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This chapter introduces the problem of the study and its setting and represents the conceptual

framework of the study, the statement of the problem, the statement of assumptions, the scope

and limitations of the study, the significance of the study and the definition of terms.


Most students graduate from their junior high school and make it to their senior

high school and still lack skills such as communicating and adapting skills making it harder for

their subject teachers to pass the students. Communication skills refer to the ability to convey

information effectively, whether it’s through written,verbal,or non verbal means. These skills

involve speaking clearly, listening actively, using appropriate body language and writing

concisely. Adaptability skills involve the capacity to adjust to new circumstances, environments,

or changes in situations, often requiring flexibility, openness to learning, and problem -solving.

As time passes by, this behavior repeats as it is an ever ending cycle. Many students still

graduate lacking many things and as a result they struggle to keep in line with other students and

can possibly be a repeater. Communication skills and ability skills are crucial in various aspects

of life, including professional settings, personal relationships, and everyday interactions.

These skills are essential for individuals to effectively interact with others, understand

different perspectives, and adjust to new and challenging situations. By honing these skills,
students will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the world around them,

collaborate with others, and overcome obstacles that may arise. Ultimately, enhancing these

skills will help students become more confident, resilient, and capable individuals who can thrive

in a variety of environments.

Due to the aforementioned ideas and concepts, the researchers were encouraged to

conduct a study on the improvement of students’ communication and adaptability skills. The

research team chose Grades 11 Humanities and social sciences (HUMSS) , Science technology

engineering and mathematics (STEM) and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

students of Mount Carmel College of Baler (MCCB), Aurora as their respondents because such

students could provide necessary information and useful answers for the completion of the study.

Statement of the problem

This research was an attempt to determine the practices on improving grade 11 HUMSS

students communication and adaptability skills.

1. What is the status of the participants in terms of;

A. Age

B. sex, and

C. levels of familiarity with communication and adaptability skills?

2. What are the possible effects of the practices toward the students communication and

adaptability skills?
3. What are the practices to improving both the participants communication and adaptability


4. how can these practices improve the communication and adaptability skills of the students?

Scope and the limitations of the study

This study was limited to only 665 students which compromise 47.02% of 1,414 students

of the senior high school (SHS) of mount carmel college of baler (MCCB) aurora during the

school year 2023-2024. The respondents consisted of 200 grade 11 students representing 27.86%

of the total school population and 141 grade 12 students comprising the remaining 19.64% in

addition there are 230 representing 67.45% and 111 males representing 32.55% of the overall


Statement of assumptions

Based on the statement of the problem, the following assumptions were formulated:

1.That there are existing practices aimed at enhancing the communication and adaptability skills

of participants.

2.That gender may influence participants’ experiences with communication and adaptability

skills enhancement practices.

3. That the effectiveness of practices to improve communication and adaptability skills may vary

based on participants’ initial skill levels.

4. That improving communication and adaptability skills can have positive effects on the

participants’ personal life

5. That there will be solution to the problem that the student are facing.

6.That there will be actions in the problem in this topic.

7.That we will give more knowledge about improving the communication and adaptability skills

to the readers.

8.That this paper will give the readers more knowledge about this problem.

9.That the individuals will possess various levels of communication and adaptability skills.

10.That communication and adaptivity skills can be learned and developed

11.That effective communication adaptivity contributes to positive outcomes

Significance of the study

This research study is significant to the following persons:

To the school’s principal. A better understanding of students improvement on their

communication and adaptability skills starts with the superior of the educators. It is essential for

the school’s principal to comprehend or have an idea. In addition, they will be able to guide

faculty members in creating more effective learning materials.

To the guidance counselor. The interests of an individual particularly in those in the form of

understanding the students communication and adaptability skills. It is vital for the students to

gain information about the communication and adaptability skills of other students.
To the teacher. As the “second parents” of students, teachers must keep up with what their

classes like and what catches their attention. Leaning about what majority of the students like can

help an educator construct improved and up-to-date teaching materials. Moreover, this research

work can help teachers who are also parents.

To other researchers. This research study may interest researchers or student researchers in

particular. Students of the present generation can have an idea about the practices on improving

students’ communication and adaptability skills. Moreover, this study may inspire other

researchers to conduct studies related or similar to the topic.

To the researcher’s themselves. The research team agreed on the research title to be able to find

answers to questions on how to improve the communication and adaptability skill of students, a

very popular topic, especially among teenagers. Furthermore, this study serves as a reference for

the researchers in conducting future research studies. Through this research work, the research

team was able to gather additional knowledge about the practices that may be able to help

improve the students communication and adaptability skills.

Definition of terms

For the sake of clarity, the following unfamiliar terms are defined conceptually and


Communication. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary it is a process by which

information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or

Adaptability. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary it is a

state of being or becoming adapted

Skills. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary it is the ability to, use one’s knowledge

effectively and readily in execution or performance

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