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1- Write a personal descriptive essay on the topic "The Thunderstorm' in about 150 words.

Note: Your
writing should relate a subjective experience you ever had in vivid language

The thunderstorm arrived unannounced, like an unexpected guest crashing into a tranquil afternoon. With
each rumble of thunder, the air became charged with electricity, setting my nerves on edge. Lightning
slashed across the sky, illuminating the darkness with its jagged brilliance. Rain hammered against the
windows, a relentless percussion drowning out all other sounds.
Inside, I felt both exhilaration and trepidation. The power of nature was on full display, reminding me of
my own insignificance in the grand scheme of things. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a strange sense of
beauty—a raw, primal beauty that demanded to be acknowledged.
As the storm raged on, I found myself mesmerized by its ferocity. Each flash of lightning, each clap of
thunder, seemed to echo the tumultuous emotions swirling within me. In that moment, I was both
observer and participant, caught in the swirling vortex of the storm's intensity. And when it finally passed,
leaving behind a world washed clean and renewed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the raw
power of nature.

QUESTION.2. Explain the First and Second step in Essay writing.

Step 1: Begin with a Point, or Thesis

Step 2: Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence
Understanding Thesis Statements
An effective essay is centered around a thesis, or main point,
that the writer would like to express. Thesis statements must be
included in the introductory paragraph.
A good thesis statement should do two things:
1) Tell the readers the essay's topic(s).
2) Present the writer's attitude, opinion, idea, or point about
that topic
Pre-Writing or Planning:
 The first step in essay writing is often brainstorming and planning. This phase involves gathering
Drafting or Writing:
The second step is to begin writing your essay based on the plan you've developed during pre-writing. In
this phase:
QUESTION.3. Write a note on the Final Tips which can be helpful for a person to proof read his
research paper.
1. Take a Break: After completing your paper, take a break before proofreading. Fresh eyes are
more likely to catch errors.
2. Read Aloud: Reading your paper aloud helps identify awkward phrasing, grammatical errors,
and missing words.
3. Focus on One Aspect at a Time: Proofread for different elements separately, such as grammar,
punctuation, formatting, and content flow.
4. Check for Consistency: Ensure consistency in formatting, citation style, headings, and
terminology throughout your paper.
5. Use Tools: Utilize spelling and grammar checkers, but don't solely rely on them. Manual
proofreading is crucial.

 Proofread in stages: Focus on one type of error at a time, like grammar, spelling, or
punctuation. This meticulous approach ensures you catch everything.
 Fresh eyes are best: Take a break from your paper for a few days before proofreading.
Coming back with a clear head helps you spot mistakes you might have missed before.

QUESTION.4. How will you write an outline of an essay?

You have the topic with you. You should write it down at the top of the page. Now try to write down all
the ideas that occur to you about the topic. You can ask yourself these questions while preparing an
 What is the most important part of the essay
 How can I make an introductory sentence (thesis statement)?
 What facts or ideas can I use to support my introductory sentence?
 How can I make this paragraph or essay interesting?
 Do I need more facts on this topic?
 Where can I find more facts on this topic?
 The Writing Stage: Here we turn our ideas into sentences. The introduction should have the main
sentence or thesis statement. The intro should be written in an attractive manner, it should attract
readers’ attention.
 QUESTION.5. What do you mean by compare and contrast method used for the
development of essay? Elaborate with examples.
Comparison and Contrast: A comparison and contrast paragraph or essay:
Explains how two subjects are similar or different.
In our daily lives we constantly make comparisons. We compare breakfast serials, TV shows, teachers,
music, girlfriends and boyfriends, jobs, etc. In fact we compare almost everything to something
else. Then we make choices about what we like or don't like and about what we want or definitely don't
By making comparisons carefully, we can make can make better choices.
For example, if we are looking for a new computer we will probably look at several manufacturers
and models and then make our decision. We may compare on the basis of price, features, brand
reputation, and service quality. Once we have weighed all these points, we'll decide what model to buy
and where to buy it.

QUESTION.6. How long should your personal narrative be?

1. It should be at least ten pages.

2. It should be five paragraphs

3. It should be long enough to tell your story and reflect on why it was important to you.

4. It should be a couple of paragraphs

QUESTION.7. The best way to show that a different character is speaking is to

1. Use an identifying phrase such as he said

2. Use quotation marks around the speaker's exact words

3. Write,
"now a different character is talking"

4. Start a new paragraph whenever a new character speaks

QUESTION.8. Which of the following sentences is most descriptive?

1. She came into the house.

2. She came into the house screaming and crying.

3. She entered the house.

4. She arrived at the house.

QUESTION.9. The words spoken by the characters in a story are called

1. Action

2. Setting

3. Dialogue

4. Chronological order
QUESTION,10. The story of a person's life, written by someone else, is a(n)
1. Primary source

2. Autobiography

3. Biography

4. Dialogue
QUESTION.11. How should you start a narrative essay?

1. You should start in a way that is interesting and descriptive.

2. You should start any way you want, as long as you start.

3. You should start by using the words ONCE UPON A TIME or ONE DAY...

4. You should start by greeting your readers and telling them your name.
QUESTION.12. To show which words a character speaks, put quotation marks

1. At the end of the character's exact words

2. Before and after the character's exact words

3. At the beginning of the character's exact words

4. At the beginning and the end of the entire paragraph

QUESTION.13. Which of the following is the most effective piece of description?

1. Saurav was 25 and his stern face hinted at a strong determination to succeed.

2. Saurav was 25 and his face was full of make-up. He tried to override other people.

3. Saurav was 25. He had a stern face.

4. Saurav was 25 and he wanted to boss over people. He made up his face.
QUESTION.14. Descriptive writing should do what?

1. Appeal to senses.

2. Give details.

3. Provide descriptions.

4. All the above.

QUESTION.15. What is the reason to write a descriptive essay?

1. To allow the reader to grasp the writer's idea through the reader's sense of sight, smell, taste,
sound and touch.

2. To inform the reader about technical features.

3. To provide the reader with scientific details.

4. To appeal to the reader's liking for numbers.
QUESTION.16. Which of the following sentences represents the best kind of narrative writing?

1. That day, I went to Wal-Mart with my sister. I walked down one aisle, she walked down another,
and I lost her. I freaked out.

2. I remember the time I lost my sister at Wal-Mart. It was scary

3. One of the reasons this day was important to me was because I've never been so scared.

4. The cool whoosh of air hit me as I walked through the automatic doors at Wal-Mart. My sister
whined, annoyed, beside me.
QUESTION.17. Why should you use lots of vivid details in a personal narrative?

1. You want your readers to imagine you in that situation.

2. It's a great way to entertain people.

3. You need to take up more space on the paper.

4. Vivid details aren't necessary in a personal narrative.

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