life in August

Dear Virgo, you have a great sense for intimacy and for knowing how to express
your sexuality authentically and uniquely. Expression of sexuality is like a
fingerprint; it is very unique, and it says a lot about you—your past, desires,
subconscious fears, traumas, affinities, pain, joy, spiritual experience, and
expectations in life. Sexual expression is another level of individuality. It can say
so much about you, more than you can imagine. You can learn so much about
yourself by looking at who you are when you express your sexuality—when you
make love, when you kiss, when you look at your lover, when you are erotically
inspired, or when you have a need to express your desires. This is a very
intimate expression, and this month, you will be learning so much about yourself
through sexual expression. You will also be learning so much about your lover
through observing their sexual expression. This can give you huge insights about
you and your lover, and you can see what, why, and how you’re projecting. This
can have a very strong healing effect on you—your physical body, nervous
system, and past. You don’t really need a lover in order to express your sexuality
and experience this kind of healing. This energy will influence all of you, in one
way or another. Your sexual energy is very grounded, deep, dark, and shiny at
the same time; calm and stormy, quiet and chaotic, peaceful and messy, happy
and dramatic, and this is all you while this is none of you. Paradoxes are very
strong. They have the power to take you out of the world of duality, where
everything has its polarity and everything is or isn’t and everything is either/or.
This month, you are able to rise above that bipolar game and feel the unity of
your being through all the terror and joy of life, love, sexuality, pain, pleasure,
happiness, and despair. Sexuality can show you much more than you can
imagine, and this month, you will see the complexity and depth of it as well as the
simplicity and surface of it. You can enjoy both the depth and the surface, the
complexity and simplicity, without suppressing either side. You are able to enter
into that field that breaks the usual laws of time, space, matter, and energy, and
where you can express yourself as a whole, not as a fragment. Your sex life this
month is about showing you that you truly are whole, that you are not only the
piece of the bigger picture, and that you are the bigger picture with all its pieces.

Virgo career & purpose in August

Dear Virgo, you are starting your harvesting season now; however, you’re also
setting your intentions that are different from your previous ones—what you used
to do, how you used to be, and what you used to desire. You have matured and
grown a lot lately, especially when it comes to the things that satisfy you, fulfill
you, make you feel whole, and truly benefit you. You now know what you want
and what you don’t want, and you will be working towards achieving the best
possible life that you can by reprioritizing things in your life and by changing your
routines and habits. This month, you have a Full Moon at the very beginning of
the month in the sign of Aquarius, in your natural sixth house of health, healing,
routines, habits, job, work, schedules, responsibilities, efficiency, service to
others, duties, and tasks. This energy now brings you changes in your everyday
life, and you can expect to see that some things you’ve been working on are
finally coming to a fruition in an authentic and unique way. You may cross the
boundaries and go over the top when it comes to your work, job, task, and
practicality. Something is blooming in your work, and it culminates in a good way.
Even though Full Moons can bring endings and completions, this Full Moon
should bring more benefits and fulfillments when it comes to what you do every
day in your life, work, and routines. You will be able to experiment and do
something that can be successful. You also have amazing Earth trines this whole
month that bring great support and positive manifestations in your life. This is
beautiful for you in many ways, especially when it comes to international
business, international connections, travels, learning, teaching, sharing
information, expanding knowledge, expanding consciousness, and launching
something new or something you’ve been working on. You may also be preparing
something, working on something behind the scenes, and working on things in
the background. You have New Moon in Leo, on the 16th, and Venus retrograde
the whole month, in your twelfth house. This can bring you new insights, new
ideas, new business ideas, or business ideas from the past that now become
available and possible to be processed and worked on. You have Mars and
Mercury in your sign, which is very good for any work you have to do and for
initiating changes in your work that are in your favor. You can achieve many
things and be very productive and practical now. You can finish many things
within a very short time, which can be amazing, successful energy that brings
things to life for you in the way you want them to. Even though Mercury goes
retrograde this month, this could actually bring you more blessings and
opportunities that you hoped and prayed for. You can make things work now. You
will be finishing a lot of unfinished business, and you may have to go over some
things again. However, this repetition of something could actually turn out to be
very beneficial. You can figure out something you couldn’t figure out before,
bringing you success and inspiration for something that can bring you more
quality, joy, and sufficiency.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this is the first Full Moon in August out of two in total, which is not
very common. Having two Full Moons in one month may be a bit more important
than usual. The first Full Moon happens on the 1st of August in the sign of
Aquarius, in your natural sixth house, in the house that is under your rulership.
This is the house of efficiency, practicality, usefulness, pragmatic thing, service to
others, pets, animals, tasks, duties, schedules, responsibilities, obligations,
things you do every day, routines and habits, habitual actions, repetitive action,
things you do mechanically, work, job, health, diet regime, exercise regime, and
lifestyle. This Full Moon will put an accent on these areas of your life; it will put an
accent on your health and well-being, reminding you of the things that need to be
changed in your everyday life so that you can live a life that is more filled with
quality and healthy routines and habits. This Full Moon brings endings,
completions, closures, disclosures, revelations, adjustments, acknowledgments,
fruitions, and fulfillments in these areas of your life. Some of you may change
your job during this time, or you may change your everyday life in some way that
is more beneficial, original, unique, and authentic since this is Aquarius Full
Moon. Aquarius is all about uniqueness, authenticity, originality, innovations,
inventions, crossing limits, and doing things that are unconventional,
technologically advanced, and revolutionary. You can expect something
revolutionary now in your everyday life that doesn’t have to be anything
spectacular, but it will be for you. These can be small innovations in your routines
and habits that will improve your overall health and well-being. This Full Moon
can reveal something to you about your health, and if you’ve been confused
about some condition of yours, this energy can bring you truth and the final result
of your analysis and your health situation. You can also expect things to come to
a fruition when it comes to your work, your efforts in life, your efforts to improve
your life, and your efforts to improve and develop yourself. This is your natural
house, and you know very well how to work with these energies. You can also
expect rebellious energy when it comes to your work. If, for some reason, you
are dissatisfied with your work, this can trigger rebellious reactions and behavior,
and some of you may even quit your job. But this energy can also bring fruition
and fulfillment in your work. You can expect new energy that is fulfilling and
satisfying in your work. You will be asked to reorganize your life in a better
way—to eat better, sleep better, work better, take better care of your health and
well-being, be more of service to others and volunteer perhaps, do something
that is humanitarian, and help and support others in a significant way. This
energy can also bring something to a head with your co-workers or a situation at
work. Something you’re doing every day will be challenged in some way, and this
Full Moon is here to bring to light something that needs to be seen so that you
can improve, resolve, and release it. Use the energy of this Full Moon to do
something authentic and original in your everyday life, to heal yourself in a
unique and revolutionary way, to take care of yourself, to do innovative things, to
have habits and routines that bring you a sense of freedom and individuality, to
eat healthy, to sleep healthy, to exercise healthy, and to be an example to others
in how to live a quality life. Keep yourself hydrated, avoid heavy food, avoid
overworking, overeating, and overloading yourself with tasks and schedules.
Work on making your everyday life a blessing.
How the New Moon in August will influence Virgo
Dear Virgo, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo, and
it highlights your hidden twelfth house, the last house in the Zodiac. It activates
the archetype of Leo through the meaning of the twelfth house, and this is the
house of spirituality, intuition, deep meditation, contemplation, transcendence,
dreams, symbols, intangible reality, subtle reality, subconscious realms,
channeling, altered states, state of trance, hypnosis, therapies, retreat,
relaxation, resting, sleeping, going on a holiday, going to faraway places, past,
and ancestors; this is also the house of escapism, addictions, damaging habits
and routines, spiritual bypassing, running away from reality, denying reality,
escaping into fantasies, video games, substances, drugs, alcohol, and anything
that puts you in an unconscious state of being. This is also a house of deep
insights, synchronicities, mysteries, mystical experiences, unexplainable events
and situations, mythology, spiritual experiences, metaphysical realms, and things
that are hard to explain with words. This is also a house of oneness, unity,
unconditional love, liberation, and freedom from material attachments. This New
Moon has a very deep message to deliver to you, and this message can come to
you in your dreams. So, pay attention to your dreams and write them down. Write
down anything you remember and start a dream journal. This is a time of vivid
dreams and visitations from the past. Venus is also here in Leo and she’s
retrograde, so this New Moon can bring you new insights about your past, new
ways of looking at your past, new relationship with your ancestors, new ways of
dealing with your past and ancestors, new ways of experiencing spirituality, and
new ways of experiencing your inner world and your subconscious fears. This is
a new light in your subconsciousness and a new way of expressing your inner
state of being. Leo is playful energy. It can bring feelings of pride and royalty; it
can trigger subjective, bossy, and egocentric behavior; but it can also bring a
sense of warmth, generosity, creativity, playfulness, willingness, and self-esteem.
This New Moon is perfect for waking up inner joy and attracting things that you
love and that are pleasurable. Venus is about attraction, and she can also attract
love into your life. This could be a story of your love towards yourself, love
towards spirituality, love towards life, and love towards healing. This can be a
huge healing energy for you now, and you can experience new ways of healing.
This is a new beginning for you—new spiritual journey, new mental patterns, and
new things that help you detach from fantasies and escapisms and show you
your illusions loudly and clearly since Leo energy can be very loud. You will hear
a loud inner voice now that is here to shake you up and wake you up with that
Lion’s roar that comes from the depth of your being. You are renewing and
refreshing your mental patterns, and you can expect a very creative flow of
energy now. This can be a highly creative period of time for you, flooded with
creativity and new ideas. Whether you are an artist, meditator, a music
enthusiast, dancer, interested in psychology, astrology, numerology, tarot,
crystals, channeling, or fascinated by dreams and exploring your inner world, this
energy can bring you new birth of your inner self and trigger the process of
internal and external awakening. Don’t forget to set your intentions now. Plant
your seeds deep within yourself and nurture and nourish those seeds, but don’t
get obsessed by them. Let them grow and plant them with love in your heart and
a smile in your soul.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this second Full Moon in August happens on the very last day of the
month, on the 31st. It happens in the last sign of the Zodiac, in your opposite sign
of Pisces, illuminating your seventh house of projections, reflections, mirrors,
relationships, one-on-one relationships, dynamics between you and others,
marriage, divorce, union, separation, commitments, collaborations, cooperations,
interactions with others, legal matters, fairness, justice, equality, and equanimity.
This is a house of You and I dynamics and all your one-on-one relationships,
including social, intimate, and business partnerships. This Full Moon will bring to
light something that needs to be seen and acknowledged in your relationships
with others; it brings to light things that have been hidden, ignored, avoided,
suppressed, neglected, and invisible for some reason. This energy will reveal
something to you that can change the flow of certain relationships in your life.
Full Moons bring endings, completions, closures, revelations, illuminations,
enlightenment, resolutions, releases, fruitions, and fulfillments. Something can
come to a head with someone, but something can also come to a fruition. Since
this is Water Full Moon and you are an Earth sign, this should actually have a
fulfilling influence on you. It should help you grow and evolve as a person and as
a human being. This is your complementary sign, and it shows you your
projections. You can actually learn a lot about yourself through your triggers in
relationships with others, through your behavior towards someone, and through
others’ behavior towards you. You are an Earth sign and this is Water Full Moon,
and Earth and Water together can bring things to life. Earth carries water and
nurtures it, waters it, and seeds grow from deep within. New life comes to life out
of the darkness, and this energy can bring you amazing nurturing, healing, and
nourishing energy with someone. You can also experience a strong connection
with someone that can have a huge healing influence on you. This is Pisces Full
Moon, and Pisces is about healing, oneness, unconditional love, unity,
transcendence, spirituality, compassion, and empathy, and you are asked to
cultivate these qualities in your relationships with others. But, Pisces also
represents confusions, addictions, escapism, delusions, illusions, and
deceptions. This can manifest in many ways, and many of you will probably
experience both sides of these extremes in your relationships. But, once you
know how this energy works, you can use conscious effort and will to choose
those higher vibrations of possible manifestations. Some of you may get married
during this time or you may make commitments with someone. You may be
signing documents now and making things official, whether these are wedding
papers, business contracts, or legal matter documents. This energy brings
culminations in some of your relationships, and you can expect to experience
some deep healing and compassionate feelings with another person. This can
happen with a friend, a lover, or someone with whom you have a one-on-one
connection. It could be your doctor, counselor, lawyer, close friend, doctor,
dentist, coach, adviser, assistant, or anyone you share a personal relationship
with. You can experience something mystical and mysterious with someone. It is
highly spiritual and healing, and something very deep that awakens your sense
of unity and oneness. It makes you more aware of how everything is connected,
not in a sense of “we are all one,” but in a true sense of that meaning. This is
your true feeling of interconnectedness and interconnectedness, and of course,
this feeling comes from the inside and then it spreads and extends on the
outside. Use the energy of this Full Moon to reach out to others, offering your
help and support and being there for those who need it, but without forcing or
pushing for it. This Full Moon is wonderful for healing, forgiving, letting go,
surrendering to higher power, and trusting the process no matter what.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Virgo, your Tarot card for August is The Three of Wands upright. This is a
card of travel, enterprise, insights, achievements, strong foundations, teamwork,
cooperation, business trips, sharing information and ideas, communication,
preparation, and expansion. This card means that there’s a finishing of a certain
project—plans have been made, and they’re progressing. You are ready to
consider more options. A project you’ve been working on is about to flourish. You
have created a stable basis and a strong foundation, and you’re on the right path.
You are close to achieving your goals. This doesn’t mean that the work is
finished, but it means that you’re on the right path and you should keep going.
This card represents encouragement. There is a wind to your sails—something
pushes you forward. There is cooperation with others as well. This card shows
that preparations have been made, plans have been made, and everything is
struck and ready. This is the time when first steps toward manifestations are
being made. There is excitement and enthusiasm in the air as things are starting
to work out, and you feel good about it. You are also expanding your perception
now. You are expanding your knowledge through learning, traveling, and
connecting with others. This is also a card of vision. You can see far into the
future. You know where you’re going and where you should invest. You are
exploring new possibilities, and anything is possible.

This card can also mean that you may be traveling across the sea—this is
long-distance travel in some cases. This card represents first steps towards
success, the first tangible results of plans and efforts from the past. It’s time to
set sail, to launch something, and to move on in the wanted direction. This card
is also about action. On this card, we see a man standing on a cliff and looking at
hills far in the distance. He sees everything that is in front of him. There are three
ships sailing away in front of him. Three wands are beside him, and they stand
firmly in the ground. His hand rests on one of three wands, which suggests that
he’s right there, sticking to his plan, stable and determined. He is grounded. He is
committed to plans in the future, and he is prepared for what’s to come. This is
also a card of long-term vision and anticipation. Opportunities await you, but you
have to do something, too. You have to leave the safety and comfort and get out
there—be in the open as the man on the card. He is looking into what’s coming,
and he’s prepared. This card means that your plans are going smoothly, and
there’s no reason to be afraid. Things look very good; the future looks good. You
are widening your horizons, and opportunities are coming your way. You are
thinking about long-term things, and you’re embracing the change.

The most impactful planet for Virgo in August

Dear Virgo, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of Mercury. Mercury is your ruler and it
goes retrograde this month in your sign. This makes it even more significant for
you, and Mercury will be retrograde until the 14th of September. This energy will
bring you things from the past that need to be resolved, reviewed, reassessed,
revised, reconstructed, recovered, and anything that begins with the prefix RE.
You can expect to see people from your past coming back into your life. You will
have an opportunity to make things right with certain people, to resolve past
issues if there are any, and to finish the unfinished business. This is not a time for
rigid and fixed schedules, but for flexible and spontaneous events and plans. You
will have enough time to work with your past, to honor your past, to have internal
dialogues, to have constructive monologues, and to get clarity about yourself and
your past, but also to remove things that are unnecessary from your life and find
things that you’ve lost, including faith, trust, hope, and inspiration.

Mercury is the planet of communication, words, transportation, technology,

devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching, learning,
sharing, and connecting. Mercury is the planet of mental energy, and it rules our
intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others. Mercury
gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the ability to
analyze and sort things out. Mercury is about facts and the rational mind. Of
course, Mercury can make us naive as well if we allow the opinions of others to
affect us easily and dictate our behavior. We can become victims of others’
opinions and victims of manipulations, either of others or of our own. But Mercury
can be strengthened, and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize the
truth. Mercury is the messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator, the
one who communicates and transfers messages. Mercury is the master of words,
and it reminds us of the magical power of words, the power of spells that create
reality. Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas, how we
perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from others,
how we transfer it to others, and how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, communicating styles, sense of humor, and ways of
thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves. It shows how eloquent we are,
how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and how easily we
connect the dots.

In order to channel the energy of Mercury this month in the most empowering,
encouraging, and constructive ways, you are advised to be fully and totally
honest with yourself, to have conversations with yourself every day, to use
powerful affirmations in your everyday life, and to use uplifting words in your
everyday conversations and communications. Write down powerful words that
inspire you, and make sure you use them in your vocabulary. Say inspirational
and supportive things to yourself. Talk to yourself in the most motivating and
uplifting way. Pay attention to your words and your inner conversations. Pay
special attention to your thoughts, thought processes, and mental patterns.
Observe your thoughts and expressions, and see how much you’re limited by
your past, how much you’re living in the past, and how much you’re imprisoned
by your past. Learn something new about yourself through your past. Let your
past guide and teach you. Let your past show where you are and who you are,
and don’t be afraid or ashamed of your past. This is a time to break free from
those identifications with your past and to use your past as a powerful tool for
self-cognition and self-knowledge. Write down a letter to yourself, write down a
letter to your past self, and write down a letter to your present self from the
position of your past self. See where you are, who you are, how well you know
yourself, and how well you know to express yourself. Do you know your
thoughts? Do you know how to think in a way that is constructive and that helps
you grow? Do you know how to think in certain situations that can help you find
the best possible solutions? Allow these energies to teach you how to think and
how to let go of thoughts that are destructive and unnecessary. Don’t be afraid of
thoughts, and take the driver’s seat when it comes to your thoughts and words.
Invest in your knowledge, image, learning, communication, and expression of
who you are. Activate your inner messenger and spread the message that is
expansive, abundant, and enriching with yourself and the world.

Healing tips for Virgo in August

- Imagine yourself in a huge library. This library contains everything. Every

possible information, knowledge, wisdom, and answer that was ever written. This
library has as many floors as you can imagine. It has as many halls and books as
you can imagine. It is endless; it is infinite. This library connects heaven and
earth. You can climb to the clouds or to the Moon through this library. Entrance to
this library is through the secret passage in the forest that is right next to your
house. Imagine yourself coming out of your house in the magical forest and
walking through this secret passage that you know of. The entire entrance is
glittering, the weather here is always sunny and full of butterflies, and the little
forest has animals running around. You enter this library and you walk through it.
This library can also fly, as it moves and relocates, and you can travel to any
place you want. You meet people inside this library and you can ask them
questions. You are searching for something. What are you searching for, and
what answer are you after? Go and find it in this library. It is waiting for you. See
where your question guides you and what you can receive as an answer, a sign,
or a clue. This library speaks to you, so visit it whenever you want. It is always
there, and you have free access to it.

- Focus on your personal guide. Imagine your guide. Close your eyes, ask your
guide to appear to you, and focus on your guide. Describe your guide. It doesn’t
matter if you don’t have a clear image of your guide. Just describe what you see.
Is it a familiar face, someone you know, or just a shape, color, or feeling? It
doesn’t matter. What matters is that you create a connection with it. As you do
this exercise each day, your guide will become clearer and clearer, and your
guide may change. You may not have a fully clear image of your guide at all, and
it doesn’t matter. Just describe how you feel it and see it. Now, start a
conversation with your guide. What would you ask your guide, what would you
tell your guide, and what would you share with your guide? Do this, and have a
conversation with your guide. Tell everything you want to your guide. It is safe,
and you don’t have to be afraid of anything. You won’t be judged or criticized for
anything. Your guide knows and understands you fully. Your guide knows your
soul, so you don’t have to worry about being misunderstood. After this exercise,
think about this meeting. Contemplate it, see how you feel after it, and what new
feelings and insights you get. Describe and think about this. Come back to your
guide whenever you want, and keep this relationship alive.

- Find yourself a comfortable space where you can feel totally relaxed. Sit down
or lie down, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, concentrate on your
exhales and inhales, and imagine a sphere around your body. Imagine white
golden sphere around your whole body, and as you inhale, feel this sphere
absorbed into your body. Feel yourself filled with this sphere, and as you exhale,
feel this sphere glowing around your body and protecting you. Inhale—you inhale
the sphere inside of you. Exhale—you exhale the sphere and it shines around
you. Repeat this at least seven times and do this as long as you find it
comfortable. When you finish, stay with your eyes closed for some time and just
feel your body and your breathing. Enjoy.

- Write down your most powerful affirmations you can think of right now. Think
about them and make your own affirmations, ones that are unique for you. Write
them down on a piece of paper. Read them out loud every morning when you
wake up and every night before bed. This is when they have the greatest power,
and this is when they stay strongly inside of your subconsciousness. This is how
you program yourself consciously, and this is how you reprogram old programs
too. Do this every morning, every night, and every day. Feel the power of your
own affirmations, of your own being, and of your own consciousness and

- Look at yourself in the mirror, and while you’re looking at yourself, say beautiful
things to yourself. Speak to yourself in the most soothing, nurturing, loving,
compassionate, and gentle way. Say to yourself: “You are the most beautiful
person that I know. You are a powerful being. You are a genius. I love you
because you are who you are. I love you just the way you are, and I love all your
changes, emotions, expressions, struggles, and transformations. I love all that
you are—all that you keep to yourself, all that you’re silent about, all that you’re
loud about, all that you’re doing, and all that you’re saying. You are perfect to me,
always and forever. You are the greatest light that I know. I trust you, I believe
you, I honor you. You are my best friend, my best companion, my love, my guide,
my child, my parent, my source.” Of course, you can change these words and
come up with your own sentences. Enjoy and feel empowered.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Think about all the things you’re successful at. Write down everything that
you’re good at and everything you have or had success in. This can be anything.
It could be the way you talk to someone, the way you look at people while having
conversations, or the way you wash your hands. Literally anything you’re good
at. Add more and more things to this list every day. Just think about more and
more things that you’re good at, and this will help you immensely to increase
self-trust, self-confidence, and self-love. Plus, you will become more aware of the
many things that you’re good at.

- Experiment with using your voice. Use it in many different ways. Try to make all
kinds of different sounds and see how it sounds to you. Sing different types of
songs and sing these songs in many different ways. Experiment in various ways.
Pronounce words differently, play with words, play with languages, invent new
words, use words from different languages, learn new words from your native
language, and use those words in your everyday communication.
- Think about the most inspiring topics for conversations and write them down.
See how much you know about these topics and start doing your research about
these topics. Research each of these topics, dig deep, and try to find as much
valuable information as you can. Search for answers that you want to find. Don’t
just do superficial or trivial research, rather, be devoted to this and really think
about these topics. What are the most intriguing topics for you that you would
enjoy discussing and that you would love to know more about?

- Start doing any kind of mental exercises or mental activities. Observe your
thoughts, observe yourself, be your own spy, and spy your own behavior, actions,
and mind. Be your own mental spy, as well as physical and emotional. Observe
yourself, be observant, be the witness of yourself, be detached as a witness,
observe your identifications and attachments, and observe your own life from the
perspective of a witness.

- Write a letter to yourself—a letter in which you apologize to yourself for

everything that you can remember; for all the things when you allowed certain
things to hurt you, when you gave your power away to others, and when you
allowed something or someone to make you feel less worthy; for each time you
felt betrayed; for each time you didn’t believe in yourself; for each time you didn’t
stand up for yourself to say what you really meant, what you truly felt, and what
you truly needed. Ask yourself for forgiveness. Thank yourself for every time you
were there for yourself, for being with you no matter what, for staying with you
through the toughest moments, for handling so many ups and downs, and for
staying sane, well, and true. Thank yourself for everything. Let yourself know
how much you love you, how much you mean to yourself, how much you
appreciate having yourself, and how much you’re grateful for being able to
express yourself. Think of anything else you would love to put in this letter to
yourself. You can add something new each day into this letter, and by the end of
the month, you can read it to yourself.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- How do I deal with my inner self? What are my ways of dealing with my inner
self? What does it look like? What do I need to handle the most while I am
dealing with my inner self? What is the toughest and the easiest thing while I am
dealing with my inner self?

- What are the most stubborn and persistent patterns that keep repeating in my
life over and over again? What are my most obvious and evident patterns that I
notice in my life, whether they are mental, emotional, social, or physical?

- How often do I experience paradoxes in my life? How do I handle paradoxes?

Do I dismiss paradoxes as paradoxes, or do I allow them to take me for a ride?
What is my way of dealing with paradoxes telling me about myself?

- Do I accept death? What are my first associations, thoughts, images, emotions,

and feelings that I get when I hear the word “death”? How would I define death?
What does this tell me about myself?

- How do I feel when I am exposed in my relationships with others? What does it

mean to be exposed to me? How often do I feel exposed in front of others? What
kind of emotional processes and triggers do I experience while I am experiencing
exposure? What does this tell me about myself?


What can Libra expect in August

Dear Libra, you are learning how to get in the flow with the energies that are
present. You are learning how to tune with life in the way that you align with it
instead of fighting against it or competing with it. You are learning that it is
completely useless and often destructive to battle against life. You start
responding to life with generosity and kindness, which you may have already
been doing, but now you will be doing it even more, with more awareness,
presence, and willingness. You will be reviewing yourself—your life, your
behavior, and your identity. This month is very colorful for you, and it brings
different kinds of energies—energies of being very social and active, being in
solitude, being introspective, recognizing your perfection and imperfection, and
recognizing the beauty of it all. You will see your unique gifts and talents, and you
will be learning how to express them, how to use them, and how to nurture them.
This month brings you a lot of healing, a lot of reconnections with people, and a
lot of opportunities from the past to make things right and attract harmonious
relationships and inner processes.

The month begins on the 1st of August, with the Full Moon happening in your
fellow Air sign Aquarius, in your fifth house of love, romance, pleasures, joy,
entertainment, children, playfulness, spontaneity, creativity, and self-expression.
This is a very positive and uplifting Full Moon for you. You can expect to be
invited for some kind of celebration, or you may be gathering with people and
having fun. This is a perfect time for parties, for gatherings, for ceremonies of all
kinds, for going out, for enjoying time with people you love, for being in love, and
for experiencing joy and pleasure. Expect culminations in your love life and an
enhancement of your creativity. You can come up with something truly unique
during this time, and this can bring benefits to your business if you have one. You
are expressing your gifts and talents in an original way. This Full Moon will bring
memorable moments and loving energies with people—with your children if you
have them, with somebody else’s children, with the child within you, with your
lover, and generally with people you love.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there is a supportive aspect that happens
between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Mars will make three of these
supportive and friendly aspects. These are all Earth trines, which means that this
support comes through concrete material things and brings you groundedness,
inner strength, inner power, and inner freedom. Mars is in Virgo in your twelfth
house of solitude, silence, meditation, relaxation, contemplation, spiritual
insights, unity, and oneness. Jupiter is in Taurus in your eighth house of death,
rebirth, transformation, intimacy, inner world, unconscious desires, and deep
mental and emotional processes. This brings positive energy in these two areas
of your life, and you will be able to enjoy solitude, find inner peace, enjoy being
quiet, and enjoy having some time for yourself. You will be able to experience
beautiful healing energy, especially healing of your past traumas. On the 16th of
August, Mars makes a trine aspect with Uranus in Taurus, also in your eighth
house. This brings sudden and unexpected events that may at first seem a bit
uncomfortable but that will turn out to be very good and positive for you. Expect
sudden awakening and shocking revelations that will bring you clarity and
understanding. And on the 24th of August, Mars makes third trine with Pluto in
Capricorn in your fourth house of home, family, mother, inner child, emotional
well-being, real estate, place of living, roots, past, and childhood. Expect
transformations within your home and family world that can also bring some
pressure and tension at first but that will turn out to be very supportive and
harmonious. You are experiencing some changes with your home and family that
will bring you a sense of contentment.

On the 10th of August, Mercury in Virgo makes a trine aspect with Jupiter in
Taurus. This can bring you deep conversations about your past—profound
conversations with someone where you can open up about yourself or others can
open up to you. This can happen with your intimate partner or with someone
close to you. This energy can bring prosperity and money that comes to you
through other sources, such as your partner’s money, inheritances, taxes,
credits, banks, insurance companies, passive incomes, royalties, or any other
resource that is not coming directly from your earnings. This is great energy for
meditation, for learning things about the invisible, for learning about the spiritual
realm, for deepening your knowledge, and for gaining wisdom of knowing how to
live a life and how to dance with it instead of just surviving it and having
temporary pleasures here and there.

On the 12th of the month, the Sun in Leo makes a supportive and positive trine
aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in your opposite sign Aries, in your
seventh house of one-on-one relationships, unions, commitments, marriage,
collaborations, partnerships, and legal matters. The Sun is in Leo in your
eleventh house of communities, groups of people, friendships, social circles,
networking, like-minded people, tribe, and team of people. This has everything to
do with your social life and relationships, and there is a very positive energy here
that brings a lot of light, understanding, healing, and compassion between you
and others. On the 13th of August, the Sun and Venus retrograde come together.
This is very powerful for your group activities, for social connections, for friends,
and for having a great time with your soul family. And on the 14th of August,
Venus makes another friendly trine aspect with Chiron in Aries. This can bring
loving and harmonious friendships and relationships, beautiful support and help
that you give to others and that you receive from others, and mutual
understanding and actions that are for the common good. This is truly a very
beautiful and unique energy that will be experienced in a profound way through
your relationships with someone. Wound is triggered, but it is triggered so that
healing can take place.
On the 16th of August, there's a New Moon happening in Leo. This eleventh
house is very strong this whole month; it is very powerful and has a lot to teach
you, especially because your ruler Venus is retrograde here all month. This New
Moon brings new beginnings, new people, new friends, and new connections. It
also brings a lot of focus on the past and a lot of reconnections, renewals, and
refreshments with people from your past, with friends from the past, with
communities from the past, and with lovers from the past. This can also bring
soul connections with people with whom you’re connected through many different
lifetimes. Expect significant new energy with people from your past, new friends,
and new connections that bring you something enjoyable and pleasurable and
that inspire and encourage you greatly.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mars and Mercury here in
your twelfth house of hidden realms, spirituality, otherworldly experiences,
dreams, altered states, transcendence, self-healing, and a sense of
connectedness with all that there is. Mars is here until the 27th, and it
encourages you to go deeper into your inner world and to explore more of the
invisible and unknown realms. The Sun here brings light into your subconscious
dimension. It shows you your way and enlightens your inner journey. On the
same day when the Sun enters Virgo, Mercury stations retrograde and will be
retrograde here until the 14th of September. But Mercury’s retrograde energy will
be felt throughout the whole month, not only starting from the 23rd. Mercury
retrograde in twelfth house is actually very deep and profound and brings so
much intuitive knowledge and deep inner conversations that clear out the mental
fog. This energy will help you deal with any kind of addiction you may have a
problem with; it will help you find your inner sanctuary and find time for yourself,
for recovery, for healing, for learning things that feed your soul, and for investing
more in your spiritual quest.

On the 27th of August, Mars enters your sign and activates your first house of
individuality, identity, personality, behavior, physicality, physical appearance,
image, style, the way others perceive you, unique expression, and character.
Mars here revitalizes you and boosts your energy. You will be greatly motivated
to move forward, to do things, to initiate things, to improve yourself, to strengthen
yourself, to strengthen your physical body, to take action, to stand up for yourself,
and to fight for justice.
On the last day of August, there is the second Full Moon happening this month. It
happens in the sign of Pisces in your sixth house of health, well-being, healing,
time, energy, work, daily tasks, habits, routines, service to others, schedules,
obligations, efficiency, sense of usefulness, and relationship with your pets if you
have them. This Full Moon will surely bring a lot of attention to your health and
your well-being, and it is primarily about taking good care of yourself, having
healthy routines and habits, using your time and energy in the most efficient and
productive way, and being of service in a pure and constructive way and not in a
way of pleasing others and being a slave to others. This energy can bring certain
things to a head when it comes to your health and your work, and you will have
to pay more attention to your lifestyle and your everyday life. Expect
culminations, endings, and transformations in your everyday life. Expect changes
at your work and expect to see changes in what you do with your free time. You
will be learning how to live a life that has more purpose, meaning, healthy habits
and routines, and quality.

Libra relationship with inner self

Dear Libra, you are unstoppable this month when it comes to your inner
revelations, healing, self-knowledge, and hard and devoted work on healing what
needs to be healed and on improving your life—your habits, your lifestyle, and
your routines. There is an alarm that is ringing all the time and it won’t stop until
you do something about it. This alarm is here to wake you up from the comfort
that you’ve been lulled into, shake up your surface, and tear down unstable
constructions that you’ve built in the past. This alarm is here to show you what
you’re not doing that you should be doing and to show you what you’re doing that
you should not be doing. There is some course correction going on, and you will
have to use your will, strength, devotion, and loyalty in order to stand up and
walk in the direction of self-improvement and self-betterment. You can start with
small steps and small things, and this will lead you further. Just show the
Universe that you are willing to do what is right for you. Show the Universe that
you are done with destructive patterns and that you’ve had enough of repeating
lessons. The alarm will be so loud that you won’t be able to ignore it or snooze it.
The alarm will be so strong that others will hear it too, and others may also tell
you about it. There is something that asks for intervention in your life, and you
will have no choice but to rise above the comfortable zone, to deal with yourself,
to deal with your blindspots, to deal with your destructive and damaging habits
and routines, and to change the focus from the things that disempower you
towards the things that empower you. You need intervention from the spirit, and
the spirit will guide you now. You are not alone and you have support from the
invisible realms. You have Jupiter in your eighth house of deep processes,
traumas, death, rebirth, and transformation, and Jupiter brings abundance,
protection, wisdom, fortune, and prosperity. You also have the warrior Mars in
your twelfth house, together with Mercury, the messenger of Gods. You will have
the Sun here, starting from the 23rd, as well. You have great support from the
spiritual realm to make things right, to purify your intentions, to purify your
thoughts and emotions, and to take out the trash from your mental, emotional,
and physical bodies. There is a lot of healing and detoxing happening for you on
a physical level, and you may be going through that process. You are cleansing
through a certain diet regime and exercise regime, as well as through certain
new habits and routines that will help you create a new lifestyle—a lifestyle that
will push you out of your comfort zone and bring you beautiful transformations.
Once you make this decision, nothing will stop you. This month is a true catalyst
for you, and you will have all the needed discipline and responsibility to maintain
your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical hygiene.

Libra relationship with others

Dear Libra, this is a very social month that is full of emotional and memorable
moments with others, and this will be strong and effective throughout the whole
month. You will have a lot of epiphanies with others and a lot of revelations about
life through your relationships with people. You can count on other people’s
support and help, and others can count on you. You may have very deep and
touching conversations and meetings with certain people that can help you open
up about certain things you never opened up to yourself even. But this can also
bring you openness with yourself through a relationship with someone. Someone
may remind you of yourself in the past or someone may remind you of your
behavior that is still active. This can bring you a clearer image of yourself where
you can see where you’re wrong and how you can improve this. This can also
inspire you to be a better role model, to be a better example to others, to inspire
others to improve themselves in many ways, and to inspire others to transform
themselves for the better. You can expect beautiful and loving moments with
people that will enhance feelings of love, compassion, understanding, sense of
unity, oneness, and connectedness. There is a great healing that is happening
within your friendships and communities. There is a lot of forgiveness and many
reconnections and reconciliations with people that may or may not happen in
person. These reconciliations and forgiveness processes can happen within you,
and these processes will instantly influence your existing and new relationships
with others. You have your ruler Venus retrograde in your eleventh house of
groups of people, communities, friends, social circles, like-minded people,
associates, acquaintances, soul family, tribe, and team of people. This is
amazing energy for deep healing, for love, for blessings from past connections,
and for regeneration and recovery of certain wounds that you may have been
going through when it comes to your relationships with others. The Sun is also
here with Venus; this is magnificent energy for shining your light amongst others,
for collaborating with people, for understanding people, for expressing and
emanating your warmth with others, for smiling and giving compliments, and for
being truly generous, kind, loving, and harmonious with people because one
word, one smile, or one small gesture can transform somebody’s life completely.
It can save lives and make miracles. This also means that somebody’s smile
could save your life now. There is something very beautiful happening in your
social circles and with your friends, and you can truly celebrate your relationships
and friendships now. Expect more fun and spontaneity with people. Expect to be
invited for gatherings, parties, celebrations, ceremonies, and other similar events
with people. Say yes to these invitations, have fun, and expand your social
activities while maintaining healthy habits and being a great example to others.
You may be learning from others on how to have fun without hurting yourself.

Libra love & romantic life in August

Dear Libra, love life is highly important in everyone’s life. This month, you may
see this as the most significant thing that rules people’s lives. You may also see
that this is usually somehow twisted and complicated, and you may see that love
life somehow becomes complex, complicated, and dramatic regardless of what
people want and desire. You will be intuitively learning and understanding more
and more about why and how these things happen and unfold, and you will be
discovering a lot about the power of projections. Everything is a projection, and
you will have a lot of powerful insights that will bring you relief about how love
relationships get complicated and why that is so. You will see how everything
revolves around attention and expectations. You will see this in yourself and you
will learn through your own experience. This month, you will be able to get to the
bottom of something in your existing love relationships and to be like an
investigator or a detective of your own intimate relationship. You will have a very
strong support that will come through your partner now, and it may even be
surprising and unexpected. You will also be able to resolve many past issues
related to your love life and to your past love relationships, as well as past issues
that still affect your current love situation and existing love relationships. You
have positive and supportive energy between your ruler Venus being retrograde
in Leo and Chiron, known as wounded healer, which is currently in your opposite
sign Aries, in your seventh house of love relationships and marriages. This
energy is amazing, and it really brings lots of healing and understanding in your
love relationships. You also have positive energy between Mars in Virgo in your
twelfth house and Jupiter in Taurus in your eighth house. Uranus is also in your
eighth house of intimacy and intimate relationships, and Mars will also make a
positive aspect with Uranus. So, these supportive and friendly aspects are
bringing you opportunities to resolve any possible issues in your intimate
relationships, to enrich your romantic life, to experience abundance through your
intimate relationships, and to get closer with your lover. This energy can also
bring good news related to your partner’s money. Expect deep conversations and
emotional moments with your lover. You may open up about your past or your
partner may open up to you, and this will bring more openness and more
closeness between you. There is also a Full Moon happening this month on the
1st of August, in your fifth house of love, romance, pleasure, joy, spontaneity,
playfulness, and children. This energy can also involve your children if you have
them, or, in some cases, it can even bring children. This energy brings
culminations and fulfillments in your love life, and you can expect original and
unique ways of expressing love and experiencing romance. It’s an amazing time
for romantic surprises, for deepening your feelings, for understanding the
complicated part of relationships, and for resolving past patterns that keep
repeating in your love relationships.

Libra sex life in August

Dear Libra, you can experience the true nectar of life this month in many ways.
You can feel the exaltation of your senses through sexual expression and sexual
energy. This is a time when you will be reminded of the power of senses and
intuition at the same time. This month, you have Full Moon on the 1st of August
in your fellow Air sign Aquarius, in your fifth house of true love, romance,
children, entertainment, pleasure, joy, satisfaction, and indulgence. This Full
Moon can bring you the culmination of love energy, pleasure, and the ecstasy of
sexual energy. You can expect a unique sexual experience, something that truly
puts you in the high frequency of experiences. Some of you may be making
babies now, and this is always possible when there’s a Full Moon happening in
the fifth house. If you have planned children and if you want children with your
partner, this energy can be very positive and good for making children. Mars,
planet of sex drive and passion, is still in your twelfth house this month until the
27th of August. It’s making beautiful aspects with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in
your eighth house of sexuality, intimacy, bonding, and merging with your lover.
This can bring beautiful connection, deep closeness, intimacy, sharing secrets,
openness with your partner, and unique expression of sexuality and love with
your lover. This is an abundance of feelings through your sexual connection and
sexual expression. Some of you may feel like you’re on a honeymoon, and this
can feel really powerful and unique. You can embody this feeling, and you may
be surprised by how you experience your own sexuality this month in a good and
positive way. You can easily connect with people now, and you may even feel
sexually attracted by someone from your past. This can turn out to be very strong
and powerful, but also very emotional and healing. This doesn’t have to be
someone from your literal past, but someone who feels like you've known them
forever. This month is very beautiful for expressing your desires and for having
deep, open conversation with your lover. You can expect to experience deep
healing connections with your partner and lover, and this can even bring you
subconscious releases and purgings since your Mars is in your hidden twelfth
house. You may go to a hidden place with someone. You may go somewhere
with your lover without telling anyone about it, or you may do this yourself. You
may discover some things through deep introspection, investigation, and

Libra career & purpose in August

Dear Libra, you will have interesting options and opportunities for improving your
financial situation and for receiving money through many different ways, either
through your partnerships, inheritances, insurances, passive incomes of any
kind, or any other way. You will have great support now to improve the way you
use money and to make wise choices for your future. You can expect good
opportunities and awards from your past, past efforts, and past hard work. You
can expect beneficial things to come to you through your relationships with
people, through your friendships, and through your social contacts and
communities. You have your ruler Venus retrograde now in Leo, in your eleventh
house of friendships, communities, and social circles, but also your long-term
dreams, goals, highest aspirations, and incomes if you have your own business.
You also have the New Moon happening here on the 16th. This is lovely energy,
which can bring goodies to you through the things that you enjoy doing with
others. You may be involved in group projects, community-based projects, and
creative group activity that brings you satisfaction and inner fulfillment but that
also brings you financial improvements. You can definitely expect money from
the past to come back to you. People who owe you money will be bringing
money back now. Or, you may be helping someone from your past financially or
someone who helped you financially in the past will need your help now. These
scenarios are very possible now. You also have Full Moon happening in your fifth
and sixth houses this month. One Full Moon happens on the 1st of August in
your fifth house of joy, entertainment, creativity, self-expression, hobbies, gifts,
talents, self-employment, and having your own business. The second Full Moon
happens on the 31st of August, in your sixth house of daily work, daily tasks,
daily routines and habits, schedules, job, working place, service to others, and
health. These two Full Moons will have a big role in your career and purpose, in
how you work, in how you use your gifts and talents, and in how much you enjoy
what you’re doing and how it affects your health, lifestyle, time, and energy.
Something comes to a head in these areas of your life. Some of you may even
change your job, you may be changing your routines and habits, or you may be
changing and improving your working place in some way. There is something that
is now brought to light here and it can be very healing too. Some of you may
finally see things coming to a fruition when it comes to your own business if you
have one. If you are doing anything creative or anything related to creative
expression, like acting, sports, and performances, you can expect great success
now and you can present yourself in a very unique and special way. Use of
technology in an innovative way can turn out to be very beneficial and good for
you and your joy and happiness in what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. If
you’re doing something that is affecting your health in a negative way, you will
know it this month. You will need to do something about it so that you can take
proper care of yourself.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Libra

Dear Libra, the first Full Moon in August is happening on the 1st of the month, at
the very beginning. It sets the tone for the rest of the month in some way, and for
you, this will have a very friendly and generous energy. This Full Moon happens
in your fellow Air sign Aquarius, shining a light on your fifth house of true love,
romance, joy, pleasure, entertainment, fun, playfulness, spontaneity, children
(your own or somebody else’s), the child within you, creativity, self-expression,
hobbies, business, self-employment, launching your own product or service,
having fun, enjoying life a little bit, being in love, and sharing your light. This Full
Moon makes a supportive, friendly, and harmonious 120 degrees angle with your
sign and things can fall into your lap now. You can expect the culmination of love
and joy; you can expect manifestations in areas of business, gifts, talents, and
creative projects. This house also rules sport activities and sport results, so if you
are into sports, this Full Moon can also mean that something is coming to a
fruition and you can expect success. Some of you may be launching something;
you may be starting your own business or you may be expressing your gifts and
talents in a unique and original way. You can also experience a unique
expression of love during this time. Somebody may surprise you romantically in a
very innovative and original way, or you may be the one who does this. You have
unique ways of having fun, and this can be strongly felt and experienced now.
This is Aquarius Full Moon, and Aquarius represents objectivity, originality,
uniqueness, rebelliousness, revolution, innovations, individuality, humanity,
consciousness, crossing the limits, being aware, and being open-minded. You
will feel these qualities now in your fifth house matters, and some of you may
have a truly unique creative potential. You can do something revolutionary when
it comes to your business ideas, hobbies, gifts, and talents. Full Moons bring
culminations, revelations, endings, completions, fruitions, fulfillments,
disclosures, and adjustments. But these endings and completions won’t be bad
endings or completions. These are endings and completions that will probably
bring things to an end, meaning that a certain creative project you’ve been
working on can be completed now and you may be celebrating this completion.
Things like that are very highlighted now, and you will actually be celebrating
something. You can expect enjoyable time spent with your lover, with people you
love, or with your children if you have them. This is spontaneous energy, and you
won’t be planning things. You will be enjoying the spontaneity, you will remember
things that used to inspire you and uplift you when you were a child, and you will
be able to feel that same excitement and joy that has nothing to do with your
achievements, but that has to do with a pure sense of joy, with having fun, with
laughing and having a good time, with celebrating things, and with doing things
from the heart. This fifth house is the house of Heart Chakra and Heart energy,
and you will feel that kind of warmth and generosity in your interactions, in your
expressions, in your creative work, and in your love life. Use the energy of this
Full Moon to be as spontaneous as you can be, to have fun, to make someone
smile, to do things from the heart, to express the child within you, to share your
gifts and talents with the world, to share your warmth and generosity, to express
your full potential, and to celebrate heart, life, and love.

How the New Moon in August will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo, in
your eleventh house of groups of people, friendships, communities, social circles,
older brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, soul family, group of
people, tribe, and team. This is also the house of networking, social activities,
clients, fans, support groups, long-term dreams and goals, and highest
aspirations. This is the house of desires and achievements of those desires. You
also have your ruler Venus here and she’s retrograde the whole month in this
area of your life. This New Moon brings spontaneous new connections with
people, new meetings, new friends, new social activities, new collaborations, new
contacts, new stories with people, new beginnings with people, new beginnings
with people you already know, new beginnings with people from your past, and
renewal and refreshment of your past relationships, past friendships, but also
existing ones. This energy can bring new ideas, new business ideas, new clients,
or maybe old clients if you have your own business. This is a time for creative
new goals and dreams that have a huge potential to succeed and to become the
source of your joy and happiness. This is Leo energy, and Leo is about joy,
pleasure, playfulness, creativity, generosity, warmth, leadership, royalty, authority,
dignity, and self-expression. These are higher expressions of Leo, but there are
also other expressions of Leo that can result in bossy behavior, egocentric
behavior, being loud, being lazy, being megalomaniac, being pompous, being too
proud, and being arrogant. So, be aware that you may express some of these
things or witness this kind of behavior in others. Don’t give too much attention to
that. Focus more on those higher vibrations and qualities of Leo and its
expression through the eleventh house. Some of you may join a new community
of people, renew your membership, come back to the community you used to be
a part of, start a community of your own, or organize something that is creative,
that involves others, and that is entertaining and pleasurable. Community-based
projects are strong now, and they can turn out to be very exciting and beneficial
too. Expect people from your past to bring some blessings into your life. This is a
great time for planting seeds and for setting new intentions in these areas of your
life. You may be celebrating something with a group of people, you may be
attending group activities and group meetings, you may be organizing a party, or
you may be invited to a party. This should be a pleasant and new energy for you
and your social life, for you and your goals, for you and your aspirations, and you
can truly initiate something that enlightens you and others around you. This
doesn’t have to be anything big and spectacular, but it can be big enough to light
up your heart and to make your relationships with others more valuable and
meaningful. You will recognize valuable friendships now, and you can expect to
see those truly meaningful ones coming back into your life if they were somehow
interrupted or prevented. You can be generous with others during this time and
you can truly be of great help and support to a friend or to a certain community,
but it is also possible that someone from your social circles can make your day
and save you from something. This is great energy for teamwork and
collaborations, and you should work towards making things happen with others.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Libra

Dear Libra, the second Full Moon this month happens in the sign of Pisces, in
your sixth house of everyday life, everyday work, everyday tasks, everyday
duties, habits and routines, job, responsibilities, discipline, efficiency, service to
others, self-care, health, healing, well-being, diet regime, exercise regime, way of
eating, sleeping, living, and working. This is your lifestyle and all that goes with it,
and this Full Moon is here to show you what needs to be improved, developed,
and upgraded in your life. This energy makes you more aware of your schedules,
time, and energy, as well as your way of using your time, energy, and free time.
How do you sleep, eat, work, and spend your free time? Do you exercise? Do
you take care of yourself? Are your routines exhausting and tiring, or are your
routines healthy and empowering? Do you have habits that make you feel weak
and sick or do you have habits that make you feel good about yourself and your
life? This Full Moon will bring to light these things; it will show you what needs to
change in your everyday life and what needs to change in the way you live your
life. Full Moons bring endings, completions, closures, disclosures, revelations,
illuminations, enlightenment, fruition, and fulfillments. Full Moons also bring
culminations, and this Full Moon can bring culminations in areas of your work
and health. Something may come to a head, something may come to an end,
and something may come to a fruition. Some of you may change your job, some
of you may quit your job, and some of you may change your working place or
your working routines for the better. This is Pisces Full Moon, and Pisces has to
do with healing, understanding, compassion, empathy, oneness, unity,
unconditional love, transcendence, meditation, imagination, intuition, and
contemplation. But, Pisces also has to do with escapism, addictions, denying the
material world, spiritual bypassing, confusion, deception, and delusions. So, this
energy can go both ways and can be mixed, but once you know this as a
forecast, you can use these energies in the best possible way and you can make
the most of it. This Full Moon can reveal something to you about your health, and
if you have been worried about your health lately, this energy can bring you
resolutions about it. You will know what needs to be done and how it needs to be
done in order to make things work in the best possible way for yourself, for your
health, and for your well-being. This energy can also bring to an end a certain
agony that has to do with your health or your work. Pisces is highly intuitive and
healing energy, and this Full Moon in the sixth house can bring a deep spiritual,
mental, emotional, and physical healing all at once. You may be of great service
to others, and others can also support you in an amazing way now. You can
expect feelings of oneness, unity, and unconditional love through your healing,
work, service to others, and everyday life. If you’ve been living a life that is a bit
messy, addictive, and unhealthy, this Full Moon is here to make things right, to
bring healing, and to bring habits and routines that will make you value yourself
and life more. Use the energy of this Full Moon to heal, to feel, to improve
yourself in every possible way, to eat and exercise healthy, to sleep healthy, to
drink fresh and live water, to take good care of yourself, and to live a quality life.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Libra, your Tarot card for August is The Six of Pentacles upright. This
card represents generosity, prosperity, wealth, status, charity, and giving. This
card also rules fairness, justice, and equality, and it has to do with selfless
sharing, selfless action, selfless giving, respect, and gratitude. This card
represents the need for balance between material and spiritual needs, as well as
material and spiritual resources. This card reminds us of inequality in the world,
but it shows the possibility of gaining equality through personal action, efforts,
and self-development. It shows that personal balance is possible through selfless
acts, generosity, giving, gratitude, and sharing wealth. This card represents the
possibility of giving to others without losing anything. It reminds you that you can
do something for others without losing your material, emotional, and spiritual
stability. It actually teaches you that you gain more stability through being
generous. But, of course, this demands a certain level of wisdom and
experience. It is not just about blind giving. It is about sharing and being
generous in a selfless way, but it reminds us that being selfless means to be in a
state of self-love first. It reminds us that a true selfish state of mind is when we
don’t love ourselves. Selfishness is when we become people-pleasers, or when
we do things for others but expect things in return. This very easily turns into a
sense of betrayal, hurt, and suffering because we tend to give it all to others
without giving anything to ourselves, and, when we don’t receive anything in
return, we build bitterness in our hearts.

This card teaches us about true selfless giving that is possible only when we love
ourselves. This is when we want to share our wealth and be generous toward
others without expectations because we are free from this—we are already
fulfilled from within, and we give freely. This card reminds us of the importance of
charity, and it indicates that you are in a safe position, materially and spiritually.
There is something that protects you and provides safety to you. This is a sign of
positive income, increased income, and safe income. This card shows that you
won’t have worries about expenses, that your give and take is balanced, and that
you have enough of what you need. This card also suggests that you may help
somebody, support somebody, do something generous for someone, help
someone finish work, help someone in need on the street, help someone whose
car has stopped, help a neighbor carry things to their home, help a friend
financially, or be an emotional and moral support to somebody. These kinds of
gestures are supported. This can also work in other ways. You may be the one
who receives some kind of wealth, fortune, support, and help from others. So,
don’t reject receiving during this time, and don’t reject giving and helping. No
matter which situation you find yourself in, follow the signs and give and receive
equally. This charity doesn’t have to be financial, of course. This can be any kind
of support and kind gesture. This card reminds us of the importance of little
generous actions that are accumulated day by day that build great wealth. This is
a card of triumph, balance, progress, income, kindness, tolerance, solutions,
overcoming crisis, financial support, and successful purchases. This card
reminds you of good fortune. It makes you aware of good fortune, and it returns
hope to you.

The most impactful planet for Libra in August

Dear Libra, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler Venus. Venus is retrograde
the whole month and she is in fiery and playful Leo, in your eleventh house of
friendships, communities, social activities, group activities, social circles,
networking, long-range goals and dreams, and highest aspirations. Venus is here
for a very long time and she has a very significant role in your life. It is very
beneficial to have your ruler in the house of friends and groups of people. This is
an amazing energy that brings you beautiful and harmonious relationships with
others; it brings back people from your past for healing, reconciliation,
forgiveness, and resolutions. You can expect cheerful and loving connections
and reconnections with people, and you can also expect to see some of your
goals from the past resurrecting and becoming more present in your life again.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all, she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human—all five elements, including Aether, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Venus is
a bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our well-being in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of your ruler Venus retrograde in the most
amazing, beautiful, harmonious, charming, constructive, and beneficial way, you
are invited to cultivate and nurture the energy of Venus in your life in every
possible way. You are invited to invoke Venusian things in your life and to do
things that will beautify your life in many ways. Give presents and gifts to other
people in your life. These don’t have to be big and expensive things. This can be
just a flower, for example, or something very small. You can also create a gift of
your own. It is important to have an emotional and spiritual value, and to have
pure intentions packed with it. Give compliments to people, make people smile,
make people laugh, and tell others how beautiful they are. Recognize values and
virtues in others, recognize qualities in others and point them out, talk about
other people’s qualities, virtues, and values, and focus on those beautiful and
valuable things that other people possess. Always carry some small gifts or
presents with you to give and offer to others. You can carry small chocolates and
give them to people when you meet them. Invite people for something beautiful,
cheerful, and pleasurable. Invite people for dinner, drink, cake, dance, movie, or
just hanging out. Prepare a meal and invite people over to your place. Say Yes to
invitations you receive during this time. Go out with people, be social, and get
together. If you receive an invitation from someone from your past, don’t reject it,
rather, accept it and resolve things that might have been heavy or intense. Reach
out to others and be gentle, kind, generous, loving, and understanding. Visit
theaters, cinemas, concerts, shops, cafes, restaurants, dancing floors, and all the
things that can invoke and trigger the awakening of Venus within you. Be like
Venus. Work on beautifying yourself and your relationships with others, work on
expressing beauty in every possible way, and be the love, beauty, and harmony
that you already are, but bring it even more through your conscious decision to
do so.

Healing tips for Libra in August

- Think about something that you really want to be, to do, to have, to become,
and to achieve. It can be anything—any goal, vision, or dream you have. Imagine
this as if it has already manifested. See this picture alive in your mind, frame it in
a bubble, put this live picture of your manifested dream into a bubble, and watch
it like that. This bubble is floating around with your manifested dream inside of it.
Now, exhale into this bubble and see this bubble going up into space, high
above, and see how it disappears into the vast Universe. You send this
manifested dream into the Universe and you feel it manifested, but you are not
attached to it.

- Record your voice and record yourself saying powerful things to yourself. You
can speak in first, second, or third person, and you choose how it makes you feel
comfortable and uplifting. Record yourself talking to yourself, just a couple of
sentences, and make these sentences empowering, uplifting, encouraging, and
motivating. Come up with your own motivations for yourself and listen to your
own voice. Play this to yourself every now and then throughout the day. You can
listen to this while you’re walking, driving, watching the sunset, exercising, or
doing anything. Enjoy and have fun.

- Describe your ideal and perfect day. Start from the very beginning, from the
moment you wake up, and go through the whole day. What does your perfect day
look like? Do you have those kinds of days in your life? Describe your perfect
day. Imagine it, and then try your best to live that kind of day, manifest that kind
of day, and make it as similar to your perfect day as you can, but also be
spontaneous and allow things to happen naturally. Don’t try to plan things or
follow your plans strictly. Just start your day and see where it takes you.
Experiment, feel it as an adventure, and see if your perfect day turns out to be
better than your imagined one.

- Create your own mood board. Get yourself a board, a big piece of hammer, or a
place on the wall in your space, and start making your mood board. Choose
images, photographs, texts, lyrics, colors, symbols, and anything you want, and
just add details to it. Create a collage of your life, your emotional state of being,
and your inner state. Express your inner state of being through a mood board,
find images that resonate with you, print them, and put them on the board, on the
paper, or on the wall. Find quotes and texts that resonate with you. Find symbols,
signs, and other things that you want to add to your mood board. Enjoy, have fun,
and learn more about yourself while doing this. You can update, upgrade, modify,
and transform your mood board as many times as you want. Enjoy the process
and see what more you can learn about yourself through this creative process.

- Imagine that you’re a leaf being carried or blown by the wind. Imagine yourself
as a fluttering, rumbling leaf. Now, imagine yourself as leaves fluttering, as a
plural. You’re not only one leaf, rather, you’re more of them. You feel yourself as
many leaves fluttering and rumbling, as many leaves on one branch of the tree
fluttering. You feel the wind moving you, and you feel one with the wind. Now,
feel yourself as the wind that blows into these leaves. Feel yourself as this wind
that goes through leaves and branches. Feel the whole feeling. Really be there,
and feel it. You can watch fluttering leaves online if you need help in imagining
this more vividly. And of course, whenever there’s a chance to see this outside in
nature, when weather is like this, stay there, observe, feel it, connect with it, and
breathe it. Enjoy.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Don’t impose your will onto others and don’t try to make others do things in the
same way as you do them. Don’t expect others to feel the same about certain
things. No matter what situation you find yourself in, try to give your best to
observe others as divine beings, who have their own projections, movies,
perceptions, and angles of looking at things; imagine yourself in their position,
imagine that you have their mind, and try to understand that everyone has their
own unique point of view. You can sometimes meet somebody else’s point of
view, but you cannot expect them to be at the same angle as yours all the time.
Observe others as unique beings. Honor their level of being, their level of
consciousness, and their point of view even if you don’t agree with them. Don’t
try to convince them that they’re wrong or right, and don’t try to convince them
about your own point of view.

- Do something new with your family or those who feel like your family. Invite
those close to you for something adventurous, fun, entertaining, and beautiful.
Do something that will refresh your relationship with these people, something that
will renew your interactions and ways of spending time with people. Go for a hike
with others, have fun outside, practice outdoor activities, go somewhere together
on a short trip, visit a new place, go to a new restaurant, try new food, and
experience something new with people close to you in any way that you want.

- Write down top five negative beliefs that you have about yourself, as well as
your future, your life, your love life, your health, your looks, your past, your
knowledge, and your journey. Then, look at these five negative beliefs and
transform them into positive ones. Transform each of these beliefs into
affirmative, positive beliefs and make the first negative version totally

- Write down your dreams, keep your dreams journal active, and write down
anything you can remember from your dreams. You don’t have to remember the
whole dream. One symbol is enough. Just keep records of your dreams each
day. Even if it’s just a feeling that you remember, write it down. This will help you
remember more and more details of your dreams. By keeping a dream journal,
you actually improve your conscious presence in dreams and remember more
and more things from your dreams. Think about these dreams during the day, try
to find answers in your wake reality, connect your dreams and your wake reality,
and see what connects them and what brings them together.

- Whenever you’re in touch with water, speak with this water. Say thank you to
water, show your gratitude to water, be thankful to water, and show water that
you’re aware of its energy, existence, and importance. Each time you take a
shower, wash your hands, drink water, or do anything with water. Let water know
that you’re grateful, thankful, and happy for having water. Let water know this.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- Am I fighting against life, or am I getting in the flow with life? Do I perceive life
as something heavy and competitive, or do I perceive life as a teacher and a

- How do I respond to life? Do I respond with kindness or anger? Do I respond

with generosity or resentment?

- What is solitude according to me? What are my first associations, images,

thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feelings that I get when I hear the word
“solitude”? How would I define and describe solitude? What does this tell me
about myself?

- What am I afraid of when I think of reconnecting with people from the past?
How do I react within myself when I think of reconnecting with people from my
past? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are my most destructive patterns in life? What are my most constructive
patterns in life? Are they connected in any way? What are my constructive and
destructive patterns telling me about my journey?

What can Scorpio expect in August
Dear Scorpio, you are able to manifest changes that you want to manifest in a
very productive, efficient, pleasurable, enjoyable, and cheerful way. You are also
going to feel something very familiar, something like a deja-vu, or you may
experience continuous deja-vus during this month. It will be like something that
will ring the bell, like you’ve seen it before, heard it before, experienced it before,
or lived it before. This can happen in many different areas of your life, including
love, friendships, career, health, spirituality, knowledge, and adventures of all
kinds. You will have a lot of hunches; it may seem a bit like a dream and you may
actually wonder if it is a dream. Expect amazing synchronicities with people and
with your higher self. You are going to feel good about yourself, especially if
you’ve felt some kind of guilt or regret lately, if you’ve felt bad about yourself, if
you’ve felt like you’ve made a mistake, or if you’ve felt like you’re not doing
something right. This month, you will make this right and you will improve your
well-being and your life in a way that you like and that is enjoyable. You are
bringing a lot of magic and inspiration in your relationships with people, and you
have the power to bring needed and wanted changes in your home and family.

The month begins on the 1st of August with the Full Moon in your fellow Fixed
sign Aquarius, and this shines a light in your core placement, in your fourth
house of core emotions, home, family, place of living, house, residency,
relationship with your mother, relationship with your inner child, real estate,
emotional well-being, and emotional health. This Full Moon can bring eccentricity
in your family relationships. It can bring tension and challenges because this Full
Moon makes a square aspect, an aspect that can bring a bit of pressure and
crises. But this Full Moon has a task to bring resolution and completion of
something that’s been going on in your home and family world. This Full Moon
can bring culminations in your home, family, feelings, emotions, emotional
reactions, and triggers. Something is brought to light in your home and
something is illuminated within your family. Some of you may be moving,
changing location, renovating your home in a unique and original way, and
experiencing something that can be called an emotional revolution.

On the same day when this Full Moon happens, there is a very positive and
supportive energy unfolding, and that is a friendly and helpful trine aspect
between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Mars will make three positive trine
aspects this month, and the first one is with Jupiter, planet of abundance,
prosperity, fortune, wisdom, meaning, and expansion. Earth energies are
concrete, material, solid, and stable, and can bring you stability and
groundedness. Mars is in Virgo in your eleventh house of friends, communities,
associates, groups of people, social circles, teamwork, goals, and dreams, while
Jupiter is in your opposite sign Taurus in your seventh house of one-on-one
relationships, commitments, partnerships, unions, collaborations, and
interactions with others. This energy feels very good for your relationships with
people; it can bring you solid friendships, a sense of stability and security with
your social, intimate, or business partner, groundedness, as well as patience and
calmness with people you’re working with, collaborating with, and communicating
with. On the 16th of August, Mars makes another trine aspect with Uranus, also
in Taurus, in your house of marriage, legal matters, official things, desires, and
cooperations. This can bring you positive surprises with people from your
community and unexpected manifestations that are beneficial for you through
your friendships, sudden love relationships, or sudden marriages for some of
you—these are out of the blue manifestation of things you’ve been praying for in
your relationships. On the 24th of August, Mars makes its third trine aspect with
Pluto in Capricorn in your third house. This brings you wanted transformations
and regenerations in your relationships with siblings, relatives, neighbors, and
people from your local community. All these positive Earth trines happen in your
social houses and bring you concrete and stable connections with
people—reliable connections, loyal people, and people you can trust. You can
also expect positive changes in your communications with others.

On the 10th of August, Mercury in Virgo makes a positive aspect with Jupiter in
Taurus. You can experience positive communication, supportive conversations,
and trips with your friends, your partner, or with anyone else, and these
connections, conversations, and trips can make you feel very stable, secure,
grounded, and peaceful. Mercury is in Virgo, together with Mars. Mercury will go
retrograde on the 23rd of the month, but this retrograde energy will be felt
throughout the whole month. Mercury retrograde in your eleventh house of
friends, communities, and groups of people can definitely bring back people from
your past. You may be reconnecting with people you haven’t seen or heard from
in a while, with people you used to be on the same team with, or with friends
from the past. You may finishing the unfinished within your groups, communities,
or friendships. You are making something right with others. You may also have
an opportunity to manifest something you’ve been dreaming of for a very long
time. Some of your highest aspirations may have an opportunity now to come to
a fruition, and you will be working proactively on it. You are doing something
significant with people, and you may be of great service to others now in many

On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August, there are more supportive energies going
on. On the 12th of August, the Sun in your tenth house of career and profession
makes a positive trine aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in Aries, in your
sixth house of health, well-being, work, service to others, daily routines, and
habits. You can expect great healing that has to do with your career, work, job,
daily routines and habits, and lifestyle. You are able to digest that process of
healing now. On the 13th of August, the Sun and Venus retrograde come
together in playful and fiery Leo at the top of your chart, and this can bring you
success and recognition. You may be noticed for the things that you do or for the
things that you’ve done in the past. This energy can bring you blessings from the
past in areas of your career, contribution, profession, reputation, success, social
status, relationship with authority figures, and father figures. On the 14th of
August, Venus retrograde makes a supportive trine aspect with the wounded
healer Chiron in your sixth house of health, work, schedules, and everyday life.
You can experience very supportive energy in these areas of your life, and you
can change your life for the better. Your career and profession can have a very
positive effect on your health, routines, and habits, or you may change and
improve your habits and routines, which can have a very beneficial and healing
influence on your life direction, contribution, employment, and career.

On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon happening in your fellow Fixed sign
Leo. This highlights your highest position in the chart, your tenth house, the
Zenith of the Zodiac, in your house of career, success, recognition, profession,
contribution, vocation, life direction, life path, relationship with father and father
figures, relationship with authority figures, and own authority. This New Moon is
strong because it is in the same place with Venus retrograde this month, and this
brings you new beginnings in your career, as well as new possibilities and
opportunities. These new beginnings could very well be related to the things you
did in the past, like your goals and ambitions. You will be able to renew and
refresh your profession and your reputation in a loving way, thanks to Venus
being here, but this energy may push you out of your comfort zone. This is very
much needed, and it can only bring you betterment and improvement with your
career and your reputation, as well as with your relationship with your father or
with dominant figures in your life. Expect new life directions, new business
opportunities, and new creative expressions.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mars and Mercury in your
eleventh house of communities, networking, friendships, clients, desires,
aspirations, long-range goals, and dreams. Mercury goes retrograde on the same
day, and you can expect a lot of activities with people—social activities,
conversations, agreements, and deals with people that resonate with your goals
and dreams. You will be reviewing, reassessing, rethinking, and re-evaluating
your relationships with people—your friends, associates, place amongst others,
role in a community, and role in your friendships.

On the 27th of August, your ancient ruler Mars moves into Libra and activates
your twelfth house of spiritual dimensions, meditation, relaxation, retreat,
withdrawal, isolation, solitude, silence, and inner peace, but also addictions,
escapisms, damaging habits, denial of reality, spiritual bypassing, blindspots, and
weaknesses. Mars is tricky in the twelfth house and it can bring sleep issues; it
can bring insomnia and nightmares in some cases, but this is all happening for a
reason. Mars here wants you to find your rhythm, and it encourages you to go
within and face your subconscious fears. This energy will be felt more in
September, but you will start feeling it these last couple of days of August. You
will be putting more energy and action into your invisible world and inner journey.

On the 31st of August, there’s the second Full Moon that happens this month.
This one happens in your fellow Water sign Pisces and it shines a light on your
love, romance, creativity, children if you have them, relationship with children in
general, child within you, hobbies, gifts and talents, and creative self-expression.
You can expect beautiful romantic encounters during this time. This Full Moon
brings culmination in your love life and with your children, and it can bring things
to light. It can bring things to surface when it comes to your love, romance,
creative projects, business, and self-employment. This is healing energy, and it is
highly creative, intuitive, and artistic too. If you’re doing anything creative or
artistic, this Full Moon will be very beautiful and fulfilling for you. Love is shining
during this time, and you can truly enjoy something that brings peace to your
heart. Some of you could experience the feeling of unconditional love now, at
least for one moment, and this can happen through your love relationship,
through your children if you have them, through your creative processes, through
having fun and enjoying life, or through just being present in the moment and
being in the now.

Scorpio relationship with inner self

Dear Scorpio, your intuition grows even wider, higher, and deeper this month and
it reaches the roots and the roofs of your being. Actually, you will see that there is
no beginning nor the end. You will see and realize that you don’t begin nor end,
and that life also didn’t start at some point in time and it won’t end somewhere in
the faraway future. You will have a deep understanding of the laws of existence
and the matrix of this reality, as well as an understanding of different timelines
and different dimensions. You can now experience truth in its deeper sense. This
kind of truth cannot be verbally expressed, it can only be felt; it cannot be
explained, it cannot be put in words, it cannot be illustrated, it cannot be
expressed, it doesn’t have a formula, and it doesn’t have a taste, smell, or sound.
It just is. It can be intuitively felt, and it can be lived at least to some degree.
Many of you will start living that kind of intuitive truth, and you will start being that
truth. This month, you will be bringing desired changes in your life. You will finally
be able to manifest them, to bring them to life, to experience them, and to live
them. Your relationship with your inner world grows and evolves now. Your
intuition is magnificently increased, shining in the darkness and becoming your
torch of light, and you will become more intimate with it now. You are unlocking
the potential of an intuitive genius that lives within you. You may have interesting
challenges and temptations this month, but these temptations and challenges are
somehow already overgrown, experienced, seen, and tried, so you won’t really
feel attracted by those distractions of indulgence and hedonism. You will be
deeply interested in your self-betterment, self-healing, the ability to deal with
whatever comes up, and the ability to feel yourself, face yourself, and understand
life and its mysteries. Temptations won’t be so attractive now. You will actually
wonder how it is possible that you’ve been so attracted to them before, that you
couldn’t resist certain things before, and that you couldn’t say No to certain things
before. You are finding your sweet spot within you. You are creating an inner
sanctuary and your own space to relax, where you can breathe, scream, cry,
contemplate, process things, and just be whatever you need to be. This will give
you huge freedom to express yourself and deal with those hidden fears in a wise
and mature way, in a way that may be surprising for you, and in a way you
couldn’t have anticipated. These are positive shocks and surprises, and you will
be very grateful for being right where you are and for having yourself just the way
you are. You know that growth is a neverending process. You won’t stop growing
and improving yourself, you won’t stop learning, and you won’t stop exploring the
depths of your soul and your being. Some of you may start a serious
investigation of your origin that will reach the spiritual roots of your being and
your existence.

Scorpio relationship with others

Dear Scorpio, you have such a beautiful and supportive energy this whole month
when it comes to your relationships with others. You have amazing possibilities
now for making something truly beautiful, sustainable, efficient, concrete,
grounding, stable, and secure with others. This month, you will recognize
stability, groundedness, maturity, and responsibility in your relationships with
others. You will recognize loyalty, devotion, reliability, and dedication in your
relationships with people, in your social activities, in your friendships, and with
people from your close surroundings. You do have friendly and supportive energy
between all social placements in your chart, and this is an incredible force that
unites you with people, that brings you together with others, and that makes you
more and more aware of how this whole life is built upon relationships. You will
have a deep appreciation of your relationships with people, especially with
people from your community, associates, friends, one-on-one relationships,
siblings, relatives, neighbors, and people who appear and disappear
mysteriously, mystically, and secretly. You can also expect significant changes
and culminations in your relationship with your family members, closest one, and
those who feel like your family. You have Full Moon in your fourth house of home
and family on the 1st of August, and then you have New Moon in Leo on the 16th
of August in your tenth house. You also have Venus retrograde in Leo in your
tenth house, which is opposing your fourth house of home, family, mother, and
inner child. Your tenth house represents father and father figures, authority
figures, bosses, superiors, and dominant people in your life regardless of their
gender. These two lunations directly influence your relationship with your
parents, and these relationships may be internal, external, or both. You will
experience something that may be a bit intense with your parents and with family
members, but whatever it is, know that it is also liberating, renewing, refreshing,
unique, original, and authentic. You will be very emotional when it comes to your
friends and family this month, and you may have strong emotional reactions that
are out of your control when it comes to dealing with your friends and family, or
when it comes to certain conversations you may have with them or with
somebody else about them. This is energy that reminds you of true values in
your relationships, and thanks to these challenges, you are learning more and
more about how to deal with pressure and discomfort that are inevitable in life,
especially in close relationships. Mercury is retrograde in your eleventh house of
communities, friendships, social circles, groups of people, and older brother and
sisters, and you can expect a lot of conversations that may involve the past. You
will be resolving past issues with people or you may be resolving issues with the
people from the past. In any case, expect reconnections with people from your
past. Expect to think about people from your past and to talk about them. These
energies bring you a high level of forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and
resolution of your past relationships and past issues that may be active again.

Scorpio love & romantic life in August

Dear Scorpio, love is always on your side and by your side, and even though you
may sometimes feel like love is gone from your life, you will be reminded now
that this is impossible. Your faith in love grows, expands, and extends to
unimaginable heights and depths, and certain beliefs you had about love are
being torn apart now for the better. Your love life is glowing and expanding, and
you will actually be surprised in a positive way by how things unfold for you now
in your love life. Some of you may suddenly and unexpectedly get married. Some
of you may be proposed out of nowhere, or you may be the one who initiates this
out of the blue. Expect abundance and expansion in your love life, as well as
unexpected romantic surprises. Expect expansion of stability in your love life.
This is a time for you to experience the power of love, to feel the healing side of
love, and to see the creative potential of love as well. Love is the strongest and
the highest law of them all, and this month, you will receive a confirmation for this
truth. Your love relationships are growing and maturing, and you are growing and
maturing together with them. Some of you could expect people from your past to
show up in your life—love story from the past may resurface now, and this is
happening so that you can move on, resolve something, and finally let go of
something if you still feel any emotional triggers and chains related to your past
love relationships. You have Jupiter and Uranus in your opposite sign Taurus in
your seventh house of marriage, love relationships, commitments, and unions.
This month, your ancient ruler Mars and Mercury will be making positive and
supportive aspects with Jupiter and Taurus, which brings good energy, stability,
and groundedness in your love relationship. Sudden new love relationships are
also possible during this time. This month, you also have the second Full Moon
happening at the very end of August in your fellow Water sign Pisces, in your fifth
house of love, romance, joy, pleasure, children, fun, celebration, and creativity.
You can expect beautiful healing energy in your love life, as well as culminations
of romance. Some of you may be expecting or making children if that’s what you
wanted and planned. This energy can bring you deep inner fulfillment that
happens through love and romance, and this doesn’t mean that you need a
partner in order to feel this fulfillment; this means that you will feel that joy and
pleasure now, which has the power to transform your anger into love, your
sadness into love, and your pain into love. This is a time for you to smile, to
spread love, and to bring that healing loving energy into your life. The original
ruler of this Full Moon in Pisces is Jupiter, and Jupiter is in your house of
marriage and love relationships. So, this can truly bring many beautiful surprises
and expansion of joy and pleasure through your love life. Saturn and Neptune
are also here in Pisces, in your fifth house of love and romance. Their energy is
activated now, which brings you more focus on love, more manifestations of your
dreams related to love, romance, and children, and more responsibility and
maturity in your love relationships and a role that you have in a love relationship.

Scorpio sex life in August

Dear Scorpio, you are having beautiful experiences this month when it comes to
your sex life, and you can truly experience a sense of something higher, deeper,
and meaningful through the art of making love this month. You may feel a sense
of oneness, unity, and unconditional love through making love and expressing
your sexuality. This happens due to the Full Moon in your fellow Water sign
Pisces, in your fifth house of love, romance, pleasures, excitement, and joy. This
energy can also bring a very healing sexual experience. Some of you may be
working on having babies, or you may be expecting them if it is something that
you’ve been working on and it is something that you want. You can expect an
increase of compassion and empathy through your bonding and merging with
another soul, through making love and experiencing sexual pleasures. You can
have a very strong physical and health improvement now. Breathing is very
important for your sexual pleasure, and you will be aligned with your breathing.
You are aligning with your breathing. You will see that sexual experience is very
much dependent on breathing, and you will be experimenting with this now. Your
way of breathing and holding your breath during sexual acts can show you new
and different dimensions of experiencing sexual pleasure. Somebody may teach
you about this or you may be experimenting on your own. Just be careful if you
don’t know what you’re doing, and don’t experiment too much. Try to find an
expert on breathing and see what you can learn about the connection between
sex and breathing, between sexual energy and breathing, and between sexual
expression and breathing. This can happen spontaneously to you, unintentionally
and naturally. You may notice that you’re breathing differently than usual and that
this breathing has a very powerful influence on how you experience sex and how
you align with the rhythm of your partner. Or, you may be working on breathing
and healing your sexual energy through breathing only, without a partner. This is
also very strong now, and you may be using powerful breathing techniques that
improve your overall state of being and bring your sexual energy into a balance.
If you’ve been experiencing difficulties in your sexual life lately, you can expect
something quite different and transformative now. Your sex life seems rich now in
many ways, and you will be able to express your desires freely. You will also be
able to see some of your hidden sexual desires, wants, and needs, and this is
great because it will bring you more awareness of those unconscious and
suppressed wants and needs that need to become seen, known, and visible so
that you can deal with them, work with them, and transform them.

Scorpio career & purpose in August

Dear Scorpio, you can expect new directions, new beginnings, and new options
to choose from when it comes to your career and profession. You have powerful
energies that are pushing you forward and helping you unglue yourself from the
places related to your work, career, and contribution. You still have Venus
retrograde in Leo in your highest position of the chart. This month, she’s here
together with the Sun, and there’s also a New Moon happening here. This is an
incredible time for renewing, refreshing, rejuvenating, reviewing, re-evaluating,
and restructuring your career, vocation, way of doing the work that you do, way of
contributing, reputation, service to others, employment, and relationship with
authority figures. Expect blasts from the past when it comes to your career.
Things you’ve been doing before will pay off during this time. Hard work from the
past will pay off, and you will start seeing results now. Things you’ve been
investing in will start giving results, and you will be able to start something new
and do something new with things you’ve already done or activated. Things
you’ve always wanted to do may become active again—things you’ve dreamed
of doing may come into your life now, including things you enjoyed doing when
you were a child. Venus retrograde in your tenth house in Leo can definitely bring
those kinds of things into your life. You will be able to use your charm and
charisma in a very constructive way, especially when it comes to your reputation,
contribution, and life path. You also have Mercury retrograde in your eleventh
house of friends and communities, and Mars is also here together with Mercury.
They will be making Earth trines that are very positive and supportive, and you
can expect help and support from others when it comes to your business,
employment, work, and finances. Teamwork is highly supported, as well as any
kind of group project, community-based project, or internet-based project. You
may be collaborating with someone, and you can expect abundance, prosperity,
efficiency, and self-sufficiency through your collaborations and partnerships. You
also have Full Moon happening on the 31st of August in Pisces, in your fifth
house of self-employment, creativity, gifts, talents, having your own business,
and doing what you enjoy and love doing. This energy can help you express
yourself creatively and artistically. You can expect success if you have your own
business or if you are in any way doing creative and artistic kind of work that
involves acting, playing music, creating music, singing, dancing, performing,
writing, painting, creating things, and making handmade things. Anything that is
creative and artistic is now possible to flourish and blossom. You can also expect
financial incomes that come to you through things from the past. Expect positive
changes in your career and profession through changing your habits and
routines, through taking better care of yourself, through improving your everyday
life, through making healthy choices, and through living a life that is healthy and
wealthy. Health brings wealth in every possible way, and this is a very important
thing to know.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, the first Full Moon this month happens at the very beginning of the
month, on the 1st of August. It happens in your fellow Fixed sign Aquarius,
illuminating your fourth house of home, family, mother, family members, inner
mother, inner child, inner family, inner home, sense of security and stability,
emotional health, emotional intelligence, emotional well-being, and emotional
stability. This is also the house of real estate, literal house, place where you live,
residency, house where you grew up, childhood, past, and roots. This is a house
of core emotional wants and needs, and this Full Moon will bring your core
emotions to the surface; it will bring them up, make you see them, acknowledge
them, adjust them, release them, transform them, integrate them, and accept
them. This is a time when your emotional world may reach a culmination, and it
may reach a boiling point. Something may come to a head when it comes to your
relationship with family members or with those who feel like your family. You may
have to resolve something related to your home and family. This is the energy of
emotional revolution and rebellious emotional reactions. This is Aquarius Full
Moon, and Aquarius represents rebellious and revolutionary energy, eccentric
behavior, uniqueness, unconventional ideas, innovations, objectivity, detachment,
humanitarian activities, and advanced technology. Aquarius represents
everything that is unordinary and different, as well as everything that is original
and that stands out. Your family relations are definitely a bit different than the
majority. There is something specific, unique, and eccentric about your family and
your home, and this energy will bring that to light; it will be seen and noticed. Full
Moons bring endings, completions, closures, illuminations, fruitions, fulfillments,
drama, resolutions, acknowledgments, and culminations. Some of you may be
moving, relocating, changing your home, buying and selling your home or real
estate, renovating your home, changing your environment in some way, changing
furniture, or doing anything else in your home environment. Some of you may be
dealing with a family member, and this can be a bit intense and critical since this
Full Moon makes a tense square aspect with your sign. This is something that
gets you out of your comfort zone emotionally, and you will have to look at what it
is. Some things that have been hidden within your family may come up now.
Something may come to a fruition now—something you’ve been working on
when it comes to your residency, real estate, family members, or relationship with
your mother. This is an introspective energy, and it has to do with your emotional
processes and emotional stability and security. You will have an opportunity to
feel and heal. Use the energy of this Full Moon to release negative emotions, to
acknowledge your emotional instabilities and insecurities if there are any, to
reach out to your family members, to connect with your family, and to express
your feelings and emotions, especially if you feel detached and cold when it
comes to your home and family, which is possible now. Use this energy to let it all
out, to express yourself in your own authentic way, to allow your emotions to
show you the way, and to work towards that emotional revolution of yours that
has to happen internally.

How the New Moon in August will influence Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August, in your fellow
Fixed sign Leo. It activates the top of your chart, the Zenith of the Zodiac, your
tenth house of success, reputation, contribution, profession, career, vocation,
true calling, mission, purpose, life path, life direction, social status, recognition,
influence on others, things that you do in the world, role in the world, relationship
with father and father figures, relationship with authority figures, and own
authority. This is the energy of new beginnings in these areas of your life. Expect
restart, reboot, and reset of your career, profession, reputation, and contribution
in some way. These are new beginnings, but they may not be brand new. They
may actually be very much connected to your past because you have Venus
retrograde, also in Leo, in your tenth house, and this will have a huge impact on
your career, profession, and success. You can expect things from the past to
become active and successful now. You may come back to something you’ve
always wanted to do or something you used to do that brought you joy and
satisfaction. You can expect blessings from the past in your career and
profession. You can also expect a new life direction that is happening thanks to
some things from the past—efforts, recognition, success, or contribution. Of
course, this doesn’t mean that nothing new will happen without the past being
involved, but it is important to know that these energies are active now. You can,
of course, expect new things, new roles, new direction, and new career
opportunities, as well as harmonious, gentle, and easy removal of past
ambitions, goals, and desires. This is Leo New Moon, and Leo represents
warmth, generosity, playfulness, royalty, creativity, entertainment, enthusiasm,
vitality, and self-expression. But, this Leo energy can also represent bossy and
egocentric behavior, too much pride, showing off, and being snobbish, impatient,
theatrical, and dramatic. So, both of these polarities can be felt and manifested
during this time through your relationship with authority figures, career, and
profession. But now that you know this, you can consciously choose to express
the highest frequencies of Leo and to work towards initiating something new that
is playful, cheerful, generous, inspiring, and enthusiastic. This energy can also
bring challenges in your career, and you will be faced with some pressure and
crises in things that you do, how you do them, how you present yourself to the
world, and how the world sees you. But, since this is Leo energy and Venus is
also here, this should be something renewing and refreshing for you and your
future, which has a very playful, entertaining, and fun energy. Use the energy of
this New Moon to start something new in these areas of your life—to renew your
role in the world, to do something new that is filled with love and generosity, to
make a contribution, to plant new seeds in this direction, and to represent
yourself in the most glorious way.
How the second Full Moon in August will influence Scorpio
Dear Scorpio, the second Full Moon in August happens on the 31st of the month,
in your fellow Water sign Pisces, shining a light on your love life, romantic
encounters, creativity, self-expression, self-esteem, self-employment, business if
you have one, children if you have them, or somebody else’s children. This Full
Moon illuminates your fifth house of hobbies, gifts, talents, and sports. This is
also a house of joy, pleasure, entertainment, satisfaction, fun, playfulness, and
enthusiasm. This Full Moon makes a friendly and supportive trine aspect with
your sign. This should be very healing, gentle, compassionate, and soothing
energy for you. You can expect culminations in these areas of your life.
Something is brought to light here and something is coming up to the surface,
and it can bring you joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. This is Pisces Full Moon, and
Pisces represent subconsciousness and things that are below the surface. So,
this Full Moon can pull up things that have been hidden in your
subconsciousness. Your subconscious love desires, hidden creativity, and hidden
gifts and talents may come to light. This is a time when things come to a
fruition—things you’ve been working on, planning, and dreaming of. Pisces
represent dreams, transcendence, unity, oneness, unconditional love, meditation,
healing, contemplation, compassion, empathy, and understanding. You can
expect these things now in your life to be more expressed and exposed. Some of
you may fall in love during this time. This Full Moon can bring love culminations,
romantic culminations, culminations in your business, and culminating with your
children, but it should be positive and uplifting. Of course, Pisces and fifth house
Full Moon can also bring dramatic events that are confusing, illusionary, and
delusional. You may have a tendency to escape reality and mask it with having
fun, using substances, or using drugs, alcohol, food, sweets, or too much of
something that is not healthy and that can push you down into the unconscious
state of being. This is less likely to happen because this energy makes a positive
aspect with your sign, but this is something to be aware of and have on your
mind. This Full Moon can bring a lot of healing through love, business, hobbies,
celebrations, entertainment, and fun, healthy, enjoyable, and pleasurable events
and situations. Some of you may be thinking about making babies, expecting
babies, or receiving pregnancy news, which is always a possibility when you
have Full Moon in your fifth house of children, especially for those of you who
have been working on it lately. Some of you can expect success in your business
if you have a business. You may turn your hobby into a business, or you may be
thinking about it now. Artistic and creative work is amazing during this time, and
you can expect great success through any similar work you may be doing. You
can experience a sense of oneness, unity, and unconditional love through your
creative processes, love life, romantic events, joy, pleasure, work with children,
and spending more time with children, your own or somebody else’s. Use the
energy of this Full Moon to do something that is truly enjoyable and pleasurable,
to make someone smile, to have fun, to inspire and be inspired, to motivate and
be motivated, to spread loving feelings and warmth, to release negative
emotional and mental patterns, to wake up the child within you, and to trust your

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Scorpio, your Tarot card for August is The Fool upright. This is a card of
new beginnings, innovations, adventures, free spirit, optimism, new ideas, and
new journeys. This is the very first card of the Tarot Major Arcana, so these are
very fresh and new beginnings and adventures in life, but this also means that
there is some kind of an ending as well. This is an ending of something old in
your life—something that you really don’t need anymore and something that has
served its time, done its job, and finished its mission in your life. It’s time for
newness. This is a new phase for you. A new chapter of your life begins now,
which is something you haven’t experienced yet. This card represents
fearlessness, and also recklessness. This is a journey that hasn’t started yet—it
is in the process of beginning. The number of this card is zero, so this is not yet
one. This is the number before all numbers, not yet the beginning but something
that has full potential and that has yet to begin. This is a card of exploring and
experimenting. This card shows a young man who steps into the unknown; he is
at the edge of a cliff. There is an obvious risk here—he is at the edge, but he
seems totally unaware of it. His head is held high, and he seems to be oblivious.
This young man is taking a leap of faith. He is setting off on a journey. He stands
on the edge and gazes up at the sky. There’s no fear here, but he is definitely
unaware that he’s stepping into the unknown. This is the enthusiasm of a new
journey, one in which you don’t know what it’s about.

There is carefree joy here. We see this on the card, as the young man looks like
he’s being carried away by his dreams. He carries his things on his shoulder and
he doesn’t worry about the journey ahead of him. There’s a small dog next to
him, and the dog is barking and trying to warn him. He carries a white rose in his
hand, and this represents purity, naivety, and innocence. This is a card of
uncertainty and unpredictability. This is a card of freedom and spontaneity. This is
a card of infinite potential. It suggests that anything is possible. This card is about
that first step toward the unknown, about making that leap of faith and stepping
into the unknown. It is about taking a risk. This is about doing something in the
moment, in the now, and not really thinking too much or being calculating, rather,
being present and making that step forward. This is about trusting the Universe,
trusting the unknown and unseen, and allowing yourself to move beyond limited
perception and beyond what’s safe, tried, and known. This is something crazy,
daring, bold, brave, wild, uncertain, unpredictable, and youthful.

There is a bit of foolishness here as well; the card is called The Fool after all, and
it can also mean that there is someone in your life now who resembles The Fool.
The world may see you as foolish in certain actions that you’re committing, but
The Fool has support and guidance. The Fool is connected to the mystical and
the mysterious side of life, and is protected. This card says “Do it.” Don’t second
guess it. Go for it. Do something despite the fear of the unknown. This is about
beginnings of all kinds—career beginnings, relationship beginnings, spiritual
beginnings, personal journeys, family beginnings, financial beginnings, and any
kind of beginnings. You are moving away from something you’re finished with,
and you’re starting something over. You move forward and do it, you take a risk,
you don’t care what the whole world thinks, you trust the Universe, you embrace
the unknown, you start the adventure, you live in the present moment, you do the
unexpected, you surprise yourself and others, you trust, and you take on crazy
opportunities. This is about idealistic hopes and dreams, and you are dreaming
big now. There’s a carefree attitude, and there is a free spirit present with you.
This card could mean that you’re dealing with someone young and naive, too.
There is an exciting adventure ahead of you. There is a rewarding experience
that helps you grow, evolve, and mature. This is about taking that first step even
when you have no idea what awaits you. Risk is needed, and you’re going to be
rewarded for it. These are welcome changes, exciting moments, and new
adventures. Good luck!

The most impactful planet for Scorpio in August

Dear Scorpio, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. You have two lunations
this month that are directly affecting you and your core placements in the chart.
You have the first Full Moon happening on the 1st of August in your core
placement, in your fourth house of home, family, emotional well-being, mother,
inner child, family relations, home where you live in, past, childhood, roots, and
emotional stability and security. And then, you have the New Moon happening on
the 16th of August in your highest position on the chart, in your tenth house of
career, profession, reputation, success, social status, father, father figures, own
authority, recognition, and public life. These lunations will bring strong push and
pull energy between your mother and father, between your inner and outer
worlds, between your home and career, between your private and public life,
between your emotional and material security, and between your external
achievements and your inner world and security.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother, but also with Mother Nature, inner
Goddess, and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon represents
nurturing, caring, and nourishing energy, and it is also associated with the mind
and the fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us overly emotional,
reactive, easily provoked, and irritated, but it can also make us compassionate,
kind, gentle, and friendly. It is always a reminder that we have to work with our
emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon represents people as well
and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our daily life and daily habits, and
it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and our heart, our nerves and our
cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our routines and habits. The Moon
quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning to waxing phase, and it affects
the fluids and the water in our body; water symbolically always represents
emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations, too. The Moon is also related to
receptive energy, the feminine principle, instincts and intuition, rhythms and
cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system and our eating patterns related to
our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions, the way we react, unconsciousness
and unconscious patterns, relationship with the mother, past, past lives, growing
up, and subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are
packed with those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food,
what feeds our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and
imagination, and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our
home and our family, our roots and our ancestors, our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel the energy of the Moon this month in the most inspiring,
enthusiastic, origins, authentic, and unique way, you are asked to work on
releasing negative emotions, negative emotional patterns, and negative
emotional attachments through observing, conscious witnessing, non-identifying
with those states of being, facing those things face to face, and letting them pass
through you. Do something original and authentic with your family. Go through
the process of forgiveness related to your home, family, parents, past, and
childhood. Write down your forgiveness letter to your family, ancestors, past self,
mother, and father. Write a gratitude letter to all of them. You don’t have to
literally write down all these things if you don’t feel like doing that, but you can go
through these forgivenesses within yourself—mentally, emotionally, physically,
and spiritually. Work with your emotions. Don’t suppress them, deny them,
neglect them, or reject them. Be open towards emotions. Speak to your inner
child and write a letter to your inner child. Look at your own authority, and
recognize issues and unhealthy patterns that come up related to your authority
issues. Notice authority issues, mother issues, and father issues, then release
them, cleanse them, purge them, and let them go. This is not a one time process;
this is an ongoing continuous process, and you need to do these cleansings,
purgings, and healings from time to time. Now is an ideal time for releasing a
huge amount of those emotional wounds and pains that you have accumulated
over the years, centuries, and many lifetimes. Do something new with your role in
the world and think about new and enjoyable ways of contributing, being of
service, and influencing others around you. Think about the things you want to
accomplish and the things you want to share with the world. Think about your
gifts and talents, and how you want to put them out there in the world. Do your
best to do them with a smile on your face.

Healing tips for Scorpio in August

- Think about your goals in life. Choose one that you really want to see
manifested, and choose one that you really have strong feelings for. Now, find
some comfortable place to sit down and close your eyes. Take your time, listen to
your breathing, and just feel the present moment. Then, imagine yourself as if
you already live in this manifested goal reality. Feel grateful for being there, and
feel gratitude for this manifested goal. Then, return to the present moment with
that same feeling of gratitude. Do this every day. You need only a couple of
minutes for this powerful exercise that takes you closer to your goal. This is the
power of manifestation, to feel gratitude for the goal that you have in front of you
as if it has already manifested. Good luck!

- Describe your source to yourself. When you think of your source, what do you
imagine first? What are your first associations? How do you feel your source, and
where do you feel it? Find yourself a comfortable space, place, and position, then
sit down, close your eyes, and visit your source. Ask your source to show itself to
yourself. Let your imagination, visualization, and creativity take you there. What
are your first images, thoughts, associations, and emotions when you imagine
your source? Describe it, illustrate it, write it down, and turn it into poetry, song,
sentence, color, feeling, and taste. Describe it in as many ways as you want.
Spend some time there in your source visualization, and see how it makes you
feel. What details do you notice? What catches your eye, mind, and heart? Enjoy
the ride.

- Whenever you feel irritated, angry, insecure, volatile, desperate, depressed, on

the edge, stressed, nervous, depressed, or anything similar to these states, try to
freeze yourself. Try to freeze your thoughts, emotions, and body. Whatever you
were doing, stop right there and freeze at that spot. Stop moving, give yourself a
command to freeze, and try to stay in that position as long as you can. Give your
best. What is even more efficient is to intentionally do this while you’re in a
position that is hard to maintain. For example, stand on one leg while you bend
with the upper part of your body. Or, try to stop moving and stay in that same spot
as long as you can while you’re carrying a cup of hot coffee or a glass full of
water. Just do these little experiments, see how this affects you, and give your
best to really do this exercise as it is explained. You will see that it changes your
energy and your frequency because you have to fully concentrate on keeping
your body still in a challenging position.

- Imagine yourself on a beach. Imagine that you’re totally alone on this beach,
and there’s nobody else but you. It is you, the Sun, the sky, the sea, the sand, the
beauty, the colors, the calmness, the air, the smell of the sea, and the summer
breeze. Feel the whole atmosphere. Imagine any part of the day that you want,
and feel free to choose which part of the day you want it to be. Imagine that
you’re running on this beach and feeling the air, the breeze, the smell, and the
beauty of the movement. Run and feel the joy of running. Feel your body. When
you’re ready, imagine that you’re running across the water. Feel the surface of
the water under your feet, and just keep running. See your reflection in the water
and the Sun in front of you, and run towards the Sun. Feel your body, feel the
water, feel the Sun, and then jump as high as you can. Jump very, very high and
enter the water. Sink underneath the water, and feel the joy, the pleasure, and the
surrender. Enjoy your ride.

- Try to communicate with people without using the word “I.” Try to say everything
that you need to say without using “I.” See how difficult or easy it is. See what
this means to you, and see how “I” is significant. Experiment, find new ways to
express yourself, be creative, and see what this exercise does to you.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Throw out everything that you don’t need anymore. Give away those things or
throw them away. This can be anything that is outdated and that doesn’t serve
you anymore—clothes, stuff, letters, and things you have saved for no reason.
Give away and throw away everything you don’t use or need. By doing this, you
send a clear message to the Universe that you’re ready to receive new energy,
new people, new things, and new self, and that you’re done with things that have
no value anymore in your life. You are symbolically getting rid of emotional and
mental patterns and programs that don’t serve you anymore.

- Write down your top five goals in life that you have right now. Write them down
on a piece of paper, and then bury that piece of paper somewhere where you
want and find a good place for it. Do it with strong intention. You’re planting
seeds now, and when you plant these seeds, let them be there and let them
grow. You set your intention, and now, you let the seeds grow naturally. Come
back to them from time to time, think about them, and send them love, kindness,
care, and joy. Imagine them growing, see them blossoming, and feel them
- Create the soundtrack of your own life. Imagine your life as a movie. Go
through it, feel it objectively, and observe yourself—your days, your state of
being, your feelings, your emotions, your actions, and your reactions. Start
creating a soundtrack of your own movie that is your life. There are no limitations.
You can choose as many and all kinds of different songs as you want, as well as
the many different genres, but feel free to choose anything. There are no limits,
mistakes, or wrong choices. Enjoy the process of creating this soundtrack to see
how it makes you feel. See what new answers and insights you gain by doing

- Hunt those moments with yourself where you don’t feel any kind of disturbance
at all—where you don’t feel any kind of stress, anxiety, worry, fear, or uncertainty.
Observe yourself, and catch these moments. See them, acknowledge them, be
aware of them, and be present in them. Write down these moments in your
notes. Keep your little “Feel Free” notes and write down each time you feel these
moments of bliss. There are many of them during the day; it’s just that you don’t
notice them because it’s a habit to stay busy with something all the time. You
don’t notice those precious moments of nothing disturbing you. Just write down
the date, the time, and a short note about it. Keep it in record that you noticed it.
Be aware of these moments. As you keep recording them, you will become more
and more aware of these moments, and soon, you will feel that there’s a lot of
those moments in your daily life, much more than those where you’re occupied
with distracting thoughts, unnecessary worries, and exhausting plans and ideas.
Practice to be in this state and just observe yourself. Each time you notice this
moment at least for just one second, write it down.

- Do something with your friends. Invite them for dinner, a movie, a drink, a walk,
a ride, or whatever you want that is good and constructive. Go out with your
friends, spend time with them, get together, socialize, do something interactive,
have fun, and feel the joy of sharing your time with others. Be alive with others,
make someone smile, allow others to make you smile, and accept offers and
invitations from your friends or family.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- What am I manifesting in life right now? What are my current manifestations?
How often do I manifest things that I really intended to manifest, and how often
do I manifest things that I didn't want to manifest?

- Do I experience deja-vu moments in life? How often have I felt those moments
in my life? What are they usually about? What are my deja-vus telling me about

- Do I ever wonder if this life is a dream? Do I ever question this reality that I live
in? What kind of feeling do I get when I start questioning this life? What kind of
feeling do I get when I ask life if this is a dream?

- How often do I feel great about myself? How often do I feel amazed about
myself? How often do I give myself compliments? How often am I grateful for
having me?

- What are my family relations telling me about myself? Do I have a family that I
fully accept, or do I have a family that I want to change in some way? What is this
telling me about myself?


What can Sagittarius expect in August

Dear Sagittarius, you will be thinking a lot about your purpose, your life path, and
your mission here and now, in this time and space, and in this exact realm. You
will be reviewing and re-evaluating your life direction, the meaning of life, and the
meaning of things that happen, which seems senseless, unjust, and unfair. You
are searching for your heart center, for the nectar of life, and for things that bring
meaning despite the chaos in the world, in families, in relationships, and within
an individual. You are determined to rise above the chaos and order polarity. You
are determined to see things as they are, not as they appear to be, and this will
be your guiding star throughout this month. You have a goal to be happy within
yourself, to be at peace with who you are, to be human in its highest expression,
and to learn to surrender instead of trying to be in control of things.

The month begins on the 1st of August with the Full Moon in Aquarius, in your
third house of news, messages, knowledge, learning, teaching, sharing
information, connecting with people, communicating, meeting with people, short
local trips, social media, and social interactions with siblings, relatives, neighbors,
and locals. This is a house of skills and communications, and you can expect an
increase of social activities during this time. You will be busy with others. You can
expect a lot of meetings with people and culminations in some of your
connections with others, and something may be revealed through your
conversations with brothers and sisters, relatives, or neighbors. Something may
be brought to light. You may be on a trip, and you can expect unique and
authentic connections and communications with people. This could bring
culmination in learning skills, and you may master some unique skills during this
time. This Full Moon is great for social media, marketing, writing, publishing,
broadcasting, having a public speech, and upgrading your knowledge and your
connections with people.

On the same day when this Full Moon shines a light on your relationships and
your knowledge, there’s a supportive and friendly aspect that is happening
between Mars in Virgo and your ruler Jupiter in Taurus. Mars will make three
supportive aspect, all of them in Earth signs, and this will bring you the possibility
to ground yourself, to calm yourself, to be present, to cool down, and to find your
stability. Mars is in your fellow Mutable sign Virgo in your tenth house, your top of
the chart, and it activates your questions of purpose, career, profession,
reputation, contribution, vocation, and life direction. Mars makes trine aspect with
Jupiter in Taurus, and this activates your sixth house of daily work, daily routines
and habits, job, schedules, responsibilities, duties, tasks, health, well-being,
service to others, diet regime, exercise regime, and lifestyle. You can expect a
very supportive energy now in these areas of your life, and there is definitely
something concrete and stable happening with your work, your employment, your
way of being of help and of service, your reputation, and your health. This is
expansion of your work and health in some way, and this energy brings
something that is helpful and positive for you. On the 16th of August, Mars
makes a trine aspect with Uranus in Taurus, and this brings sudden and
unexpected good news and surprises. These are beneficial energies for you, and
you may suddenly feel much better physically if you’ve felt ill or unhealthy lately.
You may suddenly make a decision to remove some of your unhealthy routines
and habits. On the 24th of August, Mars makes a trine aspect with Pluto in
Capricorn, in your second house of money, finances, earnings, possessions,
resources, savings, spendings, gifts, talents, self-worth, self-value,
self-sufficiency, and priorities. You can expect wanted and needed
transformations in areas of your finances related to your career and purpose in
life. This energy brings positive changes when it comes to your earnings and
financial stability. Expect profound changes that will turn out to be good for you.

On the 10th of August, Mercury in Virgo makes supportive and positive trine
aspect with your ruler Jupiter. This can bring a very healing and supportive
conversation with someone, as well as a very purposeful and meaningful
conversation and connection with someone related to your work and career,
health and well-being, and profession and future. You can expect conversations
with authority figures, father figures, or superiors that can affect your health and
work in a very pleasant and expansive way.

On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August, there’s a very good energy for you that
awakens your sense of joy and pleasure, that triggers the child within you, and
that makes you more aware of the things that are worth living, seeing, and
knowing. On the 12th of August, the Sun in your fellow fiery sign Leo makes a
beneficial aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in your fellow fiery sign Aries.
This is a Fire trine that has a huge motivating and encouraging influence, as well
as an impressive inspirational impact on your soul and your heart. On the 13th of
August, the Sun and Venus retrograde come together in Leo ninth house of
higher meaning, higher education, higher knowledge, higher purpose, higher self,
higher mind, and everything that puts you in that higher place of being. This is
your natural house, and you know very well how to work with these energies. You
can expect something beautiful on your travels if you are traveling; you can
expect love to flourish and blossom during this time; you can expect success in
your education and knowledge, as well as success when it comes to learning,
teaching, and with legal matters if you are dealing with any. This is an amazing
time for expanding your knowledge and for bringing more love, understanding,
and beauty in your perception of life and your connections with people. On the
14th of August, Venus retrograde makes a trine aspect with the wounded healer
Chiron in your fifth house of love, romance, children, pleasure, entertainment, joy,
fun, creativity, self-employment, self-expression, gifts, and talents. You can
expect a very healing energy now when it comes to your love life, your children if
you have them, or your relationship with children in general. You are healing the
child within you, and you’re discovering identity wounds that prevent you from
experiencing joy and pleasure of life. You are discovering things that prevent you
from living a fulfilled life, and this is an amazing energy for spiritual encounters
and for spiritual insights that have the power to release you and free you from
limited point of view and restricted perception.

On the 16th of August, there’s a gorgeous New Moon happening in your fellow
Fire sign Leo, highlighting your natural ninth house and resonating with Venus
retrograde and the Sun there. This New Moon brings you blessings and amazing
opportunities for expanding your knowledge, perception, and life, as well as
bringing in more adventures, creativity, joy, pleasure, travels, and spiritual
understanding that goes beyond the intellectual and rational comprehension. You
can expect a higher understanding of things in life, and some of you may start a
new enjoyable spiritual practice during this time. You may be amazed by how life
can change in a wonderful way if you make only one small positive change in
your life. This New Moon could take you to a new place, to new countries, or to
new lands, either physically or spiritually. Venus is retrograde here, so this could
mean that things from the past can come again now in a totally new and different
way. You may revisit some places you’ve visited before, but they will have a
completely new taste and new appearance for you. You may be reconsidering
some of the beliefs and perspectives from the past, and you may now have a
totally new and different approach that can actually inspire you and bring you a
benevolent journey and connections with people. Expect good international
connections and support through foreigners.

On the 22nd of August, there’s one tricky aspect between Mars in Virgo and
Saturn in Pisces; this affects your key areas of life, your fourth and tenth houses,
your private and public life, your parents, your home and your career, your inner
and your outer world, as well as your emotional and your material security. You
may feel a bit confused by what you want and need during this time. You may be
projecting your inner child needs onto your career, profession, and role in the
world, and you may be projecting your mother and father issues onto your family,
family relations, and success in life. This aspect could slow you down in those
places where you want to speed up things, or vice versa. Don’t get frustrated
because this is a temporary energy and it will pass quickly. Just be patient with
your family, boss, superiors, parents, work, and home, and things will be resolved
sooner than you had expected them to.
On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mars and Mercury on top
of your chart in your tenth house of success, goals, ambitions, life direction, and
career. The Sun will be here one whole month, while Mercury is retrograde here
until the 14th of September. Mercury begins its retrograde motion on the same
day when the Sun enters Virgo, and you will be mainly focused on your
profession, contribution, place in the world, as well as how the world perceives
you, your employment, your relationship with your father, and your own authority.
You will be reviewing, reassessing, reconsidering, rethinking, and restructuring
your role in the world and your career. Things from the past can come to you
now, and career opportunities from the past can resurface again. You will be able
to finish the unfinished work in these areas of your life, to have that conversation
with your boss, your father, your superior, or anyone who has that authority figure
in your life regardless of gender. You will have an opportunity to make things
right, even though there will be some pressure and tension since Mercury and
the Sun in Virgo make a tense square aspect with your sign. You will have to do
something you wouldn’t normally do, and this will actually bring you more
self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-trust. Mercury retrograde can also bring
misunderstandings and miscommunications, so make sure you are as clear as
you can be with people during this time. Don’t hesitate to repeat things if the
other person didn’t hear you well or didn’t quite understand you the first time.
Also, don’t hesitate to ask others to say something again if you think you have
misinterpreted their words in any way. Pay attention to your words. Pay attention
to the things you write, especially if it’s related to your work and career. Pay
attention to what you’re signing, and pay attention to emails, messages, news,
and reports that you’re sending and receiving. This Mercury retrograde is perfect
for questioning your life direction and your life purpose, and it can bring you inner
vision and revelation of where you want to be and what you want to do.

On the 31st of August, there’s the second Full Moon in August. This one happens
in your fellow Mutable sign Pisces, in your fourth house of home, family, real
estate, place of living, house, residency, environment, family members,
roommates, people you live with, people you share your space with, people you
consider your family, emotional stability and security, mother, inner child,
emotional health, and emotional intelligence. This energy has a task to bring you
emotional healing and surrender. This Full Moon shines a light on your emotional
insecurities and instabilities, so that you can release what needs to be released,
learn to surrender and let go, learn to accept and release, and learn to heal and
integrate. This Full Moon brings healing in your home and your family, and for
some of you, this energy can bring possibility for relocation, for changing your
home, for moving, and for finally seeing things come to a fruition when it comes
to your home and family matters. You are dealing with your emotional body now,
and this Full Moon is here to teach you about the unconditional love towards your
inner child, past, childhood, and memories. You are diving deep into your inner
self, and you’re resolving your victimhood patterns and destructive emotional
programs that run your life.

Sagittarius relationship with inner self

Dear Sagittarius, you are making a very serious promise to yourself that you’re
going to be fine no matter what. You are making a devoted promise to yourself
that you’re going to be there for yourself no matter what and that you’re going to
cherish, honor, celebrate, and love yourself beyond everything. You are making a
serious promise to yourself, and this begins now. This is not something that is the
promise for the future and for times ahead; this is happening now. Once you
make this promise that you will feel the strength and confidence that you have
within you, you will feel encouraged by yourself and you will have enormous
inspiration and motivation to never stop. This is a lifelong career actually, and
you’re going to strive to be the best in it. This is your mission, and many of you
will truly and really understand that this is a true mission for everyone. Only from
that point, can we do things for others in a real non-corrupted way. Many of you
will have a deep understanding of how everything in this life is corrupted, even
family relationships and closest relationships, and no one is to blame for it; it is
the program of this matrix, but you’re waking up to it. You’re making a conscious
decision to start waking up your heart and purging your toxic behavior, toxic
beliefs, and toxic subconscious programming. You start being kind to yourself,
you start being real with yourself, and you start reparenting yourself in a healthy
way. This is a time for emotional healing and emotional surrender. You will be
reminded of your own worth and of the things that are worth living for. You may
actually have a profound insight that everything is worth living for, not only
pleasurable and beautiful things, but all the downfalls and hardships too. The
trick is not drowning in those things and resisting the attraction to downfalls and
hardships, as well as to pleasures and joys. The trick of centeredness is not to
become too afraid or too delighted by any of these polarities, but to embrace the
pendulum of life and to swing and enjoy when you’re going up as well as down.
Life is much more than this pendulum, and you’re learning this now. Many of you
will start something that will guide you for a long time and holds spiritual roots.
You cannot really feel any true and authentic joy and pleasure if it doesn’t have
spiritual value and quality, and this is also something that you’re about to
discover this month through your life experiences and adventures. You can learn
things now that make you question everything, and you may discover new
exciting things that make you doubt your beliefs and convictions. Are you hearing
your doubts selectively, are you conditionally loving yourself, are you blaming
yourself for other people’s misfortune, and do you feel guilty when you feel that
you could be happy? You will be going through these questions and these
experiences now, and you will truly begin to take the best care of yourself, no
matter what, even if that means letting go of certain things you’re strongly
attached to along the way.

Sagittarius relationship with others

Dear Sagittarius, you are bringing joy in other people’s lives, and this month, this
will be very important and significant for you and others. This will be your special
mission and special purpose, and you are invited and asked to express your
qualities and virtues in their highest possible expression and vibration. You will
have a special role in other people’s lives now, and you will see how important
and simple it is to bring a little bit of sunshine in somebody’s life just by being
you. By expressing your true self and harboring pure intentions, you will
understand the importance of reciprocating love and understanding to others in
the same way you desire to receive them. These are very simple things, and you
will see how much joy and pleasure this brings to you, but not if you’re doing it
only for your own sake and joy, for the sake of achievement or success, but doing
it in a playful spontaneous way, doing it just for doing it, and doing it for fun as
children do it. You may be connecting with children a lot this month, either your
own or somebody else’s children. You will be learning a lot from children and
about children, and by doing so, you will be learning so much about relationships
in life and about what is wrong in grown-up relationships. You will recognize
patterns and programs in your relationships with people, and you will also be
working on healing your emotional body. Your relationship with family is very
active throughout this month. You will be learning how to surrender and let go of
the things you so strongly and manically try to keep under your control when it
comes to your relationships with others, especially when it comes to your
relationships with your family members and those who feel like a family. This
month, you’re learning important lessons through your relationships with your
siblings, relatives, neighbors, and people from your local community. You can
expect some culminations in these relationships, and you can also expect unique
and authentic individuals in your life with whom you can do some pretty amazing
things together. Your international connections are supremely supported and
highlighted, and you can expect beautiful, loving, and soothing energy between
you and people who come from different countries, traditions, nationalities,
upbringings, and perspectives. You will find common language with these people,
and you may be traveling and connecting with people on your travels or
reconnecting with people you met on your travels. Expect to see people you
haven’t seen in a while. You also have Mercury retrograde in your tenth house
with Mars, which can bring you much needed conversations with your authority
figures, father figures, or anyone who has a dominant role in your life regardless
of their gender. You can expect something significant with your parents, with one
of your parents, with parental figures in your life, or with your own role as a
parent. You may play a significant role in someone’s life. You may be an authority
now, and it is important to be aware of what kind of role model you are and what
kind of example you are in other people’s lives.

Sagittarius love & romantic life in August

Dear Sagittarius, your love life is going through a healing process. You will be
able to recognize destructive and toxic patterns and programs that you’ve been
dragging with you throughout all your love relationships, since your childhood
and beyond your childhood. You are working on transforming these limiting and
toxic programs and patterns. You will also realize that they are really purposeful
and that they are not there to punish you, to make your life miserable, to bring
you joy and then to take it away, or to make you suffer, but they are there to show
you what is not right and what you need to do in order to let go, grow, evolve, and
make necessary changes. Your love life is the most delicate area of life, and it
makes things fragile. You will be dealing with something fragile now that needs to
be taken care of with great love and awareness. Fragile doesn’t mean weak;
fragile only means that it is delicate, subtle, sensual, and not so dense or
concrete. You will be dealing with your most delicate emotional expressions and
suppressions now. These things will be brought to light for you, and you will be
able to see and release them. This will have a very beautiful impact on your love
relationships, including your existing love relationships and those that are yet to
happen, but in some cases, this also includes your past love relationships. Past
love relationships have been strongly triggered since last month due to Venus
retrograde motion, and you can expect to see some kind of culmination of that
energy during this time. Venus is retrograde in your fellow Fire sign Leo in your
natural ninth house. This could bring someone from your past who lives in
another country, or it could bring renewal, refreshment, and new way of
experiencing love with your existing lover through travels, spiritual encounters,
change of beliefs, mutual adventures, knowledge, and expansion of perception.
You also have Chiron, the wounded healer in your fifth house of love and
romance, and Venus and the Sun that will be making supportive and beneficial
aspects with Chiron around the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August. You can expect
something truly beautiful, romantic, and healing in your love life. New love
relationships that are free from past programming and limitations are also very
possible to be born during this time, but what’s most important is that you are
going to start living life free from the big part of limiting and imprisoning love
patterns and programs. You may be traveling with your lover, or you may meet
your lover on your travels. This is also a possible scenario during this time. You
may connect with someone romantically through learning, through teaching,
through sharing knowledge in some way, through your spiritual practices, and
through your authenticity, uniqueness, and mutual friends. Love is present in
many forms and shapes, more than you can imagine, and some of those
surprising forms and shapes may be revealed to you now. Expect positive
surprises in your love life. Some of you may be considering and re-evaluating the
question of children. This has been an ongoing theme for many of you, and it will
continue to be so now. Your love life has a message for you now, and it has to do
with your own healing, your inner child, your family, and your health. Many areas
of your life are now affected by your love life and love experiences, and you will
be thankful for all that is going on and all that has been going on in your love life
so far. You are learning to surrender and to trust when it comes to love, and this
will bring you spontaneous, playful, memorable, and cheerful romantic moments.

Sagittarius sex life in August

Dear Sagittarius, you are exploring and experimenting a lot this month, and your
sex life will be exciting, uplifting, adventurous, fiery, passionate, and enjoyable.
Theme of children becomes active again, and some of you may be making
babies while you’re traveling with your lover. You may be making babies and
making love in some exotic places, in new places, or in places you’ve already
been to before where you have dreamed of making love. You will now experience
making love in those places, and this can bring you new and fresh sexual energy,
new and fresh expression of your sexuality, which will bring you new vibes and
new frequencies. You may also enjoy making love with someone new you meet
on travels or with someone who lives in another country, who speaks a different
language, or who comes from a different background and upbringing. You may
be reconsidering and reviewing some things from your past with your lover, or
you may be opening up about your past with someone new, and these openings
will be happening through your sexual expression and sexual joys and pleasures.
You can expect to talk about your sexuality and your past sexual experiences
with your lover or with someone from your past with whom you may have had
something before. People you were involved with sexually in the past may
somehow interact with you now, and you may be resolving some things through
harmonious and loving energy. This is a pleasurable time for making love,
making babies, exploring the world a little bit with your lover, doing some wild
things with your partner, experimenting, making love in some exotic places, and
turning your lovemaking into a true adventure. You can expect to connect with
someone new who feels like someone who used to ignite your passion in a
beautiful way, or someone whom you had a very good connection with.
Emotional expressions and feelings will be your turn on, and you won’t be able to
connect with someone who cannot emotionally connect with you. You need
emotional comprehension—comprehension on levels of feelings instead of only
physical or mental connection. Your joy and pleasure in sexual experience will
depend very much on this emotional connectedness and sense of oneness and
unity through mutual sense of joy and fulfillment.

Sagittarius career & purpose in August

Dear Sagittarius, you are not going to worry too much about the things you used
to worry about lately. This will give you a lot of time and space to see and feel
things that are missing, to see and feel things that are right, to see and feel
things that need to be worked on, and to see and feel things that are aligned with
you and that are meant for you. This month will bring back missed opportunities
from the past for you if there are any. You will be able to make things right this
time and to act on those opportunities that show up. This is also a time when
you’ll be able to do something you’ve wanted to do before but couldn’t for some
reason—things you’ve been dreaming of, things you’ve been working on, and
things you’ve been aspiring to do are possible to manifest during this time. You
have Mars, planet of action, energy, passion, and initiation in your fellow Mutable
sign Virgo, together with Mercury, here at the top of your chart. Mercury goes
retrograde on the 23rd, and on the same day, the Sun enters Virgo and shines a
light in your tenth house of career, profession, reputation, success, vocation, role
in the world, social status, purpose, mission, contribution, public image, true
vocation, and employment. These areas of your life are strong now, and Mercury
retrograde will be bringing things from the past that could bring you benefits. Or,
you will be able to finish the unfinished business that you may have. Things
you’ve overlooked, skipped, or delayed will resurface now, so that you can
resolve and finish them. Mars will be making a positive and supportive trine
aspect with your ruler Jupiter in earthly Taurus, in your sixth house of daily work,
daily routines and habits, schedules, responsibilities, work, and health. Uranus is
also here, and Mars will make trine with Uranus, bringing you sudden and
unexpected benefits through your work and obligations. Power of manifestation is
strong, and for you, it’s all happening in Earth houses. The element of Earth is
very strong, and you can expect to have grounded, stable, concrete, and
pragmatic approach to your work, career, finances, role in the world, and financial
stability. Pluto is in Capricorn in your second house of money and finances, and
Mars will also make a beneficial and friendly aspect with Pluto. Expect wanted
transformations with your financial situation, and changes that can bring you
more income and more opportunities for earning. You will also be very motivated
and inspired to discover things that truly make you feel alive, well, healthy, and
wealthy. Many of you will now be able to say No to things that are not making you
healthy and happy. You have New Moon in your ninth house, Full Moon in your
third house, and Venus retrograde in Leo with the Sun in your ninth house, which
is your natural house. You can expect positive outcomes and opportunities
through foreigners, international business, traveling, knowledge, education,
spiritual journey, learning, developing skills, social media, and networks. These
things are supremely supported now in your life. You can expect to earn not only
money, but to earn wisdom and knowledge, which is priceless and which can
always bring you resources.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, the first Full Moon this month happens on the 1st of August in
the sign of Aquarius, in your third social and mental house. This is house of
interactions, connections, communications, traveling, taking short trips, learning,
teaching, sharing information, sharing news and messages, writing letters,
emails, and reports, writing essays and books, publishing, editing, marketing,
broadcasting, podcasting, and connecting with people from your close
surroundings, including your younger brothers and sisters, relatives, neighbors,
and people from your local community. This is also a house of knowledge, skills,
mental patterns, opinions, thoughts, words, and ideas. You can expect great,
original, authentic, unique, and a bit eccentric ideas now. This is Aquarius Full
Moon, and Aquarius energy is eccentric, rebellious, revolutionary, unique,
authentic, unconventional, innovative, objective, detached, outspoken, outgoing,
clever, freedom loving, and genius-like, but it can also be erratic, unpredictable,
unemotional, fanatical, perverse, and extreme. You can experience these
Aquarian tastes now through your everyday communications and connections, as
well as through your relationships with siblings, relatives, neighbors, and random
people you meet in your everyday activities and everyday life. This Full Moon can
bring unique connections with people. Some of you can expect connections with
authentic and eccentric individuals, with whom you can come up with some
brilliant and genius ideas. This Full Moon brings you culminations and fulfillments
in your relationships with siblings and relatives. This Full Moon makes a sextile
aspect with your sign, and it brings opportunities that you will have to act on. You
are asked to recognize these opportunities and do something about them. This
Full Moon can also bring something to a head with someone from your local
community or neighbor. You may have to react in some way, and it can be
emotional or you may act cold and detached with someone. This can also mean
that somebody you’re interacting with may act cold and detached in some way.
You may learn and develop skills that are unique and unconventional. You may
be mastering something you’ve been learning for some time, and now is a time
when your learning comes to a fruition and you may be presenting your skills and
knowledge. This is a time for interesting conversations, for unique topics in
conversations, and for meetings with people who are different and who think
differently. This energy can bring humanitarian activities with people from your
local community, and this Full Moon can reveal something that has been
unknown or hidden in your social world, within your local community, or with your
brothers and sisters. Full Moons bring culminations, revelations, endings,
completions, closures, disclosures, illuminations, fruitions, and fulfillments. Some
things may end now in your social interactions with people, but these endings
should be positive and beneficial. Something you’ve been working on may finally
come to an end. This Full Moon affects your thoughts, your mental activities, and
your mental abilities. Aquarius is a very intellectual sign, and you can expect to
be mentally busy, to do a lot of mental work, and to use your mind in a very
intellectual way. Expect news and messages that have the power to change your
mind about something that is important to you. Use the energy of this Full Moon
to think for yourself, to say what you mean and mean what you say, to think in an
original way, to share unique ideas, to talk about things that are inspiring and
motivating, and to share knowledge about things that have meaning, that inspire
awakening, and that are for the good of all and not only for your own good.

How the New Moon in August will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of
Leo, in your natural ninth house of truth, meaning, spirituality, spiritual teachings,
spiritual teachers, beliefs, ideals, religious views, legal matters, higher
knowledge, higher learning, higher education, higher self, higher mind, higher
purpose, and all things that are higher. This is your natural house; it’s about
wisdom, aiming high, asking big questions, seeing the bigger picture, expanding
your vision, expanding your consciousness, and expanding your perception. This
is a house of learning, teaching, publishing, launching, traveling, going overseas,
connecting with people from all over the world, widening your horizons,
broadening your vision, and seeing things from a higher perspective. This should
be a very beneficial and gorgeous New Moon for you. This New Moon makes a
positive, supportive, beneficial, and friendly aspect with your sign, and it can
bring harmony and amazing opportunities for enriching your life and expanding
the experience of life. This New Moon could take you to another country and
bring adventure. This is about freedom, truth, meaning, and learning things that
can deepen your knowledge and your wisdom. You are gaining more wisdom,
and you’re investing in things that are meaningful. This is Leo New Moon, and
Leo is about creativity, awareness, self-esteem, playfulness, subjective mind,
pride, leadership, authority, dignity, warmth, joy, and generosity. These are the
higher frequencies of Leo, but of course, Leo can also be bossy, demanding,
authoritative, domineering, egocentric, too proud, regal, royal, too loud, showing
off, dramatic, theatrical, snobbish, and lazy. Since this New Moon makes a
positive angle with your sign and Venus retrograde is also here in Leo, this
energy should bring more of the higher expression of Leo, but of course, it all
depends on you eventually. Energies pass through us, but it is our choice and
approach in channeling those energies that determine which polarity is
expressed and manifested. This New Moon does bring new beginnings, but since
Venus is also there and she’s retrograde, these new things may come through
things from the past. This can mean that some of you may be revisiting countries
you’ve already visited, but you will see them and experience them now in a
completely new way. Of course, this energy can also bring completely new
places that may remind you of something you’ve already seen. You may connect
with new people now, who may seem very familiar and who may also remind you
of those you once knew or those who passed. You may also reconnect with
people from your past in a loving and harmonious way now. This energy can
bring you harmonious resolutions of legal matters if there are any. This is an
amazing time for new spiritual practices, new meditation, new spiritual approach,
and new spiritual encounters and journeys. You may connect with some kind of
guru, shaman, or spiritual teacher, but you may also be the one who may play
that role in someone’s life now. Of course, beware of fake gurus and shamans.
Listen to your heart, to your common sense, and don’t just blindly follow
someone else’s beliefs. This is also a house of beliefs and fanaticism, so be
aware that these expressions are also possible. Since this is a good and
harmonious aspect with your sign, this New Moon is more likely to bring uplifting
and enjoyable travels, as well as pleasurable moments and connections with
foreigners or with people who live overseas. It can also bring creative processes
and projects through your spiritual encounters or travels. You may start learning
something new now, or you may sign up for some classes where you are going
to learn something that is uplifting and energizing. This New Moon has a very
playful melody, and it can be cheerful, uplifting, and spontaneous. Expect
adventures during this time, and expect to feel a sense of freedom in a very
specific way. This New Moon is here to replenish, refresh, renew, and regenerate
your spiritual journey, your need for adventures, your knowledge and wisdom,
and your beliefs and perception. You can bring in something new now that can
broaden your vision and expand your perception. You are going to see things
from a higher perspective, and you will be able to see the bigger picture of some
things that used to bother you. You will have those a-ha moments that can bring
you a new taste of life and a new meaning. Don’t forget to set your intentions
during this time—plant your seeds, start something new, go somewhere new,
connect with new people, initiate your spiritual journey in some way, ask big
questions, and expand your vision by seeing new things, visiting new places, and
learning new things—things you’ve never heard of before.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, the second Full Moon in August happens on the very last day of
the month in the last sign of the Zodiac. This Full Moon happens in your fellow
Mutable sign Pisces, in your core placement of the chart, in your fourth house,
which is ruled by the Moon. This can be quite an emotional Full Moon for
you—emotionally charged, but also emotionally releasing and liberating. This Full
Moon illuminates the fourth house of home, family, real estate, place of living,
residency, literal home, family home, emotional well-being, emotional stability and
security, mother, inner mother, inner child, inner family, and inner peace. This Full
Moon has a profound healing influence now, and it can bring emotional healing
and emotional transcendence in some way. You are releasing yourself from past
emotional attachments, and you have an ability to break free from negative and
toxic family patterns, ancestral patterns, and emotional patterns that take away
your inner strength and inner power. This is also a house of roots, ancestors,
mother issues, and fears of abandonment, rejection, and being left alone. You
may have to deal with some of these fears now in order to become aware of
them, feel them, heal them, and transform them into your strength. This Full
Moon gives you a special access to emotional catharsis, where you can achieve
emotional breakthroughs and feelings of oneness, unity, and unconditional love.
Your family will be in the focus now, and you can expect revelations and
illuminations in your family world—with your family members, with your mother,
with people you live with, or with people who feel like your family. This is Pisces
Full Moon, and Pisces represents oneness, unity, transcendence, dreams,
fantasies, imaginations, artistic expression, healing, empathy, compassion,
mystery, mysticism, osmosis, reflections, and fluidity, but it also represents
confusions, illusions, deceptions, delusions, victimhood, addictions, escapisms,
spiritual bypassing, avoiding reality, and being oversensitive. You may
experience the whole spectrum of Pisces expressions through your fourth house
of home and family during this time. You may be avoiding or escaping something
in your home or with your family members, but all these things will eventually
take you towards family healing and emotional healing. Some of you may be
moving, relocating, looking for a home, renovating, repairing your home, or doing
things around your home. You may be very creative with your home, or you may
be doing something very artistic and creative with your house, space, family, and
emotions. You will be very emotional about something or someone in your family.
This Full Moon brings culminations, endings, closures, completions,
enlightenments, acknowledgments, illuminations, adjustments, disclosures,
revelations, fruitions, and fulfillments. There is something that you will have to
pay attention to with your home and family. Your emotional healing is triggered
now. You are asked to deal with your feelings and emotions, your inner child,
your mother, your family, and your home situation; surrender to the higher power,
let go, release, shake off negative emotions; and do your best to have
understanding, compassion, love, and empathy for yourself and your close ones,
but don’t allow yourself to slip into victimhood, addictions, escapisms, and
avoidance. Use the energy of this Full Moon to feel all that there is to be felt
without judging, criticizing, explaining, and avoiding. Reach out to others, connect
with your family, and evoke feelings of oneness and unity through your family
unit. Recognize the power of the family, whether it is your blood family, soul
family, or both.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Sagittarius, your Tarot card for August is The Queen of Wands upright.
This is a card of great confidence, determination, groundedness, and ownership.
The Queen lives a life she loves and enjoys, and she has a very strong
character. She is creative, and she gets things done. This card represents great
passion, creativity, self-assurance, optimism, social skills, and charisma. The
Queen of Wands represents an extremely emotionally mature woman capable of
balancing logic and intuition. She has very intense emotions. She has strong
beliefs and strong attitudes. She is very realistic, and things that she has on her
mind will definitely be accomplished. This card can mean that you now have
someone similar in your life around you. This is an unusual and unconventional
person, who does things their own way and succeeds. She is different from the
majority. The Queen of Wands doesn’t apologize for being who she is—she is
very confident. She is Queen, after all, and she is also a very good friend, whom
you can rely on. She carries great strength. She is sitting proudly on her throne
looking right in front of her without any fear or doubt.

Sunflowers and lions are very present in the card, and they represent the Fire
element, royalty, strength, and power. These are symbols of fertility, happiness,
satisfaction, and fulfillment. She’s also holding a sunflower in her left hand. In her
right hand, she holds a blossoming wand symbolizing life, passion, strength, and
power. There’s also a black cat at the bottom of her feet. She represents the
mysterious side of life. It’s associated with magic. The base of the Queen’s wand
is directly next to the cat. So, there is mystical power here as well. There is
magic, and there is deep intuitive strength. The Queen of Wands has a very great
lust for life, and this card also means abundance and the manifestation of
abundance. Queens are very much related to witches, and black cats are also
strongly related to witches, so this card shows that there are mystical powers that
work for you now helping you manifest your desires. This card means that there
is a woman in your life who will play a very meaningful and significant role in
things you want to accomplish. This card means that there’s success for you.
This card either represents you or an important woman in your life. She is
energetic, independent, ambitious, and determined. She is capable of many
things, she is very mature, grounded, and directed toward her desires, and she’s
making them come true. This card asks and reminds you to be courageous and
bold, to be self-aware and self-confident, and to go after your goals and
ambitions. Believe in yourself, and don’t be afraid to express yourself. The
Queen of Wands also encourages you to face those hidden parts of yourself, to
face your shadow self, to face the darker side of yourself, and to be ready to step
into your power.

The most impactful planet for Sagittarius in August

Dear Sagittarius, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Mercury. Mercury goes
retrograde this month on the 23rd, but this retrograde motion will be felt
throughout the whole month. Mercury will be retrograde until the 14th of
September. This affects you directly, and it impacts your top of the chart, your
tenth house of career, purpose, reputation, profession, vocation, contribution,
public image, public standing, role in the world, purpose, mission, authority, and
relationship with authority figures. Mercury retrograde can bring back things from
the past that need to be finished, corrected, and fixed. You will have second
chances related to your career, recognition, success, and profession. You will be
able to do things you wanted to do before. You can expect career opportunities
from the past to resurface. You are resolving issues from the past with your father
or with other authority figures in your life, and you can use this Mercury
retrograde to make things right this time and ask yourself what it is that you really
and truly want and need.

Mercury is the planet of communication, words, transportation, technology,

devices, thoughts, thought patterns, conversations, writing, teaching, learning,
sharing, and connecting. Mercury is a planet of mental energy, and it rules our
intelligence and the way we connect and communicate with others. Mercury
gives us the ability to discern between lies and truth. It gives us the ability to
analyze and sort things out. Mercury is about facts and a rational mind. Of
course, Mercury can make us naive as well if we allow the opinions of others to
affect us easily and dictate our behavior. We can become victims of opinions and
manipulations, either of others or of our own. But Mercury can be strengthened,
and it rules intelligence and the ability to recognize the truth. Mercury is the
messenger and the trickster. Mercury is the translator, the one who
communicates and transfers messages. Mercury is the master of words; it
reminds us of the magical power of words and the power of spells that create
reality. Mercury defines how we feel our world, how we formulate ideas, how we
perceive things, how we share ideas, how we receive information from others,
how we transfer it to others, and how we listen to others. It defines our
communication patterns, our style of communicating, our sense of humor, and
our way of thinking. It rules our ability to express ourselves. It shows how
eloquent we are, how clever we are, how quickly we understand something, and
how easily we connect the dots.

In order to channel the energy of Mercury retrograde this month in the most
constructive, productive way, empowering, and encouraging way, you are asked
to deeply look within yourself and to see the things that you truly want to be
known for—what kind of influence you want to have on others, how you want the
world to perceive you, how you want to be seen and perceived by the world, what
kind of impression you want to leave onto others, and what kind of contribution
you want to make. What are you good at, what is your role in the world, and are
you truly satisfied and fulfilled by it? Write down your goals and ambitions, and
see if they truly resonate with your being and your purpose. Don’t avoid
conversations with authority figures. Don’t delay or avoid a conversation with
your father if one needs to happen. Be open about it, and speak openly. Think
about all the things that make you feel useful, purposeful, and practical. Think
about all the ways that you can be of use and of service. Start doing those things,
step by step. Do small things, and anything that is practical, useful, and
service-oriented. Think about all your goals and ambitions from the past and see
how they are aligned with you now. See if they still valid and if they still meant for
you. Are they still igniting the fire in you? And if the answer is yes, go after those
things now. Do something that will bring those things into your life because you
are supported to do so now, as well as to benefit from things from the past. If
there is a chance to connect with people from your past, don’t hesitate and don’t
avoid these connections. See what these connections can bring you and why
they showed up in your life. This Mercury retrograde is perfect for inner dialogues
and for deep introspection—reviewing, reassessing, rethinking, and re-evaluating
your goals, ambitions, career, purpose in life, contribution, and the ability to
deliver the message from your inner being to the world.

Healing tips for Sagittarius in August

- Find a photo, an image, or a painting that you like for some reason; it can be
literally anything. Observe this image, take a good look at it, look at all the
details, and look at the whole image. Observe it very well. Observe it for some
time, remember it, absorb it, and then close your eyes and reproduce it in your
mind. See this image now with your eyes closed. See it in the way you
remembered it. See how much you managed to remember—how many details
you remembered. Stay with this mental reproduction of an image for some time,
and then open your eyes and see what you missed or what you added that
wasn’t there. This is an excellent exercise for practicing consciousness and
awareness, for improving your memory, and for becoming more aware of the
things that are happening in your reality. Enjoy the ride.

- Imagine that you’re walking down the highway without any cars on the road,
without anyone or anything. Imagine yourself walking down the abandoned
highway. It is early evening. The sun is still shining beautifully. There is an
endless road in front of you and behind you. There are mountains all around you,
and the temperature is perfect for walking. You’re walking, you’re listening to the
wind, you’re feeling the breeze on your skin, and you’re feeling super
comfortable. You are with someone very close to you, someone whose company
you really enjoy, and you’re having a conversation. What are you talking about?
Describe your experience, your journey, the whole atmosphere of the
conversation, the topic, and the feeling of the environment. Go through this
journey. Feel it, live it, and enjoy it. See what themes come up during this
conversation. Who would you choose to be there with, and what would you talk
about with that person?

- When you say “I am hurt” or “It hurts me,” where do you actually feel that hurt?
Where does it come from, and can you locate it somewhere in your body? Where
do you put your hands when you say it hurts you, and where do you feel this?
Put your hand there where you feel this and say “It hurts me here,” then release it
and feel how saying these words actually release the hurt and the pain. Repeat
this as many times as you need until you feel it.
- Close your eyes and practice being in a totally different reality where there is
nothing that is familiar to you. There is nobody that you know, and you are not
you. You are somebody completely different, and there is nothing similar to who
you are now. There is not one familiar face or place, and nothing that you know.
Totally unknown territory and people, but you have life there—a completely
different life than this one. This won't be so easy to imagine because you will see
how familiar things pop up here and there all the time. Keep eliminating them. Do
this daily for at least six minutes, feeling this totally so that when you open your
eyes you need some time to come back to yourself and your life.

- Imagine that you are walking down the hall full of doors, holding the keys to
each door. You are unlocking them one by one. Each door keeps something
precious, priceless, and valuable for you. What are you finding there? Go through
this journey. See what you’re discovering and what you’re seeing when you
unlock those doors. See yourself unlocking those doors, see the keys and the
lock, and feel the moment of unlocking them. You know exactly which key is for
which door. Feel the moment of unlocking and opening, and feel the moment of
unlocking very vividly. Do this thing in your home in order to feel how good it
feels. Try opening the doors while they’re locked, and then use the key and
unlock it to enter through the doors. Feel this moment of having an access.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Look up into the sky, and stay like that for at least 10 minutes. Observe the sky
during the day and night for at least 10 minutes each day if you can. Be there,
get lost in it, let it speak to you, and be open to listen and receive. Let it take you
into a trance state. Be there, be the sky, watch it without distractions, and don’t
look away from it during your observation. Be really there, absorb the sky, and let
the sky absorb you.

- Each day, when you wake up, wish yourself a good morning. Give yourself a
smile, wish the whole world a good morning, say out loud your affirmations, and
start your day with singing. Sing your affirmations in any melody you want, in any
way you want, but sing them. Start your day in this way. Enjoy your mornings,
enjoy your waking up, and enjoy the moment you’re awake and alive.
- Pick one profound book that you are going to read this month. Research about
profound books—books that change your beliefs and opinions, give you
something very meaningful, priceless, and valuable, transform your perception,
help you understand the reality you live in, and share deep knowledge.

- Do something proactive in your home. Do some kind of physical work at your

home. Clean your house, but do it in a bit of a ritual way, as if you’re cleansing
your inner house. Feel the process of cleaning it. Enjoy while you’re cleaning
your home. Make it shine, refresh your home, change something, and make it
more enjoyable. Enjoy physical work at home. This will improve your mental,
emotional, and also physical state of being.

- Write down a list of things that you want to release, let go of, discharge from,
and eliminate from your system. These are your emotions, patterns, beliefs,
ideals, fears, and old dreams and hopes that you don’t resonate with anymore.
This can also be your way of looking at certain things, your way of doing certain
things, your addictions, the type of relationships you don’t need anymore, and
anything and everything. Make a list of all these things that you want to remove
from your field, and then burn this paper or rip it off and throw it away. Do this as
many times as you want, every couple of days, in order to remember and feel all
the things that need to be released. Each time you do this, you will feel that
certain things have already fallen away from your energetic field and that there’s
no need to list them anymore. Enjoy the process.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- How do I feel about purpose? What do I think purpose is? How would I define
purpose? What are my first associations, images, thoughts, feelings, and
emotions that come up when I hear the word “purpose”? What does this tell me
about myself?

- How often do I think about the meaning of life? When do I usually think about
the meaning of life? What kind of things trigger these kinds of thoughts and
questions in me?

- How often do I face my fears? What are some of my most stubborn fears that I
keep facing, that I keep dealing with, and that I keep seeing, resurfacing time and
time again? What are these fears about? How old are these fears? What do they
tell me about myself?

- What are my highest goals? What are my highest aspirations? What are my
highest deepest desires?

- If my higher self stood in front of me and asked me what I really want in my life,
what would be my answer? What would I say to my higher self?


What can Capricorn expect in August

Dear Capricorn, August will clearly show you that the Universe is always
supporting you, especially when you think that things are not going your way or
when it seems that life is a constant battle. This is when you’re being warned
about something. This is actually something protecting you, teaching you, or
showing you what needs to be improved, upgraded, and changed. Universe is
always on your side, and this month, you will learn how to be more aligned with
it, how to learn from life directly, and how to interact with life, being in flow with
life instead of constantly fighting, competing, struggling, and battling with it. This
month is a lot about doing things you don’t usually do, doing things that you
maybe don’t want to do, thinking in the way you don’t usually think, and
perceiving life from a completely different angle. You have the power to shift your
perception, to change your focus, and to change your way of looking at things,
and you will see this month that this power is only yours. Nothing can change
your focus for you, and you will see how one small change in the way you
perceive life can change your whole life effortlessly.

On the 1st of August, there’s the first Full Moon in the month happening in the
sign of Aquarius, in your second house of finances, money, resources,
possessions, earnings, values, gifts and talents, self-worth, and priorities. This
Full Moon shines a light on these areas of your life and makes you more aware
of the things that need to be seen, acknowledged, changed, improved, or let go
of. Expect financial culminations. Something may come to a fruition financially,
especially if you’ve been working hard, putting a lot of effort, and devoting to
something. This Full Moon reveals your unique gifts and talents, and it can bring
resources and money through something that is unconventional, unusual, and
technologically advanced. This is also about understanding and realizing that you
are the most advanced resource that there is. This Full Moon is here to remind
you to value yourself in order to gain the material stability that you may be asking
for and yearning for. You may be giving away things you don’t need, and it's a
great time for releasing unnecessary material things from your life—things that
don’t serve you anymore, so that you can make space for things that are truly
valuable and worthy.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there’s a friendly and harmonious aspect
happening between Mars in your fellow Earth sign Virgo and Jupiter in your
fellow Earth sign Taurus. There are three Earth trines this month, and this
impacts you in a very beautiful, supportive, and beneficial way. You can expect
manifestations you’ve been wanting, desiring, and asking for. On the 1st of
August, Mars makes a trine with Jupiter, and this brings good and positive
opportunities related to your business and self-employment. You can expect
expansion of your business, expansion of creativity, and more meaning, joy, and
pleasure in your life. You are asked to lighten up this month, and these energies
will bring a smile to your face for sure; however, it’s also your job to recognize
these opportunities, to recognize good things in your life, and to put more focus
on those things instead of being focused on things that are missing. You will have
enormous support to build something that is really sustainable, sufficient, stable,
and valuable. Your love life is also expanding, and if you have children, you can
expect something very beautiful with your children, with somebody else’s
children, or work with children. You may also be traveling and expanding your
vision, talents, joy, and pleasure through, not only physical travels, but also
spiritual journeys. Something will turn out to be very good for you, so expect
lucky opportunities that uplift you and cheer you up. On the 16th of August, Mars
makes another trine aspect, this time with Uranus in Taurus, in your fifth house of
love, romance, children, joy, pleasure, gifts, and talents. Mars is in your ninth
house of long distance travels, international connections, international business,
spiritual pursuits, spiritual teachings, spiritual teachers, higher learning, higher
knowledge, higher education, wisdom, expansion of perception, and seeing the
bigger picture. You will be putting a lot of action and energy into expanding your
consciousness and upgrading your knowledge, spiritual path, education, and the
ability to live fully. This trine with Uranus brings unexpected things that are good
for you and that happen out of the blue. For some of you, this can be pregnancy
news if this is what you’re looking for. For others, this could be about success in
your business. It could be about sudden and unexpected expansion of your
business, sudden and unexpected love, or unexpected joy and pleasure. On the
24th of August, Mars makes its third trine with Pluto in your sign. This is amazing
for your personal development, personal transformation, physical health, and
well-being. Expect positive and wanted transformation of your life. Expect
something that will have a very harmonious and supportive effect on you and that
will change your life for the better. Change your behavior, attitude, and physical

On the 10th of August, Mercury in Virgo makes a positive and beneficial trine
aspect with Jupiter in Taurus. This energy can bring beautiful encounters and
conversations that can be very harmonious and uplifting for you. You can expect
connections with people who bring back a smile on your face, or you may be the
one who saves the day in some way during this time with your words, gestures,
and expressions. Mercury is a lot about learning, teaching, knowledge, news,
messages, and transport. This is in your ninth house, so this can bring amazing
knowledge and improvement of your skills that you can share with the world, and
through which you can prosper either in your business or love life. You can also
transfer your knowledge to others in a powerful way, and others may be children
or young people.

On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August, you can expect deep healing energy in
your life—healing of your suppressed emotions, healing of your hidden world,
and healing of those things that you’re ashamed and afraid of. The Sun and
Venus retrograde are together in Leo, in your eighth house of death, rebirth,
transformation, secrets, traumas, depth of being, unconscious desires and
attachments, sexuality, hidden things, taboo themes, intimacy, intimate
relationships, shared resources, joint finances, inheritances, taxes, bills, credits,
and loans. There’s a lot of healing and purging happening here for you—a lot of
detoxing, cleansing, and deep and profound revelations that bring gentle
confrontations with your shadow. On the 12th, the Sun makes a harmonious trine
aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in your fellow Cardinal sign Aries, in your
fourth house of home and family; on the 13th, the Sun and Venus come together
in exact conjunction; on the 14th, Venus retrograde makes a supportive trine
aspect with Chiron. These aspects and transits are here to bring deeper
understanding of your past, your family issues, your mother and father issues,
your childhood, your past traumas, your untreated wounds, and your suppressed
feelings. This healing energy happens on an emotional level, through your
emotional body, and therefore it immediately affects your mental and physical
body too. You may discover some things that bring comfort and relief. You may
find out some things, either about your family, your past, your emotional stability,
and your inner child, that sets you free in some way. It may be uncomfortable at
first. You may struggle, you may fight with it, and you may feel like you want to
suppress it again, but it will come out and it will bring a gentle and harmonious
healing. Some of you may do this intentionally, and you may dive very deep with
yourself to discover things that have a strong healing effect on you. You are
becoming more aware of how the inner world works, and you may become very
interested in discovering and learning more about the hidden realms of reality,
esoteric, occult, and metaphysical teachings, psychology, parapsychology, and
hypnosis—about getting to the root of things.

On the 16th of August, there's a New Moon happening in Leo, resonating with
Venus retrograde and the Sun in your eighth house of the depths of the soul and
the depths of the psyche. This New Moon has the power to enlighten your inner
world, to bring new light and new beginning in the chambers of your being, to
show you the way, and to bring joy and pleasure through facing and confronting
your darkness and your suppressed feelings and memories. You are invited to
look at yourself with new eyes and deal with your fears in a new way. You are
given this opportunity for a new beginning, as well as for seeing your past and
your traumas in a whole new way—in a liberating and transformative way. Expect
new transformations that are there to show you how to live your life in a more
fulfilling, satisfying, and pleasurable way. Not everything that is suppressed
needs to be heavy and scary. Those things that you’re afraid of can turn out to be
pure gold for you.

On the 22nd of August, there’s a tricky aspect called opposition between your
ruler Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Virgo. This shines a light on your third and
ninth houses—houses of knowledge, learning, teaching, sharing information,
traveling, networking, connecting with people, exchanging ideas and thoughts,
communicating, and publishing. Something may not be so clear now, and you
may get confused about something. You may share a message in an unclear
way, or you may misinterpret somebody’s words easily. Be aware that this is
active during this time, and know that it will pass soon. You may learn something
in a wrong way, or you may have difficulty understanding something that’s been
taught or shared. Don’t worry too much about it, and don’t try to impose your will
onto others because some of you may have a tendency to do so now. You may
be projecting your insecurities onto people from your close surroundings, and
you may project your beliefs and ideals onto your brothers and sisters,
neighbors, relatives, and people from your local community. Just be more
open-minded and put a smile on your face when you’re interacting with people
during this time, and all will be super fine. See these things in a funny way.
Choose to see the funny side of misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun enters Virgo and joins Mars and Mercury in your
ninth house of higher learning, higher mind, higher self, higher purpose, higher
meaning, spiritual endeavors, spiritual encounters, spiritual teachings, long
distance travels, expansion of your mind, expansion of your vision, legal matters,
international connections, and international business. Mercury goes retrograde
on the same day when the Sun enters Virgo, and Mercury will be retrograde until
the 14th of September. This is a time for reconnecting with people from your
past, for revisiting places you’ve visited before, for revisiting countries you’ve
been to before, for reconnecting with people who live overseas, for finishing the
unfinished business, for leaving room for flexible schedules, and for easy and
light plans. Avoid rigid and strict schedules and plans because it is very possible
that you will have to change and reschedule them a lot. You may find things
you’ve lost during Mercury retrograde, and this can be lost faith, lost spiritual
connection with your higher self, lost meaning, and lost purpose. You are coming
back to something meaningful and valuable now. Mercury is here in its own sign,
and you can really learn something now that will stick with you for a long
time—something long lasting, valuable, purposeful, and efficient. You can learn
things you’ve always wanted to learn but couldn’t for some reason, or you may
go to a place you’ve always wanted to visit but couldn’t. Mercury retrograde here
is very powerful for spiritual journey and for understanding something that was
tricky and impossible to understand before.

On the 27th of August, Mars moves into Libra and activates your highest position
in the chart—your tenth house of career, profession, reputation, vocation,
contribution, success, public image, public standing, role in the world, and own
authority. Mars here can bring you some leader roles, and you may experience a
role of a leadership now in some way. Others will look up to you now for
something. Beware of conflicts with authority figures, as these are possible now.
You may get in some kind of fight with your father, and Mars here can bring up
anger and rage related to your father, authority figures, superiors, or other father
figures in your life, regardless of their gender. This energy will be felt more in
September, but these last couple of days of the month can also bring up some of
these things. This is perfect transit for putting more energy and action into your
career, for being proactive when it comes to your success and reputation, for
pushing things forward, for being successful, for standing up for yourself in the
external world, and for gaining recognition that you know you deserve.

On the last day of August, there’s the second Full Moon that happens this month.
This one happens in the sign of Pisces, resonating with your ruler Saturn and
shining a light in your third house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, local
communities, people from your close surroundings, knowledge, skills,
communications, thought patterns, ideas, opinions, and connections. This is a
house of driving, moving, going on short trips, and being socially active. This Full
Moon brings deeper insights into your everyday connections and
communications, and it has something profound to teach you. This energy brings
strong imagination and intuition, and you will be able to create magic with your
spoken or written words. If you’re a writer, this energy can bring tremendous
success through writing. This is also a very creative and powerful time for
marketing, broadcasting, teaching, learning, sharing your knowledge and skills,
transferring your knowledge, spreading your word with the world, and connecting
with people in a very healing and intuitive way. You can experience healing
conversations, healing words, healing intuitive connections, and a sense of unity
and oneness through your everyday connections with people and through your
intuitive cognitions, intuitive learnings, and intuitive knowledge.

Capricorn relationship with inner self

Dear Capricorn, you’re coming home this month in many ways. You’re coming
home to your feelings, which is not necessarily your literal home. You’re coming
home to your inner home, your source, and where you feel you belong. This has
nothing to do with your external home and external place of living, but with your
inner state of being, your ability to be on your own, your ability to be who you are,
your ability to be brave enough to take full responsibility of your path, your
journey, and your karma. You are working towards creating your inner sanctuary,
wherever you are and no matter what. It is not about attracting or manifesting
certain things in life, rather, it is about accepting whatever it is that comes into
your life, learning through all expressions and manifestations, and gaining
wisdom through all manifestations of life no matter how you personally feel and
absorb them. This is not so much about creating the life you want to create, but
about understanding and accepting that there is higher power, higher
intelligence, and higher emotional center. It is not all about your personal control
or about creating the most beautiful life in the world; rather, it is more about not
taking things too personally. It is learning to live a life with all its ups and downs
and to value and honor life, even when things are not moving in a desired
direction. This doesn’t mean that this month will be teaching you through what
you don’t want to see and experience. On the contrary, it will probably be positive
and beneficial, but you will have more space, time, and energy to understand the
hidden principles of life, to comprehend the complexity of those unconscious
layers of existence, to get to know yourself better, to get to know those parts that
are usually unable to be seen and felt, to get to know those hidden parts, and to
get access to those places that are usually unavailable. You will be able to see
your primal fear from a place where you feel safe and secure, and this will give
you the ability to get a clearer picture of what it is. You will have access to your
emotional body from where you can actually feel things without putting them into
words and thoughts. You will see where you feel weak, victimized, ashamed, and
humiliated, and you will have gentle, kind, and warm support and healing energy
to walk through this space unharmed. Are you afraid of not being able to take
care of yourself in a proper way? Are you afraid of loneliness, of getting old, of
losing control over certain things, of surrendering, of asking for help, or of being
excluded from life? These fears may show up now in their gentle form and
shape, and you will be beautifully encouraged to see these fears, to feel them, to
walk through them, to let them walk through you, to allow them to change the
chemistry of your body, and to experience the alchemy of fears turning into
strength and courage.

Capricorn relationship with others

Dear Capricorn, you are reconnecting with people from your past who will have
one or two things to teach and show you. You will be happy that you know these
people and that you attract these kinds of people into your life. You can be
positively and beautifully surprised by someone from your past, and you can
expect to refresh and upgrade your friendship with someone now. You can
expect good energy through people from your past, through people you haven’t
heard or seen in a while, and through people you’ve lost touch with for who
knows what reasons. You are now reconnecting with certain people, and these
reconnections can have a very expanding and spiritually meaningful influence on
you. You may be reconnecting with people who live overseas, who speak
different languages, and who come from different places of the world. You are
expanding your social circles during this time, either through new connections,
new relationships, or renewing and refreshing past friendships. You can expect to
meet people on your travels or through your learning lessons, certain skills, and
teaching. You are getting to know someone, or you may have an opportunity to
get to know someone from a much closer perspective now—someone you
already know. You may be going on short trips with people, and these short trips
can turn out to be very healing and empowering; they can bring peace of mind
and soul. You may have healing conversations with people. You can learn a lot
from others, and you can teach others a lot during this time. Expect expanding
news and messages from others or about others. If you talk about others, make
sure that you talk about them in the most enlightening and uplifting way. Make
sure you point out their virtues and qualities because this is what is really
important now. You have Mercury in your ninth house of spiritual pursuits,
spiritual teachings, and spiritual teachers, as well as foreigners and international
connections. Mercury will be retrograde in your fellow Earth sign Virgo, and
Mercury is here in its own sign, which means that it’s very strong here and very
intellectual, deep, and beneficial. You can also be of great service to others
through your knowledge, your skills, your life experiences, your wisdom, and the
things that you have to share with others. You have Full Moon in your third house
on the 31st of August, and this one activates your relationships with siblings,
relatives, neighbors, and locals. Expect culminations, emotional releases,
emotional liberations, and feelings of unity and oneness with these people in
some way. There is something that brings you together with others in a healing
and beautiful way. You will be able to experience the power of connectedness
with others, as well as the power of the web of life through which we are all
interconnected and innerconnected. This is about the inner net that brings us all
together, and some of you will have a privilege to feel what it really means in
certain relationships with people from your close surroundings, your family, your
blood family, your soul family, your lost brothers and sisters who are all over the
world, and the lost parts of yourself that resonate with those lost connections with
Capricorn love & romantic life in August
Dear Capricorn, you are not afraid of changes in your love life anymore. You’ve
been through a lot of them, and you’re definitely not afraid to experience changes
or to bring changes that need to be brought in your love life. Some of you have
had enough of something. You’re definitely getting rid of toxic relationships, but
you’re also very grateful for them. You are definitely recognizing their purpose,
and you see how much you’ve grown thanks to toxic relationships that are
actually projection of your own allowance of those toxicities to be present in your
life. You will be very grateful for every toxic love experience that you’ve ever been
through because these things have been your greatest and wisest teachers. You
are grateful for each “bad” experience you have had until now. You are grateful
for all the tears and pains you’ve been through in your love relationships because
without these experiences, you would never change, evolve, grow, and get to
know your true wants and needs. Thanks to these toxic and negative love
experiences, you actually learn to honor and value yourself. You would never
know what is hidden inside of you—your potentials, your weaknesses, and your
strengths, and you would certainly never get to know that love is within you. We
attract what we fear, deny, suppress, or focus on, and we’re mainly focused on
toxic things, worries, fears, hedonistic desires, and temporary pleasures. So, our
love relationships are our greatest teachers that reveal to us our own hidden
parts of ourselves. This month, you will have a very deep moment where you will
truly be able to let go of those toxic programs that keep repeating in your love
relationships. You won’t be afraid to say goodbye if that’s what’s needed, but you
also won’t be afraid to say welcome to someone you’ve been avoiding, someone
you’ve pushed out of your life, or someone new who shows up now and who is
resonating with your fearless decision to change. Some of you may be getting
back together with someone. There are big resolutions happening now in your
love life, and some of you may come back to your intimate partner. Past love
relationships are resurfacing now, and they are not only resurfacing so that you
get back together. They are resurfacing so that you can resolve those things
once and for all. It could be a time when you finally let go of someone or
something you’ve been dreaming of, and you turn the page and welcome in the
new chapter. But first, you will have to deal with your past in some way. This can
come in the form of forgiveness, resolution, friendly goodbye, reconciliation, or
completion. Your existing love relationships are going through major healing and
transformation, and you will be able to share your secrets with your lover now, to
say things you’ve been afraid of saying, to express how you feel, and to open up
about certain things that have been a burden and that have been bothering you,
hurting you, and suffocating you. You will be able to sort things out, to allow
healing to take place, to allow purification to happen, and to allow yourself to be
happy regardless of your relationship status.

Capricorn sex life in August

Dear Capricorn, this month wants you to learn how to communicate and express
yourself in an intuitive and intimate way. You will now have a very beautiful
energy to connect with your lover through intuition and through more subtle
communication. You will be able to discover and recognize your toxic patterns in
sexual relationships, in sexual expression, and in channeling your sexual energy.
Many of you will clearly see your sexual deviations if there are any, and you will
be fine with these things. You are mature enough to deal with these things and to
see them as they are without identifying too much with them. You won’t identify
that much with your sexual expression and past sexual desires. You will be able
to detach from those things and see them separate from yourself, which will give
you clarity and bigger perspective about your own sexuality. You will be able to
connect your sexual patterns with your childhood patterns, and you will be able to
dive deep into psychological, physical, and emotional functions and dysfunctions.
You will be able to track those things, their appearance and disappearance, and
see that they don’t necessarily have cause and effect, that they are moving in
non-linear spiral cycles, and that they are cyclically appearing and disappearing
in accordance to your emotional, mental, and physical triggers. You will be able
to track down your traumas, as well as their relation and connection with your
sexual experiences, projections, desires, rejections, and fantasies. This month,
you will be able to see your old issues and old traumas in a new way, to see your
past sexual attractions and desires with new eyes, and to express your sexuality
in a new way. You and your partner will have a chance to meet each other in a
new way and to experience sexual connection in a renewed and refreshed
way—in a way that can bring you harmonious healing and detox. You may be
detoxing through your sexual expression, and this is very good now for that kind
of discharge and recharge. You will be able to do a lot of cleansing and purging
of your sexual impressions, sexual desires, and sexual wants and needs. You will
be able to see through them and polish your layers of deviant and twisted
sexuality. You will be working on alchemizing your unhealthy sexual desires and
transforming them into healthy ones, into the ones that are truly pleasurable and
fulfilling. This is, of course, related to your emotional maturity, emotional health,
and mental clarity. You will have enormous support on this path now from the
Universe, from your higher self, from your inner child, and from your partner as
well, even if it may seem that your partner is working against you from time to
time. This is all very purposeful for you—for your sexual growth, for leveling up in
expressing, and for feeling your sexuality.

Capricorn career & purpose in August

Dear Capricorn, you are motivated and inspired by the quest for meaning this
month. You are motivated and inspired by the quest for the truth, and this
motivation and inspiration will be your guiding star and your light on your path. If
you feel lost, just remember these inspirations and motivations that are pushing
you in the first place. Don’t allow greedy desires to pull you off the track. Don’t
allow your fear of lack and scarcity to blur your vision and make you forget your
initial inspiration and motivation. Don’t allow your material needs to take first
place in your actions and deeds, but allow your quest for meaning and quest for
truth to lead the way. This is what will give you enormous power and energy to
work hard towards achieving your goals of the heart. This is what will empower
and encourage you, and it will never leave you feeling drained, exhausted, and
tired. You only get tired and exhausted by the things that you don’t do from the
heart, that you’re not passionate about, and that are based on fear of not having
enough. So, the question is, are you doing things only for the sake of earning
money, for material safety and security, or is there something else there? Do you
truly do things because there is some meaning there behind your work,
contribution, and intentions. You need to see what motivates you, what inspires
you, what makes you move forward, and what encourages you on this path. This
is an incredible month for international connections, international business,
learning, teaching, traveling, improving knowledge, upgrading knowledge,
developing skills, and investing in knowledge. You will also have the first Full
Moon happening in Aquarius, in your second house of financial stability, earning
money, having money, spending and saving money, using resources, having
possessions, using your gifts and talents, valuing yourself, honoring yourself, and
knowing your priorities. This Full Moon will bring to light things that need to be
seen now. You will be faced with some things you may not really want to be faced
with when it comes to your money, finances, earnings, and values. But this is
necessary so that you can bring good changes and improvements in the way you
use and earn money. This energy can also bring things to a fruition. If there are
things you’ve been working hard and authentically on, investing into, and using
your unique gifts and talents for, then you can expect success and fulfillment
now. You may be earning money through something unconventional, unusual,
uncommon, eccentric, and revolutionary since this is Aquarius energy. You also
have New Moon resonating with retrograde Venus in Leo, in your eighth house of
shared resources, joint finances, partner’s money, somebody else’s money,
inheritances, taxes, debts, credits, banks, royalties, passive incomes, insurances,
and any other way of getting money besides your own way of earning money and
your own source of incomes. You may feel strong push and pull energy between
your money and somebody else’s money, your incomes and somebody else’s
income, your values and somebody else’s values, your finances and your shared
finances. You will have an opportunity to resolve these things now, and to use
money in a very valuable, worthy, authentic, pleasurable, and uplifting way.
Money is just another way of exchanging energy and the way you value
yourself—your time, your energy, your gifts and talents, your care, your service,
your efforts, your devotion, and your contribution. This is saying a lot about your
earnings, incomes, shared resources, and ways of spending and saving money.
You will be faced with your own self-worth system and your concept of values,
and you will be able to bring to life things that are in real resonance with your

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, the first Full Moon this month happens on the 1st of August in
the sign of Aquarius, in your second house of financial stability, material security,
money, earnings, resources, possessions, savings, spendings, way of using
resources, concept of values, things that you consider yours, priorities, gifts and
talents, self-worth, self-sufficiency, self-values, and self-sustenance. This is a
house of things you need in this world in order to survive—things like food,
shelter, and clothes. This Full Moon asks you to pay attention to these areas of
your life and to bring more awareness to these things. This Full Moon shines a
light on your finances and your system of values; it will show you something you
need to see and acknowledge about your work, earnings, resources, values, and
priorities. This is Aquarius Full Moon, and this energy can bring you a unique and
authentic source of income or it can bring you a unique and unconventional way
of earning money. Aquarius represents eccentricity, rebelliousness, revolution,
objectivity, uniqueness, technological advancement, intellect, consciousness,
humanitarian activities, friends, groups of people, freedom, inventions,
innovations, originality, fairness, equality, reforms, free thinking,
open-mindedness, future, and science. Some of you may be earning money
through science, technology, and futuristic and original ideas and skills. This Full
Moon brings something to a head related to your finances and values, and it will
show you things that have been hidden, neglected, avoided, or ignored when it
comes to your self-worth, priorities, and use of resources. You will be able to be
more objective when it comes to your finances, and to use your skills and
devotion to bring to life things that are truly meaningful and valuable. You are
asked to take a deeper look at how you value yourself and what your true
priorities are. This Full Moon brings culminations with your finances and your
money. Something may come to fruition, something you’ve been working on, and
you can expect to see some of your projects blooming in a revolutionary way.
This could bring a financial revolution for some of you. You can now prosper
financially through something that is unique and that perhaps involves others.
This could be a teamwork or a community-based project. But this is also
something that shows your uniqueness and individuality. Full Moons bring
closures, endings, completions, culminations, fruitions, and fulfillments.
Something may come to an end. Some source of income or some way of earning
money may come to an end, so that you can work on bringing in new things that
will improve and upgrade your financial stability and your way of valuing yourself
and honoring your abilities and capacities. Use the energy of this Full Moon to
remove and let go of those material things that you don’t really need anymore.
Give away your old clothes, old furniture, and old stuff that doesn’t serve you
anymore, and make room for new innovative and original things to come into
your life. If one way of earning money has to go, let it go and welcome in more
original and authentic ways of earning, not only in terms of material stability and
money, but earning self-respect, self-worth, and self-esteem. Do you know what
you’re capable of? Have you explored all your potentials? Have you really
explored all your gifts and talents, and have you touched your ingeniosity yet?
This Full Moon will reveal some of your hidden gifts and talents, and it will show
you more ways of earning stability, security, self-love, and self-worth, and not
being arrogant or cold once you achieve certain things that you may achieve
during this time.

How the New Moon in August will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in fiery Leo, in
your eighth house of transformation, transmutation, alchemy, transition,
conversion, metamorphosis, death, rebirth, intimacy, digging deep, investigating,
researching, facing your shadow and past traumas, healing, and understanding
the depths of mental and emotional processes. This is the house of detoxing,
cleansing, healing, and purging. This is the house of loss, resurrection, secrets,
things that are unconscious, things you keep hidden, things you don’t want
others to know about you, things you are ashamed of, and things you are afraid
of. These are taboo themes and things that are uncomfortable. This is also the
house of intimate relationships, business partnerships, shared resources, joint
finances, partner’s money, other people’s money, taxes, inheritances, legacy,
insurance money, penalties, royalties, passive incomes, loans, debts, bills, and
credits. This is a scorpionic house of depths and exposure of shadow, and this
New Moon is resonating with Venus retrograde in Leo. So, even though this is a
New Moon, it will be related to past events, past traumas, past hurts and pains,
past love relationships, and issues from the past. Now, you will have a chance to
see these things with new eyes and to see your past traumas in a new way, in a
way that brings you some kind of inner resolution and inner revolution. You will
be able to see past hurts and pains through new filters and new lenses that have
the power to set you free to a certain degree, to bring you renewal, regeneration,
refreshment, and recovery of past hurts and past traumas. This New Moon can
bring new things and new beginnings too, despite the past influences and past
attachments. This energy can bring you new joyful and pleasurable moments
with your intimate partner, new intimate partner, new business partner, and new
creative solutions to issues related to your shared resources and joint finances.
This New Moon happens in the sign of Leo, and Leo energy is warm, generous,
creative, uplifting, expressive, loud, proud, childlike, enthusiastic, courageous,
playful, determined, dignified, entertaining, sincere, joyful, and trusting, but it can
also be snobbish, egocentric, dramatic, showing off, theatrical, impatient,
pompous, naive, dominant, and bossy. You can experience all these expressions
of Leo archetype now through your eighth house matters, and the task of this
New Moon is to bring you a new perspective of death, transformation, loss,
intimacy, secrets, traumas, suppressed feelings, and deep emotional and mental
processes. These are new beginnings, new stories, new ventures, new ways of
doing intimate relationships, new ways of dealing with toxic patterns, and new
chapters when it comes to money you share with others and money you receive
through others. Money, sex, and death are the main themes of the eighth house,
and they are all connected through transformation. You are definitely
experiencing something new that can be dramatic, and you may have to deal
with someone who is dominant or bossy or you may be the one who plays that
role now. Your task is to transform that behavior into generosity, warmth,
creativity, and courage. Don’t forget to set your intentions and plant new seeds
during this time. Plant seeds deep within your soul, into the roots of your being,
and let them grow and bloom in the most fantastic and fabulous way for you. Let
them transform and heal you, and let them help you grow into the one you want
to become.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, the second Full Moon this month happens on the very last day of
August in the last sign of the Zodiac, in ethereal Pisces, and it highlights your
third house of social media, social activities, social interactions, and relationships
with younger brothers and sisters, relatives, neighbors, people from your local
community, and people you randomly meet in your everyday life. This is a house
of skills, devices, driving, short trips, and transport. This is also a house of
thought patterns, thoughts, words, expressions, lessons, news, messages,
information, learning, teaching, sharing, connecting. and communicating. This is
Pisces Full Moon, and it can bring emotional culminations with these people in
your life. It can bring things to a head with your siblings, relatives, or neighbors,
but it can also bring resolutions, healing energy, healing conversations, and
therapeutic conversations. You will have an ability to experience a great sense of
unity and oneness through these interactions, through some group activity with
people, and through the local community. Things are coming to a fruition during
this time—projects you’ve been working on, skills you’ve been developing, and
things you’ve been learning. Some of you may get a driving license during this
time, or you may get a new car during this time. This is the energy of transport
and vehicles, and you may be on the road now. You may be on the healing road,
or you may go on a short trip that will have a very healing influence on you. You
are maybe going on a retreat or a holiday, and you are going somewhere to take
a rest, to relax, and to escape the chaos of everyday busyness of life. You can
expect spiritual connections with people now. Pisces archetype brings spiritual
insights, transcendence, unity, oneness, unconditional love, psychic experiences,
dreams, synchronicities, empathy, understanding, compassion, faith, creativity,
osmosis, reflections, healing, self-healing, imagination, intuition, inspiration,
tenderness, mysticism, mysteries, tolerance, and kindness. However, Pisces
archetype also brings confusions, illusions, delusions, deceptions, addictions,
escapisms, vulnerability, victimhood, over-sensitivity, and being moody. You can
experience all of these expressions of Pisces through your third house matters
now, but it is more likely that you can experience higher expressions of Pisces
through your relationships since this Full Moon makes a positive sextile aspect
with your sign, which brings you opportunities that you have to act upon. You
may have psychic intuitive connections and experiences with or about someone
you know. You may be sharing something with someone that is very deep and
spiritual, and you can connect with people in a beautiful and healing way now.
You are intuitively learning things, and your intuitive knowledge is very strong
now. This Full Moon can bring you a sense of completion of something you’ve
been learning lately. You may finally see things coming to a fruition—things
you’ve been learning, or things you’ve been working on when it comes to your
relationship with siblings and relatives. This is also the perfect time for mental
healing, for mental calmness, for healing your thought patterns, for surrendering,
and for letting go of those things that are outside of your control no matter how
hard it may be. You may be mastering some of your skills now, and this can be a
great time to present things you’ve learned, to share your knowledge with others,
and to transfer knowledge and skills that you have and own. Use the energy of
this Full Moon to bring more healing energy in your everyday connections and
communication, to share your energy in uplifting and healing way with others, to
share your knowledge, to use your words in healing way, to bring more
understanding in your everyday communications and conversations with people,
to heal your mental processes, to rest, to relax, and to work on those skills and
lessons that are bringing you peace and a sense of unity and oneness. You can
feel these things now through your social activities and social media. If you are a
writer, this is an amazing time for writing and for publishing your work, but this is
also an amazing time for all of you who are in any way related to a kind of artistic
and creative work. You will have amazing inspiration and ability to express it and
to communicate it to the world.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Capricorn, your Tarot card for August is The Page of Cups upright. This
card is very much focused on the heart and soul. This is a card of idealism,
creativity, youthfulness, beginnings, naivety, inner child, and the messenger. This
is a card of possibilities, idealism, sensitivity, and romance. This card represents
inspiration that comes out of the blue—inspiration that comes from your
subconscious, as well as deeper and higher realms. This card shows that your
subconscious is directly communicating with you now. This is the card of a
messenger, so there are messages coming to you now. All these messages
actually come from your subconscious, even though they may come to you
through a friend, a lover, a family member, or anyone else. Messages may come
through dreams as well, or through creative expressions and inspirations. This
card is also connected to children, and it may be connected to your feelings from
your childhood—to things you felt while you were a child. This card means that
you can expect good news during this time. This card can also mean that there is
a young person or a child present in your life, and this relationship is now very
significant and meaningful. This card can also represent a heart full of love, a
new love relationship, or a friendship filled with love. The Page of Cups is about
releasing and expressing your emotions instead of holding them inside. This card
asks you to open up your heart and express yourself.

In this card, there is a young person holding a golden cup, wearing a pink and
blue tunic with water lilies. These symbols and colors represent spirituality and
purity. This person has a pure heart, pure intentions, and pure emotions. There is
a fish that is coming out of a golden cup, and they’re looking at each other. This
represents unexpected news, unexpected messages, unexpected situations, and
unexpected emotions, but most of all, the fish represents spirituality, and it
indicates that this will be a spiritual journey for you; this will be something that
enriches your inner world. The element of Water is very strong in this card.
Behind this young person, there are oceanic waves, and the fish is in the cup.
The young person wears a blue beret on their head, and this blue color
resonates with blue waves in the background. Water represents emotions,
intuition, creativity, hidden knowledge, the female principle, spirituality, and the
inner world. This card represents a messenger who brings good news. Since this
card represents the child within you, it also means that there’s a greater need to
be more playful, to have fun, to be entertained, and to enjoy, and this card tells
you to bring more fun into your life. This is a card of great creativity, so you can
expect enhanced creative possibilities. Your gifts and talents may become more
visible and notable.

This card represents new adventures, and it asks you to embrace new things in
life even though they may come in unexpected ways and you may not know all
about them. This is about exploring your soul and experiencing magic and
spirituality. Don’t take things too seriously during this time—explore things in a
lighthearted way. You need lightness of spirit and heart on this journey. Curiosity
is welcomed, as well as readiness for an adventure. Of course, there are
challenging times, as in every journey, but this card says that you should keep
your heart and your spirit light. This card also represents the inner child, so this
card could also mean that you may face some of your inner child issues and
childhood wounds, which is good because this means that you’re ready for it. You
now have a different approach to those things, and you don’t feel the same about
your childhood wounds. You have a different perspective, and you can resolve
these things now with a fresh perspective and with lightness in your heart. This
card can also bring you a message from far away. This card represents a
person—a funny, creative, and artistic person, as well as unpredictable. This is a
positive card, one that reminds you to be open-minded and open-hearted, to
follow your intuition and your heart, and to expect new solutions and new

The most impactful planet for Capricorn in August

Dear Capricorn, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus is retrograde
in Leo in your eighth house, which is very important for your inner journey, for
your healing journey, for your detox, for your shadow work, for releasing your
past, for understanding your past traumas, for bringing more harmony, beauty,
love, and values into your world, and for digging deep within yourself in order to
dig up some joy, happiness, and pleasure through doing the dirty and
uncomfortable work of confronting your shadows and your inner demons. Venus
is retrograde here until the 4th of September, but she will continue her journey
through your eighth house all the way until the 8th of October. Venus here brings
you an ability to resolve some crucial heavy things from your past that are
accumulated into the unconscious realm of your being, and to do that in a
harmonious, loving way, gentle, and comforting way.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human—all five elements, including Aether, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Venus is
a bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves,
including everything that we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our well-being in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty, but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus retrograde this month in the most
majestic, constructive, empowering, and enlightening way, you are asked to get
to the bottom of something that’s been eating you for quite some time, to not be
afraid of deep cleansing and healing, to not be afraid of facing your shadow, and
to do your best to beautify and harmonize your inner state of being. Bring more
beauty into your inner world, nurture your inner self, nurture the child within you,
sing to your inner world, and let your inner self know that you’re aware of it. Do
things that make you feel good about yourself. Do things that feed your heart and
your soul. Dance with yourself, dance with your shadows, and observe your
physical shadow—play with it and speak to it. Dance away your traumas and
pains, and dance away toxic patterns and programs that run your show. Do
things that make you feel alive in a healthy and uplifting way, and also do things
that take you into the inner world where you can get to know yourself a bit closer.
Become more intimate with yourself. Spend more time with yourself, investigate
yourself, ask yourself deep questions, have an interview with your inner self, and
prepare yourself for this interview. Observe yourself in this interview, and observe
your inner self. See how you feel. Are you uncomfortable with yourself? Are you
ashamed of certain things? What makes you ashamed of certain things? What is
creating an emotional disbalance in you? What are you missing? Ask your inner
self questions, and make that interview be as long as you want it to be. Make an
interview with your inner self every day. You can do this while you’re taking a
walk, or while you’re at home with yourself. But make it official. Give some credit
to that interview, really prepare for it, and see where this takes you. Feel your
feelings, and discern all emotions that are present within you at the certain
moment. Then, try to consciously feel each emotion that is present—each
emotion that you notice that is active in you. Select an emotion, one by one, and
make a conscious decision to feel each emotion. Don’t suppress, neglect, ignore,
shut down yourself, shut down your emotions, shut down your feelings, or shut
down your abilities and creativity. When you shut down your emotions and
feelings, you actually shut down your creative processes and potential. Smile and
do things from the heart. Every day, do something that uplifts you and brings joy
in your heart. Do small acts of kindness that cultivate humility and forgiveness,
and don’t be afraid of what comes up in the process of detoxification.

Healing tips for Capricorn in August

- Think about significant experiences and events from your life. Choose one
important event from your life. It doesn’t matter if it’s negative or positive for you,
just pick the one that you feel the most right now. Write it down as a story. Tell the
whole experience, write it down, and then go through this story and see which
words and phrases really stick out to you. Pick up the most meaningful words
that catch your eye from this whole story. You can have as many words as you
want, and write down these words as a list. Now, next to it, write down how each
of these words make you feel. Don’t think about the event anymore. Just see
these words that you chose from your story, and just write down what you feel
about these words, when you see them, hear them, and read them. These
feelings of words will tell you more about this situation, this event, and this
experience. They will reveal to you a lot about what this really means to you and
how it makes you feel. Expect to receive new insights and answers.

- Sit down in a comfortable position, relax your whole body, and feel each part of
your body relaxed. Count slowly from 10 to 1, and as you are closer to number 1,
feel your body as a shiny white dot in dark space. You are shrinking your whole
body to just one dot while you’re counting backwards from 10 to 1, and when you
say ONE, you are a dot. Now, imagine that you’re drawing the shape of a star.
You’re moving as a dot, and your movement draws a star. Feel your movement.
As you move, you create a line—a shiny glittering thick white line in the dark. You
stretch yourself, you stretch the dot, and you create a line. Then, you create
another line and another line until you draw a star. Create this star and feel
yourself in this shape now. Stay like that for some time, and feel your stretched
body as it transforms from a dot to a star. Then, do the reverse process. Come
back into a dot, and when you feel that you’re a dot, start counting from 1 to 10.
While you’re counting to 10, you’re becoming yourself again. By the time you
reach number 10, you feel yourself totally back into your body, in the same
position and shape as when you started this exercise. Stay with your eyes closed
for another two to three minutes, and then slowly open your eyes. This is a
fantastic exercise for subconscious healing and clearing, for releasing stress and
anxiety, for connecting with lost parts of you, and for connecting with your
essential self. Enjoy the ride.

- Do your research about subconscious fears, subconscious traumas,

suppressed and repressed feelings, mental and emotional patterns, symbols and
dreams, past lives regressions, subconscious programming, projections from the
past, as well as unhealed and untreated wounds. Do your research about these
themes. Investigate, dig deep, watch interviews, read books, research forums,
articles, videos, and search in many places. Enjoy this whole process of
exploring and researching. Enjoy it, and let it enrich you. Learn about these
things—learn about the archetypes, about trauma, and about how these things
affect your relationships, your life, and your career. Do your research.

- Imagine that you’re walking through hills and mountains on a very beautiful day.
The weather is perfect, not too cold nor warm, rather, it is just as it should be.
You feel super easy, extremely comfortable, and very relaxed; your body is totally
light, and you feel like flying. You hear all kinds of different sounds of birds,
animals, and the wind. You feel all kinds of smells—grass, soil, and air. You enjoy
the scenery, you enjoy your body, and you enjoy your surroundings. You’re just
walking, and suddenly, you hear the sound of water, you walk towards that
sound, you hear the sound of a waterfall, and you feel drawn to it. You walk
through some kind of passage, through some bush, trees, and leaves, and you
enter this beautiful place with several waterfalls and water underneath those
waterfalls that are crystal clear. You walk towards that water and waterfalls. You
take off your clothes and jump into that water, which has the perfect temperature.
You feel reborn. You feel like everything that ever worried you, angered you, and
broke you, is washed away and gone. It is only you, crystal clear water,
waterfalls, sky, trees, grass, and birds. You are reborn. You are well. You are
calm. You are at peace. You enjoy, and you are.

- Sit down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and hear your breathing.
Make sure that you’re doing this in a quiet space. You can do it in your room, turn
off all sounds, make sure you feel comfortable, and just listen to your breathing.
Hear your heartbeat, feel your breathing, and feel your lungs and your belly
moving as you inhale and exhale. Now, as you inhale, imagine bright yellowish
light entering through your nostrils. Feel this light as two streams of water, thick
and dense water waves, then see and feel them being inhaled through your
nostrils. Feel your body filled with this empowering light, and as you exhale, feel
this light filling up your body with it. First, fill your feet with this light, and each
time you inhale and exhale, you fill it up a little bit more. Do this until you fill up
your whole body with this light, until you reach the top of your head, and then
stay like that for some time. Feel your whole body being filled with this light. Feel
it, absorb it, embrace it, integrate it, and keep it inside. Whenever you feel ready,
open your eyes and continue doing your regular things with this light enlightening
your whole body.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Go somewhere where you haven’t been before. Visit a totally new place, a
brand new place, which can be right next to your place; it doesn’t have to be
anywhere far and wide, although it can be, but just make sure it’s a new place for
you. Feel new experiences, and receive new impressions. Give your eyes, your
soul, and yourself new experiences and new sensations. Do something new, do
something you’ve never done before, try something new, learn something new,
say something new, and feel something new. Feed your mind, body, and soul
with new impressions and enjoy.

- Find a place where you feel calm, where you feel at peace, where you feel like
you belong, and where you feel taken care of. This can be in your home,
somewhere outside, some special place you already have, or a totally brand new
place for you. You choose it, but make sure it makes you feel safe, secure,
relaxed, and comfortable. Make sure you spend just half an hour in this place,
every day. Make sure you have half an hour daily for this kind of relaxation. Don’t
do anything while you’re in that place. Don’t use your phone, don’t look at your
phone, don’t look at any device, and don’t do any kind of activity. Just be there,
just breathe there, and just relax yourself there. Forget about everything and
everyone. Forget about the whole world and life during those thirty minutes.
Forget about yourself too. Forget about every possible obligation that you have,
about everything that you have to do, and about all that you have—home, family,
friends, partners, pets, or whatever. Forget it all, and just be there. Just be.
- Each morning, when you wake up, make sure that you smile at yourself. Give
yourself a nice big smile and get up, and don’t stay in bed for too long. Stay for a
couple of moments with your eyes closed in order to try to remember any dream.
and when you open your eyes, get up, open your windows, and let the light come
in even if it’s raining. Let the light and the air come in. Look out the window, wish
everyone a good morning, smile at the whole world in front of you, and feel the
newness of the day. This is a day that you never lived before, so make sure you
make it count, make it special, do something beautiful with yourself, make
yourself feel good, make someone else feel good, and enjoy your day.

- Dare to challenge yourself everyday in something. Write down things that are
challenging for you, and every day, pick one thing to accept the challenge. These
don’t have to be any big challenges, rather, these can be just simple things that
you find challenging for yourself. Write down these challenging things. As soon
as you start, you will notice how many of them there are. Start doing them, one
by one, and cross each challenge off the list when you dare to challenge yourself.
Enjoy and have fun.

- Go somewhere on a short trip. Make sure you move, or go on a holiday for at

least one day if you cannot manage any longer. Take a rest, at least for one
whole day, and spend it in the way that you want. Go somewhere nice, make a
picnic, and invite someone you’re close with or just go on your own. Spend
quality time, take a good rest, eat something new, or eat your favorite food. Take
yourself somewhere nice. Choose at least one day for this short trip. See how
this makes you feel, and see how much this improves your state of being.
Change the scenery, change the environment, see new places and new faces,
and enjoy. Feel good about it.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- How do I feel about the Universe, and myself as a part of it? Do I feel myself as
a part of the Universe, and do I feel the Universe as a part of myself?

- Do I feel life as a battle, a blessing, or do I feel life just the way it is? But what
does this "just the way it is" mean to me if that is the answer? How do I perceive
life? What is my perception of life telling me about myself?
- Do I compete and fight with life, or do I know when to surrender and have trust
in life? How would I name my relationship with life?

- How often do I do things that my ego doesn't want to do, that I am perhaps too
lazy to do, or that I lack the will to do? When was the last time I did something,
despite the fact that I didn't want to do it, recognizing that it was something good
for me?

- Do I know how to make myself feel good? Do I have the power to shift my focus
and to change my perception in a way that is uplifting and empowering, instead
of drowning myself in negative beliefs and worst case scenarios?


What can Aquarius expect in August

Dear Aquarius, you’re getting out of certain repetitive patterns that have been
draining and suffocating you. You are getting out of the whirlpool where you’ve
felt stuck and limited. You are getting out of the rat race in a significant way, and
you’ll be able to create something for yourself that will lead you in a wanted and
desired direction in life. It is much easier for you now to go through changes and
initiate changes in your life. Your fixed nature is a bit loose now, and you’ll be
able to take advantage of it and be more flexible, unordinary, and spontaneous in
the way you live your life. You are getting out of something that feels restrictive
and imprisoning, and you are getting in touch with freedom in a more authentic
and real way. Freedom is very important to you, but many of you will see that
what you thought of freedom is actually another layer of limitation and
imprisonment, whether that involves your career, relationships, job, friendships,
family situation, or finances. You are discovering the true meaning of freedom,
and you will feel it within you.

The month begins on the 1st of August with the first Full Moon of the month, and
this first Full Moon is opening the curtains of August by shining a light and putting
more focus on you—your wants and needs, your path, your behavior, your
identity and individuality, your character, your physical appearance, your image,
and your style. This is the Full Moon in your sign, and this is halfway to your
Birthday season. It’s the perfect time to see where you are right now, where
you’ve been, where you’re going next, what you’ve been through in the last six
months, what you’ve accomplished, what you’ve done, where you want to be,
and how you want to improve in the next six months. You will be reflecting and
reviewing your life a lot. This Full Moon will show you something that needs to be
changed in your personal life and that needs to be improved in the way you
behave, in the way you look, and in the way you are. You may have to take a
look at something that you would rather avoid about yourself, but you have to
confront some things about yourself so that you can shine fully and freely.

On the same day of this Full Moon in your sign, there’s a supportive and friendly
trine aspect happening between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Mars is in
Virgo in your eighth house of transformation, rebirth, secrets, hidden things,
shared resources, joint finances, taxes, inheritances, shared life, intimacy,
healing, and detoxing. Mars is here until the 27th of August, and it will make
three supportive aspects with planets in Earth signs. This can bring you concrete
manifestations and things that are solid, stable, grounding, reliable, practical, and
efficient. Mars makes its first trine with Jupiter in your fellow Fixed sign Taurus, in
your fourth house of home and family. This can bring you some good news and
expansion related to your home, family, shared values, shared money, and
emotional stability. You can expect positive changes and good energy with your
home situation and your family members. You can also expect a great sense of
abundance through your inner work, deep investigation, and confrontation with
your own toxic emotional patterns. On the 16th of August, Mars makes a second
trine, and this time, it is with your ruler Uranus in Taurus. This can bring
unexpected positive changes in your home and family. You can expect beneficial
surprises and things that happen out of nowhere that are actually very positive
and supportive when it comes to your money, your family money, your family
situation, and your relationship with your mother. These are sudden and
unexpected things that may at first be uncomfortable, but that will turn out to be
very positive and friendly. On the 24th of August, Mars makes third and final
Earth trine. This time it happens with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, the lord of
transformation, and this happens in the sign of Capricorn, in your twelfth house of
spiritual insights, transcendence, relaxation, retreat, meditation, contemplation,
withdrawal, and having time on your own. You can expect transformations that
are very good for you and for your mental and emotional health. Expect deep
subconscious transformations that can bring you healing and a positive shift of
your mental and emotional focus. You may feel blessed in some way, and this
energy can bring you a sense of inner peace through inner work and
confrontation with subconscious fears.

On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of the month, there are more positive and friendly
aspects going on, and this will bring you positive social connections and healing
of your relationships. On the 12th of the month, the Sun in your opposite sign Leo
makes a trine aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in Aries, in your third house
of social connections, relatives, siblings, neighbors, and people from your local
community. This can trigger beautiful healing between you and others. You will
be able to learn something you thought you would never be able to learn, and
you will be able to say something you thought you would never be able to say.
On the 13th of August, the Sun and Venus retrograde come together in your
opposite fiery sign Leo and bring beautiful and loving energy in your one-on-one
relationships—in your social, intimate, and business partnerships, and you can
expect reconnections, reconciliations, completions, and resolutions with people
from your past. You may experience something beautiful with others that will
remind you of the true values and qualities of your relationships with certain
people. On the 14th of August, Venus retrograde makes a supportive and friendly
aspect with the wounded healer Chiron, and this can bring more kindness, love,
understanding, beauty, gentleness, and harmony in your relationships with
people, in your communications, and in your everyday connections.

On the 10th of August, Mercury makes a beneficial and positive trine aspect with
Jupiter in Taurus, and this can bring you deep healing conversations with family
members or with those who feel like a family. You may also talk about your family
in a way that is comfortable and easy, or you may learn and discover some things
that will bring more meaning and value to your home and family world.

On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon in your opposite sign of Leo,
resonating with Venus retrograde and with the Sun in your seventh house of
relationships dynamics, of you and I kind of energy, of your one-on-one
relationships, and of marriage, union, commitments, collaborations, and
cooperations. Expect new beginnings in these areas of your life—new chapters,
new cycles, and new opportunities and possibilities within your relationships with
others. But, these new beginnings and new cycles may be related to your past
since Venus retrograde is also here. This can mean that you will be able to renew
and refresh your old relationships in some way; you will be able to see old issues
in relationships in a new way; and you will receive new insights about your past
relationships. You will also be able to reconnect with someone you already know
in a new and uplifting way. This is something joyful, cheerful, and enjoyable, even
though it may be a bit dramatic because of Leo energy. This New Moon,
however, is very positive and energizing for you, and you can expect new
relationships, new meetings, new love relationships, and new friendships. These
relationships will have the power to trigger the child within you and to unlock your
creative potential.

On the 23rd of August, the Sun joins Mars and Mercury in Virgo in your eighth
house of death, rebirth, transformation, unconscious desires, unconscious
attachments, secrets, things that are hidden and invisible, taboo themes, things
that are perhaps a bit scary, inner world, shadow, but also shared finances,
resources, taxes, passive incomes, inheritances, loans, and credits. Mercury
goes retrograde on the same day when the Sun enters Virgo, and Mercury will be
retrograde until the 14th of September. You will be re-evaluating, reassessing,
reconsidering, reviewing, and rethinking your intimate relationships, your inner
world, your secrets, your finances, your psyche, your emotional processes, and
your hidden and suppressed feelings and emotions. You may have a deep and
strong need to investigate your inner processes, to learn more about the things
that can help you understand the hidden nature of reality, and to learn and study
psychology, parapsychology, astrology, esoteric, metaphysical teachings, occult
teachings, secret teachings, and teachings that can truly help you understand
yourself and others better—things that can unlock some mysteries and that can
give you an access to your interior realms. This is also a time for you to resolve
some financial issues, especially if you have some debts, loans, or credits. You
will be able to finish the unfinished business in these areas of your life and to see
how you can make things work this time.

On the 27th of August, Mars moves into your fellow Air sign Libra, activating your
ninth house of long distance travels, international connections, international
business, foreigners, studying, learning, teaching, exploring the world, going on
an adventure, expanding your experiences, stretching your perception, being on
a spiritual journey, seeing the bigger picture, upgrading your knowledge, and
changing your beliefs for the better. Mars is very proactive here, and you will be
putting a lot of energy and action into your knowledge, into your travels, into your
international connections, into your spiritual pursuits and practices, and into
expanding your world and your life. You will be fighting for justice, perhaps while
Mars is here in Libra, and you will be able to stand up for something—for your
beliefs, spiritual insights, ideals, and opinions. Just don’t be too fanatic about it,
and don’t rush into conflicts with others because they think differently. This will be
felt more in the next month, but you will still feel this energy during the last couple
of days of August.

The month ends with the second Full Moon in the month that happens on the
31st of August, in the last sign of the Zodiac. This Full Moon in Pisces brings
potential healing of your financial situation, healing of your relationship with
money, and culmination of things related to your gifts, talents, abilities, capacities,
and livelihood. This Full Moon is here to reveal to you more possibilities and
opportunities for earning money, for expressing your creative and artistic
potential, and for making your dreams come true. Pisces are dreams while the
second house is an Earth house that can bring concrete and tangible things. So,
you can expect manifestations of things you’ve been dreaming of, and you can
also expect more focus on your self-worth and self-love that will be triggered
through subconscious images, thoughts, fears, and anxieties. Your relationship
with money may be transcended in some way, and you will be able to see where
you have trouble with low self-esteem and how you can empower yourself. There
are infinite possibilities, and you will become more aware of them and their
potential now. You are starting to recognize those infinite potentials within
yourself. Some of you may truly understand and feel that the source is also within
you, and that it’s up to you how you are going to use that source and resource.

Aquarius relationship with inner self

Dear Aquarius, there are things in your life that you’re going to discover and
reveal to yourself now through deep investigation and research, and this is not
something totally new to you. This is something you have already visited before,
something you already met before, but you never had a chance or the guts to
walk through it and to let it walk through you. This month, you will have the guts
for some things you never thought you will be able to experience or process. You
will be able to digest some old things from your life that you’ve always been
avoiding, suppressing, or running away from. You will have the guts, not only to
face those things, but to experience them, feel them, connect with them, get to
know them, and love them no matter how scary those things may have been until
now. You may realize that you’ve been afraid of the feeling you thought this will
bring to you, but now you will see that it’s not really that heavy as you have
imagined. Once you’re there with the feeling, the feeling is not that tough. Once
you’re in it, you are walking with it and you’re having a relationship with it. You
are learning how to be in a relationship with your feelings and how to create a
harmonious relationship with your feelings no matter what those feelings are. You
are learning, not how to deal with these things, but how to truly be with them and
to not be afraid of death, losing sense, or losing anything. You are training
yourself to be fearless now, and these trainings may involve meditations, mental
practices, emotional techniques, spiritual practices, contemplations, isolations,
being on your own, listening to yourself, being in solitude, being quiet, listening to
your peace and your chaos, listening to your silence, recognizing the power and
weakness within you, recognizing the fear and love within you, recognizing the
victim and victor within you, and recognizing the control and surrender within you.
You are not trying to prove your point to yourself now, rather, you are being
pushed into your own abyss in a gentle, kind, supportive, and friendly way. You
won’t be scared or terrified by this. You will be grateful and honored to be where
you are, and you will have all that you need in order to accept things that you
would usually deny or reject about yourself. You are tired of denying and
escaping. Many of you have been escaping into all kinds of addictions all your
life. Many of you will realize how ridiculous it is because you are chasing the
dog’s tail in that process and nothing ever happens. You will have to stop at one
point and realize that what you’re chasing is impossible to reach. Once you stop
chasing and surrender, things come to you easily and things align with you, and
many of you will understand the beauty and the wisdom of surrendering. You
may have been afraid to surrender because you may have thought that
surrendering and giving up are the same things. But now, you will see and
comprehend that surrendering and giving up have nothing in common. You will
have this understanding on an emotional and spiritual level, and you will embody
this understanding in your everyday life. You are not trying to solve anything, you
are not trying to discover anything, you are not trying to escape anything, and
you are not trying to hide or push for something. You are where you are, and this
presence and this awareness of being present will remove the chains that have
been pulling you down and holding you stuck.
Aquarius relationship with others
Dear Aquarius, you will receive certain blessings in your relationships with others
this month. You will feel them immediately, without thinking about them, analyzing
them, or putting them into words, rather, you will just have a very clear and pure
feeling of being blessed in your relationships with others. You will have strong
feelings towards others, and you will want to show them how you feel about them
but this may not be necessary. Your presence there will be enough, and your way
of exchanging your energy with them will be enough. You don’t really have to do
anything special in order to show your friendly love towards someone. You will
experience beautiful healing energy with others. Your one-on-one relationships
can have a very healing impact on your relationships with your siblings, relatives,
neighbors, and people from your close surroundings. You can expect new
beginnings with people now—new chapters, new enjoyable moments with others,
as well as renewals and refreshments of your existing and past friendships.
People from your past will be showing up in your life in one way or another, and
they will bring you some gifts that don’t have to be physical tangible gifts, rather,
they can be subtle gifts—gifts in the form of hugs, appreciation, or emotional and
mental support, but also concrete and tangible gifts, like financial gifts, literal
gifts, packed boxes, or physical support if you need it now. Others will be there
for you, and you may be surprised by someone’s help now. You may be positively
surprised by someone’s gesture, support, or behavior. You are connecting with
people now in a very sincere and open way. If you’ve felt a bit distanced or
detached from others in some way lately, this month will definitely bring back
warmth in your heart when it comes to your friendships and relationships with
people. Your relationship with family is also triggered now in a positive way, and
you can expect supportive energy with your family. You may not expect it, and
you may be surprised by it in a good way. You can expect expansion of your
family relationships that can bring you great inner healing and emotional healing.
You will be able to discover something about yourself, your past, and your inner
world that will have a very healing and positive influence on your relationship with
your family, or you may discover something about your family that will have a
very healing and beneficial impact on your inner journey and your emotional
stability. You are ready for adventures with your friends, and you will meet new
people along the way this month. You will be able to see new perspectives and
learn from others in a significant way, and others will be able to learn from you.
This will improve your low self-esteem if you have those kinds of issues, and you
will be able to actually inspire yourself and others now in a way you never
thought possible.

Aquarius love & romantic life in August

Dear Aquarius, love is true magic, and there is no other magic in this world but
love. All other things that may seem like magic are fake and illusionary. Every
magic that is not rooted in love is actually black magic, but even this is illusionary.
You will realize this month that love is the greatest law of them all, and that when
you’re rooted in love, you’re truly invincible. When you do things that are based
on love, you can never do anything wrong. When you are rooted in love,
everything you do is a blessing and everything you experience is perceived as a
blessing, no matter what it is. When you are rooted in love, life becomes a
miracle, regardless of what you may experience, because all that you experience
is seen as a gift, whether it is “good” or “bad.” This month, many of you will have
an opportunity to truly feel this and live this. This will, of course, affect your love
relationships, your existing love relationships, and your perception of your past
love relationships, as well as your potential new love relationships. Something
will shift inside of you and will redirect you towards the love path. When you’re on
this love path, it doesn’t matter where you’re at, because you’re always on the
right path. This is something that will stand strong now in your life and that will
impact your behavior in an existing love relationship. You may change your
behavior, and this may or may not be welcomed by your partner; however, it will
eventually bring you two in alignment. There’s a lot going on in your seventh
house of marriage and love relationships now, and this has started two months
ago with Venus’s entrance into Leo. Venus is now retrograde, and you also have
the Sun here next to Venus. On the 16th of August, there’s a New Moon
happening here, and this can also bring you new love relationships and renewals
and regenerations of your existing love relationships. Venus is retrograde, and
she may bring back some old issues in your love life that need to be resolved.
They will be resolved in a harmonious and comforting way, even though it may
seem a bit dramatic at first. These are good energies for your love relationships,
and you will be experiencing this very personally. Don’t rush with any decisions
now, especially if you enter a brand new love relationship. Go slowly and give it
time to develop and grow. Venus is retrograde here until the 4th of September,
and once she is out of her retrograde motion, things may seem different and you
may feel different about someone. This is also a time when you will be able to
see your past love experiences in a new way, and this will bring you liberation,
relief, and freedom to move on from something that may have been painful or
draining. Some of you may reconnect with someone from your past, and you can
feel that spark of flame reignited during this time. You can expect to have a lot of
fun with your partner too. You have Mars until the 27th in your eighth house of
intimate relationships, and you also have Mercury there going retrograde on the
23rd. But this retrograde motion will be felt throughout the whole month, and
many of you will be reviewing, reassessing, re-evaluating, and reconsidering your
love relationships, your intimate partnerships, your role in a relationship, and your
connectedness. You will be reviewing your love life in a big way. You have Venus
retrograde in the seventh house of marriage and Mercury retrograde in your
eighth house of intimate partnerships. Something from the past is inevitable now,
and you will have a chance to make things right, to resolve things, to complete
something, to correct something, and to forgive something.

Aquarius sex life in August

Dear Aquarius, your intimate world is triggered in many ways this month. You will
be thinking a lot about your past now. Your past will have a huge impact on your
sexuality and your sexual experiences now, and you can expect deepening of
your intimate relationship through your conversations and intimate dialogues that
go beyond words, that extend beyond spoken word, that touch the untouchable,
and that speak without words. You will have a strong sexual appetite this month,
and your libido will increase in a very passionate way. You are driven by your
emotions a lot, and your sexual and emotional experiences will be intertwined in
a very complex way. You can now express your wants and needs freely with your
partner, and you will know what you need and want, as well as what you don’t
need and don’t want. You have Venus retrograde in your opposite sign of Leo, in
your seventh house of marriage, spouse, love relationships, and love exchanges.
You also have the Sun and the New Moon. This is strong Leo energy in your
house of relationships, and you can experience a lot of joy and pleasure in your
connection with your partner. Retrograde Venus in Leo can be very sexual and
erotic, and you also have Mars, planet of sexual drive and passion, in your eighth
house of sexuality and intimacy. You can expect a lot of sensuality and sexuality
this month. This is kind and gentle energy, but it can also be very passionate and
wild. This is wild gentleness or gentle wilderness, and you can experience this
now in your intimate relationship. You can experience this kind of exchange with
your sex partner. If you are not involved with anyone sexually, this month may
bring someone from your past to some of you. You may reconnect with someone
who used to sexually attract you or who sexually attracts you now. You may have
new feelings towards someone from your past. Some of you may also have
sexual dreams or fantasies about someone you already know, possibly a current
friend or a friend who reappears in your life during this time. But, you are going to
feel sexually content and fulfilled this month regardless of your sexual partner.
This is a time when you will be in a position to experience that kind of joy through
deep meditation, through physical work, through inner satisfaction that comes
from releasing, through letting go, through forgiving, through crying, and through
surrendering and accepting. You will feel joy, true inner joy, through these
cathartic releases. Sexual catharsis is very strong, and many of you will feel the
power of sexual energy that happens on that level—on a level of catharsis. You
will be able to feel satisfaction through those releases, and you may not have any
more cravings now but to release, release, release, and continuously release. It
is possible that this will be your highest ecstasy this month.

Aquarius career & purpose in August

Dear Aquarius, you can prosper now through your gifts and talents, through your
abilities and capacities, and through your past efforts and your creativity, but you
will have to change something in the way you value yourself, respect yourself,
and appreciate your abilities and capacities. You may realize now that you truly
have low self-esteem, even if didn’t think of it like that. You may be surprised by
how insecure you actually are when it comes to your gifts, talents, knowledge,
and achievements. You may be ashamed of your knowledge, abilities, and
success in some way. You may discover that you have some kind of inferiority
complex through your career achievements and through your behavior with your
superiors or other authority figures in your life. You may discover these issues
through your relationship with money or through your attitude towards finances
and earning. You may be surprised because you never really thought of it, or you
never really had a chance to feel this issue, but now something may happen that
will make you notice this and you will have to pay more attention to this. You will
be able to do something about it—to feel it, to dig deeper, and to see where it
comes from, but ultimately, it doesn’t really matter where it comes from. What
matters is that you work on building a strong and healthy self-esteem, and this
month will be like an initiation for you when it comes to your self-esteem. You
may be very busy this month when it comes to dealing with your finances and
shared resources. You will be able to resolve some financial issues and to work
on finding more sources of income. Unusual things may come to you now, and
you may be able to earn money now through artistic and creative things. Mercury
is retrograde this month in its own sign Virgo, in your eighth house of other
people’s money, partner’s money, joint finances, shared resources, inheritances,
taxes, credits, bills, loans, passive incomes, royalties, banks, and all other ways
of giving, receiving, and sharing money. You will be reviewing, reassessing,
reconsidering, rethinking, and re-evaluating your shared resources, credits,
loans, and debts. You can expect to see money from the past to come back to
you now. If you’ve been investing your money in something, lending money to
others, or putting your money somewhere, you can now expect this money to
come back to you. You may also see money that you didn’t expect to come to
you now. Business partnerships are also very strong this whole month. Some of
you may reconnect with someone you used to work or collaborate with, and you
may start a new business partnership with someone you already considered. If
this is something you’ve already planned and thought about, this can turn out to
be very beneficial for you. Some of you may start a new business with your
partner, or you may renew your business with a new business partner. You can
expect family money to come to you now in some way. Things you’ve been
working on may come to a fruition, and you may be surprised by what you can
actually achieve. You can bring a lot of healing now to that low self-esteem
through your current achievements and your ability to express yourself. However,
on the other hand, if you’ve been too arrogant, bossy, or snobbish lately, you will
see this clearly and you will be asked to put down your guard. This is also a low
self-esteem issue, but it is manifested in different polarities. It is the same
problem, and you will be able to clearly see it now. You are ready to bring
yourself in alignment with the purpose that you feel in your heart, and you will
have help and support to do that now and to bring it to life.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, the first Full Moon this month happens on the 1st of August in
your sign, and this is all about you. The focus is on you, and this Full Moon puts
the spotlight on you. This energy shines a light on you, and you will be in the
center of attention. You may literally be in the spotlight, or you may find yourself
performing, being in public, and being more popular, wanted, and needed in
social circles, communities, friendships, and family. Your role will be needed in
some way, and you will have to stand up for yourself too. You are more focused
on yourself now, and you have to pay attention to something about yourself; this
could be something you’ve been avoiding and neglecting perhaps. Full Moon can
reveal to you something that may not be so comfortable and easy, but it is there
for you to acknowledge and see it so that you can adjust and change it for the
better. This Full Moon happens in your sign, and this can be something
revolutionary, rebellious, outstanding, outspoken, objective, original, authentic,
unique, and very eccentric. You may be outstanding in something, and this Full
Moon can bring out the best in you, but in some cases, also the worst in you.
Eventually, however, it is here to show you things that you were unable to see
before, to make you more aware of who you are, and to make you more aware of
your behavior and your physical appearance. You may attract something
revolutionary into your life, and this can be a personal revolution in some way.
This, of course, doesn’t have to be anything spectacular and big. This personal
revolution can manifest in a small way, but it can be revolutionary for you. You
are changing something about yourself. You may change something about the
way you look, like your image or your style, and this can have a very good impact
on you—your behavior, your path, and your close personal relationships.
Aquarius energy can also be cold, detached, uninterested, distanced, eccentric,
intellectual, paradoxical, extreme, fanatic, and perverse. You may experience the
highest and the lowest expression of Aquarius archetype in your behavior and in
your close personal relationships. Something is revealed, something is brought to
light, something is culminating, and something is coming to a fruition when it
comes to your individuality, identity, personality, behavior, physical appearance,
image, style, the way others perceive you, vitality, and temperament. This Full
Moon asks you what do you really want, who do you want to be, do you know
yourself, do you know your true wants and needs, do you listen to yourself, do
you understand yourself, do you know your path and your purpose, where are
you going, what do you want to accomplish, and what do you need to improve in
your life. Aquarius archetype is also freedom loving, friendly, social,
humanitarian, futuristic, ahead of its time, genius, idealistic, scientific,
unconventional, innovative, independent, and individualistic. You will be able to
recognize these qualities within you, and you are asked to work on cultivating
these qualities, to work on nurturing your virtues, and to work on transforming
those things that are not so constructive into things that are empowering and
authentic. This Full Moon illuminates you, and it activates your first house of Self.
You are going to feel things strongly now, and you may feel emotional charge and
discharge at once. Use the energy of this Full Moon to take good care of
yourself, to focus on your well-being, to improve your physical appearance and
vitality, to improve your lifestyle, to cultivate good things in your life, to be more
authentic, original, and unique, to change things that need to be changed, to
release negative behavior, to let go of things that are pulling you down, to do
something that will serve you, and to do something that will make you feel good
about who you are and what you express. Express your authenticity, uniqueness,
and originality in a healthy and constructive way.

How the New Moon in August will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in your opposite
and complementary fiery sign Leo, bringing newness and freshness in your
seventh house of relationships, unions, commitments, marriage, spouse,
collaborations, cooperations, compromises, one-on-one relationships,
projections, legal matters, official things, desires, equality, fairness, and justice.
This is the house of dynamics in relationships—your ability to be in a relationship,
your place in a relationship, and your role in a relationship. This New Moon
resonates with the Sun and Venus retrograde and will bring you new beginnings
and new stories in your relationships, but it can also bring you new energies and
new feelings when it comes to your past relationships, past connections, and
past friendships. You may be reconnecting with people from your past in a new
way now. This is a time for new ways of dealing with past issues in certain
relationships. This can bring you joy and pleasure. This energy can bring a smile
to your face, and you may be the one who brings smiles on other people’s faces
too. You will have an opportunity to cheer up others and to remind someone of
things that he or she has to celebrate and honor in life. You can experience an
enjoyable and fun time with people you’re connected with. This New Moon brings
you new possibilities and new opportunities to bring harmony and love into your
relationships, and to bring in more beauty and quality in your one-on-one
relationships with people. This is a time for new commitments, new business
partnerships, and new cycles and chapters in your existing relationship,
marriage, or love relationship. Some of you may be reconnecting with your ex
lovers in a new way now, or you may finally let go of someone and complete a
certain chapter that will allow you to move into a new light, a new story, or a new
chapter. This is something regenerating, recovering, and rejuvenating in your
relationships with others, and you can expect entertaining energy, celebrations
with people, and new ways of having fun with your partner, friend, or anyone
you’re involved in a one-on-one relationship with. You will be able to see
someone in a new light, or in a new way. This could be someone from your past,
or someone you already know. This New Moon is here to bring innovations in
your relationships, and to bring more love, warmth, and generosity. This is Leo
New Moon, and Leo represents warmth, generosity, dignity, courage, creativity,
fun, enthusiasm, playfulness, innocence, vitality, self-expression, sincerity,
reliability, endurance, trust, willingness, inspiration, and motivation. But, this
energy can also be dramatic, snobbish, bossy, domineering, showing off,
childish, pompous, regal, royal, egocentric, lazy, patronizing, and too proud. You
may experience these expressions in your relationships with others during this
time, and you yourself may behave in any of these ways now. You may recognize
these Leo expressions in your one-on-one relationships, and whatever you
experience now, you are asked and invited to bring the best out of yourself in
your relationships and to focus on the best qualities of others. Work on
cultivating, nurturing, and pointing out the best in others. Work on bringing out the
best in others, and if you feel the worst coming out of you, don’t worry, learn from
it, and see what this tells you about yourself in that moment. You learn through
everything, the worst and the best, and this New Moon is here to help you renew
your relationships in a powerful, enlivening, joyful, and pleasurable way. Don’t
forget to initiate those kinds of relationships with others. During this time, set your
intentions, plant seeds of kindness, generosity, and warmth in your relationships,
and do your best to make someone smile at least once a day.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, the second Full Moon this month happens on the very last day of
August, in the last sign of the Zodiac. This Full Moon happens on the 31st of
August, in ethereal and watery Pisces, in your second house of money, finances,
material stability and security, financial stability, budget, resources, possessions,
spendings, savings, things that you own, things you consider yours, and things
you need in this material world to survive, like clothes, shelter, and food. This is
also the house of self-worth, self-value, self-esteem, self-love, self-sufficiency,
and sustainability. This house shows your ability to earn money and maintain
stability, but it also shows your abilities, capacities, gifts, and talents, as well as
your usage of those gifts and talents. This Full Moon brings you financial
culminations, and you can expect financial gains during this time. Something
you’ve been working on is coming to a fruition. Financial and creative projects
you’ve been working on are brought to light, and you will have more opportunities
for earning money and for finding more creative ways of earning and using your
resources. Full Moon in Pisces can bring dreamy energy, energy of oneness, and
energy of unconditional love and unity, and some of you may experience these
kinds of feelings through using your resources, through seeing your priorities
more clearly, and through being able to manifest some of your dreams. Your
ancient ruler Saturn is also here, and Neptune, the modern ruler of this Full Moon
in Pisces, is also in Pisces. This is highly spiritual and healing energy in your
financial house, and you can expect healing of your financial situation, healing of
your relationship with money, and healing of your low self-esteem. Pisces
represent empathy, compassion, understanding, adaptability, mysteries,
mysticism, altered states, transcendence, spirituality, meditation, osmosis,
creativity, psychic energies, reflections, intuition, fluidity, artistic expressions,
imaginations, and tenderness. But Pisces also represent escapism tools,
addictions, confusions, illusions, deceptions, delusions, victimhood,
oversensitivity, moodiness, and fogginess. You may experience different kinds of
Pisces expressions now in your second house of money, finances, earnings,
self-worth, and priorities. You may earn money through creative, artistic, and
spiritual work, through healing work, or through hypnotherapy and hypnosis, but
this doesn’t necessarily have to be related to earning money. This can be about
earning self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, and self-assessment. You can
receive intuitive and spiritual insights during this time, and these insights can lead
you towards self-sufficiency and self-worth. Full Moons bring endings,
completions, closures, disclosures, enlightenments, illuminations, culminations,
fruitions, fulfillments, dramas, and exposures. Something will be brought to light
in these areas of your life. There is something that you need to pay attention to
when it comes to your savings, spendings, earnings, and sources of income. You
may experience some kind of confusion and deception in financial deals and
agreements, but this is more likely to happen around the 22nd of August when
there is a tricky opposition between Mars in Virgo in your eighth house and
Saturn in Pisces in your second house. But, this Full Moon is more likely to bring
more understanding, compassion, and empathy towards yourself, your
resources, your use of resources, and your self-worth. This Full Moon will shine a
light on your hidden gifts and talents, and you will be able to express some of
your hidden talents now—to discover them and to monetize them perhaps. You
may be doing something behind the curtains, something that is hidden and
something that is in the background. Something magical and dreamy is also
possible to be manifested now, and things you’ve been dreaming of can come to
fruition. You can expect gentle and kind energy. You are looking at your priorities,
and you will be able to see if there is something missing. Your priorities are very
important. You will see what is truly necessary and needed in your life now, and
you will be working towards aligning your action, work, efforts, and deeds with
your highest priorities. You are releasing negative money psychology and
negative financial patterns. You are releasing low self-esteem programs, and
you’re letting go of the things that you don’t need anymore. You are giving away
material things that don’t serve you anymore, and this is actually a perfect time
for getting rid of everything that is old, used, and unnecessary. You can either
give it away to those who need it or throw it away if it’s completely useless.
Recognize your values, qualities, gifts, and talents, and use them in the most
beautiful and loving way. Don’t waste your gifts and talents, and don’t let them go
unnoticed. Honor your gifts and talents, and live in accordance with your highest

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Aquarius, your Tarot card for August is The Ten of Cups upright. This is
the card of harmony, beauty, joy, happiness, alignment, and marriage. This card
represents dreams coming true, achieved goals and ambitions, and fulfilled
wishes. This is the card of fulfillment and emotional stability. This card is a good
omen, and it is about happiness and fulfillment within family and with those close
to you. This is a card of home, but home can mean many things, and this card is
mostly about the feeling of security and safety that a home provides. This card is
about strong family bonds and reunions. This card represents togetherness, love,
fortune, and everything that makes you feel good, happy, and secure. This card
is a sign that there is something to look forward to, to celebrate, and to be happy
about. This is about domestic fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy.

In this card, we see a couple holding each other and looking at a beautiful
landscape on a beautiful day. There are two children next to them playing joyfully
and harmoniously. The couple raises their hands toward the heavens, and there
is a feeling of abundance, love, romance, and happiness. Green land represents
fertility and abundance. In the clear sky without any clouds, ten cups form a
rainbow. They are blessed with what they have. They are grateful and feel joy,
and their children are playing freely next to them. The couple is in love and
abundance. This is an image of a perfect couple who has it all. This is pure
harmony—nothing is missing. There is beauty, abundance, and security all
around. Ten cups in the shape of an arc represent blessings from heaven and the
Divine. The couple stands in perfect harmony and symmetry. Their shape is
aligned and balanced. Their arms are raised in sacred geometry, and this whole
card is an image of perfection, harmony, peace, and happiness.

This card represents the end of sorrow, pain, suffering, and hardships. There is
abundance and harmony coming your way. You have some blessings from above
to receive. This card represents a state of bliss and prosperity. This is one of the
most beautiful and fulfilling cards in the Tarot deck, and it represents contentment
on all levels. This card is about the embodiment of happiness, and it means that
there’s emotional satisfaction with family, friends, or other significant people in
your life. This is a card of success, growth, and prosperity. This is an idyllic state
of being, and you may feel like you’re in paradise. This is a state of comfort,
peace, and love, and this is about fulfillment of your dreams and wishes. This is
about success in all areas of your life: romantic, business, social, family, material,
and spiritual. There is perfect balance and alignment, and this also has a lot to do
with inner balance, inner family, inner couple, and Yin and Yang principles in
balance. This is a beautiful message for you. You should be content and satisfied
with things in your life, with your family, and with your material and emotional
security. Don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have and to strive for the
best at the same time.

The most impactful planet for Aquarius in August

Dear Aquarius, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. This month, you
have two lunations that are directly influencing you, and you will be in the
spotlight thanks to these energies now. The Moon shines a light on you and your
close personal relationships, and you will have to work on bringing balance
between your needs and other people’s needs, between your perceptions and
other people’s perceptions, and between your projections and other people’s
projections. On the 1st of August, there's a Full Moon happening in your sign,
shining a light on you, illuminating you, and showing you some things about
yourself that you have to become aware of, that you have to acknowledge, that
you have to adjust, and that you have to improve or change in some way. This
Full Moon brings culminations, closures, endings, completions, revelations,
fruitions, and fulfillments in your personal life and in your relationship with
yourself and others. This Full Moon is here to help you change something about
yourself that needs to be changed, whether that is your behavior, physical
appearance, image, style, or way of being and living. New Moon happens on the
16th of August in your opposite fiery sign Leo, in your seventh house of others.
Expect new beginnings and renewals and refreshments in your one-on-one
relationships. Expect reconnections with people from your past, as well as new
ways of looking at your past relationships.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to. It is
our nest and our relationship with our mother, but also with Mother Nature, inner
Goddess, and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon represents
nurturing, caring, and nourishing energy, and it is also associated with the mind
and the fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us overly emotional,
reactive, easily provoked, and irritated; it can also make us compassionate, kind,
gentle, and friendly. It is always a reminder that we have to work with our
emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon represents people as well
and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our daily life and daily habits, and
it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and our heart, our nerves and our
cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our routines and habits. The Moon
quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning to waxing phase, and it affects
the fluids and the water in our body; water symbolically always represents
emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations, too. The Moon is also related to
receptive energy, the feminine principle, instincts and intuition, rhythms and
cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system and our eating patterns related to
our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions, the way we react, our
unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our relationship with the mother, our
past, our past lives, our growing up, and our subconscious habits. It rules our
memories and our feelings that are packed with those memories. The Moon also
has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds our soul. The Moon has always
been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination, and it also rules fertility and
pregnancy. The Moon represents our home, our family, our roots, and our
ancestors, and it also rules our own space and our need for security.
In order to channel the energy of the Moon in the most uplifting, constructive,
empowering, illuminating, and enlightening way, you are invited to pay close
attention to yourself and your one-on-one relationships with people. You are
asked to pay attention to what you’re doing, how you’re doing, how you’re
behaving towards others, how you’re behaving towards yourself, what your
motivations, inspirations, and intentions are, how you’re walking through life, and
how you’re expressing yourself. What is unique about you? What is original and
authentic about you? How well do you know yourself? Do you know what you
want? What are your dreams and wishes? What are you dreaming of, what are
you aspiring for, and what are these things telling you about yourself? How do
you look, and what is your image and your style telling you about yourself? Is
your physical appearance aligned with who you are? Express yourself during this
time in an authentic and unique way, and avoid doing things just for the sake of
being different and eccentric. Do things from the heart. Question yourself.
Question your wants, needs, deeds, intentions, dreams, and relationships, and
see how this makes you feel. Feel yourself. How do you feel about yourself? Feel
others. How do you feel about others? What kind of feelings do you get in your
body when you tap into your feelings? Feel yourself and others, and let these
feelings teach you about yourself and your relationships. Do something uplifting
and cheerful in your relationships, celebrate your relationships, make sure you
bring warmth, kindness, and generosity in your relationships, and make sure you
emanate that energy from the inside. Imagine your heart as sunshine, and feel
the warm and gentle rays touching each soul you interact with. Feel that center
within you, and feel the sunshine in the center of your being. Don’t forget that you
have this sunshine in your heart. Feel your heart as the sunshine, and walk
through life with this feeling and knowing. Shine your light and emanate the
energy of the Sun through all your actions, gestures, words, and expressions.
When you have the sunshine in your heart, your Moon is also aligned with it,
bringing these two principles in balance within yourself. Connect with the Moon,
and do your research about the Moon’s archetype in astrology. Dig deeper, and
see what the Moon represents and how it affects us as human beings. Do your
research about the Full Moon in the first house in your sign and about the New
Moon in the seventh house in Leo, and see what you can learn from it, how you
can connect it with yourself, and how you can use that knowledge in a wise way
and in a way that serves you, your higher self, and others.
Healing tips for Aquarius in August

- Imagine yourself as a candlelight that is being carried through a dark hallway.

Feel this. Feel how the air is moving your flame, feel your flame and its motion,
and feel how you’re moving left and right. But you’re not turning off; you’re lit all
the time, enlightening the hallway. Feel your movement through this hallway. Feel
the whole candle, the flame, and your journey through this hallway. Walk like this
for some time. Look around you. What are the things that you enlighten through
this walk, and what do you see in this hallway? Describe your whole journey.
What kind of hallway is it, and what kind of things are there? How do you feel
while being carried through that hallway?

- Whenever you feel uncomfortable, sad, anxious, worried, broken, depressed,

angry, low, irritated, hurt, betrayed, or anything similar, stop right there. Don’t go
into it any further. Don’t allow your mind to create any kind of image that support
those states, and immediately imagine an image of a big duck at sea. Put this
image inside your head and repeat the word “freedom” in your native language.
Just repeat this word to yourself while having an image of this duck at sea,
swimming and just minding its own business. Repeat words mentally, and have
this live image in your mind. Do this for a couple of minutes. See if anything
changed in yourself or if anything has shifted. Maybe this exercise doesn’t make
any sense to you, but this is subconscious programming. You can actually
change your state of being easily if you’re doing it right and if you’re really
present in what you’re doing. Next time you feel the need to do it, give it a try

- Imagine yourself at the top of the highest mountain. Imagine it so high that the
whole world beneath you seems so far away that you can barely see it. Feel the
atmosphere of this place. Feel the wind, the air, the ground under your feet, the
height, and the sky above you. The clouds seem so close from there. Come
close to the edge of this mountaintop, reach the very edge of it, and lean forward.
Don’t worry, you won’t fall. This is your imagination, and you can imagine
anything you want. Feel your body totally in alignment with the edge. You are
now hanging from the edge, but you cannot fall. You are facing the view
underneath you. Now turn around, turn your back to the view underneath you,
and face the view above you. Now, detach from the edge of the mountain, start
floating through the space, and feel pulled above by the clouds. Jump on one
cloud and start flying. Use this cloud as your vessel through the atmosphere. You
can go in any direction you want. You can go down and see what’s under the
mountain, you can move above the mountain, you can slide, you can jump from
one cloud to the next, and you can do whatever you want. Enjoy your ride. Feel
the whole journey, and feel your body doing all these things. Practice this
whenever you want, as many times during the day.

- Feel yourself as water in a bottle. Fill your bottle with water, and while you’re
doing this, imagine yourself as this water that is being poured into the bottle.
Don’t fill it fully. Let it be half full, and then observe this water in the bottle and feel
yourself as this water in the bottle. Take the bottle and start turning it slowly. See
how this water starts moving inside the bottle, and see how it changes its shape
and how it aligns with the movement. Slowly move the bottle from vertical to
horizontal position, and feel the whole movement just as if you are this very water
in the bottle. Feel the whole procedure—really step into this feeling, and try to
bring it to life. This exercise gives you great ability to feel your subtle body, to
awaken your subtle senses, to connect with your inner self on a deeper level, to
improve your connection with your body and senses, and to become more
conscious of all the feelings that you’re going through.

- If you’re going through some uncomfortable feelings during the day, don’t try to
avoid them, push them away, mask them, ignore them, suppress them, or distract
yourself away from them in any way. Also, don’t go to the opposite extreme
where you become obsessed by it. Don’t let it occupy your mind too much, but let
it be there, let it express itself, and let it pass through the whole of you—your
body, your mind, and your emotions. Let it be filtered naturally. Don’t fight it in any
way or try anything; just let it be there, and welcome it. Behave towards these
feelings as if they’re your guests. Not too much attached nor detached. You know
how to behave towards guests. You cannot ignore them and let them be there on
their own. You have to be polite and spend some time with them. You cannot
throw them out of your house either. Remember, they’re guests. They won’t stay
in your home forever, and they will leave when they’re treated properly.
Experiment, exercise, explore, and practice.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Do things that change the usual rhythm of the day. For example, while taking a
walk, turn left without any previous thoughts about taking that turn. Turn left, or
turn right. It doesn’t matter. Just make a turn and change your direction. Or, if
you’re talking with someone, say something that is totally unexpected and
change the direction of the conversation. Of course, don’t do it if you’re having an
important conversation with someone, but, in your usual talks, do it with your
friends. Just change the direction of it. Or, if you’re sitting down and doing
nothing, then stand up and start dancing. Just like that. Get up, dance, turn on
the music, and do this without too much thinking. Don’t think about “should I do
this or that,” rather, you just do it without any intention. Practice this in as many
ways as you want. Be creative, change your usual directions during the day,
change the pace of your rhythm, and bring in more spontaneity into your life.

- If you get into any kind of conflict with someone, if you feel provoked, if you feel
like you have to answer in a proper way, if you feel like you have to quarrel, or if
you feel mistreated or misunderstood, just say: "You are right." But, don’t do it in
a passive aggressive nor in an angry way, rather, say it calmly, sincerely, steadily,
and normally: "You are right." Watch how confused the other person becomes, or
just watch how they react. You will feel a lot easier without a need to explain, to
justify, or to make things right. Just try and practice this whenever there is a
chance. It might be hard at the beginning, but you will immediately feel the
benefits of it. Just let it go and say “You are right” without any hidden intention to
hurt or belittle the other person. Really feel this, and say it normally. Of course,
this doesn’t mean that the other person is right. This will just save you—your
energy, your health, your mind, your body, and your emotions. Ask yourself, do
you want to be at peace or do you want to be right?

- Visit the local library or the book store, and walk through it. Walk through this
place, smell the place, feel how many different people wrote all these pages, feel
how each of these books have been written, and feel how all these stories,
knowledge, and information came from somewhere and was brought and packed
into these things called books. Connect with the books and the whole energy of
this place. Let your intuition guide you. Take a couple of books, and see how they
make you feel. See which book attracts you. Open it, smell it, take a little peek
inside of it, and choose the book for yourself to read. See what this book has to
tell you, how it resonates with you, and what answers it has for you.
- Each night before sleeping, wish yourself a good night and ask your higher self
to guide you through your dreams. Ask cosmical forces to protect you, guide you,
and show you the way. Think about your ancestors too. Be thankful to them for all
the resources that you have to use, for all the karma, for your family, for your
friends, for your abilities and capacities, for everything that they went through,
and for their lives, sacrifices, and journeys. Be thankful, not only to your blood
ancestors, but to ancestors who are guides—ancestors who kept the wisdom and
knowledge, so that you can discover it one day. Be thankful to those ancestors
who are spiritual guides and masters. Before you go to sleep, feel forgiveness in
your heart for everything that you’re going through or that you went through.
Wish a mental goodnight to everyone who is already asleep or who is going to

- Try not to mention anything negative or enthusiastic to others. Whatever it is

that makes you feel enthusiastic or worried, try not to talk about it with others. Try
to process it on your own during the day. See how that makes you feel. Can you
handle it? Try not to tell these things to yourself either. Notice them if they’re
around, but don’t give them any special attention. Don’t focus on them, and don’t
give them any attention. Try to keep yourself occupied with constructive things,
calming things, and things that keep you healthy and wealthy.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- Is there something in my life right now that is suffocating me, draining me, or
exhausting me? How do I feel about those things? How do I process and digest
those things? What do I do about it?

- Do I accept changes easily, or do I fight against changes? What kind of

changes have I been through lately, and how did I accept them? What kind of
changes do I want to attract in my life in the next six months?

- What kind of life would I choose if I could choose anything I want? What kind of
life theme would I choose? What does this tell me about myself?

- Do I feel stuck in something, do I feel imprisoned by something? What is it?

How stuck and imprisoned do I feel? What is this stuckness and imprisonment
trying to tell me?
- How often do I investigate myself? How often do I examine and research
myself? How often am I being introspective? How often do I question myself?
What does this tell me about myself?


What can Pisces expect in August

Dear Pisces, during this month, you will be working towards making your life
more harmonious, smooth, and easy, but not easier in a way that you become
lazy; rather, it is easier in a way that you create more inner peace, stability, and
self-trust within yourself. You will be interacting with yourself from a higher
perspective, and you will be reflecting, reviewing, and inner scanning a lot. You
are searching for your center, and this will attract challenges that are aligned with
your desires and your quest. The greater the desires, the greater the challenges.
You will see certain things in a new way now. Many things you’ve been wanting
before will lose their glitter in your heart, and you may not want them anymore
with that same passion. Many things you’ve desired before won’t be so attractive
anymore. Something will happen that will show you whether you still want this or
not. You may also see things you’ve been rejecting for a long time coming into
your life, and you will actually welcome them. These kinds of things are very
much highlighted in August. You will be looking at yourself, and you will be
receiving answers you’ve been waiting for and answers for questions you didn’t
know you had.

The month begins on the 1st of August with the Full Moon in Aquarius, shining a
light in your hidden twelfth house and illuminating your subconscious realms,
dreams, intuition, need to relax, rest, withdraw, retreat, meditate, contemplate, be
on your own, and have some quality time for yourself. This Full Moon brings
culminations on your inner journey and your spiritual path. This is a time for deep
inner healing, for deep reflections, and for becoming more aware of what is going
on beneath the surface. You are delving deeper into the invisible realms, and you
may receive guiding messages through your dreams now. Things you’ve been
working on behind the scenes may start coming to light. Things that are hidden
and invisible are becoming known and visible. Something is resurfacing from the
deep oceans of your being, and you may be confronting your subconscious fears
and anxieties. You may finally see and acknowledge that you have a certain
addiction issue with something, and you will be working on resolving it. This is a
time for spending time on your own, being quiet, being in solitude, and being at
peace with yourself, or at least practicing inner peace and meditation and
working on releasing suppressed anger and fears.

On the same day of this Full Moon, there’s a harmonious trine aspect happening
between Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. Mars will be making three trine
aspects this month, and these are Earth trines, which means that you can expect
materialization of things—manifestation, embodiment, and stability. Mars is in
your opposite sign Virgo, in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships,
commitments, collaborations, social, intimate, and business partnerships,
marriage, unions, divorce, and separations. Mars is here until the 27th of month,
and you will be feeling this strong initiative to do things with others, to get
together, and to be proactive in your relationships. Mars makes a supportive trine
aspect with the planet of abundance and wisdom in your third house of everyday
connections and communications, social interactions, social media, siblings,
relatives, neighbors, people from your local community, words, expressions,
knowledge, learning, and teaching. You can expect supportive and abundant
connections and conversations with people during this time. Something very
beneficial and positive is happening in your social world, and you can expect
amazing opportunities through your everyday connections. You may be signing
some contracts during this time, or you may have very meaningful conversations
and meetings with others. On the 16th of August, Mars makes another trine
aspect, and this time with Uranus also in Taurus in your third house of ideas,
thoughts, opinions, words, skills, devices, and vehicles. Something unexpectedly
positive can happen now with your relationships—something you couldn’t see
coming, or something surprising that brings you sudden and unexpected brilliant
ideas that you can bring to life. On the 24th of August, there's a third trine aspect
between Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. This also affects your social
spheres and social interactions. This month, you have earth support in your
social houses—third, seventh, and eleventh. These are all social placements,
and you can truly expect amazing transformations in your group activities,
friendships, communities, and people you collaborate and work with. Expect
positive, desired, and wanted changes with your friends and associates.
On the 12th, 13th, and 14th of August, there are more supportive energies that
are happening for you related to your health, work, physical well-being,
self-worth, self-esteem, finances, and money. On the 12th of August, the Sun in
Leo makes a supportive trine aspect with the wounded healer Chiron in Aries.
The Sun is together with retrograde Venus in Leo, and they make exact
conjunction on the 13th of August. On the 14th, Venus makes trine aspect with
Chiron too. This energy can trigger harmonious healing, and you will be inspired
to work on self-improvement and self-betterment in many ways. Your everyday
life changes for the better, and you will have an opportunity to make your daily
life much more pleasurable and enjoyable. You are transforming your habits and
routines, turning them into something truly valuable, meaningful, and exciting.
Venus is retrograde in your sixth house of daily work, daily habits, daily routines,
schedules, tasks, obligations, duties, responsibilities, service to others, health,
and well-being. Something from your past may become active again when it
comes to your work and health. Things you used to do before, habits and
routines from the past, may resurrect now in a joyful and entertaining way.

On the 16th of August, there's a New Moon happening here next to Venus
retrograde and the Sun in Leo in your sixth house. This is a new beginning for
you—new work, new job opportunities, new workplace, new habits and routines,
new way of nurturing yourself, new responsibilities, new diet regime, and new
exercise regime. You are renewing and refreshing your life, working towards
bringing in more qualities and more things that are truly meaningful and that are
your true priorities. This may not be a regular New Moon because Venus is here,
and she’s retrograde, so you may actually experience new beginnings through
things from the past. Things you used to enjoy and love before may become
more available and accessible for you now. You will be able to enjoy some things
you couldn’t enjoy before. You will also be able to do some things you’ve always
wanted, but you may not be so crazy about them now. You will have an amazing
opportunity to really work on your self-improvement and self-development, and to
make your every day count.

On the 22nd of August, there’s one short tricky aspect happening between Mars
in your opposite sign Virgo, in your seventh house of relationships and Saturn in
your sign, in your first house of individuality, identity, personality, behavior, vitality,
physical appearance, physical body, and head. This energy can make you a bit
confused and bring a little bit of brain fog. You may not see yourself clearly, and
you may not see others clearly. You may have strong projections, and things may
not be as they seem to you. This is a short aspect, and it will pass quickly. Just
be careful around this time because you may be confronted with some of your
illusions and self-deceptions in your relationships and in your perception of

On the 23rd of August, the Sun joins Mars and Mercury in your opposite sign
Virgo and highlights your seventh house of relationships. On the same day,
Mercury goes retrograde, also in your relationship sector, and it will be retrograde
until the 14th of September. This is a time for reviewing, reassessing, rethinking,
re-evaluating, and reconstructing your one-on-one relationships, role in
relationships, attitude towards others, marriage, spouse, business partner, friend,
and anyone with whom you have one-on-one relationship. You may experience
some misunderstandings and misinterpretations with others during this time, and
you should be very aware of the words you say now. Make sure you are clear in
your conversations. If you think that the other person may have heard you
differently, don’t hesitate to repeat what you said and explain it in detail so that
there are no confusions and unnecessary conflicts between you and someone.
This is a great time for reconnecting with people from your past, for having
conversations that you’ve been delaying with others, for finishing the unfinished
business with people, for resolving things with others, for reconciliation, for
resolution, and for forgiveness in your relationships. You will have a second
chance with someone to make things right, to correct something if you’ve
wronged someone, or to accept an apology from someone. This is great energy
for putting more light into your relationships and for being able to express
yourself—your wants and needs in your relationships. If you’ve been putting up
with something for a long time and if you cannot tolerate it anymore, you will now
have the needed courage and decisiveness to say No to someone. You won’t
apologize anymore for being who you are in a certain relationship, and you won’t
be sacrificing your time, space, and energy because of fear of being rejected or
misunderstood. You learn to stand up for yourself and to honor your time and

On the 27th of August, Mars moves into Libra and activates your eighth house of
death, rebirth, transformation, alchemy, metamorphosis, change, sexuality,
intimacy, secrets, deep inner processes, shadow work, shared resources, joint
finances, intimate and business partnerships, taxes, loans, inheritances,
insurances, investments, and partner’s money or somebody else’s money. This
will be felt more in September, but you will also get this energy the last couple
days of the month. You will start putting more energy and action into your
intimate relationships, into deepening your relationship, into deepening your
relationship with yourself, and into investigating your inner processes, shadow,
fears, and traumas. You will be fearless when it comes to dealing with your
hidden and suppressed feelings and emotions. You may be investing in
something and initiating things related to shared investments and resources.

On the very last day of August, there is the second Full Moon happening this
month that happens in your sign. This Full Moon shines a light on you and
reveals something to you about you—about who you are, about your behavior,
and about your personality and temperament. There is something you need to
see, to become aware of, to release, to complete, and to let go. You are
surrendering to higher power, letting go of the need for control, dealing with your
anxieties and fears and releasing them, and confronting your inner depths. You’re
able to feel yourself as a part of a whole now. Something culminates in your
personal life. You’ll be asked to see what you truly want and need, where you
want to go, how you want your life to unfold, and what you have to improve in
your behavior, in your close personal relationships, and in your vitality. This is a
very healing Full Moon for you, and you will probably feel it very strongly. You will
be very emotional, and you may be more touchy and more easily provoked. Work
on releasing, letting go, accepting, forgiving, allowing healing to happen, and
allowing yourself to feel yourself as a whole, as a part of the cosmos, and as a
part of your higher self.

Pisces relationship with inner self

Dear Pisces, you can expect deep inner experiences with yourself, deep
releases, as well as deep and profound transformations that are beneficial and
positive for you. You will be seeing your subconscious fears resurrecting and
coming to light, but you will have a certain thrill for it. You will be welcoming that.
You will be celebrating those resurrections and resurfaces, as you know that it’s
time for this confrontation; it’s time for you to finally let go of something that has
been reaching the surface so many times, but that you’ve been pushing back and
suppressing. This is something that has been repeated so many times. Many of
you will see and recognize that mechanism of you working on resolving
something from within, bringing it to the surface, and then pushing it back again
under the surface. You will now be happy to see that certain things are
resurfacing again, as this is the only way that these things can be taken out,
cleansed, purged, integrated, and transformed. You will see that you’ve reached
the threshold so many times, but you never really crossed it. You’ve reached it
and came back. But it is exactly when you cross this threshold that you reach a
certain level of freedom and liberty; you reach a certain resolution and you feel
free on the inside, at least to some degree. You will recognize your repetitive
mechanism and vicious cycle of repetitions, self-torturings, and self-victimizing.
You are done with playing the victim with yourself. You are done with
complaining, searching for excuses, and delaying confrontations with yourself.
You are truly done with justifying yourself over and over again; you are done with
pretending and faking, and many of you will see that you’ve been pretending and
faking it with yourself without even knowing it. Certain subconscious programs
and patterns are being revealed and exposed to you now, and you can see
through some of your most stubborn repetitive programs. You stop using certain
methods that you’ve been using in order to defend yourself, to somehow get
attention from others, or to withdraw from the world in order to get attention. You
are quitting those methods, and you are quitting playing games with yourself and
others. You cannot hide your inner self now in front of yourself. You cannot hide
your blindspots, weaknesses, or subconscious fears. You let go of the use of guilt
that you’ve been either projecting onto others or that you’ve been allowing to
imprison you in any way. Vulnerability is easily triggered now. This is actually a
blessing because you cannot hide it anymore, and you have to express it with
yourself and accept it. You won’t be protecting yourself anymore from
uncomfortable emotions, but you will be glad to see them coming up. You will be
grateful for having an opportunity to meet them, to know them, and to seriously
start working on this healing process that is really not about healing, but about
letting go and surrendering that automatically brings healing. You will be
examining how to nurture and support yourself. Do you truly do things that
support you, or do you do things that devalue and disempower you? You will
have clarity about what you see and what you put out there, and you will see that
you are less and less able to escape into anything. Instead of escaping, you will
start initiating things that you would usually want to escape from so that you can
face them, see them, acknowledge them, and bring them to light.
Pisces relationship with others
Dear Pisces, you are going through beautiful surprises in your social world and
with the people you know. There are amazing opportunities for enjoying your time
spent together with people, and you can expect profound social transformations
that are going to be welcomed now. You may have been running away from
those transformations, or you may have been afraid of those kinds of changes in
your social world. However, once they happen, you may actually receive it as a
blessing, and you will be celebrating something with others for sure. This month,
you have Mercury retrograde in your opposite sign Virgo, in your seventh house
of one-on-one relationships. This energy will bring back people from your past
into your life, and you will be able to reconnect with people you haven’t seen or
heard of in a while. You will be reconnecting with your soul mates, with people
you know from different lifetimes, or with people you want to connect with. You
also have Mars, planet of action and drive, next to Mercury, until the 27th of this
month. You will be very active and proactive in dealing with your one-on-one
relationships. You also have amazing supportive trine aspects, between Mars
and Jupiter on the 1st and the 16th, and this will positively affect your everyday
connections, communications, and relationships with younger brothers and
sisters and those who feel like them, relatives, neighbors, and people from your
close surroundings. You can expect something really beautiful and unexpected
from someone you see and hear from every day, but also with whom you may not
be so close with. Your soul connections may be much closer than you know, and
you may be positively surprised by somebody’s presence in your life now. You
also have a friendly trine aspect between Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn,
and this brings good energy and powerful transformations with your friends and
within your communities. You may connect with someone powerful or with a
powerful community. These are deep transformations of your behavior in
relationships with others, and it can bring you support from someone who has
power in certain social circles. Someone can introduce you to a certain group of
people where you will feel respected, valued, and appreciated in a real way. Of
course, this is all connected with your own self-worth and self-value, and you
may receive this beautiful transformation in social life as a gift and as a blessing
now; however, it’s up to you for how you’re going to use this. Are you going to
accept the change and start living in accordance with your highest principles, or
are you going to experience this blessing and come back to your usual self,
regular routines, and self-defensive mechanisms? Others will help you find your
anchor now, while others will remind you of your worth and your abilities. Expect
blessings in disguise in your relationships with people now, and beautiful healing
energy that can be transferred to you through certain connections and

Pisces love & romantic life in August

Dear Pisces, this month is like a jewel for you—a beautiful and rare jewel that
comes to you on the shore and falls into your lap. This jewel can come in many
different shapes and forms, but this jewel is definitely rooted in love; it is there to
trigger that love in you, to wake up love within you, and to wake up that powerful
force from within that makes you see things differently than how you see them
regularly. There is something awakening and inspiring happening in your love life
this month, and your love relationship will be beautifully supported by your
friends, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and local community. People will support
your love choice in some way, or you may feel like the whole world supports your
love relationship. You can actually feel this within yourself, regardless of your
love relationship. You will feel supported and loved by the Universe, and you will
want to spread and share this loving feeling with the whole world. If you're single,
you will find it effortless to attract new people into your life, potentially initiating
new love stories. It's also possible to reconnect with someone from your past with
whom you shared a connection or feelings, but never had the opportunity to
connect fully. You have Mars in your opposite sign Virgo, in your seventh house
of marriage, commitments, and love relationships, and you also have Mercury
next to Mars this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd of August, but this
retrograde energy will be felt throughout the whole month; it can bring you past
love relationships, thoughts of someone from the past, reconciliation, resolution,
forgiveness, and completion in some way. You will be reviewing, reassessing,
reconsidering, re-evaluating, and restructuring your existing love relationships,
marriage, and spouse. You will have enough time to see what needs to change,
improved, or corrected. You will have a second chance now for something, to
make something right, to correct certain things, to do things that are now possible
and available, to do things with your partner that have been impossible to be
done for some reason, and to have that conversation with your partner that has
been impossible to have. You will now be able to express yourself and explain
certain things that need to be explained in your love relationship. You may be
beautifully surprised by your friends and your companion in some way. They may
create something beautiful for you—something that means something to you.
You can expect a harmonious relationship between your friends and your partner,
and this will mean a lot to you now. Issues from the past may resurface now in
your love relationship, so that they can be healed and resolved. August brings
you this jewel and blessings of your experience of love in general, and it’s up to
you to decide how you’re going to use that energy and what you’re going to do
with it.

Pisces sex life in August

Dear Pisces, you are experiencing deep transitions with who you are, how you
experience things, how you experience life, and how you experience
yourself—your senses, pleasures, and joys. You are going to feel things deeply
and intuitively, and your sex life is profoundly intertwined with romance, emotional
depths, and emotional processes, as well as with how you deal with yourself,
how you see yourself, how others perceive you, and how you deal with other
people’s perception of yourself. Your sex life is very much alive this month, and
you will feel the power of that kind of connection when it is rooted in love,
abundance, and trust instead fear and anxiety. You may see that your sex life has
been based on fears and anxieties a lot during your life, and you can really learn
and feel a lot now about your past, sexual desires from your past, sexual
attachments, sexual dreams, and fantasies. You will be exploring, investigating,
and introspecting your sexual experiences, sexual wants and needs, sexual
fears, and sexual joys during this time. You can truly collect a valuable mental
and emotional journal of your adventures, of things you’re ashamed of, of things
you’re proud of, of things you don’t want anyone to know about, of things you
want everyone to know about, and of how all these things have been shaping,
reshaping, creating, and destroying your patterns, fears, expectations,
blockages, freedom, and spiritual growth. You may understand now that your
downfalls, hardships, and heavy experiences have actually led you towards your
greatest joys, pleasures, greatest inner growth, and biggest self-improvements.
You will have an ability to share all of this with your lover now, and to merge and
deepen your connection and your sexual experience. You will be making love
with yourself, with your life, with cosmos, with your lover, with your past, with your
inner self, and with your shadow. This can be the most poetic and transformative
alchemical experience for your sexual energy and sexual transformation. You are
going through this transformation and change in a very positive and uplifting way
now. You will be able to experience long-term orgasmatic experience, not only in
a physical way, but in a way of feeling who you are, where you are, where you’ve
been, and where you’re going. It’s a powerful time for touching the core
emotional self now and for releasing what needs to be released. This release is
connected with your sexual energy and sexual expression. You will have a
privilege to see, to discover, to feel, to know, and to process many things that
have been blocking your sexuality and that have been programming you in a
certain way when it comes to your sexual expression. You are now becoming
more free in self-expression and in healing your past sexual experiences,
shames, humiliations, and fears if you have any. And some of you may even
discover some things that you didn’t even know were there, and this will be a
very liberating and freeing moment for you and your ability to experience joy and
pleasure through making love.

Pisces career & purpose in August

Dear Pisces, you’re not afraid of taking risks now. You’re not afraid of initiating
the things that you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid of doing. You are not
afraid of being an initiator, and you are not afraid of taking action and actually
walking the talk. You will be very proud of yourself, and you will be amazed by
what you can actually achieve when you’re not afraid and when you’re led by
inspiration, intuition, and motivation. You are an intuitive genius, and this potential
can be brought to light now in many different ways. Your skills and your
knowledge can bring you many earthly goodies, including money and financial
stability. You can also expect good things through partnerships, and you may be
the one who initiates business partnership during this time. You may also be
some kind of leader in a team, connecting with powerful people who can help you
with your creative projects, gifts, and talents. You truly have many gifts and
talents, dear Pisces. You can expect very good energy and opportunities for
earning money and for earning self-esteem around the 12th, 13th, and 14th of
August. You can earn self-respect and also financial stability through your
everyday work, through your habits and routines, and through your daily tasks
and obligations. Things that you usually do every day can bring you benefits and
stable earnings in some way. On the 16th of August, there’s New Moon in Leo in
your sixth house of work, habits, routines, volunteering, being of service, having
a job, doing your work every day, being useful and efficient, and being practical
and pragmatic. You also have Venus retrograde here in Leo, and the Sun is also
here in its own sign. This is beautiful for your work. You can truly get an
opportunity to do something that you really enjoy, and you can get an opportunity
to make your everyday life beautiful and valuable. Blessings from the past are
very strong, and you can expect these blessings from the past when it comes to
your job, work, schedules, and responsibilities. You are making your everyday life
more valuable and more meaningful, and this means that you will have an
opportunity to renew your work in the same way. You may come back to
something you truly used to love and enjoy doing. Leo is playful and has
enjoyable energy, Venus is a planet of love and beauty, and the sixth house is a
house of work, health, well-being, and lifestyle. The Sun and Venus retrograde
make a supportive and friendly trine aspect with the wounded healer Chiron, in
your second house of money, finances, earnings, possessions, resources, gifts,
talents, self-worth, and self-value. This is supportive and friendly energy, and you
will be supported now to earn money, to gain more financial stability, and to heal
your wounds of not having enough or not being worthy enough even if you have
enough material resources. You will be able to see deeper layers of complexity of
your relationship with money and your ability to earn and provide yourself with
everything you need. Community-based projects are also welcomed now, and
anything that has to do with your creative and artistic expressions, skills,
knowledge, words whether they’re written or spoken, communication, and social
skills. You will be daring and fearless in trying different things and taking risks,
and you won’t regret this. You trust yourself now, and you surrender to intuitive
knowledge bravely and courageously.

How the first Full Moon in August will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, the first Full Moon this month happens on the 1st of August in the
sign of Aquarius, in your twelfth house of hidden realms, spiritual realms, invisible
realms, and things that are intangible, untouchable, otherworldly, dreamy, and
transcendental. This is a house of deep meditation and contemplation, and this
Full Moon can bring you unique spiritual insights, authentic dreams, and
authentic mystical experiences. This is also a house of rest, relaxation, retreat,
withdrawal, isolation, spending time on your own, spending quality time with
yourself, going through a self-healing, being willing to heal, and being willing to
deal with what needs to heal. This Full Moon can bring to light your hidden
subconscious fears, anxieties, addictions, escapism tools, blindspots,
vulnerabilities, and weaknesses, so that you acknowledge them, be aware of
them, release negative attachments, and heal old karmic patterns and ancestral
programmings. This Full Moon has a task to show you your addictions if there
are any and to confront you with those things you’re running away from, so that
you can truly bring those things to completion and to an end. Some of you will be
dealing with your escapisms. You will be supported to finally say No to something
you’ve been trying so hard to let go of before, or something you’ve been
stubbornly and persistently denying and rejecting to identify as a problem. You
may also go somewhere on a holiday where you can recover, regenerate
yourself, spend some time alone being quiet and peaceful, listen to the sounds of
nature, listen to your intuitive voice, and experience deep internal processes that
reveal to you some significant things. This is an amazing time for studying
metaphysical and esoteric teachings, as well as for mastering your thoughts and
your inner world to some degree. This is Aquarius Full Moon, and Aquarius
energy is objective, detached, innovative, unique, original, authentic, inventive,
paradoxical, idealistic, independent, unpredictable, technological, reformative,
rebellious, revolutionary, eccentric, intellectual, friendly, social, futuristic,
outspoken, genius, scientific, freedom loving, clever, intuitive, humanitarian,
open-minded, and free-thinking, but it can also be cold, too detached, too
objective, fanatical, too eccentric, perverse, cranky, and extreme. You may feel
these Aquarian archetypes now through your twelfth house matters, and you can
expect unique and original ideas, genius and brilliant insights, epiphanies, a-ha
moments, eccentric dreams, and paradoxical thoughts that can lead you towards
true vision and inspiration. You can expect spiritual revolution in some way.
Things are culminating now. Pay attention to your dreams, visions, psychic
messages, and intuitive voice. You will be deeply connected and related to your
inner world. During this time, avoid any use of substances or any ways of
escaping reality; rather, do things that are healthy and constructive, cultivate
mental health and clarity, learn things that explain to you the hidden nature of this
reality, explore metaphysical and esoteric teachings, and learn more about
astrology, numerology, channeling, crystals, tarot, healing, transcendence,
technology of consciousness, and self-healing. Delve deep into the wisdom of
subtle energies and allow yourself to walk through paradoxes, coming out of
them wiser, healthier, brighter, and stronger on the inside. Use the energy of this
Full Moon to learn from your dreams, to meditate, to release old karmic
programs, to let go of things that don’t serve you, to exhale all toxins from your
organism, to shake off negative thought patterns, to allow the silence to teach
you, and to allow yourself to rest, relax, be, and feel.

How the New Moon in August will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, this New Moon happens on the 16th of August in the sign of Leo, in
your sixth house of day-to-day work, day-to-day routines, day-to-day habits,
things that you do repeatedly, and things that are mechanical and repetitive. This
is also a house of schedules, tasks, duties, responsibilities, obligations,
multitasking, time management, stress, and organization. This is also an area of
health, healing, well-being, physical health, diet regime, exercise regime,
self-care, self-nurturance, the ability to take care of yourself, and the ability to
take care of others, to be of service, and to be efficient, practical, useful, and
pragmatic. This New Moon brings you new beginnings in these areas of your life;
it brings renewals, refreshments, rejuvenations, and regenerations of your health,
work, habits, and routines. You will be inspired to do things in a new way and to
do things that are more meaningful, enjoyable, and pleasurable in your everyday
life. You are making a decision to make your everyday life entertaining, exciting,
playful, and spontaneous. This is Leo New Moon, and Leo is playful, energetic,
childlike, innocent, generous, subjective, warm, likable, giving, cheerful,
determined, dignified, courageous, creative, expressive, reliable, faithful, fun,
sincere, and strong-willed, but Leo can also be dramatic, bossy, snobbish, too
loud, too proud, egocentric, lazy, patronizing, pompous, showing off, impatient,
theatrical, and too domineering. You can experience different degrees of Leo
expressions now through your sixth house of work, health, service to others,
habits, routines, everyday life, and lifestyle. This New Moon makes a little bit of
an awkward angle with your sign, reminding you of the things that need to be
changed when it comes to your health and work. This is also a house of pets and
animals, and some of you may be getting a new pet during this time. Venus is
retrograde in Leo, so this New Moon may be related and connected to certain
things from the past. Venus in Leo retrograde can bring blessings from the past,
and these blessings can come to you through new opportunities and possibilities
for a job. You can also expect new co-workers or co-workers from the past
coming back in some way. Past job opportunities are also brought to light now,
and you will be able to do something that you truly enjoyed or that you truly
wanted to do before. Expect healing energy and harmonious soothing
connections with people who can help you heal or who can help you organize
your life, so that you can be more efficient, practical, and healthy. Expect new
beginnings related to your health, as well as resolutions of your past health
issues. You are starting a life that has more meaning, value, healthy habits, and
routines. This is the perfect time for a new diet regime, a new exercise regime,
new healthy habits and routines, or a new lifestyle that is more cheerful, uplifting,
enjoyable, and pleasurable. You truly have this support now, and you are invited
to set your intentions and to plant those new seeds that will flourish and blossom
into something healthy and efficient. Initiate new habits and routines, initiate
something new about your health and work, be of service in a new and cheerful
way, make a contribution from your side, and make it be gentle, beautiful, and
kind. Give compliments, smile to others, make someone smile, give flowers to
people, give gifts and presents to yourself and others, be creative, and spread
creativity within you and around you.

How the second Full Moon in August will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, the second Full Moon this month happens on the very last day of
the month, on the 31st of August. This Full Moon illuminates you, shines a light
on you, and the focus is on you. This is the house of Self, revealing to you things
about yourself that you either didn’t know or that you’ve been avoiding,
neglecting, suppressing, or denying. The Full Moon is here to shine a light on you
and on those things that have been hidden or that have been impossible to be
seen before. Something becomes known, seen, and visible to you about you,
and you won’t be able to hide it, deny it, ignore it, or push it away now. This is
something you have to pay attention to, see, acknowledge, accept, transform,
integrate, let go of, release, and adjust. This is about you—about who you are,
about how you behave, about your role in your close personal relationships,
about how others perceive you, and about your image, style, physical
appearance, vitality, and physicality, Something is brought to light now about you,
and something is culminating, coming to an end, being revealed, coming to a
completion, and coming to a fruition. This is what Full Moons bring. You are
reminded to take a better look at yourself, pay attention to yourself, and pay
attention to how you behave, what you do in life, what you aspire to do, where
you have been, and where you are going. You have to take better care of
yourself, and this Full Moon is here to show you what needs to be removed,
ended, and cut off, what can come to a fruition, what you’ve done so far, and how
you’ve improved, upgraded, and updated yourself. This is Pisces Full Moon, and
Pisces archetype is all about oneness, unity, unconditional love, empathy,
understanding, transcendence, adaptability, merging, mysticism, mysteries,
dreams, intuition, imagination, inspiration, artistic expression, osmosis, healing,
emotions, sensitivity, psychic abilities and psychic experiences, altered states,
reflections, fluidity, gentleness, sentimentality, idealism, tenderness, kindness,
and spirituality. But, Pisces archetype can also be manifested as confusion,
delusion, illusions, deceptions, over-sensitivity, too much vulnerability,
victimhood, escaping reality, denying reality, running away into unconscious
realms, spiritual bypassing, and moodiness. You may experience different
expressions of the archetype of your sign, but you know these expressions very
well, maybe too well, and you will know how to flow with these things, to surf with
them, and to walk with them. This Full Moon should be very insightful, and you
can expect many epiphanies and a-ha moments during this time. You may tap
into yourself now and feel yourself deeply. Some of you may transcend the sense
of Self to some degree. Some of you may connect with yourself profoundly,
getting the sense of oneness, unity, and unconditional love through this deep
connection with your source, life, and cosmos. But, some of you may still be
running away from reality, trying to hide, suppress, numb, and deceive yourself,
and trying to create fantasies and illusions in order to cope with reality as easily
as you can. This will be revealed, and it will be clear to you what you’re doing. It’s
time to end something that has been unhealthy and destructive for you. This Full
Moon won’t let you do something that is against your higher self and the spirit.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to connect with yourself, to release your past, to
make peace with your past, to get together with yourself, to meditate, to
contemplate, to heal, to surrender, to trust the process, to feel yourself, to be
fearless about who you are, to accept yourself and love yourself unconditionally,
to do what is the best for you, to stand up for yourself, and to make the most of
this Full Moon’s wisdom energy that speaks to you directly.

Tarot card reading for August

Dear Pisces, your Tarot card for August is The Ace of Cups upright. This is a
card of emotional rebirth, and it represents passion, love, romance, creativity,
emotional awakening, intuition, happiness, fulfillment, and new beginnings. This
card shows that there is abundance in the air, and creativity is fully enhanced.
This card is very much related to spiritual feelings of love as well—a higher
octave of love, a fresh start, refreshment, and leaving the past behind. This card
can also mean that there’s a new love relationship, one that is emotionally
fulfilling. A marriage is possible when this card shows up—this is often a new
love beginning. In some cases, it can also mean the birth of a child in the family
or some wonderful news that is related to a new beginning and happiness.
Strong spiritual and intuitive insights are also very active. This card is about
overwhelming feelings, overwhelming self-fulfillment, sunny times, and positive
and happy outcomes. A new relationship is on the horizon. It may not be a strictly
new love relationship—it can be a deep, loving, and connected friendship as well.
This card suggests abundance in all areas of your life. This is a card of joy,
contentment, fertility, creativity, and pleasure. You are drawing in new
relationships. Your social life is enriched, and you are satisfied. It is time to start
living your life to the fullest and to let go of heaviness from the past. There is a
great amount of spiritual and emotional release when this card shows up. It is
time to put your past behind you and to open up for new connections, new
friendships, new spiritual development, and new love. You can also expect some
kind of gift or offer that is very good and abundant for you. This is spiritual and
emotional growth, and it’s up to you to reach out and take it.

There is an open offer to you now. We see a hand holding a cup on this card, and
there are five streams flowing out of the cup. This is sparkling water, which also
represents pure emotions. This is abundance, and also the five senses. The
hand that holds the cup comes out of a cloud, which signifies spiritual support,
higher forces, and powers. This card suggests that you should listen to your
heart, your inner voice, and your intuition. You have to follow that inner voice
inside of you. You have to trust the Universe and the process. This is a new
chapter in your emotional and spiritual life, and you may feel called to embark on
this new journey. You are diving deep into something new and exciting, and you
may feel overwhelmed by it. There is definitely a love aspect present in your
life—it can happen in many different forms, but no matter which one it is, you are
falling in love with something or someone. You feel good about yourself. You feel
positive and uplifting emotions, and you are satisfied. You experience new love or
a new taste of being in love.

The most impactful planet for Pisces in August

Dear Pisces, the most impactful and meaningful energetic influence of planetary
energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. There are two Full Moons
happening this month, which are not very common, and you will experience three
Lunations instead of the usual two. The second Full Moon this month happens at
the very end of August in your sign, and you are the last sign of the Zodiac, so
this could very well be some kind of closure, an ending of a bigger chapter, or a
manifestation of something that is very significant and personal for you. Expect
culminations in your personal life and in your close personal relationships. This
Full Moon puts the spotlight on you, and it reveals to you things about you that
you may have been avoiding or neglecting. This is a time to take a deeper look at
yourself and to deal with everything that comes up, whether you like it or not.
The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother, but also with Mother Nature, inner
Goddess, and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon represents
nurturing, caring, and nourishing energy, and it is also associated with the mind
and the fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us overly emotional, overly
reactive, easily provoked, and irritated, but it can also make us compassionate,
kind, gentle, and friendly. It is always a reminder that we have to work with our
emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon represents people as well
and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our daily life and daily habits, and
it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and our heart, our nerves and our
cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our routines and habits. The Moon
quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning to waxing phase, and it affects
the fluids and the water in our body; water symbolically always represents
emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations, too. The Moon is also related to
receptive energy, the feminine principle, instincts and intuition, rhythms and
cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system and our eating patterns related to
our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions, the way we react, our
unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our relationship with the mother, our
past, our past lives, our growing up, and our subconscious habits. It rules our
memories and our feelings that are packed with those memories. The Moon also
has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds our soul. The Moon has always
been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination, and it also rules fertility and
pregnancy. The Moon represents our home, our family, our roots, and our
ancestors, and it also rules our own space and our need for security.

In order to channel the energy of the Moon this month in the most efficient,
useful, constructive, and empowering way, you are asked to process your
feelings and emotions and deal with whatever comes up now. Look at yourself
and observe your behavior, reactions, and inner reactions. Observe how you feel
during the day, as well as your emotional triggers in many different situations.
Write down your emotional triggers. Track them, hunt them, get to know them,
and get in touch with your emotional body. Look at yourself in the mirror, get lost
in that observation, and get lost in your own reflection. Ask yourself: “Who am I”?
Ask this question many times a day, every day, and feel the question. Feel the
intention behind this question. Say many times a day: “I am,” whenever you can,
wherever you are, and whatever you do. Use these two simple techniques. Ask
yourself “Who am I,” and say “I am” as many times as you want during the day.
Get in touch with water and spend more time near the water if you can or if there
is water near you somewhere. This can be a lake, river, sea, ocean, or even
artificial lake; it doesn’t matter. If you can’t be near the water, connect with water
in other ways. Bless the water that you’re drinking. Be grateful for the water that
you use for showering and washing your face and hands. Be aware of water in
your life, in your body, and on the planet. Make some powerful rituals with Water.
Let the water cleanse you and wash away all your traumas, pains, worries,
sadness, melancholies, attachments, grief, despair, anxiety, and fears. You can
do this every day whenever you get in touch with water. Ask the water to guide
you, cleanse you, heal you, and help you feel yourself. Take long night walks if
you can. Spend more time in nature, nurture yourself, nourish yourself, water
yourself, and work on self-improvement and self-betterment in every possible
way that you can. Connect with the wisdom of the Moon, and do your research
about the Moon’s archetype astrologically. See what the Moon represents and
how important it is. Then, do your research about the Full Moon in Pisces and do
your research about the Full Moon in the first house, and see how you can
connect all of that with yourself and with what you’re going through right now.
Explore yourself, feel yourself, study yourself, and give yourself access to

Healing tips for Pisces in August

- Observe yourself from somebody else’s point of view, and try to see things that
you’re not able to see otherwise. Choose a person from whose perspective
you’re going to observe yourself and put yourself in the shoes of that person
while observing yourself. See what new insights and answers you receive.
Change persons from whose perspectives you’re observing yourself in order to
gain more insights about yourself and about them as well. Play, have fun,
experiment, and learn.
- Think about things you cannot live without, and try to imagine yourself living
without those things. Describe how you feel, and describe what kind of life that is.
How different would your life would be without those things, and how differently
would you live your life in that case? Feel this life, and go through it. These things
involve people and everything else you cannot imagine your life without—your
routines, your emotions, your habits, your rituals, and things you’re strongly
attached to. Try to imagine life without these things, including people, habits, and
routines. Walk through that kind of life in yourself; imagine it in your mind and live
this life. What would you do, and how would you recreate your life if you had to
live it without all those things you cannot imagine living without?

- Find a calm place where you can be on your own, where you can be in silence,
where you can totally relax, and where you feel safe. Lie down in that place. Lie
on your back, on a mat, on a towel, or on a thin blanket, and feel your whole
body in this position. Feel your whole body from your toes to the top of your
head, and imagine your own atmosphere surrounding you. Imagine your own
atmosphere beaming, pulsating, and vibrating around you. Feel your body
pulsating as you energize and feel each part of it. Become aware of each part of
your body. Start from your toes on your right leg, and then feel each part of your
body, one by one. When you consciously scan your whole body, feel it all at
once. Scan your whole body all at once, feeling the pulsation and the
atmosphere around you, including your auric field, which is your own emanation.
Feel being taken care of by this atmosphere, and when you’re done, just inhale
this atmosphere inside of your body and stay like that for some time. Stay there
with your eyes closed, and when you’re ready, open your eyes, slowly start
moving your body, and stand up when you feel comfortable to do it.

- Imagine that you’re sandboarding through the desert. Imagine yourself on a

board. Imagine a huge desert in front of you, with tons of dunes and nothing but
the soft and silky sand. Imagine this desert, and imagine yourself in it. Get up on
the board, and start sandboarding. Watch some videos of sandboarding if you
need to feel it more vividly. Watch it, absorb it, and feel it. Close your eyes, see
the desert, take your board, and off you go. Ride as fast as you can. There is no
danger for you, no limitations, and you can do anything. You can do tricks, you
can fly and jump, you can come back safely to the ground, and you can continue
riding at great speed. Feel the whole experience, and enjoy the ride.
- Every now and then throughout the day, check the reality around you and do
little reality check exercises. Watch your hands, jump a little bit, and take a look
at your legs, shoes, and walking. Touch your face, clap with your hands, and do
something intentionally. Say, “I am going to raise my left hand now and bend it
behind my head,” and you do that. These are little reality checks that help you
raise your awareness, that help you be in the present moment, that help you
remember your dreams, and that help you wake up in your dream as well. By
frequently practicing these reality checks, you will develop a habit of performing
them even in your dreams. When the time comes in your dream to do a reality
check, you will notice that it is a dream. For instance, if you attempt to jump, you
may find yourself flying high. Similarly, observing your hands may reveal that they
change shape, and clapping your hands might feel less dense than in waking life.
This is a fantastic technique. Just keep practicing it, and have fun.

How to use August’s energies in the best possible way

- Practice forgiveness. Whatever thought, memory, or trigger comes up during

this time, don’t add to that, but rather, practice forgiveness. Don’t go into details
of that situation, into what happened, and into thought processes. Don’t analyze
the situation or talk about it to another person, rather, just sit with it and practice
forgiveness. Try to say it to yourself: “I forgive you, and I forgive myself. I am
free, and you are free.” Try to repeat this whenever you feel like you would rather
say something or do something about it. Practice forgiveness no matter what.

- Get rid of the stuff that you don’t need. Declutter your home and your inner
home. Cleanse your space. Light up incense or create a smudge stick on your
own, and cleanse your space with it. Remove everything that is old, outdated,
unnecessary, and unworthy for you. Give away things that you don’t need, and let
them go. Create your own little ritual of getting rid of things you don’t need. Write
down this on a piece of paper. Write down: “I return these things to energies that
might need them. These things have served me well, but now I don’t need them
anymore and I am welcoming new things to come in place of these things. Thank
you.” Or, come up with your own ritual speech of letting go of the things you don’t
need. Enjoy the process.

- Write down blessings in your life. What do you feel blessed for in your life? If
you can't think of anything, try harder. Try to imagine life without certain things or
people, without your mind, without a roof over your head, without electricity,
without water, and without food. Count your blessings. Think deeply about what
your blessings are.

- Change your daily routines and habits. Change at least one thing in your daily
habits. Make sure you renew your habits and routines every day. Don’t allow
yourself to have two same days in a row. Change your habits as much as you
can. Every day, choose a different route while you’re walking somewhere.
Choose a different path to reach your desired destination. If you usually take a
rest during some part of the day, try to skip it and do something else instead. Do
things that renew and refresh your daily life. Taste new food, visit new places,
speak about different topics, change your schedules, and experiment with your
daily habits and routines. Bring in some freshness. Bring more life into your daily

- Do something good for yourself, invest in your physical appearance, and

become more responsible for your body, energy, look, and image. Invest in your
image, as your image is a reflection of your inner world. Make sure that they
match. Observe your inner self and your inner world, and change your image
accordingly. Add something that resonates more with your inner reality. This will
help you align with yourself and bring out more of what you need to discover
about your true nature.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during August

- Do I invest in making my life more harmonious and smooth? What are my

investments? What are my efforts towards making my life more worth living and
more alive? How do I enliven my life?

- How often do I experience inner peace? Do I see inner peace as something

unreachable and impossible, or am I actually able to feel it from time to time?
When do I usually have that sense of peace? What kind of things put me in that

- Do I love challenges, or do I try to escape all kinds of challenges in life? What

are my top three challenges right now in my life, and what are they telling me
about myself?
- What are the things that I have desperately desired and wanted that I still want
and desire with the same passion? What are the things that I have completely
lost passion for that I used to be passionate about? What is this telling me about
myself and my transformations? How do I perceive those changes?

- What are my most repetitive actions, experiences, situations, and

conversations? How do I feel about those things that are repeated many times in
my life? What are they telling me? Do I enjoy those repetitions, or are they
making me feel tired, exhausted, and sick? What do I do about these repetitive
patterns in my life? How aware of them am I?

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