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Regulating Gene Expression

Gene Regulating :

Transcriptional genes can be turned on or off


Post-transcriptional mRNA can be modified which

regulates translations the types of proteins
produced .

Translational translation can be stopped/started


post-translational proteins can be modified after synthesis which changes their

functions .

Transcriptional Control :

. chromatin remodelling dynamic modification of chromatin architecture to allow access of

1 :

condensed genomic DNA to the regulatory transcription machinery proteins thereby control gene ,

expression .

Histone modification DNA coils around histones because they are positively charged

DNA is 8
charged histones can be modified to ↑ ord the degree of packing .

Methylation addition of methyl groups makes the histones more hydrophobic so they bind more

lightly to each other causing DNA to coil more lightly & preventing transcription of genes .

Phosphorylation histone phosphorylation is a transient (not long lasting) histone modification that

becomes induced by extracellular signals DNA damage/entry into mitosis , .

Acetylation -> addition of acetyl groups/phosphate groups reduces the O charge on the histones ;
this causes DNA to coil less lightly
allowing certain genes to be transcribed
, .

Euchromatin Heterochromatin cell cycle :

during interphase

Sa Segagogogo

less coiled
> mitosis more :


acetylation regions with


methylation regions With


high transcriptional activity lowIno transcriptional activity

are loosely packed are densely packed


2 Transcription factors proteins that bind to DNAS Switch genes on or off by increasing or decreasing the rate

of transcription .

Activators a protein that works as a transcription factors to start / increase the rate of gene transcription

Repressors a protein that works as a transcription factors to stop/decrease the rate of gene transcription
-> .

I , Repressor This gene is only expressed if both activators are present the repressor is absent !

↓ ↓ d

·Binding sites

Prokaryotes have operons :

operon -> a section of DNA that contains a cluster of structural that are transcribed together
as well as control elements s sometimes a regulatory gene
structural gene->codes for proteins eq enzymes
promoter -> DNA sequence located before the structural genes that RNA polymerase binds to
operator sequence that IF bind to

regulatory gene -> codes for an activator or repressor

structural genes
/ I W


regulatory gene promoter operator

LAC OperOn :

introduction :
e coli is a
bacterium that respires glucose ,
but can use lactose if glucose isnt available genes that
produce the enzymes needed to respire the operon called the las operon the gene can
lactose are found on .

produce proteins which enable the bacteria to break down lactose but only when lactuse is present specifically ,

When there's a lack of glucose for the bacteria to metabolise proteins coded by the genes (ac2, 3 A are

required for the bacteria to break down lactose .

RNA Polymerase needs to move through the

· promoter region (lacP) & operator (LacO) to get

present · to the genes .

Regulatory gene (lack produces

CAMP the cac repressor IF which binds to LacP40 .

4 RNA polymerase cant bind to promoter inhibiting ,

! ⑰
genes to transcribe
gene expression This
is an eg of negative
lactose binds to repressor to change its shape

-3 P so it can no
longer bind operator site
to .


MN gene
⑤@ ⑤ >
Promoter Operator RNA polymerase can now begin transcription ?
> -
lacy La M :




transactylase enzyme

> enzyme's cellular role may be

↓ to detoxify non-metabolizable
actose lactuse permease pyranosides by acetylating
present V

I galactosidase , allows lactose them s preventing their reentry


breaks down lactose into to enter bacteria into the Cell .

galactose & Glucose cell


To increase transcription 3
a CAP protein needs to bind to the opposite side of the gene a high
, .

conc of glucose inhibits CAPs ability to bind to gene as it will only operate in the presence
Of CAMP CAMP is produced When ATP is broken down into CAMP +24 by adenosine

is inhibited by glucose)
(w h 4
ich .
Regularing Gene Expression (2)

post-transcriptional control :
Promoter transcription start site
1. RNA Editing :

the nucleotide sequence of some mRNA exon intron

molecules can also be changed through base addition DNA -H-+- - -1
stop site
↓ transcription
deletion or substitution these have the same effect as
. precursor molecule ----- initial transcription product
↓ splicing
point mutations & results in the synthesis of different (pre-MRNAS = - - intron removed
- - -

proteins which may have different functions this increases . mature mRNA =
---- final transcription product
the range of proteins that can beproduced from a single the initial transcription product
MRNA molecule or gene A Cap is added to S'end s tail at

3'end .

Translational Control :

1. Degradational of mRNA the more resilient the molecule , the :

longer it will last , so the greater the amount

of translation .

2 Binding of inhibitory proteins to mRNA this prevents it binding to ribosomes 3 synthesis of proteins

. Activation of initiation factors these aid the binding of mRNA to ribosomes (the eggs of many organisms)
3 :

produce large quantities of mRNA which is not required until after fertilisation at which point initiation ,

factors are activated) .

post-translational control :

1. Addition of non-protein groups such as carbohydrate chains lipids or phosphates


, ,

2 Modifying amino acids 5 the formation of bonds such as disulfide bridges


3 folding/shortening of proteins

4. Modification of CAMP for example in the lac operon , CAMP binds to the CAMP receptor

, protein increasing

the rate of transcription of the structural genes

Example of (4) -

activation of protein kinase (PKA) by CAMP :

N cycp
some proteins aren't functional straight after they've
been synthesised (after translation) they need to be


pin"Yinase A
activated tO WOrK .

PKA is an enzyme made of 4 subunits. When
CAMP isn't bound , the 4 units are bound together *
yI ->

are inactive When
in the

Amp binds , it causes a
3D structure releasing the ,
⑰ &


active subunits PKA is now active regulatory inactive

. .

subunits active
subunits Catalytic
Gene Expression -

HOX Genes :

morphogenesis :

DNA contains genes that regulate morphogenesis which

is the process that causes an

organism to form its shape .

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