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It is disadvantageous to require that all knowledge must be veri ed by a group. -> statement.

nowledge, delivers information and in the globalised and interconnected society we bestow
upon, the transaction and creation of knowledge has been ever increasing. When
knowledge is always required to be veri ed by an authority or certain group it could lead to
loss of information that is meant to be shared, as it could be perceived as a threat or
inappropriate to the dominant power/group.

Should there be any body of work be it a cartoon, write up, article about a certain political
situation in a country that must be veri ed by an authoritative group, a lot of that knowledge and
content could be banned from sharing amongst the public. At times pieces of work may contain
truth and certain information that the public is kept away from. This would be due to the presence
of a group verifying the transaction of knowledge, and banning certain knowledge they feel the
public must not know. The knowledge present in the article, possibly the truth that its audience
have the right and should be kept aware of are not being shared. The audience may be kept in the
dark of the real truth, as the group would deem it or consider it as invalid.

Many cultural pieces of work maybe seen as religiously o ensive to other cultures and religions or
disgraceful and hence maybe banned by the group verifying it. From paintings to write-ups,
knowledge that goes possibly against the group may be banned or altered based on their
preferences. An example of such is that a political cartoonist in India who made caricatures of
political situations in India was put behind the bars. While in hinder site, he was only expressing
his opinion that he wished to share with the public, the authoritative body present in India took it
as a o ensive message and hence took a strong action.

Political cartoons and articles that bring about a certain perspective people have, may be altered
intentionally due to the fact of it being threatening or possibly misinterpreted. The dominant one in
power could potentially see a threat In the work challenging their political status or possible it
fostering the idea of new one coming to power. Many works such as Persepolis a book on the
Iranian revolution was seen as an o ensive book towards the Iranian government and hence was
banned, making the book available only in the indian subcontinent. The above example goes
about to show that how the people of Iran are deprived of the knowledge of the Iranian revolution.

It’s important to know that certain information that Is derived for knowledge are not meant to be
shared or known, hence making the veri cation of knowledge imperative for the greater good of
society and community. Many inappropriate information of knowledge if given to the audience,
may bring problems in society. Exposing inappropriate information to the youth, possibly disturbs
them in a powerful manner. Exposing strong view points that kill creativity, hope must be checked
with. This issue of also not verifying knowledge can act almost like a life scar, a ecting certain
people life long. It’s hence in a way imperative that certain measures and veri cation are kept on
the transition of knowledge.

Bodies of work, with dealing with politics or religion could be perceived and misunderstood as a
threat by the dominant power/group and could lead to it being rephrased by the group verifying
the work and hence there is a loss of knowledge, intention and purpose of the work.

Draft -
Thesis: When knowledge is always required to be veri ed by an authority or certain group it could
lead to loss of information that is meant to be shared, as it could be perceived as a threat or
inappropriate to the dominant power/group.

Argument one: Many cultural pieces of work maybe seen as religiously o ensive to the dominant

Argument two: Many cultural pieces of work maybe seen as politically o ensive to the dominant

Possible argument:
Knowledge when always required to be veri ed by an authority or certain group, it could lead to
misinterpretation, and the meaning could possibly be altered, leading to a loss in truth and
purpose of a certain work.

Antithesis: It’s important to know that certain information that Is derived for knowledge are not
meant to be shared or known, hence making the veri cation of knowledge imperative for the
greater good of society and community.


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