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Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 048381798

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UT Daerah : 20/Bandar Lampung

Masa Ujian : 2023/2024 Genap (2024.1)



1. a. The style of language used in the conversation is formal and professional. This is evident
from the use of polite greetings, formal language, and professional tone between the Travel
Agent and Philippa. The conversation maintains a courteous and respectful tone, which is
typical of formal interactions in a professional setting.

b. The topic of the conversation is about a travel inquiry regarding the "Discover England" trip
offered by the Underground Tour and Travel agency. Philippa is seeking information about
the trip options, pricing, and the possibility of booking the trip as a solo traveler.

2. Descriptive Paragraph of My Office

My office is located in a bustling city, surrounded by tall buildings and a vibrant atmosphere.
As I step into the office, I am greeted by a modern and sleek reception area. The walls are
adorned with motivational quotes and colorful artwork, creating a positive and inspiring

Moving further into the office, I am struck by the open layout design. The spacious
workstations are arranged in a way that encourages collaboration and communication among
colleagues. The desks are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including dual monitors
and ergonomic chairs, ensuring comfort and efficiency.

One of the most interesting features of the office is the breakout area. It is a cozy space filled
with comfortable couches, bean bags, and a mini library. This area provides a relaxing
environment for employees to unwind, brainstorm ideas, or have informal meetings.
Additionally, there is a well-stocked pantry offering a variety of snacks and beverages,
fostering a sense of community and well-being.

The office also boasts large windows that allow ample natural light to flood in, creating a
refreshing and energizing atmosphere. The panoramic view of the city skyline is breathtaking,
providing a sense of inspiration and motivation throughout the day.

Overall, my office exudes a modern and dynamic vibe. The combination of contemporary
design, collaborative workspaces, and thoughtful amenities makes it a stimulating and
enjoyable place to work. I feel fortunate to be part of such a vibrant and inspiring environment
that fosters creativity, productivity, and a strong sense of community.
3. a. The sender of the memo is John Smith, who is the Manager of the HR Department.

b. The memo is addressed to "All Staff," or the entire staff of employees.

a. The sender of the memo informs the staff that Marie Jacob will be joining the company as
a Data Analyst on January 10, 2022. Marie will work with the Marketing Department to
research consumer behavior and explore market trends.

The sender also mentions that Marie previously worked at FinTech and expresses excitement
about her joining the team. The memo also requests staff to take a moment to introduce
themselves to Marie and join in welcoming her as the newest team member.

4. Contoh Emailnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Subject: Inquiry about Music Course Details

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the details of the music course
offered on your website. Unfortunately, I couldn't locate information regarding the duration
and schedule of the sessions. Could you kindly provide me with this information at your
earliest convenience? I am eager to join the course and would greatly appreciate your
assistance in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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