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‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables AUTODESK Instructables Automatic Waste Sorting Machine Sy Zeguae,Acal Wn CecutaRabts Introduction: Automatic Waste Sorting Machine ?] I AUTOMATIC WASTE SORTING MACHINE BRUFACE 2019 Figure 1, Automatic Waste Sorting Machine! a9 ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructable Step 1: Working Principle of the Automatic Waste Sorting Machine Figure 2. Automatic Waste Sorting Machine Goal ofthe project + Goal ofthis projects to sort minimum three diferent types of wastes: Plastic, Metal and Glass. +The waste s directed by the pipe into their respective waste bins. Object Detection/Restrictions + Soring wastes of different sizes and shapes is possible, but the performance is better with objects of cylindrical shape or cubic shape with imitat ‘ons of the size (i terms of height of a Cocs-Cola Cans (waste should be limited to a maximum of 1kg) “The restrictions are due tothe design constraints of our waste sorting machine, modifying the size ofthe sorting machine (e.g. Gate, Pipe clamete *) wil make it more adaptable to diferent shapes, sizes and weight of the wastes +The capactive sensors very sensitive in detecting plastic waste, anything insidefaround the plastic object affects the accuracy ofthe sensor. ra méquina de clasifcacién de residuos es solo un prototipo. Con modificaciones y mejoras, se pue luosira maquina de clasificacién de residuos en las insalaciones, oficias y aplicaciones industales. Jmplemantar un concepto similar de n! ane ‘910124, 20:40 a de Residuos! ‘914124, 20:40 Figura 3. imigenes dela maquina de clasifcacion de residuos.! ane ‘914124, 0:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables Plezas improsas en 3D (Ultimaker y Prusa) + Cubierta dat eje + Soparte de tuberia + V puerta Soporte de eje-cojinete Soporte de cuberta del sensor capactvo e inductive + V puerta de soporte Plezas cortadas con lier 1. Marea 2 Puerta V 3, Soporte de sensor ultrasénico 4, Soporte de sensor capactiva e inductivo 5. Soporte de motor de puerta V Adjuntos Paso 4: Lista de Materiales (Mecanica) 1) Madera contrachapada de 4 mm 2) 125mm Upve coda - 1pes 3) 125mm Upve Tubo - 1pes (1m Longitud) 4) Ele Se de 8 mm para moter tpes (longtud de 2 m) '5) Acoplador de servemotor- 2 piezas 6) Tomilos y Tuercas, 7) Rodamiento radial &mm - 29s Paso 5: DISENO CAD Figura 5. Disofo CAD tps: instructables,comAutomatio-Waste-Sortng Machine! ‘A FRAME FINAL 1 A ene ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructable Paso 6: disefio 3D (Render) Figura 6, Diseno 0 (Rene) Paso 7: Lista de Materiales (Electronica) En este proyecto hemos uliizado: + 61.68 une Arduino Uno + um One Tablero de Protoss + otima Matera de soldadura + equipos + (alamiores, cables do sato + ivUn Sensor Induetva + ip One Sensor Capacitive + ud, Un Sensor Utrasénico + Dos Servometores +61 One Step Down Converter + fuente de alimentacion de 8 IE! 79 ‘424, 2040 ‘Auomatic Waste Soring Machine: 21 Steps Instructables Paso 8: Descripcién de cada Componente ‘Se describe cada componente que se enumera a continuscién, detaliando su especticaién, conexiones y método de operacén. Arduino Uno + Sensores nductvos + Sensores Capactivos, = Sensores Urasénicos = Moores = Convertsor de Paso Abajo Uno Arduino Como placa miracontotadara hemos uiiizado a Arduino UNO que se basa en el ATmega%Z8P. El Arduino afsalida (de los cuales 6 se pueden usar como salidas PWM), 6 entradas analdgicas, un cristal de cuarzo ‘lor de alimentacién, un encabezado ICSP y un botén de reiicio [3 na tiene 14 pines digitales de entrad “6M, una conexién USB, un cone Sensor Inductive ‘Se han utiizado sensores de proximidac inductivos para detectarobjetos metlicos, Hemas utllzado un sensor mas grande, basado en nuestro re {uisto de fener un rango de deteccion mas grande, Tipo de sonsorfninet + modelo de nteruptor de Sensor de Proximidad Indutvo: LI30AS-15-2/AX + tipo be Alambre 6se0: DC 3 Tipo de amare “tivo de sada: NPN-NC (Normalmente Cerrado) + Distancia de dtecclén: 15mm 0.59" ar Los hilos: M30 + votaje de suministro de alimentacén: DC 6-36 -Current Output: 300mA Capacitive Sensor CCapactive sensors can sense any object wthin ther sensing range. When the target approaches the face of the sensor the capactance increase $:rouling in anincons in ample othe onc, Thon he ahd ato opt sch Stet the eease in ampli and based on that is “There are diferent types of Capactive Sensors. In our projct we have used Capacitve Sensors with a compensation adjustment. The capactive 8 ‘ensorsenstviy depends onthe material dislocrc const Plastic, i Tac, has a lower cilecric constant than glass. We have adjusted our sens ‘rin such a way that can “see through’ the objects of plastic nature (to not detec plastic) and glass is tected by the capacitive sensor alone, Larger sensors have a larger range of detection. Capactive sensor specifcations{L ini + Product Name: Capacitive Proximity Switch LICOAS-H-ZIBX + Wire Type: DC 3 Wire Type (Black, Brown, Blue) + Output Type: NPN NC (Normal Closed) + Diameter of Column Sensor: 30mm; Detecting distance: 15mm + Supply Votage: DC 6-36V: Current Output: 300mA. Motors We have used serve motors for both gate and pipe, specifically, We have used Tower?ro MG99ER serva motors ‘Spoctcations ofthe TowerPro MG9G6R servo motor. ink + Weight: 550 + Dimension: 40.7%19.7+62.9mm + Stall torque: 8.4kgfem (4.89): 1tegfem (6.0¥) -Operating Speed : 0.3800 / 60 dogroos(6.0V ne oad) ntps:hewwinsiuctables.convAutomatio Wasie-Sorting Machine! ane ‘1914124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables + Operating voltage: 4.8~ 6.6v + Gear Type: Metal Gear + servo wire length: 320m + Current draw at dle 10MA “No load operating current draw 170mA + Stall current draw 1400r0A Weight: 0.080 kg Step Down Converter, ‘The DCIDC step-down voltage regulator is capable to convert voltage between 3.2V and 40V into a smaller voltage between 1.25V and 36V. tis © apable of driving a 3A load, We have adjusted this step-down converte fr our requirements, respectively the BY fram the power supply has been converted o SV which feeds ‘the Arduino Uno; ths has been done via the potentiomater for voltage adjustment ‘Spectcations{Lins} + Input voltage: 3.2V- 40VDC + Output voltage: 1.25V- 35vDC + Max. output Current: 3A ‘Dimensions: 43mm x 21mm x 44m) x (w) x(B) + Weight: 12.9 tps: instructables,comAutomatio-Waste-Sortng Machine! one ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructable Step 9: Torque rque at the Gate erty 00m? ‘serv o.omnoseoo0 288444 tot weper9.a= ann rn wae weg 728g". AnWW"8StmM 405175 mm DEIN HES reoded orotate te ete: 0 0 Wn. 72575 om 2 wenz0H/0m! 6 Tortie dng rea) ‘On the choice of the motor it's very important one to have an idea ofthe torque required forthe specific implementation. In the figure a) are given the calculations for the gate torque. The torque needed for the motor to rolate the gate ie calculated to be 1.72875 kg-cm, ‘The diameter ofthe shaft is chosen 4 mm. In the figure c) are given the calculations forthe pipe torque. The torque needed for the pipe motor orotate the pipe is calculated to be 1.0495 kg-c Experimentally: the current needed is 0,11 A, which corresponds fo the torque of 0.8635 kg-cm, The experimental results are close tothe calculate danalyical values. In the figure bis given the serve motor withthe weight (load) of 11 kg suspended in 1 cm which represents the stall torque of 11 kg-em as given in ‘he data sheet. The necessary torque forthe gate and the pipe has been calculated analytically and we concluded that each of the servo motors; ‘e more than sufficient to provide the required torque. Further to note the the maximum current draw ffor the system was measured tobe 0.28 A (w hhen the Pipe Servo is rotating) which is less than the stall curent of the motor 1:4 8. [A simpleast approximation of the torque needed forthe pipe servo can be done as follows: Tord In terms of kg-em we have: Tekgrem T-0.8 kg (12.82) 7=0.8°6.25°5 kg-em “This result glues as an indication thatthe servo motor used can full he requirements in terms of toraue ‘Simply the motor can pull a weight of 0.8 kg suspended in a distance of 12.5/2 em and we got § kg-cm. Since the Torque is directly proportionally to the current. And speed of rotation is drecty proportional to voltage applied tothe servo motor. “Therefore, we can analytically now calculate the torque that coresponds to the case of 0.28 A. For our case I-0.28 A T=2.198 kg-cm Step 1 Wile placing the Proximity sensors one has to be careful that the sensors do not interfere with each other. One has to consider the cases when m ‘ounting the sensors face-o-face or side-by-side; they should be atleast two sensor diameters far from each other, These distances have been res. pected in our design and sensors do not nave interference, however, We Used also some tral and errarto optimize furthermore and place the sens (rs; which allow us to be more effective and efficient in terms af machine usagelt, 2). Mounting Proximity Sensors! r0n9 ‘910124, 20:40 Step 11: Physical Connex ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps ~ ions of the Electronic Components Figure 7. Physical connections of electronic components ‘As seen in the figure above, the electronic components have been soldered ina protolyping board. The general schema isthe folowing: We utlize «done 8V power supply which drives all tne components. With this 6 volts provision, we powered the two servos, inductive sensor and the capacity, ‘Sensor, Next we Used a step down converte to conver the 6V to SV with which we can dive the Arduino via the SV pin and power the ultrasonic ‘Sensor, When soldering one has to be careful and connect all the components to the same ground. Step 12: Pins Connections to Arduino Table 1. Pins Connections to Arduino Component Connections Pin Ultrasonic Sensor Trigger (output) 7 Echo (input) 8 Inductive Sensor Input A0 Capacitive Sensor Input D2 Pipe Servomotor Output 11 Gate servomotor Output 10 Step Down Converter Input 5V! ne ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables Step 13: Programming => (se Deecnd trate ‘ire Sn Samar iS clk wae, Tothe inal vate Totheineal vat Figure 8. Flowchart “To do the sorting of tree diferent types of materials we have used three sensors. Based on these sensors values we can distinguish the type of m rial. We have 3 cases: Meal detected, Plastc Deteced, Glass detected. As we can note in he flowchart those tives cases correspond to thos « specie sate combinations of te sensors. ‘The programming is divided into these sections 4. Inalizaton ofthe system 2. Object and Material Detection 3. Servos Movements 4. Initialization ‘Comment: In startup Gate and Pipe servo will goto a prescrved postion, this procedure willbe repeated in each star-up or reset This part ofthe © ‘ode wil be executed only once in startup. = Read the values forthe actual postion ofthe two Servo motors It Pipe position I= to the zero position -move pipe to the zero position -move gate and then bring it back tothe inital postion (This is done intentionally each system start upireset; no matter if tis in the zero position or rat) It Pipe postion == the zero position move gate and then bring it back tothe inal position (This is done inlentonally each system start upireset; no mailer i tis in the zero position or at) 2. Object and Material Detection {f (Inductive Sensor<=250 && Capactve Sensor! rane 4188 Utrasonie Sensor Distance<=14 em) ‘1914124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables -Plastc Detected: To Plastic Bin (step 3) iflinductive Sensor<=250 && Capacitive Sensor {88 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance 4 om) Glass Detected: To Glass Bin (step 3) {inductive Sensor>=250\, Metal Detected: To Metal Bin (step 3) 3. Serves Movements It Plastic Detected: “Move Pipe Servo to Plastic Bin “Delay “Move Gate Serve from position Oto 4 Delay “Move Gate Serve from position 1 19 0 Glass Detected: “Move Pipe Servo to Glass Bin Delay Move Gate Servo trom postion Oto 4 Delay -Move Gate Servo from position 1 to 0 It Metal Detected Move Pipe Servo to Metal Bin Delay Move Gate Servo from postin Oto 4 “Delay -Move Gate Servo from position 1 to 0 In the folowing section the code will be provided. tps: instructables,comAutomatio-Waste-Sortng Machine! ase ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables Step 14: CODE Leode}eors we eostentee 11 Gy Be AUTORATTE WASTE SORTING MACHINE © 1} necoarhones 9013 11 genau : sinetude eserve.n> Sue age. servos 1) fine the varias She Senorind ha; oan 48 (ansisg) fine senorain = 21 /Olgieal Sin nee 2 in Sravloey onst ine erapin = 7, Sense int echepin © 85 ‘isa Gstecpone.8 ‘fost netaipetectess wots sete ( pinwode(trsghin, QUIPUT): // entgpén-output Dithode(echoPin, IOUT)? // echodin = input Serta. begin(96ee); / starts the seréal comunteation 17 Cotes nat oun only oneal A--Syster inthatzation- Pipe PossPipe the last valve given to Pipe servo (;//Read the last valve given fo Pipe Servo Serial. printin("Notor PIPE Pesition"): Serial printin(oape- Fe); Serdal-printin("Wo:dr_cATE Position"); Sersalprantinteste. 738); e13y¢3009); Pipe servo.gttach(tn); 56 (Pipe poseo0ye for(icPipe Pos; 1 elay(3090)5 /(Oelay (walt) ane then bring back the Gate Servo to Sts ‘Finkesal postion. ‘Haring tack Gate Serva ta initisl position 1/80 trom actual position 2°) naaS; we go backwards wp fon(ant5; n3085 man-ayC (Gaieserocardte(n) felay(as}s //Lontral the speed of Gate servo etay(s909)5! sane ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables {f--syster Iithaltzation--// 11 Gates oat ron only oneal ; wots 10090) { sreeray(s00) aetay(3002); Uy Clears the tesgrin digitaturseegentaniny Low); delaynteroseconas(39);/7 Uf Sets. the erigoin on HIGI state for 10 afera seconds digitalvedte(teigeiny MoH: delayrtcrosecongs(30);//2e was 2 digitaturteeCtrigein, (Ov; Ui heads te echohin, returns the sound wave travel tine tn microseconds duration © pulsein(ectoriny "68s Ufesteunating the distance distances duration*a.eae/2s Ui Beints the distance on the Serzal Meattor Sertal: print Distance: Sertal printin(steranes); Sndvaluenanalogtesd(sensorind);//Sove value that $s read fron the antlog pin A@ to the variable {ndvalue delay); fine Sensorstate = clgitalRead(sensorpin); // Digital value for Capacitive 5. delay(s00);, sotaloetectos = (ost) snevaluet100/1026.85 //from analog value aeiay(se); Pipe Posshipe the actual position of Pipe servo (Gate_Posscate_Serve.ead()i/feed Ure actual position of Gate Servo dynes oersersaeey 1 Sglinavaiues-250 48 sensonstate == 2 88 distancee=t6) ‘etinavalues=950)¢ ‘Serials printin(-vetal oetected"); Pipe fossoipe serva-read();//Read the last value given to Pipe servo (Gate-Posscate-serva-read();//Read the last vale given te Pipe serve Serial-prinein(’notor PIPE Position"): Serdalprintin(eape P23); Serdel:printin("Wo:dr_GATE Position"); Serial printingeate. 738); Serial. printin(*Notor to metal bin"): etay(a09); Uiwats for sane tine after the measurenents and nove servo t0| [ithe eorveaponaing bin Won 3 ism ae ica tor the second position of the PIPE servo @H8 degree 11'e control the speed of the serve we do this for 1003 a1 position of servo gate/PIPE sn ths case the read function will give us the Last porttion of servo ‘iwe have 2 cases 1; nen pige is soneshere 11 position greater then 99, in this particular case we want to go to 98 se we have to Loop back. itve other ease 15 10 op ‘orvare inte, (Weoning to increase the angie in dnerenental manfer) 2 (Pipe p05<98)¢ fortioPipe poss teow; tH Piperservorurite(); Gelso): } ase ¢ for(lePloe Pos) $3008; Lei-AY4 Poe servosweise( eeisr(a5); > > etay(a9ee); /soelay (wait) for servo pipe to go to the bin Next rotate the gate serve ‘inna control the Speed of Gate Serve (ate servornrite(ay; aelsytn)s y elay(1000); //Delay (ait) ane then bring back the Gate Servo to its initial position, ‘ering aack Gate Servo to initial position 1180 tron aetual position 2°" nado, we go BaCwards yp Lo 0 fon(nnt8s no-85 neneaye (Gale seroaritee, aeasy): }! ase ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables yoemera. oeTeCTED// syoeouastic veTEcTED**// , ise sf(indaluecase Aa sensanstate <= 4 48 distancecet9){ //NO NO state Geleyas0): Serdatspeintin(-Plastic oetectec"); fos-bipe;//Read the last value given to Pipe serve (;//Read the last valve given to pe servo Sersal-prantin("mocor PIPE Position}: Serial-println(oipe- Foe); Serial printing nosdrcaTE Position"); Sersalpranein(eate.¥32); Serial printin(novar to Plastie bin"); etay¢108 Uiusts for sone tine after ane aasuvenants ane nove servo to [ithe corresponding bin {JF or sosssal posssion of serve_gate/PIPE in this case the read function will give us the 2ast position of servo Tin degree ica So" tne second position of ene gate Pipe. Serve in de [10 control the speed of the serve ue do this for loop (245) for pisette 1) have 2 cases 15 sen pipe 1s soneuere 19 posttion greater then 245, in thts particular cose we want to go fo 185 so we have to loop back. {Pine other ease ss'20 loop eneané intel, (weaning to trerenee the angle An incremental nannerjantil we resem she desired gle 56 (Pipe poneassye fortisripe pos; Leos; in1s2)( Piperservorieta) fey; aise ¢ Tor(toPtpe P05; 290088; 404-1) Servowrseete etsy(35); > ? detay(a00e); //oetay (wait) for serve pipe te g6 to the bin 1 )Nexe rotate the gate servo. //This cenaing She sane for all other cases ‘inn conerol the Speed of ate Serve, For(oab) nents) nenes)( ‘ete. servo.writeca); Gelsy(2a}; > elay(1089); /(Delay (4ait) ane then bring back the Gate_Serva to st= Vantesal pouteion Hyortng Back cate servo $0 Snssial_posstion {150 tran setsal Foeieion 21> easy we go backwards to m8 at 1Toeese Oe LENE angle for ete serve ‘Gate. serve wniteca {elay(as}; //Controll the speeae of Gate servo (It can be a Lite faster row) ? syestay(309) > Aprmusnic ose sysusss verecreo**/7 lag if (indvaluecase Ma sensanstate [= 2 48 distancecet6){ Serisisprintin(ass Oetectes"); Pipe fossoipe_servo.cead();//Read she last valu glen to Pipe servo (Gate_forscate_serve:read()://Read she last vale elven to Pipe Serve Serial-prinein(*nosar PIPE Position"): Serdalprintin(eape P23): Serial printin(*Mo:or GATE Posttion"); Serial printin(cate P23); Serial printing nosde 0 lass ie setay(a000)5 ‘ivalt for sone tine after the maasunerents ané nove servo to [ithe corresponaing bin ‘for initial position of servo_gate/PIPE in this case the read function will give us the last position of serve in degree 110 xa" he setand position of The Pipe, Serva #25 degree for Glass 110 control the speed of the servo we do this for 1009.! r6n9 ‘914124, 0:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables {1we nave 2 cases; wen pipe ts sovevbene in position greater then 98, in this particular case we want to go to 25 so we have to loop back {fine other cage ds'to loop ‘oreane tviol, (weaning torsnerence the angle in inérenental manner) Jinceasily sn this caze we can have only ane eate when angie ir greater then 25) Bue however! oP 5¢ (Pipe poseas), for(SsPipe Pos; tes; Lt Pipe_Servenurite(S) ? eday(a000) 5 //oeday (wa {1soxt rotate the gate sero. //Tnis cemains the sane for a12 other cases ‘and control the Speed of Gate Serve, fortr-o; nent; monet) eect re > elay(3090); //oeiay (wait) ané then bring back the Gate Serve to Sts 11S0 trom aeteal position nowt} we go Backwards Up to 8. Fon(antss no-B; nent) (Giterservoutecns (aenay(25); serial. printin( "Woven Strial-prinsin(eapasra0) Serial printin(-howar Gale Posseion"y Serial printingeate. 33) Pe Position"): , } teods} “We suggest to use the code attached here, Step 15: VIDEO 1 The video describes the operation and performance ofthe Aulomatic Waste Sorting Machine which has been tested for sorting three different type ‘of materials (metal, glass and plastic) As it can be noticed we have used regular vash bins that can be found in markets Step 16: VIDEO 2 In this Video, a reset test has been conducted. As seen the intalization of the system has been done and the machine sets to its zero positon. This video is done before finalizing our project (in terms of some mechanical aspects). However, in terms of the codes the same codes have been used ‘asin video 1 Step 17: Scope for Future Implications and Improvements “Ths project can be modified furor for detecting an organic waste (wel waste), by adéhng a motsture sensor. + With the increase ofthe numberof sensors one could segregate more vaity of wastes. -By modtyng the design we can make more adaptable to detect wastes of cferent shapes, sizes and weights “This project could be made more aesthetically pleasing and ergonomically flexible for betterment of Human Machine interaction, tps: instructables,comAutomatio-Waste-Sortng Machine! write ‘1914124, 0:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructables Step 18: Challenges Faced Every project on is own has its cificuties and challenges, for our project challenges are listed below: Rotating the Pipe: Designing a mechanism, while bettering ofthe project dane last year was a challenge. We wanted to have something that can be implemented in ral Iie (Ike having a centralizee garbage system in a Bulding), Countering the problom of the last year project we focused on n ‘ot moving the Garbage can and so we went fora design which Included @ Pipe which rotates in 3 direction of fxed garbage can. Designing a Gate: Designing a gate where the sensor detects the type of waste and directs it tothe pip, while the pipe rotates in the meantime to the respective garbage can was very tricky. We had several ideas from having an Objection plate while the garbage 's hele onthe plate for detectio nana having a titing bucket etc. Finally, we wert for an idea of V-gale in order to avatd the movement of sensors and have less mechanical movin parts Using bearings: The original Idea involved using bearing both for V-gate shaft and Pipe support As seen we used an 8 mm Raial bearing for Gat «shaft on the either side, Also the rotating pipe shaft was to be supported by a thrust bearing, eventually we opted out of this idea 8s the wooden fr ‘ame constructed for the Pipe was more than Sulicient to support i This saved alo of ine and prevented further any future mecharical complical fons in the projec. Usiag only one poe supply: was « cheng fo reset our ete ining nly cre power supply and having Inet laconic sompanente as peste, Therefore, in our dean phece, ws have considered al the possible ways o use oy one power supply efeny and we opted for Bs home tals opresenid nthe electronics chapta. Auurasy of sensors: Seruara ae no stays acura, having initaton inter dstanoe of messurament. This fic ie acuracy in detection (particularly when the abject is small). We intended to modify the gate design by adding a printed part but it effected the performance of the sensor nd so for ture mpcalons of te ystem for beller detection, shielded sensors canbe used Postion of Sensors: There ae many fecos thal came into the picture while decing the postion and location of cur sensors. We considered m king a beed structure forthe saneors because we diol vant the sensors abe attached tothe gate, Aso, the csiance Datween the two sensors had tobe considered soa the sensors do nln ence each other. This has beon dane by considering he recommended distance the datash ‘et and also by some tal and error we found the optnalecations to place our sensor. Initialization of the system: inh slar-p ofthe sysom, we wanled everyhing ogo tothe prescribed zero pasion, However, servos were mv ng without a cornnand gven to thom (ast and not as command). We xed his by considering the ackal poston ofthe motor on tho aystom 8 {artup. Furthermore, one can consiger here ober waye of song i se, for instance, using diferent servos, other sofware solions ike using EEPROM: or hardware solos, Tuning and adjusting diferent parameters ofthe system: Tuning and adjusting diferent parameters of te system, and making eveything wor together nas rathor chalonging ve opted for values tat are optimal, however, he syst response can e increased by changing these paramet fr (ex speed ofsoros, the delays adced info the cove, etc) Aso, we observed that t wl eect more eticlety metals we only consider the & Sia fom the nducve senor, Ie canbe seen inthe codes gun he programming ston, Step 19: Conclusion ‘This project has been done during the academic yar 2019-2020 as part of the Mechatronic course inthe Brussels Faculyof Engineering ajoint Masts program of he Vje Unverstet Brussel (VU) and Universe Libre de Brxeles (ULE), The project was challenging Th requrement wa So do an atomatic machine tone able to sort minimum two efeentypes of waste. As a team we managed o meet hese requirements and dev ‘ioped a machine tat sore tee pes of waste, Authors of this project ao (Az: Afaque Sayyed Anibal Santiago kawtar Benmansour Varun ShoWankar Sivana Vale Zemerar Asani Instructors: Prof rt: Bram Vanderborght Ic Abbr De Beir Ir Marea Rossin Step 20: Download Files Attachments nttps:ww.instructables.comAutomatio-Waste-Sortng Machine! see ‘910124, 20:40 ‘Automatic Waste Sorting Machine : 21 Steps - Instructable Step 21: References tb snron om auleData/Prox/Proximiy. TG. [2] hips nawark com/odstecharlas/eaton HDilpoxlaductvaPoximilySansor-mouning pat (3) htt store. arduing colarduina-una-tev3 [4] Khaled Chahine, Bilal Ghazal. Automatic Sorting of Solid Wastes Using Sensor. Intemational Journal of Engineering andTechnology 8 (5) ltpsuadn antratek nlimadialwysiwyalpcidatasheet-oow00900m.adt {6} htps:/owtomachatronis,com/projecs/arduino-color-sorter-projecl! s9H9

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