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Le ss on Plans a nd Sch edul e fo r Mar -Aug 2 00 8

Please note:-
- Italicized vocabulary is for upper level students (grades 4-6).
- Grey vocabulary is additional and may not be covered in class.

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Introduction – Ice Breakers

Make nametags and explain stickers. Class rules.
Memory game with English names.
Class bingo (find someone who…)
Change your seats if you’re wearing [color].

Section 1: Actions
Key Vocabulary:
Basic:- clap, close your eyes, crawl, dance, fly, hop, jump, open your eyes, sit down,
skip, stand up, stomp your feet, swim, turn around, run, walk
Additional Vocabulary:- adverbs (quickly, slowly, carefully, quietly, etc)
Games/Activities:- Simon says

Section 2: Emotions
Key Vocabulary:
Basic: bored, happy, sad, scared, crazy, tired, angry, upset, confused
Advanced: disgusted, curious, calm, nervous, miserable, frightened/shocked, surprised,
excited, complacent
Games/Activities: Saying sentences with emotions, musical corners, crossword puzzle,
Song: If you’re happy and you know it

Section 3: Clothing
Key Vocabulary:
Basic:- boots, coat, jacket, gloves, scarf, dress, skirt, shirt, sweater, shoes, hat,
pajamas, pants/trousers, jeans, shorts, socks, t-shirt
Advanced:- polo neck, vest, tank top, tights, stockings, leggings, hoodie, buttons, mac,
flip-flops/thongs, trainers, slippers, halterneck, pockets, bikini, swimsuit
Accessories:- ring, bracelet, necklace, earrings, belt, sunglasses
Additional Vocabulary:- I’m wearing …, He/She’s wearing …
Games/Activities:- Guess Who, Change your seats it you’re wearing …, memory game

Section 4: Body Parts & Appearance

Key Vocabulary:
Basic body parts:- head, hair, face, nose, ear, eye, mouth, teeth, neck, hand, finger,
arm, knee, shoulder, back, foot, toe, leg
Basic appearance:- tall, short, big, small, long/short hair, straight/curly/wavy hair
Advanced body parts:- shin, ankle, elbow, heel, knuckle, cheeks, jowls, calves,
fingernails, toenails, eyelashes, eyebrows, nostrils, earlobe, forehead
Internal (advanced):- liver, lungs, kidney, artery, veins, heart, bladder, intestine,
ribcage, spine, bones, gallbladder, throat
Ailments (have):- a cold, a headache, a fever, a sore throat, a cough, a stomachache, an
earache, a runny nose, a stuffy nose, a sunburn, a toothache, a cut, a cramp, a broken
leg, a bruise
Ailments (feel):- terrible, bad, good, great, better, worse, drowsy, tired, exhausted,
nauseous, cold, hot, dizzy
Additional Vocabulary:- I have …, I feel …, my … hurts, I have a sore …
Games/Activities:- Guess Who, Simon Says, Songs (Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,
X-Ray Vision, Dry Bones), Drawing a monster, Monster shouting game, Fling the
teacher (On what part of the body would you wear …), Body part labeling game

Section 4a: Comparatives

Key Vocabulary:
Basic:- taller, shorter, stronger, bigger, smaller, uglier, scarier, richer, cooler, happier,
lighter, darker (see worksheet from mes)
Additional Vocabulary:- I’m …~er than you, He’s …~er than her.
Games/Activities:- Song: Anything you can do I can do better, mes-english worksheet

Section 5: Food & Drink

Key Vocabulary:
Food:- bacon and eggs, bread, burger, cereal, cheese, fish, fried chicken, fries, hotdog,
pizza, rice, salad, sandwich, soup, spaghetti and meatballs, steak, taco
Fruit:- bananas, pear, apple, watermelon, grapes, mango, cherries, strawberry, orange,
lemon, lime, peach, kiwi, raspberries, pineapple, avocado, plums, fig, melon, blueberries
Drink:- soda, milk, juice, water, lemonade, iced tea, a slushy, a milkshake, hot
chocolate, tea, coffee, beer, wine, champagne
Snacks/Dessert:- jello/jelly, peanuts, pudding, nachos, potato chips, candy bar, pie, a
doughnut, cake, a popsicle, ice cream, ice cream bar, a pretzel, a muffin, cookies,
crackers, a sundae, popcorn
Condiments:- ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, hot sauce, jam, peanut butter, honey,
salsa, dip, cream cheese, sugar, pepper, salt, vinegar, dressing, sour cream, butter,
relish, syrup
Additional Vocabulary:- I’m (not) hungry, it’s delicious, I like …, I don’t like …, my
favorite food/drink is …, Ordering food (Can I have the … please?)
Games/Activites:- Design a 3-course meal, Guessing game (ppt & objects), Cooking
class (design a pizza – prepare paper circles, tomatoes, cheese, salami, olives, etc),

Section 6: Shape & Colour

Key Vocabulary:
Colors (basic): red, green, blue, orange, pink, brown, black, white, yellow, purple, gold,
silver, beige, gray/grey
Colors (advanced): dark, light, navy blue, royal blue, sky blue, salmon pink,
maroon/burgundy, turquoise, lilac, khaki, cream,
Shapes (basic):- a~ square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star, diamond, oval, heart
Shapes (advanced): quad/quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon,
enneagon/nonagon, decagon
Greek prefixes:- mono / di / tri / quad / penta / hex / hept / ennea / dec(a)
3D Shapes (advanced):- cube, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere, cuboid
Games/Activities:- Cutting out shapes from colored paper/making a picture. Labeling
shapes/colors on whiteboard, Bingo, Crossword

Section 7: Prepositions & Directions

Key Vocabulary:
Spatial Prepositions:- above, across from, behind, between, in, in front of, going into,
near, next to/beside, on, coming out of, over, under
Directions:- turn left/right, go straight, up/down the hill, first/second/third/fourth street
on your right/left, around the corner, north, east, south, west
Games/Activities:- Preposition speed game with colors & shapes), Blindfold target
game (on whiteboard), worksheet, preposition Get 4 (class board)

Section 8: In the house

Key Vocabulary:
Bedroom:- toy box, rug, side table, bed, dresser, teddy bear, alarm clock, pillow, lamp,
wardrobe, blankets
Bathroom:- shower, sink, towels, bathtub, toothbrush, toilet, rubber duck, soap,
toothpaste, hairbrush, mirror, shampoo
Kitchen:- stove, fridge, freezer, cupboard, knife, fork, spoon, bowl, plate, cup, mug,
glass, pots, pan, frying pan, sink, trash can, microwave, toaster, jug, blender, juicer,
ladle, colander, coffee maker, blender, cutting board, pitcher, scale, corkscrew,
dishcloth, cake pan
Games/Activities:- House worksheets: put the … on the bedroom wall (combined with
prepositions – can also play shouting game), Guessing game (ppt)

Section 9: Hobbies
Key Vocabulary:
Basic:- make a scrapbook, collect things, ride bikes, play with trains, play with dolls,
play cards, email friends, watch TV, paint pictures, do puzzles, play games with
Grandpa, fly a kite, read a book, play video games, race remote-control cards, build
models, put on a puppet show, jump rope
Advanced:- go for a walk, make things, sew, exercise, bake, take pictures, carve
things, lift weights, do word puzzles, collect things, practice darts, practice pool, make
pottery, play cards, do magic tricks, talk on the phone, build things, do some gardening
Additional Vocabulary:- My hobby is … (~ing verbs), I like to …, I can/can’t …
Games/Activities:- Role-play, PPT Guessing game, Draw your favorite hobby, Find
someone who … (bingo)

Section 10: Sports

Key Vocabulary:
Play:- soccer/football, baseball, American football, golf, basketball, ice hockey, rugby,
field hockey, volleyball, badminton, table tennis/ ping pong, tennis
Go & ~ing:- bowling, jogging, walking, swimming, ice skating, skiing, surfing,
skateboarding, fishing, shopping, hiking, dancing, horseback riding, sledding,
cycling/bike riding, golfing, snowboarding, hunting
Advanced Go & ~ing:- rock climbing, hang gliding, skydiving, wind surfing, water
skiing, scuba diving, kayaking/rafting, sailing, bungee jumping, snorkeling, mountain
Do:- gymnastics, cheerleading, aerobics, track and field, karate/martial arts, archery,
yoga/tai chi, stretches
Additional Vocabulary:- I like playing …, I like to go …, I want to go … (future tense)
Games/Activities:- Happy dancing, Angry skiing role-play, Guessing game (ppt), Sports

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