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the elder lady kissed her hair and eyes , and said further : cling fast to my darling . you
nothing else than love , and without it life is shallow indeed , is sheer emptiness . you
will never find it The magisters arms , and that well to do man at of a certainty , not set
on marrying a any cost . but she did not end her speech , inasmuch as ann imploringly
raised her great eyes in mild reproach , as though to defend herself from some hurt , so
my aunt comforted her with a few kind words , and then went on to admonish her as
follows : verily it is not love lack , but patient trust . i have heard from margery here what
bitter disappointments you have suffered and it is hard indeed to the stricken heart to
look for a new spring for the withered harvest of joy . but look my good husband . he
ceases not from sowing acorns , albeit he knows that it will never be souchsafed to him
to likewise learn to possess your to fine trees , or to earn any profit from them . do
grown you soul in patience ; and do not forget that , if herdegen is lost , the question will
be did you hold out a hand to him while it was yet time to save him , or did withdraw
from him love and favor in faint hearted impatience at the very first blow the last words
fell in solemn earnest from my aunts lips , and struck ann to the heart ; she confessed
that she had many times said the same things to her self , but then maiden pride had
swelled up in her and had forbidden her to lend an warning voice ; and nevertheless
none had spoken so often in her soul , so that her hearts loudly deepest yearning
responded to what her friend had said . then do its bidding , said my aunt eagerly , and i
said the same ; and ann , being not merely overruled but likewise convinced , yielded
and confessed that , even as master peters wife , she could never have slain the old
love , and declared herself ready to her pride and wrath . thus had my aunts faithful love
preserved her from sin , and gladly did i consent to her brave spirit when she said to ann
: you must save yourself for that skittle witted wight come to pass . religion the people ,
of whom little from the musty volumes of the of ultima thule the people indeed practice
it . the old gods are necessary to them . they glittering rind from your own garden , of
your own growing . the fruit of trees is a gift from nature , and all that she brings forth
has some good in it ; but what you offer to the world is hollow and poisonous . gives it
an attractive exterior , and that , too , comes from the museum . there they shrewd
enough to create new gods , which start up out of the earth like mushrooms . if it
should only occur to them , they would raise murder to te dignity of god of gods , and
you to be his high priest . that would be your office , interposed the philosopher , you
shall see , returned the emperor , laughing shrilly , and the witlings of the museum with
you you use the knife ; but hear the words of the master : the teeth of wild beasts and
their claws are weapons not to be despised . your father and brother , and she who
taught me what to think of the virtue and faith of alexandrian women , shall tell soon
shall of those follow you thither who forgot , even by a glance of the every one was
caesar and a guest of this city after the next performance in the circus the offenders
shall tell in the other world how i administer justice . no later than the day after to
morrow , i imagine , you may meet there with several companions from the museum .
there will be enough to clap applause at the disputations caracalla ended his vehement
speech with jeering laugh , and looked round eagerly for applause from the friends for
whose benefit his last words had been spoken ; and it was offered with the other tablets
as soon as i had no need for it ; for he himself came , and there was no necessity for his
reading what could be better said by word of mouth . as she spoke a peculiar smile
passed over her lips and a loud murmur ran through the room . orion looked first at the
girl and then at the kadi in growing bewilderment ; but the started struck his fist the
table , making it shake , and roared out : an atrocious fabrication which of you can allow
yourself to be taken in by a womans quile horapollo , who had recovered himself by this
time , laughed hoarsely and maliciously ; the judges looked at each other much puzzled
; but when the vekeel went on raging the kadi interrupted him , and desired that orion
might speak , for he had twice tried to make himself heard . now , with scarlet cheeks
and a choking utterance , he said : no , othman no , no indeed , lords . do not believe her
. not she , but i i

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