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Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

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Evaluation of environmental impact on cocoa production and processing

under life cycle assessment method: From beans to liquor
Darmawan Darmawan *, Abdul Mutalib
Department of Agricultural Production Technology, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Keywords: This study aimed to identify the environmental impact on cocoa production and processing based on the life
Cocoa cycle assessment method (LCA). The major contribution of this study is to evaluate the environmental perfor­
Chocolate mance of a chocolate liquor in order to reveal the significant environmental hotspots along the entire supply
chain. This is achieved through two main steps. First, the LCA method is applied to identify the environmental
Life cycle assessment
implications of managing the production and processing cocoa to become chocolate liquor. The LCA is performed
based on the international ISO 14040–14043 series. Secondly, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate
the impact of five proposed improvement options to discover whether any occurring potential environmental
impacts will be reduced. The kind of scenarios are: reducing pesticides by 50 % (option 1); using compost instead
of fertilizer (option 2); avoid burning stubble (option 3), conserving soil water (option 4) and applying alter­
native energy sources (option 5). As a result, the most significant environmental impact for the upstream and
core processing was human toxicity potential (HTP) and cumulative energy demand (CED), 89 % and 59 %,
respectively. In addition, the impact of the proposed improvement has significantly reduced environmental
impacts (HTP, 68 %) and achieved savings (IDR 18800, 17.7 %). Survey data includes the entire supply chain,
with a detailed focus on production and processing stages for an Indonesian chocolate company. This study only
dealt with cocoa beans that generated 1 kg of chocolate liquor.

1. Introduction different social and environmental issues (Lee and Park, 2023), and its
worldwide significance cannot be diminished (Ahoa et al., 2020).
Cocoa beans are a universally high demand consumer item (Suh and Consequently, cocoa is a widely traded item that continues to be vital to
Molua, 2022; Mcclure et al., 2022). Cocoa is the main ingredient in the the global economy (Cruz-Tirado et al., 2020), as well as environmental
manufacture of products such as chocolate (Puchol-Miquel et al., 2021; and social growth in many regions in the world (Gama-Rodrigues et al.,
Mohamed et al., 2020), candy bars (Hasan Yusuf and Pérez-Jiménez, 2021; Fountain et al., 2020; Lambin et al., 2018; Akande et al., 2023).
2021), drinks (Predan et al., 2019)and cocoa powder (Ferreira De Oli­ In Indonesia, around a million rural households rely mostly on cocoa
veira et al., 2021). According to (Escobar et al., 2021; Lemarcq et al., for their income and survival. Over half of these producers are largely
2022) a high-quality cocoa bean production technique is used to pro­ driven by smallholder farmers in Sulawesi (Arsyad et al., 2019), pro­
duce chocolates with better sensory qualities. Cocoa is one of the most ducing around 60 % to 71 % of national production (Tothmihaly et al.,
widely used raw commodities in the world and one that satisfies con­ 2019). According to Hoffmann et al. (2020) Sulawesi’s smallholder
sumer demands for health (Cinar et al., 2021; Shin et al., 2022). Bev­ farms produce about 500 kg of cocoa per hectare, although achievable
erages made with cocoa are more attractive to children because of their yields are far higher. The production of cocoa in Indonesia increased
improved color, scent and rich flavor. Cocoa-based beverages, some­ from 27,000 tons (t) in 1984 to about 730,000 t in 2014. In 2020, the
times referred to as ready-to-drink cocoa drinks or chocolate drinks, are area of cocoa plantations in Indonesia was estimated to be 1.5 million
all rising in popularity. These beverages contain various sugar alterna­ hectares (Hafizal et al., 2023). Indonesia produces the third-highest
tives, omega-3 fatty acids and plant-based extracts rich in bioactive yield of cocoa in the world, behind Ghana and the Ivory Coast (Neil­
components (Barišić et al., 2023). Cocoa makes a significant contribu­ son et al., 2020; Syamsiro et al., 2012; Mcmahon et al., 2015; Drees
tion to the global commodities market (Salazar et al., 2023), solves et al., 2023). As a result, it not only sustains more than 1.3 million family

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Darmawan).
Received 9 October 2023; Received in revised form 9 December 2023; Accepted 26 December 2023
Available online 3 January 2024
2666-7657/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

farmers nationwide, but it is also the third-largest source of foreign water more effectively, and they were even more economical in terms of
funds for the agriculture industry, after oil and rubber (Ekananda, return on investment, energy intensity or GHG emission intensity. They
2022). also had a lower environmental impact across all of the studied cate­
On the other hand, production and processing of cocoa beans deliver gories (with the exception of land footprint). Author in Tiegam et al.
several impacts for the environment (Asigbaase et al., 2021; Pérez-Neira (2021) applied the LCA to assess the environmental effects of producing
et al., 2020; Mendoza-Meneses et al., 2023). Author in Asigbaase et al. activated carbon from cocoa beans. Based on research findings, it was
(2021) explains that the cultivation of cocoa, a significant worldwide determined that the electricity used in laboratory processes was the
commodity, has been a significant contributor to deforestation in humid main factor contributing to environmental impacts. The usage of electric
tropical regions. Several scholars conclude that cocoa production has the energy (which contributes on average 93 % of the time) is almost
largest impact on eutrophication, acidification, global warming and entirely responsible for toxicity. In addition to distilled water, electricity
requires the highest energy expenditure (Pérez-Neira et al., 2020). also contributes significantly to freshwater eutrophication potential (70
Additionally, some places have seen deforestation, increased carbon %). Author in Recanati et al. (2018) applied the LCA method to assess
emissions, soil deterioration and chemical contamination as a result of the environmental impact of Italian dark chocolate for some categories.
the cultivation of cocoa (Mendoza-Meneses et al., 2023). Therefore, it is The results show that the upstream process are significant contributors
necessary to enhance cocoa production and processing, and also critical to the total impacts, specifically: 63 %, 92 % and 99 % for ozone layer
to examine the environmental implications of these activities. depletion potential, eutrophication potential and abiotic depletion,
To increase cocoa production and prevent the spread of pests, dis­ respectively.
eases and weeds fertilizers and pesticides are used by farmers (Okoffo However, although several methods were examined, none of these
et al., 2017). According to Oyenpemi et al. (2023), Mahot et al. (2020) methods specifically evaluated the environmental effect of using pesti­
farmers use pesticides to restrict the impact of pests and illnesses in cides, fertilizer, burning stubble, soil moisture and conventional energy
order to minimize losses. Author in Hoffmann et al. (2020) reported that source on production and processing cocoa to be chocolate liquor under
across all management levels and meteorological circumstances, fertil­ the LCA method.
izer treatment of cocoa production resulted in a yield increase of roughly To close the study gap, especially in light of the ongoing increase in
34 %. However, fertilizers and pesticides are also hazardous materials cocoa demand, additional studies are needed to assist chocolate pro­
that can have a negative impact on human health (Dhankhar and ducers in measuring, and eventually improving, the environmental
Kumar, 2023; Mubushar et al., 2019), water pollution (Xiao et al., 2021) sustainability of their operations. This study contributes to the problem
and environmental sustainability (Zheng et al., 2020; Sowunmi et al., by evaluating the environmental performance of a liquor chocolate with
2019). Therefore, improper pesticide use in the cultivation of cocoa can the goal of revealing the significant environmental hotspots along the
result in high residue levels, trade restrictions, and financial losses entire supply chain. This is achieved through two main steps. First, the
(Blessing Faloni et al., 2021), and deliver environmental impacts (Ban­ LCA method is applied to identify the environmental implications of
danaa et al., 2021; Parra-Paitan and Verburg, 2022). In addition, due to managing for production and processing cocoa to become chocolate li­
their small farm holdings, cocoa farmers in Indonesia’s South Sulawesi quor. The LCA is based on the international ISO 14040-14043 series.
region have used burning to make viewing easier for new land clearing. Detailed inventory created in collaboration with a distinguished Indo­
This demonstrates that burning stubble is frequently considered the nesian chocolate company. Survey data includes the entire supply chain,
quickest and simplest technique to clear fields in the shortest time before with a detailed focus on production and processing stages. In the second
planting the new crop. In contrast, the effect of burning stubble causes part of the study, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the
soil deterioration, nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions that impact of the scenarios of the five proposed improvement options to find
contribute to global warming and air pollution (Patel and Panwar, 2023; out whether the potential environmental and economic impacts that
Sahu et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2019). occur will be reduced.
Author in Agbenyo et al. (2022) sets out an additional environmental Several environmental impacts have been examined in this research:
factor that could influence cocoa production and processing, namely, acidifications potential (AP), human toxicity potential (HTP), Global
climate change. The purpose of this study is to investigate how countries warming (GW), Photochemical oxidation potential (POP), ozone
that produce cocoa are affected by climate change in terms of cocoa depletion layer potential (ODLP), abiotic depletion potential (ADP) and
output. The World Bank and Food and Agriculture database provided cumulative energy demand (CED). In addition, the impact of using
annual data from 1961 to 2018 for the study. To take heterogeneity into alternative energy sources, such as natural gas, electricity and biomass
consideration, cross-sectional-autoregressive distributed lag was used in for production and processing cocoa has been evaluated. This research
the investigation. The study found that average temperature, average only discussed cocoa beans that generated 1 kg of chocolate liquor.
rainfall, and average carbon emissions all have favorable long- and
short-term effects on cocoa production. In contrast, due to unpredictable 2. Material, data and methods
rainfall and rising temperatures, cocoa is one of several crops that faces
significant risks from climate change (Amfo et al., 2021). For example, This research examined the environmental impact of cocoa produc­
excessive rainfall may foster the establishment and reproduction of in­ tion under the LCA method that keeps track of and evaluates a product
fections such as the fungus that causes cocoa black pod disease (Oye­ over its entire life cycle. The next sections discuss the various LCA
kale, 2020). Reduced rainfall may result in less moisture in the soil, processes, including the defining of the LCA’s goal and scope as well as
which could lead to a drought and prevent cocoa plants from being able the Impact Assessment and interpretation.
to synthesise soil minerals for healthy growth and development (Oye­
kale, 2020). 2.1. Aim and scope definition
Research on the LCA method to evaluate the environmental impact
has been developed previously (Caicedo-Vargas et al., 2022; Tiegam The purpose of this LCA is to examine the environmental implica­
et al., 2021). According to Caicedo-Vargas et al. (2022) a life cycle tions of Indonesian cocoa production using a cradle-to-grave approach.
analysis methodology is applied to evaluate the environmental perfor­ With this approach, the complete environmental impact of a cocoa
mance of cocoa production. In this study, the cocoa production in product is assessed, from the extraction of raw materials to production
Ecuador’s Amazon region’s agroforestry systems was evaluated in terms and processing to be a product, such as chocolate liquor.
of its economic and environmental performance. The findings demon­
strated how low their yield per hectare is, especially when organic 2.1.1. Chocolate liquor characterization
farming is used. However, organic agroforestry systems use energy and The main ingredients compositions of chocolate liquor under this

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

research are natural cocoa from Indonesia (90 %), cocoa butter from Where: Sav = Saving (IDR); BC = Base Case (IDR); RC = Reduction Cost
cocoa beans with unspecified origin (5 %), alkali (2 %), plastic (1 %), (IDR)
carboard (1.5 %) and other materials (0.5 %) (See Table 1). Finally, the
production site of this chocolate liquor is located in Makassar-South 2.3. Interpretation
Sulawesi Indonesia.
During this phase, the inventory information gathered from the
2.1.2. Unit process farms was converted into interpretable environmental effect values. This
In general, there are three kinds of main unit processes: up-stream, made it possible to assess how the supply inputs and outputs of the in­
core and downstream. Upstream processes include cocoa cultivation dustrial system will affect the environment. The LCA-Manager 1.3
and the production of raw cocoa from the Sulawesi area (S1); from other software was used to construct this research study’s results.
areas (S2); additional ingredients, such as cocoa butter (S3), packaging
(S4) and auxiliary materials used in the manufacturing process (S5). 3. Results and discussion
Transferring each of the aforementioned inputs from their respective
points of production to the chocolate-making facility is called trans­ This section discusses the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) find­
portation (S6). In addition, to making chocolate liquor through several ings, which are reported and examined from the upstream stage to the
processes, namely: blending (S7); cleaning (S8); roasting (S9); deshel­ main stage.
ling (S10); shell (S11); milling (S12) and tempering, molding, cooling Table 1 (below) illustrates the environmental impact category of
and packing (S12), generation systems and the disposal of industrial production and processing for 1 kg Cocoa liquor in Indonesia. According
waste are considered to be core processes (S14 to S17). However, the to Table 3, the most significant environmental impacts associated to this
distribution of chocolate liquor to the consumer is not considered in this research are HTP, CED and GWP.
research. Fig. 1 (below) illustrates the boundaries system and the pro­
duction process of 1 kg chocolate liquor. 3.1. Upstream stage

2.1.3. Data source Fig. 2 demonstrates that, on average, the upstream process generates
The proposed research makes use of both primary and secondary a high contribution for environmental impact categories. According to
data. The cocoa industry in Sulawesi provided the primary data which the investigation, usage of pesticides, fertilizers, burning stubble and soil
were gathered during 2023. They provide details about the production water brings various environmental impacts during this stage. For
and processing within the company as well as the provisioning of example, the most significant impact of categories in HTP is 87 % in total
Indonesian cocoa beans (from mature plantations with a 15–20 years (S1 to S5), respectively. Cocoa farmers use fertilizers that contain more
age range). For example: cultivation, transportation to manufacturing molybdenum (Mo) compared to other substances. Author in Shi et al.
and cocoa industry. In addition, secondary data are used from databases, (2018) explains that Mo is an essential element for both plants and
such as ecoinvent v3.6. which is used to process data about raw material microbes, but may become toxic when presented in excess concentra­
and production of cocoa beans to become chocolate liquor. Table 2 tions. On the other hand, due to the good catalytic properties, Mo cat­
(below) illustrates a summary of input and output primary data for alysts are viewed as a potential replacement for precious metal catalysts
production and processing of 1 kg chocolate liquor in Sulawesi. (Liang et al., 2023). Mo has potential to play a function in plant meta­
bolism in order to optimize growth and development (Shoaib Rana et al.,
2.2. Impact assessment 2020) as well as to improve fruit set and subsequent tree yielding
(Wójcik, 2020). Consequently, the long-term usage of traditional fer­
In this study, some environmental impacts have been assessed, tilizers has increased problems with the environment worldwide
namely: AP, HTP, GW, POP, ODLP, ADP and CED. In addition, the cu­ (Osman et al., 2020).
mulative effects of energy demand was also computed to recognize the To control insect pests, around 100 % of cocoa farmers in Sulawesi,
direct and indirect energy uses due to the production and processing of Indonesia use chemical pesticides. Author in Miyittah et al. (2022)
1 kg chocolate liquor. In this research, the potential of cocoa shell as explained that in order to increase cocoa productivity, cocoa farmers use
energy sources for biomass was also identified. The potential environ­ pesticides to control pests and illnesses, and to improve yields while
mental impact of improvement analyses suggested has been investigated maintaining quality. However, there are serious concerns regarding the
to identify the impact of the proposed improvement. In addition, the safety of pesticide residues in cocoa beans, soils water, as well as people
economic impact has been assessment to recognize whether the poten­ and the environment. According to Ansari et al. (2021), Idowu et al.
tial environmental impact will be lessened by the proposed improve­ (2022) most pesticides are extremely toxic to humans. Therefore,
ment alternatives. Eq. (1) is applied to determine the benefit saving of widespread and indiscriminate uses of pesticides have resulted in serious
improvement analysis suggested: human health and the environmental impacts (Rani et al., 2021;
El-Nahhal and El-Nahhal, 2021).
Sav = BC − RC (1) In addition, one of the main causes of increased human toxicity has
been identified as burning of stubble (combustion). Author in Abdur­
%= (2) rahman et al. (2020), Chanana et al. (2023) claimed combustion con­
tributes significantly to the amounts of gaseous pollutants harming both
the environment and human health. Due to the small farm holdings, no
agricultural machinery or tools are employed in Sulawesi-Indonesia’s
Table 1 cocoa production. Traditionally, cocoa farmers have burned stubble to
Primary Ingredients of 1 kg chocolate liquor. control weeds and diseases, as well as to reduce biomass and make
No Ingredients Percentages sowing easier for land clearing. Consequently, it is not just generating
HTP (89 %) but also contributes to increasing other impact categories,
1. Natural Cocoa 90
2. Cocoa butter 5 namely: AP (73 %), GWP (82 %), POP (78 %), ODLP (79 %), ADP (83 %)
3. Alkali 2 and CED (41 %). Fig. 2 (below) illustrates the breakdown of total im­
4. Plastic 1 pacts into various unit processes.
5. Carboard 1.5 In addition, cocoa production has other important effects. Pod husks,
6. Other materials 0.5
a significant portion of the solid waste produced by cocoa production are

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

Fig. 1. Boundaries system, production and processing stage of 1 kg cocoa liquor.

Table 2 Table 3
Summary of input and output primary data for production and processing of 1 kg Environmental Impact Category of production and processing for 1 kg Cocoa
cocoa liquor. liquor in Indonesia.
No Inputs/outputs Amount Unit No Environmental impact category Total impact Unit

1. Material inputs 1. AP 1.82E – 03 kg Sb-equiv.

Water 6.1274E+00 kg 2. HTP 5.73E + 00 kg DCB-equiv.
Fertilizer 2.4590E-01 kg 3. GWP 3.98E – 01 kg CO2-equiv.
Pesticides 4. POP 7.82E – 04 kg C2H4-equiv.
Fungicides 8.4200E-03 kg 5. ODLP 5.97E – 09 kg R11-equiv.
Insecticides 9.0100E-04 kg 6. ADP 1.98E – 03 kg Sb-equiv.
Land use 4.9318E-05 ha 7. CED 1.72E + 01 MJ
2. Air emissions
Dust (PM2.5 e PM10) [particles to air] 2.7000E-03 kg
Sulphur dioxide [inorganic emissions to air] 8.5300E-03 kg 3.2. Core stage
Heavy metals to air 4.1755E-05 kg
Carbon dioxide [inorganic emissions to air] 3.4780E-01 kg
Carbon monoxide [inorganic emissions to air] 9.0100E-03 kg
Similar to the previous process, Fig. 3 illustrates the environmental
Pesticides to air 7.9308E-04 kg impact categories of every stage (S6 to S17) based on the core process.
3. Water emissions Transporting ingredients to the manufacturing facility and making
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 4.9427E-12 kg chocolate liquor are core processes. The movement of cocoa beans
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 9.2422E-12 kg
across vast distances is a notable initial contributor to environmental
Nitrates 3.8600E-15 kg
Oil and grease 1.0900E-14 kg effects. The findings in Fig. 3 demonstrate that trans-island shipping
Phosphates 4.5214E-14 kg movement is primarily responsible for around 25 % of overall acidifi­
Total dissolved solids 4.9535E-12 kg cation, as evidenced by the sulfur dioxide emissions from ships. During
Total suspended solids 5.0297E-12 kg the transport of cocoa beans, 3.54 MJ and 0.32 kg CO2eq/FU (9 % and
Heavy metals to freshwater 6.9961E-04 kg
Pesticides to freshwater 4.6980E-03 kg
10 % of total GW, respectively). In this study, the manufacture of
4. Soil emissions chocolate consumes significant energy primarily from electricity gen­
Pesticides to soil 10.0117E-04 kg eration, natural gas, diesel solar and biomass sources. It contributes 59
Heavy metals to agricultural soil 3.9970E-05 kg % to the overall stage (S6–S 17), with the four kinds of generation plants
Water to soil 3.0354E+00 kg
accounting for 0.68-kilogram CO2eq./FU and the remaining chocolate
5. Energy input
Electricity (from PLN grid) 3.2436E-01 kg manufacture for 0.26 kg CO2eq./FU. Additionally, the amount of nat­
Diesel 5.6341E-02 kg ural gas used in the process has a big impact on ozone depletion; in fact,
Petrol 9.0347E-03 kg halon leaks from the system of methane transportation pipelines pro­
Biomass 8.0567E-03 kg duce around 20 % of the category’s damage.
Additionally, Fig. 3 illustrates that other environmental effects for
a by-product. Presently, Sulawesi-Indonesia’s cocoa business produces industrial processing of cocoa beans were shown to be the most signif­
waste called pod husks, which are extremely difficult to dispose of. In icant stage of CED (59 %), AP (27 %), continuing by POP (22 %), ODLP
this research, the LCA method examines the direct effects of these im­ (21 %), GWP (18 %), ADP (17 %) and HTP (11 %). Boilers and roasters
pacts only for use of biomass as energy sources. were shown to be the primary source of environmental consequences
during the cocoa processing stage. As a result, efforts must be

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

Fig. 2. The environmental impact category based on the upstream process.

Fig. 3. The environmental impact category based on the core process.

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

concentrated to enhance the energy consumption efficiency of these assessed more favorably than other previously developed methods. Even
energy-intensive machines. As natural gas is considered to be substan­ though those systems’ production management is excellent compared
tially more environmentally friendly, it was also suggested to replace with the actual state of the studied area, it is worth highlighting that the
usage of diesel. Currently, cocoa shell is no longer regarded as a solid increased use of fertilizer and pesticides associated with cocoa produc­
waste. Cocoa companies sell cocoa shell as animal feed. However, in this tion in developing nations, such as Indonesia, adversely affects the
research cocoa shell is also utilized as an energy source for biomass. environment. Beyond productivity, effective management of cocoa
products could help boost farm incomes significantly and boost profit­
3.3. Overall stage ability to the point where monocultures are possible. However, the
environmental impact needs examination in order to maintain sustain­
Fig. 4 depicts the effects of the total process (S1–S17) disaggregated ability and increase productivity.
into upstream and core phases (called overall process). The greatest
impact of upstream process sequentially was HTP process, namely: 89 4. Improvement analysis
%, continuing by ADP 83 %, GWP 82 %, ODLP 79 %, POP 78 %, and CED
41 % of total impacts. In contrast, the biggest impact of core process To determine whether the potential environmental impact will be
successively was CED 59 %, AP (27 %), continuing by POP (22 %), ODLP lessened by the proposed improvement alternatives, these suggested
(21 %), GWP (18 %), ADP (17 %) and HTP (11 %). This indicates that improvement analysis findings were compared to the baseline case. The
such environmental impacts were mostly as a result of the cultivation of baseline data is based on Indonesian’s current methods and procedures
other cocoa beans, cocoa production, cocoa butter and packaging pro­ for producing and processing cocoa. Table 4 provides a summary of the
duction. However, only the CED delivers a higher impact for the core tested recommended improvement choices. The effectiveness of each
process due to contributions being mostly attributable to the availability enhancement option’s impact on the reference case was examined
and utilization of natural gas. The CED has a total value of 33.75 MJ/FU, separately from the others so that it could be evaluated individually. The
59 %. environmental ratings of these alterations are compared to the baseline
The result of the above analysis above indicates that the LCA meth­ in Fig. 5.
odology demonstrated its effectiveness in quantifying a number of
important consequences of human and environment. This research is
Table 4
thought to be among the earliest LCA studies conducted in Sulawesi,
Improvement analysis suggested.
Indonesia, and undoubtedly the first in the cocoa sector. Due to its
crucial role in the Indonesian economic sector, the cocoa industry was No Lif Cycle Base case Improvement analysis
Process suggested
selected. Although it is assumed that the use of pesticides and fertilizers
falls within permissible bounds, this study has shown that they play a 1 Upstream and ✓ Mineral Fertilizer and ✓ Reducing pesticides by 50
core Process pesticides % (option 1)
significant role in the repercussions during the cocoa production stage.
✓ Burning of stubble ✓ Use compost instead of
This calls for a reassessment of the government’s present Cocoa Disease ✓ Unpredictable climate fertilizer (option 2)
and Pest Control program from an environmental standpoint. The use of change ✓ Avoid burning of stubble
low-input systems that rely on integrated pest management, which uses ✓ Conventional energy (option3)
a high level of biological control of the main pests and diseases, requires sources: Diesel oil and ✓ Soil water conservation
electricity (option 4)
proper soil fertility management. Consequently, to further improve the ✓ Alternative energy source:
sustainability of cocoa production in Sulawesi, Indonesia, high yielding Natural gas, electricity and
and pest-resistant cocoa varieties are suggested. biomass (option 5)
In addition, the suggested studies of environmental impacts can be

Fig. 4. The environmental impact category based on the overall process.

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

Fig. 5. Comparison of the probable environmental effects of fertilizer, pesticides, burning stubble and soil water towards base case.

Fig. 5 (below) illustrates the improvement analysis of options 1, 2, 3 These conservation techniques cover and protect the soil from harsh
and 4. Applying these options guarantees a considerable lessening in the sunshine, high or excessive temperatures, low relative humidity, strong
possible environmental effects. In this case, the amount of reduction for winds that carry meagre, dry soils away, and other unfavorable weather
pesticides was 50 %, if using compost instead of fertilizer and burning of patterns brought on by climate change. These stop the soil from
stubble was not carried out. In this research, soil water conservation warming up too quickly or becoming overheated. By increasing the
practices carried out by cocoa farmers to cope with climate change are organic matter content of the soil, these conservation techniques also
the planting of leguminous crops (18 %), retention of trees (62 %), and improve soil structure, boost soil water-holding capacity, decrease soil
planting of shade trees (20 %) on cocoa farms. In this case, options 1, 2, 3 erosion, and maintain beneficial soil organisms. Furthermore, soil nu­
and 4 were conducted to recognize the potential reduction of environ­ trients are enhanced by the breakdown of mulch materials, leftovers
mental impacts during the upstream process. In contrast, option 5 was from leguminous crops, leaves from shade and retained trees on cocoa
conducted only as a core process. However, in order to identify the fields and organic fertilizers. Soil moisture conservation techniques
potential reduction of environmental impacts for all processes that enhance the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil.
improved analysis for all options will be discussed in the last section, as Fig. 5 illustrates the most significant impact for potential reduction
shown in Fig. 6. of HTP, 65 %, 60 %, 55 % and 45 % for options 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Fig. 6. Potential reduction of conventional and alternative energy sources.

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

The results indicated that reducing pesticides by 50 % was an option Table 5

suggested as the most significant compared to other impact indicators. The economic potential of the proposed improvement option.
The impact of the environment (first option) on ADP and POP reduces No Options Base case Reduction Cost Benefit
47 % and 34 %, respectively. The GWP and ODLP reduce 16 % and 5 %. Suggested (IDR) (IDR) Saving %
The AP 2 % and CED is not recognized, similar to the impact of compost (IDR)
instead of fertilizer for production and processing of cocoa (second op­ 1 Option 1 25,000 21,000 4000 16
tion). The environmental impact categories of ADP is to reduce 55 %, 2 Option 2 24,000 20,200 3800 15.8
POP and GWP 25 % and 13 %, respectively. The ODLP and AP 5 % and 3 Option 3 10,000 9000 1000 10
4 Option 4 12,000 11,000 1000 8.3
only CED are not identified. For the third option, the higher potential 5 Option 5 35,000 26,000 9000 25.7
reduction when avoiding burning stubble for environmental impact on Total cost 106,000 87,200 18,800 17.7
HTP, was 55 %. These were followed by other indicators, namely ADP
42 %, GWP and POP 20 %; ODLP and AP, 5 % and 3 %, respectively.
Only CED was not recognized. In addition, the higher potential reduc­ improvement suggested for options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The total benefit to
tion for the fourth option can reduce on HTP 45 %. These were followed produce 1 Kg cocoa liquor under the proposed suggestion option was
by other indicators, ADP 35 %, PP 17 %, GWP 15 %, ODLP 6 %, AP 1 %, IDR 18800 (17.7 %). However, the potential benefit for every option
only CED was no identified. As a result, the production of cocoa beans suggested was different. The most potential benefit is option 5, IDR 9000
has the most negative impact on both people and the environment. This (25.7 %). The following options 1, 2, 3 and 4 were IDR 4000 (16 %), IDR
is because of the direct field emissions brought on by the extensive use of 3800 (15.8 %), IDR 1000 (10 %), IDR 1000 (8.3 %), respectively. The
pesticide fertilizers, stubble burning and soil water. benefit of suggested option number 5 was higher than others due to
Fig. 5 shows that the pattern of potential reduction due to the natural gas being less expensive than other fossil fuels. In contrast, the
amounts of pesticides, use of compost, burning stubble and soil water benefit of option numbers 3 and 4 was less as these steps required a high
was similar, even though the number presentations reduction for every cost and more time-consuming steps for these options. The financial
category varies. For example, the most potential reduction of HTP is benefit for option numbers 1 and 2 was higher than numbers 3 and 4 but
pesticides, namely 65 %; followed by fertilizer, burning stubble and soil these steps were simple and took only a brief time to apply. Therefore, it
water was 60 %, 55 % and 45 %, respectively. In contrast, the most can be stated that the proposed improvement option could bring eco­
potential reduction on ADP is fertilizer (55 %), followed by pesticides nomic benefits with minimum environmental impact.
(47 %), burning stubble (42 %) and soil moisture (35 %). Likewise, the
most potential reduction on GWP is burning stubble (20 %), followed by 5. Conclusion and recommendations
pesticides (16 %), soil water (15 %) and fertilizer (13 %). This indicates
that the kind of improvement suggestion has a different number of im­ The proposed research illustrated the environmental impacts of
pacts for every indicator. cocoa production and processing under the LCA method. Seven envi­
Based on the proposed method and result of in-depth analysis, it ronmental impact categories have been evaluated, namely: AD, HTP,
could assist chocolate manufacturers to determine the environmental GWP, POP, ODLP, ADP and CED potentials. Research results indicated
profile of their goods and make strategic decisions to increase their that the most potential reduction of environmental impact based on the
environmental sustainability, such as switching to a different kind of upstream and core process was HTP and CED category, 89 % and 59 %,
raw material or energy source. For instance, if a company chose only to respectively. These were followed by other indicators during upstream
use the cocoa beans from Sulawesi to meet its cocoa demand, its envi­ process: ADP 83 %, GWP 82 %, ODLP 79 %, POP 78 %, and CED 41 %. In
ronmental impacts would consistently decrease in comparison to contrast, other indicators during the core process were POP (22 %),
sourcing provisioning from other islands. In addition, reducing pesti­ ODLP (21 %), GWP (18 %), ADP (17 %) and HTP (11 %). This is indi­
cides by 50 %, using compost instead of fertilizer, not burning stubble cated that the potential reduction of environmental impact between
and soil water conservation could deliver the most significant impacts to upstream process and core process was not similar. The environmental
reduce the environmental impacts. Likewise, using natural gas, elec­ effect of production and processing to generate 1 kg cocoa liquor was not
tricity and biomass as energy sources that can be applied not only to identical.
decrease environmental effects but also to reduce cumulative energy In order to reduce the environmental impact, the improvement
demand. analysis suggested some options. For example: reducing pesticides by 50
As can be seen from Fig. 6, potential effects on the environment when %, using organic pesticides (compost) instead of fertilizer, avoid burning
applied to conventional as opposed to alternative energy sources. This stubble and soil moisture conservation as the first, second, third and the
Figure shows in the potential reductions of environmental impact fourth options suggested. Consequently, the most significant impact for
caused by combining of improvement analysis suggested for options 1, potential reduction was HTP, specifically 65 %, 60 %, 55 % and 45 % for
2, 3 and 4. Option 4 only makes a comparison between conventional and options 1, 2 3, and 4, respectively. This was followed by other indicators,
alternative energy sources. Based on Fig. 6, the potential reduction of such as AP (2 %, 5 %, 3 % and 1 %), GWP (16 %, 13 %, 20 % and 15 %),
environmental impacts compared with conventional and alternative POP (34 %, 25 %, 20 % and 17 %), ODLP (5 %, 5 %, 5 % and 6 %), ADP
energy sources for every indicator was variable. For example: ADP (3 (47 %, 55 %, 42 % and 35 %), CED (0 %, 0 %, 0 % and 0 %). Similarly,
%), HTP (3 %), GWP (15 %), POP (2 %), ODLP (5 %), ADP (2 %) and the potential reductions of environmental impacts caused by combining
CED (22 %). This indicates that the most potential reduction of envi­ of improvement analysis suggested for options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for every
ronmental impact was CED (22 %) %. This is because of alternative indicator was variable. For example: ADP (57 %), HTP (68 %), POP (36
usage as an energy source during the core process. Consequently, the %), GWP (35 %), CED (22 %), ODLP (11 %) and AP (8 %). In addition,
most potential reduction of environmental impact for all process, the proposed improvement option suggested not only brings environ­
combining between options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was HTP (68 %), followed by mental impacts but also has economic potential. The overall benefit for
other indicators, namely: ADP (57 %), POP (36 %), GWP (35 %), CED producing 1 kg cocoa liquor using the suggested option was IDR 18800
(22 %), ODLP (11 %) and AP (8 %). (17.7 %). However, the possible cost saving resulting from the suggested
In addition, the economic potential implication of the proposed improvement option 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was not identical. The greatest
improvement option can be illustrated in Table 5 (below). potential benefit is option number 5, IDR 9000 (25.7 %). Thus,
Table 5 illustrates the economic potential effects when the applied continuing by other options 1, 2, 3 and 4 were IDR 4000 (16 %), IDR
option is suggested for production and processing cocoa. This 3800 (15.8 %), IDR 1000 (10 %), IDR 1000 (8.3 %), respectively.
Table shows the potential reductions cost caused by the proposed In order to assess any potential environmental effects related to the

D. Darmawan and A. Mutalib Environmental Advances 15 (2024) 100481

cultivation and processing of cocoa in Sulawesi, Indonesia, this LCA was These elements include pollution, plant diseases, and weather. Farmers
conducted. The aim was to create a scientific foundation for assessing who grow cocoa in Indonesia are susceptible to disease, drought, and
the complete environmental impact of cocoa from cultivation and the floods. An extended dry season is one unwelcome possibility. Climate
extraction of raw materials to production and processing to becoming a change is predicted to impact in a negative way the productivity and
product, such as chocolate liquor. However, a number of significant means of subsistence for cocoa growers in developing nations, such as
environmental impacts of cocoa production, such as loss of biodiversity Indonesia. The aforementioned problems make it difficult for many
and disposal of cocoa pod hulls, have not been studied and taken into farmers to sustain long-term output. Therefore, the study suggests that
account in the impact assessment of this research due to its limited in order to avoid any potential unintended consequences, the Indonesian
scope. government should offer appealing crop insurance packages.
For the next study, it will be necessary to advance and promote the
method’s use in the nation’s development priority areas given the CRediT authorship contribution statement
method’s potential for sustainable development. In order to explain the
ideas, resources and advantages of LCA to policy and decision-makers, a Darmawan Darmawan: Conceptualization, Data curation, Soft­
simplified language will need to be developed, along with a database ware, Methodology, Formal analysis, Methodology, Supervision,
that is pertinent to domestic circumstances. Due to the fact that current Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Abdul Mutalib:
LCA approaches solely consider environmental factors and effects, rec­ Data curation, Formal analysis, Software, Validation, Investigation.
ommendations based on LCAs do not take into account potential con­
flicts that may arise during the course of a product’s life cycle between Declaration of competing interest
environmental conservation and issues of social and economic impor­
tance. This raises concerns about LCA’s capacity to assist in the actual The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
decision-making in businesses that pursue sustainability and provides interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
motivation for expanding the scope of the LCA technique to incorporate the work reported in this paper.
these additional sustainability facets.
The study found a direct correlation between production of cocoa Data availability
and a few of the recommended options for development. Thus, cocoa
productivity rises in tandem with the number of these alternatives that Data will be made available on request.
are recommended for adoption on cocoa farms. Thus, it is suggested that
cocoa farmers reduce pesticide use by 50 %, use compost instead of
fertilizer, avoid burning stubble, conserve soil water, and apply natural Acknowledgments
gas, electricity, and biomass as energy sources on cocoa production and,
as a result, increase productivity. Further recommendations for The authors would like to take this opportunity to thank the Ministry
improving cocoa production include the creation of farm management of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and the Pangkep State
training programs for cocoa farmers by policy makers, private cocoa Polytechnic of Agriculture. This research is conducted according to the
groups, and other stakeholders, as well as the provision of input sub­ assignment letter from the Director of Pangkep State Polytechnic of
sidies and information on climate change. Offering this support in a Agriculture, number: 244/PL22/KEP/2023, 5th February 2023. This
creative way to reinforce current efforts would benefit cocoa farmers research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
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