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Development Order



Customer: ESTÉE LAUDER Companies

Project: C903A ELC

Consultant: Martina Gruber

Time recording: Realisierung – 0004 Infeed

BBP Version: V1.0.19_Inbound

BBP Chapter.: 3.3.1 Infeed of pallets for depalletizing

KNAPP IT Solutions GmbH • Dietrich-Keller-Straße 24 • 8074 Raaba • Austria • +43 50 495 - 9100
Uni Credit Bank Austria AG • BIC: BKAUATWW • IBAN: AT611200052959159109 • FN: 383109 x • UID: ATU67349648 • DVR number: 4017059

Change log

Version Date Author Remarks

0.1 XXX Initial version

1.0 16.05.2019 RUE Added technical details

2.0 10.07.2020 WIN Updated after CR: mark pallet as non-mechanized

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1 Introduction 4
2 US 1: Scan HU 4
2.1 Acceptance criteria 4
2.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 5
2.3 Additional information 7
2.4 Implementation concept 8
3 US 2: Scan destination 8
3.1 Acceptance criteria 8
3.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 9
3.3 Additional information 9
3.4 Implementation concept 10
4 US 3: Select destination 10
4.1 Acceptance criteria 10
4.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 11
4.3 Additional information 12
4.4 Implementation concept 13
5 US 4: Change packaging material (CR) 13
5.1 Acceptance criteria 13
5.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 14
5.3 Additional information 14
5.4 Implementation concept 14
6 Technical implementation 14
6.1 Entry point 14
6.2 Packages 14
6.3 Implemented BAdI’s 15
6.4 Important classes / function modules 15
6.5 Database tables 15
6.6 Checkpoint groups 15
7 RF specific developments 15

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1 Introduction
This RF-workflow starts after the unloading process. In general, the user has different possibilities,
where to provide a pallet. To provide a pallet at the correct place, he first needs to scan the internal
routing label (= HU number) and due to a previously made decision by the admin team either the
infeed lane for the depalletizing station or the infeed conveyor for the HBW. The user also has the
possibility to overrule the expected destination. This may be relevant in case of oversized and too
small products as well as if only cartons are delivered, which must be engrossed with the help of the
boom conveyor. Furthermore, there is the possibility to change the packaging material of the HU.

2 US 1: Scan HU
In this screen the user can scan the internal routing label, which represents the HU number. After the
scan and in case SAP EWM can find a corresponding HU in the system, the user will get informed
about the expected destination. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to change the packaging
material of the HU.

2.1 Acceptance criteria

Option 1:
1. The user selects the submenu “05 Infeed” in the menu for inbound processes.
2. The system forwards him to the “Scan HU”-screen.
3. The system provides one active field for the HU number as well as one for the packaging
material (CR).
4. The user scans an internal routing label.
5. The system checks if this number is an existing HU in the system.
a. If this is not the case, an SAP standard error message will be shown by the system.
6. CR: The system determines the packaging material of the HU.
7. The system writes the scanned HU number and the corresponding packaging material (CR)
in the active fields.
8. The system checks if an open warehouse task with the warehouse process type for internal
movements (3030) to one of all possible destinations (see chapter 2.3) for this HU exists.
a. If a proper warehouse task exists, the system reads out the expected destination and
shows the description according to the z-table “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET” in the infor-
mation on the screen.
b. If no proper warehouse task exists, an error message is shown by the system that
the HU already has an open warehouse task and therefore cannot be moved within
this workflow.
c. If no warehouse task exists, the system reads out the expected destination depend-
ing on the flag in the z-field for “highbay buffer” on the HU header and shows the
information on the screen.
i. If this flag is set, the system shows the following message on the screen in
the provided line: Provide pallet to highbay buffer!
ii. If this flag is not set, the system shows the following message on the screen
in the provided line: Provide pallet to depalletizing station!
9. The system checks it the user status “EPAL” (= pallet is erroneous) is set on the HU header.
a. If the user status is set, the system shows the following message on the screen in the
provided line: Pallet is erroneous!
b. If the user status is not set, no message will be shown.

Option 2:
1. The user clicks on “OK”.
2. The system checks if an internal routing label was scanned yet.
a. If this is not the case, there will be no reaction.
3. The system checks if the scanned HU has an open warehouse task.

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a. If this is the case, the system will book the HU onto the resource and forward the
user to the “Scan destination”-screen (see chapter 3).
4. The system creates an open warehouse task for the HU to the pre-defined / chosen destina-
tion and books the HU onto the resource.
a. The corresponding storage type must be determined out of the z-table
“ZTLGT_INF_TARGET” by the system (see chapter 2.3)
5. The system forwards the user to the “Scan destination”-screen (see chapter 3).

Option 3:
1. The user clicks on “F6 – change”.
2. The system checks if an internal routing label was scanned yet.
a. If this is not the case, there will be no reaction.
3. The system forwards the user to the “Select destination”-screen (see chapter 4).

Option 4:
1. The user clicks on “F7 – back”.
2. The system backwards him to the RF menu.

CR: Option 5:
1. The user clicks on “F8 – List”.
2. The system checks if the user has chosen the field for packaging material.
a. If this is not the case, an error message will be displayed.
3. The system shows a list with all proper packaging materials (see chapter Error: Reference
source not found).

2.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

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2.3 Additional information

To determine the corresponding storage type, the z-table “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET” is needed. This
table contains a sequential number as well as description / type of each destination, the storage type
and is extendible (variable). Translation table must be created for “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET”. The fol-
lowing table represents all relevant data for this RF workflow:

Seq No Type of destination Storage type

01 Area for oversized products 0060
02 NIO station 0080
03 Area for manual receiving 0050
04 Boom conveyor 0041
05 Quarantine zone 0070
06 HBW 0020 (= Loop)
07 depalletizing station 0010 (= Loop)

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2.4 Implementation concept

Scanned HU will be checked if fit for Infeed workflow: HU needs to be existent. Open ware-
house tasks, if existent, need to be directed to defined storage types as destinations. Possi-
ble destinations are gathered regarding the HBW flag on the HU header. Infeed Target Table
has been created with a different name due to length limitations. New name
ZTLGT_INF_TRGT and ZTLGT_INF_TRGTT for translation table.
Packaging material is read from scanned HU. All packaging materials with packaging material
type ‘0001’ are loaded for later validation if user decides to change it.
By pressing any button or by scanning a code, the system checks if the packaging material
has been changed and executes the packaging material change for the scanned HU.

3 US 2: Scan destination
The user can verify a storage bin in the target storage type. After a successful verification of the desti-
nation bin, the system confirms the warehouse task.

3.1 Acceptance criteria

Option 1:
1. The user scans a storage bin.
2. The system checks if the scanned storage bin exists in SAP EWM.
a. If this is not the case, an SAP standard error message will be shown by the system.
3. The system checks if the storage bin belongs to the determined target storage type in the
warehouse task.

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a. If this is not the case, an SAP standard error message will be shown by the system.
4. CR: The system checks if the destination storage bin within the IN-section of the storage type
for manual receiving is empty.
a. If this is not the case, the system shows an error message.
5. The system confirms the warehouse task for this HU.
6. The system checks if the destination storage type was either 0010 or 0020 and sets the sta-
tus “Infeed” for the HU in the z-table “ZTLGT_PAL”.
7. The system removes the HBW-flag on the HU (if it is set) after a warehouse task to another
destination was confirmed.
8. The system forwards the user to the “Scan HU”-screen.

Option 2:
1. The user clicks on “F7 – back”.
2. The system backwards him to the “Scan HU”-screen.
3. The already created warehouse task will not be canceled.
4. The HU will be booked from the resource and placed back to the source storage bin.

Option 3:
1. The user clicks on “F6 – change”.
2. The system guides the user to the “Select destination”-screen (see chapter 4).

Option 4:
1. The user clicks on “F4-NMP”.
2. The system sets the user status “NMDP” on the HU header of the pallet.

3.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

3.3 Additional information

No additional information needed.

3.4 Implementation concept

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Scanned storage bins are checked for their existence and location regarding linkage to storage types.
Invalid bins trigger error messages for displaying to the user. HBW flag will be set to ‘true’ in case
confirmed LGPLA is in HBW storage type. In any other case, the flag will be set to ‘false’.
The current packaging material for the scanned HU is displayed.

4 US 3: Select destination
The user has the possibility to overrule the pre-defined or already chosen destination and choose
another one out of a list. This can be done no matter if the HU already has an open proper ware -
house task or not. In the z-table “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET” for each possible new destination, a specific
storage type is predefined. If already an open warehouse task exists, the system will change the tar-
get storage type in this warehouse task after the user confirmed the selection. Otherwise a new ware-
house task to the chosen destination will be created.

4.1 Acceptance criteria

Option 1:
1. The system will determine the possible destinations out of the z-table “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET”
(see chapter 4.3).

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2. Depending on the HBW-flag on the HU header the system will list the following destinations in
this screen:
a. If the HBW-flag is set, only the depalletizing station will not be shown as possible
b. If the HBW-flag is not set, only the HBW will not be shown as possible destination.
3. The user chooses a specific destination and confirms the selection with click on “OK”.
4. The system determines the corresponding storage type out of z-table “ZTLGT_INF_TARGET”
(see chapter 2.3)
5. The system checks if there already exists an open warehouse task to one of all possible des-
tinations for the HU.
a. If this is not the case, the system creates an open warehouse task with the ware-
house process type for internal movements (3030) for the HU to the chosen destina-
tion and books the HU onto the resource.
6. The system changes the target storage type in the warehouse task and books the HU onto
the resource.
7. The user will be forwarded to the “Scan HU”- or “Scan destination”-screen depending on
where the user came from.

Option 2:
1. The user clicks on “F7 – back”.
2. The system backwards him to the “Scan HU”- or “Scan destination”-screen depending on
where the user came from.

4.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

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4.3 Additional information

No additional information needed.

4.4 Implementation concept

Possible destinations are determined on HU scan and listed here if user choses to change the desti-
nation. Only allowed destinations for given HU are shown.

5 US 4: Change packaging material (CR)

The user has the possibility to change the packaging material of the scanned HU. For the list all pack-
aging materials with the packaging material type for pallets are relevant.

5.1 Acceptance criteria

Option 1:
1. The user scans or enters a different packaging material and klicks on “enter”.

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2. The system checks if this packaging material is assigned to the packaging material type “001”
a. If this is not the case, an error message will be shown.
3. The system changes the packaging material and HU-Type of the HU.

Option 2:
1. The user clicks in the field for the packaging material and clicks on “F8 – List”.
2. The system determines all packaging materials, to which the packaging material type “001” is
3. The system provides a list with all proper packaging materials.
4. The user chooses one entry.
5. The system backwards him to the “Scan HU”-screen and writes the chosen packaging mate-
rial in the corresponding field.
6. The system changes the packaging material and HU-Type of the HU.

Option 3:
1. The user clicks on “F7 – Back” in the list-screen.
2. The system backwards him to the “Scan HU”-screen.

5.2 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

5.3 Additional information

No additional information needed.

5.4 Implementation concept

All packaging materials with relevant packaging material type ‘0001’ are loaded and presented to the
user via standard RF list functionality behind the Packaging material field on the previous screen. If
user decides to change the material via manual input, the system checks if the entered packaging
material type is valid and within the defined packaging material list.

6 Technical implementation

6.1 Entry point

RF-Menu -> Inbound -> Infeed

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6.2 Packages

 ZL6300_BASIS

6.3 Implemented BAdI’s

6.4 Important classes / function modules

 ZLGT6303CL_INFEED (Class)
Class for supporting the RF infeed workflow.


 ZLGT6303_RF_INFE (Extended Table Maintenance)

 ZLGT6303_RF_INFEED (Function Group)

 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S1_PAI Scan HU (Function Module)

 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S1_PBO Scan HU (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S2_PAI Show Destination (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S2_PBO Show Destination (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S3_PAI Scan Bin (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S3_PBO Scan Bin (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S4_PAI Infeed Change Destination (Function Module)
 Z_LGT6303_INFEED_S4_PBO Infeed Change Destination (Function Module)

6.5 Database tables

 ZTLGT_INF_TRGT (Database Table)

 ZTLGT_INF_TRGTT (Translation Table)


600 CHG1 Area for manual receiving 0050

600 CHG1 Area for oversized products 0060
600 CHG1 Boom conveyor 0041
600 CHG1 Depalletizing station 0010
600 CHG1 HBW 0020
600 CHG1 NIO station 0080
600 CHG1 Quarantine zone 0070

6.6 Checkpoint groups


7 RF specific developments
 ZINFEE Infeed (Logical Transaction)

 ZINF1 Scan HU (Step)

 ZINF2 Show Destination (Step)
 ZINF3 Scan Bin (Step)
 ZINF4 Change Destination (Step)
 ZINF5 Change Destination (Step)

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