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Fractures Analysis Using Core Data and Image Logs: A Case Study in the
Dalan-Kangan Reservoir of South Pars Gas Field, Iran

Article in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A, Science · June 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s40995-022-01288-4


3 416

3 authors:

Abouzar Mohsenipour Iman Zahmatkesh

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Bahman Soleimani
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


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Fractures Analysis Using Core Data and Image Logs: A Case Study
in the Dalan–Kangan Reservoir of South Pars Gas Field, Iran
Abouzar Mohsenipour1 • Iman Zahmatkesh1 • Bahman Soleimani1

Received: 25 October 2021 / Accepted: 25 March 2022

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Shiraz University 2022

South Pars Gas Field is the largest gas field in the world. This field in the Persian Gulf and is located on the border of Iran
and Qatar. In it, Dalan–Kangan formations are containing gas reservoirs. Evaluation and study of fractures in carbonate
reservoirs is essential in the process of production and development of hydrocarbon fields. Core data and imaging logs are
the most important tools in achieving this this study, using core data and image logs, Dalan–Kangan reservoir
fractures in terms of distribution and relative orientation were investigated. Based on the results, both natural and closed
fractures were present in large quantities in the studied well. In core data, the ratio of closed fractures filled with minerals
was higher than other natural fractures. No major faults were observed in the wells studied and only a minor fault with a
displacement of several millimetres was observed. The results of the FMI log showed 120 open fractures as well as 20
closed fractures. Open fractures often had a slope of 50 to 80 degrees and the azimuth was N74W and S80E. Their average
aperture was 0.27 mm in the K4 section. Also, closed fractures were mostly in the two main directions of azimuth N48E
and S84W with a slope of 51 and 63 degrees. The results of this study can be used to discuss field development and
fabrication of fracture models as well as facies models.

Keywords Fracture  Dalan–Kangan reservoir  Core  Image log  Fullbore formation microimager  South pars gas field

1 Introduction direction of the minimum amount of stress. These fractures

are divided into two types of open fractures and closed
It is not possible to study and understand the behavioural fractures. 2- Shear fractures: In this type of fracture, dis-
characteristics of a hydrocarbon reservoir without knowing placement usually occurs parallel to the fracture plate.
how to create and propagate its fractures, and it does not These types of fractures are usually caused by shear
lead to accurate results. Depending on the relative dis- stresses and are often called faults. The most common and
placement at the fracture plane, all types of tectonic frac- well-known types of shear fractures include normal faults,
tures are divided into two main types (Solberg et al. 1977; reverse faults, and strike-slip faults (Gudmundsson 2011).
Hancock 1985; Pollard and Aydin 1988; Gui et al. 2015; Fractures can occur before folding, concurrently, or after
Einstein 2021). 1- Tension fractures: In this type of fracture folding (Bellahsen et al. 2006). Post-folding fractures are
occurs perpendicular to the fracture plane and in the very rarely detected, perhaps because they are more diffi-
cult to diagnose than pre-folding fractures (Laubach et al.
& Abouzar Mohsenipour In carbonate reservoirs, the characteristics of the frac-
ture network play an essential role in the quality of the
Iman Zahmatkesh reservoir. Fractures connect separate porosities and
increase the permeability of carbonate reservoirs. If the
Bahman Soleimani fractures are open, they can increase the flow of fluid, and
if the fractures are closed, in addition to reducing porosity,
Department of Petroleum Geology and Sedimentary Basins, they can play a role as a barrier to fluid flow. Therefore, it
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of is necessary to identify and investigate subsurface fractures
Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Proper recognition of fractures Triassic stratigraphic units, including Dalan and Kangan
significantly reduces uncertainty in reservoir properties, formations. In South Pars gas field (Kashfi 1992; Alsharhan
modelling and simulation (Jenkins et al. 2009). and Nairn 1994; Ehrenberg et al. 2008; Bordenave and
The most important tools for examining fractures Hegre 2010; Esrafili-Dizaji and Rahimpour-Bonab 2013)
include the core and the Image log that illustrate them the Kangan and underlying Dalan Formations form the
directly. Cores allow direct observation of fractures and Dehram Group (counterpart Khuff carbonates in Arabian
can provide valuable information as input to reservoir part). In this field, Dalan Formation divided into three
simulation models (Rider 1986). However, due to problems parts: lower and upper Dalan carbonates and Nar anhydrite
such as the high cost and time of core extraction, as well as par. and consist of medium to thick-bedded oolitic to
the lack of core in old wells, the researchers tried to use micritic shallow-marine carbonates, with intercalations of
faster and cheaper methods. evaporites also Kangan Formation is composed of lime-
Image logs are the most important tool among advanced stone, dolomite with thin shale layers (Ghazban 2009).
logs that can help identify small-scale fractures (Khosh- Petrophysically, Dalan Formations are divided into K1 and
bakht et al. 2012). This log developed rapidly due to their K2 units and Kangan Formation is divided into K3 and K4
excellent performance in characterizing borehole features units.
such as fractures, also, using these logs can greatly reduce
the cost of studies (Aghli et al. 2017). One of the most
important imaging tools is the Fullbore Formation 3 Methods and Materials
Microimager (FMI) tool with 192 electrode buttons, which
is able to provide 80% coverage in an 8.5-inch hole and can This study investigates and identifies fractures in Dalan–
detect geological features with high quality compared to Kangan formations using core data and imaging log
other imaging tools. This log developed rapidly due to their (Fullbore Formation Microimager (FMI)) obtained from a
excellent performance in characterizing borehole features well in South Pars gas field. In the studied well, there were
such as fractures, also, using these logs can greatly reduce 14 boxes of cores with a length of 386.5 m (195.04 m in
the cost of studies (Aghli et al. 2017). Many studies have Dalan Formation and 179.89 m in Kangan Formation).
been done on the use of image logs in the identification of Conventional logs including gamma ray log (GR), neutron
reservoir fractures, including (Khoshbakht et al. log (NPHI) and density log (RHOB) and FMI imaging log
2009, 2012, 2016; Zahmatkesh et al. 2015; Nazari Ostad were also available in these formations.
et al. 2016; Aghli et al. 2017; Aghli et al. 2020; lai et al.
2017; ezati et al. 2018; Saedi et al. 2022). 3.1 Image Log
This study presents the results of fracture study using
core and image log obtained from Dalan–Kangan Forma- Knowledge of sedimentary features is important for
tions in one of the hydrocarbon fields in southern Iran. The determining reservoir geometry and petrophysical reservoir
main purpose of fracture analysis of the core materials is to parameters (Schlumberger 2002). The Fullbore Formation
characterize the occurrence, distribution, and relative ori- Microimager (FMI) image tool is Schlumberger’s most
entation of the fractures which presumably affect the advanced image log. With 80% borehole coverage in 8-in
characteristics of the reservoir. In this study, all the natural boreholes and 0.2-in image resolution in the vertical and
fractures in the cores and the FMI imaging log were azimuthal directions, imaging with the FMI microimager is
examined geologically. Both natural and artificial fractures the preferred approach for determining net pay in lami-
were observed in the well. Most natural fractures are filled nated sediments of fluvial and turbidite depositional envi-
with minerals. Several small faults were also visible in the ronments (Schlumberger 2002) (Fig. 2). Fractures, beddi
core and the image log. ngand other geological features such as conductive seam
and stolylolite are the main types of structures that can be
identified using image logs (Lai et al. 2017). According to
2 Geological Setting the mechanism of the FMI instrument, which measures
based on formation resistance, sedimentary features can be
The Persian Gulf basin contains the richest oil and gas detected based on the contrast of the image due to the
reserves in the world, with 55–68% of the world’s oil difference in resistivity.
reserves and 40% of the world’s gas reservoirs (Konyuhov
and Maleki, 2006). The South Pars gas field on the Iran-
Qatar border has the largest non-associated gas reservoir in
the world (Aali et al. 2006; Khoshnoodkia et al. 2011)
(Fig. 1). In this field, gas storage is located in Permian to

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

Fig. 1 Subdivisions of the

Zagros orogenic belt.
Abbreviations: AD– Arak
depression; DR– Dezful recess;
EAF– East Anatolian Fault; FS–
Fars salient; GKD– Gav Khooni
depression; KR– Karkuk recess;
LS–Lorestan salient; MAC–
Makran accretionary complex;
MFF– ‘‘Mountain front
flexure’’; ‘‘MZT’’– ‘‘Main
Zagros Thrust’’; OL– Oman
Line; PTC-CCS– Paleo-Tethyan
continent–continent collisional
suture; SD– Sirjan depression;
SRRB– Saveh-Rafsanjan
retroforeland basin; ‘‘SSZ’’–
Sanandaj-Sirjan zone; ‘‘ZTZ’’–
Zagros thrust zone; UDMA–
Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic
assemblage; ZDF– Zagros
deformational front; ZFTB–
Zagros fold-thrust belt; ZIZ–
Zagros imbricate zone; ZS–
Zagros suture. Hydrocarbon
fields of the region, oil in green
and gas in red, are shown
(Alavi, 2007). And location of
South Pars Gas Field

3.1.1 Fracture Analysis and Fracture Aperture Using Image 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Fracture Analysis Using Core
Fracture is a term used for cracks that do not move along
them. In image logs, fractures are shown as a sinusoidal Cores and image logs are the only tools that are able to
feature that has a greater slope than the structural slope provide direct information from the reservoir. In this study,
(Fig. 3) (Aghli et al. 2017). How to detect fractures in the the distribution and morphology of fractures in the Dalan–
FMI image log is based on the performance of the electrical Kangan reservoir were investigated. Both natural and
resistor. In open fracture, because the space between the artificial fractures were observed in both nuclei and FMI
fractures is filled with conductive drilling mud, so the image logs. Natural fractures consist of open fractures,
resistance inside the open fracture is less than its sur- vuggy fractures, mineral-filled fractures, also faults that
roundings and its conductivity is higher, so these types of detected could be categorized as possible fault. The results
fractures are seen as dark in colour. They have a higher were observed in the following order.
electrical resistance than the surrounding filling. They are
seen in white in the FMI image logs. To calculate the 4.1.1 Artificially Induced Fractures
aperture of open fractures, the method introduced by Luthi
and Souhaite is used for image tools such as FMI (Luthi The artificially induced fractures are occurring as a result
and Souhaite, 1990). In this method, the amount of fracture of stresses produced by the core extraction process. An
aperture can be measured by measuring the amount of excellent discussion on the characteristics of induced ver-
current sent to the formation by each of the electrodes. sus natural fractures is found in Kulander et al. (1990). A
classification scheme defined such terms as hackle, petal,

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

and torsion to classify coring-induced fractures. There are

several ways to form artificially induced fractures within
core samples, such as careless core handling, unloading,
and drill string/rock interaction (Nelson 2001). Core anal-
ysis of Upper Dalan/Kangan formations in studied well has
been displayed many artificially induced fractures.
Throughout the well, the induced fracture usually caused
crushed zones, which mask the natural fracture system
present. (Fig. 4a) shows examples of inductive fractures
observed in the cores of this well.
Also, in the FMI image log of this well, we saw the
existence of inductive fractures that have been created as
vertical features and in the direction of maximum stress on
the well. An example of this is shown in (Fig. 5a).

4.1.2 Natural Fractures

Natural reservoir fractures can have a positive effect if

open and a negative effect on fluid flow in the reservoir if
closed. Fracture morphology is an important factor that
affects fracture porosity and permeability. Main types of
natural fracture plane morphology are including: open
fractures, deformed fractures (gouge-filled fractures, and
slickensided fractures), mineral-filled fractures, and vuggy
fractures. An excellent discussion on the characteristics of
fracture morphology is found in (Nelson 2001). Through-
Fig. 2 Schematic of Fullbore formation microimager (FMI) image
tool (Schlumberger 2002) out the studied well, natural fractures are common, but
sometimes have been masked with intense artificially
induced fractures or crash zones. However, in cores the
most of natural fractures display mineral-filled morphol-
ogy, and can be assigned to extension fractures that usually
filled by anhydrite cement. In the following, different types
of natural fractures in core and image log are discussed. Open Fractures In open fractures, the gap

between the width of the fracture surfaces is not filled by
diagenetic materials, etc. It also this fracture acts as a
channel for fluid flow. The permeability of open fractures is
controlled by numerous factors. However, this morphology
greatly increases reservoir permeability parallel to the
fracture plane. Throughout the studied well, natural open
fractures in core data, are rare and usually masked with
intense artificially induced fractures. Also, in the image
log, we see more open fractures in zones 2 and 4, and zones
1 and 3 have fewer fractures. An example of this type of
fracture in the core and the FMI image log can be seen in
Figs. 4b and 5b, respectively. Vuggy Fractures Vuggy fractures are not so much

a true fracture morphology as they are a matrix alteration
surrounding the fracture. Vuggy fractures form when fluids
Fig. 3 Continuous open fractures (blue dips) and Closed fractures enter a low-permeability rock along fracture planes and
(light blue dips) shown by FMI image dissolution occur. There is a close relationship between

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

Fig. 4 Displays the types of

natural and artificial fractures
observed in the studied well
cores. a Artificially Induced
Fracture. b Open fracture.
c Vuggy fracture. d Mineral-
Filled Fracture. e Fault

Fig. 5 Displays the types of

natural and artificial fractures
observed in the FMI image log
of the studied well. a Artificially
Induced Fracture. b Open
fracture. c Vuggy fracture.
d Mineral-Filled Fracture.
e Fault

fractures and this type of porosity. Secondary porosity with the development of karst. Vuggy fractures have usu-
associated with these fractures can be quite large compared ally been developed in some intervals of K1 and K4. In the
to more normal fracture porosity values (Nelson 2001; FMI log, these types of fractures are seen as discontinuous
Asgarinezhad et al. 2014, 2016; Aghli et al. 2017; black dots that have a sinusoidal trend. Figures 4c and 5c
Tadayoni et al. 2020). show this type in the core and FMI.
Throughout the studied well in cores, macroscopic
vuggy fractures are not common and are usually associated

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

Fig. 6 Results of interpretation of FMI electrical image log in the studied well and results of interpretation of fractures marked with blue tadpole
in column 6 Mineral-Filled Fractures These fractures are those are permeability barriers, but incomplete filling of a frac-
that have been filled by secondary or diagenetic mineral- ture in the form of either vuggy development or inter-
ization. The minerals that fill this type of fracture are often granular porosity can give some measurable increase in
quartz, carbonate and anhydrite. Usually, filled fractures permeability to the reservoir. These fractures, as mentioned

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

Fig. 7 Stereonet and rose diagram for all fractures in the Dalan– strike direction of the fracture sets. c Diagram related to the amount
Kangan Formations in the studied well. a Rose diagram of the and direction of dip of the fracture sets. d Upper-hemisphere pole
azimuth direction of the fracture sets. b Rose diagram related to the projection for all fracture

above, appear as a white sinus on the FMI log. Figures 4d few millimetres displacements. The observed faults are
and 5d show this type in the core and FMI. usually sub-vertical with a dipping angle about 60° to 90°.
These minor faults, however, could be identified as Normal Faulting Fault, by definition, is a fracture surface or Thrust Faults, according to their relative displacements.
or zone along which appreciable displacement has taken Moreover, in a few cases, there are a few evidence of slight
place. Faults or shear fractures form a continuum, as regard striation that may be implied on small-scale shear dis-
the magnitude of the fracture plane, which extends from placements which have been categorized as Possible Fault.
the microscopic to mega-structures which are hundreds, or Figure 7 shows some examples of faults. Figures 4e and 5e
even thousands, of kilometres long. The term fault is used show the faults observed in the core and the FMI log.
for shear fractures or zones that extend over distances of
metres or larger. Fractures at the scale of centimetres or 4.2 Fracture Analysis Using FMI Image Log
less are called shear fractures, and shear fractures at the
scale of a millimetre or less are micro-faults that may be After interpreting the FMI image log, various sedimentary
visible only under a microscope (Gudmundsson 2011). and structural Features such as bedding, laminate, and
Throughout the cored section of studied well, major faults breakout were identified in the studied well. According to
are absent, but there are a few small-scale faults with only a

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

Closed Fracture

Continuous Open Fracture
Discontinuous Open Fracture




1 : 1000 0 127

0 90

Fig. 8 Fracture analysis result, from left: zonation interval, depth column, gamma ray log, image static, dip azimuth of fracture types, closed
fracture density, continuous open fracture density, discontinuous open fracture density, fracture aperture

the purpose of this study, only the characteristics of the continuous open fracture has dip of 60 and azimuth of
identified fractures were investigated (Fig. 6). N74W degree. Discontinuous open fractures to have dip
and azimuth in difference directions but them more to have
4.2.1 Classification of Fractures dip of 54 and azimuth of N85E degree in 20 closed frac-
tures Identified, Dip and azimuth of this fractures divided
Based on the results of interpreting the FMI log, 120 open into two group. First group to have dip of 51 and azimuth
fractures and 20 closed fractures were identified in the of N48E degree and second group to have dip of 63 and
studied well. Open fractures based on the sinusoidal effect azimuth of S84W degree.
on the FMI log, continuous or not, into two categories:
Discontinuous open fractures and continuous open frac- 4.2.3 Fracture Aperture
tures are divided. Only 1 case of continuous open fracture
was observed in this well and the other 119 fractures were The aperture of open fractures is associated directly with
of discontinuous open fractures type (Fig. 7). the fluid flow. In this well aperture of open fracture varies
between 0.008 and 0.94 mm. The mean of fracture aperture
4.2.2 Fracture Strike/Dip in total continuous and discontinuous open fractures
0.27 mm. The highest amount of fracture aperture in the
In the studied well, most of the fractures have a slope in the depths 3016 m (K-2) and 3174 m, 3235 m (K-4) (Fig. 8).
range of 50 to 80 degrees. Among the open fractures,

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci

4.2.4 Fracture Density permeability using image logs and petrophysical data in
carbonate Asmari reservoir. SW Iran.
In the studied well, the highest fracture density is related to Aghli G et al (2020) Reservoir heterogeneity and fracture parameter
the discontinuous open fracture type. Also, the highest determination using electrical image logs and petrophysical data
density related to this type of fracture was observed in the ( a case study, carbonate. Pet Sci 17:51–69.
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research department of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the Ghazban F (2009) Petroleum geology of the Persian Gulf. Tehran
research department of the National Iranian Drilling Company for University Press, Tehran
providing the necessary facilities and information for this research. Gudmundsson A (2011) Rock fractures in geological processes.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
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interest in competing. Khoshbakht F, Memarian H, Mohammadnia M (2009) Comparison of
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