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Final Year Project Synopsis

B.Tech. (CSE) Session 2023-24


Group No.: G.39

Project Group Members:

1. Mohit Kushwaha (201500407) 3. Anjali Singh (201500096)
2. Afzal khan (201500043)

Project Supervisor: Dr. Arati Kushwaha (Technical Trainer)

About the Project: A trading prediction project involves using various tools, methodologies,
and data analysis techniques to forecast the future movements of financial assets such as
stocks, currencies, or commodities. The primary goal is to leverage historical data to create
models or strategies that help predict the direction or price levels of these assets, aiding traders
and investors in making informed decisions

Motivation:The motivation for an online trading prediction project is multifaceted,

encompassing financial goals, risk management, skill development, innovation, and
contribution to research. By harnessing the power of data and technology, participants in these
projects seek to gain a competitive edge in trading markets and achieve their objectives
Final Year Project Synopsis
B.Tech. (CSE) Session 2023-24

Project Planning: Determine the primary goal of your project. Are you aiming to predict
stock prices or something else?
Define specific metrics for evaluating the performance of your prediction model, such as
accuracy, precision, recall, or profit/loss ratios.
Data Collection:

Identify reliable sources of data relevant to your trading domain. This may include historical
price data, news articles, social media sentiment, economic indicators, etc.
Consider using APIs provided by financial data providers like Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance,
or Quandl.
Ensure the data is clean, accurate, and covers a sufficiently long time span to capture different
market conditions.
Feature Selection and Engineering:

Identify key features that may influence the target variable (e.g., stock prices).
Explore techniques such as technical indicators, fundamental analysis metrics, sentiment
analysis of news and social media, etc.
Conduct feature engineering to create new features or transform existing ones to improve
predictive performance.

Giantt Chart
Project timeline Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Research and Requirement
Learning phase
Design and Prototyping
Monitoring and Maintenance

Tools Required :
 Hardware Requirements:
o Server (Database and Web Server)
o Networking
o Monitoring tools
 Software Requirements:
o Web Development Framework
o Programming Languages
o Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
o Database Management System (DBMS)
Signature of Project Supervisor :

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