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1. B
As per the second paragraph of the passage, the provision of the act is
investigating officer will not require the approval of any authority for
the arrest of an accused.
2. C
In the 5th paragraph of the passage we learn that as per the ruling of
March 20th 2018, the Supreme Court stated that for persons accused of
committing an offence under the Act, approval of the Senior
Superintendent of Police will be required before an arrest is made.
Further, the Deputy Superintendent of Police may conduct a preliminary
enquiry to find out whether there is a prima facie case under the Act.
3. C
As per the third paragraph in the passage, The Bill restores the original
provisions of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in establishing establishes special
courts for the trial of such offences and the rehabilitation of victims.
4. B
As per the fifth paragraph to the passage, In 2018, The court ruled that a
public servant can be arrested in cases lodged under SC/ST Act, only
after prior approval by the competent authority.

5. B
In the 5th paragraph of the passage, we learn that as per the2018 ruling
from the supreme court ,Deputy Superintendent of Police may conduct a
preliminary enquiry to find out whether there is a prima facie case
under the Act
6. C
The passage talks about the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill, 2018 therefore the above is
the best suited title from the list.
7. C

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Bridled means restrained or in a controlled manner which is the

opposite for Rampant. Rest are all the synonyms for the word rampant.
8. D
Austere and stringent both the term means not allowing for any
exceptions .Other are all the antonyms.
9. A
Prima facie means appearing to be true on the basis of evidence.
Therefore the word Inapparent will be the best suited opposite for the
word. Others are all the synonyms to the word.
10. B
Barbarity and atrocity both the word means intense dread or dismay.
Therefore option 1 is best suited. Others from the options are all the
11. C
12. C
13. E
14. E
15. B
16. D
A handful of = small number of people or things, limited.
17. C
Shutter (Verb) = Close

Flourish (Verb) = to develop quickly; thrive.

18. A
Variegated (Adjective) = consisting of many different types of things
or persons; having different colours; diverse.
19. C
Shrink (Verb) = become smaller / make smaller in size or amount.
20. A
Depressing (Adjective) = making you feel very sad and without

Encouraging (Adjective) = giving somebody support, courage or hope.

21. E

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The answer can be found in and around second paragraph. The answer
is not given directly but indirectly.
22. D

The online shoppers also plan their shopping in advance and conduct
research on their planned purchases. It becomes easier for the
customers to decide the price at which they want the products…’
23. A
The whole passage is about online shopping.
24. D
Value for money is a common phrase, even used in the daily English that
we speak and write.
25. E
26. B
27. A
..According to the survey, the e-purchasing of electronic products has
gone up by 51 per cent..’.
28. C
The last paragraph contains the answer to this question which can be
easily found
29. C
The correct answer is innovative. The meaning of the word innovative is
the closest to the given word ingenious. Ingenious means ‘characterized
by cleverness or originality of invention.
30. D
31. E
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. C
36. D
37. C
38. C
39. C

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40. C
41. B
Kindly refer to the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph and the 3rd last
sentence of the 2nd paragraph.
42. D
The answer can be clearly inferred from the last sentence of the last
43. D
Kindly refer to the 2nd sentence of the 3rd paragraph
44. D
The answer can be inferred from the last few sentences of the last
45. D
46. A
Kindly refer to the 2nd last sentence of the last paragraph.
47. B
For the 1st statement, kindly refer to the first two sentences of the 2nd

For the 2nd and the 3rd statements, kindly refer to the last two
sentences of the 2nd paragraph.
48. B
In the given context of the passage the most opposite to the word
'merited' will be 'unqualified for'.

The option B, hence, is the most appropriate choice here.

49. A
A 'plethora' of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of
it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with.

Ex. A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.

While if there is a 'dearth' of something, there is not enough of it.

Ex. There is a dearth of quality football coaches in India.

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The option A, hence, is the most appropriate choice here as the opposite
of the word 'Plethora'.
50. C
If someone is 'aggrieved' he/she must be feeling resentment at having
been unfairly treated.

The option C, hence, is the most suitable choice as its synonym.

51. (c)
Refer to the fourth and fifth sentences of the first paragraph, “Manufacturing
goods in China …….. higher value manufacturing.” Hence option (c) is true in
the context of the passage.

52. (d)
Refer to the fourth sentence of second paragraph, “My opinion….…design
engineers.” Hence both options (i) and (ii) are correct.

53 (b)
Refer to the last lines of fourth paragraph, “Malaysia has …….. processing
industries.” Hence only option (b) is not true in the context of the passage.

54. (a)
Refer to fourth sentence of third paragraph, “Despite all the ………. Operate
machinery.” Hence only sentence (i) is true in the context of the passage.

55. (e)
Refer to the sixth paragraph, “Yet for all the……. in the future.”
Hence sentences (a) and (c) are true in the context of the passage.

56. (c)
Protectionism means the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in
order to protect home industries from overseas competition. Hence ‘import
barrier’ is the word most similar in meaning to it.

57. (b)

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Expropriation means the action by the state or an authority of taking

property from its owner for public use or benefit. Confiscation means the
action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure. Hence
both are similar in meanings.

58. (e)
Decentralize means move departments of (a large organization) away from a
single administrative centre to other locations. Hence ‘coalesce’ is the word
most opposite in meaning to it.

59. (c)
Refer the last sentence of the fifth paragraph, “We could now create shopping
and entertainment landmarks in the cities in which we had already
established a strong presence.” Hence only (c) is true in the context of the
Option (d) is wrong because wholesale clubs did offer cheaper products; there
was no hierarchy of goods yet.

60. (b)
Central Square is there in Bangalore. Hence option (b) is the false statement
among the given options.

61. (d)
Refer the second paragraph. Option (a), (b) and (c) are mentioned in the
above passage, only option (d) is not mentioned. Hence option (d) is the
correct choice.

62. (b)
Refer the fifth paragraph, “With Big Bazaar we had tried and tested our skills
at offering a wide range of categories while Pantaloons was firmly positioned
in the lifestyle segment”. Hence option (b) is the correct choice

63. (d)

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Refer the second and third sentences of the fourth paragraph. (He selects one
large store and three or four smaller ones). Hence option (d) is the incorrect
statement in the context of the passage.

64. (e)
Genesis means the origin or mode of formation of something. Provenance
means the beginning of something's existence; something's origin. Hence both
are similar in meanings.

65. (a)
Focal means relating to the centre or most important part. Frivolous means
not having any serious purpose or value. Hence both are opposite in
Option (b) is correct and derivable from the second paragraph of the passage.
Option (a) cannot be chosen as an answer as the passage does not inform us
about how Alexander died.
Option (c) is incorrect in saying that Pott’s disease causes weight loss.
Options (d) may be true but cannot be supported by the information given in
the passage.

Only option (a) is correct as it lists all the work of the Alexander Pope

68. (e)
From the given information about "The Rape of the Lock", it cannot be
determined what was the reason (or inspiration) behind writing it.
Refer to the fifth sentence of second paragraph. “An essay on
criticism………………….principle measure.” Hence option (d) is true.

In the given context ‘grotto’ refers to a construction in the form of a cave, esp.
as in landscaped gardens during the 18th century.

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All except option (b) find a mention in the passage.

Refer to the last line of second paragraph. “Who served as a precursor to the
dunces in Pope’s late masterpiece, the Dunciad”. Hence option (b) is true.
73. (c)
The entire passage simply elaborates the thoughts introduced in the first two
sentences of the passage. Hence statement (c) is the main idea of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect which can be inferred from the first few lines of the 3 rd
paragraph of the passage, “Eusocial insect societies exhibit social organization
based on rigid caste system. On the other hand, In naked mole rat societies
differences in behavior are related to reproductive status, body size and age.”
Option (d): The mating habits of naked mole rats are similar to wild dog,
Option (e): In naked mole rat colonies subordinate females are not sexually
active and many never breed, unlike eusocial insects.

74. (b)
The rate of growth depends not on age but length of time spent in work. Refer
to the last few lines of the 3rd paragraph of the passage “Jarvis’ work has
suggested…………its age”. Hence statement (b) is true in context of the passage.

75. (b)
It is not actually shape but size that creates the difference in performance of
tasks in naked mole rat colonies and in eusocial insect societies.
Option (a): In naked mole rat colonies, all tasks are not performed
cooperatively as these vertebrates are dominated by a single breeding female.
Option (c): In naked mole rat colonies, breeding is limited to its queen (single
Option (d): In eusocial insect societies, reproduction is limited to the largest
Option (e): In eusocial insect societies, the distribution of tasks is based on
body shape not body size.

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The second last sentence suggests a similarity between naked mole rats and
Lycaon pictus in view of their breeding pattern in which breeding is limited to
a single female and not cooperative. Hence option (d) is true in context of the

Option (a) is correct as naked mole rat are very altruistic in their nature
which can be inferred from the 1st paragraph of the passage, “Until recently,
scientists did not know of a close vertebrate ………………survive and reproduce,
for the good of others”.

Suppress means inhibit or forcibly put an end to. Hence it is most similar in
meaning to Subdue. Ostracize means exclude from society. Proscribe means
forbid. Reticent means reserved.

Subordinate means junior or lower in position and is most similar in meaning
to adjutant which means a military officer who acts as an administrative
assistant to a senior officer. Indigent means poor, needy. Appendage, Adjunct
means addition or attachment. Patron means contributor or sponsor.

Pronounce means declare or announce in a formal or solemn way which is
opposite to enshround. Enunciate and Adjudicate are synonyms of it. Opine
means hold and state as one’s opinion. Interpose means place or insert one
thing and another.

81. Ans.(a)
The passage is concerned with the topic ‘deju vu’ that is difficult to study as it
produces no measurable external behaviors. Hence statement (a) is true. The
passage is not concerned with the strengths and weaknesses of any concept as
mentioned in option (c).

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82. Ans.(c)
Option (a), (b), (d) and (e) are not true as the definition of the concept, theory
or paradox is not mentioned, instead an example of the concept (Hawthorne)
is given. Here from the passage, it can be stated that Hawthorne’s example
has been set in the discussion of déjà vu. Hence statement (c) is relevant.

Option (a) is not true as social nature of the term attracted the interests.
Though options (b) and (d) both are relevant but statement (d) is more
Refer to the lines “The phenomenon seems…….external behaviors”. Hence
option (d) is true in context of the passage.

84. (c)
Refer to the lines “the fleeting melancholy…………….. occultists of many
strips”. Other options are irrelevant to the passage.
Option (a) is not true as academic psychologists have ignored the topic rather
than using it.
Option (b) is not true as according to the passage, the scientific study of déjà
vu is difficult to study.
Déjà vu have attracted the interest of poets, novelists, hence it is not an exact
science as mentioned in option (d).
option (e) is not true as definite definition is not mentioned in the passage.

85. (e)
Perplexed means puzzled or completely baffled. Hence it is similar in meaning
to confound which means to cause surprise or confusion in (someone),
especially by not according with their expectations. Rattled means making
worried, nervous.

86. (a)
Ephemeral means lasting for a very short time. Hence it has same meaning as
transient. Elusive means difficult to find, remember. Indiscernible means

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87. (a)
Cognition means perception. Hence it is most opposite in meaning to
incomprehension. Percipience means perception, hence similar to cognition.

88. (d)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 7..., “The action plan evoked
such great interest that offers of assistance have been received from France,
UK, US and the Netherlands as also the World Bank” which explains that
option (d) is the right choice.

89. (b)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 3..., “The pollution of the much-
revered Ganga is due in particular to municipal sewage that accounts for
3/4th of its pollution load” which explains that option (b) is the right choice.

90. (b)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 2..., “According to the National
Environment Engineering and Research Institute(NEERI), a staggering 70
percent of water available in the country is polluted” which explains that
option (b) is the right choice.

91. (d)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 5..., “A recent study reveals that
the water of Ganga, Yamuna, Kali and Hindon rivers have considerable
concentrations of heavy metals due to
…………………………………………….threatens the health of people in riverine
towns.” which explains that option (d) is the right choice.

92. (c)
Explanation: According to the passage, WHO observed that water-borne
diseases account for 80 percent of all diseases prevalent in India and such
diseases create a loss of Rs. 600 crore every year. This can be referred back to
paragraph 6 of the passage. Option (c) is the right answer.

93. (d)

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Explanation: According to the passage, all the above statements are correct.
Hence, option (d) is the right choice.

94. (a)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 1..., “This is a desirable
development in the face of the alarming rate of natural resource degradation,
which greatly hampers their optimal utilization.” which explains that option
(a) is the right choice.

95. (c)
Explanation: Refer to the line from paragraph 8...,”The crisis of drinking water
is deepening because water resources are drying up and the lowering of
ground water through over pumping; this is compounded by the pollution of
water sources” which explains that option (c) is the right answer.

96. (d)
This question begins with the phrase according to the passage, indicating that
it can be answered using facts stated in the passage. The first paragraph lists
the benefits of privatization, Use the process of elimination and heck the five
possible answer choices against the benefits. The point that is NOT discussed
in the passage is the correct answer.

97. (a)
The second paragraph describes the increased productivity, and the third
paragraph begins by stating one reason for it: employees of privatized
industries were given the opportunity to buy shares in their own companies.
The paragraph also cites the high percentage of employees buying shares in
three privatized companies, supporting the idea that many employees bought

98. (d)
This question states that an inference is required; this inference is based on
material presented in the second paragraph. To demonstrate that
privatization has raised the level of performance in every area, the author
gives three examples. One example is the disappearance of labour disruptions,

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once common. If the absence of labour disruptions raises the level of

performance, then the author must believe that the presence of labor
disruptions impedes a high level of performance.

99. (b)
Only one statement is supported. The third paragraph presents the
percentages of the eligible employees who purchased shares in their
companies: 89 percent at one company, 90 percent at a second, and 92
percent at a third. Thus, it is true that roughly 90 percent of the eligible work
force at three different companies bought shares in their companies once they
were given the opportunity to do so.

100. (c)
First identify the principle involved, and then find the statement that is most
compatible with that principle. Argue that having a personal stake in a
business makes employees work to make it prosper. When there is no
personal stake, or self-interest, involved, employees do not have the same
incentive to work hard to make their industry prosper. Thus, the poor
performance of state-owned industries can be ascribed in part to the lack of
motivation employees suffer when they have no personal stake in the

101. (d)
Support for the inference about the pace of privatization is provided by the
suggestion of some economists that giving away free shares would provide a
needed acceleration of the privatization process. If privatization needs to be
accelerated, then it must be going too slowly at least according to these

102. (a)
Paine’s quotation offers a concise and time- honoured counterargument to
the view voice in the preceding sentence. The economists suggest giving away
free shares, but the author notes that these economists are forgetting that,
according to Paine, people do not value what they get too cheaply. The author
uses the quotation to show the basic error in the economists’ thinking.

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