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1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

● Serum
LESSON OUTLINE ○ the liquid part of blood AFTER coagulation,
● Components of Blood
therefore devoid of clotting factors as
● Functions of Blood
● Starling Force
○ Values of Pressure
● Plasma Proteins Speaker’s note:
○ Half-life of Plasma Proteins ● Major component that is absent in serum is
○ Functions of Plasma Proteins
circulating fibrinogen.
○ Albumin
○ Haptoglobin
● If you centrifuge the blood, what you will get in the
○ Ferritin white part is the serum because it's devoid of
○ Transferrin fibrinogen, the clotting factors, and all other
○ Ceruloplasmin involved proteins.
● Total Iron Binding Protein ● In the laboratory, serum is usually preferred
○ Iron Deficiency Anemia because it yields real value or content of plasma
○ Iron Overload due to the fact that most of the proteins in the
● Intracellular Iron Homeostasis blood are albumin.
● Hepcidin
● Associated Diseases in Iron Regulation
○ IDA ● Total protein and albumin-globulin ratio
○ Hereditary hemochromatosis ○ Most abundant protein in the blood, either
○ Wilson’s Disease
in plasma or serum is albumin, other
○ Kayser-Fleischer Rings
proteins are globulins, including
● Deposition of Plasma Proteins into Tissue
○ Amyloidosis

Speaker’s note:
● When something is attached to albumin, it is


1. Respiration transport of oxygen from the lungs

to the tissues and of CO, from the tissues to
the lungs
2. Nutrition - transport of absorbed food materials
3. Excretion - transport of metabolic waste to the
kidneys, lungs, skin, and intestines for removal
4. Maintenance of the normal acid-base balance
Figure 1. Blood components in the body
● Plasma 5. Regulation of water balance through the
○ the liquid, cell-free part of the blood, that effects of blood on the exchange of water
has been treated with anticoagulants between the circulating fluid and the tissue
○ white component of an anticoagulated fluid
6. Regulation of body temperature by the
Speaker’s note: distribution of body heat
● Plasma is what’s inside our body. 7. Defense against infection by the white blood
● If it’s outside, you have to add anticoagulants, cells and circulating antibodies
meaning the fibrinogen, the clotting factors are still 8. Transport of hormones and regulation of
● Most plasma is protein-rich.
9. Transport of metabolites
● 10. Coagulation


AYURA 2027 1
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

PLASMA PROTEINS 11mmHg drives fluid from the plasma into the
● Plasma contains a complex mixture of proteins. interstitial spaces.
● Early scientists classified these proteins into three ● By contrast, the hydrostatic pressure in venules is
groups, fibrinogen, albumin, and globulins, on about 17mmHg; thus a net force of about 9mmHg
the basis of their relative solubility in the presence drives water from tissues back into the circulation.
of added organic solvents such as ethanol or
salting out agents such as ammonium sulfate. Speaker’s note:
● With the advent of electrophoresis, plasma proteins ● This force is called the Starling Force.
were grouped into:
○ Albumin - densest, largest
○ Globulins
○ Alpha 1 ● Pressure mechanism of the blood, oncotic, and
○ Alpha 2 hydrostatic which in turn, the exchange of water
○ Beta into the interstitial and intracellular compartment of
○ Gamma - lightest the cell.
● Synthesized in liver
● Mostly are glycosylated - proteins are attached to HALF-LIFE OF PLASMA PROTEIN
the glycosides or carbohydrates (glycoproteins) ● The half-life of a plasma protein is the time required
● Exhibits polymorphism for 50% of the molecules present at any given
● Help determine the distribution of fluid between moment to be degraded or otherwise cleared from
blood and tissue the blood.
○ Most proteins maintain oncotic or osmotic ○ For example, the half-lives of albumin and
pressure in the blood. haptoglobin in healthy adults are
approximately 20 and 5 days, respectively.
● Under normal circumstances, as older protein
Clinical notes: Edema is caused by decreased albumin. molecules are cleared they are replaced by newly
synthesized ones, a process called turnover.
● Plasma proteins are rich in disulfide bonds, which in ● During normal turnover, the total concentration of
turn bonds into the carbohydrates and lipid these proteins will remain constant as the
component of the blood, resulting in glycoprotein countervailing processes of synthesis and
and lipoprotein, respectively. clearance reach a steady state.

Speaker’s note:
● Plasma - 25mmHg ● Remember the half-life, turnover, and steady state.
● Arterioles - 37mmHg These are the main mechanisms which maintain
● Interstitial - 1mmHg the homeostasis or the value of any proteins in the
● Venules - 17mmHg blood.
● All proteins have their half-life, then, the body will
Speaker’s note: go to the turnover phase to replace what’s missing
● Homeostasis of fluid in the blood depends on the to reach the steady state.
oncotic and hydrostatic pressures. ● The goal of the body is for the proteins or any
● Major contributor of the oncotic pressure of the components of the blood to reach the steady state
plasma is albumin. phase.
● When most components of blood reach 50% or its
half-life, that is when the turnover phase is
● The aggregate concentration of the proteins activated.
present in human plasma falls in the range of 7 to ○ Example: Half life of RBC is 30 days,
7.5 g/dL. turnover phase will be activated, that is
● The resulting osmotic pressure (oncotic pressure) is why there will be an activation of the
approximately 25mmHg. Since the hydrostatic erythropoietin to produce another RBC to
pressure in the arterioles is approximately reach steady state (equilibrium).
37mmHg, with an interstitial (tissue) pressure of
1mmHg opposing it, a net outward force of about


AYURA 2027 2
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

ALBUMIN Corticosteroid-binding
● most abundant protein in the human plasma; globulin (transcortin)
60% by mass (binds cortisol)
● Major determinant of osmotic pressure Haptoglobin (binds
● Acts as acute phase proteins extracorpuscular

Speaker’s note: Lipoproteins

● Acute Phase Proteins A.K.A Acute Phase (chylomicrons, VLDL,
Reactants LDL, HDL)

Hemopexin (binds
Table 1. Some Functions of Plasma Proteins heme)
Function Plasma Proteins
Retinol-Binding Protein
Antiproteases Antichymotrypsin (binds retinol)
a1 - Antitrypsin
a2 - Macroglobulin Sex-Hormone-Binding
Antithrombin Globulin (Binds T3, T4)

Blood Clotting Various coagulation Transferrin (Transport

factors, fibrinogen Iron)

Enzymes Functions in blood, for Transthyretin (formerly

example, coagulation prealbumin; binds T4 and
factors, cholinesterase forms a complex, with
leakage from cells or retinol-binding protein)
tissues, eg,
Speaker’s note:
Hormones Erythropoietin ● Based on the table above, Albumin is the most
abundant protein.
Immune Defense Immunoglobulins, ● Usually, Albumin binds to Ligands. It binds to
complement proteins, another component of the blood for it to be usable
and B2 -Macroglobulin or transportable.

Involvement in Acute phase response ● Haptoglobin

Inflammatory Response proteins (eg, C-reactive
○ Binds to extracorpuscular hemoglobin
protein, a1 -acid
glycoprotein to prevent the formation of damaging
[orosomucoid]) precipitates in the tubules

Oncofetal a1 - Fetoprotein (AFP) Speaker’s note:

● Haptoglobins function similarly to transferrin but
in the extracorpuscular part or outside of the
Transport or Binding Albumin (various RBCs.
Proteins ligands, including
bilirubin, free fatty acids,
ions [Ca2+], Metals [eg. ● Ferritin
Cu2+, Zn2+], metheme, ○ Binds to and stores ferric iron inside
steroids, other cells
hormones, and a variety
Speaker’s note:
of drugs)
● Ferritin is Activated and Degraded to release iron


AYURA 2027 3
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

● Ferritin is inversely proportional to transferrin ● HIGH YIELD!!! ALWAYS REMEMBER THESE

(negative feedback mechanism) FOUR PROTEINS: Haptoglobin, Ferritin,
Transferrin, and Ceruloplasmin. These are the
● Transferrin
plasma proteins responsible for Iron Synthesis or
○ Transports iron to the sites where it is Iron Homeostasis in the blood.
required ● Imperfectly shaped RBCs are highly susceptible
Speaker’s note: to Splenic Culling which increases RBC
● Main transporter of Iron turnover.
● Transfers Iron from Tissue to a site where there is
an increase of demand for such

● Ceruloplasmin
○ The major copper containing protein in
Speaker’s note:
● Ceruloplasmin is responsible for Converting
Ferrous to Ferric Iron
● Ferrous (deduced form of Iron) is non-usable by
the body. It is absorbed by the intestine into the
intracellular compartment.
● Ferric is the Active Form of iron that is used by
the body
● The Senescent Red Blood Cells are processed
in the Reticulo-Endothelial System (Spleen): the Figure 2. Recycling of Iron in Macrophages. Senescent
RBCs must be Discoid in shape and Absence of erythrocytes are phagocytosed by macrophages. Hemoglobin is
a Nucleus. degraded and iron is released from heme by the action of the
● Any Change in the RBCs (eg. Hemosiderin enzyme heme oxygenase. Ferrous iron is then transported out of
Bodies) triggers the RES Macrophages to activate the macrophage via ferroportin (Fp). In the plasma, it is oxidized to
Splenic Culling or Splenic Pitting. the ferric form by ceruloplasmin before binding to transferrin (Tf).
Iron circulates in blood tightly bound to Tf.

Splenic Culling: the ability of this organ to scrutinize the

passing red cells and to remove from circulation those Speaker’s note:
which do not meet certain minimum requirements. ● Heme Molecule contains the “Gold-Like”
substance iron
Splenic Pitting: ability to remove a solid particle from the ● Iron is a Precious Substance in the body. iron is
cytoplasm of a red cell without destroying the cell itself preserved through storage recycling.
● Exogenous Iron (intake of Iron Sulfate): is not
● Hemosiderin Granules: Triggered by Infections. eliminated by the body unless it is subjected to
Addressed by the spleen in two ways. (1) chelation.
Destruction or (2) Splenic Pitting Chelation: a type of bonding of ions and molecules to
● Bite Cell: An irregular RBC that is subjected to metal ions. It involves the formation or presence of two or
Splenic Culling. Increases with Hemosiderin. more separate coordinate bonds between a polydentate
(multiple bonded) ligand and a single central metal atom.
● Ferroportin: serves as a gate that transfers iron
from the intracellular to extracellular component of
the cell
● Ceruloplasmin: converts Ferrous Iron to Ferric
Iron (non-function to functional form) then it will
bind to Transferrin to be used by other tissues. It
can also be stored in the liver in the form of


AYURA 2027 4
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

Speaker’s note:
● In people with Iron Deficiency Anemia, women with
menses or post pregnancy, they are usually given
Vitamin C with Iron supplements to hasten the
conversion of Ferric to Ferrous state

● Once converted into the Ferrous state, it will

be transported into the intracellular
compartment of the enterocyte via the divalent
metal transporter1 (DMT1).

Speaker’s note:
● Divalent metal transporter1 (DMT1) transports any
metal with a 2+ charge hence the name “divalent”
● For example Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ etc.

● Once inside the intracellular compartment of

the enterocyte, the Ferrous iron is reversibly
Figure 3. Nonheme (Exogenous) Iron Transport in Enterocytes. converted in the Ferric state as Ferritin or
Ferric iron is reduced to the ferrous form by a luminal
transported out of the cell by Ferroportin
ferrireductase, duodenal cytochrome b (Dcytb). Ferrous iron is
transported into the enterocyte via divalent metal transporter1 ● On the surface of the enterocyte is an
(DMT1). Within the enterocyte, iron is either stored as ferritin, or analogue of Ceruloplasmin known as
transported out of the cell by ferroportin (Fp). Ferrous iron is Hephaestin. This oxidizes the Ferrous iron
oxidized to its ferric form by hephaestin. The ferric iron is then back to its Usable Ferric state.
bound by transferrin for transport by the blood to various sites in
● The ferric iron is then bound by transferrin for
the body. (Based on Andrews NC: Forging a field: the golden age
of iron biology. Blood 2008;112;219.) transport by the blood to various sites in the
Speaker’s note:
Table 2. Distribution of Iron in a 70kg Adult Male
● Exogenous absorption of Iron majorly occurs in the
Small Intestines (Duodenum and Proximal
● Iron Malabsorption Symptoms: occurs when
there is a mass, parasite, or ulcers in the small
intestines which leads to decreased absorption of
iron (Iron Deficiency Anemia)

● Fe3+ (Ferric) is not absorbable in the body and

needs to be converted to Fe2+(Ferrous) state. Table 2 shows the normal values in a “Steady State”.
● 2 mechanisms: Notice how the Absorption is equal to the Losses.
○ By ingested oxidants or reducing
agents such as Vitamin C TOTAL IRON BINDING PROTEIN (TIBC)
○ Enzymatically by a brush border ● TIBC is a picture of your Transferrin.
membrane bound ferrireductase, ● Determines how much or how little iron there is
duodenal cytochrome b (Dcytb) in our body.
(Figure) ● The goal of transferrin is to transfer the
necessary amount of iron needed by the body
either to store as ferritin or used up by tissues.


AYURA 2027 5
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

● Transferrin is always active and always has ■ Most abundant and seen on the
iron bound or occupied to it surface of most cells
● Of the 3-4mg of Transferrin, 30% of it is ○ Transferrin Receptor 2 (TfR2)
occupied most of the time (normal). ■ Found primarily on the surface
Table 3. Examples of conditions affecting TIBC of hepatocytes and the crypt
Example % of Transferrin TIBC cells of the small intestine.

Iron 16% Increased


Iron 45% Decreased


● Iron Deficiency Anemia

○ Decreased iron means there are fewer
transferrin receptors bound to iron
thereby increasing its Capacity to bind

● Iron Overload
Figure 5. Schematic representation of the reciprocal relationship
○ Increased iron means there is between synthesis of ferritin and the transferrin receptor (TfR1).
oversaturation of the transferrin
receptors with iron thereby decreasing ● The mRNA for ferritin is represented on the
its Capacity to bind more. left, and that for TfR1 on the right of Figure.
● Ferritin mRNA:
Speaker’s note: ○ (Ai) At high concentrations of iron, IRP
● TIBC depends on the number of occupied does not bind to IRE at the 5’ end of
receptors on your transferrin the mRNA which translates to Ferritin
(storage form) → store.
○ (Aii) At low concentration of iron, IRP
binds to IRE at the 5’ end of the mRNA
Figure 4. Fenton Reaction which blocks the translation of Ferritin
→ no storage.
● The fenton reaction occurs when there is free ● TfR1 mRNA:
iron. ○ (Bi) At high concentration of iron, IRP
● Free iron is extremely toxic and can catalyze does not bind to IRE at the 3’ end of
the formation of hydroxyl radical (OH⋅) from the mRNA which degrades TfR1 → no
hydrogen peroxide. transferring of iron.
● The hydroxyl radical is a transient but highly ○ (Bii) At low concentration of iron, IRP
reactive species that oxidize cellular binds to IRE at the 3’ end of the mRNA
macromolecules resulting in tissue damage. which translates to TfR1 → increase
transferring of iron.
Speaker’s note:
● Regulated by a important Proteins and
● Refer to Figure 4. Fenton Reaction
Receptors namely:
● Ceruloplasmin is necessary in converting ferrous
○ Iron Regulatory Protein (IRP) to ferric state.
○ Iron Response Element (IRE) ● If it is not converted and it accumulates, some of
○ Transferrin Receptor 1 (TfR1)


AYURA 2027 6
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

them turn into highly ROS which is cytotoxic to the → ↓ Hepcidin

cells. ● High turnover rate (e.g., rapid red blood cell
● This is the reason why some people take production) → Suppresses hepcidin → Increases
antioxidants to reduce ROS. iron absorption and release from stores to meet
● Steady state reflects balance between iron intake
HEPCIDIN and loss → Hepcidin helps maintain this balance
● Regulates iron homeostasis by blocking by regulating iron absorption and recycling.
internalization of the cellular iron export ● Overall, the biochemical process of iron
protein, ferrocidin conservation involving hepcidin helps maintain
● Stimulated when binding of transferrin iron iron balance in the body by regulating iron
absorption, recycling, and storage in response
complexes to types 1 transferrin receptors
to varying physiological conditions.
displaces HFE protein, which then binds to
and activates type 2 transferrin receptors
Speaker’s note:
1. IDA (Iron Deficiency Anemia): If the level of
● In short, Hepcidin is the major iron-regulating
protein in our bodies, primarily produced by the transferrin saturation falls to 20% or below,
liver hemoglobin synthesis will be impaired,
● It does not respond in the feedback mechanism, it resulting in iron-deficient erythropoiesis
only conserves the iron intracellularly
Speaker’s note:
● Diet and blood loss (e.g., menstruation - common
in women) affect iron levels.
● In Africa, nutritional deficiencies and high rates
of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are common due
to factors such as inadequate dietary iron intake
and limited access to iron-rich foods or
○ Traditional iron cooking utensils, such
as iron pots, pans, and cooking stoves,
are commonly used.
○ IRON FISH can contribute to the dietary
intake of iron, as some iron leaches into
the food during cooking, especially when
cooking acidic foods like tomatoes.
Figure 6. Role of hepcidin in systemic iron regulation. Hepcidin
binds to and triggers the internalization and degradation of
ferroportin expressed on the surface of enterocytes and
macrophages. This decreases iron absorption from the intestine
and inhibits iron release from macrophages, leading to

Speaker’s note:
● ↑ Iron levels/inflammation/erythropoiesis → ↑
Hepcidin production
● Hepcidin binds to ferroportin (found on the surface
of cells involved in iron export: e.g. enterocytes in
the intestine and macrophage in the
reticuloendothelila system) → ↓ Iron export from
enterocytes and macrophages
● ↓ Iron absorption from diet → Iron conservation
● Feedback regulation: ↑ Iron → ↑ Hepcidin; ↓ Iron


AYURA 2027 7
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

Figure 7. Lucky Iron Fish Ⓡ A Natural Source of Iron

2. Hereditary hemochromatosis:
Hemisoderosis, the accumulation of
stainable concentrations of iron in tissues.
Hereditary hyperabsorption of iron by the
intestines can be caused by mutations in the
gene encoding homeostatic iron regulator
protein (HFE), or, less frequently, hepcidin,
TfR2, HJV, or ferroportin. Figure 9. Wilson’s Disease (Hepato-Lenticular Degeneration)

Speaker’s note:
● Iron is to hemoglobin
● Copper is to ceruloplasmin
● Ceruloplasmin is a protein produced in the liver.
● It binds to copper in the blood, forming
● Holo-ceruloplasmin delivers copper to tissues and
○ Ceruloplasmin is needed for the
conversion of ferrous iron (Fe2+) to
ferric iron (Fe3+) in the blood.

Figure 8. Hereditary hemochromatosis Pathogenesis

3. Wilson’s Disease: A mutation in the gene for

a copper-binding P-type ATPase (ATP7B
protein) blocks the excretion of excess
copper in the bile.


AYURA 2027 8
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

Table 4. Changes in Various Laboratory Tests Used to Assess Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Table 5. Iron Overload Conditions

Speaker’s note:
● Most cases of secondary hemochromatosis are disease-related or pathologically related.
● Thalassemia major is a severe form of thalassemia that requires regular blood transfusions to manage the
○ One of the major complications of thalassemia major is iron overload, which can lead to
● Oxidative stress in red blood cells (RBCs) can lead to the formation of hemosiderin, a complex of ferritin
and denatured ferritin, which is a form of iron storage.
○ Hemosiderin is formed when there is an excess of iron that exceeds the binding capacity of ferritin,
leading to the deposition of iron in the form of hemosiderin granules in various tissues, including
the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
○ Regular transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) can increase the deposition of hemosiderin
in tissues over time.


AYURA 2027 9
1st YEAR | A.Y. 2023-2024 | March 14, 2024
DR. Eduardo Domingo Jr., MD, FPCR, FPSVIR

Speaker’s note:
● In amyloidosis, proteins misfold into a
beta-pleated sheet configuration (see figure
● These misfolded proteins aggregate into insoluble
● The fibrils deposit in various tissues throughout
the body and the deposition of amyloid fibrils
can lead to organ dysfunction and damage.
● Amyloidosis can affect organs such as the
Figure 10. A Kayser-Fleischer ring (Copper accumulation from kidneys, heart, liver, and nervous system.
Wilson’s Disease) in a 32-year-old patient who had long standing
speech difficulties and tremor

● Pathognomonic of Wilson’s Disease

Figure 12. Physical Structure of Amyloid Material

Figure 11. Descemet’s membrane

● Caused by direct copper deposition in the

Descemet membrane of the cornea and are
thought to be from epithelial cells absorbing
Figure 13. Major pathological hallmarks of AD are amyloid plaques
copper from the aqueous humor and neurofibrillary tangles


Speaker’s note:
● Amyloidosis ● Alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid protein
○ Impairment of tissue function that aggregates into insoluble plaques in the brain.
results from the accumulation of These plaques are primarily composed of
insoluble protein beta-pleated sheets, similar to the fibrils found
○ Deposition of insoluble proteins into the in amyloidosis.
tissue ● The aggregation contributes to neuronal damage
and cognitive decline.
Table 6. A Classification of Amyloidosis ● The accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques,
along with tau tangles (neurofibrillary tangles),
is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease pathology.

● Kennelly. (2022). Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry
32e (i: E) Ional Experien:ce.
● Doc’s PPT:


AYURA 2027 10

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