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Technical University of Moldova
Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics
Department of Software and Automation Engineering

Report for Individual Work

of the "Data Structures and Algorithms" course

Burlacu Natalia, PhD, associate professor
Department of Software and Automation Engineering,
Facultatea FCIM, UTM

Chisinau – 2024

Essential Aspects and Central Results

The "Pension Calculator" project is grounded in addressing a significant research

problem: the absence of a user-friendly and comprehensive tool for retirement
planning. Existing pension calculators are often criticized for their complex
interfaces and lack of detailed information about available pension options.
Therefore, our project aimed to fill this gap by conducting thorough research and
analysis to understand the shortcomings of current tools.

Through our research efforts, we identified the key issues with existing pension
calculators, such as their lack of accessibility and transparency. By analyzing user
feedback and examining the features of various pension calculators, we pinpointed
areas for improvement, including the need for simpler interfaces and more detailed
information about pension options. These findings formed the basis of our solution,
guiding our decisions in designing the "Pension Calculator" to be user-friendly and

The central results of our research culminated in the development of a tool that
offers users a comprehensive overview of their pension options. This includes
providing estimates of monthly pension amounts, total payable amounts, and
eligibility criteria based on contributed years and retirement age. By focusing on
these essential aspects, users can make more informed decisions about their
retirement planning.

The reasoning behind our decisions in developing the "Pension Calculator" was
driven by a commitment to usability and accuracy. We prioritized simplicity in
design and ensured that the tool presented information in a clear and
understandable manner. Additionally, we incorporated feedback mechanisms to
gather user input and improve the tool iteratively.

In conclusion, the "Pension Calculator" project was guided by a scientific approach

to addressing the research problem of inadequate retirement planning tools.
Through research-driven analysis and decision-making, we developed a
user-friendly and informative tool to assist individuals in making more informed
decisions about their retirement.

Data Flows:
1. Input Data Flow:
● User Inputs: Personal information, contribution details, and pension preferences
are inputted by users.
● Validation: Data validation processes ensure accuracy and completeness of user
● Data Processing: Input data is processed using algorithms to generate pension
2. Output Data Flow:
● Calculated Pension Amount: The application outputs the estimated pension
amount based on input data.
Possible Particular Functionalities:
1. Real-time Market Data Integration:
● API Integration: The application integrates APIs to fetch real-time market data,
inflation rates, and investment returns.
● Dynamic Adjustments: Pension estimations dynamically adjust based on market
fluctuations and economic indicators.
2. Multi-platform Accessibility:
● Mobile App Integration: The application is accessible via mobile devices, offering
convenience and flexibility to users.
● Responsive Design: The user interface adapts seamlessly to different screen
sizes, ensuring optimal user experience.
Interaction Scenarios/Input/Output:
1. User Interaction:
● Input Scenario: User provides personal information, contribution details, and
selects pension type.
● Output Scenario: The application displays the calculated pension amount.
2. Dynamic Input Adjustment:
● Scenario: User adjusts retirement age or monthly income.
● Output: The application recalculates pension estimations in real-time, reflecting
the impact of input adjustments.
Capitalizing on Data, DSA, Algorithms, Programming Approaches:
1. Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA):
● Data Representation: User inputs are stored and processed using efficient data
● Algorithmic Complexity: Advanced algorithms handle pension calculations,
considering variables such as contributed years, retirement age, and pension
2. Programming Approaches:
● Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, Python, C, JavaScript for interactive UI/UX
and client-side functionalities.

**User Interaction and Functionality:**

- **Personal Information Input:**

- **Title:** Input Personal Details
- **Description:** Users enter their name and gender (M/F) for personalized pension

- **Contribution Information Input:**

- **Title:** Contribution and Retirement Details
- **Description:** Users input the number of contributed years, monthly insured income,
retirement age, retirement date, and select the pension type.

- **Calculate Pension:**
- **Title:** Pension Calculation
- **Description:** Upon clicking the "Calculate Pension" button, the application processes the
user inputs using advanced algorithms to estimate the pension amount.

- **Display Estimated Pension:**

- **Title:** Show Pension Estimate
- **Description:** The application displays the calculated pension amount in Moldovan Leu
(MDL) currency, providing users with their estimated pension based on their input data.

- **Interactive User Interface:**

- **Title:** Interactive Visualization
- **Description:** Users can interact with the application through a user-friendly interface,
adjusting inputs and exploring various scenarios to understand how different factors impact their

**Data Flows:**

- **Input Data Flow:**

- **Title:** User Input Collection
- **Description:** Data flows from the input fields (name, gender, contributed years, income,
retirement age, retirement date, pension type) to the pension calculation algorithm.

- **Calculation Process:**
- **Title:** Algorithmic Processing
- **Description:** User inputs are processed using mathematical algorithms based on gender,
contributed years, retirement age, and selected pension type to calculate the estimated pension.

- **Output Display:**
- **Title:** Display Calculated Pension


The calculated pension amount is displayed in the result section of the application, providing
users with a clear view of their estimated pension benefits.

Possible Particular Functionalities:

Educational Resources Integration:

- Title: Financial Education Resources
- Description: Future updates could include educational content on pension planning,
investment strategies, and retirement savings to empower users with financial knowledge.

- Data Visualization Enhancements:

- Title: Enhanced Graphical Representations
- Description: Future versions may incorporate advanced data visualization techniques like
charts, graphs, and comparisons to visualize pension growth and investment scenarios.

Interaction Scenarios/Input/Output:

- Scenario 1: New User Registration

- Input: User enters name, gender, and other details.
- Output: System registers the user and prompts to input contribution and retirement details.

- Scenario 2: Returning User Login

- Input: User logs in with credentials.
- Output: System retrieves user data and displays previous pension estimates.

- Scenario 3: Pension Calculation

- Input: User provides contribution and retirement information.
- Output: System calculates and displays the estimated pension amount.

Capitalizing on Data, DSA, Algorithms, Programming Approaches:

- Data Utilization:
- User input data (name, gender, contributed years, income, retirement age, retirement date) is
utilized for pension calculations.

- Algorithm Usage:
- Mathematical algorithms based on gender, contributed years, retirement age, and pension
type are applied to estimate the pension.

Programming Techniques:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for front-end UI/UX.
- Backend processing with JavaScript (Node.js) or Python.
- Database integration (SQL/NoSQL) for data storage.

This conceptual model captures the user interactions, data flows, functionality, and potential
enhancements of the Pension Calculator application based on the provided code.

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