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Publication no 7 Sprayed Concrete for Rock Support ~ Technical Specification, Guidelines and Test Methods Prepared in co-operation with Norwegian Tunneling Society and Norwegian Rock Mechanics Group 1999 a RRR RR RR RRQ ROOT AAA ROR AAP OTTO I TATOO BADE TT TTT teas PREFACE Sprayed concrete is a product that was primarily developed through practical ‘application in resconse to demands of the market. Extensive tunneling and rock ‘cavern cansinuction throughout several decades has given the opportunities for sprayed concrete fo be developed into a cost effective means of rock stabilisation. Improved materia properties have widened the field of application of sprayed concrete and strengthened is position as a central rack support method. Norwegian wet mk sprayed concrete with stee! fibre reinforcement applied with high ‘output robot unit, is 2 product highly recognised among international professionals, land the method has gained a central positon as @ crucial rock support method internationally, The technique was developed through the foresightedness and Creativity of single persons in addition to the will and courage of companies to improve equipment as well as the final product. The new Publication No. 7 of the Norwegian Concrete Association, “Sprayed Conarete for Rack Support” replaces the former edition issued in 1993. The technical content i updated and new aspects such as alkai-sree accelerator and heaitn and safety requirements have beon introduced. Furthermore, standard control procedures, believed lo improve practice and quality control, are specified. Due to the demand for a complete collection of “ules” the publication also includes @ ‘chapter on sprayed concrete as fhe protection for polyethylene foam sheets used for water and frost protection in traffic tunnels. Chapter 2.2 inthe 1988 edion, which described equipment for dry spraying, has ‘been removed due fo the fact that cry spraying for rock support is rarely performed in Norway Durabitty of sprayed conerete has unti recently received litle attention, Comprehensive investigations in Norwegian road tunnels from 1985 to 1997 have nevertheless given us a much better possibilty fo estimate the durabilty ofthe ‘material and the canstruction, ‘The present guidlines do not replace NS 3420 nor the Norwegian Public Roads ‘Administration Precess Code, but they willbe used as a basis for the revision of the Codes. This publication isthe result of efforts by the following committee members: “John Petter Holtmon, Veidekke ASA (chairman of the committee) “Knut R. Berg, Norwogian Concrete Association Ole Kristian Birkeland, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Oslo “Tom Fars'ad, Norwegian Building Research institute “Knut Garshol, Master Buliders Technologies * Eystein Grimstad, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute * Christine lauck, Veidekke ASA * Jan Erk Hotlebakke, Entreprenerservice AS “Nils Leirud, Bekaert Norway AS «Kjell inge Davik, Nonwegian Public Roads Administration (secretary) Thanks is given to Reidar Kompen, Norwegian Public Roads Administration who uaity controled the dscument. The English edition has been prepared by Kjell Inge Davik and lan Markey. both Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The committee wishes to thank the companies and institutions who contributed technically and financially to the revision of the publication: AF Spesialprosjekt AS ‘Andersen Mekaniske Verksted AS Bekaert Norge AS Entreprenorservice AS Fundia Bygg AS Norwegian National Rel Administration Kristian Bdegaard AS Master Builders Technologies UGC Int Norcem AS: Norconsult AS Norwegian Building Research Institute Norwegian Geotechnical institute Norwegian Group for Rock Mecnanics Norwegian Tunneling Society Norsk Hydro ASA PEAB AS Rescon AS. ‘Soanoem Chemicals AS Scandinavian Rock Greup AS Selmer ASA Sika Norway AS ‘Snemyr & Limm Betongpumping AS Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Oslo County Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Road Directorate Statkraft Anlegg AS Tunnel Suppor AS Veidekke ASA eotprcttste CONTENTS INTRODUCTION , 1, PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ~ SPRAYED CONCRETE .. 1.1 General creer 4.2 Material properties 1.2.1 Envronmental classification, concrete composition 1.2.2 Conwrete strength classification. 123 Amountof fre, toughness! energy absorption class 42.5.1 Specification of duetiilyRoughness class Specification of energy absorption class. 1.24 Early strength 125 Thickness 1.26 Other material properties 1.26.4 Bond 1.262 Flexural tensile strength 1.263 Density 112.64 Durability 1.2.65 Modulus of elastic, 4.3 Materials 131 Cement 1.32 Silica fume (or other pozzolan additives). 1.33 Aggragates 1.34 Mixing water 135 Additves 1.38 Fibres 1.4 Concrete Production... 1.4.1. Mixing plant 1.4.2 Mixing 1.433. Transport 1.4.4 Temperature 1145 Consistence 15.1 Preparatory works 4.5.11 Scaling 1.5.12 Geological mapping 115.13 Evaluation of required volume. 1.5.14 Drainage of substrata 1.5.18 Cleaning of substrata 115.188 Protection of surroundings. 15.17 Temperature 2, GUIDELINES. 1.52. Sprayed concrete application Star of spraying 115.22 Adjustment of spraying nozzle. 115.23 Operation of spraying nozzle. 4.8.3 Curing action Temperature 1.5.32 Moisture retention 1.8.4 Work repot 4.6 Quality centrol and documentation.. 416.1 Quality assurance 4.6.2. Control plan Limited inspection 4.6.22 Norenal inspection 116.23 Extended inspection 4.7 Sprayed concrete as fire protection for polyethylene foam 117.1. Material properties TAA Micdesign Curing action 17.43 Bond 417.14 Thickness: 1.7.2 Reinforcement 4.73 Preparations E Preparation of PE-feam. 17.3.2 Cleaning of the PE-foam mats 4.7.4 implementation 4.7.5. Quality control and document 24 Design 2.44 Introduction 2.42 Support philosophy 2.1.3 Evaluation of rock mass quaily for the selection of rock support 2:48 Performance and failure mechanisms, 2.1.41 Performance 2.4.42 Unreinforced vs, ste fire reinforced sprayed concrete 2.4.43 Failure mechanisms 2.45 Mathods of desian 2.45.1 General 2.15.2 Basis for design Design models 2.4.6. Rock supoort under specific conditions. 2.46.4 Concrete spraying ol clay zones. Spraying of rock subjected to high stresses 216.3 Spraying close to water leakages. u "1 12 2 cr 2 2 2 3 3 8 8 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 a 26 28 25 28 a a 28 at 34 34 36 7 2.2 Equipment em 22.1 General 2.22 Concrete pump 2.23 Gonarete feed lines 2.24 Spraying nozzle 22 Compressed air 2.28 Accelerator 2.2.7 Equipment for dry spraying, 2.3 Working environment 2.4 Implementation 2.4.4 Preparations 24.11 Cleaning of substrata. 2.4.12 Draining of substrata 2.4.18 Protection of equipment... BA.14 Checking te equlment 2.4.2 Spraying 24.21 Accelerator 24.22 Applied thickness 2.423 Spraying of areas with reinforcement. 2.4.3 Reinforcement 244 Curing action 28 Concrete Senne 25.1 General 2.5.2 Materal properties 2.62.1 Environmental classification, composition 2.5.22 Concrete strength classification 25221 Eaty stonath 252.22 Eary steng0y development 2.623 Toughness 215.24 Flexural tensile swengih. 2525 Bond 2525 Thickness 2527 Durability 28271 Fost 252172 Corde cone 252.73 Water penevaton 252174 Capitary absorption 2.83 Concrete composition 2831 Cement 2.832 Silica fume 253.3 Aggregate 2.834 Mixing water 38 38 38 39 40 40 40 4a a 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 48 46 46 47 Po e 43 50 51 51 51 2 2 & 82 52 53 5 56 Additives 2595.3 Pragents 2ga8 sPagents 25353 Logent 2354 Statliser 2538: intemal cuing and pum improving admtures 2366 Accelerator 2.8.36 Fibres 2.5.4 Concrete production 2.64.1 Mixing plant 2542 Miring 2.543 Transport 2.55 Practical quailty assurance 255.1 Speefications of sprayed concrete. 2552 Quality documentation 2553 Check lst 2.6 Fire protection for 264 Introduction 2.62 Aggregate 2.6.2 Reinforcement 27 Durability 2.7.4 Introduction, history 2.72 Experiences Entrance zones 2.7.22 Sub-sea tunnels 2.7.23 Frost zones 27.24 Rock stresses 27°26 Akal aggregate reaction. 2727 Generally 3, TEST METHODS FOR SPRAYED CONCRETE. 34 Early strength 3.2 Strength development 3.3 Toughness oom 3.3.1 Beam test Production of icot epecmen Laboratory preparation of test specimen. 3.3.13 Testing Report content Evaluation of results. 86 sr sr st a 58 et ei 62 63 63 64 65 70 n 4 ™ 6 5 78 8 6 7 7 % 8 79 9 20 8 a at 83 83 85 3.32 Slabtest Production of test specimen 3322 Spraying 3.323 Testing 3.32.4 Report content 3.3.25 Evaluation of result 3.4 Bond 3.8 Fiber content 3.6 Thickness 316.1 Rock support 3.82 Fire grotection 3.7 Test methods for concrete production, 377.1 Consstency of fresh concrete, 372 Fresh concrete temperature, 3.7.3. Compressive strength of cast specimens. 3.8 Test methods for material properties. 3.8.1 Compressive strength of dlled cores, 3.82 Wate’ binder ratio. 3.83 Fibre content prior to spraying 3.84 Density 3.9 Tost methods, product 3.9.1 Volume 3.9.2 Measurement of rebound 4, REFERENCES Appendix A: Fibre specification 86 86 88 86 87 87 89 89 onvgjon oneal AszcitonPubesten no 7 1889 - Sprayed concrete fe rok support Patt bose! Specteston INTRODUCTION Sprayed concrete has been used as temporary and permanent support in Norwegian tunnels since the 1960" However, it only gained widespread popularity inthe 80". ‘Today, sprayed concret is the major constructional element of most Nontegian funnels. As such, is durebilty is intrinsically linked to that ofthe tunnel tse In Norway, stee! fibre reinforced sprayed concrete is used on broken hard rock and Minor srushed zones subjected to small deformations. Where no deformations are Snticipated unreinforced sprayed concrete is applied Sprayed concrete is also applied in major shear zones containing cay, in weak rook tad tack subjected to hgh stresses. In these situations concrele toughness and flowurel tensile strength are of majar importance, and itis also of great importance to tlesign the rock support as a combined action between sprayed concrete and rock bolts Under condliions of low or no deformation, bond. compressive strength and shear strength are the most important parameters. This publications is subdivided as folows Part 1; Product Specification Par 2: Guidelines Part 3: Test methods for sprayed concrete Part 4: References: Part ‘is intended as a basis for technical specifications in a contractual context. and Includes contrel specifeations, Sprayed concrete accorting to this publication is ecumed to be spectied as stated in Section 2.6.6 1. Calculation of quantiles and feime of payment are outlined in NS $420 and The Norwegian Public Roads ‘Administration, Process Cade-025, Part 2 contains supplenentary information and background material concerning the Bstuct Specifeation. Also included is general information and practical adviee, The ‘Quidelnes are not intended to be part of a contract, but are intended lo asst Interpretation of the Product Spectication. Part 3 presents a number of methods used for testing the toughness of stee! fibre reinforced sprayed concrete Part 4is a lst of eferences and standards. tree ac pAc tte itt Norwegian ConeeteAssoriation Publication no 7~ 1999» Sprayed concrete for rock support Produc! Seeeteaton 1. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ~ SPRAYED CONCRETE Before spraying itis important to decide on the support methods to be used based on the rock conditions, This must include an evaluation ofthe composite action between rock bolts and sprayed concrete in order to optimise the specification, 44. GENERAL ‘Sprayed concrete applications should be in accordance with the following specifications and possible supplementary specifications. Sprayed concrete according to this publication is assumed to be specified as stated in section, ‘The given propertes should be documented according to tes! methods described in chapter 3 1.2. MATERIAL PROPERTIES ‘This chapter defines requirements for material properties with reference to standard {est methods that can be used to document these properties, If no requirements are specified, one should refer tothe contractor ather documents of agreement 1.2.4, Environmental classification, concrete composition Environmental classification with corresponding specified concrete composition is given in Table Table 1 Environmental classification Enuronmenial | Desorplon of | Maximum ratio] Recommended lass enwronment werk) | minimum evkes NA ‘Somewhat aggressive 060 360 kgm NMA More aggressive 0.50 420 kgm? MA Very agaressive 045 470 Kime MMA Highly aggressive 0.40 530 Kgl? W= quantiy o'water_—___K-= offcenay coaficent © = quantiy ef pure coment & = quantity of pozzelan siica “The classification corresponds tothe classification of NS 3475 (NA, MA) ‘The enviconmental class is determined as flows. + /NS3473-NA. CQutdoor structures, indoor structures in @ humid environment and structures in feesh water. orwogian Concrete Associaton Publication no. 7 1899 - Sarayod coneret for ock suppor Ban. Product Speciation 1+ N&2473-MA. Structures in salt water, in the splash zone and structures objected to sal water spray. Structures subjected to aggressive gases, salts or Sthee chemical agen. Structures subjected to repeated freezing and thawing in a wet condition In order to calculate the wateribinder ratio m = wictkxs) and the effective amount of binder ovine, a factor cf K=2.0 Is applied for silica fume of 10% or lass by weight of Petnent, and k#1,0 fora silica fume content of 10% to 18%, unless otherwise slated in the project specifications “The amount of water in the conerete (w) includes added water, sand moisture ang water from additives, silea slurry, et. The amount of water (w) also includes the water content of any accelerator (See section 2.5.2 1), defined as the average quantity used for 8 working shit. “The additional use of accelerator for stopping weter leak or spillage should not be iluded. ‘The maxmum mass ratio should not exceed the specified ratio by more than 10% fore single sift and a 5% average for three consecutive shits, For sprayed concrete wed for rock stabilisation airentaining agents should not be specified 1.2.2. Concrete strength classification Concrete strength is defined according to NS 3420 Chapter LS (Table 1.1), The SStlustion of the strength is based on cores diilled from the structure (in situ Samples), The cores should have a minimum age of 28 days, maximum 66 days, the control of strength s based cn younger specimens, an empirical corelation should be established for each case, With regard tothe recommended classification of concrete before spraying and ‘evaluation of results see section ‘Table 2 Definition of concrete strength [cavmprecave svongin cass | 620 | 625 [ Cat | cas | 00 | 85 Minimum charaderatecube J 30 | 3 | 40) “8 | 80 | 55 icompressive strength, MPa ereast apecrmen Minimum compressive Tez] Be Strength MPe for cle cores Ins =20 | 356 | 268 | 320 | 352 Conversion of compressive strengths to other h/d-atios should be done in ‘accordance with NS 3420 Norwegian Cote Associaton Puplcstion no 71989 - Sprayed conte fo 0cksuppot ant Procuet Speeteaton — 1.23 Amount of fibro, toughness/energy absorption classes ‘The post-cracking ductilly of toughness requirements for cured sprayed concrete are ‘specified by means of either 41. Toughness class; based on the beam test as @ method of documentation, or 2 Energy absorpion class; besed on the plate test as a method of documentation. ‘Type and quantity of fibre should be chosen to meet the specified toughnoss properties. ‘Type and quantity of fibre could alternatively be specified by the owner (toughness class 0}, The requirements concerning fibre quantity refer to sprayed concrete in Situ on the wall. Ir situ fibre volume should be documented at randomly chosen locations and in ccnnection with the testing of concrete toughness (see Table 6 and 7) ‘The average vaive ofall the tests shall satisfy the spectied requirements. Individual test values are allewed to have a fibre content up to 15 % lower than specified, ‘The toughness classification miethods are described in section 3.3. 4 ificaton of d hness class using the beam test A toughness classfication and corresponding minimum values are given in Table 3 ‘The toughness properties should be documented according to Table 3. “in the project" implies that the toughness/energy absorption of the mix design and The planned methed of implementation used in the project, must be documented (see ‘Table 6 and 7). "Declaration" implies that the toughnesslenergy absorption must be proven through {general documentation carried out by an independent test laboratory. The documentation must include the toughness properties achieved for a given type of fibre fora given fibre volume. The supplier of fibres should document the fibre properties accordirg to appendix A. Table 3. Duetity/ toughness class and minimum values SEEDS FOE BERG NT HS TPT OG eamieet Toagiess: | inte, |oeeraten| osm | tom |"'20mm | 40mm co saect 7 T Tae (TBR EOE GAT THR TBS | aecowng to apsenan on tox 28 ae) 2D 45 2 i «x is a3 | 40 35. weg Concret AssoinonPabeaion no, 7 1988 Sprayed correla (6 SPF Proce Spe : Sbecticaton of enetaV’absorpisn' ass usina!the plate test “Te plate et is pertoréd Wit cirular late fe rics londine arcangement, ree a ssuments eneigy absorption fr given deflections, Energy absorption The fest or cowesponcing minimum vakies fr energy absorption Joules for Gefiections not exceeding 26 mm, are given in Table 4. ‘Table 4: Energy absorplion classes using the plate test ee a ee ea |e Sa EE aa ei a * 705 | me | S | + explanation as gen a section 1233.4 4.24, Early strength reat strength is specie, the assocated.ruirerents shoul be presented Me ‘special description ofthe tender document ‘The early strength and strength development of'the sprayed concrete should be Fae sae ed according to procedures in section 3.1 and 32 and with he frequency fgven in table 6 and 7 (see aso section Early srengh shouldbe measured a the most tial points nthe profie OF instance at wet areas in the crown, 4.25 Thickness During the application af the sprayed concrete alin, coviles and depress uring eats anal be fled before an even layers placed (aee section 1.62.9). The wre ved concrete volume is determined according to area thickness, substrate Saiitons, ete, (see seation and the form on page 67) ifthe sprayed concrete fs pat ofa permanent rock support the cen! can g/de" 2 Xe cots vobme for ing of lows. oe, anlar a spectied inesness. 8 SeeStied tnckness fs ordered, the fellnygng shal apply forthe measured thicknesses, " «the average thickness shall be at least as specified the minimum thickness shal beat least 60% of the specified value “The thickness shall be checked as described in section 3.6 nonvegian Concrate Association Publton no. 71999 Sprayed conerete for rock support att Product Specteston 1.2.8 Other material properties [A proper bond between the sprayed concrete and substrate should be achieved by: oP jeaning of the substrate prir to spraying (see section ‘correct concrele mix design (see sections 1.2.1, 1.22 and 2.5) © correct implementation techniques (see section 1.5.2) suitable hardening conditions (see section 2.4.4) ‘A method of control is spectied in section 3.4 If satistactory bond is not obtained, the reasons for this should be assessed and the ‘need for addiiona’ stabilising measures should be evaluated, 12. ral tens! {documentation f flexural tensile strength is requited, the flexural tensile strength shal not be less than the values in Table 5, Table 5. Flexural tensile strength, MPa T Compressive strength class _ (ea [-e35 | cao | cas | C50 [C8 Flexural tensile strength, | 38 | 42 | 44) 46 | 48 [80 MPa 1.26.3 Density ‘Density shall be documented in connection with the testing of compressive strength ‘The documentation shall comply with NS 3873, 1.26.4 Durability I documentation f the durabilty of permanent sprayed concrete linings Is requires, several test methicds may be used. Important durability parameters and test methods are described in section itis important to hghlight that durabilty is éependont upon other parameters in addition to those cf material qualily, e.g. thickness is of great importance, nonvogien Conorte Assocation Publication na, 7~ 1999 - Sorayed coneree forrock support Ban? Product Speciation 1.26.5 Modulus of elastic Modulus of elasticity may be specified during design. “Testing and documentation shall comply with NS 3676 on diilled coves. Size for instance: hd = 100 x 200 mm. 1.3, MATERIALS ‘Materials ehallin general comply withthe requirements given in NS 3420 andlor prEN 208, 13.1 Cement Cement shall comply wth NS 3086. Additional information is given in section If alum shale occurs, and in situations where the concrete may be subject to sulphate ‘attack with no concurrent chloride attack, SR-cement or other measures with a Similar documented efect should be employed. 4.32 Silica fume (or other pozzolanic additives) Sica fume shall be in accordance with NS 3045. The quantity used shal! be between 3% and 15% by weight ofthe cement Other adcitives such es fly ash, clinker, pigments and filer may be used, but their influence on material properties, especialy early strengtn, must be documented before use (see section 13.3 Aggregates ‘The aggregate should be in accordance with NS 3420 and should be a well grades sand with 3 maximum content of 10% for particles greater than 8 mm “The parlicle size distioution curve for the aggregate should fal within the area given inFiguee 1 Nonvogian Concrete Associaton Pupeston no. 7~ 1809 ~ Sprayed concrete or rock support an’? Product Spacteaton ves Fig 1. Particle size olistribution curve. ‘The aggregate should be declared and approved by The Conto! Couneil for Concrete Products, class P. If such approval is not available, the cent may give approval for use ina specific project. Aggregate for concrete in environmental class NA and NMA shall comply with the requirements in Te Control Council for Concrete Products, class P2. Aggregate for concrete in environmental class MA and MMA shall comply withthe requirements in ‘The Control Council for Concrete Products, class P1 Ragarding alkal-reactivity, the sprayed concrete composition shall comply withthe requirements given in Norwegian Concrete Association's Publication no. 21, and be classified as non-reactive ‘The use of recycled aggregate may be accepted in environmental class NA and NMA. In this case, concrete properties must be documented and at least match the properties of concrete with normal aggregate. 1.3.4 Mixing water ‘The water used for mixing should be in accordance with NS 3420. Sea- or brackish water shall not be used. Recycled wash water from the conerete production may be used. 13.8 Additives Adives shall comply with NS.3420 andlor prEN 206. Norvogian Concrte Associaion Pubication no 7 1899 - Sprayed canree for rock suppor Part Product Speciation - Materials not certiied may be approved by the client for a specific project, or parts thereot, provided the effect ofthe additives are documented. 1.3.6 Fibres Wen fibre reinforceme:t is specified, the hardened sprayed concrete shall meet the toughness requirements (section 1.2.3), oF the fibre shall be ofa given type or mount, Fibre geometry and properties shall be documented by the producer? supplier (see Appendix A) 14 CONCRETE PRODUCTION 1.4.1 Mixing plant 'A system for productior and documentation of quality must be established fr ebeordance with the requirements of The Control Council for Concrete Products, class A. For concrete of strength class C40 and higher and for environmental class MA and MMA the quality system of the mixing plant should meet Class At criteria, extended control 1.4.2 Mixing The mixing ime shall be sufficient to produce a homogeneous mass with an even distribution of fibres, bres should be added in such a menner that “fibre baling” is avoided In addition to the general requicements for concrete, special attention should be given 10 avoiding the sand fraction being polluted by coarse aggregate. ‘Temperature requirements forthe mixed concrete before spraying are stated in section 1.4.4 1.43 Transport “The mix should be transported without reducing the quality of the mix. Unless specified inne procedures, water should not be added during wanspot from the mixing plant tothe ste ‘A procedure for ackltcnal dosing of addves should be worked out between the Contractor and the concrete supplier The procedure should include the timing for adtional dosing producer and type af additive mixing time after addition ‘drum speed -Nomeoitn Canzyoe Asociaton Pubieaton no. 7-199 ~ Sprayed conorete for eek suport at Product Spactestan 1.4.4 Temperature The temperature ofthe concrete mix should not be less than 15°C when delivered on site and not exceed 36 °C when spraying, ‘The temperature of the accelerator used should not be less than the concrete ‘temperature of the mix. Maximum temperature should be specified by the supplier. “The temperature is measured with calibrated equipment with an accuracy of # 2,0 °C (see chapter 3.7.2), 1.45 Consistence If requirements for consistence are specified forthe fresh concrete, measurements should be performed according to NS3662 "Slump measurements” or NS 3684 “Spreading measurements’, depending on the description forthe project 1.5. IMPLEMENTATION 1.5.1 Preparatory works Preparations and possible additional measures necessary to secure the proper effect ‘and quality ofthe rock support and reinforcement should be completed prior to the application of the sprayed concrete, “The spraying operator should receive the information necessary to correctly carry out the application, for sxample by using the form given on page 67. 184.4. Seal Allloose rock shall be removed. The extent of scaling should conform withthe ‘general rock stably, and if necessary supplementary stabising measures, rock bolts, etc., should be carried out Geological mapping Pur to sprayed concrete application the rock quality should be evaluated and recorded for use as. basis forthe evaluation ofthe overall need for stabilisation (see chapter 2.1). Evaluation of required volume, rouahness factor ‘Areas for spraying should be designated by a profile number and a location within the profile (see form paze 67), ‘The estimated volume should be based on area, specified average thickness, roughness factor ard a rebound factor (see chapler 10 orwesien Concrete Assocation Publication no. 7= 1989 ~ Sprayed concrete frock support Ban? Procuet Speciation Drainage of subste Large inflows of water should be drained by dling and collection to controled ‘outlets prior to spraying. 15.15 Cleani st In addition to general scaling ofthe substrate, all surfaces which require bond with the sprayed concrete shoul be thoroughly cleaned. It is especially important that ‘ny cay coatings on fracturefjont surfaces are removed. An ailwater combination flushed through the spreying nozzle should be used for cieaning the rock surface fo be sprayed. A minimum air pressure of 7 bar, air volume of min. 10min land a minimum water flew of 300 Iitres/min should be used. In the case of ol, @ solvent shoul! be applied and given sufficient time to act prior to flushing. Rebound collecied on ledges and "shelves". etc, should be removed before continuing spraying, Cleaning should stat from the top working downwards. In cases of poor local rock stability and where water may aggravate the situation, itis recommended that cleaning is omiled subject to agreement with the client Protection of susoundinas Adjoining structures installations, etc., should be covered to avotd damage due to spraying, rebound and dust. Temperature In areas where permanent bond between rock and sprayed concrete is eequied. Sprayed concrete shalinot be applied while substrate temperature is below Soe or while substrate is exposed fo strong winds or heavy rainfall 4.5.2 Sprayed concrete application art of spt “The cleaning water should be allowed to drain off the substrate For lubrication ofthe concrete pump and the hoses, use a cement slurryleement cetiehed mortar or purp improving additive approved by the owner. Oi products are rot permitted. n ‘Norwegian Concrete Associaton Piblicton no. 71999 Sprayed concrete or ook support Ban? Product Speeteston Adjustments of spraying nozzle During acjustmen: of the spraying nozzle atthe start of and at any interruptions. {during the spraying operation, the nazzle should be turned away from the area to be sprayed. Operation of the spraying nozzle Spraying of steep surfaces should normally start from the bottom working upwards to avoid embedment of rebound. ‘The nozzle should be pointed as nearly perpendicular to the rock surface as possible. ‘The distance between the nozile and substrata should not exceed 2.0 m. ‘The available aree and the flexibility of the equipment should be ullised to obtain goad compaction and to avoid sagging and sloughing Al sloughing should all be fully replaced with concrete, 1.5.3 Curing action 183.4 The sprayed concrete should be protected against frost until a concrete strength of SIMPa is obtainea, 18.3.2 Moisture retention Curing action should start immediately ater spraying. This could be done by means of water spray or membrane hardener ‘The membrane hardener should be applied such that a continuous flm is formed 10 prevent water evaporation (min. 0.5 I pr. m?) Ifthe membrane hardener reduces bond it must be removed before any additional ‘sprayed concrete is applied to the same area. It water spraying is used. the area must be kept moist for 4 days. Curing improving admixture may be used if the dosage and corresponding influence ‘on the concrete properties is based upon documented effec. 1.5.4 Work roport For each section or shit a report shall be completed (see page 6). 2 ‘Nomwogien Concrete Assoaation Publeaton vo, 7— 1899 - Sprayea cone for rock support Ban) Proce Speciation 1.6 QUALITY CONTROL AND DOCUMENTATION ‘The organisation and work crew as well as routines for management and documentation of quality should be adjusted tothe type. size and duration of each Project 1.6.1 Quality assurance ‘The responsibilty of each party contributing to the final product (sub-contractor, main contractor and owner) should be clarified. For complicated projects and projects of long duration a separete organisation chart should be established, Such a chart should include the responsibilities of each party and the routines for reporting, ‘Supervising personnel as well as te oBerators should have knowledge of concrete technology and the factors influencing the quality ofthe final product. In addition, the operaters should be rained and possess documented experience for this type of work 1.6.2 Control plan ‘Sprayed concrete shall be subjected to ane of the folowing Inspection Classes |. Limited inspection section Hi. Normal inspection section Ii. Extended inspection (section ‘The choice of inspection Class shall be based on: + the type of project, (e.g., consequences of failure) ~ degree of difficulty ‘e.g. specified quality and environmental classification) = duration (time required to execute the specified control) Ingpection Class Ill "Extended Inspection” is intended for use only under particulary demanding conditions. “The ownar is responsible for giving sufficient time for pre-testing when Inspection Glass llis speciiag. Test methods are gwen in chapter 3. Inthe conorote mix design, the intended accelerator quantily, ete. including al trade ‘names should be presented to the owner for information and comments, The Concrete mix should be chackad with raspect to volume (section 38.1) Limited inspection ‘The normal quality control plan ofthe sprayed concrete contractors regarded as adequate at this level. The concrete mix design is decided jointly between the ‘contractor and concrete supplier based on their knowledge of sprayed concrete, but lunder the responsibilty and authority of the sprayed concrete contractor. w arian lorwogian Concrte sssocioion Pubication no, 7~ 1889 ~ Sprayed cancel er ack suppor Pan? Procuct Spacteatan Normal inspection The responsibilty and reporting routines for the operator should be stated in the project organisaticn chart. Quality and implementation are taken care of through the ‘egular organisation ofthe contractor, but under the responsibilty and authorily of the sprayed concrete contractor. ‘A preliminary concrete mix design shall be presented jointly by the contractor and the ‘concrete supplier. When work stats, test mixing and test spraying are performed ‘observing the folowing: ~ the water requrement, plasticity, pumpabilty, sprayabilty/tebound of he fresh ‘concrete ~ material inspection prior to spraying * product inspecion ofthe sprayed concrete, ‘The mix design should, if necessary, be adjusted based on the observed! measured conorele properties, The cost ofthe testing is included as part of the ‘regular production costs, 1 tended inspection For each project an organisation plan should be established stating the responsibilty ‘and authority of each party and the reporting routines. The plan should also ‘nominate a Quality Assurance Manager professionally quaified to organise the quality control Prior to sprayed ccnerete application, investigations and testing should be executed to-estabiish: 1. Material and product requirements, and consequences for proportioning and Implementation 2. Choice of aggregates and concrete supplier. 3, Preliminary design mix based on specifications and pumpabilty/sprayabilty/ transportation, etc, Particular attention should be paid to anticipated ‘consumption of accelerator with respect to water/binder ratio and excess concrete strength. 4. Test mixing and tral spraying to verify the mix design. Exact material composition, including aggregate moisture content, should be recorded, 4 Concrete Assonation Publication no. ?= 1999 - Sprayed concrete for ork syppor Nonwegi ant? Produc Spesieaten “ Documentation should inctude = inspection of materials prior to spraying product inspecticn of sprayed concrete = documentation of properties if these are required by the specifications ‘The results ofthe testing shall be available before commencing application of the sprayed concrete. If Extended inspection applies only to pars ofthe project, results from other parts may serve as the required pre-testing. ‘Documentation of experiences from previous sites may in some cases be accepted in stead of tral spraying 5 ‘Norwegian Concrete Associaton Publeaton no. 7- 1999 ~ Sprayed conerele or ock support Pan. Product Spscteaton Table 6 Inspection chart Respons= [Type of inspection rype erin ty Tneludes i Inspection of the i concrete production Concrete supplier Tagpection of materials rior to spraying Testing of materials, proportioning. etc, according to NS 3420 and rles| of The Control Council, furthermore: - agaregate moisture content concrete temperature (minimum 15°C) - consistency [Recording of concrete temperature, | ‘slump, casting of 4 test cubes, measuring compressive strength /and densily at 7 days and 28 days or noxmally cured specimens. 50% of tests run on st. Accelerator temperature Trapecton Seve implementation onan [Consumplion of accélerator and membrane hardener. ‘Wateribinder ratio, thickness, early strength (penetration needle) {n situ product inspection Compressive strength and density ‘of cores. Bond. Fibie content as sprayeo Toughness testing of beame or slabs, Table 7_ Frequency of inspection’ [Type oFinspection [Limited Normal Extended “Inspection of Everyshit | Everyshit | Every shit “concrete procuton Inspection of ‘materials prior to 250 m> 100 m? 50m? sora | mipecion ot 1 + 260m? 400m** | Every shift Instu product, j inspection 500 m> 250 m* 100 m* Dacumentaion of 1 properties | - 41000 m? |__ 500 m* *inspecton pertrmgtor every of ie speciied quantity intervals cr pat thereot Topine ine 100 not prayed cance, the equency of nepacton shall be every 26 mor pa tnerech 16 Norwegian Conroe Asscsoton Pubicaton no. ?- 1999. - Sorayedcanerte for rock support ‘Ban't Product Speciation 1.7 SPRAYED CONCRETE AS FIRE PROTECTION FOR POL YETHYLENE- FOAM (PE-FOAM) ‘When sprayed concrete is used as fre protection for polyethylene foam, additional requirements to thosa given in chapter 1-1.8 ate presented in this chapter ‘Sprayed concrete must meet the fre design citeria glven in The Norwegian Public Roads Administration guideline no. 163, "Water and frost protection of road tunnels — Functional requirements and design citeria ‘Addltional information ofthe systems used in Norwegian road tunnels is given in ‘chapter 2.6. 4.7.1 Material propertios 1.24.4 Mix design When using mesh reinforcement the sprayed concrete must be designed to be workable and have good flow properties also with accelerator in order to optimise the cast in and around enforcement. The concrete must have as low a potential for shrinkage as possible, Surina action If the duration petveen oo long, special naasures onust be carried out to avoid dehycration before spraying the next layer. 1.24.3 Sond If sprayed concrete is used with stee! fibres only and there is no reinforcing mesh, the bond between the PE-foam and the sprayed concrete sitallbe larger than 0.05 Nie ‘Bond should be tested according to Swedish Standard SS 137231 1.114 Thickness ‘The mean sprayed thickness for mesh reinforced structures shall be 70 mm, ‘The mean sprayed thiekness or bre reinforced stuctures sill ue 0 in The tolerance limit at a single points for both structures +301nm 10mm, Thickness requitements are valid for all locations ofthe construction. and itis, important to be aware of overlaps and plate joints. Specially developed thickness gauges marking correct thickness should be used as, ‘an aid for the operator. method is described in chapter 3.6.2 The thickness cont w ‘nonvegian ConcrteAszociation Publication no 71609 ~ Sprayed cance for ock support at Proguet Specteston 1.7.2 Reinforcement \When using mesh reinforcement the cover towards the PE-foam shall be 25 mm with a tolerance limit of +/- 5 mm, When ong continuous stretches offre protected PE-foam is used, erack inducers ‘must be established at least every 100 metres. ‘The mesh reinforcement must be rigidly assembled to prevent displacement under spraying. To ensure a stable construction during spraying, reinforcement spacers should be positioned in a grid system of maximum 60 x 60 em, 1.7.8 Preparations Preparatien of PE-foam To ensure adequate bonding between the sprayed concrete and the PE-foam when ising steel fibre reinforcement only (no reinforcement mesh), itis advisable to scrub the PE-plates beferehand. Cleaning of the PE-foam plates itis normally not necessary to clean the PE-plates before fre protecting them with sprayed concrete "Nevertheless, ifthe plates have been exposed to heavy site transport or trafic over @ period of tme, sand blasting/sand washing may be used as a part ofthe cleaning process. If degreasing agenls are used, special altention must be paid to the workirg environment 1.7.4 Implementation For documentation of quality, spraying may be performed on a plate positioned on the tunnel floor. ‘The capacity ofthe construction must, in each case, be evaluated before spraying concrete onto PE-plates, and procedures for spraying must be a consequence of that ‘evaluation. 1.7.5. Quality control and documentation ‘See chapter 1.6. For inspection chart and frequency of inspeciion see Tables 8 and 9. 1 nonwegian Concrete Assocation Publeaion no 7 1999 ~ Serayed conor er rock supp an) Prodoet Spvesiestin TTeble 8. Inspection chart for sprayed concrete as fre protection “Type of nspection [Respons-|includes —SOSCS~S~S~S~ ety | ‘Testing of materials, proportioning, [etc., according to NS 3420 and rules Inspection ofthe ‘of The Control Council, furthermore: | lconcrete production | - aggregate moisture content Concrete |- concrete temperature supplier | (minimum 15°C) | - consistency | i Recording of concrete temperature, | slump, casting of test cubes, | | measuring compressive strength inspection of materials Jand density at 7 days and 28 days [prior to spraying | for normally cured specimens. | | 50% of tests run ca site j Accelerator temperature. [Inspection of ‘Spreved Consumption of accelerator and [implementation |corem, membrane hardener i i ' 1 i cores. Bond between PE-foam “In st prodvet inspection [and sprayed concrete i | | Fibre content as sprayed. Table 9. Normal frequency of inspection for sprayed conerete as fire protection’ [Tape aFinapenvon |] | 1 Vinspecton | eveyann | [fone edecton | Inspection of my ee soon? Si i a a Iestemrton ‘sont inst pra [inspection 3000 m?* * ingpection performed for every ofthe speed quanti intervals o part inert. «TRortne ts 1000 m sprayed, he requencyof inspection shal be every 250 mo part tnereot ANonvegian Concret sscciaton Publaton na. 7 1999 - Sprayed concrete frock supped Part 2: Guidelines on “ 2. GUIDELINES 2.1. DESIGN 244 Introduction Sprayed concrete is one of several stabilizing measures and is often applied in ‘combination with other measures such 2s bolting, stzel straps, wire mesh or steel ‘arches. Sprayed concrete may also be used as temporary suppor in places where ‘cast concrete linings ar precast concrete elements are used as permanent support. Prior to the choice of the method of stablization and the design of sprayed concrete, ‘a geological survey and evaluation of stablty must be cartied out. If poor bond is to be expected due 9 mineral composition or other conditions, extra rock bolting with plates mounted on the outside of the sprayed concrete or other alternatives should be considered. Based on the geological survey, conclusions as to the use of stee! fibres, the required compressive strength, toughness and concrete thickness may be evaluated. Al present, however, no documented design models incorporating the parametets of flexural tensiie strength and toughness exist. Its important to have Well documented data concerning rock mass quality before using sprayed concrete at the tunnel head and the need for additional stabilization should be evaluated. With a very coarse blocky rock mass and sporadic rock bolting, the rock bolts must be mounted before spraying in order to positon them correctly and to avoid downfall of large biocks in between the bots. 2.1.2 Support philosophy’ Nonwegian tunneling has been based on empirical experiences, ether by means of Using rule of thumo or classification systems, Itis always important to observe and contol the total stabilty and the state of the rock support methods, independent ofthe rock mass quality Deformations and cracking may be an early sign of the stabilty geting out of contol ‘Supplementary stabilization and strengthening of the support must in those cases be implemented. Itis of special importance that such observations are performed in ‘poor rock conditions or in weakness zones, where the rack support is ‘comprehensive ‘hen applying a nortnat thickness of sprayed conerete in combination with rock be fon anuneven blasted surface, itis often cicult to perform simple stability Calculations. Numerical methods have been developed (see chapter ‘considering geomsty, stress conditions, rock strength and joint characteristics, together with rock support methods such as rock bolts and sprayed concrete. Thes humerical calcuiatons are resource demanding in order to establish @ geometrical model ané collect the correct inpul parameters before the programme can be run. ‘The input values may vary for different parts of the tunnel depending on local Variations. There are many-examples world wide that support methods for weaker zones are also imolemented ithe better parts ofthe tunnel, leading to a very Conservative and sostly method. An example could be a fully cast tunnel in areas: 20 Nonwogian Conerte Associaton Publoaton ne 7~ 1999 - Sprayod eoneee forteck support Pant? Gussie \Where more cost efficent and simpler support may have been used. Hence, i is Important to consider the actual conditions when deciding methods of support. ‘Tho rock mass quality must also be identified during tunneling, upon which the chosen category of rock support must be based, The installed rock support must be ‘observed or monitored in the short and long term to check i there is any deviation from the predicted behaviour. This monitoring or observation could include visual ‘observation, deformation measurements, loads on implemented fock support, water leakages etc. Ifthe monitoring detects deviations concerning the design basis of the Tock support decisions, undesirable deformations. damages to instaled rock support ‘or other deviations, necessary additional rock suppor shall be installed. This must also be monitored anc observed. |tmay be a problem for certain underground openings with extremely strict safety requirements that the factor of safety onthe implemented rock support is nol known, However, ifthe rock suppor is performed as described above and verified stable by means of a suitable monitoring or observation method, the required factor of safety ‘can be attained by adding additional rock suppor to this already stable condition 2.4.3. Evaluation of rock mass quality for the selection of rock support ‘The general stabilty othe rock should be evaluated on the basis ofthe geological ‘mapping of the excaveted underground opening (see-Figure 2). The stabiity may be calculated from the registered rock parameters and forces acting in the system, ‘Several empirical classiication systems based on data from earlier excavations are develope + Two systems are widely used today ‘The RMR-system developed by Bieniawski (1973) and the Q-systom developed by Nick Barton (1974). Both systems are used in Norway. ‘The Q-system (Grimstad, E and Barton, N, 1993) is the most applied classification system international and employs the following parameters ROD Rock quality designation Je Joint set number Je Joint roughness number Je Joint alteration number e,_ Joint water reduction factor ‘SRF Stress reduction factor “The six parameters are assigned numerical values according to their influence on the stabiliy and entered ino the following formula, RQD ds On Ja” SRE a 109 ~ Sprayed cancata for rack suppost Fig. 2 Tunnel mapping Norwegian Concrete Asszcaton Publcaton na.7~ 1998 - Sprayed concrete for rok support a2. Guigaingg ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION = ; ROCK Cha E Der Rock mas quay Qu f [REINFORCEMENT CATEGORIES: 5) Be einfvce socyet sn oing, 5.9m, Se 2 Unsere 6) Five titres secret snd baking, 13 chy Sine B 2) Spr bog, sb 1 Fibre eiforced soca boing, 1-15 cy, Ste 3) Systema boing, B 1) Bre refrces shoe > 13 em 4) Syma boas, renoreed be of ocr nd bog, Str RRS. (and unreinforceéthocree, 410 cm), +S) 9) Cas cones Ing, COA Fig. 3. Relationship between rock mass quality, Q, and rock support measures. (Grimstad, €. and Barton, N., 1993) 2B Nonuopan corer tesctanPuzton na, 7= 1999 Spey coe fork spp ‘The relation between the Q-values and recommended rock support measures, given in detail in tabular form. ts simplified in figure 3 ‘The equivalent dimension is obtained by dividing the actual dimension (wicth or height) by ESR. ESR being @ number between 0.5 and 3.5, decided by the future use of the underground opening. “The ESR-values forthe mast common types of underground structures are ‘Temporary mine openings, ete. 3-5 Vertical shafts, rectangular and circular respectively 20-25 Water tunnels, pemanent mine openings, adis, etc 16 Storage caverns, road tunnels with ile traffic, access tunnels, etc. 1.3, ower stations, road and railway tunne's with heavy trai, Ciull defence shelters, etc 10 ‘Nuclear power plants, raliroad stations, sports arenas, et, OB Projects with special requirements" 08 * Some projects are given special requirements for along service life, and at the ‘same time being impossible to inspect and maintain without implying unacceptable expenses Recently the critera with respect to quality and economy have been changing, ‘requiring a stricter analysis and documentation of rock mass quality and improved quality control ofthe completed work . ‘The design of tomorrow will probably imply different material requirements and fibre content depending on rock mass qualities. The lowest rock mass qualities often give the most considerable deformations (swelling clay, rock burst, heavily crushed rock mass ete). 2.1.4 Performance and failure mechanisms Performarce ‘When using sprayed concrete forthe stabilisation of rock caverns or tunnels i is important to define the objective of the rock support Itis essential thatthe temporary support ls designed such that it can be incorporated Inthe permanent suppurl, This should be done considering the required degree of. ‘safety, the physicel and chemical environment and the magnitude ofthe anticipated deformations of the rock. 2 ‘Nonwogian Concrete Associaton Publication ne 7~ 1989 - Sprayed concree for rock support Pa 2 Guin ‘Traditionally the functon or mode of operation of sprayed concrete has been ‘considered according tothe following main principles: 8) Jhink-etfect obtained by penetration of sprayed conciele into joints and by filing surface iregulaties, b) Bonding effect due to bond between rock and concrete, and concrete flexural strength preventing blocks from faling out ©) Sealing to prevent percolation of water and flushing of fines from cracks and minor clay zones, 4) Aching effect that may be obtained by thicker layers andlor a stioath finished surface, ©) Beamislab effect across a limited area, ie. belween bolts or other anchorages. 2.142 Unreinforoed vs. steel fibre reinforced sprayed cons During the last decade there has been a gradual change towards spraying with steel fibres, regardless of rock mass quality. In "Good" and "Fait" rack mass quality (Q= 4 - 20) there is normally no danger of deformations occuring around the tunnel sphere. It's therefore rot necessary to include toughness requirements in the Specifications. In these cases, the use of unreinforced sprayed concrete willbe a ‘good and sate choice, For lower rock mass qualities (Q-<4) and for special circumstances such as rock burst, swelling clay, reduced bond etc., where deformations are expected, steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete should be used as rook support If unreinforced sprayed concrete is to be used, the partes involved must agroe upon this before the start ofthe tunnelling works 2143 Fe ‘There may be several causes for deformations and the failure of the sprayed rock ‘mass, roacly speaking the tallowing distribution may be considered; fal-out of blocks, expansion due fo sweling and deformation due to high rock stresses {squeezing or slabbing). The three main fallure mechanisms when a block is forced through a sprayed concrete layer are: a) Shear faite ) Bond failure ©) Bending faire 25 rete for ook support Nonvegion Concrate Assocation Publication no. 7 1988 - Sprayed con. Ban? Cuda [RESISTANCE PER UNIT LENGTH OF CONTACT. Kim Fig. 4 Load/defermation dlagram for diffrent failure mechanisms z (Gabriel Fernendez-Delgado et al, 1976) In practice failure in a sprayed concrete element starts as a bond failure which develops into a bending failure. Shear failures usually occur in cases of thin layers (24m), ‘The deformation energy differs substantially for each ofthe failure mechanisms, and varies to 2 great extent with the quantity of reinforcement. For a shear failure in lnreinforced sprayed concrete-there is itle or no residual resistance afte th Initial failure (curve 1 of Figure 4). In a reinforced sprayed concrete with fibres or mesh, the intial bond felure will be followed by a bending failure due to the ductilty ofthe ‘material. Band falure, and ta an even greater extent bending failure, of reinforced Sprayed concrete may possess substantial residual resistance even in eases of high doformation (curve 3 of Figure 4) For steel fre ren‘orced sprayed concrete, the most commonly used sprayed concrete in Norway, the ductitytoughness depends onthe fibre volume ans the fibre geometry. The aszect ratio andthe amount of fibres/per kg strongly influence the concrete toughness. Laboratory tests performed by the Building Institute of Norway {Moich, A 1994) show thal fibre volumes less than 40 kgim® have no significant influence onthe teughness ofthe sprayed concrete. However, fr 50 kg/m® and above fres have a major influence on toughness (see figure $ and chapter 1.2.3) 26 Nemes Conca Assoc Pabelen no 71868 = Spe cre ork uot Pan 2 Gudelnes Fig.5 The effect ofthe fre volume on the post cracking flexural stress of the Concrete at 1 mm deflection. From Atle March, 1994 2.1.8 Methods of design 245.4 General ‘The required thickness and quality of the sprayed concrete and the extent of other stabilising measures wil vary according to rock quality. To determine the sprayed Concrete thickness, rabound, overbreak and substrate roughness must be ‘considered, Usually the theoretical volume must be multiplied by @ factor of 1.3 to 4.8 o oblain the required thickness. If the rock or joint surfave, is covered by clay or other materials that cannot be removed by flushing, the lack of bonding should be compensated by bolts and possibly stiaps. Ihe bond between sprayed concrete und :uLk vaiies stiongly with Fock type (see table 10 and Hahn, T. 1978). The bond wil also vary with orientation ff the rock surface relaive tothe Schistosly ofthe rock. Itis therefore impossible to ‘specify general bond requirements without refering to types of rock. Provided proper ‘leaning of the substraia and a professionally implemented sprayed concrete, the bond will vary between 0.2 and 1.8 MPa. The bond may be tested by hydraulic, ‘spliting and thereby @ documented design value can be obtained, ‘Tests have shown thatthe roughness is far less significant than the type of rock (Hahn, T. 1978). ar ‘orsepan ConrteAssocaton Pbietonno.7— 1859 » Sproyed conor mck support Pant 2 Guidelines Sores! Table 10. Bond between sprayed concrole and different types of rock (Hahn, T, 1978) Ta ae [wanna —Yorene aise = iano rm = TR | ant | Rana OTT aaa canara ——] ae Taka pad —TTT s =. Ta . ae Tee Tee aa aE | IT Tae Basis fordesion ‘Traditionally sprayed conereie has bean used in cases of finely fissured rock and Zones of decomposition. Recently concrete spraying of clay zones and against slabbing due to rock pressure has become more common. Sprayed concrete under such conditions is described in the next section. A lower rock mass quality requires. thicker concrete layers and a closer spacing of rock bolts (Figures 3 and 6), ‘When the rock mass is unstable throughout the tunnel profilo, addtional shoterete may be used to form arches producing arching effects not commonly obtained by Using ordinary thickness of sprayed concrete in tunnels excavated by drill and blast Such arches are usually 20 to 60 om thick, and reinforced with rebar steel. The width of these sprayed arches reinforced with fibres or reinforcement bars are 0.5 m or more, 28 Nonwosion Concrte Assocation Publication ne 7 1999» Sayed caneret for rock suppor on 2 Gudeines ‘THICKNESS OF STEEL FIBRE oor 008 at 1 10 100 ROCK MASS QUALITY, @ Fig. 6 Thickness of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete vs. Q-value according to Norwegian practice. De = span (Grimstad, E. end Barton, N. 1983) When stee! fibres are used, the minimum thickness of concrete should be ‘considerably larger than the fire length. Generally thicknesses below 6 cm should bbe avoided, as this could result in ‘+ leaching action from water leakages ‘higher risk of shear failure + premature drying, inproper concrete curing resulting from and reduces bond, ‘At lower rock mass qually the concrete thickness should be increased to 25 to 30 ‘em, unless economical or safety considerations indicate the use of cast concrete lining. The use of thick, evenly sprayed concrete layers with alkalfree accelerator without reinforced arches, have been tested al some sites with poor rock mass {quaity giving a substantial time-saving effec. In adsiton to the normal sprayed Concrete, reinforced arches are normally sprayed in extremely poor rock. AA separate ‘mix desian should be censidered when spraying onto re-bars as opposed to rock, Empirical design of conerele thickness and rock bolt spacing may be done using the ‘Q-system tables, The use of reinforced sprayed concrete arches has incveased ‘during the last years, moving the threshold for cast concrete linings even further towards lower rock mass qualities. This tendency has been strengthened with the introduction of alkali-ree accelerators 2 Nonvegien Concrte Association Publication no. 71989 - Sprayed caneree for rock supper Pan 2Gudeines Soir oun oor OaTTIR UOC GT aE va tz ea ao SOD aD 0d ROCK MASS QUALITY Fig. 7 Support pressure correlated to rock mass quality, Q, corrected for roughness; Js (Barton, etal 1974) ‘Several calculation models are found in literature. The main problem is however to determine the forces transferred from the rock to the support. From the use of load calls, stresses between support and rock mass of various qualities have been ‘measured. In Figure 7 a diagram correlating the rock mass quality and the pressure ‘acting on the suppor is shown. This correlation may also be expressed by the following formule 2esiQee Pro =—————_— 304881 (Barton, etal 1974) where rast ® Roof suppor pressure, MPa Rock mass quality 30 nunssaudaxodns were ‘Nonvegien ConcateAsseraton Pubteatn no 7 1998 - Sprayed concrete lor rack supoon Pan 2 Guidelines Pant 2. Guigsines eee 4.5.3 Design models When the suppor pressure is known i is possible with certam mocifications. to Calculate the required sprayed concrete thickness. depending on the forces taken by Fock bots and other types of support, ‘The tunnel is considered as a circular surface and the ring force supported by an ‘even layer of sprayed concrete is calculated. Also parts ofa tunnel surface, e g. ‘between two bolts or protruding points, may be considered part of circle [Ret 13] From the publication "Underground Excavations in Rock” by Hoek & Brown, the following formula applying to an ideal circular surface may be deduced inwhich: 1, = tunel radius y= concrete thickness Pacmae = Maximum support pressure tere = uniaxial compressive stvengiiret the caneiete ‘This formula yields a concrete thickness far less {approwanatwiy 19) oF Ihe thick ‘normally used in practice. It is believed that tis és ceveed by assuming that the ‘unne! surface is an ideal circle, which isthe case only for THM excavated tunnels With thicker layers and with reinforced archés, the surface will approach a circle and the formula may be used as a supplement to empincal methods. Stoel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete and rock bolts create a flexible suppor that will sustain some deformation without failure, This gives a increased total resistance {due to the recistribution of stresses. It is important that the sprayed conerote is ‘applied al the right time; ie, after a certain deformation ofthe rock mass but before failure occurs. This is visualised in Figure & showing the response curve for a given Fock mass qualty inthe crown, walls and Inver. The diagram also indicates how different thicknesses of sprayed concrete, steel arches supporing the rock st Intervals, and duvife ruck bolls itiuenee ine stressidetormation relation a Nonepion Cont AssoctonPublcaon ro 7= 198 ~ Sprayed conrt frok pert ‘Part 2: Guidelines mee “ srenores SUPPORT PRESSURE P, MP TUNNEL DEPORMATION U, mi BROKEN ZONE THICKNESS Go wee Fig. 8 Load/etormation characteristics for different types of support. (Hook, E and Brown, E.T., 1980) ‘The curve A-B shows the deformation of a support that is too flexible and installed after a deformation of § mm. ‘The curve G-D shows the deformation of a less flexible support installed too late (aiter a deformation of 20 mm). The response curves for base and walls reach equilibrium without suppor at approximately 9 mm and 17 mm respectively, while the roof fails if there is no suppor. From Figure 6 it can be seen that unreinforced sprayed concrete arches represent @ Figld support with low deformation capacty and high stress capacity, while resin fnchored bolts rep-esent a high deformation capacity and low stress capacity. it can fiso be seen that steel arches represent intermediate stress capacity and relative Figh deformation capacity. The characteristics of reinforced sprayed concrete arches tuil have 2 high stress eapacily and higher deformation capacity than unreinforced Sprayed concrete. The deformation of the rock, with or without support, can be modelled By use ol advanced numerical analysis. The programme UDEC has been modified during the last years to be able to simulate applied layers of sprayed Concrete, Correlaton between this model analysis and practical tests in caverns and Tunnels, have given very good results, 2 ‘Norwegian Concrete Asiiaton Pubcon no. 7= 1999 = Sprayedconrte or rock suppor Part 2: Gvioilines m se pani 21) tote eens) Ecamples of numerical simulations of deformation using the Figure 9 and 10 4 programme UDEC for @ tunnel with and without rock support 33 0/SPAN or Q/HEIGHT Nonnegien Concrete Association Publication ne 7 1999» Sprayed cc senses nero speet ‘Sometimes, when tunneling under severe conditions and in caverns with @ large span, one operates beyond previous and known experience, and such analyses are highly useful in designing the cavern or tunnel and the necessary supporting measures. Empirica dala showing the ratio between deformation and rock quality, Q, is given in Figure 11 This may be used to evaluate if the ductitytoughness of the sprayed concrete should be increased when substantial deformations are expected. It must be Underlined that the deformations in figure 8 are depending on scale and are hence direcly transferaote to table 3 in chapter 1.2.3. ARCH Swat overt * ARCH JOVIK 1 10 00° “1000 DEFORMATION Fig. 11 Measured deformation correlated to rock mass quality, Q (From Nick Barton 1991) 2.1.6 Rock support under specific conditions 24.8.1 Concrete spraying of cl ‘Small clay zones may be supported properly by stee! fibre reinforced concrete in eabinaton with aks and straps. The sprayed concrete will then form a strap TOntoreed Bridge across the clay zone anchored by bolts in solid rock on both sides. aera of the cay zone and eventual presence of swelling minerals will decide winether sprayed concrete or cast concrete arches are necessary, 34 Nonnegian Cancale Associvon Publeatin na. 7 1999 - Sprayed crete forrack sungort In such cases one shauid also consider increasing the concrete ductilty/toughness by, for example, increacing the fibre volume, If the clay zone exceeds 1 m or runs ata sharp angle, a specialst should be consulted. If swelling of any significance is anticipated. a cushion of compressive material, (for instance rock woo!) may be placed between the clay end sprayed concrete (see Figure 12) cua zone ‘Sree. stare Rock Woot Stee. rine feinronctD SPRAvED Concnere Fig, 12 Stabilization ofa clay zone. lt the clay zone has a limited swelling pressure, orf the zone consists of mainly crushed rock, it may be arofitable to construct reinforced sprayed ribs rather than Using cast conerete arcres. The rebar diameter may vary, but 16 mm diameter rebar Is common REINFORCED RIBS OF SPRAYED CONCRETE 2. 403. Laven oF sPwAvi CONCRETE Figure 13 Support by rebar stee! reinforced sprayed woncrete ribs 38 1899 - Sprayed concroo for rock support ‘The width, thickness and spacing ofthe ribs depends on the anttipated support stress (see Figure 13). The fits layer is usually 100 - 150 mm and may be fibre reinforced. Its also used for levelling the uneven rock surface. The next layer may ‘also be fibre reinforced provided thatthe spraying is not done against rebars placed after application ofthe first layer. When the rebars are in position, spraying should be performed using unreinforced sprayed concrete. Reinforced sprayed concrete ribs should have good foundations close to the tunnel floor to avoid the rbs being forced inwards. The ribs may eventually be connected by ‘casting the floor or be sprayed as a whole, closed circle. When spraying onto rebars air voids may occur behind the rebars and the ribs should bbe grouted to get optimal contact with the rock. The use of alkal-free accelerator ‘may lead to less “shadows” behind the rebars and a higher early strength, Spraying of cock subjected to hiah rack stresses Under conditions cf spalling or slabbing due to high rock stresses, fibre reinforced sprayed concrete in combination with bolts has offen been effectively used. When high rock stresses occur, deformations will always take place, hence itis important thatthe sprayed concrete satisfies toughness class 2 (see table 3 in chapter 1.2.3). ‘When large deformations are expected its important to place the stee! plates ‘outside the sprayed concrete. If bolting is executed before spraying, large plates should be used in order to dstibute the pressure and thus avoid cracking of the sprayed concrete. When botting after spraying it is sufcient to use round plates, ‘assuming that the concrete has an adequate thickness (> 6 cm), except in cases of large deformations including cracking of the sprayed concrete. 114s also importantto apply the sprayed concrete in even layers to avoid shear falure {and slabbing. Under such circumstances the concrete deformation energy and plastic deformation capacity is more significant than its compressive strength, For moderate rock stresees giving email deformations, baling before spraying has ‘been the normal procedure, In some cases it has been necessary to install ‘additional bots with plates outside the sprayed concrete to compensate for lack of ‘bond and to avoid downtall When heavy spalling or stabbing and rock burst occur, it is necessary to spray first and install bolts afterwards. In these cases. where slabbing may occur at depths of Several metres, wil the concrete, sprayed alle way to the tunnel fave, undergo severe deformations leading to delamination and extensive cracking, (The depth of slabbing depends on the width of the underground space and the reiationship| between the stresses and the compressive strength of the rock mass) ‘Additional layers of sprayed concrete, eventually wth compressible slots, must then 'be applied when the deformations have stopped or slowed down, Experiences from ‘several unne's show that its cost benefcial to apply sprayed concrete all the way

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