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Львівський державний університет безпеки життєдіяльності

Навчально-науковий інститут психології та соціального захисту

Кафедра іноземних мов та перекладознавства

Шановні знавці англійської мови!

Запрошуємо Вас до участі у конкурсі перекладу текстів, який
проводить кафедра іноземних мов та перекладознавства Львівського
державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності.

Конкурс проводиться в таких номінаціях:

• Художній переклад вірша

• Художній переклад прозового тексту

• Технічний переклад тексту

Вимоги до конкурсних робіт:

• мова перекладу - українська;

• відповідність змісту тексту перекладу до вихідного тексту;

• грамотність і відповідність чинному правопису;

• відсутність стилістичних помилок;

• милозвучність.

Термін виконання: роботи приймаються до 15 березня 2024 р.


Вимоги до оформлення:
❖ роботи подаються у форматі MS Word;
❖ аркуш А4, кегль – 14 pt,
❖ міжрядковий інтервал – 1,5,
❖ шрифт – Times New Roman.
❖ Під перекладом вказується ПІБ автора перекладу.

Переклади надсилати на електронну адресу:
У темі листа вказати “Конкурс перекладів “Spring is in the air”
У листі обов’язково вказати прізвище, ім’я, по-батькові, клас, повну
назву школи, учнем якої Ви є, контактний телефон, електронну адресу.

Автори кращих конкурсних робіт будуть нагороджені дипломами

та подарунками!
Телефон для довідок 097 454 37 47

“Spring is in the air”

Тексти для перекладів:
Художній переклад вірша

“Now fades the last long streak of snow” by

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Now fades the last long streak of snow,
Now burgeons every maze of quick
About the flowering squares, and thick
By ashen roots the violets blow.

Now rings the woodland loud and long,

The distance takes a lovelier hue,
And drown’d in yonder living blue
The lark becomes a sightless song.

Now dance the lights on lawn and lea,

The flocks are whiter down the vale,
And milkier every milky sail
On winding stream or distant sea;

From land to land; and in my breast

Spring wakens too; and my regret
Becomes an April violet,
And buds and blossoms like the rest.

Художній переклад прозового тексту

Lily and Spring
The first whisper of spring arrived on a gentle breeze, carrying the earthy
scent of thawing soil and the sweet perfume of newborn blooms. Sunlight, no
longer the pale flicker of winter, stretched warm fingers across the land, coaxing
life from slumber. Birdsong, tentative at first, grew into a joyous chorus,
echoing through the awakening forest. Even the air itself vibrated with
anticipation, humming with the unseen energy of renewal. This wasn't just the
changing of seasons; it was a celebration, a triumphant declaration that life,
tenacious and resilient, had triumphed once more.
For young Lily, spring held a particular magic. She'd been cooped up
inside all winter, nose buried in books and daydreaming of warmer days. Now,
with each sunrise, the world outside beckoned with an irresistible allure. She'd
wake to the twittering of robins, throw open her window, and breathe deeply of
the fresh, invigorating air. The garden, once a dormant expanse of brown and
grey, now teemed with activity. Tiny shoots pushed through the earth, unfurling
leaves in shades of emerald and jade. Daffodils, their trumpets held high,
swayed in the breeze, a vibrant splash of yellow amidst the burgeoning green.
Lily couldn't wait to shed her winter layers and explore the world reborn, her
heart brimming with the same vibrant energy that pulsed through the very
essence of spring.
Технічний переклад тексту

AI - new opportunities or threats?

Artificial general intelligence (AGI), also known as strong AI, is still a
hypothetical concept as it involves a machine understanding and performing
vastly different tasks based on its accumulated experience. This type of
intelligence is more on the level of human intellect, as AGI systems would be
able to reason and think like a human.
Like a human, AGI would potentially be able to understand any intellectual
task, think abstractly, learn from its experiences, and use that knowledge to
solve new problems. Essentially, we're talking about a system or machine
capable of common sense, which is currently not achievable with any form of
available AI.
Developing a system with its own consciousness is still, presumably, a fair way
in the distance, but it is the ultimate goal in AI research.
Artificial super intelligence (ASI) is a system that wouldn't only rock
humankind to its core, but could also destroy it. If that sounds straight out of a
science fiction novel, it's because it kind of is: ASI is a system where the
intelligence of a machine surpasses all forms of human intelligence, in all
aspects, and outperforms humans in every function.
The biggest quality that sets AI aside from other computer science topics is the
ability to easily automate tasks by employing machine learning, which lets
computers learn from different experiences rather than being explicitly
programmed to perform each task. This capability is what many refer to as AI,
but machine learning is actually a subset of artificial intelligence.
Machine learning involves a system being trained on large amounts of data, so it
can learn from mistakes, and recognize patterns in order to accurately make
predictions and decisions, whether they've been exposed to the specific data or

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