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Name: __________________________________ END-OF-YEAR TEST D

Vocabulary 4 Połącz części zdań.

1 Zakreśl wyrazy, które są BŁĘDNYM 1 There isn’t a some dodgems at the

uzupełnieniem zdań. 2 Are there funfair.
1 I go _________ with my friends. 3 There aren’t b a desk in your room?
a to the library b karate c shopping 4 Is there c any clothes in the
2 When does Darek get _________? 5 There are wardrobe.
a dancing b the bus c up d any trees near your
3 Do you do _________ every day? house?
a karate b your bed e a museum in my town.
c your homework 5 5
4 My friends play _________ on Saturdays. 5 Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i ułóż pytania. Użyj
a basketball b football c gymnastics wyrazów i wyrażeń podanych w nawiasach.
5 I have _________ before I go to bed. 1 (your bag) ____________________________
a sleep b a shower c a snack I’ve got my phone and some water in it.
5 5 2 (homework / in the morning)
2 Zakreśl właściwą opcję. _____________________________________
Yes, she does.
1 A hot air balloon / boat hasn’t got wheels, and it
goes on the water. 3 (bedroom) ____________________________
2 A motorbike / tram has got two wheels, and it No, it’s small.
can go very fast. 4 (a pen) _______________________________
3 A plane / boat has got wings, and it flies. No, I haven’t. Sorry.
4 A tram / helicopter has got a lot of wheels, but it 5 (after school) __________________________
doesn’t go on the road. He goes to the library after school.
5 A car / motorbike has got four wheels and it 5 5
goes on the road.
5 5
6 Przeczytaj artykuł poświęcony nastolatkom,
Grammar którzy biorą udział w konkursie muzycznym.
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki Odpowiedz na pytania.
w twierdzącej lub przeczącej formie czasu
Jasmin Cooper plays the violin. She’s 13 and she
present continuous. lives in Manchester with her mother and brother. Jasmin
have listen watch feed eat loves drawing and painting, and she often goes to
museums at the weekend.
1 Eliza and David are in the park. They Marcin Nowak plays the clarinet. He’s 18 and he’s
__________________ the ducks. from Warsaw. Marcin is very good at history. In his free
2 My brother is in his bedroom. He time, he plays basketball and goes swimming. In the
__________________ to music. summer he climbs mountains.
3 My cat is in the kitchen. It __________________. Susie Brockman plays the cello. She lives in Oxford
It’s sitting on a shelf. and she’s 14 years old. Susie also plays the guitar and
4 We’re in the living room. We the piano. She’s often in the kitchen when she’s at home
__________________ TV. We’re playing chess. because she loves making cupcakes.
5 I’m in the bathroom. I __________________ Leon Chang plays the drums. He’s 15 and he lives in
a shower. Birmingham. He also plays the piano, the guitar and the
violin. After school Leon goes to a café to eat ice cream.
5 5
Natalia Kamińska plays the piano. She’s from
Dąbrowa Górnicza and she’s 17 years old. Natalia has
got three brothers and three sisters. They all play
different instruments. Natalia reads a lot.
Saul Peters plays the saxophone. He’s 16 and he’s
from Perth. Saul can also play the piano and the trumpet.
In his free time, he goes for long walks with his dog.

Link dla Klasy lV End-of-Year Test D PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name: __________________________________ END-OF-YEAR TEST D

1 How old is Susie? Writing

2 Where does Leon live? 9 Wyobraź sobie wesołe miasteczko. Napisz krótką
notatkę informującą gości, co mogą tam robić.
Użyj 25–40 wyrazów. Uwzględnij:
3 Where does Jasmin like going?
• przykłady znajdujących się tam atrakcji,
4 What sports does Marcin like? • informację na temat tego, co można i czego
nie można tam robić.
5 How many instruments does Saul play? ________________________________________
_____________________________________. ________________________________________
5 5
Listening ________________________________________
7 02 Posłuchaj wywiadu z taksówkarzem. ________________________________________
Odpowiedz na pytania. ________________________________________
1 What does he do at 7 o’clock in the morning? 5 5
_____________________________________. Total Marks 45
2 What does he do after breakfast?
3 What does he do before he cooks dinner? Extra
_____________________________________. 10 Napisz, co zwykle robisz o wskazanych
4 What does he have for dinner? godzinach.
_____________________________________. (3 p.m.) Example: At three o’clock,
5 What does he eat at work? I’m going home.
_____________________________________. (7.15 a.m.) 1 _________________________.
5 5 (1.30 p.m.) 2 _________________________.
(8.30 p.m.) 3 _________________________.
Speaking (5 p.m.) 4 _________________________.
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki. (7.20 a.m.) 5 _________________________.
What’s your number Who’s calling 5 5
It’s 384651 It’s Gosia 11 Dopasuj wyrazy i wyrażenia, tak aby utworzyły
Thanks for the message nazwy codziennych czynności. Następnie ułóż
zdanie z każdą z tych nazw.
A Hello, who’s that?
B Hello, Mrs Kowalczyk. Is Marek there? send phone go listen read
A No, he isn’t. 1__________________?
2 shopping my friends to music
B __________________.
text messages magazines
A Sorry, Gosia. Marek is playing football.
B OK. Can you tell him to call me? 1 _____________________________________.
A Yes, of course. 3__________________? 2 _____________________________________.
B __________________. 3 _____________________________________.
A __________________, Gosia. 4 _____________________________________.
B OK. Bye, Mrs Kowalczyk. 5 _____________________________________.
5 5 5 5

Total with Extra 55

Link dla Klasy lV End-of-Year Test D PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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