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Colonialism is a clear fight for power and colonialism in Africa is not an exception.

European countries exploited African people and created differences and divisions among the
African communities to have total control of the continent. They not only created divisions
among them, but also, stole the African language, culture, and stories. Throughout history,
Europeans have shown to the world Africans as animals that could not speak, could not read…
so they were their light of faith. But the true story is the contrary. Europeans exploited African
resources and devastated the country until today. It is important to be conscious that there is
not only one face of the story and hear those Africans who suffered from this colonization. In
addition, recognize that they are people like any of us, they used to have a proper language,
culture, music, and traditions. And, like us, they also had to appropriate their colonizer
countries' traditions.

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