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‭Chandra Kadali‬

‭Ms. Richards‬

‭AP English 11‬

‭May 10, 2024‬

‭Works Cited‬

‭Clark, Helen, et al. "Transforming or Tinkering: The World Remains Unprepared for the Next‬

‭Pandemic Threat."‬‭The Lancet‬‭, vol. 399, no. 10340, May 2022, pp. 1995-99,‬


‭Combden, Shianne, et al. "COVID‐19 Pandemic Responses of Canada and United States in First‬

‭6 months: A Comparative Analysis."‬‭The International‬‭Journal of Health Planning and‬

‭Management‬‭, vol. 37, no. 1, 12 Sept. 2021, pp. 50-65,‬‭‬

‭Gates, Bill. "The Next Outbreak? We're Not Ready."‬‭YouTube‬‭, 3 Apr. 2015,‬


‭Nuzzo, Jennifer B., and Jorge R. Ledesma. "Why Did the Best Prepared Country in the World‬

‭Fare so Poorly during COVID?"‬‭Brown University School‬‭of Public Health Journal of‬

‭Economic Perspectives‬‭, vol. 37, fall 2023.‬

‭Percent of the Total Population Who Are Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines‬‭. Centers for‬

‭Disease Control and Prevention, 2023. Chart.‬

‭Şencan, İrfan, et al. "Global Health Emergencies during the Pandemic and Their Solutions."‬

‭TURKISH JOURNAL of MEDICAL SCIENCES‬‭, vol. 51, nos.‬‭SI-1, 17 Dec. 2021, pp.‬


‭Tracy, Abigail. "How Trump Gutted Obama's Pandemic-Preparedness Systems."‬‭Vanity Fair‬‭, 1‬

‭May 2020 Accessed 18 Apr. 2024.‬

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