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Name: Deevay Paminta

Course and Section: BSCE-2A

Concept Paper for Final Project for GE 6 -Art Appreciation

Project Title: Mini Bamboo House

Brief Description
Bamboo is highly valued as a versatile and sustainable material in Asian countries such as the
Philippines because to its exceptional strength, flexibility, and eco-friendly qualities. It is also known as
an alternative material for many applications, such for practical purposes and decorative art. Craftspeople
applied the natural beauty of bamboo to create an artistic woven product, showcasing aesthetic designs
and functional utility. Inspired by the traditional Filipino House – Bahay Kubo, I proposed to design and
build a mini bamboo house for practical and decorative purposes.
The proposed design generally adheres to the principles of unity and variation in art design, with
a focus on the use of repetition as a technique. The proposed output has the principle of unity by using
similar materials like bamboo which creates a sense of organization, harmony, and sense of completeness.
The mini bamboo house has a bamboo roof that projects a repeated pattern. The Proposed design has also
the principle of variety by using different sizes of bamboo, and by applying a different variety of
thickness, direction, angle, and length of the materials. Aside for being a decorative art, it can also be use
as a subject of art that portray the Filipino culture which this design depicts the Bahay-Kubo.

Drawing of Proposed Project:

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